i ' 1 7--1 - " '- ' ANUARtf 26, 102f SUNNY DUCROW Uy lltiNKY ST. JOHN CUOI'IMt THIS STAIITS Till: 8TOKY ru-nhrth Ann VucrtfW, kuotcn as ..5,2 eH""ei ncfc"' ''"' " ''ic"d.L ).. ,. timlmrrii aomr ttay. 0na ".' ",. , ictie .irlou, r"fl ii.,,. iwift hrr urimtWl omit "rS "' tunning lor ,1 i.e.) '" 52 TttrtXn "on fo .i.mI or """,. "Vnie arrMfrrf. .11 fftc f-onri !""'"" ictltr Monti enr. ficirrjs. ""i ImnnrMflJ trtfh KlIMtlu's orlff. """'.. il.sntrr uinntwcr, nil" i.o wjnpwujj. v; "", i rt feme; rrl M "T " i 'oP i h'M "rr iiirrll- ' ":!: l' mfthifcen or rrn noirf " 'P"!'I? ?., ,...n;niincr Huilll nclln7 nVi hrr first flliPC" V ....-- I.,l Klll'l r?AA:-aae'ir ii.-( mill "IFII'n '. " . '"V 1... .. ".'" ll-i.. nWn tin Mirri't ri..ni,7 .. "' "i..Viiiiir! conrrnl n7 n wo- rraourcc- tin- rr rrlrtt "ftli thr iiiiiil- "" . . i.i from liri uooriiijiiuH , ftnitrfrrf 'S".,rl, ";,. nnulfl.it. When r"'"" v., ingiirt ft" " Ifimrr. ' 'J' ,,irvifi " '""'"";Sm.nr;rr o oi jnr.Joii" ;n'"o,7,nJj rnrfl o rr&Ptr'' MOn ':;' ,- I,,,- tniin ""! ... . tnm tinu thrr then ;ttnrtl llrrt ..MWl ,YrK lifflW. "Mil '. . - f.. ntiii the " j niomii'in oilmen fo mirf n jirrmii ivii rra 1 nut trrr;i"') ,i-,. . I. 'flallPII I 1 l II HV ffrrrl a nV'.nr ,c;,ri ir Fun" "I'l"" ','.. n flfl). "r i"1"' to pall (" P"'1"; "jhrt". "" -Zl'rf '"'o,? 0 Port n.l Jo oM t .in brtnn our 01 , "W, ,t rnXTISlir.S IV I III-1"' '--- ttT fin iuii - 1 it 1 Surely you haven't Id lnn T'nnrv nv nikril Sunny .. .,?" roi '"0 l""v'' Thnt 9 Just two no""1' 11 anil rouI'' ' (lie v. iii e tl't" .uin.-.n '.nrl Dlicrow qunn oil menn li racorlv i.i.i nnt her vrillhavtnhunlrr,lm..inftvhy , ,.,. tomorrow." h. bum .... nfii romn down nd rin inn i"- - . . r,ii raw ,.l,nt I hn? B. ""' Hprt li Koine to lon.l mo to Vo n liarmnr. . l.olnc rt parinnr m .: '.r'ilc nn Hip po'8 noi i.m.s - "", muKh. nil! n.l tho rent. now nnnw i" "' It"" Mr .lolinion hnncl won't Ci t-.rtnd hrnxfnH .n t ilitnlc thnt t nm doipilritiB' ,' Vi"' to ro ,nd sec Hip Bort?" Sir .Tohnion said j on I wni prn I felt sum It would Siimiv. arc you sure you haM Hi'' uiorioy I o cot to hundred rtiul fortv-ooNeu. n.l lr' three iu.ile3 to hundred 11 ml ffi Mul ihlH time tomorrow I'm jroins to bo our pirtner Po you lemcmher tst d..v "hen ou first took n" on?' ! rrniembor' I've noer forBotten It Hhowlnc you r . aii riMnnmhnr me I Ml 1,-H !' - - ' '. iff' Yw t'10 liihels was Btuel; on ciooUed? Runny Haul , . I remember nml you strticlt fne na Mnc "mart I derided to cle ou nur Chan 0 I Httle thought the time would ror com when jou would Bl nio my chance Sunny '" Its ii ftmnv world"' Sunny said nd 'heres only one thin to do In It. tml that's to fhold up your head and lrop emllinB"" f IIAI'Tr.U XI The Old 1'rlrniU huanU"' Sunny paid "I dure sny It it Uit 1 am t protendlnc wiin ou tiu more tlnn I am with myself, fmly It Isn t all sunnk, either '. Ktio paused I uouldn t i,ng llKcd tic old snow 10 thut up and IIIII and the rest to he out el worlt nor wouliln t jou, noil' po l wouldn t he Maid kiooiii- 1 nl that's what It'll come to In the lone run for all of us. l'eople'll el hroil of m- and you, Sunnv, thev will '" ot mucn , out ir tney 110, wnv. well l 1 11 tJii'klo factory to Ko hack to I toi', anyhow " rnier iis nad passed The money 'I n duly n.ild oer. and the style I of the llrm Has Iiciicl forth ".lohnson K nn rou I'icklo and Jam Manvu.ic- tiprs I' had been Sunny's exnriss wish that tlic new thm should he launched In HUle. Tuo hands Hero to hae a heanfeast. the 91 or wh ih uhh to emno out of fcunn s jjotket -n ii.ii 11 tei Mewed Jlr Arthur Cur 's" and liail drawn ten pounds In ad iiop and Sunny had made her hi lansiimiits aicoidlnsly And today IhuieiliU) the boilllfoiiHt was to tukn place Tli. 10 was to be a iuotor-ch.tr-.i-lane ti ' ike the whole party to Kpplnc Jho proM'-ionM Sunny had arranged for Tie on u thiinf she could not arrange foi In ad nee was tho Heather Hut It m ikI to In .1 lieuutirni 1i.1v int It'll f (lav nlle would lmwi eh.iKnn The v we're to meet nt the nlekle fiin. "ir 111 1 iitw.iv street, Ilorouph. at 8 30 rfe 1 e'v nd now, at 7 Jo. liert and nn i:eliiCllfriiiil.iiiiirl tiu fniiH.i 1 ikinu their hteakfasr together 1 was In In 1 iMlnful best, bonnet with tall, iiodillmr sees oil 11 func1.1l hearse. IMk 1 ore 'Ir M, i, 'So WOK P'inis ikeon una tin r.iu was In Mimlmr liueniiir uin. r liiiirlm-ar He r drehH of nistv hlnck llllt uh.ira U In., I l,,.n.. rt.in.i freal.ed and rustled with her uery !tl;1;'1' , Sbc had a ileeu, hl.ick-tdKed roa.thai.dki.1 chief with which Mie i).. 1111 . , s ,I,1 IIK., t ., '!' "t 1.. Mrs Melkln ,.,d inade up r nun ,.,, n w phuH.int Ulllj 1 PP 1 .No old near. If I was ou." Sunin ' ' I sliouliln t com It II only . ' ' " " K"t NO" thiiikhiK aboui "ii. n wh. 11 Mm was a , oiiuir Khl 1 Hi il to ko out on In anil him and III.. ' 'I unn t;o and I i.llllW JOU will ' ' '', l'"1 '".ir It. ' Mjs Melkln " II no doubt briuif bai k lemlei t br akinij nienioMes. but 1 II If eiiiimeiit (., ,h iIil belter I II wilhdiaw iiuIlI 11ml 'nv.i a . 1 , sliou dn t if I was ou " hunu. ie I iiU U sides, m,l. mlKlit set cold 8 ini; .bom on ihi, t Bl.,ss" Mriii"," ,l,u,. I m Ruing' ' Mis "it 11 naid ,i so no mole .ihoul it. ih m " i1' l"aT ' "boulil bo soil to "inli l.l.zabeth Ann. Unit ou ill.ln 1 ant me to j0 tlL. Brt. uml ft.iUllm, humij said no moie " Mi linn inrtuliilc lil hi 1 Iv nif upiv.-l jour- 11 was hopelesH, did Intend com- lt B and Itlllhltlir unnl.l Ul,i. 1... ''! t lifloido was hoIiik loo Siinni , ,ioM'"1""','1 ,llat "tho l,lcl1 "nil Jam .1 Ills were nplln,l 1,. 1 11.. r. .. ...... I"' Hi. 1 ul.n U ,UUtl" II II 111. llfn r, -.! (..1 iin 11,; .".'.. v.,v.". """. '" "'a ij ii the bist lot hunny had said. "Ph. mv frli nilu i.M.i ii.... ., "U HUH Me' I', 0,,.,'of them 7,1, !'"." '!'' ll,Pm- '"' "'" "laj ' Mnt with me. i. ! Iin kuIiiB ") to K.t on. Iin working haul to "' I am gutting on a bu, .011m 10 11 irni wnu, urn u, ' is sm. u ..' ,.'"." . .' 'u ": K" - ion i ...... . ";l J"ul ",lB mem. D.ns .' ."'"r- I,ul' """lever luip- '"nds ,rr"" r. ' ,u, ""'K. ,l. ."" 10ir tritiTiJ """. iiciii, incj ain 1 tiiirn a"U ,ou '"lKl"i't caio 101 Tf n. . . . IWm, Z .,1 1"." '"'"' Sl'!'''J'." n ull ' 'I'UUKII JUT IIH. Imizlit I,,;, " ""Bin JUSl IU9Sll ' l.u 1, , " ,ru""tatl.er ho. .dtli.it ""Uel 11 1 11 ,. 11M 1,, a., I,,,,,,.,. ..... xii.iig he luid iimUed .Hunin in IliiieiM.,., V.."u.v. "'"' ""." I" hit 1 in, """ " """ ,,ni;lt i.,,,h- iiriiorinanci. r' aS i,.,:',. ""'... ' "u,waM- f" M.U ,,,"',. ..',' ' . P. '" l mill 1 ,. , 1 " ;'"""moii H II, siii- "' J" f ?or' Se."',n "l ll,u '"!"K "ii niii.i ,,, , ihw,,, """": . s'.'" '!'" in, " " "' 1 iiiiiH y. 'uru . 1 inn- 11 win Ike of R'KHi, ,h, ,"' , '.V'"" Uh" "ll1 III. in 1 .. ' V" "', !' t 011 ,l,u. ,u h ltiM,0,r ,,,?.. .!"" '"."K""' K1" t'tll' enar.il... ' " ' ' 1,,w"' ''-'t l VUIH .,: I". "l. '""'-P.UU (H.IU. J - a', JVU lll'JJl UC UI1.IU III cai tu III lime go- liu said nut iial lime." And that was all. so far as nhc was concerned Of course, there would not he the "lightest likelihood that Dohrliigton would br- there, Viscount Dobrlngton, n ry fnshloiiuhlo young man, moving in tho ery best circles, at a plcklo and Jam factory Jaunt ! Not likely ! Hunny milled at the thought. 1 . "tyltow". thctn's ns good, men as .11111 1 hup miLsed sunny had made uii her mind to en joy hcisclf. Hhc was not going to wear any old dress. Tho very best dress alio hail wiib not too good for her old friends of tho plcklo factory. It would ho .an Insult to them If she put on anything iw.n mini ner very oest ' At elglii tney were toady The taxi can a row up at the door, tlert holpcd Mrs. .lilkln In. Mrs. .Melkln snlffid and nijicn mr tics. . ,."'Jop't liiko no notice of me If I'm on s.'iii-in.e, site said "If you scu mo weepln, don't call no attention to It. Uii. dear, it reminds mo of tho day when me and my poro husband him as lu Ufllll '(-oiiio on, !; j ' " Sunny said. "In "ini you: ;ow thfii. llert ' nielit away, iinvir. cutway street, and don't ang about '" uiiii.'s ejes weie spHtkllng, She was y limning over with shier delight nnu tin Joy of youth and kindness Over nad the sun shono glotlously In a bluo k. Could tiny one wish for more? iho cih certainly performed tho Jour ney In line style, it dashed over the hrldffo and made Its way Into the Bor ough. Then nun II), with a honk, honk I on the. somewhat wheezy motor-horn, ll turned Into cutway street. And what a HI3I11 Cutway street pre sented this day! There stood tho lingo '''"''"biiiic that would hold forty people, W nidus and Mr. Johnson and tho hands, all In their best and gala attire. Look, look' Uon't Hilly look fine.?" Hiiiuiy hung out of 0110 window. Uert out 111 tho opposite, one, They waved their iiaiids an j shrieked welcome to tho Ini 1 .A'."1 crowd on tho p.uemuit Ihero sho Is' There she Is' Threo cheers for Sunn) ' 'Alio Hunn) ! Why, if It Hint IJert. and he. 'a got his nick wasned' oh. aln t IJirt a swell! How are jou, old dear?" One stout. good-nntured-Iooklng ghl thiew lur aims mound Bert's neck and IciMieii him lustll), ".Not so fast" Hen said "'Ands off' -ouo ciumpled my lollnr'" .ir, .loliiiM.n ndMinced In state, Ho held out his hand to Sunny and took off "Welcome"' ho said. "Ahem " lie pausrd, ho cleat cd Ills throat, he tinned to tho others. Cutway street presented a pay ap peaiancc Johnson's I'icklo Knctoiy "aa in iiosuesslon of tho roiulway and 111B piuemcnt, such as It was. The thrco or four other factories that occu pied tho narrow, dirty street hud stiuck work lor the moment. Heads weie thrust out of oury window up and down ne Mtrcet Now silence t.-it oil all Mr .lohiimiii was going to make a speech. Ho stood with Sunny's hands In ins mid wen, 1 n mul tnt-n iiaic. "Friends '" ho h.iid. "Friends " "Litt on wiih it'" some onu said ".Silence: Mhutup, hold your row! Let tho guv'nor gel It off Ills chest !" "Friends," Air lohnson said, "Ihls ahem! is u happy da) lor us. .1 er) happy da). Wi ko back among un fin 1 little tune, or on sno.t ilny, itius ' I say alas " 0 imuseil "(Jet 011 with it '" 'l'or one shoit dav wo see back among us one w ho I I may ahem ! say, 1 think I may. say, Is for always eiislirlned within ou? hearth our dear, ueur nine irienu, our couuaUc and Hue fileuil, Sunnv Hucrow!" "Hurrah, hunah'" Hill Wllklns bel lowed Hvery one else shouted "Hurrah "' Anil Sunny turned red; the tt.irs stood In her eyes. "Whin thn was here iitriiinir km. 11 slmpli) worker and a good worker, too iui uieri was nee a Hotter sunny eitry ones i.iAorue. uvcry one ioeu ner. inmi mo downwind Now sho Ih back. Just for tho dav ; but that la not all ! Iook here !" Mr. Johnson waved his hand dramatically Over the ungy iiont or 1110 plclilo factory had bis.n erected .1 now board, and on th" iioaru, in nugo wnite letters, was pulnted "Johnson A. Huciow." "Sunny's hack!" .Mr Johnson said Hack in moie ways than one' Our luck is her luck ; hincelorth, she Is wiiu us. or us not a worker among uh. mug ; "Don't you believe If" Sunny said "I'm going to work for this old show now llko I never worked before I'll uei xure going to maku things move, loo. Why, In. fail I1U.1411I up with ideas ' Hooray, so you always was'" big Bill Wllklns shouinl "Sunny lor Idtas u me nine' lai. noys anil girls'" "I don't think I'vo got anything more to say," Mr. Johnson said, "exctpt that one and all of us Irom our henriH wel come Sunny Diiciow back among us. Ma) slit be of us 11 nil with us tor mail) many )ears to come'" The speech endtd with n hurricane of clntrlng. The cheulng was taken up hv the Interested onlookers from M01 lon's Printing Works, fiom Hopkins Ac Saunders' Hlouso and Underclothing F.ictoi), and the imployes of tho Black Diamond Boot l'ollsh factory. "Hooray, hooray, hooray! Ixmg life, Sunny Duciowl i.ood d Sunn) It was heart-rending' MrH. Melkln bloke down and hnwliu mtu lu 1 inack tdged handkerchief Hound tho corner of Cutway street turned a. ory handbonio touring car. hut no ono took any noiko of Ii Sunnv was the principal llguiu at the moment, hho stood up and looked about hei I aln gl.ul ic In biuU s,ie said "I was happy hero among you, and v.o are all going to bo happy together aga 11 ! I m not going to bu sticking labels In tho future; there's another Job, I think, for 1110 to do. Only one thing" she paused "I'm the same old Sunny Du el ow and you're the same dear trlends as )ou'vi. always he 11 t loo you all Just as I Usui to, and 1 want )ou 10 go oil liking me tho same Ww're going to h.ivii a happy day together. Aunts stalled all right, sho s enjoying her self '" Mis. Melkln sobbed into her handker chief "And tonight, after the days over and 1I0110 with." .Sunny went on. "miu re all to come to tin. llialm I got's.ais fiom Mr I'tntlb.s for )ou all, and you 11 sen 1111 then ! And now now, if we Jt leudy Oil, crumbs'" She paused ' ll It ain't iho iscount alter all'" she said. It was' Dobrlngton had nrrlved ! The hands sl.ired at tho young man who had dcin'iided limn the smart car "He was Immaculately dressed, nml ho certainly looked vfiy handsome and distinguished "Toff! ' one gill said 'My 'at, we'ie getting Into society, wn are! 'Oo's the juke that's blow til in?' j Dobiiugton looked around and smfled "Miss Huciow Kind I might come, and Mi 1 have come," he said "I hope )ou don t in I ml ' I wauled to know nil her old fi lends. I'm only a new friwid of heis, hut I am her frltnd none tho less So I hope you II maku room for mo amoilg you all todiiv !" 'That we will, and good luck to you'" Hill Wllklns said "My niim.i's WIN kins'' lie held out his hand, Mine s Dobringlun '" Mil id to meet )ou'" Hill said. "Mr. Hauls, Ml DnllriiiKlon ; Mr Allbut, Mr I 'ubi ingtoii , Miss Stew ns!" He intro duced them all, there was a great deal ol handshaking. "Shull )im have room for 111c In th. ri brake.'' Iiobilnglon asked, "or shall I follow In ilm oihtr car?'' "I'lentv of room '" Sunny snld. "We'l all go together. Now then, If we're all leady '" "All aboaid" Hill Wllklns bellowed "All aboard1' Theio was a rush for the char-a-banc. 'May I sil in vt to )0U, Sunny?" Dob ilngton whlhpend. , Vi 1 vim 1,1,1' ..he k ihl "l'vo cm Illll on one side mid Mr Johnson on the otlur Surij, old d'.ir. but " "Ml light '" lie said "I'll sit nil tn that pretty gill Willi the vellow blouse" He .11.1, and Hi ' I 1 '! I. 111 . v , ngrie.ihlo and pollie to Miss Ada Hairls, O III! pKl.lillg ll. , 11 III! Ill,i 11,1,11., doubt ' (Jo linn ' ' she said ' Hee, lire ' ' She gigglnl .nd l.liisii il mul liiuki ,1 ,.,n ,s,, was having the time of her life They weie off Tim hunds from the I other tiicloiles gave thnin a cheer audi waved their hands invliiuslv. The 1 har- a-liiiui' Mill ti.l At Hie enin-r It r.ive 11 kilt; iv. iv one pui Ills arms nioun.l 1 vi i.v jui-'h wn1-.! . M'hs Hail H siTeaiin ii and clung 10 I '"In ington ' 111 t we r.olng to be Killed'" s, Ii iniiiidid 1 "I In, nn not , vet It would he pleasant I to ille in KUi 11 H.ei'M)' lie said (CONTINUED TOMOHltOW) Koiiiile'il toil, Vu lu, V I'utnam i'Uiui THE GUMPSPoputar Mrs. Gump aTCRHOOH TEA- llSVltATOK rVSX. ROLLINS IH LtKB LGTtECS To A hMLORCBa- HOUEi- "SWG ?JRPOS)ELV CAME LfVt TO CilV -TWE.H aU. a FLNSH ANt? VV ntfcYGLTANEFVU. ViHtH SHE ROUUEC UP H VNCLH BH"B CA,-? MOU- TVtp."s .VAT UKK UP MW SA.HCEV3. OH ViLL I -RCPEZ-E WZ8. TOPAX- VUW VEOPLE AVE ABOUT -1MA"T WOMAH CANY OHf WSTAISC? CANX A MEt2. AT AU- n ; j. fit; Sidney Smith VIRS 6)MP- 'M "SO 61 3A NH dof TVE "BAnE TABt- ivt ALWAYS VVAHTET To KNOW 0U- Wc APMRUP V0 Oli -so U3Ht- vc KlrttlCPto VrtO :0t VFARS- VflU ALWAYS tOOfs "30 "CfiET AN t7A.HT- JUT ) A THo36v soirf TtPPtv ovT o a BAHO BOX- VkV- JVTST APrHRlMR V tMAT UVTV.E CqQvwN AS Vq; 1 - fO CAMEC OU MWE )CH A OHPtflFUL VPEA OF PRESS- VM JltTaON6 Tb RON RIGHT HI OH TOU OME PAV AHP SPEHP TMC AFTEJ2N0OH- MX TWKT UTTtE Y OF OV) t"B. WE PEAEST U'TTLE TVlHa - tNERY TME I "Et WV OH "WE STREET, VJAMT XO pCK HIM )P AMP KB HVH- AMv HORN'S VOVJR. VW,5BAr4CY ) iti&uZ " .J vSS. - ISrtger c e ) r S OsS s rs w w. -.-.- ! IX iBHHv 1 C' V kSr WAT A MICE WOMAM THAT Ml?5 ZAHPEJR. "S.- IT GOES To HOW VOU 'SHOUUP XEVER. ?QRM AK OPlHIOH TILL VOU MttT?EOP.E SOCH A WOHPERFUU ?ER-B0MAUtV' AMt 0 INTESE.'KTIHts- I COUV. UVTEH M) KEC FOftEvER- JUST COOLPN'T HLU iNMTINCa HER. OVE "To THE HOUE TDMOR.UOW UICaUT" ms BB iVSvV SOMEBODY'S STENOGHave You a Lillle Secret Under Y our Hat? ( opvrlnlit 1P.'1 Iv riiMIc tilltr 1 o Uy Hay ward t THATS "VriAlUS' SISTER' iSAl'T IT ? IllLii-r i DC 11 A rL Am C lAIIUAAl Wnftl t- ru.ivvrArirvui-- n.-.r-v.-. SHE HAS FIME DARK HAIR- AMS COLOR LIKE A PEACH. r- CS" - Us )). - - L-'&? 9 ' - if1 T ?i bo r 1 X RlIT C Mac; a PP-AISIWE U EXPRESSION - LOOKS TO ME LIKE A WOMAAi VMO HAb SOME TERRIBLE .SECRET ly 'jT'.T"' ' ( r f '.C&IAP- J l Kv&v, V' ,. i J Mini J Li 7 Veh - 5 he's FORTY- EI6HT. . J ) y y . 1 :, j -E.-MAYWARD The Young Lady Across the Way ... . i,.,i.i 11 'tVk-iiKa.' r.. THE ICICLE WEIGHED MORE THAN JIMMY -:- Bu FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS -:- -:- -:- -:- Bu DtVlG M "() WAS A SAD n "jll- -- t Hie .voung lady across the way . , JS says, football tiusht to lie 11 safer r F t PlG ICICLE WHICH ,', anil hctter game under Judge JlMMV WAS TO 1.0W&H CARErOj.UY To fre. $ 'V) fri WiWBU!) ;, Ln- GROUND AS SOOM AS It HAO 0BB.H BloKEK UOOSE. T&A I ' r1 (TWAW WOW- YM C -10UHG MAU. JUST A FEW W0RO?f f OOWCR OR .JAWTmbl " Keep em op f MW9zW T of advice wnv mot give. l AinHoffffles wtu. cnx it au. ( I J There" , J r up this wefat?ious occupatiom--" 'vBack-- i Mv tWCOME ) J THE CLANCY KIDS Another Proof of the MissinglAnk '- I '. T i ' r-r rj I : Z?y Percy L. Crosby k df I haV1--, Fj 1 ha( THeM.i -J ' en ' I ' ; ) ! CUFF gUTTorj J JD i Kofi' W 1 Y 1 :r ITJ J V' fVrvJ.W. 4 " .voE 'X'v--vak5 mrtl jlV- mMrfar- r FniiBk-P- I wzfaAsVit' - 7oTv Ifrlw - BT "TTJf ' " II I WTIW.I a,- I- C-T V Vjl' lTj I llVV VST V A ' K " X A I J -,fftiV.-'i? liiiV.H'VWr i ifinii nif Mttt.f.rt"jfvS. , i. -!.-tf.uJ-.i ii-ytV