Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES SECTION, Page 8, Image 48

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    t It -
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SnVlt f5T'iifjr!I',-,''?nPi.3j
f "
would litiDrovo their nroilucts whenever
Improvement)) ire ionilblc, )reent
lirices (.'annul ue lowercu very iii
' preclnuly.
Jinii tno mitoinoliili industry ni n i
whole been nt nil negligent of Its re
sponsibility to the nit linn to buyer of
('cur nnd fnlleil to niTord 100 cents of
'I value for every ilullnr invested, with it,
' tliri iiliiiiinititiiinl flu., ..f flitu tiiftMntft
would not have been accomplished. '
Motor Trade Unusually Good', Jt win be the purpose of the !tuiutry , Distilled Water Absolutely Es-
Considering Peculiar Condi
tions Throughout Country
Hy ,1. .1. COl.K
in the future, theiefore, to see that this;
fullli is not broheii. It 1ms dcilleiited '
itself to the putpoe of scning the
world of liuslnesi mid recreiition '
honestl). ndeiiuutely nnd well, uml
uhntccr it uclilcc4 in the future Is
destined to build higher nnd higher the
monument to the intcRtity of the nuto-
sential to Keep Up Electric
Parts of Autos .
Nearl) nil buttery troubles ule due to
1,'III,, l,,fc 11 ,I1L lllll'lL II , ,11 IIIU lllllll- ....
l'rllmt ml Motor Cur t"n mobile Indii.strv nnd in the servlee nnd1 the owners fuilure to otiscno Jew
n uiiiiMinl ir ! usefulness of the passenger cur I simple instructions. The motorist who
Cnnfdderinu' tlie mil
mmalnnnw surroundilli! the busmesH
procedure of the cnuntr during the
Jast twelve months, the motorenr in-
vlnafrv lit nml tnrffo. tnnv be sniil to
have experienced n most grntifying and
teneHcint year.
The leveling process which always
follows an era of cxtrem." prosperity has
tUlted hnnWilpi on some, but- in the
Wain, the substantiality of the industry
bji. a whole has been apparent and the
roundness of its business judgment
proven conclusively l its ability to
adapt Itself to the many variable con
ditions. We have learned much In the last
twelve months. AVe nre vastlv better
eff for the experience.
On every hand we see a conscientious
ffort to improve to take advantage of
every possibility to build upward toward
the most (.table and dependable footing
to leave no stone unturned in striving
to give to the motoring world the very
best which it is possible to build under
cormnl conditions.
Conscquentl. the enr 1 01! t lias ar
rived to find the motorcar industry In
n most hopeful flame of mind. The n
erngc business for the new cnr gies
every promise of eiiuallng if not sue-
passing the volume tor 10-0.
It Ms'nis certain that an lich'paur
between the nnioimt of business done
Faulty Carburetor Often Causes
30 'Per Cent Loss, Accord
ins to the Chemist
That of ever gallon of gasoline Used
in a motorenr nearly ."0 per cent is
wasted through faultv carburetor ad
justment resulting in imperfect com
bnstion. is one of the stnitllng conclu
sions (leriM'd from exhaustive tests of
the composition of automobile exhaust
gases b tin co of the prominent chem
ists of the V tilted States bureau of
mines, woilun in co-operation with the
New York and New .Jci-sej state bridge
i anil t ii n 1 commissioners for the pur
pose of di tot 'iiining cngincornig fricts
in connection vtlth the w-itihitioti of ve
ctoring the lirst sis months of the ear I iciilnr tunnel',
will bo more than offset b the lic.i'thi ! A. (' I'leldir. . Strniili and (!.
lnerenso which eveiv one antfeipntes. v. ,,m,.,, niombcrs of the I'ittslmrgh
over the last half of the oar just past. ,.i,rinient station. I'uitei! Slates lm-
Vo nre persuaded that the nutonin- I rean of inines. who i-ouducted these o -bile-Iniing
public is coiniiucil of the p, riinents. stntoil jhaf cnieful earlmretor
logic of tin- idea that it is not how j ndfiistmouts should icsiilt in siting half
cheap but how good a product is that this umouut. The asserted that the
determines whether or not it is an lm-I Rrl.nt mnjorlt of motonnrs and trucks
prcssive Investment. ari operated on rich mixtures suitable
This Is. likewise, the opinion that has fl)r mi,xi,n,nn jinwer. but -ry wasteful
permeated the entire indiistr it is the (,, t, standpoint of gnsoliue ccoti
pollcy which will govern the construe- llin 'rMl., M1j,i tli1t tho nvei-.igo motor
five efforts whiili will oharnctori.e ibe ,.,.' ...n-lruvioi- is st fur winter nper
rcturn of the autoinohile iudiistr as , utj m , n,,i flningcd in summer.
wen as every otner Business i a noimai
gets the greatest power, the most service
and the longest life from his storage
battery is the one who is cnutious In
the care of it and makes It a practice
to examine It nt least once every week
in summer and once every two weeks in
winter to see that the liquid solution is
up to the proper level.
These periodical tests are highly Im
portant. The enable you to tell in nil
vnnce when your battery Is in danger of
being ruined through undercharging or
overheating, when minor troubles in the
electrical system nre draining the
strngth and endurance of your battery,
when mi inexpensive freshening rhnrge
would sne expensive dismantling and
rebuilding later.
Here lire u tew simple instructions,
which, if followed, will lengthen the
life of our batter, nnd give more snt
isfactor sei vice.
I'lider tm circumstances use an thing
but pure distilled water. "ISolled"
water will not do, it must be distilled
water fioui which all impurities .which
would injure the batter have been re
moved. If on do not care to add dis
tilled water ourself make arrangements
with the neiuest service -Station to do
it for ou.
Acid or olettrol.vte should never be
added except b an expel t battery man.
All metal parts of nmnectors, which
are not lead -coated, should be kept
covered with a thin coating of vaseline.
Look at our battel- occnsloimllj ,
and if the solution has sprit cd or
spilled, wipe clean with a moist sponge
i)on't lay tools, or an.ithing ele.
across the top' of our battery.
Kciiifiiilici- that oiir batter isn t o
peeted to keep splnninf? your engine
several minutes nt n time. It can do
it but It Is bound to shorten the bat
tery's life.
If your engine does not start
promptly when you .operate your
starter, make sure your Ignition switch
Is turned on and that our carburetor
mixture Is rich enough before using ottr
sinner again.
In cold weather if your engine
doesn't start promptly see whether It is
being sufficiently "primed."
If our battery Ih to stand idle with
.mi. ,.ni .mi f I'limmlxHloti for a month
in- more nt a time, take It out of the
car nnd leave it Willi a wrvice siawon
to be cared for.
If your lights nro dim or there are
any otner lnuiciuionn ui jour umn.j
Is '"tun down," It may be due to the
fact that you are running the car too
mi.. i,. t.-ren tho batterv charged or
the generator may not be charging
properly, or a wire "short circuited.
If you cannot easily locate, the troulilc,
go to a service station and have an in
spection made.
Latest Addition to Line Being
Called Revolutionary Car
The Lexington Is now produced t in
two series, their latest ndditinn being
an absolutely new crcntlon called the
Revolutionary Car, which, while In the
making nnd testing for more than a
ear. husticcn on tie market onl a few
weeks. In it tin'- claim to hnvc made
u great advance step.
It is a linger car thatv previous
models, having l'J-iuch wheelbuso in
stead of I'JS-inch. Kilt the big new
feature is the new Anstead motor, the
creation of .John C. Moore, chief en
gineer of the fiioton . who feels this is
his most notable engineering nchiow
It is ii si-clinder motor, enst on
on bloc, with lomovnble head and having
:: , -tm U bore and -I'm -Inch stroke.
Keeping Up Old "Shoes" Not .in
Economical Method
Shabby' tires on n good looking cart
Yet stand on any street corner today
and count the number of pntchod-up,
dilapidated tires which are being used
to the last mile. The cost of keeping
these tires running for it few thousand
miles1' would nearly pay for new ones.
MlWngc such as this comes tugii.
The conservation docs not mean pick
ing up ii decrepit tire and putting it
Illicit Into service nt a big repair cost
just to sine a little rubber left In the
trund. It means taking care of the
Jlro from the lirst no that It will he
able to deliver nil the mileage built Into
lt by tho maker. When tires nre so
far worn thnt they nre soon to blow,
It is poor economy to repair them.
Such n course means sacrifice or the
inner tube as well.
Cheap, makeshift patches, boots nTTo
temporary repairs of nil kinds nro now
iw,l,f onllnit Into use. as never ticfore.
'but pntchlng up an old casing In which
separation oi lanrie pne mis mi-"j
begun, enjinot gi'a the freedom from
the trouble on which the pleasure in
motoring so largely depends. ,
To fully Vnjoy the thrill nnd sport
of winter driving tho motorist-should
look well to his tire mttlpmvtit. flood
tires ami tlue of standard tnnke ni'o
the best insurance against the iue?3Mo
.emergency on frosty winter nights.
No Radical Changes Over Last
Year's 'Model
Chniidlcr Six, we' n'ong In the
eighth year of its pr ductlou, appears
in Hpaco fit at the show with no radi
cal change nt chassis, although tho on-
alncci-lnir nn,1 nvt,..!...4....,.. .
0 the gveat factory $
been woiklng overtime and i...i '"?
dynamometer and road tests tin, J ,
of their research lemneinentH mults
Among the more recent rVn. .
nro tho combination of it nrT
fold, so that heating , L1?.8!'
throughout the wlm'c PnlWi. UnJ'wra
uniform combustion it, each r lln.l
New "Single Six"
An iiiI.itsiIiik foiiturn of the I'm konl
.Mml.i llhro l'acknril HltiKle Mix fur
th- Hi st time v" mil'lle exlill.ltU.il In l'hll"
Mphiii Tills car lnarKs a new iknarture In
1 1. tmlnmol.Ui II. 1.1. couit.lnlnK In iillnm
n.icht iTorio.nl. .1 nr tho hlwli nuiilltv 01
.':.. ...,.l m.rrlnl rhurtirlir st cs of
ili. r.iimnl Uttli. rto the I'mknrilM. tm I
,l,nl. mnnif oiuicd tnri. of lonu whi-elb.is
.'. -luto'il Tor innxlmum "Pevil. creat po '
i ii. I all ti r.ininlne-s that ks with Hi
' rii " ir Til. ultimate .f this ha len tn.' '
T7n Six lilh has l...n mnnufuctuii'.i
hi i;, a i.l will continue to Ii. inann
f , t j. .1 as Ho hlnh. st l'.ickaru tiroiliu t
Prices Sharply Reduced
T -ran m rwi(5)Rfl d
With Philco Retainers.
An opportunity for every car owner to secure one of
these famous batteries
At Practically Pre-War Price
Walter E. Lanagan Ignition Co.
Klectric SyNtcins Installed and Repaired
305-7-i) N. Fifteenth St. Philadelphia
Potnth Oil Auto Sonp
Vegetable Oil Hard Auto Soap
Vegetable 4 in 1 Hard Auto Soap
" Transmission Compound
Cup and Motor Grease
Aiiln HHI liiiiiu!i. r i t
x utu nu uiiimirc I oiuh
llARCO RaP'l Repair Enamel
" T Gasket Shellac
" Radiator Cement (liquid)
" Radiator Cement (powder)
" Leather and Cushion pressing
" Mohnir Top Dressing
Wliito & Black Tire Enamel
Factory and Offices : 33d and Master Sts., Philadelphia
The expense of otierntlns uniler the
hish iiressuic of tlio last two o:us w;is
nornious. Tb" ilitfioult of nbtnitiiic
labor that wa ml. .unite for tlio taslt
Imposed ns well ns niateiials iiioliil
cxpenilitiiriw which were iippnllitiK.
Furtherinore. the iloinanil for cars
which incrofisoil si, niarki(i! ilui-in the
last twenty-four mouths will pcru nci
only mi uimppn liable ilecliue. The
percentage of presiut owners nt cars
- l.civvin.ii;.' nt inrsiiii owners nr ours , , t . ...
it will not bo Inwcrcl ver, -...iM.I.-rn.l3 . ' to ;'"T "y ," ,1,,"',m " , " ' ' , I
i , r.,. i ; : i control 'tests. .1 ml tu.it the ieui
Thc .n-.;eil thnt the imlillc slnuthl be
linpressiil with the savins ill uasolilie
lostiltinc fr-un the ns, of Iron mitmv.
ami sinrg.-stcil he coni'ml installation ot
a stwilf pa- saiiiplin;; tub.- in the e
liaut Pipe of motors, especinlh triichs
anil vehicles n1 b tnxicab and truck
ins "onipanies. for the purpose of se-i-uriiiK
carbon ilioviile ileteiininatioiis.
therein mnliitcj i roper laiburi'tor ad
justment 'ins.ible The pointed out
that such ciiminiiio coum wen nnoru
..i 11. u in- inui'ii'ii vi'ri i-i.ii . rruiii. :ai - . . i . . .1 . ... ,,1 ,.f
Ton ueiitly. coinpeitmn is dost nod 1 l,""1,rn 't"t;.- ""1 ','' ' ' '" ' ' ,
, to be unite as keen both in the material :'"'h .V1 "'," . 1 ,f - .1 ,7. '
anil lalNir -n.irkcts ,,s well as in the ,,.. "' I'"i:ilon and sainL' of cnsulme.
tall ami wholesale markets of the 111
du.strj. Maiiiifncturers are destined to
take ndvnntace nf everj possiinlit to
keep their costs down as low as piis,tli'e
without Micriiiciiig ninliti. but if lliej
Whence the Name?
11 1 .s tiik-M lis n m- fr mi t.i 11. . il
lu n..m.. "f m I- lnr n.l ih hi ml
f th. nimi.ini .r. .lui 11 It II. ur 1
Distributors of
Stromberg Carburetors
Kellogg Pumps
Brown Spring Oilers
Gabriel Snubbers
257-59 N. Broad St.
VVc co-operate with our dealer.
Buy through him.
E y
PhX A WJ$ AiitomotiveProdnct?!
C? & I "Vi r ,
3.. s.1 . . 1 . 1 i Tirr- i-i
jv - 1 'nni,AMi onno-r iiTir ifi
? T uuvuiiui-lisiiiiaii ""b- v..
c' s 1 r. fi
iianiuiirrj, i u,
Every pulsation of your motor the very heart of tlio car is dis
tinctly heard when the Goodrich Testing Valve is opened.
No owner should drive his car out of the fiaraRo before "opening up"
the motor to learn if all cylinders are, working properly.
The bell-mouth opening of the GOODRICH MOTOR-TESTING
VALVE allows for ample expansion of the gases, relieves the motor
of all hack pressure and greatly intensifies the sound of the explosion.
The Goodrich Valve is sold complete with pedal, cable and pulley.
Special Ford Outfit and all Vi" $3.50 ?V' to 2V 5.00
l'i" to i" inclusUe 1.00 3" 5.75
2',"to2V " 5.0 i 3'2" 10.00
Made in 's-incli si?cs
Ask Your Dealer for An
Old Ironsides Timer
Win n M.u inHlnll .i ;..oilrii li old Iron- ft711
s .1. Tim. r on your Pnt' vu inn foruel litXK. J
ii ftm.. I, itil.1, .. ii.ii ii itnil fnr nil Yflll llos
tmt null nil ,i nnlfoiin fnl h.it sp.irli from
the ili. .n i ini.u-i p.. mis lint miu also sa
. i 1 1 1 nml K. t nu.re pow.r
.lust r in. mlier thnt tHil Ironsides n
n i.t, s lo ..il and the li.irdemd fp.-. t.il
i i. Ml colli. nt p.iltitd ili) tint wenr .iw:m
The I rush uf special Ininl, n ii metal noilns
i -Op'iw i .intact Hint !s fr. e from dirt or
..1 .mil ,nu k t a unlf. mi spoilt unu. i .ill
sll, d
-K nir n..esorv il, il. I or uanK-ic-.m I'onl Timer "Mn.l
.il.nut the : .nilrlth Oh! Iro'istd. Tlion llin Clciui ('ontaits
(iaul, Derr & Shearer Co. Standard Supply & Equip. Co.
Hcrrodin Rubber Co. George W. Nock Co.. Inc.
i.'k'E'rSe?. lull. C o. Supp.ee Riddle Hardware Co.
Cahall .Motors Supply Co. Manufacturers' Supply Co.
F. Hcrsh Hardware Co. Allcntown, Pa.
General Auto Supply Co. Lancaster, Pa.
oj y
CTm ir
ji y
Martin-Parry commercial Bodies
for Ford Chassis. Sold bvall Authorized Ford Dealers
assssvsSjl ,.
atMwwwi .! w -- j. , rt. w mbkm v vrh I iimm t-(""ytMiM
M :i rt iii-I'ari ltod mi
l-'ord (. lusis is the utmost in modern economical and
cllicicnt ileliw-o eerwee.
largest manufacturer of Commercial Truck
Bodies in the World. A continuous, healthy
growth over a long period of years such a
can come only from .superior quality, con
stantly maintained, and exceptional values
uniformly delivered.
The MARTIX-PARRY Bodies are of the high
est standards of design and workmanship.
They are the best investment for the buyer
who wants VALUE for his money. A variety
of styles to suit every reasonable demand.
Our absolute guarantee assures continued
Indianapolis, Iml.
orli, I'ennii.
It,1 " ' '-'
Ga'scjline -r
the vital factor
In truck-fleet operation
The greater the distribution of commodities through' the
agency of the motor truck or commercial delivery car, the
more vital is the need for an assured supply of the fuel upon
which its operation depends.. . v
, Consider, for example, the truck fleets which distribute the
city's supply of meats or groceries from the wholesale ware
houses; coal for the thousands of homes; merchandise from
the great department stores ; express parcels from the railway
depots. Without gasoline they would be helpless.
That is j why truck fleet owners assure themselves in
advance of their year's supply of gasoline. The big majority
of them "sign up" with The Atlantic Refining Company. They
take into consideration Atlantic responsibility the ability
of one of tlie world's largest refiners of petroleum products
to' assure them, clean, powerful, unifornj gasoline the year
They count upon the Atlantic reputation and equipment for
service; and upon the fact that Atlantic is subject to none of
the dangers of- interrupted supply that may result from con
gested transportation; Atlantic is delivered direct from Atlan
tic refineries whichMire located right here and receive the
crude oils by pipe Hires direct from the wells.
Pvst Pep in o ur Ma t as"
'A -to
it&rt li-l,r -i "
.. ss ' . , ILX, . ltim II. ..... . -- - -r. , ,Lm