1.,..,-v,,,,!: fv S EVENING PUBLIC LEl)GEI--PHrLAPKLlHIA, WEDNESIXA5T, JANtfAltY 19, 1921 H 1 ' W- , ' i 'I sir it ft i w MINIATURE CARS ARE ON D SPLAY ts$mmm&m38zm!fmm? UNIQUE DISPLAY OF MARMON MODELS mammmmfm Quarter-Siza Models ;it Auto Show Exact Reproductions of Regular Machines The tMMt ut t i Mnrn.m l.iotl. .it tho Anfonotillc SM.iw rnntoino a fi-.tutcj that hns m-ouiimI tl prr-nti-H intont. MInlnttiTP rn.'K h.-h . n lNjiUj. wh 'f them rMir...l wlr 'i. the rr.liutt dnfAil ntnndard t rrf.-l IVi'lt to n nne qunrtrr ii itf . 'l,c l'tli rum rprndu v their 'ariro.- : .ml-- w't'i ft f.Mthfulnn Mid a roriip't-t-in h in Hi (.i.er. uml mivt dflirnto ,'eSiru tlint "in h" n.il zA only by an iit"M lnsp tlon of tlio work Tho osc drftvi burls r,f tvo iifcrac.1 fcooth In t!io ' of rroenl -ir I i titta tli la.'t tli:.1- only tv. m t'T" different moileN in be Hhowc. It wan to offset tlii tha' tl Idea n( prc-n-ntln ft mtIch of ninlat'TC -wi. ron -Phivl and workiil n"t To make mhI. .1 " ; ... J p a . Hiblft has nu iV ''' ' rioirtinp; of dltfii'Ultl-i t'ia - ' v 1 t. ;; ... to' . tion. Tl.r- r i.-t r 4it loi'i of 1 it'iotj have bt'en nj. f.l to ir' tV- ult (icklreil Noii' "f H-i- It put Interentlnff tnnn fii t. rami ued in th making of the rtiu'iitor. Svda straw-. to a lorgth of three-pi- . To k the hcx v.ri, th' nra.n ;i u hexnpoual-tVaped TVse "-eoei yf Htraws i int ro te wiath and tr-pn b'.ucI osc row , MMMMM I TRUCK EXPRESS LINE INCREASE Estimated That 10,000 Sys- terns Aro Now In Operation in United States Almost overnight the motortruck has liecomo n tremcndotiR factor In the movement of the nnttoti'o rood supply. There arc known no,v to be more than 10.000 regularly estnbllRhcd rural motor exprcHs linen In operation, and the num ber Ik constants InorenMnff. In the city of Unltltnorc nn InterenHnR change Iran taken pliicc. ThrotiRh the cii-oneriitlvo offorfs nf the farmers In Harford county. In Maryland, the milk supply haa IncreaHeil "!' nor cent. Tor minul facllltleH have been installed to tiermlt contluons operation. At cuch centers br New York, Cin cinnati. Minneapolis, Cleveland. Loui. vllle. flrand Ilanids and St. Louis motor freight terminals aro also established. These xerclso Important Influences on transportation and production. In tho city of Cincinnati alone 00.000 cars were released for through traffic; only ments that took four days by cars from one part of ClnclntiHtl to another woro transferred la four houra by truck. S300 Trucks ftt Mines Further evidence of the country's In creasing dependability' on the motor truck, s a means to increased produc tion and economical distribution, Is had In the present coal situntion. Of the 4000 coal mines in the count! y 2000 are without railroad iounectlon. Of the MOO preolouo and semiprecious ore mines in the country about i00 use motortrucks. At Terre Haute, Ind., coal is being j hauled directly from tho mine to tho ..-.. ., Thn mines are seven miles I cast of tho city and uro owned by the coal denies. iuo to the fact that thh operation lie within the "short-haul" sphere, the truck was able to cut the delivery time from weeks (by railroad) to davs. The Civic Association of IUr mlnghnm, Ala., has contracted with a motortruck company to move coal direct from the mines to the consumer at thu rate of 200 tons a day. In tho Chicago stockyards the packers established an emergency motorleed freight iiervico to get provisions to the districts cut off by the recent strike. A fleet of fifty trucks was placed in op eration between the yards and Racine. Elgin, Aurora, Gary, yToukcgan, Ken osha and other towns. The conditions of competition Influ encing the development of motor trans portation at present ar different from those which stimulated the rapid in crease In the use of trucks during the war. ICrccpt for pi-rNhnblc goods time Is only one consideration, lined transnortatlon vii. ually adJiiBt their facllltle wl th .'ftfj? t.,?in" W,,6n, "1" trill UHr modate th trafllo tr .,i'i. ..Bon. beRt adapted, so that H,., L".V. M uiu ror ..... ,,, muni uiu lor DUSIniwa efUolcney alone. on they ' motttfuc. i&3m&. v-!assA''5..$SiftJtU& They ftre ()ti- of the inovt liilrc-tlnc dipl,i.vs al lh nto show U the exhibition of Miirmnn curs In miniature. jH-rfoit model inndr to icale. one-fourth regulation slip were useti. ii. tjuartTs :' t. agonal hon-: r were i-hapcd piece of hte'. were then glu of the radiator, on another t g-: th.- di sired hel?!it. The vwholi 'ii.-. tvcn dipped '.n Lel uv. And painted. The budifi of '... -..-Ii.t'iro eari ar formed .' nUn.i'...ui To git 'he xnos" Batlsfuetory resal i n hip:ier 'oat'i-: than that used on s'anuurd ;obs had to be used Tineit k.'l ,ciu..r N i.s'hI on All mlr.intr.re opin onri. : for tho icterior.i I of cloved rnrs' tVi't ha1- bi-ei, iied. AUTOMOBILE BROADENS ONE'S SPHERE OF ACTIVITY, drr cell attached bet.eath the cor The headllghtJ ar- .,. integral and aro lighted b" v mall globe iaicrted In the large light and conio:ct'd !t1'. the dry ell. The ('.c-ed ran are lijth'ed vlso by dome liyhts ciL-'e-:d vita " cell. In ever. rioo.! iy t'-.e i model is fo..irud i)voiiite'iy Th frost ale and tte-n-g nwhanism 1h exactly like the larger :. The v.he Is re Tolre on !;n u '' i-pi-.dle.i and both wheels are nr. i t-d to permit iteer Ing. The ttir.dh'i.--lJs w'.r.j on trur.ulonn and turt,. r"i ur.d 'irau in the same manner ns the Fti-r.dard trpe. The fri:ne, rr.w'.c of sheet a'.rr.inun. is nn e.vnet reprod'iotior Its member are shap-'d ovi i i.nnlwo. d forn and riv eted. The same is true o: fie tv-nilers. fashioned transportation method, tin uutvmubllu reducea the tirau to Jlvo oi 1 t"ii minutes. I know of n number of business ar- (lunintnnceM who purchatc their auto mobile each venr from the same stand " point they purchnwo new equipment for , t j? rr if , i if . . i i, their factories and offices. They knou Manufacturer I ells How Motorcar I.s an Adjunct to Our Vr-i tht to conduct business cfficlcntlv and .,,... I eeonomicall.v labor-saving and time- xinal and ifllSine&S OlICCV I rnving Kjuipment is necessary, other . . I wise tin ir .overhead and operating ex penses would bo out of proportion to their v early gro.si sales. When you get down to the bedrock ! of success, it becomes solely a matter ' of individual efficiency. Uusines.s efil- elency Is the result of twentieth cen- , tury progress of turning to personal account the latest methods and appli- I ances that save time. Personal efficiency j in training the mind to copo with con ditions as they exist. Success Is the re sult obtained from both business and i personal efficiency 8t By G. A. KISSEL lrnlilent KUfl Motor I'nr Th owner ..: tn a.m-r.obilo. through his nird ti.a the depcnd&bilit (. can piace on it and Its readiness at all times, not onlv t i purchase ot ai. auto- ould provi; o pa lug Invest lighting 1 mad- risible by r small i makes the mot of his time, but his curl .,; Jniiv . -oil ,ith i.... i tim ..nr Tho i . . ... 'our oauy !1 The rear axle system is on Inum cashing. The rear . on a straight sLaff. whlcts the rear axK' -ief danism Th frheels wer" . ai'e in th" Merm tory in ."--ir .itlretj The satisf.t 't, rj so'.ution of - many prtl'-is i.es a eau: that t"e eight., miniature car. nn th"j n a. bf een j every da.. ar a '-o u'll.e ad beautiful ' in every detail is it is possibh. to make them. Nothing hiis b"(r. siuire'. ir. malt- ' Ing thei-e mode' true ir every -vcy. One may iee th-1:: nnd ' eve u .'mpre':.ensiTc Idea of the st;!r 0f th star.di.rd moril. Its llne, its : ai.j pr.n: '.' .'CKfcrt And convenr.e In Twecty-fiftn tear ley Mot( r ra--V or: -. t.'j t unrt t-vp elrn-.l r j'f l r --ft-T i I'.o u;oi!ou c . -' - .-b - .s- -Jlcct of '"H oavco him time, and in this day, as wo fill know, time is money. With the E-itomoblle the busint3s man lot.- arrives at meeting on time ; - 8cmei the executive Is about at nil times: the ti.r.,urd t'cto? reaches l.ls patients in time. vhile the salesman can reuch his custo mers at any tin.e. Through ti... mechanical efficiency of the passenger car it broudens our sphere of activity, practically enabling us to, cover th- 'wo b'oeks of Today to the one of Yesterda . This couomy of tine ' Is a neiesMtv in every phiij-e of bilM ne.s life, vihether at the otiice, factory or home. The succfRsfu'. :nv. 'Mikes LU rr.ini.tes pay, that is vhy l i- lours prodjoe the griutest r. suits, li i.'it jn.obil e; nl''f him in trael gr. i-r '.! tar.. - iu r'f teen minute fur. tt.t- :".au wlth'.t nn automobile e Sm " 1 alf an ho,.r. 11. .concentrates 1 i tiiL". T.t.-ad of f.Lt t-rlng it It.- mlntirub.il--. ro si r' dihtani'r. places -.. 11111' ui. his :irei. . -operations. H. is reduang his tiuuut' while the nor.owr.er is addlr.g to Ms hours; mckit.g Ms rutou.oMle au r v.".tment, while ether loss certu.. methods of trursportutlon roi ti x petiditur?. It ih tiie fr.e suVfO. r. : til" t 'jient, that rourt.s to.iav. With ci "ixtj f-e.-ont.'s in .. n inute, it i t ever) bed) to :,ut' each socp'i.'. count It '. ir.v t'-,'-.ion ttat if eve.-y v.y. o-.'Pfr of an nuconobi'e would ' ; t" fig'ir" up tte I..US usts he 11" ; .t u .ar t.. u'..i ! n. : un h jrs :' v . sa." h. -i. ar.i' t'n ". consider tr.' h . ot ur tlargs !... ca-i uccoi.pj.-h .-. ' e tiii snv-d, ,y'r- -vould be r. , do bt ir m..b ! merit. The aaaptibiiitj of the automobile in life at ilrst caused u ruin. acceleration of all branches of work until business ud justed itself to the fluickened pace The boslness man found that it increased his ability to per.sonclly take cure of more Inter cats. It enabled people to go from polni to point in half the time that it for reerly tie. Instead of making tin buiiincu.) Appointment in half an hour whtcn was li.. si.nl tlm with the old- Embkm of Satisfaction Mason s Garage Hatboro, Pa. Emblem of Satisfaction Everybody Knows Buick Builds Six-cylinder Valve- I 1 A A. 11 EnMmtfSn&faton mOM AUtOmODlieS that BUICK sold its entire 1920 output lon; be fore the end of the season, that Buick Users are Buick Salesmen, that BUICK car values are 1007c that nineteen-twenty-one BUICK automobile!) have more improvements than any Buick model hi the past 5 years; and 1921 models represent 25 r0 greater used-car values. The matter of present purchasing should receive the immediate consideration of motor-car buyers. Roth-Buick Co. 4700 Frankford Avenue (SEVEN STARS HOTEL) so'.d alum- ( e'.s revolve a part oi eire Brinton Trucks 2 2i5 Ton 2Vi. 3 Ton Capacity Muiojfictar,.l In Phllndelphla Contider your fiejf interett. Buy from the manufacturer direct. Brinton Motor Truck Co. 5805 Market Street l'rulndelphla Miniature MARMONSl ijensation of Sho Automobile Show :pacs No. 52 il trrr-itmaiiels'vS!SSS!l! rf SPtiAS FDR I'SELf A Tnr Tf TirBCiai M EL semn SHOW imminuiniitniiipn Mmm .VtXliT '.02 '.ukT. UK'U'" t ir..-q'"T- :.ihj-jiiiik u (":e '!- "l. . :ll Be r iNviThO ro LA;lL. ;hc j CN FXK'B'TION T1-'? FNTiqr ', TEK 'T GHT THE ,E -.-.9LNLR L.u.-,r irO'JR .VAo UEolGNiiD io MELT THU DEMAMD '.F 97 PE-R CENT CF ALL CAR CKVNERS-AND IT DOES IT HAS "RCVED '.00 PER CENT VALUE IN THE HA.DS OF THOUSANDS C SATISFIED DRIVERS THEY PRAISE ITS UNUSUAL ECONOMY -S3 EaSE OF O-ERATION T 'Kj O'JTS.Dr: BEAUTi' ANO iN'ilDL u JRAEi iT Y, FOvVER,' EF:NEVENT A'iO COMFORT --OVER 33 YEARS OF SUCCESS IN building good vehicles assures in the gardner car a j?ren::abl" product freth rom the cost of experiment. r .o 'Irit. C r' i3 r rR.Cfc.Cj AND TnL LASJESl oAR TO OPERATE OF TS CLASS N THE WORLD -THE ONE CAR FOR EVERYBODY THAT iS CREATING A COUNTRY-WIDE SENSATION. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. "Hb. Gardner motor Co. ST LOUIS U S A INC. V 5 SALESROOMS M3 NORTH BROAD STRrFT The Vortner ftfiotor Corporation OISTRIBUTOR AND DEALCK Xmo ten'l Office anil Servici Station 1310 N. FIFTH STREET Phone, Kensington iflEo ininillll'!!nlNMllllBtt'!flll1IHint.'iil!Wmiir!'.'liniinrHi!iIIIIIMm" ssiswsiis s i wmksessssmssmss0maBsmsss rwniHmimimwfirHUui imfiimtiiniMtiniiiiwiiiiWHtinniuiim)mimfui.itn...inittMiMrwiiiini .tnHwTniM..iuinu'ii nitwMtmniii.nnnmii unir;iUiiHijni(iiiiiHiM4iiuijijiiujiuHiiinniui!miiiiiiM! i'ifiii4Mii;iMMM.MiMiftfi,htinMliiiMtl(fMM Lir MSSSSPfeSsig1' 3S& fHHiMmaKMfcMv VDHoW BWS AND fiil ll Four, in a XHE Nash Six and Nash wide range of models, are on exhibition at the show. Each has great power, due to the Nash Perfected Valve-in-Head Motor, and combines those pleasing qualities of beauty, comfort, economy and endurance which have caused the name Nash to stand the country over for particularly sound and attractive motor car value. One of these fine Nash cars is certain to meet squarely your individual preference. Nash Passenger Car Prices Six and Pour Muh Six S-paitfengw touring car, $1695; 2-paicngrr roadster, $1695; 4-pasenger (port model, )1850; V-passenjer touring car, $1875; 4'pauenger coupe, $2650; 7-paieni:er sedan, $2895 Pricetf. . i. Ktnoiha Jh'wh Tour 5-pavriger couring car, $1395; 2'passenser roadster, $1395; J-jtawnger coupr; .Mt'3; 5-paf.henger sedan, 21 o5. I'rireu f. u. b. .Mil;iuk:o All .Vnsi lUiasvnger Cam have Cvnl Tirta us ulnndurd equipment Philadelphia-Nash Motor Company 901 North Broad Street Camden Branch, 901 Hroudwuy m n ?Jtx-a E jw T. g- 77 xa sa-Ja ?? -C ' o3 ! I'a i - J" ' ErH 56i ii-ifi ff&l ii-j i- a'tr: Hll 1153 F&n WS -.3 L5 s&z fS ti-sf Ml & tcij El r ""? i'i Sil r Wi m to b dh Ji'l nillH!!:!!!!;: i;:";iiMMii'';;""!HmmiuM;:!"";i;ti' ""mm ll'IIIHI"1 ii!in":;i i!!!l"iii,!;!;;!,i,1,;,iii"iii" '(: M ' tiiiimi i:,'iiliv; i ""."IIm:: mii 'I ,." rvi '"il : hi :WS& i"!!1"."!;;; i .. iimiiniin n r?7 ?c lllllll1 ma smm ;! ,i ii irnihmi! t'fti:; '"ir, i in 1 1, :;iiM.ii!iiiiii :iii .' wai i ili i.:mi "Hill uml '! lil. ir .("" ii;;r.ii:.. mill': .mi IliiKl.",!'1 Bnwil Hi!1." L! Hill 'I iV; 'h ; lip inn:" :w ' mi 'i in ii. mi, 'in .ri :-' ii. -.iiiiti' .itni'ii .ur-'n. in .inii i. 'in'iiii , ,i "M -' -I..,. iiML Mllll hi.. .I''.i:m.:..mii. '""'' r'1-i.Hl:. MllllllWllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIII ;miil!i I . iilinfw IMWI T lllilUHlllMMUiiiuHniiHiiiiiiHi,HiiMii)iiiiit.inuiililf(.uiuiiiii'nmiMiiiiunii. .....niiii...uiijuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinrtiinitvm iillllllll lllllll Mllll llilllliiiiimillillliillliiiiiiillll1 iiiiimiiiiiiiii iiiiii......iiiiiiriiiiiii..iin....,iiin.ii': ...mi, ,i i lllllllnilHlllllllllliiltillin.Miimllllllllll lllMlllt' m&- nkx.i.s J &J&W i. ft "1 ik I A y t n ,-. . -. . . 9 v - e vi ojuii