Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page 4, Image 28

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KISSEL ,uill
'.sicASsyry r " "
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it" IN
1 Xlf'l 111
til- v "V"
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iW ' ' ' (
BU" ' -
fl-to . I
Great Plant Facilities Needed tc
Accomplish Correct Result,
Erokino Says
' A in everything cle. character does
or doesn't exit iin nti automobile
Being n fart, rhnracfcr i dNcertil'-'e
-.herover it exists. In autonioon. s
character in determined l" correct de
sign, liigh-srade materials and work
Sianriilp and superior ierfornian. c
Automobile mnkcrs grw rn1l -luvr
to produce oar f . lmra.ter. a o.i
ou1t permanent business niW, '
pen(U wpon one's aldlit. to tin-, and
yet one possessed of tlie best of ititcn
tions may fnil in nchi vem-n- f-Mr
causes too numerous to mention Men -cannot
be converted into realities ut.le.s
mcaiiB of conversion arc niiilnl!e in
lmnil. mid in the automobile Imsiiics-
these. niennn are possessed lij .otnj.ani
thely few manufacturers with larsc
experienced organizations, c-'-nt plant
nd unlimited financial resources. .
To begin with men are the most ini it
portnnt clement in every ittidertnkitu:. '' '
Collectively, we rail them 'the ors.'ini- .....
ntlon." Ilv the use ( tunN. inn , i'-i
cblnerv and equipment. eonim..!..;. all'-.
nlnni fnrllltles." they com ert idea in
to realities or products of the factor...
Hut even a strom;. capable organiza
tion cannot produce cars of . hnrn- ter.
posulble of sale at fair pn. . without
great l.l.in fnci'ities. itic'udins chemi
cal and physical laboratories, experi
mental departments, foundries, fori"'
" ' ' - ' .... ":.;,,, -; -."Zuj. .
New Contributions Four-Cylinder Models
.." t- pi "lut-'l lu .. l.nf.iMttt A tiew four.cyltndr uoitel has bcn nddetl
: t ti. iiuio-'lh nU tti""r.'rttUm ' to the (MNmol'tl line of pfiKscnper cars.
. I Vhr. i:i'.n"Mt motiiiciir d. I nrt with lh exlatlnir lx nrnl tht-cyllnder
f ill' mi'" -i- m I'nrortnnt meill the purchaser la odernl the nptlon of
in. ii.norrar innusiry kmv comDinat on or cyiinur iiumDt'ra. vx-
ri i ..i.ctiI: i-.. fi lh. IHL'O pro
. tn irt-Hpivrt inir llni.iulne .)
n r i it'll'-- .i!M fii'.iDWprl !h
1-14 . .1 1 i . li b.'. 1 a . .r 3o. anil the
1...11. ll .ind ill. i..ris.Jii fuur-Ke.ittr.
Designed for Comfort
Offer Six Models
Complote Handley-Knight Ex
sj. hibit Brought to Philadelphia
From Mow York
The new Fevcn'fiassenftpr Ilandley
Knight line, the complete exhibit from
(lie Hotel Commodore, which caused
nidi favorable- talk at the Now York
Automobile Show loot week, is exhib
ited for the first time in PhllnrfVphlii
thin week 'by Paul Irvine Harper,
through the courtesy of the Overland
' Harper Co., nt the temporary location,
1 the Overland Harper Co.'s salesroom,
1(120 Arch Ktreet.
Especially built for the fine car owner
who drives from choice the Handlcy
Knlght car was designed to conform to
ti standard of perfection in everything
-I that niakei for satisfaction. As its
name indicate., the motor Is the Knight
leove-vnlve, tlie irame rr-cniorcru uc-
ll . .1...... tniwlns.la Tlin Urtft
The l'atlcraon la furnl.hfd reKiili.rl m n Mntl "ll l,r, ""B P,,;""""'., " i , ,
flv-paacnT nnd afven-pnaspnger tourtnc , snubbing springs of special Stce 1101
ar and a rive und sevtnpusapnfffr seiliin. ui.. i.l.. ..f,tfrf tmf. fMisbtnti. ntnl cive
thrce-pasaenKcr coup and ?wo-pasoneir :""'.' ,..,,. 1., Tin. kiIpk
i iimcer nic i no ...i. ....".... - ";---
eept a twclv. The n.v Model 13-A haa a
wlu'elhafn nf ll." lnrh whleh Is thre.i .
Ineh Iopkit than that of the present ls
cyllr.dr ear '
Attractive Sedanette
'' .. ."".-.....I e... ..u..1..i..
, were cspiriaiiy uriKiivu ir ;' ,
s.fetv and dependability. The Handley
I Knight combines performance with np- ,
In ih.. srinn.ne.h ,n.ni.. . .... iipiiriilicp to ll degree nun is wiihm.u..
sedan and nve-pua.etmer tourlnu types, ai-' .lust where tlie permanent location ot
During the last ear the Standard llight
i ,.n ,, .,h .. n... ,,,!., M11" auaeu a new Dofly type in a very at-
In et e? rharm inJ S.. JJ'P.,i !"'"? sedanette. teatlnc four paaaence,,.
. ri . er ei rnarni anu Penny and t. i. iiBtin... .n.v. n..i ........ .i...i
'. t.t..r.l ... ...f.r, ..,.A ..ini... " .. '"r ......... .: n1(, .'... u.ikvi.ciiiunpii
. -" , . -. "! "". .";:"" i inaKinB a cnarnuntf add ton to true ne.
. .hops, heat treating and cafboni'HB , r, .. .: t ,., tint , h .raetpr e ill i'ii.ev I m?K'nB f"in addition to tin. line.
' shons stamiun.' plan's, ma. liilie h..p. re-de e a-. ..rr.e.l ..ut .n tlie cibrlolei. em-,
; body, nphol!.ter". l-nintin, and enamel. I 'f..'.". nJXV,'' XlnX Unique New Coupe
Ing shup". etc. These plant fad Itjes i, The if er .lees curies trracefullv In Premier Improvements this year Iwtudj
I HMinllv reutlire from IJ.ntlO.HOtl to ..- "'r:.."' ' i tl;- ...nf.u- 01 r-.ii find- , malnlv th- contribution or an exeeptlonally
' Xffintfr. I., .re feet of floor s,.a, e. cost ';(.J.. ' "" 'u "r .a.lly ad- roomr nnd imlnuMy ,le.ined ,oupe. an Ide.vl
- 'a. lur uuer cumiori.
Three-Passenger Roadster
he Scrlppa-Hooth display are eie
and flVe-nuSflpnirpr tn.lrlnt Ivn.
thuucli It Is alao nrodured as tiiree-ras- , .1,1. new Handlv-KnlKht wi'l be ha. not
jetmer roadster, wlih adjustable seat nhf a. "' V .. .1 J.i.irll Vi. ,, v Mr Harper,
four luesenuer roupe. , vet been ilecluctl upon uj -ir. iiur.i.
from $r.0ixi.0On to WO otni.nno and
emplov from lii.tnni f i-."ta men.
Manufacturer with uch plant and
organization fully protect thcmclv.
and carry out their own idea, design.
manufacturing operations and a
tcmblics, including the purchase of raw
material, without dependency u:"ti
mirslnV source of siinnh .
This centralized control of design ai
production .f parts and n--einK;es m
, the manufactur'Ts' own p'ant insures
accurate functioning and a harmonious.
product which obviously i- 11 arv in
ars of cliarueter and win. !i oaiitii.t be
c-ouomically obtained in uny other way
An th niihllp will not bin even a car of
character in large quuntitie unless the
pHee i right, it i obviou that the."
large organization and p'ant facilities
Ijbave described are essential require -'
bkiiLs to rjuantlty mantifneturc.
'Correct deign i the first reipiihite
lor an automobile of character, not only
et the chassis, but of the body. top.
-anshleld. fender, lamps, etc. Stile
pftys a big part in design, as mam
people DU.v ars s,.i.-i ..u ... -....-.
.SJlhonrnnce nnd rjtlt their trust in the
manufacturer for everything else. While
often times th: confidence jS not mis
placed, manv times it i. and the prue
' the i re. kles and indefensible. It is
rare characteristic of women than of
njen. who naturally know mo-e about
dbfchinerv and materia!. 1'eople w ith -opt
a fair knowledge of m.n'hinTi
honlil never porehn" an automobile
Jthout advi. fc'r.i:i some one who po
B&se such ki '"iige
Assum.ng a car is c.rre. tly d'Sign-.i
Jtgtnay easily be spoilt in production if
rjiap or un'so.tah'c i.uit.-riitl- are u-. 1
ojjjworkmansl ip i imliff-rent. It u t' .
bjsiDes. of the metnllurgist. cliemit.
fsjineer and production experts to dc
cfile. tipon the proper quality of si.eK.
mVtals and material. generally, cui-ult
1i the sale executives in selm tioiis ,,i
bSly I'Uctia's. tinishes and !!-
JC'oiitinu"Us test of materials a"
going on in the la'iorutones and epcr
montnl depiutment to insiir. cirrectn. -.
06 materia' '' ted St-nlies ,.f f..
efifcn and dim stic . ars ami .aits tlo"'
01J Including th" purchase dliienibh
afrl diagnosis, of .neb .'.us. are .,,t..
ctSitonury to d teruiine ..intnii! . I
ilfign "seil bv olb. r. In pr..du. r 1 -u
proper and .'act maiiufa. ture in jf
crdance with. l ign i n-.-css.irv if tl..
flflished ch' is to 1... s,j sfu1 and
thl'refore e n. uiiichin.tig and a n itni.. r
of Inspection are required
&&& o J ' ". BaB. Kb
1 ; cssS" jtMw j -- Silrr Ss. Kjwjk gffli
-!" Vto r fa Jw MJm r X. DORSSDi. Kva
? MW lwlllrllrLrJams m
ssffliii I uh fir Wl- 4U o. .III. c. V tkB&.
S oP Public Demanof In
I 1921 Model I
opens at ESBi
I r 11 mno Inhui Shnw mbr!
"-Trslirv. . - &r at mm i t t r tn4 -r.
7$?fi TW T "T r -BjJStT-I
km iewrnce dm? A
&3gv Booth 54 nt Commercial Museum S- S
Pll Phone pP,ar 41G6 108?&SF
Turin, Italy
We have just received the latest Fint Post War models
from Turin, Italy. They are the small models, generally
known as the "Baby Fiat" really remarkable cars,
yielding 26 to 30 miles on a gallon. The cylinder box is
smaller than on any American-made car.
With a 103" wheel base, it lias a turning radius that
permits the easiest handling in crowded downtown traf
fic. Yet the three body styles, Roadster, Touring and
Sedan, are all exceptionally roomy and comfortable.
The Pednn, especially, is a marvel of compactness and
completeness seating five. The cars and bodies are
built and finished in Italy. The price is easily within the
scope of the average buyer.
(Formerly Fiat Motor Co. of Patina.)
2207 Chestnut Street
Ilell Telephone Spruce 1140
oLuh 0
Thi Nnu Kistit Ctutom-buitt SPEEDSTER
Two New Examples of Kissel Individuality
at Commercial Museum Building
. First public view of new Speedster and new
Coach-Sedan designed and built by Kissel
Finished inKisselChromc
Yellow equipped with
new Kissel individual
steps and sport fenders
Kissel-designed semi
racing' body with unusu
ally comfortable driving
and riding positions
two auxilliary scats.
A new type of enclosed
coach bedy finished in
Kissel Blackequipped
with permanent Kissel
inlaid, four-door, coach
seats with high form-fitting
backs, accomoda
ting three people each
individual steps .and
sport fenders.
sjc4- 3ria ,,, : 'Hji.iji J,
ilPf iw"i ' iti Ini
Both mounted on the Kissel Custom-built
chassis powered by the Klssel-bullt six motor. '
306 North Broad Street
Auto Show, Space 38
The Ntw Kissel Ctatom-bulll COACH-SEDAN
i ':;. '' IJlJl The Daniels Eight is not for those willing to sub- SaS MWtMm
IP . y $M& merge personality in the monotonous sameness of wmW ' S? VSIB
Wk itW? "jS$?" ordinary cars. Every Daniels reflects the individu- feffi' ' fSf;p- JBwiiSH
Si" ' . 4JrV",.HH appointments, upholstery and coach work. There- ill
;'V lM$4;&; " mS suit is genuine distinction and luxury. ftSf4l A UW,ft Pife ':; fiPC bHIS
.-"T- .v,- , . ' ,slrr Mr.rl"! H. Slill TliPQn inrli viHitnl rpfinpmpnts. arlrWI tn the t-tin. ".r.SaBl ' i "i i I f"l;" - 'jWtW l'1ffXW EK
r -s AA -. s. - - ( - s. --r - - ..-. -. - . .J-icsVVsVtssoCi -- - . . ww - v -- ------ - w- - - sw smi s -r a- Xsjes-JsVO.SH.VA- - ." u HI " .. 4 B n ll lf IU1T ST !.." .. l
rT: ' HrpifeP liJIIIl chanical pre-eminence of the Daniels, produce a car fc lif:"'' ''''''& 1 I m j ' ' Jmt
IH. Automobile Show AS v? linieiv i .11.. lill!PllttiNiMll
BBBB BBBB HKf BP - ""-'" jBj , L , , J ..BJBIBJBJBJBBl I J j-
M ---, myr v.y ,;vjs r - ,' I .
1 W , . . .- ... -a. . ..- .,.-.-,. iW-J'. l ...... ' - . I , - . -s. - --i..-l-i
Quickest Way to Got
'. to Autotnobili' hmc
J Tie '1 :i. ke-t wav to c-t !' '. e
"hiladelnhiH Auton.olji;.- Sfc...
Jbirty-f.. trtli street I. .!.. Spruce,
5o matter from what point you start.
h to go b unto.
Then' are other unvs. t , ,,f ;., 1 .
tine to the -snow i'I.'i,i. I"", 'll t, "
Central ..art ..f t:.. .', mi llo-ite
('J or 3o on Walnut .tree . anv .su' .
face cur in the vit.uay tai", . 1
elose to t'.e i'on;nieri .-il Nl.:eiin.
PtiiMinR. "1. 1" tho Snliwit'- !., slop
ping at TI..H.. -s.i orj'l st,r,i.f ;, ,
In easy .n t Ri t to tl..- si,.c.i
Trolley - nr i',.ins ovi r the Sm.i ,
street bri'i.-" i'.i, 1 i'.-. : . ... .
Of ei'i.r-c. 1 i ir .i :. .
at ltlo'-lcev ' i'i. I 1, Mrsilj ..
Penns''ai. ,1 . . .:n u.-i k. It i-n 1