' ',$iW$n"F&Hfrni !?lewiv V'Cr1 lwlVi jf-'ArJiJ7Tiiv1- "rnHR7!! N,'UMr;H.v SJ,M V & 14 7W Letters to the Editor The Inconsiderate Male To the Editor ol the KvrnU'i I'ublie Initio -,'lr In laa" night's paper on- of vnur cr- , Vwpnndent erv ably answered lb man dehorn vou named "ntl-Woman llcspecter ' If I remember correotlv, this nun s.ild h" ' would not ofTer his seat to a woman In the car. I would like t.i have a Mne to I'll this man and all other how I feil on thl tub JCt. Ono dm ln't summer I ns m r Where th" paee-na-ers ueie tnnstu mn and a, few Hoy iicouls Vn old tnnn leadlnir a Wind woman not on the car The men pas aenicars were pi busv readmit their paper (no thev murht and em nnvthiim In aklrte that inlxht per. han, e rwiul'e i wa'l that the didn t se. tin- imir sluht.iss um fredlcament The car started m I she (rasped at the old man. with 'tu,' arsdo-. itlc. trustful smile of th- blln i I had drops In m eves hnvinu been to ( an oculist, and I felt keenlv for this unman who i ent.rrlv at t"e merr-v of hei fellow men Tie car .'oiled h, r rtrst thl way an I then that v. v ur.B Bin la in down with bundles Rnvc up h"r s, at to the blind woman One can't help but wonder I what Is takina pli In the make-up of mn, especially vounR mbut in- n h-.i i thoy hao llttl consideration for women In the voumr here is tiiat buiainv which likes to olprenme dlftlcu.tl and enciuripesi them to try nut their metal What has dl I luted this Iron in our hue and men. nukliiK them an "flabbs' 'hat th rn"d Intn the eats before w men Indifferent eien to the blind? MiMlK lllidl) AM UlliN , Philadelphia. Januarv 13 1UJ1 Women and Courtesy To th Fditor nt thr Kictlrtf J'ubfff I.mtirr Blr I have r, id muth In v"Ur pap-r about the Ciiurt'si of men to women In the treet cars One of our c irrespoiid nta Botes that shr- nctua'l saw a man arise In one of the ' I," train ard a a l,ulv a eat. I.i't me ai t,i hr that 1 .ili ha I im yea opened toda when o perf.nH healthy younif manors !usii n(r,iKd in lonversatlon about what on, of them hhrt n in the afternom , i.tlre, unored th fact that a .Tipple I ol man "f at onit aeventy vrars of aire was despertl hat.u !ni on a strap in front of which th were veated. One of the trnuh.es if the feminine mind, as applied to ' lurtcsy Is that the construe It to b lomithimt a'.ws ten 4ered to them without un t imrindliiK obllicatlons on their pirt I th nk If the ttien would cotrplali of the .!, urts. ai .1 Inconslderatlon rf women in the street ears 9 the won n '.o about the men er shortly they would find that the shoe tits both feet V L V Philadelphia .Hmia" 14 lii To Relieve Traffic Congestion To the Trfitor of th Limifj fub'V I "I'jr Pit- He vour rommunl 'arion s'uried 'A Commuter 1 would l.lcc t susei a rT dy for reTeiinc oir.estl-,n in irowded eim thus itoinir a'cav wl'h The frenuenrv of the agitation and reflection" ,if a D n ' Quixote" refernc to our want uf iojrtes to the "fair sex ' T minv of these '.aJtes. who are also commuters, of both levite,l and surface lines, a'comoanled b chl.dren. some with i two or more unuer tare Hire wouiu upi-iop a. little courtesy nrd tako at least ole of these chudren en their laps, and the car cempanlea cou'd Imorrorate a little 'Article X" Into their rules and reiru.atlons that these children who are not paln fares but are occup.i Ins seits sU- them up to both sexe who are paying fir this ane Blence, it would Increase the seating ca pacity greatly. Recntl I was In a car In which there was .1 woman with three children, for two at leat of whl, 1, I um ure she did not ray a fire and thev w,.rp silt seated w-hll sevee.il 0,J hid'es, anl men all well, were compelled to stand C P .x Philadelphia. Januiry 13. 1I.'1 A Lack of Patriotism To the Fihtn-ot the Ktrnimj P'lb'ic l.rdo" Sir Evere now- and ther. t read In he tapers of th bodv of a . 'dior irrlvlng Ir this city from France tart-n t h's former home and from there bur ed w'th little or no attention pel 1 to the "vert or. th part of tho public for who u.. r. Ped I thl-k this shows a urat li-k of p,triotlem anl disrespect to mv ' t,udles v ho made the rrrat sacrifice and the p.op ,f th.s lt should blush foe shame 1 I can tell ou the ex-.lMie-H are deeplv I cot by this slight Tou rin treit u '.ving oldlers with Indifference if ,,u se fit. but' united one anil all we demand that our' deid "buddies re treated with the hon.r Hid respect due their memories Several years ago wh'n 1 few of otjr rn-v tov were klled at era Cruz the cttv gave hem a msgnlfteent public bjrtil ana In dividual moiument have teen re."ed t their memories In different seotions of the city. Of course it Is not pusilb tndi'hi with all of them but I do fe-i that when the body of a so'dler .irrlve front Fram e the city ehou.d tak som recogr.it on as A tribute of appreciation bv appointtrg n e.im kntttee to receive the PO'l and pripir- a1 suitable ctvu funeral, no natter how un pretentious Wh. not ft',' t- Heerv V-oov that arrives to lie In stntu in lid r-rJerve 31all for at least one da that th ,i who might care to do so rou.d ?o and view the casket containing a Philadelphia bo wh ave his all for hi courtry and for his home" It would be u g-eit lesson uf pa triotism to our young people -AM T TwVN"Dia ptilladelph a, Januan 1J, 10J1 ' Best Way to Get Even (To the Editor ot flm F "'I'J PuVic 1 r, j,r fllr "S fc M w shea 1 1 know ho-r to wt even with "Mrs 9 S M ' for havlni: 7d friends present him w it books at Chrlatmas Th bst wa tr, my est ma tlon. Is by cu;nff her a r at r ce wokcise fe.nd Boot set of ik,k enils to hold the hsJidsome set together on th- IiVir.,; rom table. Don't you know, - .-' 'l ' ihs- l,or,ks !lv an al" of rftneme t f ,jr home that tlothlng elsa wi I ifv, The- f u will e over your pre;udic, (Hire t'.j aid have tuiufrt time to spar ef'er help ng our stear irirl with a. real itold those books Put above thuae 1 1 i nn' fiti .ujmni 1 tr. t ( s A 1 n,m r t.e 'ar. , .'in r..y f i : l .: Men , ; . j. i 'here are m a' rg " 1g 1 he r r st plteful tn i-r w 'e -t erang. it cmes 'a h f t st.a get to the one -, sends I' ', nhapp'ness Iri 1 trck Ml'. Holmeburg. f . j-jh1 10 Care for Ex-Service tfo the Fd(to o fa I nliij P.l Pp Recent repors via r '. ? ewer 100 noo ssej of mi r i fhe ex-serv lc "ier 'hat nre i ' proper care. r rr'lr r ire is So hospitals ' r trea'-ne-i' l!or compensator Doctors wh,, rae rr ie- t fhla d'seise ssv ttat .' -, ' ' ;o to a wfstern mounta s'.tte t -el , rn. but that It n Hide r rh'. 1 "re . .-her aylvanla arnl aitates, but t Is ro , .,! clent hoepliH.a ,i- i " ,e, i -i i' sutr st.nuld pot be oat m the wi is If Conirresi s rut k i "but i, svlsh, vvhy sh ,u'.d r ' i x e. r ., e me- nmalgamate r. the p,l't. a tie' I i.r . can bousei There reenm i.'i , ,.n', fr the fx-aervice me-, iv get ut. .,r 1 'h .' . ro go Into poV. s In t-iii we rr j,t a,l ro. operate t', must i it, , irs tr n now, drive tu the ba k v, ls evtrv un, vho opposes the S'lldte re..' , ' rerfi"! tees of what office he tr,i I'll F F Ma, l.fc v.' 1 Vh'lade.ph a ijnuarv in llui 1 Need Level Sidewalks To the I ilitnr nt tie h een.n'j P ih i I r(j, Blr I think there must h,, , lur . mir rtatute U,ss tlat UMkes It inlsih n.e,,r .r or prupertv owners ti, i -ir t 'lie , ments If 'here .s su h a law It s l,i,'. nbusefl llvei vher, u a-, ,.u rlr -he VaVtilTiefils f e,l vvl'll huleB vv '. r the lire I nf aspha t mid vvhere tl.ev tl,' if 1,1 u V tbe brl, rij ate I , ltr.l when I' ra.i s ,ir lhe frost rnmes out V . 1 ,ir spt tn K t I tihower 1-iiih fr m the rave-nei u 'Wi rd The P"l.,e nfflcers In evei district shfij Japort the rond tu,n of the pivtiitn'i 1 1 tie Imrinunf hirhwavs mil thev n turn e'i',i I TUltlfy the ,wtiM 'if tie primwlt ,s thTI the tnust repa r tlelr pj vertietite , hties l. lha streets are kept in repair -i order not 10 damage iri' rnio il,s .ml ,ehl -lee nnd lha same sh, uid he true ,f the tiiv.neiii In order i 't ' ' endanger the halin , I t'i pavople or sod thrlr clothes in e.ni tiorhoods I have found man, ,v,.,, j, I ellv whl, h tha water atvya in lit tie puns after ,i i rain The result Is, "et fei-'ad t r tlm tkaj'h. "T5 asUce the paveiienta in goo,i coidit.on rot raauire mucri wotk snu mucn e And If men now out or employment rpnre thenifieTva ona can on prop- ownera of any afWwt that seema to need aXi kttlnucSt, 4CA Aiu.li ii iua taav. PEOPLE'S FORUM Letter to the Kdltor should be ns lirlef nnd to the point uh iiosallilo. avoiding anything that would open n. denominational or nectarlan ills. CUHMlOll. , No attention will lie paid to nnony. mouH letters Names and addreosoq must be kIbiW as an evidence of pood faith, althouRh names will not lie printed If request Is made that the lie omitted. The publication of a letter Is tiot to be taken an an Indorsement of Us views by tills paper CommunlcntlutiM will not be re turned unless accompanied by poat nije. nor will manuscript be saved. I J- they i 1,1 ,,i the work for a reasonable price (riun"iR It..' s.miel the enuM probably Btl a Job en neArl -v ' bloil In the city, thus !n a degTeo, reilevirur unemployment an,l helping U, make a better cllv. t'lIAllI.KS II ItAllK I'd. ,ade ma Janu.irv Id. 1921. Evening School for Foreigners , To the editor n ie Fccimo Public Ledger I S.r All ImmlKraPta to thli country should be mute l barn our lamrunKe and our con stllullon and if this vvrc done I think vv. would hive verv much Ipsa difficulty In ' handling them Whv vvoti'd It not bo n trond scheme to allow Immigrant to arrive nn,l been thm ,in nnn v ear's nrohation. and i .. . ..' ........ .,' . ... I i ai me ;piraiinn oi mm nine vnrr wnrioj, not able to nt least hiv a coneritlonal 1 knowledge of our '.nnoaiKe they should be returni d to the countn from which Mir . ci mf ' rhej sh u t a. o be comp-dlM to I study our ronstitutl in and talce a brief ex-1 atnina'lon on the subject At ".ret thnUx-l.t thl miKht be looked upon . a impossib'e. for these mm cannot ko to ' s hool when the com here but Instead must earn a .Ivlne If they ha- to work , dur n the day It would piv th country , to ha, ti Kht echoo's for such as these. wher- fir wou'd b tauaht to talk and write our Unirua and be Instructed In the meaning of our constitution. I am sure raer of j nt r valuable paper will agree wltii me that If this were done there would, be 1 much better rhanre of their becoming. iertuall aluable c.tl?en j It T IIAIUIKI'.. j I'll' ailc.ph a Jam ar 1,1 1H21 Whither Are We Drifting? Jo tl.r ;;rfifor of ffc f;tii(ni f'uMlc f.fdoer. I r Mth bigdlt hold-up. rotd'rle 01 j store and r'sldemea. excssl, htnh cost, of II' Inc ar 1 rentals dlsho.urtv In hich ' tdice ard fniri.i In tntes of all kinds,! whst does th futuie foretell" The dec-ease i watrre is dallv eittlltrp 'e-.Teaset uTer.' u nmo'ir the fiinrer clashes. an of the 'arger store hire Seen patlnK hei- iminK bnrel su.T.nlent llilnir v a-e Hon" nus ts rented and main tn.'.e.j f, ! th' rnisp-able pittances The wIr't ,' ,1 s. ,,t.ter.t Is upon us, for tbou rund of people ar,- birely able to ike out an , Tlste-, e We are In 'ho rapids, irrao ua.ly dr.ft'nu o t the falls I'm any one 10-t-rl th,- dl 'fill r'sult of this he.plees state" n "iff ustic if :m can t,ut will r feed vour ihl't.ret Will it eicure a m to-t ih'.o h-,nie and meet the xorbltant dc manls of ) iur lindlord" W am not. Ilk" Job's fr'erd o cle olunt.iry and superflunus adMo to fjr 1013 ann ni out and die but wherewithal sh ill wo ob tain KUffioient mesne n 1 w" Will Congress give u measures f r, lief on the coal oues tlon through legislation to control price or the mir.e ' Theso lnterroga'lves deserve some answer from our rulers We ate In- a', but are the !( val to us ' WILLIAM H SAILOr. Philadelphia lanuarv 14, 19J1 Questions Anstcered Ireland's Big Wind In the h'tUtar of the runio rub.ic t.edaT Sir When I was a little bov mv Krnnl father used to tell mo about the big wind In Ireland When w is this ' big blow" that the venerable iretit claimed he had witnessed and how much dum.ise waa dore" W L. W. Phllidelp.ua. .Unuary 13. tfl-1 Th "tilg wind ' In Ireland ocrurred on the t. ehts of January tl and 7. 1.1fi This was i hureicane that screwed the entire western I coast of Ireland with wrerks. In the cities of I.lmerlok and Dublin mo-e thai SOOI houses wre blown down tu utj people were kll'ed and iroro than 100 people were drownf J Air Service Altitude To ' i r J rf.foe 0t tie hi em in a Puh - t etiQrr fir- When an official altitude record Is Kiven in the air service Is It no-int 'hnt It Is , so n'any fet above the startlii: point or1 abo.e sen evl" W I, D rh lade'phla Januarv , 10j; The an servce sav thet an offtila' al titude rerorit Is reiUnnrd frutn sei level Notification Regarding Remains ' 7V flte Fd.tor of th' Klfsiry 'uMIc LtdOer Sir 'hen the government sends home I-om Trance the remains of u so.dier whenj are the relatives notlfed" V 1 T I'h'ladeiph'a, January 14 njl The War Department evvs that 'he re a tive cf a decied soldier v hose retrain, ,-re t b bruue.ht over from France are ro-. title 1 hv the eemeterlal branrh of the Wir1 Deirtnient at the time 'he body leaves I Franc as to the date when 1 may be ei-, pooled to arrive in this couitrv The ceme-te-ial branch Is notified cf all rich depar tjies b able I Harding's Middle Name I To tl Kitxtor nt th ;iet,ff iili r I.fdo'r Pit Hw is Presldent-t'ert ! irdlng s mil , le nnme pr,nounre,l aid what core It mean O 1. E Phi. d Iph.a Janua-v lfijl viani.i'l pr ,n urc.,1 ea-may-l.e-e, ar.,1 e a Hebrew " urd meanine ' ir' reivarder ,i 'lot To Become Citizen n . l-il M tl ' i- v Puhi r t niO'T m I'I'msu Lns'Aer t e f. 'i,w ng que. t.o' s 1 I .1 1 ,, 1 ,', I. e t te.1 States nf none.t en pir, t.ts reo. ilr,, n te out nat urilir.it,, -i .,ree if .e 'ur'n tn h. come a tlje-" J V , M 1 s l-n'r 1 Ilng'Teri nile hs ra-er'-i lo ire t'n.te i Stat1 -.timers are ' r. il ! 'ere Is the o'.ll 1 a i tlzin ef e ft t,,l i-'.,t,.S' r. k I'l I ..d' ph Ivna.irv 11 lll.'l 1 A j ( lie nrn in the 1 nlted P'stes . ar1 i tf the '.itnnili' of the p.,-, rts is , '..ill--' h ,- e "en nt tr,- Frilled 'ate. ,,i 1 !Nref re ni I'urall.i'.on pa pers r. r"irtM,H-j 2 I' dererd" on Mlnseqjert nn, f (he parent i,r u, terrerrari i Rt.roa-1 and fier'u., re-jrn to th's -iir'rv w'th the hid ii it:, n of th ft ,ed tntee A Query for In . , I , ' tl i t r ReaderB ij P'thl - I rttjfr ! r 1 ,1 ,. rid ' g ,-. a tra'n, A 'tl the 'e. , , nf i ptssitgir roach and lit n ti- o i' . rf t' ,, same ,.,Kh The train ( Is me ig 'mi ri V, p r ir i',r II si. riot A vv !. a r'e. t e e',e ,tv ,,f Art. use l.y let s 1 I re- h ir' I void 1 , e thli csr- ifce i,v our read'rj i I" I , I, .V . J It HT . J.' I Ajtlior of ..!, fit to' if the I. r Phrase Hi 'J Puh' e .n.ut"' s r It has been sta'ert and 1 is cn rv.'. -, Bn'ae.l 'hat a Persian po," said that "u'n tir ' 'ili'lstnnd vrhv O 1 maue hell ,n"irK that i'a..utta er,.-rn i, n i.ep.sciv ph '.a ! ph.. . jeruarv ti IfiJl Bernhardt Was Born In Paris Ti'li, rll'o '.' tl r.-rH-o V'lb'.i I'dl-r ir U'i 1 h.j pie.ise Inforni tre as tn t nit ,i.a, t ,,' Ssrah Ilerrhardt and tr.tt ,, I r t epli, i Oaston CJlss-,'' i IIIIf.r.N' I17IIM.-1 , r'n"n 1 phi, Juius v 11 1021 arah Hernnardl v as h .rr. Iti I'rir h and ' Paris has al- v ,iw erl i , t, rl at ' , I. ,-r hei I ie--t,i h ii ri I 1 ' in h ersa ,,rs m PI. i.ari'Ma,j. r.f mixed i snd of Jev lih Tlie People's I'lirum will unpenr dillr In the Hvenliii: Public ldvrr, utul also In th MmdilT Piihile I eileer. f etters illM'iiv.lne tlinelv topics irlll be printed. as well us reoiiHtril poems unit miestluns if Ki'iirml Interekt will he nnurrrd. GAS' Solderine Furnaces nnd Appliances iiluii iron cATAiAnnn L. D. Brger Co., $9 N. 2d St o-.H, iforhet 114 Kayifjne. U.U , EVENING PUBLIC descent She nan, however, bnptUed nt the aire of twelve and brouxht up In a con J vent Wa cannot kI ou the Information ' ycu desire rcK.irdlnit Oaaton Glass. Poems and Songs Desired A Southey Poem . To f',e A'dttor 0 the Kienina Public Ltdoer: Sir 1 am ulad to bo able, nualn, to sup ply your correspondent with desired Infor mation "A K ! " Ir.civlres In tonlKht's I.KMirn for the poem beulnnlnij. "You ara old. father William " This poem, which wa written by Itobert Houthey, la entitled "The Old Man's Comforts, and How lie Clalned Thim " It will be found In th "lllvers de Poets," Itdert Southey, Vmume II, Pime 171 The first lines will sunset Mice in Wonderlind " lor m doubt the p-irody bv Lewis Carroll, (the Ue Chatlea II Uodu son), Is now more widely known than the, orlulnal poem. .,..,. CAI.Kll HAI.DEnSTlM: rhihdelpMa. Januir 0, 1921 A Poem Contributed To the Editor of the Vvenlno Public l.tilwr Sir Knowlnif the Interest of our rarer In Mr. Hoovers TAiropean relief fund I am Inclosing some verses In tho hope that tou may uso them The American Hod Cross representative Mr Hoover's council bus tout me tnai tho sentimint the rmboil work With this approval U Ideal for this I am lenturlim to send them to vou l.t.SIB WAI.KF.n SlYUn. Oermaitown January (,, l!!l POT I.HT THHM ASK IN- A AIN Can vov nut hi ir the Master my "A strjt.ter was I did c turn me nwav" Naked I was, ard hungry to eat: Ye clothe 1 me then nnd gave mo rm.V Will vo rot do it now?" Tho, ,it:. ones, looking over the is With their hungering pve. so Plendlng.i Can hear Him sav. as they rlso from their V tl,'l f "Innsn.ech as ve do It for one of these. Ye di It unto me " Could vou bear to look In our Master's f ici . Whrn at last ou stand In that holy plnce, And see In Hla eyes the look of rnln. When vou tell Him HI tittle ones asked it I., vain Of vou ri.o of vou and of me ELHI11 Yv'AIJJUtl MEItS Two Poems Requested To Mie Fdifor et the Kvvnino i'ublie l.rdvf s(r win j, ii kindly print In the 1 orum the ooim ctilled "Suvh Ileautlful Hinds" ' Thev are neither wh'te nor small. Also the piem beg nnlng "Monwtlmo etc " w h n nil life s l ssnns have been learnvd Thatik- lnir lull vurv s'merelv, (Mrs A HAINF. Philadelphia. Januarj U, 1D-1 We do r.Jt hi-o the llrst poem rnuosUJ Hero is SOMF.TIMH Simetmi" whe-i ill life's lesions been barned tml s-ji. and star forever more hi huve sf The thli es wh'ch our weal.- Judgments hive spurned. hen I Tiie things o'c- vvh'.ch vve prletd la -hi we' w.ll Kasli bsfcro ui ov.'. of 1-fv s W't I dl.' n'gh. s mrs siilne most in d-'pei t.t, - . blue And we shill se0 how .ill Gods p.at s vvre right. And how what seemed reproof was . v most true And wo shall sic how, while t fr,.w i and .sh Hod's linns go on as best for v ju ,iiul m. How when " called. H-) heeded nut jr cr, , , Ketaus'3 Hi3 wisdom to the tr.d iouol see, And even a prudent parents dlsirow Too much of wet to crav'ni; bibv hood, Po God. perhaps, la lirep'nif from us now L.fe's sweetest things because It im eth good. And If eomet'.mss lotr.mingicu who me wine. We find the wormwood, anu reu-i ana hrlnlf . l!e sure a wiser hind than v,,urs or mine Pours out this tsirtlon f..r our Up.s to drink And If some fr'er.rf wa love is iving i" Where human biases tar.nut reach face, nv, An not hlnme the loving Fo'h. r so. his nut wear your sorrow vv.th obed.ent cr.ire. And vou sha". shortly Know that length- ened breath Is not f-e sweetest gift c,od erds II friend- Ard that sometimes the sa , o death Conis.nl 'he fairest boon 11 -send If we could PJM1 ajar the glte of And stand within, and cli God s pa , if, Tl, -g a',1 th'i di,utt ii- 1 We, cou'd Interpret strife nd for eicn mvsterv could fin! . , Hut not todnv Then be cunt, r.t, heart flod n' in, hi. j lilies pur 1 unfold We must n-t t-ar the close shot 'e apart T'm will revea' the chal'res of K" 1 And If. through patient toll ve r.-n h land. Wliere tired 'et, vv ith sanda's lu'e, rest. Wh-n vv rh.i.1 vnr y know an. un he tand 1 think vve vrl'l soy ' iod knen t, An Irish Song In tie td tor nt the f.'renfltl P"'' '' . . , . , eie r am nntVJf to eefure ,u i,.e v-hlrh I ve-v old ind which nr'a i tr tine "Permot me " Pin' id-lph a darllng oh' ertf ii' to MART I. Mer.r.VIT lanuarv 4 li.l Th's Inh sor.B Is en' nit: ANf.Ki.s V hviv V, AM uleeplnir l' p i WJi'v-PEl s nio- - .vn Ir.r, Per her husband 'CIS ! raglrc ea; Anl f' tempest va ' fisherman's 1v ellu g rd shs cried "Pe-ln , 0T' ha"' tu n , r i,ml, "vhil- s' e ru-rl. still slumte-red H And sml'ed tn her far-e l.nee fill' blest le th wan sleep adnenlnp Tor I ht.ew tint 'he a-- Ine with thee '1 lh Ar.1 while (he- are ,' o'er thy sieepu.s ' ory to them Kft: m A . siv thou "so'i '"' i o'er 'by father And T..r I UnOV '.V,t I"' Ir.is with thee Tl s dsvrr ' t, o mi.- ' - ' ' i turnlt r And the wife v.pt " v .-.. father to Ar.d ('oseli- eresairj ! .. i blolnK. Sa'd "I lir that t e ,nc - ' porlr wl'h 'he FranV ndue-We frrrde' .. he poem 'I.-imm to ou " Un Ik I hut It vvsi retj'rel marled t'n Please a nd us mere, t mldresn wh s. ton V iiiniin ' "II P the poem V P.Ivers de S I osi s 'The Mht T'tnm I'ribdtion IV T, S isru'l that Wns I e this "I ve seen 'he frst r drr nd hsve e-,i 111 e tO Sft trie p it, l.-r.w n rl ih r k i ;j ' Brir.il ,' II" r i-t sonic "Soirelod s lr tr.m with a ii' e s 'tl Orn t, s I f- i I", Ar . He, ' I rir l 11. I , a DIAMONDS BOUGHT LICHTEY'S ? aniith st. lllgbeat Ihd! iitn or i:taijiuhru MtUM.nny -vaui' unwrnnipfii LEDGER THIL'ADEL'PHIA", WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, WINTKU ItKsnKTH IvtltKWOOn, N, J. LTOiliEL -HOUSE IAKETWOOD. St. J. A dellIitfnl soilsl atmosphere pre vails At Laurel House nnd makes It thr favored winter home of n particu lar and discriminating clientele. I-.door are open fireplaces, an or eliestni of artists, dancing, home-like charm, service paramount, superior cuisine. And In the open Winter (iolf Hiding and All Sports A. J Murphy, Mir. C. V. Mnrphy, Assl. Mrr. INEAIR HEALTH FARM I t-IvlAV(l(II). X. .. ltest. Recreation. Kterclse. srge Gymnasium. Turlitsh l'.lee. r XI. trie Hydrotherapy Uaths. Handball. Hiding, Golf. Table Hupplled from 100 acre farm. Ilooktet I'hone bib, wll.llXM .1AMKS HUTU tlireitnr. I MvUWOOI). N J In the Fines, all rports. ll-okl t Write TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE, 1 A (lltll.I.F. l'l.A. Pass-a-Grille, Hotel On the Gulf nf Mexico Pass-a-Grillc, Fla. V Winter Home In Summerlarn! GOLF I'lMIUXn HATHINO ItVTHS ON Al'PI.lCATlON H H CHFltCllH.I., Mge MIVMI. ri, DIXIE HIGHWAY INN 80 r.eoms lleautlfullv Furnished. 2fH Capielty. Dining - Room Table Ilest Market Affords nstes bv Dav or Week. IltF.NF. K. CASTON 410 4th Ht . Miami. Fla. t rKTr.niiriHri.A. ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA "The Sunshine City" Hotel Poinsettia ' In the Heart of the City." 1B0 rooms. lAO hatha American nlan. Steam heated- I Ifodtrnly equipped. Ownership management. JAf'KMIWII l.i:, 1.A. Qteli&minDZe, iitJ' Jackioarillt, Fla. r'r'jj' St'eI flreproot. Ilm',2 European pl.vn. ltoom rates: jz.oo par day und up; Illustrated booklet on request. J. 1). round, President Chut, a. Day, Manager HOTEL ALBERT-JACKSONVILLE, FLA. In the heart of everything; next Child's Restaurant, steam heat, running water and rhone In all room. rjlovatort attractl lobby; parlor: porches, etc. Clean, corn fnrtab'e lerfs i iternture $1 nil up roitT i,rm:nnijL'. 'l.. Hntol filliorl f" 1,ni1 nioilirn its Ultl VIIIUt.ll ,. ,i,ll i,,. .,i- Iliths, (eldf. Ore. in Hutliinc. Mntiirlne, Miinlilniil lllililer's und Fisherman' Puridisr Mlt", .. Dll.I.AItl) Mitr. Cl.nARH'ATKIt. I'l.A l'l.l:l..ll INN. ( Irnritiirrr. norldu. I Modern In )eti' On Hay .Shore ilulf at t'ounir rlub, t-nnis beatlnK. bathlnir, tlsh- I lux huntmir vjull se,on now on s.-ason : Novi'inher tu Jut., Hares upon npplb aMon ItHIIMONI). . yfoftflvnon Most mnrnlflcent hotel In the AiHilti. Itooms single or en mite, with nnd wlthont baths. Kuropean plan. II luttrnted booklet on re quest. O T. lVEIsir.KR. Ilrr irr ri.i'Airjt'4 siirii. MOUNT CLEMENS MINERAL BATHS; UiiM renowned for r.heuinitisin. Nervous ness anl that rundown condition. Open all1 tre vir, Twonty mllea from Detroit Write '. r n-viklet. Business Men's Assoclat'on. Mount Clsmins. Mlcb, whiti: st'i.pin it spitiNcm witm; sri.piu it sPiiiNt.s t.oi.F. Tin: nvnis and hi: tl.TII, Ain:vii.i,i:. n. . AKHi:VII.I.K. N. C, Write Hoard of Trada Ijind nf the for Ilooklst. Sky. S.WANNAII. OA mumotPTian At beautiful Savannah, fla.. the paradise for golfers, motorists, fisherman, hunts men sn.d tourists Flreuroof. Rooms without bath, 12 da; rooms with bath, 12. M da? us, .GrsrgJ. Albe.,.Manaa;t: . i, D. Ponnd, JTrtUeD" Till Its To From Baltimore February 15"2 e-MS Kit iw i Kslit;ft ij I &oJfc Tlie New Mauon Line State" Iiai been en gaged by the American Impress Company for a remarkable 43 day Winter Cruise with, fascinating visits at Havana, Panama, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, to days in Honolulu, H1I0 (and the great volcano). The "Hawkee State" is a new steamer 535 feet long and has the famous Matson cuisine and service, native Hawaiian Orchestra, swimming pool, large staterooms perature regulators, most rooms will be deck sports, entertainment management ot American bxpress I ravel iixperts. oAsk for details American Express Company 113-14.5 Ho. HroB'I Ht. 1'lione- Walnut &' Wanumukar'a WINTKR nr.SOKTH ATINTIC C1TV. N. .1. 01arlborougbBIcnbeim, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. begs to announce that its Reduced Winter Rates will be continued until the end of January Exquisite music a feature. Honeback Hiding, Golf (2 Cham pionship Courses), Rolling Chairs, l'ien, Theatres, Movies, and countless other amusements. OWNKItBItll MANAGEMENT JOSIAII WHITE & SONS COMPANY AsllF.VU.l.t'., x. (3&&&I2l& Land Ok TheSky fcSzfinejca9 JZI-tze&arjReson Winter Tourist Heatitiiiarters of the Southern Appalachian, Enxlrrn America's Climax in Alti tude, Scenic Grandeur and Invigorating Climate The sparkling sunshine of "Way Down South In Dixie" with Its oione laden atmosphere makes Ashovllle the Ideal spot in all America for pleasure, rest, recreation, homes. loull be tickled to death mountains and valleys, the I'ligah National Forest and Game Preserve, ana our paved roads make seeing oyer wwi irei hereabouts. The 18-hole all-turf coif couro of the Ashevllle, Country Club on me slopes ot sunset Mountain, witn its view or 1'liirah and the iiat to the West, lis a For reservations write the MANOR, GROVE PARK 5WAnnAN0A UtKnLtT, MAHG0 TERRACE. A lllutralgfl LooVIrt iImihI ttila uanrlatlrtil In ih "llettl of thr home, luiinri, nrrhsrdin. t .::. (Qruing DnAnfiTDAr.CNxBuckner uunnturi nnuu. sc crotorv i.iiiuii v.sr cu.T jhst Coast p J X l4r ., v THE GOLFERS' WINTER PARADISE .7 vW-tI'ri(i?" 'TKEHattCoast of Florida is particularly fortunate In having so iVijWS??-- many superior Goll courses located at various points thereon, ;, mJ? .'vfn7vlVe .nil A.rnmm nl , I. e nn.ltnl r a rr . h, llt.u nmal.lir nr ,n,lt. Ore t?ZM Km Mrs, cordially Invited to avail themselves of the privileges which -are (reely extended under the usual conditions at all the clubs i ANNOUNCEMENT OF TOURNAMENTS FOR 1921 At St. Autuitine The St. Augustine, Links . Filth Annual Spring Tournament . . . . I'eb. 21st to 2th : Winter Championship of Florida . . . Mir. 21st to 26th ... Arldrr. Rnhvrt Miirrnv-rjntml Ponte dm .eon At Ormond Ormond Beach Golf Court Tomoka Sweepstake Jan, 25th to 20th ,. Ormond Deach Championship b'eb. 14th to 19th Invitation Tournament lor Women Feb. 28th to Mar. 2d Championship at Volusia . , Mar. 14th to 19th " Address R L Johnston Al Film Ueach Palm Deach GolIChib, Lake Worth Tournament, Jan 24 to 28 3 clxteenc South Florida Championship, Feb. 7 toll 5 sixteen s Women's Championship. I'eb. 14 to 182 sixteens Championship ol Palm Ueach. Address E, Benin - Hotel ?ov'a Potncunn At Miami Miami Countrr Club 18 hole course 0142 yards . . . Par 71 Address Jot P Greaves Hotel Royal Palm Nassau, Bahamas Nassau Oolf Club Nine hole course 2228 yards . .Par 14 Tvxi Address John IV Greene Hotel Colonial Surf Bathing. Tennis, rinhint. Boating. Hiding, Thr.mh Pullnant frm all frinrl;f rill, I t Utrida lait Ctait tsUSUhWi, Rutfti null mamtr rtnnittltnt ftr hmtiau and Havana FULL IKFOSUaTlOa AT 111 FIFTH IVt SEW VOSK CITY Li-Z Telephones, .Mndlson Square O'J.10 nnd 0331 I'UIIUIIA l.vvr ( HAST friniiU. hlaua... ,.. ...e fio-lAWn- -" FORT Mvr.ns, n.A. Hotel Royai Palmv 'ort Mers, lorldi. Ian H. IS.Hole Oolf Flshlnir. Svvlmmlne Pool, Kverj ltoom with nath, J. I. NKl.BOX, Manager. IIKI.I.HMIt IIIIICIITS 1T, thk iiki.i.i:vii:w llellenlr llelchts. rin. IUlltMlDA "Islands of Sunshine" HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Modern In C'onstruetlon and Operal'on UuO Suites with Hath Fireproof Accommodations for 000 Management of ,1, A. Sh-rrurd V. V. Oilier 125 Slh Ave.. Spur Travel niireno (Booklet) Cable Address "Hotel llermuda" iri".in:r canada C'huteiiii 1 rniitenae, (liirbec, Canudu, l'ur Jujoiik Wtntrr lliillihns. T(llll Let us tell You the cost of your winter trip tt Bermuda California Help you plan your route JLet US Fwnish railroad & steamship tickets Make your hotel reservations Advance arrangements are necessary for winter travel. Raymond-Whitcomb are official agents of all steam ship lines and the Raymond-Whitcomb office in Phila delphia is General Headquarters for Travel Information. Write, telephone or visit us RAYMOND & WH1TCOMB COMPANY 1338 Walnut Street Telephone Filbert 3804 The American Express Company announces the first cruise ever offered Honolulu via Panama Canal without change of steamer OritheNew Cruising Stearftef' iuetrnsrtCiKol rlawkeye State v a to I Aumt 45Bavs Including Shore Fxcunsorfs with special automatic tem with private bath. There and shore excursions under tkWLWLWTt Central I'liona Hpruea ,yLwLmlv V WINTKH nr,tOKTfl ATI.ANTIO C1TV. X. J. HKVIt l,K. with these, wonderful, forctt-cotrered them oy motor a real dream; 64 peaks lure all its own. INN, BATTERY PARK, LANGREN, lllar lUd-r for Trl.oni. ,ff livrttock, fHculturr, ,y a and lh hnUl ami .Kr. r yy- v:riz". .::"." :j -&. oou-f nil jouri jtffyy fnlt int ina sitins .aar - it v " -- -s ASHEVILLE.N.C l't.Olt 11 i;1T CItXST Jt -r-r-v Hotel Ormond . Palm Beach Countrr Club Mar. 7th to 11th 4 sixteens ""' st. PF.Tintsm.'ito, ru. Manhattan Hotel &&' Ileautlful Uround. Music. Get lloobJet. Daytorta Beach Hotel Broad verandas face the Ocean. Thoroughly modern. Cuisine unexcelled. lutes IS 60 u IS per ay. American plan. PALATKA. FLA, OPEN AiA THE YTJVR PUTNAM HOUSE rAiATKA, rr.A.. unT p. II I1F.AOH. FI. Lnkc Court IVi'e for Inf. Palm tte,h Ouiir. Ce, ,pts. CANADA Canadian National Trunk Dally tervle. Across Canada, apply to A. H. Chovvn, Dept 12T0 Hroadway, For all information c.en. Au-t.. Passenger N Y. City. wF es vimyUA 4h TubwA tLliiKUp iiijiaf -jiTiMnrii Y ' I 1. V X ' kb- Ml A af 1 -V " AA ii-'sr -CSssiaai . Nassau Cuba Florida Anywhere eAttieieas $1025uo 3 1921 WINTKtl ItR.tnnT.' ATLANTIC) C1TV Reduced Rates for Month of January THE BREAKERS Atlantic City, N. J. On Ocean Front Fireproof Unusually attractive during Winter and Sprlnir Seasons. Horseback: on tho beach, Golf, Indoor Bwlmmlng and the ever popular "Itolllng Chairs" on Iloordwalk. Luxuriously appointed Lobbies and Bun I'arlor with afternoon musical; and complimentary Tea Service, which lnvltea relascatlon. American and European plana, ATLANTIC CITYsN. J. jofDislmctimorJltealComlort A3K. a HRTira'S.JBuxfr IM.WM. JT THE IDEAL FAMJLY HOTEL Arlington I 1 Exck!iv Location Moderate Rata I4t Us Make You Feel nt Home In the "City of Kolitist Health" HOTEL MORTON Ocean Knil Virginia Ave. Capacity 3n0. rievator. rrlrnte lloths, etc. Altv-nys Open. irznA c. nr.M, a fafl si. corn, rrops. ATLANTIC 7Tc 1T A'stTTL iTATITTv 'to 'UA1 JTHJIVE. city Worlds Greatest Hotel Success AM. KIAAB. Owner. N. J. COLUNi, Ir. ,i0ll4v-y,il'5'2Al'(12'JL,- RICKS HOTEL ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Mldrray lletvreen N. Y, and Jacksonfllle "The bnaleal Place to llrealt Your Trip" New. Modern Throughout Accom. u0. Write for Information T. L. rtL,M). Prop. Ainnw. b. o. AIKEN South Carolina's Premier Itesort Highland Park Hotel opk.n' i)i:ci:Miinit to may Possess! s a diiirin nil It own" CLIMATi: ItllfilllATION H.NVIIlONME.NT Address ,1. .1. HWKKNKY. Mnnuer Summer IVhlieface inn. Lake Plurid, N, Y. ST. AUflCHTINK. 11.A. St. Augustine. Fla. Hotel PONCE DE LEON Now Opon Hotel ALCAZAR Now Open "IDEAL Winter climate for -1- Golf, Tennis, Fishing and all outdoor sports. "St. Augustine Links" 18 hole hest in Florida. Good roads for Motoring, Driving and Riding. i:iUT.TH)X.l, Itoth Sexes NIGHT SCHOOL IS NOV OPEN 1 ha Night School of Struyer's Dual ness College Is now open nnd students who wish to taka any course ol busi ness training should enroll at once. Call, write or telephone for particulars and state what course you are in terested in. Strayer's Business College S07 Cheitnut Street rhone, Walnut 384 LEARNLANGUAGES AT "UK BEiUlU SCHOOL IWl 1 IIIMTNLT STOKKr ny the llerlltz Method Students learn not only tu read and irilt put espeoiaii and to speak a-uste TrtlAl, to linrierklnnrl the foreign Ian I.KPHOM niEK. i.mrri.Mi: ori'nitTtxrniM If emplojcd In the daytime, study aliorthand or boolik eplnu ut iileht Our ioiiisi'H Live eumplale ofllco tralnlns and qualify .,. u. n,i,.u)iin yuoiiiun, LUt uloir. Hint t Ill'klV'I'Ilt ,nm m .- II3 nnd rnllrce of tomniprre 1017 Chestnut Ht. l'hllndelphla TTic Taylor School '"? 'rkri . I Ilu.v Nlulit 'ntuislvo Instruction In drewr Shorthand I rnui-li Tplna. HooklirepinB, Acrountlnu I Inullsh Specialist teachers select class' 'ni equipment Call or phone, Wat. Km FRENCH SPANISH GERMAN ITALIAN (iliAitli nutlJUl. Ill' LAMIUAUHM IC.11 Chestnut Nt. Ilv the Uiijitrd hjBt.m joo lenrn qulclilr to speak, un derstand, read mid vrrltr. ntivi: ti: ,c 11 i;in Prlt He and Class Lessons, Wanamaker Institute 23t AM) WW.NUT STS. 'ac.incles for five utudeuts only in each course. Tuition reduced one-half. hend for ritnlng Day and lilnht rl a rises Privnto Lessons rW!1' '"c". -ntu rravuii. icssvJlls Slatlieniallea. Kts. If lea Wlldman. lrH7 Usee Ht, loensl toil lili:Ni.'lI. l'uul and llcrtho Itoues, (i33 H ,-ilt el Yoiiik IViiiuen nnd (ilrla Y. W. C. A. 1800 ARCH STREET I'lii 11'". Voile, Violin and Miind'illti Dents ('insert rtlory Instruclun ltriiHnn,.ble Itriles l'honri Locust l.WU MAKV II. SlOSKIt. Illrerlur. Ml'MCAI. 1N1TIUTTION RAG Piano Playing Taujht BcRinnera in 20 Lessons ritKis nnoKLin" Adult llesliiners . Npeclnlty ,. Adtnnie Course Ir ou Now Phiy I'hnne Nitrnre lldl JAZZ ciikitkvhk Ht'linni, nr pop, mtsic IHSn rhestnut Ht. Iluy W Worley, lr 5I10H (ierninntomi Ate, Phone (iln. 23,13 School of MusicL"' " i' "t. -, I it . ,,i 013 W. LehlKli Ae Temple Univeriity aoio nrnnuuiouu Ar All llrunrhes or Musis. Ilrtlniiers uuil Adtunerd Pupils. Cululoi, PARCEL POST Iiarlicr KcisHorH, Clip pers, Itazom and Mani cure Scissorfl, Also Safety Uaior tlladea ilesliarDened i Filbe4 Grinding Co. u:o rwiimx sy, ,1, ,,l ,, ,1 M l r (1 rAIlCEI. Poht" """I Patents ?S?.. "?" "rite, phone reurj Hit fj Willinmsnn S, X:'ll' miormation. naiiy S8?5 Anffl.B?BiW'wm2.S5i " wh...w.b. j. IWlllinMA.. .. V I nil'OllTini HU3IATILV n-RMMirr. HAVANA CIGARS " 43.7B VVM, IIUNimKD-p.rrt VS HATI8FACTION ODAnANTIT.O na MONKY llEFUNDKi, SENATE CIGAR CO. nor rt'i:ii8Ti:R st. nmanF.fjim DIAMONDS BOUOTfT nrlnif us your dlamonda If vou ... realise the highest possible price to, W No matter what other, tell you ttji'? worth, act our price before you sell f "' We pay IB.fxTto 1100.00 for each dla,,-, more than othera pay. "mjij H;e us and be convinced, We buy any lze. shase or color ?Trn, 'J.cliSJ. $,. .alatnonds boush't. KKI.T.Y ft TO. f'AI.I, 032 CIlFsrvn, . Phone Walnut 7S44. rTulu F.51' PHvate office. 2d floor, over rhlM'i'L JTsTl EHVEIO PES EZRA LNINSONSttr 26 South Sth Street rhone Iombnrd. 8218 mn rhone Main SS37 1) I'MIa. r PAPER B ACS "SWEETAIR" The modern Method of Painleis Extraction of TEETH SAm AS SLKKP" One to 20 teeth extracted ITlthOUt Daln or llannse. Just tho thing for nervoua Decile no ill effecta follow lu ua p"'" Come In for eiamlnailon Jronais DR. MOSES S. E. Cor. 7th & Marltat Sla. Fnrtnertu on etntt nt romlssf tlennUnt 'Send or Call for New s RUPTUREBOOKLET AHK TOU KII1T10N NO. 4 Kollable and comprehensive Informs. tlon rcrrardlni; rupture, Its ilirrerrnt forms, treatment and cure, vvlih ana. tomlcal cuts nnd Illustrations ot rooj nnd bid types nt appliances Alio testimonials. Our Patented Adjaited Rapture Pad has been giving wonderful satisfaction tn thousands of customers, many of whom hod previously tried every Known devlco with bad results. Consultation & Adtlce Without Chartl I. II. SKIU.Y. 1027 WAI.N'l'T HT. . Cut Out ond Keep for Reference EYES EXAMINED FREE NO DROPS USED SPECIAL GLASSES FOR $1 THIS WEEK 1 VALUE K.tO Alt prescriptions filled ut a savlni of 25 to BCo. Glasses made on tho premises while you watt MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9T1I ST. Open Mon. & Sat. Et;. Till 9 P. M.s H0SIERV I"or At'onirn I 6 pair Lille for $1.50 J 1 pair Silk for $1.00 Value. 'i 00 1 pair apart ilockinp, Quaker Maid.Sl.50 For Children In all HlrrH from lin tn Q 6 Pair for $1.35 For Men G Pair for $1.00 KcKulur uiluo ?l Ol) per Uoi. If Knods nre not satlsf ictnrv we ..i hvrlully return our inoiiov The Linco 444 S. 60lh St. Ladies, Silk Underwear (Smytiifield mnkc) Well Made. Cull 'Ire 1 Pair Silk Stockinijs llotll for $2.65 y. Women's and )ll W.. House Dresses &21 ado In sirii-, pi.i'J' JJi nin colors, dura."" : U1U," fruHli 'I suaranteea 7 liM Htlll C to color" Value $3.50 Our Price, $1.50 or 3 for $4.00 i i'nt sii.iv ywi Pnslllve Value K (Mil PltK'i: le 10c Katrn for Parcel I'osl Standard Novelty to. Itooru flin. Heed Iliiljillna-. 1'JIS l'llhert M I'll"' Let Me Guard-1 Your Teeth .... hne "r AS ,t dental r;;ffr.i. ve.irs ot ".irtii ,11V II 'r'" meius. und thoiisa - ; ,Unll"' PAINLESS I nn HYMfln? 9th & Market m r ... M4 rne7 eifi ll I a," Si) riW&tC 'jfWJr'' '!Zw n ai--y hi BL,. i . . 1, S. ' ,,-s e . v.rr;