'!')' ilWT'xt'V if I "Tf 1 i-CB, voir ! "'Y f, Li XUjJ ii Cf A 0 -Li JUjlU XiiJ U JuiJA X JLjLLuris jJjJLi jJlxx., Ij3jJ-.X, Li j. j- b -.4.X4 J XO, J.J-I JL O HARVARD CAN'T NUMBER FOOTBALL PLAYERS NEEDS THEM ALL FOR TELEPHONE , SYSTEM ' nr , AIN'T IT A GRAND AND GLORIOUS FEELIN'? EARL HARTMAN STOPS MITCHELL ATOLYMPIA, GIVING J. WEIN STEIN DECISION 0 VER CHARLE Y RUSSO TAI tl c; ll ICOISKKT W. MAXWUl.l, -lirls IMIlnr. Ilirnlnir 1-tilillr I nlxrr rAKi: YVl'.INSTKIN mkinI :i cliMisnc li-tnrv nwr 'liar'oj Husio at (In- Oljinpin lint nifslit. 1'cir four rounds it win n kimii 1 but utu'wii bottle ntnl Iinfc'rce BHin Ilrciinnn ! o Impi-cuMi-d that he Mow tin- h!t!-. called It ii nlt-lit's work. topiieil tin limit and told the Cladlntir t.' do n Siiuntii'c river, which Is nnntlii-r n of telllni; tin-til to go fur PAH iwii. The) Ilowrcl uul of the ring to make way for the next perfonnauee. Mr. Wc-iiistdn wi hlghl) elated nU-r the vlrtorv and cnncrntiiluteil hlnnelf effuiel . Not mi with Mr. l!no. lie m.ih ad and dieonolnte. ltut tint uim perfeetli proper Hud lie felt an) other o the mps would haw been "UK;iiclnus. Itefore we co am furtln r with this, allow us to lnl that both Mr UVInstoin and Mr. ltuo battled 1 pr iy Ja.it night Tlui) were kcc'tilj intereteil in the fus. but vere reprevnt'-d b substltntm. Mr Itii-o, who is tin of our very bet barbers, eould tnke no linnc-os ainl ued Terry Mitc'lidl to hwihk the padded list Chnrley .uiui: a towel and stood ui well under piiniliment. Mr. Welntelii alo is a inningcr He wntelieil T li -box ofllie while hi i battler, entitled Karl Hiirtttiim. i Hun pie I'hiiinpiou, does the boxinc Mi ri"ti.ii. be it known, wiim the person who biouglit Kddii O'Keefe buck. He brntijrht him so far bmk th.it IMdie isn't buins :iti more Therefoie. he pit ki-d on 1 liiitnmn Karl, the nliinp.e liiiuipioii. in.uli- Mitehell look like a easiek piinlNIi He wis all ftu'i him stepped urmiud him and walloped him with i-my blow he has learned in his four prof. -Monul ba'tles All three blows were ned to good nilvuntiiL' Mitehill flopped the w.illopx in a ery clever manner, but luainiccd to aoid Inttilis ti.. floor as it was roming up He walked Into left jabs and rlcht hooks for three rounds and ieveral time" would have Riilked into the spcrtntors had the ropes been down. In the fourth round Hartman brought Jo) in Mr. W'eln st e;n and he ,iNo brought home the bin mi After two minutes and tciit -two second had elnped, Slim Kreiinan put on hi-, monologue nnd eierytums u hut. Tlie stuff was off and all washed up. was lurried lo h.s comer uud remed. t'line, tuaided b a couple of i op, was led out of the rins. lie also Mil escorted lo his hotel. Jni'l.Min was not hit low. but be was fouled. Clltie landed n imlnr plexus punch which put him on his back and out of business for the lemainder of the evening. I'atsy will he disqualified t) Huector ('ortel)ou. If be isn't, ho nhoiild be. It was an exhibition of rough Muff iihlih rpiinot be toletateil In re lie should be given one u n ticket Ilef' re tills foul occuied. ('line icceived n nlfti past i.ig. UK work was pathitic. when one reiiieiuberrd that a lour ago he was one of the best in the count!'), .lack - n was able lo reach him with a right to the head every I line he tried it. ("line appeared gi-ogg) after the 111 -t ioiiimI nnd was losing tinuuiniuuidi. ' WAS mi miriin imitih. m'ii 1'ntiy nn UiiKjri ii n Itttxrt , Hi shit tbi iml stthu nthcr iiimiiM nf I ft Itl'itttlU II.', Other limits Go the Limit rplll'.ltr were other bouts on the bill, but the) weie not J- so popular because the) lasted the limit In one niim'ier. n pair of new ones, mtitlcd lteil Alii ti and Leo Dillon, were introdtiied Thee gun gaie n pel feet ilnlta lion of two iniddlew eights who had outgrown the, bantam ias They icinlnded one ot a fat cop, out of condition, tritng to hold back u crowd The) were billed n two boxers, but nt the i ml of the sixth round neither had pioiod it J.eo Dillon won be- .n. se in eiery tight there must linn winner ami a loser led Allen wns his opponent. It appears that there are two ited Aliens, and this was the other one. One night In .lersev the original wns booked to appear and dldu't. Somebody hud to take hi- phu e ami a gent wan introduced .is "Kinurgene)" Ited Alb n. We saw him last night. Any port in a storm. n the joll tars say. Any boxer in an emergency, says Leon liams. F flTi'. lrfy,7. SI Hi niii iii ii joeiiil frtinir of an iii Ifl tutblii, I hi i oVo-e miflr ii tfrrililr hit ntUt him nnii nmr hi In hm hit 'en trill iwpmrr in fit Imnmi inini . MttiluU pruhuh'ii trill io bfl'k It Ai KIT III A l.l.F.S nnd llillim hntttat tarti nthcr ioiiiiiIi. I.oti m i 'i 1 1 r irnih cum ilotiv. ' I. I If 'ii ircri .10 clri'i t'uil nut onri' croj Itcfrrt'v Unmum hit. Itmrcitr. hml m n ruf net rruir rt 'i;'.. At the rtnl tin hum rnc gicin time !' 1 1 . Tliat'n nil thi i iii in i . '. ' Clirw Foul Joe Jackson mieui: jnif u m plenti when least TIIKI can ivere veri pork and beanish. hut opportun.t) to a.e upon a im-ng f extili liietit at the lmii. loii it expected The bout thelusi lie" the spec tutors hud an nioli m mi' in the semi windup. .loo Jin Umui tin bui who wears a waiter nop .f whiskers on e.i h nle of the fu e. battled lush l'.itsi ClJne, who once was a topuotcii iierformer. Ji'c:di ii' -I his xi Inkers were winning by M'leral lingths and u feeined inly a question of time b fore l'nl) kissed i.e Canvas, whin the trouble began The fourth round ended with botfi boi locked in i h embrace, ea-li tr.ii.u to smear the mni of the other. 'I h bedi clanged, but neither heard it They forgot they wire not paid to tight during tiu iiitern.isinn. and kept ut it. Sieonds. refeiees, innocent bistnndeiH and other tried to heparnti- the combatant-, but failed Sudcienli they broke una) and Jin k-on duqipeil to I ie floor, writhing with pain. ' Hr kicked l.iin'" ulled the I'owd IVoil'" More people cioiiiled into the ring Coii-ternnticjii uini the IV lee I'epurtmei t came at the same tunc. JiiLksun X gi.oil Cotuvay and illiam.ion Do Well UAMxIK CONWAY ami Max Williamson put un a mI bout in the - I ;ot uud really descried the iiindup position. Mnx mis i.i.t in his old-time form and neither mis Conwii). In f.e-t. iViiwui descried the dope and won. He reuched Wlllinmsoii with i ft j.tb" uud hooks, with i.i asionul right thrown in f r (food measure, lie also did very effective bod) pun. In - in the numerous clinches. Itoth bois were cheered wlnn the) I, ft the ring. T.N LV -L night 0hs Yes! the U 'indujd LVKItV .show there is a waidup. Same stuff l.it Tin' star act mi- an exposition of the "Mnuli A -t of Self-Defense" by Johimj Tillman. Johnny pioved t i t midience that it was posSiJ to sta) in the -.inn i tig I r eight roiuuls with a hind puncher. Louie llogulu ii"ti'd Johiuiv defended luiii-i-lf pnfeetl) and emerged with II 1 ".ill llo-e. Hogiu', g. ' eli'lMhlllg (1-e. It was n I mldi bout. loi.'lll I l. I . ' ' i I'Jjir Co. WMfii-l YbU'RC AIL T3ROKCW jjewN im mcaCTh amO "rtoun. f!Vj5INCaS HMITMCH ADMISCS Yoo Ti TiKe. fs rxasr- 'oo.OVCihT .To IflKS ft Oosl V6M 13 35CRNWJ.VV T&o MUCH ) To Dfl) ',.9 "1 . - V CU WORK -pWmr' AND r MXLLV 56Aft KimO fRlGcsir 1 TAiTC -ttKJ 'FO?ciQl-Y skjO uC-mi Vou To Thc sSTGfrCt .poets; i.t TS ockiuua, . Cot LOTTA I 6oiM5 To I L xueBei To BOr V Tako- s "S, m&jm?m& SfijVdkiSiA mm. rMmmm& rr.: TJo? "jP jbr. . V A A. IW jCSZ68& Xzm M - r 'ft AMD VAt CAll CXIOrtMCi WMiT OTrtC.ua 3AY OP Yt(U. IWCRGflOlfslft TnlMfieS5 UA lAifM T tllB LOkJd "10 f-i HIM NOW fXtie. OJOHT amd This. Family" Doctor txrfs s3eRlou.S AMD pRaaCKIOOA A, fiRwiJOAM , TfeiP To JCT TmE 'BeweRf oP The sSs vovxae ao reea-nuu ircirri-rt-j - AmO -foO Tsie. Trie. JTeAMCR ran. 3CRNIUDA, 3T-,i.i. dloiiOLiisCfi. At5ouT TmC VAorK Tbo'RO .r-JKlG "3CHIC-JO tJiia xi0uv.D nr. GRISAT BUT I AOJT MiTi p RUT Tmiimk OOCHTA ae. at work FCCU llCTTCRi VHriictLV AU-fVlsDY &VT- Ot-jau. I JrJlXLSS TOO r I Xo SO J .;s 'sj ..m v;o - yy7 - AMD AFTER. Ai MOUTH IM 3CWMUCA' YtolJ pETURU HOME AMI FffGLicsci AMD LOOKirOC LIK"e A SlfFiIRCNT ffiRJOM- OH-M-M OOV !? AlisiT r A - GK-R-R-RAtsD AnO GUOR-R-R-Rioxjo TAW M "i"-tr U10NTJ i-ti-'-' j.-i-r v&05siiQ jSI. Ttmmw CnirlKht N y Trlliun- Inc. EFliilTWINS AUTO SHOW CROWDS Revival of Business Seen in Attention of People loivard Miss Ghamlons' Goal in Extra Various Makes of Cars Exhibited at Commercial Period Defeats New York Museum Building. at Ice Hockey .1 -I ami .I..-, t' rinliid.'lphij's tiienlietli annual au tomobile -how ut the I'ommereiul Mu seum Itni'diuc. Thirty-fourth street. n.i teiiiurect n.i u n-ries oi , -- . ,.. ,, .,,. . . I IIT'llI IX i'll ij' i i iiic iv "- --n ih-i'l-. da-die, slnshex and ... tliioiiL-hout the present week from '! IMilltidelphln Oirls' ire 0 a. in. to II p. m., i now in full feilturecl Iii ll series Oi i unit power plant c otisliuction bus lost giound, together nith the Itoatiiis ti.xli ( IiiissIm and linclv detail show many changes for the better. A mrprlse is in storo for those who have not (.'loudly wotched the four-cylinder engine, for It mi made a jjiilu of about i per cent RECORD-BREAKING NOT PROBABLE ON TRACKS Reconsider Phrase When You Look Over Records Some Cinder Marks Have Stood for Twenty Years and Still Look Good WllllA: in the act of looking forward to the big jenr that niviilts uportB It might he Just lis well to reconsider that ..l..nDn ",..,l l.r..l,l,,,. 11 ...Mnti lino h. k.v ten -i ned the intercity fc . '8r funmnitiVe los, for the hU- In d.-.f.ati.ot t e New Yoik nil-stars at k.n rjlliiil.T. Vhe HEht c) Under has gained tl.. I- IV- ' l.-t nigh,, , ' , 1" f,' ' V'co n .1 .is" In W- I s plly and the tivc lie him lost ground. A gva. bi -. - ..vgarenn n-nul latent product, of the .- ItruXof'nnftiuKtr'ny enptU'll "I 1 .i'' IJIlllKCT liv lllllllieiis after four m-' utc f pltiv in the Iiic minute exii i n-ilod. n the only t made ' ir ng the thirty-live nun- ot wlioui seieciect uie lour-cyiincler en gine. I" ut.s of n 'i . ll VoH skater- in '' it In i lull l' ' In t thi- n I t I dii-tty The slices- of the show Wll- n ovi.il In the Inicii attendance on Sat urd.i).iught "I'"'1' un"'f' 1"Vyf,;'1Vt" ; Corley C. C. Administers 2 Defeats ing night ,iu recent years ml suit a ' . , tin ill Ihtougli tlie exi UHior- o ,,,,,, ullej n ,, , ,,tunl sunduy I to of the lpceiliest ,j,,llv lnlll(w of curs shown n- it In- t,y avtmtng 'no ilub m. nitu-n und 'l,m7,,;:!,i,le'ldl;,,e"', ,,li,,,,,;', a ,v.,,,,l;,f lnisi,10SS ,1,,u xUL'yiTcr 'riZu,Z' iie-skutinc lic.Ullinei", ,a( ,. suited for. . 1 in imul iiml Mne.-lite nt tliclr club no:n.i. cast failed to anno) lt nnv (i,i the crouds come, nut ' in jmnl '-he l.rlillant liootlntr of Johimoo PHILS WITHDRAW i FROM BIG DEAL Pirates, Braves, Reds and Giants Plan Four-Cor-f . nered Trade New orl(. .Im. I15. - ''ini le- A Ptonel nm in'T o' the ".. Y rl Gl.im-. ,a- ret'irnec fr n the la-ibail meet, i, g ii l!..i,iBo 'Hid ndu. t- Hiat n four-i i rn-ri-d deul is p-nding which ni.n r sii'r in on" or nio'e p'ai.'r- co"i lng to tin iti.itif- Ile-,ib's t!.e lecTl rlub the Ited-. 1'irntes anil the Srai(s die conceri nil. While S-oii h'l' l uii'ild not e.c in timate t'i "in'it.i of the pbiier or p'a)ir- h i! ants ! n;i to ohta.'i b) the pi-'l 1 !,' i.go'i.l';"Ils. the f.n r r at the d'.il J on i. - ,ffi"'i'nt to e r-ati a nilhl -itsn-li I ('lllillg l'V "r' l.i'ls It i In l , le.l f at t tl'l ! ., f l ,.i i Will bo II u.t Ill.I.t 'I "!' tlie .g.. Frost-Bitten Divots on Wintry Links rpiIK - - It) SM)Y .Me.MISLirix iiJI.n's (lie tlnit the 'lllllll dls- ,ou t' ' taken i. ii ut 'ne annual ii.ntng of t'n (odt A-sociatton of I'l iludi-lpliiti. inl'ed in- toiiiorrou x.'.S' t it tin- Uelleiiie-Sliii'-ird s t. in., ill center iii-oiind tin- l.n ug londi- inis fur this -e.i-ou's ni'i.i'" ir iliuni- .oll-l.ip. Thollgll the gof nss.ii 1H" nil oh 'l.l's . ,ic l.id no intinintfi'ii o- n n nhiteui r.r deciutid for a change in i'ii'i foim. t ,s -aid that mam plm-is nt i ,, in ini.resti-1 in the tou-nn- ml! .it titil the meiting and ti!' ut- .1 d- i,ioii tor a hiinge. I.ii-t lear tlier were eig! inn ! ' - i i, 1 Ultl . With the ill'M It ilel ": lil' '. P in -Luting in the aft.;r.ii ou t', s. id nml -I mi -una! run ml- in- i,f" do uini th.iti-oix holes tiu.i.- tl.' u-t d v Tl." pl.iieirt involled -! u ante t tlie t hilt) -SIX hole ipill'lfMIl ion,) t. inlmit thiir) -two pi in i - in ir !' ii pia.i. t i. e. .no itbi. ! 1. ijr lucti I., r f .... n j ml lunl"r It !l ill vr tli it lh- uTlialfUl tit Lent sprliiKlniii-n, I'i pp-inrlm i u i n . Rolf i 1 I rn.i' 1 iiiiue-iiuiMi" t turik to h m-niur hh iinir what iivtn iir en ' 1 iii-'m , h. u' liairl caiifl. i nl !v IiihTuc- ,uL. m'li- prUe contr.liuti.ii nnd ' "H This i untrv flub lor ti. of the - a '.v. iniruKHm nt Ii. tlie .Iitrlci ll'- rilltcr reiiim . if i .ii .a i' In.. '. I irt- Inn ii' m I ilisliip . I mmthi n l.n the opt n furnl.i t . nth nt Iw Ari .. itn.l i.il imlu m 'h art iifTfnuJ ih" tli . h ur.c.'to .ll-riii'iitieiiiiui K..-. Il( klK,.(.,i Keen ami serious " ""i ..- ...w... - .j;.( ;;, , ,,, ,o 'Ti! liuring tit lir-t petimi .ew "" ', '.'"" i iii tlie exhibits- anil in me cxpiaini .- ji,nBon malt ne n timoiy mn nr "j Jtun n -I'o'ht ml' tot. nt". hut better couching , . sl,iiiL. ,t ,,f the Mile-men. I he nitty tun! HnlMnH iloiip-il .roc'-tt ami ".T"-".., ... i. Tl t- effnt a- the g.i.ne '.""' . '. h.Y. i.. in.iUrv liiiH been alert ' jvmh. "!Jt""?'jJ ? oc' ' . TP" ami oiiiiii' . . , . i in ii e un ' '" . .. --.- . i on i'i nrm-i iti. i i in i i'i--1 to lie, null I u , ,. ,1,1 1). rile: the third period , m,,,.iils fr these very signs ot ie- ,iriv ,teiUnt: M Uii.i'h Ilesi-rvM In ban. V,w Y..TI. i -- outp'ayed all the nay. . J" lx activity and feel that the Mtmil bj ti.om.-.i.w ..w of ".i to ll. 'ti,,,., rc',1 .able -tops ahum snung Mlll.iM ..u.leme has come; ; nith Uie ... Com defeat. 1,1.,. Baker May Be Traded the vi itor- It ten ni. ... jihoiv. , ' , ,, .. , ,i . , .1,,, nnlille is rignming Nr" rk. Jnn 1- niiiclnls nf th Now XIU- fni'iei' Heroine '1 he) led that the pulilic V: ,' T. ,' ,.. XmX Tonk-tci .iv thev Imow nnthlnK of 'hi , , i fii I,, -hoii iiiuch or at least lc-ei iilencing its inuri i rP,,r. n,i,t. "llnme Kun" linker, wlm run Whi'e tin i rds fill' t" -ioii iiiucii or u i ,.,,,1 experts xvlm farm lust bmhoii. t to return to tho ,,., m ... r .bit' r.iier hud to do' in motoic.us. ixcc ti i ' i i ,nu, nn, ,,,, ..nn. it H .ntlniHtn. how. !i-1 'T,.. :i.? V .lXp'il" 1.&i!Sr.'i-r' .ffjW "Lt iiiil! wiiiK siooi iiro'-ies- i iii if ...i. ... - -, ,, . ., Ill I. ihrn?e. "lecord hreuUliig." which has been so often applied. Record breaking from the viewpoint of ccncral Interest, possllr.y, hut linnl ly so from the standpoint of breaking records. Hercare a few targets, world record targets, that ambitious ntlilctcg can aim at: 100-yard tlntli: I .'1-5 seconds I). J. Kellv, Spokane. Wash. (II. 1'. Drew), 1110(1. (Ine-mlle run: - minutes 12 .'1-5 sec onds Norman Taher, Cambridge, lillfi. High jump: l! feet 7 fi-IO Inches 17. Hec'iori, Hcrkcley, 10M. Ilroad jump: L'l feet 11 inches I'nt O'Connor. Itelancl. JHOl. Shot put: 51 feet Ralph Hose, Hnn Francisco, 100!). Hummer throw: IM) feet OVi Inches P. Ujuii, New York. IM.'). Hullo .i Layout rpili;yi; few, among ninny other-, -L form quite a layout for any ambi tious record hunters who may leap guyly to the n-saiilt. I'nt O'Connor's brood jump record has stood the test longer than any other. Put must have had some knngamo blood In his veins, for he cleared more ground in that Hying jump twenty years ngo than any one Iiuh ever cleared since. A record that has lasted twenty jears In the face of such subsequent compe tition is nothing short of iillenoinennl. If l'at could have remained in the air a half breath longer he would lmve renrhed the -."-foot murk, a murk no jumper has ever attained. Only one or two have ever passed --1 feet: Itt feet fi inches was quite good enough to win the Olympic jump last yeur. 1'I.vIiik l'Vet DAN KKLLY, Hcmard Uiew and No.-man Taher lime al-o given the elect something to think mei. Kelly put away his il H-fi dash for the l(li) arils fifteen years ago. Drew tied this murk eight )ears later, mu (he human gre) hound who can peel off 1110 yards in H -) seconds liasn t yet nnnenrcd. It may be that some day some sprinter will he fust enough to send his feet 100 ynrds in !l seconds Hat, but that da) will be more than a month or two niiuy. Tuber's record, n great one, might he broken. A mile run in -1 min utes 10 seconds is not bejond all pos sibility. Only a combination of stamina und speed in unusual quantities will pio duce nn.v such turn, hut it is closer to probability than l'at daring leap. The High Jump Record lly URAWTLAND KICK 4'ji Inches was enough to llninl, fit(;. i1'0 Stf ?ymplc tc,8t' nnu that ctid Weight Jliirhs b. cracktcj QOME day some one may ,, ,, y who can toss a slxtccnnni.n.i i urther than Ralph Rose ?V &1 Iron hnll eleven years ago " Hill mp doubt it for some i. cenc. Tifty-onc fcrt' IhTioh? journey for a slxteen-pound hS'nk tJ take, with a human being acting Ui, propeller. Rose, In bulltl, was a gian. n giant who understood the art of in., ing Iron. ' ""' He was nhout us big as Jess Wilknl ns strong no nn African Imffaln .' wlih all that, elastic nnd wiry d' A trifle over forty. clBlit feet nn, u, errough to win the Inst Olympic .Jim put, so from this you can Judge Iime'i. record. u ' I'nt Rvnn's hammer toss of ISO Un OWj IiicheM is almost as remarkable a, the Rose record and will hardlv I,, splintered this budding season 7 U Covvriuht, 10H, hu 'tibllo Ltdorr Co. Amateur Sports The Illtio 1111 A. A., a noconi-clim tr.v.i Inc. ciulntit. uoulil like to nrtjnir r.m' wlih teams of Its cIkm orffrlrn r-aJbi! nunrantecs. lUne Trlt.chlor, ISM ItncLhi! stroot, or phono Ken.lmtton 3.-.40 after "J V. m. r ' WIImiii A, C.. u 4evi.nteen'C.Blitr.cn irar-on Hid. u tccun compontii of former tt-hola.u. PlBj-urs, would like to hear from uuliit.t, f Its nKe, cither cit homo or hw Sjm.i.i Uebei man. 713 miner mreit al Jloiim Cnnnrl llo' lul, Junior, ein to book contestii nith fourteen-alxteen.mr old qtilnielii huvInK hallcc rmt offerlni: full cxpeii.c.i Dan Oeati-im, 1RB7 xnrflln .treti lllilrlntone .Icmliiric denlre to icti-dnl. K.iuien with twi.ie-fuurtitn-ear-ilcl a.r rations, either nt hoint) or away Ha-i, Hchuarts. 11)14 .South Lnwremo tuUt Tno fjcit fomnrd, are wantfcl tn ut., with a slxtecn-ivar-olil truiellns file xiiri. ler, Blio.1 North Kecond atreot, Oln, Tlin Cohorkslnk Srnlorn ciwo tram.) d, rlru to arrutiKo Barnes with retwul and thIM rla. teams, ellhrr at home or nav J,rai Kolly. 2C31 Almond atrert ra St, .lohli's firm and Kecnml tnm ouM like, to hrnr frniii teiims uuhim. c. ,.... .. I tlielr hall. II N .Sh,m. siijj !, ''J i rtreet. INDIA SENDS CHALLENGE win Enter Davis Cup Competition for First Time India is to be mining the challcngm; nations for the Davis Cup, non on iti way hack to this eountr) froin Atistra- hisia. Two weeks ago it was Hnnln that l ,.1'Tlt III !l I'llfllll. lll.ll fill' tlin t.Cf.Mii O, , ..... ... .. ........ ... .... ..,,- iiimiia' Lonnor s tionul mug mid India U the sivond J country to enter the tennis lists for the ilrst time. lilt I. .. -t K .1 r i nere is u ruiiiirc, cu cinirse mat d ut ni.it e'l lll'.'H nut pud "'I' ' onl) as "" spntii"! In " lll.l . f ft IIU' V - W.ii' Mr- .Ic-l'i- ,: ).. ,.! ipn'i' ' l i it 'ite.1 I i il nir ii'i-l" 't Rut if tl I. i M'l'sslM' She mis' rcs'cigm " but sin- le.iclil) "us ,ppo-it i"U iiitluiut pnACHINf. c feet S inenes for the the Indian plu.iers inii).neiei i each the XV high jump has so far bullied the I niteel Suites this year, fur they may best talent In the game. meet one of the other nations in n pre. (eorge Ilorinc lifted his frame 0 feet i liminiiry iniitch uhriind and he defeat!. 7 inches a good many jeurs ago, anil jit is more likely, hoiveicr that the this stood until Ilecson adiled ."-10 of nn I cliiui will bring India uii'l one nf th liicli. Until reeeinls uere inadu in the 1 other nations together on American lighter California air. courts and then lie wll have our op- A high jump thai passes It feet 7 portunit) of seeing these clnik-skiDDfJ Inches: is going after altitude. Six feet men in action with a raccpiet t for there ! i M'l. ... .1 ... .. im if nrn i in 1 itH'l'ili "'' . 1,1,,- .1... ... .1.. ,. TninlM'. I1III1UUKII !,,. some to be. -en at thr ' J'- . , Ric-hurcl- und her sUtci'. Tin- public liii" """ '" ..i;.cie !'.,.. the imo clerl.ingjaii.l displays an "" Z hi' i tin- tuins that , u hen the) come i "' ' ",. ;... ,,,. iieilieuu.i in'; ....." nut MiinetiiniK "" ..r ii'tinements, un '1 lit 11V.T ' , v- n.'ht fr. m i the New ,' ' ii tine. 11" h into the in iti tin i t.i t! i i ..I. ' - ..'n' il- fuel Ik . t it n i ) li'i in i ntlons nl .1 rig ii v''.v .'. '..led t1 e J I'hllil.'sl lltil t t! " ' .lis ll.e.'i. Jl' tloniil. I'lu mle'iih.'i t..is . , uieutli y nithdrniin from fu'th'r purt .;mti. u in tin biL' t-a.i. . in' ' i .. I ars ,,! tlmt ltt'-ton I'lttst. :rg ' '. : 1 ntnl Ntiv "fk 'I'll I.- .r ' ii i In an ii!;re.. . ik.i h v ' . . t . n. in ti ul te "riH.I lt i kett.i n ' ii 1 i i 'i ' '' lllli'l I- I '!' I. - ' ' I . I i And it . . . , ii. i' II.. ,, ii satistii i w i n r'l ' 't . It. i. which ii -ii i i in. '' nt I'.i M i , HUll li.ll I l 11 1 ..il 'l ' i i' I Ii ' ' i t" lelSe 1 1. t l ll 1, , t '.. -'II ' ' I . s H I'll'. ! '"'1 I 11' '. I M Ci-.i ' t t, ' lie n it ' i ; i" ' r i i; .snui. .i c... I-, . , And tl . '., i i ;' pint li i ' ' if th i'ii t ' mug i .i... . ie i j i u I llatebnll Happening L fp M.itin il ft or i , . Irf J.ill'1 ir . : liu J... L Unit inuri i I'ii i.. .- i 7 .1. r i ' i (l ( leif 1.111,1 It' I I",' fl.'U. t ' I II. II .s . r.r Ut n .i. I - ' !l " I 1 llilltllll ire . I I l'lll, . ' I WilgU ... " ' ' ' I'lMfl'liruli- i . t h . I l t ' i ! Mat ' " i t .D 1 .li I , 1 rillnliicrKh 's .,l iri.'.l J li I i . ho hit i r i Pvlldil I ' I'iCJ li is i I I II Culuiy us t . 't thliu.tii ' v ilKiiatui' e n - . it Cfr I i ' it" ' - iwrt of no i it. niiin nun . . a uv iur uijct nai-in r. mils ut .ighteetl hub nl i tli tin- t'lials at thirti -, i, the,' n..rcs. the addi'iit'i 'I iin-tt 1 r pl.n nig dm t.i the toil! lo ) I riuit'it li il ariicr d, . st ited tlnit he ligurc )i i i .in t.. u ' ling" ti.. i i t nt i iwis ,l . is, it ilL ,ili I i it lit t l.oT I ! st ut and ll iish tlie .( ,.i 1 Ivocki'i' KiHiin Data. Judging It) the ,cu- n i c i.'iii'i'Miticiii. the i-iilri l"i lot .il i liiiinpl'insl lp w :, I e pin tie ilarl) if t'nrti -tiin t The l.iv.ii rl.ght- .i- I" 1 '. ilar in the i hat ip .'. ,ii tie r wiit. -n . . - 1 1 t.ii trtn'ii' 1 v I I''.' t'.l'tl t I' ' I' '.I ll .11 I ll laieliiiul N cipp irent.y iv. -1 t.i -f i i i. -nl rliilied I rem in '"i" i Hrtinn an. i ui r . main, ('nr.ii . .il .- th-it tlei i, III ri-dlic llrtleh liVce ' i . . nil" .srt-1. Kilf bll.l6 If the! ur n ' I ' -r a iui nnt!nt leamii will l,.- '.ir.ll. I'i :'.'. " I "fr Hi.- . I ... ,, ,.,!, Mnllei. t,at I ,11 I" ..'- - , ; ..I Maurle r.illii.un 1, hiiitir ., ,JJS M, , K ,1'tl hu' .1 I n. v an H'l "V . ,- . t . ,'iri.in- f,r lie. wl.,r In ihu I i , ,l. IMil". Hill "f Hi" PhlUle gir's. ""'"' ' ""' ...l1" '"l'1" :'lKh '' "tl'ltichl1 ' ,, .',. ,! s.eine.l 1,111 Iltellt If lit When OU Mhiti .1 in f I... 1,11 el."in, """ . . "' , . ., ... ... .. i.- in- it i in drop in th-r. 1' -..k... .,..i. . he, I'm" h-r claslces '1'iiin " run. ..r .,. t,Kll u Ills Herll.u rjal . in ,. . .... !.', . '...e I'llllldlMl! ' ' ii,.,, cot uuai -peHih ciei'iah to regis- llnvilinl rrerln lir.,ucrht forth ., h r.i !. . .... I..,, ill during 11 here e scrllll- ii ere f Veil ..l'!l's liiouils- I tl,,. i hlhltors unl the ijiiakci goal. I ini Hirer must pi . . ., ... .!.!.. I . i :.. . I .. ., . tnl'S ellllli'i Uieir s,,,,,-. inni'ccl in ne " - ,...., ,.f ,,.t . ..1.1. Il t,. Ieet MU, ,.,..v...n.l,. Illll f.e IlllllltlOIl HI lll tin- '. .-. . I" l.. t.i ,. gilllld unci all i hlte act c's-oiie- m "in. " K.0! ll.lltlllg .lll- ml 110- hat r's ell iik Miss Shnrti draw the I i lacking in none people to i no se.M This )car s evli'hit is of this. " h'or inM'ilice iltlmugh some ..l.tb" ' ; ueir -i -i'"- ".; ,i tut.ilaiueniiii. m ui" . ..it . t... i mi unci noiii "" l"" there lire an) II- uii-i , , thiiiiIht o: iiririn- ' w" '"';.... I ir. ir i thiit lit mirh tlm.. ii.. .1... t rnl'i. h. 'i roi.Kldiir It for u (hum. .n r tt 'iri...ni. nt ufi, r this t i. i.. pun, . ' - t..-l f. -I honured lu ihrow .itwii 'I Uubirl l . L'-lei nit.,, mm .bin-. I i ij un... - i jiiipoint a r iii.iriitt..' ti i ' iij.n. 'l.n with tl.. iwi.ii.Bi ti i.i. i uniin stiuu.d i, i,f -- .: i '' t .in ar ii o I. ill, 'li t nt ,,, t'i f C, ., eer t i I -I.t.f e t ' It I ill hi I ll Ti' I 'llll.'l' 'I. I" than ,ti to be s' ll fll- . i law Il t i il) ing I. -ii ,, It t tig. uini - t. ui.i..' .. -' V at I. l.cl, llrown. .dllnr of iluif 1 .ifr.ited isij t . vi i , rnan imrki i .tl.'k up iii .'irn.li I'.. ,rtM( tm ii-firto ii Hh lot i' u -i th. - mum ' Xit.tr ill i' i. rhimm n .i , n i J il i. i . ... I win t i.i v in ! a in in i i' i . itii. thli yeur ie ').. Ht. m " .; r -HM- - j ii ,ii nis ih.m a i p ,, f J "1 - - e , ti iri in a f ir., ' ' i 'i "lis All . t l.. i. P t- ,' ',) t ,. ('(,!( j ,. ,.. ti r t I ng1 ,),ie Kane i"s Hun it ..roiid ii g'eat night Im- 1'hilinlel- ti Un i ' Alt. r in ,, ,, , . Il'llll-l v ('U t' i , ii-un lii't. the .nten in .!,,.. Kane t" .it il ciau ticial. II mg tin- girls for tin- first time in into the ui-i column in r.u i-. It ii-iiiiiiiiid for inicii trim ioii in the I Ill lie noli 1,1- huit uini the hud n li'incli, ap "i fich but .. .ih I, lei tl to Millie m i. ii " .. .. i -. . , Weslel linker K'U H mill ir i.ii Kiiin- fini a ,-i .-ii. .... , tiiii-mile 1. this time the Metrei- ' i ti iU,'ii. mm i llirini - I Too Cold for Man 0' M.I.. War t . I III s - I , Al.il Al - 11 f r. in !. hi In r tnr Mi-- I'lltiL- tf'.iHs , ejntrv f K f r .in tl, . f ! in ,, . j. ,., ', i i .j- ti t ih-i i hi.inr ii4 -.0 f. ! mlei ,h r .. I ..r-. il . tt Legion liicllanuiHilU, Backs Jill! Boxing Bill ti iii i . - , i ' uiiwi.e ' . i ...... ,., Itllll I." I-i "!1 ''''P"'ll. lllllll,, i,. . ... .i !. I, I 71 t'.i inc. -n i i."ii, n.iiii r u . re p. i'i - ii" liliniii In. lade I il i ill I'I ."l , i t .'I '- ' ' ! '"!" t'i" title ' ' " I ' 'l . . , ,, ',!.!" 'ill, ,1'it tl o lit . 1 v, i V , s t , iwl ..n ',.. , ,,.,.. I'-! '.nil', I.. '. of 1 I .1 . I - 1,1 -tll- li I h I L'.UllI r 1 III I '"'I' 1 I . . ,. .. 1, imam 1 N ' ik ' ' i-ic.s i: i I . " "f risri"TPiMiiMiiTTTTi ' t ,. , r3rti ' i sm& ksl'-WI.WH . haul: on lulheieme to iirini'iiib's. to gain lidetice of the p I'.lie , Tlie cliEHi's t'i 'I'-.,. T- ,.!r l,v ilietn to be cIiuiipolimiiKi.i """,,.( siglitl I jnn. tl.,.. ,00 poui.cN. 'I" me longer bv tv. inches. I,.- v l.c.-l base hail..: nse.. fr. . ' I'M Tin, I'lii'lln is siisiiii.1 t. .fsphlieli.itlt. the llierage bo. ... '.i... i ". 7 III nnd 4 I.i- Hi l-l 1 1 li if 'ii, : , i.i engines I Im- I n iiic reused ..ml ihe picr output.. I-!.., that the uien.g ,'.J1Ki.. pi-lulu..- around lif ly lior. power. sli:;ht!i in excess of 'JJ..0 reio illtiolis pel lillllllli . Engines run mi oothej-, due to a bit ter Inline.' f.f lolnling and reciprocating Puel 1 1 niioiii) bus lieen ueiiec i, to ii In- !' stucls of fenl'ng urs show un 1 The J" f dm Am, Sjff Mil lll MM I r 2j3L VlillOtl tlie glsco'ls iiiisluie; inonil liibi h ilium is ooling H im- better b) a le- . . .... .. i. it.. ,....itii,.i iii. j Illl'lli.lO. .1 'Il'i null'- ihn.i."i. ....- iiiid.'i'gc.iie lilt', if .my change. Tl Cuba- b. en u noli, .able gain on I. ln-id i,;, Ill's lllld ll ' ' iil'llllltlle lo-.s in cue i -ie ti. i.ilie niii The disk and pi.it" , little hm" us un M-ored a gain. Tl..- 1 TS'S d Vi wr ceil msconnt ' taken off your sales check vhen you pay GYM SUITS ! Worsted Rym slvits Cotton gym sh'il: Sweat shirtj Runnins pants Turner pants Y. M. C. A. panls Rubber-sole shoes Icather gym slioes EcxIp.'j slioe.i Jock strap Reg Die- V ou Price count Pay $3.50 $I.I(j $2.34 1.00 .33 .84 4.00 1 3 3 2.G7 t.25 4! .84 3.00 I 00 2.00 3.50 I 16 2.34 2.25 .7 5 1.50 3.50 I Ifi 2.34 6.00 1 00 4.00 .75 2 3 .50 arshall E. Smith & Bro. 724 Chestnut St. -uWittTi SffAifl'r; Kufr' rhi.fr.??jn r i jnv : k r . i mn &w .Vr -: ,-.. Rii 3Sis. F 5kT - sJi-'. '; 1.V .i'. ' '??.- S& Bw-S.'SiS v ti i- ILU a: ilSL Henrietta Cigars have been Favorites for years. The in crease in demand for them has always been steady and continuous. Today thou sands of smokers buy them regularly and won't buy anything else. Henrietta ADMIRALS KISHNLOHR'S MASTLIUMECE 15c straight Per fee to 13c 2 fo: size 25c OTTO EISENLOHR & BROS., INC, EVERY issue of Vanity Fair is a knock-out to those ancient intel lectuals with Mid-Victorian ideas as to what a proper magazine should be. PRECEDENT? Convention? They're waste-basket word when an issue of Vanity Fair rocs to, press. It's what the brilliant writers of the day are saying what the cleverest of the artists are drawing what the foremost dramatists are producing what the famous dancen, satirists, singers and sportsmen arc doing, thinking, and quarreling over that puts the punch in the eDruary VANITY FAIR On Sale Now At All News Stands hi This Issue: CSTADLISHL'D I 050 Hey u'ooil H rouii writes a wonderful article on Ourpenticr'niiil Dcmpncy, while Walti-r I.ippinnn, II. L. .Mencken, Floyd Dell, Si. John Krvino and Hugh Wulnole contribute unusual articles, reviews nnd appreciations. Full-pape jiortr.iits of Ceeilc .Sorcl, Muri lynn Miller ami other celebrities of the iitupe jiml ticrceii. A page of fnmoiiH Green wieh Villnger, three papcn of salirieal drawing, imd vuriegutcd riLf-tchc, photo priiphs and coiument on art, literature, tho theatre, and tho world at large. Thomas Hurkn begins nnolbcr bcrie. ofj1ii famous Linichouse sketches, teinperainental new lodgers occupy rnnity FairV Hall of Fame, .Simeon .Strunsky writes of Intellpc lual.s and Highbrows, and Giovanni l'aph'j ery unhappy over something or other! writes about Smth. Then, just to round out one of ihe best numbers of tho e.ir, there'n the auction bridge refuse, t ii-iity-four modcli of the very newest cnr ami four pages of clothes for tho well dressed man. Where's the Nearest News Stand? t JL. A ifVltswrjrti..J -s.-irt-c - & 1 A rssi -cc ft'iscfl v toasfeJ inl twiL , J-Vi JLc l "V 6 t 'f ,A . Jis VJt J U-.f4i