ifcvav' '"""! r3f" ' f. 'V 'v - ! l , -. -.-. 80 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHinAJDELPHIA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 921 4? - DEATItl wDONEOAN -Suddenly. Jnn. 12, WILLIAM T., beloved on nf .lames P. nnu Laura V. Tonegnn (nee Welkcl), In his 21st year. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Sat.. A.30 a. m., from parents' residence. t 1033 N Orlannn at. High renulem mass t Church of Immaoutntn Conception It) n. rn. Int Hnlv Cross Cem DOtTCIHERTY Jan. is. 1021. MAR OARET DOUGHERTY (nee MrFntlden). Widow of Charles Dougherty, mother of J lev. Michael P. Doughcrtv. C. M. and lev. Charles A. Dougherty. H. Ar Rein tlvea nnd frlcnda of the fnmlly Invited to funeral. Sat . 8 30 n. m., from non's rest dence. 4531 Pulnskl nve So'emn rcquUm mM nt Ht Vincent do Pnul'a Church 10 , in Int Holy Sepulchre Cem Automobile funeral DOUGHERTY In France Aug ".'1. 1'1S. J ALFRED noi'OHUUTY. Co. II. 100th rennylanlii Infnntr. lti-interred at Arllng ton, Jnn 14 1021. DUCKWORTH --.lm 12 11 ADELIA. wife of Wilmor Duckworth (ne I.nndl) Funeral aervlrea Mon 2 p. m 0.17 V. 43d wt Class of '517, Girls' Normal School; Teacher Rmif Asso and Lsdles' Aid of Itnrv Cnmmundorv . No 30. K T. , Urvlted. jnt Pernwood rem. DURKIN Suddenly Jan It. BRIDGET. "wire of Patrick Durkln neo Harsrietdi of Ikinnlcon on County Mayo Ireland Rela tives nnd friend aro lnvlteil to attend fit Teral. Sat S-30 a m . residence. 2737 Titan st Solemn high mass of requiem St Antlmnys Lhurih 10 a in. Int Holy Cross Cem ENGARP Tan. 12. 1321. l.TDA vlf of the i.iv l-'rs-ik V. Engard Relatives nnd friend are !nlled to attend funeral serv ices, S.it 2 p m . late lestdence. 3331 lVayno ave , tlernnntovvn. Int. private, North i lnr Hill (em KVANC Jnn. 13. 1021, at III laic real lnc 13 t: Washington at M.d'i. Pa. JOHN HEVRY EVANS. In hla 73d lear Borilces nnd Interment private. FfLMER on .Tan 10. UPWARD T. 'husbanl of KMxahcth A Fulmer. In hla 72d ear Relatives anil friend, also Meridian fun Lodge No. IBs. P and A. M . Orlntnl "hnpter No I S3 It. A. M Spring Oarib'ti Lodge . i !'(. I. l () F . WitihlnK-tun Camp No OSS. P. O. S of A . Phil i tioriiin JCo. 4 KM 'Id of Honor and Police lleneflel.il Ao ari Itvlted to the servlee on Saturd iv afternoon nt 2 o' lock, at hi lite residence. 6301 Y"ik toid. Interment prlvnte Q All RETT At Sin Diego c.illf on Dec. tit. CLARENCE T. husKim! of Edith 11. Garrett lletntlves in.l friend are lnltd to the eerlce. on Snlurdnv afternoon nt 2 o'clock it hla late residence. 4131 (lliard ave . J'hlli Interment private aori nnY .inn 12. rcrtiia s. vuiow of Benjamin P Oould-y lunernl services will bo hcM Sat 1 30 p ni at the resi dence of her son In 'aw. Robert i:hlv 4432 Mitchell s- Koxhoroueh. Int private, rrlenda may call Prl l m OREt.'N At Ilaltlmore Md . on Jan 12 ANNA CATIIELL vvlf of the late Harry llrnwn (Ireen Tnt'Tment at Ecllngtnn Cetn eteiv W'oolliurv N J . on Saturd.iv, "0PTKKCNT -Jan 12. Al.RRRT. hu liand of nna (liijekjinst (iee Huh(hl. Reli tlvea ird frt. nd t'Hn all oc1ttea of vvhi-h h vva it m"mlr are Invited to attend fu neral i, rvi' a Sat I P m 012 HMn Ji.ird at In. orlv.it' lvv Hill Cem. PrlenJs Inav call Prl. 7 to ' p. m HAQNFV Jan. 12. TKRPNCE huband ef late Aim a Hasnev I'uneral S,it . N 30 r. m from reMnce of ulster. Mr Pat rick McAnnllv 1717 S 30th st Solemn re tmlem m at Church of ilowt nieased bairament 10 a m. lit. Holv Cios Cem TirUPKI.I H'Rtl uiM-nIj Jnn 1.'. MARY A. vnr. ,f Harrv S lleldelbere II V. M fodnlttv ltar and Rotirv t". r etv nnd 7eaBU, of Mcre.l Heart ln It, ,1 to funeral. Von . s in h m from her late residence M33 Wtll'vva ivvi. Solemn hlsh requiem maaa rhuriti n' Mot I!l,i Sacrament 10 m lr' II,' v roaa Cem JICMPHU.I. Jan 11 MARY wife of the late Jamea Hemphhlll (nee Anderson) Ilela tlvea nnd friend nre Invil.'j to ntteml fu neral eerv ,'es Sat 2pm Ht lot real lence 2311 Cmas at Int Mt Morl.ih Cem. Remains mav lw viewed Prl evo HlTHSl'N Jan 1J 11121 MARY 17. wife f Jonn II IIuo"n ienl 31 Relntlvea and fr)ends nvlted to funeral ervlcea. Prldiv r m c'ldont 4 Albert ave . Aldan. Ph. jnt I'nin ''emet'Tv Oeoriretovrn Del, lll-tlllKS Jan II ELIZABETH T. E. lfe of Henr A Hucha. Services .it datlich ler's resi lenee li'OH N Frailer K . Sat . J .10 p. m It.t Cold Sprtnic iVm . Caoe Ui. " 1 JACKSi'V .Ian 11, 1021. 1.OTHR0P JACKiiiV hub.ind of lite Ella V Statk hnuse uif:d 7(1. Funeral service Sit 2 p. ro. lato residence. (102 Elm ave.. Rlverton. N. J. KERN Jarp 12 1021 JOHN KERNS ocrd 70 Relatives and frlenda r Invited to mten I funeral. Sun III 30 n. m from his lale residence 102 Montgomery uve, Pitman N J Servl, es at the house. Int SfllPBton Cem . Clarksboro, N. J KESTI'R At .Licobstovvn. N J Jun 13, EtI,A 11 wire of Waiter N Kester Kela tlvea and frl,'nd ar" Invited to nttend fu jieral fr m the home of her husband, near Jucobsi'-v n J Sun . 2 p m. Int. Jaen! st , n flaptlst Cem KINNIER Jan 13 EM.FN dauehter of the lit" Jirri'-s and Ann Klnnlr. Iim rul eervl.-es Sat 'J i m . 1224 W. AlleKhenv nvm. In p"U ite KORNFEI.U Jan 13 .MARY mother of ilta Jo--, ph Cohen Mrs Bert Weisa. Mrs Arthur ll'isenheric anl .Max Kornfeld Rel tlves and frt, nds aro Invited to attend fu naral sun from the parlors f Sit Picks l.tnnx ave NVw York clt, N. Y. -Sew York yarers t, e ise copv I PCE - Suddenly on Jan. 11 JOHN' PANIMUDUE IIEM.EV 1,1,'CE son of th late R-ir AImlral Stephen Illnecker t.uce. Vi S x . and Eliza Henley I,uce. runerai In! Newport. R. 1 Triday. J,ik. 14. I.Yl.I.E on J.in II CHARLES E H l.TlA.r, service ,n Sujrdav afternoon 11 2 ;n . !r.. k at the Oliver II Hilr llldi; is.mi Caesttuit . Interment private Please orrlt tV f r ll,PA,-'-!,in 12 JUnr.K M wife of Jfs pli V lv.i inee W ,snl Rtlatlvrs anl friend - -, 1 1 t funeni sat s to n in late r"" 1 11 3111 V llovvv,,,,! st (Hm 1 and Al t:v tiv iv,- i Sulemn rtquiem p.asa nt St i,ph-n- Chunh lu a m. Ii.t W, at rnlns' t t JIAl M'r.V -Jan 12 JllHN .1 hus ln'il if n 1 e Mackehse. nie,, Fn ti It. I x tlves ir I fn-nds are mv te,l l fontril J5it , h'n 11 m.. late rciden-'H r. s 1 3 r,.,ijr live , tun l,qulln ll'ii c fhuuh f Transrlt-uraMon 10 u m. Int Uolv I'rosii Cem t MARi'T 1 First . nth 12th VM at h'T I 1'" r s. 1 n v I'rl,r1s Hmrillnv lining noo 1;-. . tie rtt ijerui mtoivn r.I.IZMIETH MAP."T a -ed si years Iunera' and 111- ..ttrtnent prlVMte Mci'lS-KY Jan 12 I11IIN MITCHE1.I iliusbaii.l ,f Laura K M losky Puneril Jerviees S ,f 1 30 p m . lite reeldr-rce 2321 8 Leimbtrt ' In iriv.tte West Iiulel 1IIII C. n. lr nils inav .all Fi 1 cv MICKI.E Jail 1.' SARAH J ivlfe of Ilwih Ml .- i'uneral Sm 2pm late ire ili n, t -'310 S Mu e at Int rernvvoud Irein rriei 1 miy all Frl eve MOORE Jan 12 ALBERT MOORE Jlolatlves anl friends also Pjnerll iJlree. tors' Ass 1 M II ueli I ..ilire Vo 32S P anil A M V. 'eran Corps 1st Regiment N G V .in 1 H 1 ili-ton eferans invited to rervlies snt 1 p m n 'esidepi e 021 N IStli st It West laurel HIil Cmr Friends mav 1 -til Ft eve MOI-tlils' Jan 12 II. JI tOIIV J. b" lnv 1 an u' 'it,- (Je.,. ,tr 1 Cithii-in Mm rls met' H' hi' lu lis V.ih vest Ri-1 itlves ,and frlimlK 1 ls,i enip' v -a ..f Phi 1 1 ustnm 'Jlouve 1 . 'e,1 1,1 I ineral tfai s 3o fi. m (from th isir. ,rs f I hn F Fleuht 1U4 W 'husqiAh. ria eve -il.mn requiem mess ar J"t i:'inli I'liard pi n m ln 'ew ath, Inl 1 -ni. 1; mains m.v. W- vlen, i rn e o'ruiWBl r. -On Jan. 12 1 021 ELLEN JIKVERS. .- r, of Frank 1. O'Donn-ll ll t vi- and frmds arelnM'.d to the serv. lie Si'urdiy nfirn m nt 2 a clock at har lnt. t,si,l..ne. I34 N 32d at Interment at '.si .IB' n ' "til' t "f. P-lends may tall Fri day venlnu. PP. 1 IT J , 12 P'Jl NATHANIEL 1 It I ' n hli Mi vt it Fun r 1 rervt, s in 1 3d n lr i,t., , .mim i.Un ,mi,.s Ji I i r '.un , I a In 1 r'v it. Hli'11 p) -' E'.ileth s ,. J.,r 3-' I'i-I. HnWMlD Rli HARDS liaeil 1 a un nil H nil I til i nri-t I h iri n 1-11 ,- . li th. N I Hut. I '10 , m I ROril FIN'CI Sudd, n.v .Tar. 1ft UPVIIT ' Iti '111 FINiJ husband of th- !ae ('atha 3 m I' I l.n-' Me Sohaef.ri n"l 03 R-a-lives and f r,i r Is membera of Oermon Ivani; Lut v l.'manu 1 m r hurrh t Itn and r'nrpetiler an 1 Mi. M'irHh I.odie No Hia V anil M Orient il It ( Inpter. No 1S3 i) H'in !- V.i 11.1 I o o F. . J"hl a .1' I ri'tie i nfr sso And 2d Ward Jl mb ''in it Invi"' i ti funeral Sat J2 30 p in rsil"'Ve ''2f. I. Paevi-unk av'. ISe'viii's ir h ilsiv rireil rbiifh 2pm lyirei Is 1. Re nilos ma I e vi. we) I'rJ. eve. ant M' P a. ' I'rrn ROFM-I on J m 12 1)PM RoCXEL farnieily if At ami .t ... 1 7". w,us y'uin i il 'i Sit'l'liv un rn.ni; it k In ti c in k fn m Hi" i l, r II Bvir Ill'U 12H n'hest it h' It -i' ! m hurh niiKH at lh" -'th d' ,' it ( 1. !rtrt?unt prlvati RYAN Ian II. NET LIE JI widow of IVIIitim I. van 'nee MtUiirii Rrlatlves and S ien Is alsu H X -M Sodalttv In V ted to funeral sit 30 a n. (turn tp r lata ye'd II " 'i" N -'7th at H entn ruriuiern JIUisi t 1 .in ', av t s ' huo ll 10 a m i, t t j,i n In. Cetn M( III."- I It Jm -' MF1.IA wife if Wint i I I - ' " F ii i 2 jo v jn 1 i ' ) ! 1 I' ' ii ' n ave I MJi:ilTKP-RS 6,r vrriri iATTER.SBY' I All Funeral I Prices Lowered S CoRiplcIc Hurial Services H0, $175, SMO & $275 S Includes fii crythinp S Manj- vnluulilo nnd money-savlnfr 5 HUKBcstlons ran ba made by us If j-; yon raro to phono, write or call. 1)336 N. BROAD TgiSSSfi i'i ' mmmmmmmm HP WW BROAD Afco J' DIAMOND uhatuj . Int North Cedar Hill Cem Remalrra may i viewed Frl . nfter 7 ti. m SCHWANN Jan. 12. ELIZAIinTH. wife of Otto Schwann (nee Kl'roy). Relatives nnd frlenda invited o funeral t?.it . 8.30 n. rn . lnte- residence. 2732 K Ann at. Requiem rilrh masa Church of Nativity 10 n. m, Int Holy Hcputerire Cem Vlevvlnc Prl. eve. SELIOER. Suddenly nt Pittsburgh. Pa. on Jan. 10, OEOROIi.' J., huaband of Sarah Selleer. Services and Interment prlvite. SMITH Jnn. 13, JAMES II . husband of Maruaret A Smith (neo Ilenn) need SI. Relatties anl friends, nlao Phllinthroyi IsidBO, No. 13 I. O, O. F . of Phlla. Gen eral John F Ileynolda Post. No 71, O. A. R . and lurvlvlnw membera of Co It. 2flth Pa Volun'cers are Invited to nttend fu neral. Mon.. 10 n m.. from hla late resi dence, (llendora. N. J. Sen Ices nt the home. Int. West Ijimrel Hill Cetn. Friends may call Sun, nfter 7 p ni THORNTON. Jan. 12. MARGARET, mother of he Into Thomas Thornton (nee McOlnnlss) Relatives and frlenda Invited to runerai. Snt . S.30 a. m.. from her late res idence, 1050 S 2d st Solemn maas of re qulem St. Edmond'a Church 10 a. m. Int. New Cnlh-dral Cem TOPRTFI.OT Jnn. 12. 1021. SADIE JANE, wife of N Robert Toartelnt Funeral services Sat 2pm at her late residence. 320 Washington ave . Haddonilold, N. J. Int private KverKi-een Cem. PS-IIER Jan 12 JA.MES WILLIAM, be loved aon or James ind Carrie L'sher (nee Sherman) need 3 mos 3 dis Relatives and frhndi Invited to funernl services. Sat.. 2 13 p. tn . at parents' residence, 3100 N. Front st It t dreenmount Cem. WI9WELL - J.in 12 at the Methodist Episcopal Home IK'llEIlT WISWELL. need hi. Funeni services at the Home. Helmont and EdRclev avis tit 10 n m. precisely. Int. M. Hop, Delaware ro., Pa. WYMAN Jan 12 CAROLINE E. wlf or the late Isaa Wmnn In her "Mst yen'. Funeral services Mmi 2 P. m ."132 fllrarl nve Col. Miwn Clrile. No S. Ladles or (1 A. 11. and oiler s,u .etiea or which she v as u nit ruber. Invited Int. Mt. Morlnh Cem i.i:n.vi. .Miyr.RTisKMKXTs KSeJ1- USTATE OP Is.VDOKi: A. PAHKKR, deceaseil Letters of ndmlnlstrntlon on the nbo"e estate hnvlnn been srnntcd to the utiilerslyntd. all persona Indebted to the said estate are requested to makn payment nnd those having claims to present tho same, without del n.v. to C. TREVOR IH'NHAM. Administrator Or to his attornevs CHAPMAN & CHAPMAN, 1 11(1 Wldener llldvt J'hlln . Pa ji-p. ESTATE OP m".KY AJIA.MIA tCU MOOD, deceaseil I otters nf ndml" Istrotlon pendente lite uion tho estate of Marv Amanda Wood, deceased havlnir been ur.inted to FIDELITY TRFST COifPANY nnd EDWARD J SCANLON all persona In debted to the said estate are requested to make pavment. ami thnse hnMntf claims nKnlnst the same to present thenr, without dela at the office of the said company, Nos 323-331 Chestnut st . Philadelphia. WILLIAM P C.EST. President. 23?-' lTATP, Ol'CI.AR.V A. M'MOLL. DK- ivased letters testninentary on the above estate hnvltac been granted to the un derslKned, ail persons indebted to Bald estate are requested to make pavment, nnd those having claims to present the same, with- tmt delav to I'ttiaiE-r uuni iu.mi'a.i. Executnr. "(Ill (leimantown nve. phlla. 4-ZT EsTATi: OP EIIITII MARY MAl'II tozU KEl.I.l'.K. deceased Letters testa mentary on the above estate having been Kranted to the understgrred. all persons In debted to the said estate are requested to make pavment and those having claims to present the same without dcla. to FLORENCE ADA REVELL. Executrix. Or to her attornevs. CHAPMAN A CHAPMAN 14H1 Wi loner lll-ltr Philndeirhln. Ta CIU'IIT OP CO.MJION PI,K,AS NO. .1 &ZB for the Connlv of PhltiKlctphlii. March Trm. 1DJ0. No. 1310. In Divorce. .Seng weiner vs. nose einer To Rote Werner late of 1730 N. Darlcn st , Philadelphia respondent You will please take nutlce that I have been appointed mister by the court In the above entitled ..ise In which your husband has brought suit ng ilnst you for nbsolutn dlvorco ont the grounds of desertion nnd adultery, nnd thit 1 will hold a meeting for the purpose of t.tltlns testlmonv In said care at my oftii r urth feor West End Trust Building S W i orner Hr..ad and South Penn square, on Tncilnv , February 1, 1021, at 3 30 p m . when and where vou may at tend with vvltts'sses If vou so desire. RICHARD HAY WOOLSEY. Master. LOST AND TOUND BAIS Lost, a black velvet bog. silver top I'ui'titlnltur moncv anl other articles Lib. era! reward If returned to Mrs Jules K Mastlnum. 2307 N Bro.nl st UICYCLE Victor. No 337c. taken from 11th und Spruie "is Reward I;o o Ia?arv Hotel Colonial. 11th nt.M Sprun1. No questions BROOCH Lost diamond brooch fleur-de-lis shape, on Monday evening. January 10 betv.een 16h and Wainut and Broad and Chancellor, liberal reward. Return to The Bailey Hanks K Hlddle Co PLl'SH BOX Lost a ulack plush hux ,-!ai urday evening at 3Sth and Walnut or at Rdgevvood and Market containing a, cunsld erublo sum nf mono liberal reward. Phona Ardmore 1S92 PERSONALS EAT Vol R WAY to health fuod muses ills ells, 1,1111 met 1'iui.j, nnu i"uuiiu vijiir healh bfii'tHs constipation an.i other di gestive dlsturbam es sis-clal k din v diet vlr, A Wilson Jtl S Hid Mt. -Inruee 7.-..I tSA.MCEL Bl'SLOVICH has sold his cigar. i I'tifecllonerv store to Philip Schwarta. Credlturs apply to Joseph Silverman, 2242 u s, a. n.i nf liAtnrn .ten If, 1(1"1 n ii. e. ..,, . M.... ... 4wk.. HELP WANTED FEMALE UoOKJvI'.EPER and stnoir ipher. ,.ung unmnti etierlenced 1'rotestant state nai tlculars and sal.irv wanted M Hit), Ledger office liK'TAl'IlnMl optran.r f n plumbing up.v business Anplv Fleck H-.is "oN 'ihst Hul"SEoRI illrl or woman ixperienced seushi'le n auminer i iiuiiv ..-t- a. jui'i Venn st Frankfort! HoLsEWoRK Exp. while girl 114 vvk . no laun , rer . i mm. inun sia i-n Arum iuj;i MENDERS) on vvorstod men e wear and dress ... J- ..nBirua Irlrntlriaa nil A (ntrlns Ah ply 7 n. m to 7 p m . Kmpluinvnc Offlco, iruim.. ariktiri ii ituunvj iu i nir.ii-o nu- llKNIJUHt on lrBH kuihIf mia rat'n'n wcm. APPl" tliipr v -t'" wtiniiHniDwn ue NKTTUKA txyrlencod nanted un timuM moidt to tnk- ork hum. F . iQilv nm flarm.infiiu'n a v.. PUBLIC HEALTH NI RSE wanted. Apply to New Jerscv state Hepartmn-t of Health, TinreAii of Child llvglene. Statu House. Tren. . s? 1 lull ... SOLICITOR to appoint npri seniatlves for savirg funds saliry or evminls"lnn lends furnished Apply 21 1 N l.'.th si STRNOC.nvPltF.lt I A good i.ien ne for n blight intelligent ate. nographei who Is looking (or u t.ad ikj sltlon .'h advancement. App v Bureau of Emplovment WANAMAKER s TENoCJKAPIIEIt wanted In law office, must re experience nnd have good English education, reference required salary (23 per ek. Applv 401 I.IUvTly Hldg. TELEPHONE CLERK Win el a go .1 ,. elk who has had eximrl mio In uephuie operating App v Bureau of Empl,vment W NAMAKER a TEX I'll. E WORKERS We will rectlve anplli atlons from worker In all brnnchea Ii All ai,aniles uh thev ar rive. If ou are not mploed at prtsent ill after 1) u. m secund Ilonr. 270H (Jerman- ttiw nnv WAITUKSS wanted. wl.lie Prul.-stant, Wvm ' IM Phono og mtz 'i7 Generu) JIAKE MONEY AT HOME 1 ou can earn from II to JJ an hour In your spare tlms writing show cards, qub-klv and easily learts'd no canvassing, we teach ou how and sell vour work Write today fur full particulars to American Show Card School, nnit Ti. .! ril.ln Tnsfinln Panarln i !,l,lll"- iv er 17 fur postal mat1 servlr, jinn in 'lit r , xainlnations J muarv exp rl . t. i- unni'iei-uv F'-r f r partle'ilars vrlte I laonnrd ifurmer ''I'll "ervlm Ex in In -r) .a.' i'qultable Bldg Wnslllngtin fi c HELP WANTED MALE , i uJNTANTH A large Aim of pu,.'lc ac i unt.itKs reijulre experl i.' , 1 nn'i snd semisenlors .ippllcntlons onl- considered from those having public ic r ouni.,ncv exrifrl-em-e and stating ng. ixpi rl. ne(, and salary r ' l'r 1 C 'Jjl ledger flfflce BRAMURH exyirlenied on fim vvoiu Apply after ii a m U7isi Clermiiitown ave liovn HM.KHetAN (o sell oar ti per cent g.,id tlrsi In ii bonds t, rritorv In jour dls- irut assigned (o jou, llbenl "imm'sslons tu.NUH T R1V11K TRANHI'ORTATInN, Inc.. 41Vihj;I si I'ltisburgh Pa IHXiKKK.Kl'KR wanted by trust lompany for Indlvldudl Ii dger do not rep'v unless xperleni ed but atate salary desired and ,- i r, ferelice V I1.M0 Ii-djrer (Jflke. IhiiJkKISKI'KR and slenograph, r .Must have piuitiial experience iu tnke full charge of offices. Apply (loodjear Rubber Cumpany bO Chestnut st CITY HAIJiti.MlN, wanted If you nrs now worKintf in a posmoii which ih hoi einireiy satisfactory to you awl have a real ambi tion to get Into the Belling game In a high class way, where permanency and high In come Is assured and where you will ba as sociated with a city sales (arcs handllnv a proposition that J A lln every way, come and sea me (or telephnna) today or tomor row and learn what I ave to offer you. elepnono oprucw ota, ui ivimiu iV ?f lusuvr ittu ssk-ii;:lx,3'iioosiaft, . HKLP WANTED JIAIiE CHAUFFEtlR experience nnd reliables one who has had some canvaaslnn experlencei reply, statins; nire. experience and references! married man preferred! salary and bonus. c 203, ieuger uilice KNITTERS, experienced, on full-fnehloned silk hoae, will pay J.1I5 per week to leggcrs and 0S to footers io start, with ft good chance of advancement. will eunrnntee nteady work, none but first-class knitters need apply. Address R 40. P, O, Box 34HI, 'MECHANIC Automobile, Wxnert. on Ford e.n.ie unrli. no other need apply before 7 n'rlofk. 210 N Front. , PROOFREADER, first class, thor oughly erperlenced, membsr or. Tjpogrorhlcal Unlott, wanted on Philadelphia Tuhllo ledger: perma rient position w th good ealary to right man. Apply at OOfl Chestnut st., fifth floor, after 6 p. m. RIVETERS HOLDERS-ON HEATERS COMPETENT MEN ONLY wanted nt once for long-time shipbuilding Job OPEN SHOP, UNLIMITED PRODUCTION Bring your gang or vvo will help ou make one up from applicants APPLY CRAMPS' SHIPYARD Emplovment Department RICHMOND ABOVE NORRIS ST, SALESMAN Mill making high-grade lists lightweight underwear fur ladles desires to get In touch with salesman cspnblo of handling entire selling epd. good proposition for right man, give references and experience first letter Portage Undervvenr Mfg Co., Portnge Wis SALESMEN Turn Into good coin your am bition to be recognised na u master sales man at stead) earnings of not less than 1.".0 a week, we re not holding a wlll-o'-the-wisp before you we have the very oppor tunity for you that this ad declares con dltlonal only bv your willingness to walk and talk and tell the truth and to accent the strong co-operation of a rapidly urowlnir banking Institution that Is more than willing to go all the way In hacking ou up If you re between 23 nnd (10. call from 10 to 4 suite CO.". andam Bldg.. loth and Ior Ket nts SALESMEN An opportunity to securo very large returns Is offered to men of good cVfiraeter. capable or presenting the financing of a most legitimate proposition to business men and investors, full co-operation and every facility will be supplies (ien ral Prop. t rtles Corp . S W. cor. 13th andWalnut ata SALl.SMEN Traveling salesmen wanted to sell beaded and rhlnestonc shoe ornaments, must bo acquainted with the shoe lino for middle vert, south and Pacific states also mast states P 1J24. Ledger Office. SHEET METAL WORKERS SJ FULL RIVETINU U NliM EXPERIENCED STEADY JOB PIECEWORK RATES BETHLEHEM SHIPRUILDINO CORP LTD SI'Aimuw s I'Ul.M, JIAIIYLAND APPLY TO MR. THI'RMAN. 1321 ARCH ST . STATE F.MPI.OYMEN SHIRT SALESMEN for well-known line men's shirts nnd pajamas selling to retail trade for states Pennsylvania. New Jersey and Delaware, must have large folliwlirg among department and men'H furnish ings stores nnd be u man of proven abllltv . write, giving full particulars, information will le held In strict con tldmce. P. O . Room 303, 133 Bioad wa New Yurk cltv. N. Y. fc'1'h.NoilItAPHE'It. soung man. Hume, ix perlence. moderate salary to start excel lent opportunity for advancement reply with ful. details or past experience, n fer erce. age aalnry desired, etc M JUL Te1gr Off Ire SUPERINTENDENT Wanted, by n large glazed-kid cjnrirn. experienced superin tendent of benmhouse. one who thoroughly understands liming and curing of goat skins responsible position must bo well qualified wnndorful opportunity fJr the rlcht man. Write W. Atkins cam of Rltz-Carlton Hotel Philadelphia Pi TEXTILE WCJRKERH We will rece.ve application from woikers In all brunches to f.ll acancles as they arrive lr vou a-e not emploved a', present call after Ii a in second floor 2700 Oermantown a e WATCHMAN experienced and reliable wfth referei ces to work from fl p m Saturdav to n m Sunday; steady employment out side work Reply, stating ago experience ar.d s.llarv expected H B33 Tdger Office WOOLEN MILL SUPERINTENDENT Wanted, practlral woolen mill superintend ent tn take full charge of mill operations and fflca at mill near Detroit, good oppor tunity for right man to securo Interest In this business with strong people ba k .,t It statu experience, age salarv financial con dition nnd full details. Address C J n Uux 372. City Hall Station. New York illy YOFNO MAN. clean-cut. energetic, for gon ernl work in order department, must have good education, be accurate and of pleasing personality: experlera-e In Iron and steel business helpful Address in cwn handwrit ing giving age. references and full details i 220 ledger Orflre General INf REA8E our salory enrol now Auto mobile day. nlternorn and night classes Spring Qarden Institute, Broad nnd Spring Garden sts SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wishes to broid en experience bv conmctlng with a depart ment store, agency or htgn-class Urm. op portunity first consideration C 223, Ia!d. off. ASSISTANT or ecretar io executive Young man 0 years' exp embodying eoxcutlvu detn'ls, secretarial bookkieilng des perm connec with progressive organization, best con.-, on'l l.eilir.ir Offlee rers v orNO MAN. -3 c Uetf Kratiuute with buhl . -. ,t imlllnif t-yt. i1, or .. dottlmu tal. Hon with hlah-trra'.H conrern wht-rp tho future object. C g3l) ledger ffflc. PAINTING PAPEIt HANGING PAINTING Hne nur h'JUe painted nnu drill un t n mnnau SISIH ni i iiiung; . rhftrffftn rasonabl' work cuarantoctl, neni HOilftl. AiDcn in -1 n 'n .ii. ..10 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OUT-ul'-'lOWN munufactuier desires addi tional capital fv,i txp.instori, now mnklng metal wire and niaihinc products, ractory In operation anil uiieii iur iiispemon, cnanco to lake poslllrn In firm with drawing ac count Our lepr'enlative will 1 at 018 H Coneit iga a' V st J'hlln ror 3 daB. Call for aiipomtineni vv io.ii ina 7.1U .) l"'HCi.IINi:.NT cull.S'LU leas.- liStli and lllilge ie tills tor was occuDlerl bv present owner 10 years as bakery on ac count oi uiu ,ik i n'lif iiuuKiii tins vumaoie pruperty. will hnpni,, at pies nt thoio Is r0 Dar vvesk Inmrni chunge will Increase tc iL'IIO pei v eek. thla store Is available February it) ir int'iestea, phone woodland 410.1 11' YOU 1IAVK ABILITY and can Invest or Innuenca ina iiivesuneiu oi siu.uuu, witn money secured, we offer an oxcoptlonal op portunity ns an officer and director In a local corporation. I' 1234, Ledger Office. PKLICATKSS1SN Business location! estab lished 18 years. Including: 3-story cooer store and dwelling an main at,; llTiBptv M jJ.t.seiUnitiOtflces , STORAGE AND MOVING PHlllHIIHinM -FIRE- PROTECTION FOUND IN'THE i " Fidelity Storage and Warehouse Co.'s BUILDINGS 181 1 -181 9 MARKET STREET The Always RELIABLE Movers and Packers of Fine Household- Goods PHONE, LOCUST 1470 USED AUTOMOBILES USED CARS THAT NEED NO APOLOGIES livery used car wo sell Is guaranteed to bo exnetly ns represented, and our easj. pavment Han puts them conveniently within jour reach, 1020 STL'TZ O-passenger. 1010 STUTZ Bearcat. 1010 STUTZ 4-passcnger. 1018 STUTZ Roadster. 1018 STUTZ 4-passcnger. 1017 STUTZ 4-passenger II. C. S. Speedster. Just like new cheap WnSTCOTT SEDAN; wonderful bargain. HUDSON" LANDAULET. bargain. 1020 CHEVROLET 400 Sedan. 1020 1IUPMOBILE Touring; driven 1200 miles. 1017 PAIOE Little Six. i-pnssenger CHANDLER 1-passenger Chummy Road ster. 1018 CHEVROLlCrr 8-cyllnder Touring. 1010 ni'ICIC 0-llndcr Touring. ' 101(1 VlNTON Limousine, West sfTrlngs STUTZ AGENCY " CLARKE D. HUNTER elgr. Exchanged Car Dept. 669 N. BROAD Phono Poplar 302 IF YOU WANT AXieS 1 REPAIRED H,.- (WELDED OUSinPS i STRAIOHTENKD "U01,16JniVX:TED. New ' Tube ( STRAIGHTENED 'rames sM ) LENGTHENED ) REPAIRED Welding ) ELECTRIC ACETYLENE HAMMERSMITH WE CALL. FOR THEM WE DELIVER THEM AMERICAN AXLE WORKS I2TH AND M0NTQOMERT AVE. AUTO SPRINGS SCH0BER 3ITH AND MARKET STREETS DODGE sedan, coupe, touring, to be sold at puono auction Haturaav January Ki, ui S0.1 N. Rroad st. May he seen nnv time MAXWELL. Paige, Chalmers Overland, i tc , to be sold at public auction Saturdav, January IS. 1021. at 803 N. llroad st. May ne seen nnv time 1IUICK roadster, .touring, to be soli! at pub lic auction Saturday, January IS, 11)21, ut 80 N Rroad st Mav be eeen nnv time. MCRII'l'S-ROOTH. Crovv-Elkhart. Stude baker. Ford. Oldsmobile. etc . to be sold at public auction Saturday January IS. 1U21 at 803 r lfrond at. -May be seen any tlme WILLYS (1 late Hill), 7-pnssenger touring. excellent mecnnnicai conumon: u new tires, paint good Phone Sherwood 367 BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT 1 jou want to be convlnrl thut ue nr ntlll VHiylnK 1.50 morn thun otfiors for UlarnunJi c,,at KELLY & CO.. n p-moR 032 ciiKSTsriiT ox (PRIVATE OFFICES) I'll WAL 7314 DIAMONDS B0UGH1 nithest prlcos paid, U to 10 carats; lo to CBaOO. old gold, platinum and silver bought. ITie Diamond Shop iot4h ajbov'riia'rkst DIAMONDS A ---; -; RDI IPsHT R,l Eslato Trust Rldg.. L"JUU1 k Uroad nnd Chestnut sts. lloil'H 10 In 4 ELECTRICAL WORK KYI E UROS Poplnr 240.1 143(1 N 17th st DIAMONDS BOUGHT trxrinx W PMITH. 717 SANMnu ot I'AINTINO contractor, we do all hlgh-clasi ,.. . A Union- nn F.O I n Sn-i... .. vvuriv. lenn. -- ,....w.. einiaet fl , ,, . .,llnn.a eeatrlinL- lulrd e . llj.l Iieuiltsr ,.t,,..k, ,in, , cord BOc. Jeweler. 833 Arch ht strongt i luor 80S S 11TH HT Klectrlc treatmeni also manicuring: m m " TAINTINO. onythlng. liny plaie Theal r,'J4 S PJo st. i-none 'vooiiiinu is.'ili ELECTRIC '.reatment and manicuring. ltonm 105. Ileea lliag jii r uoeri iic. 3U02. E0R SAEE SHIPPING BOARD SALVAGE ALL NEW MATERIAL AT LOW PltU'EK (100 Metal Factory Windows Duns and Sash Factory and Flrn Doors with II mgers. Fire Hosu and Extinguishers Face nnd common bricks Wireless Houses, 4 rooms, niltal.... for llungulovvs Electrical Transformers Radiators Pipe nnd Valves. 'Carloads of Cedar Shingles Hydrated Lime In Hags Expanded Metal and Metal I ,uh. Toilets nnd Wush Ilaslns Three nnd -ton Chain Hoists I'neumatlo Air Drills and II .ldi r n. Millions feet of lumber Thousands of Windows and Doors. PENN SALVAGE ( O IMih and Tlnlcum nvi Woodland 4103 All makes TYPEWRITERS AbOVO nil UlB opportunity Slo to 113 i 'julun 1 ear guarantee. 5 dave r lm' ma. bints as low lis 20 HV.NDY TIP t. HTt.lt I'U . 1(10.1 A'HESTNCT r-T SHINGLES SHINGLES NVw redar HhlnwIfH, $koi in r o...jnjnij Get our (irilrn In f-urlv .Mut , ,n out ihln frtock VUSS SALVA013 I'U Hlth i.j.d Tint i jnnu v WoodlHrul llli't Office- Furniture, Office Partitions desks, tuples, filing cabinets, ihilrs store fixtures new and allghtly ued. vvo null buy and exchange WEISS. 1037 Race st W'al nut on 'JO LI. Delicious extract! d honey. 3 lbs HOney for ll. lbs for II Ml ui li lbs J for J 3 3." dellveied bv parcel ?ost. satisfaction guaranteed or monev re united L. K. Hosteller It F D No S, Lineister Pn. Office Partition, Railing, Furniture Store flxturesr we sell buy nnd exchange. PENNA OFFICE FI'RNITCRE CO 011 Walnut st. Walnut 4131 Main B850 A. OFFICE" FURNITCRE Large lot of desks, sarese files cabinets and general office furniture store fixtures. We buy, sell and exi-hnnne. PATTEN FlTR.VlTl'Itn CO LOft'flT 4070 1127 ARCH ST HACE 2(101 PARIJR SUIT, I pieces $15 mission, gen ulno leather, perfect p.unu upright best mike and condition SS5 fli,,. mahogany library table $18 3207 CMumbla ave MAKER'S gas oven. Illngeit kilvanlrrd ulu box trough pan rack mixing bowels bot tles. pans, etc 1012 Arr-h st RE'FRiaERATORS and flx'tures tor grocers and meat markets, terms If desired, RANDALL A CO , 331 N. 2d st bTANDH cabinets etc , big bargains. Phlla" delphla Printers' Supply. 11 S. 5 Hi st TYPEWRITERS Two Underwoods ant 2 Ij. C. Smith; first offer. 1024 Dickinson St. WIiriE coney coat, ermine tails: fine condl- tlon; bargain. Preston. 41124 W. POOL TA11LEH. 2d-hand bought, sold, rents" , tA. aciiWd VMiif. ?n-i, airuA y JSSfc STOIlAdE AND MOVING ESTAIILISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE1 WAREHOUSE 20Ui St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Miller. North Broad Stomo fV. ... . aMw sn Rroxd above Lehigh. Phone Diamond 7400. Moving, brick and fireproof storage; parking; VICTORY STORAGE 6200Wllbort. Phone Belmont 4870. for estimate. Plerce-Arrow v. n s. THE JOHN IllKlArva ri Storage, tincklnff, moving, carpel clesnln 41S7-SO i.amuaii; Avi;., WEST PHHA - ----... mum. MONARCH STORAOECO.. 3870 LANCAgi TER AHi-AUlU MWltVICB. 8TORAOB PACKINO. 1)NQ-DIBTANCE MOVINfg ' llnilllng MOTORTRUCH8 fn hire bj- day. week or hour: all slau Phlla. Auto Transfer. S23 N. 20lh St. koplorl7S. '"sisr. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAFT1NQ, hangers; steel, Iron and wood pulleys, leather, batata, hair, red convns mid cotton belting; genrs trucks and truck wheels CHARLES IIOND CO., 017-10 ARCH ST. t ELECTRICAL MOTORS, MACHINE TOOLS POWER EQUIPMJ2NT O'RRIEN MACHINERY CO.. lin N 3D ST, MONITOR 350-rt. henter; lot or Ui pipe ridlotors. Yenrslev & Co.. 224 N. m st PULLEYS HANQERS. SHAKflNO, halt price, .viuiun LiACiiAut; 327 N. 3D. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS, PACKETS, DIME SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collectors. PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 8. 17TH ST. ROOMS FOR RENT HAHI.NU ST.. 1010 Two rooms and bath, iinnnoussKceping. 1'resion 'I.14D 1IROAD. N . 3022 Nicely furnished attrac tive rooms; all corjveniencos; near trains nnu cars i loga rami. DIAMOND. 1007 Des. front or single rm.; gentleman, bath; oncl. shower. Dla 7S30 J. CHESTNUT ST.. 2030 Single room; gen- OREEN, IS27 2d floor front room, light impg. ir nesirea; continuous not wnler. UTN. tThe Hedge), ISO Maplewood ave., w. of wreen st , com, n. w. ; rer. exc mn lma vv HAZEL AVE 4(140 Warm, attractive front room ir? modern private Home. Phono vvooniani) 4W)L' LARCHWOOD AVE.. 0832 Two communl catlrg roomi; private, modern, vvell-rur-nlshed home, convenient to cars and garages. Slier. 1241 R . MARKET ST . SU47 Well-rurnlshed vvnrm room for business woman In private home, PINE. 73(1 2 large lat-fl. front rooms: run nlng water; suit ottlcft. studio or uparts. PINE, 1.S10 Nicely turn, light housekeeping npts . also single room with nil ennvs SPRUCE, SS(ll) 2d-story front, private fam llv. one or two gentlemen; phony. TRINITY ST. SS40. near B8th and Chester nve. Nicely furnished room for rent. WALNUT. 3D0S Double and single rooms; southhern exp.: gentlemen; exceptional bd, 10TH. N 181). HOTIi i, 11 U R I C Ileau. furn. rooms, spotless clean, elec h.-w. hea,t: dally & weekly rates: conv to stations; best accom. for traveling people. Spruce 1AB4. 33D ST.. N.. 2(125 Furnished room for gen tlematu private family 44TH. S.. 21H llvautlful bachelor suite, hpg. ; also remf, rm. for 1 or 2 gentlemen OOTH, N,. 1404 Furnished front room; Prot. young man. Phone Relmont 1707 JI. (13D. N '211 Roonr, adjoining bath all con venlences. near L. NEW .1ERSKV nKASIIOm; ATLANTIC) CITY ROOMS with bath, modern. Mania Maria. 11 S. New Hampshire ave . cor. Euclid ave ROOMS WANTED ROOMS wanted, with or without board, for woman emploved In X E. uectlon of cltv; stnte rate In llrst letter I 43, I'. O. Ilox 3B0I). 1IU8INESS MAN wishes room and bath In oentral pnrt of city or within Bhort riding distance C 300 Ledger Office. BOARDING 2I-1'I,. front, rer bus couple or ladles: Prot h enmfts ; Ii rnnk'r; own. Dla. 2137 w, HOAUDINCI DIRECTORY APTR Elrst-class rooms nn i ooariing can ne obtained In West I'hlls liy lelephnn'ne-sSji Woodlnnil IIS.'. 3211 W. cTlELTEN AVE, (Cherokee) Hoard & room nicely furulihed. pleasant outlook good table 2 men or rounle. tltn. 33RJ 1'KX.NSVI.VAMA SUIIimilAN UEltMAN'lWN--(lretnor. 1(12 K. WalnuT lane, 2 Inrge, delightful second-floor rooms with running water; excellent table; indl vldunl service home cooking, rates reason able. Phone Omtn 0SS2 APARTMENTS WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1102 AND 1400 ERIE AVE. Two fine apartments In elegant neighbor hood; electric lights, steam heat; Janitor service; low rent W, CABELL S W. COR. UROAD AND ERIE AVIB 1K17 PINE ST. Large living room, with fireplace, beet narauotrv floors; sun all day; large bedroom, most modern of oaths with shower and perfect kitchen; Ills ptr month, unfurnished. : rem rent Apartment, central, 3 rooms and bath; mod ern In every respect, heat and electric light included Apply R Sembello, 'J-1 B nth at Cvnwvd House apaktm-ts at hala v,yiiwyu nuu3cEvory comf hnd cony of a fine home, large grounds, garage servlre; in mm irnm nrouii ni, tun, lei uynwiq 1Q. HANDSOMELY furnished apartments, suit able for retlned couple or gentlemen 1S0S W Olrard ave. 1004 SPRUcfc ST Hacholor apartment 2 rooms bath, unfurnished Apply Jnnlter ilAIlINO. 4031 & 430 S 40TH. 7 Sir 4 b . with kltch ; will furn 1'res 27!) W 1VKST PIIILAIKU'HIA RIEBENECK APARTMENTS 34TH AND POIVELTON AVE. Cars cart" be seen Saturday or Sunday after noon brMveen 2 and 4 complete, now ready for occupancy, attractive (t-rooui art . 3 bed rooms, dining room, kitchen, with l or u baths; nil large rooms, rent J2O0 per month. SIX ROOMS bath modern. (10, rt rooms. bath, modern JS0, yearly lease; 1 squnin to trolleys J N. McMICHAEL REALTY CO.. Bhth nnd Springfield nve. Vood, MdiH SI'RINO GARDEN 34 IS Modern, untuTiT, 4 rooms and bath, eelctrlc, hot-water heat gas Preston 01U0 W FURNISHED APARTMENTS ri'RN AITS central loc . by week If des Sherwood Apt Agency. 1331 Wulnut st HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PF.NNSVI.VANIA St'lU'rtHAN SECOND FIX)OR housekeeping apartment, 4 largo rooms nnd private bath, electric light hot-water heat, 3 mlmites from Elklns Purk station. $05 a month. MelrOBe 1401 V APARTMENTS "WANTED REFINED COUPLE desires a well-furnished modern housekeeping apartment, consisting of 2 or 3 rooms, with kitchen and bath; cen trally locuted preferred, will pay good rent It suitable , references exchanged. Call Mr Levy or Mr Hums Spruce 7(12(1. between 0 and B, or write 1123 Slock Exchange Rldg. WANTED Furnished apartment. West Phil adelphia or Oermantown, A, L. Rogers, 001 Liberty Rldg. APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BARTRAM 83D AND CHESTNUT STS Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Din ing room. Phone Preston 2310. '"!.,miiiHI1 11 IMIKTTVVI AM nwvir-r, l ll,n .,--' -- ............... m.,,,.11 HOTEL CAMDEN, 2d st at Penn. Camden, N. J., B minutes' walk from ferry, facing on Cooper Hquare, Just opened; a truly first class hotel, with 150 rooms and 70 baths, dally, weekly and monthly rates; a res taurant with real home cooking la con .bYnled. Telephone Camden 1551). ' TlTvTK.I, SUSSEX. 1312 Walnut St. A dean Mnrinei well-conductenimall hntsl ,.i,.-a rtMIMtv PWdertU, I'jwntt.Yaijiut zfi REAL ESTATE TOR SALE PKNNSVI.VANIA SlllllTnilAN IT WILL SURPRISE YOU Those who may be wnltlntr for "A Drop" before buying n Suburbnn Homo rimy bo Interested to know that right now wo ore offering this typo of property at aurprlslnnly low prices. SER OUR LAnOK ATTRACTIVE LIST OP HOMES IN ALL, SUBURBAN SECTIONS Vour inquiry will receive prompt attention SMULLEN & BARRY J20G-11 LIBERTY BUILDING, BROAD & CHESTNUT STS. r.hono Branch Exchange Walnut E100 C1T 327 NORTH 8TH ST. SALE OR RENT Four Btory nnd basement; 20x83; 7000 square teet ot Ideal daylight space for manufacturing or btorngo, high ceilings, steam heat, freight elevator, driveway entrance; floors arranged to bo used ns a wholo or Individually, with private en trance, FUHRMAN, 1211 Chestnut Phono Walnut 204 1814 PINE STREET 12 ROOMS. 2 IIATHS: OOOD CONDITION A. J. SANDERS .101 I.AND TITLK' 11LDO SACRIFICE Uenutlful southern Colonial mansion 7 acres; all convs.: near trains, L. R. Fox, Jenklnlown, Pa. Qgontx 2(11) W. 3018 N. FAIRHILL $2100 cash required. THOS. uiiiii. nus unestnm st. ITALIAN buyers 1020 S. Randolph; $1800 cash req Thos. II. Olbb, 303 Chestnut st, Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors FACTORIES and' factory sites Everywhere tn Philadelphia LOUIS QINSHUHQ 1201 Chestnut St. Dullillng Loin. Factory Riles. Etc. 10 ACREb, Colonial house Roosevelt lllvd.; 21,00(). Frorlep. B24 Walnut. Loc. B727. WEST PHILADELPHIA $1000 CASH llrand new twin Colorrlal resi dence, -with heated garage and enclosed heated porch, 00th and Chestnut sts, section, right at end of eleva'ed; 4 bedrooms, tile bath with shower; 10x26 ft, living room with open flreplnco: largo dining room, kitchen and outshed: hardwood Moors, hot-water heat; third floor unfinished, with storeroom; Immediate possession; price $11, COO; mort gages placed without expense to you. Call us on phone, our autoa are at your disposal. Further particulars, J. II. MECKE. JR. Relmsint 1087, West 4318 D. fcRlfl This lovely home nan hot-water )Ji.jj heati eiectrlclty. hardwood floors, fhrnnirhoiit all. tils bath with shower: In closed, heated porch; basement laundry room'; terraced front, with shrubbery and cement steps; financing arranged. We In vite comparison witn oincrs selling as men ns $0300 ntTrvrn-T irvor 811 H. BOTH ST. OnUIX 1 L.1LAJC. SHERWOOD 284 A URID'Jl and groom's paradise Imm. poss ; expenses $23 27 per mo., plus payment to ...ma O.I ,..& h IROri. nrlA fl.ir.fin. twill irUUlQ U Itl.KC , vno,, --WVW, ...u V -. u V u , ..... place your mortgages free; (1 rooms and bath, hardwood floors Dutch hall, elec., shower bath; finished In mahogany ana white; open dally, evenings by appointment, 2108 S. Mhioiri st. bet. 00th nnd 07th. north nf Woodland ave. Phone Woodland 10,13 COLONIAL residence, with room for garage; twin Muse, 3 story. 00th und Chestnut sts. i-ectlon; ItTiOO: raeh lenulred to purchase, $1000; hardwood Moors, tile bath with shower, hot-water heat; dll reflnlshod; new paper, etc ; ncant. Immediate possession. Furthor Particular, .1. II, Mecke, Jr., 8205 Race st. Hflmnnt UIS7. 0, BOY! SOME BARGAIN 1)03 S. JiStli st ; electricity, hardwood Moors, hot-water heat; 8 tons coal, shades, screens; vacant, Belmont 1)282 NEAR 00th and Ulrard avo.; porch-front houses, with U large rooms and bath; lots 13x03; cellars cemented; furnace beat; price low. J. A. PATTERSON j.ti' n. nun si, U4TH AND LEHANON, (Overbrook. section) Mod home, Incl pch., Hrepl.; owner leav ing city: lm. poss.; price right for quick sals. MANLEY BnTH AND lYini1L.Ul CEDAR AVE. 000 UIX3CK MARLYN RD Six rooms; modern house: coal, awnings, shades, etc.; vacant; good condition: financed. W. O. Nixon. 1100 Penn Square DIuV. Spruce 3S0J for appointment. MATCH IT IF YOII CAN? 0000 HLOOK LARCHWOOD AVE S ROOMS: MODERN THROUGHOUT NEW. PHONE WOODLAND 1085 $4100 DUTCH HALL. 5 rooms, bath, eleo trie, plpeless furnace; a cheap houso; good location. W. Phlla. Real Estate Co., G000 Raltlmoro ave. CECIL ST., 8., 8210 rooms & bath, h.-w. heat, elec, light, pnrti. Moors: excel, con.: Immed poasesslon. Manley. BOth and Cedar. 1139 MARLYN ROAD, possession; $825u; hot water heat, electricity, hardwood floors; perfect cond. Armstrong & Co., 020 Chest. 47UD. 4717 AND 471U Parrlsh Ht.. 7 rnnm. J320O each Frorlep, 02) Walnut Phone Lombard 1B27. S430O Others In row selling ror $3250: must pi'll Mils mi, ii,,,, ., nil,, o ilnst, punses Jt Oallagher 3700 Hnvprfnrd nr', Preeton 3321 "-ROOM HOUSE Just remodeled, ready for occupancy; cneapesi in vv. i- , conv. to nil Industries Camao Co.. 02d and Woodland 3237 SANSOM ST. 8-sty. houso. $8000 cash leu Thos H. Olbb. BOS Chestnut st. Factories. Warehouses, Mfg, Floors $25,000 MODERN corner, is- story and basement; near 00th nnd Lnnadovvne ave.. Ovorbrook district: about 7B00 aauare fe Moor space, strong building; well adapted for carrying very heavy machlneri ; can be seen: now operating to full capacity; ;n stalled with 33 If. P. Ot'.o gas englno of special olectrlo design. ADOLPH B. CASPAR OF.HMANTOWN 145 U. WALNUT LANE Near high school, 3 story, 11 rooms; southern exposure: beau tiful outlook; reasonable prlco; quick posses sion. Phone owner. Qermnntnvvn 4050 W $6500. EASY TERMS 10-ROOM 1IOIT8H Near Wash Lane Sta. Poss nt nnce. C P PETERS It SON. 608 CHESTNUT ST I-OOAN milium 5230 N. BROAD Wo are offering for sale one of the most beautiful homos In LOGAN. A seml-detnched dwelling with large lot extending to CARLISLE ST. and comprising u spacious porch, large living room, dining room, breakfast room nnd kitchen on 1st floor: an Ideal sitting room with three large cham bers anl beautifully finished bath; four large chambers. Including maid's quarters on 3d fl.: billiard room: and till necessary facilities In basement; shrubbery und shade; for further particulars or Inspection, apply LANN0N & REILLY, 0030 OLD YORK ROAD OAK T.ANK OAK LANE Two story, semidetached, 8 rooms and bath, all modern Improvements: garage, price til. BOO: small amount ot cash required C F. DONNELLY 026 Real Es tatn Trust Illdg Walnut 1060, PENNSYLVANIA mulUHHN MT. AIRY Attractive modern detaohed resldenco, flnlshed In white throughout; B mavter cham liers, 2 baths: electricity, hot water heat; lot over Vt acre , with old shade: 2-car garago: convenient to train. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Building Membera Phlla. Real Estato uoara SANATORIUM OR CLUB Near and overlooking Rttlto. Pike. IB mil.. tut, vvoll adapted by Its many advantages fi.f iiphnnl r.n ,.lh. In.iu,.ii w ni. . ""fcw . -,t wi" s,t viuci iiibii iuiiimi. 1'nn'n CP PETERS & SON. 008 CHEOTNIIT ST. AVOID THE SPRING HUSH Duy a suburban home now. Ask for sale list 8WOPE SON. 610 Miln. Darby. 12 MILES FROM CITY' HALL AS THE, CROW FLIES-80 ACRK3 i"? fiVvS? '."ff ""?. P"e view) complete Vis At sTtntttkin ti w '- HWlii FOR COUNTRY BEAT OR INSTITUTION REAL ESTATE FOR SALE , rrcNNHVi.vANiA .stimmii.VN Inomes MODiERN WELL BUILT AND CAREFULLY PLANNED WAYNE AVENUE . BYW00D Dctnchcd homes, 2 min utes from 69th Street Terminal. COPLEY ROAD 69TH ST. TERMINAL Semidetached Homes, 3 minutes' walk outh from Terminal. GO-ft. fronts. Unequaled Lanywhere at the price, $13,000 and financed for you. Agents on premises daily and Sunday. Lower Merion Realty Company BUILDERS & OWNERS. 1644 Lanj Title Bldg. MERION Beautiful stone and plaster English - style rcsldenre; fl mnster chambers. 3 ba.th. servants' quarters, etc.: largo sun parlor and spacious porch; southwestern exposure: elec tricity, hot-water hest: 3 acres of ground; a real sub urban home In every partlcu- WM. H. WILSON & CO. Tnn.ni.no fAi. n..iut Members Phlla. Real Eatnto jioara BALi: M;d. hollow-tllu miVirban residence, o cnamberfi, '2 baths; tarxro; cor. Wynne- rnni1 nv VnriuiHh t...-.. no ti-I- . " ""- c"u -"ry. v QTN. Homes In upper Oermantown. John M V.,,r,a mil TAH n,l.t- 1,,. n ...... ... ......... .fcfc-a naiiu AIVIO illllg. Bp, llllll. Hllllillng lxits BUILDING LOTS $200 FOR $99.00 EASY TERMS Guaranteed high and drv: 3 blocks rrom trolley; nenrbv school, stores and churrhes; Ll Ii,,.la.Vare S?unt,y' P rnl!' (mm llroad St. Station. For rurther lntormatlon write Opportunity. M 810. Ledger orflce' GI.IWSIDR BARGAINS Half twin, pretty; 7 largo rooms, lire- place. elc. Itw. ; open surroundings 11.750 Rrand new; utlrnctlve; single, 8 nns lot 50xia0: owner forced to sell . 5 noo Stone. Colonial. U rooms; large living room. H acre; old shade . , u on Elklns J'arl., slnglo: now. u rooms- every Imp. large llv. rm.. fireplace 11. neo Improved lots. J82.1 up; terms to eult W.M T. 11. ROUERTS A SON, Glenslde Rell phone Oitnntt 8J; Key.. Olensliln i;j J1H.50O SINGLE, stone and dwolllng-- Willow Orove pike; 3 minutes' to station 2 baths; all convs.; garage. Rennlnger & Rennlnger, Olenslde, I'a., opposite station . SUO0 SINGLE, 0 rooms, stone dwelling li acre of ground: cdnv to station: pi-Ice 8000: terms. Rennlnger & Renn nger, Glen Bide. I'a., opposite station. ' 8-ROOM bungalow, with garage; lot 73xl"n. price $7300. Rennlnger & Rennlnger, Olenl side, Ra. iiir.iiiM) r n k .MODERN DWELLING. 5 minutes from Oilth al. terminal; living room open fireplace dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath attle. "hot-water heat. gaB and electric: prleo J0030; financed; small amount cash. George I llarnes, l'.'Ol Chestnut st Wnlnut 4H8.1 I.ANSnAI.K 10 ACRES 7 rooms; brick home larn Swiss barn: fruit nnd shade: 1.1 minute's" walk to .railroad and trolley; reduced price. 10 ACRES 7 room stono homo; water heat, gas. bath etc. large stone born, large chicken houses, broodor house, 1800-egg In cubator. 2 cowa. 2 horses, nil farmlnc In Plenums, wagons, etc 1 mllo to Lnrisdalo SiaV?fiiT.PJ,c ,080u for "ulcl sale. Ua' 3 j ACRES 7 room stone home; hfat. bath. , etc; fine barn. 3 cows, 2 horsJU. f armlni Implements, chickens, crops 3 rai&s to " rail fond station: JO.'.Ou ,0 ra" 1)0 ACRES Stone home- living-room. 11x30 open fireplace, dining-room. 18x20. front and back Btalrs; l large sleeping room" large porches, heat. bath, electric. nrin vvator in houso nnd barn, lain .tAV.2 barn for 2B head, garage and nh... oult'iulldlngs; acres of fruit: B irr ?C-,lmb.lr,' larS ln,ko of orlng water; boat ing, bathing; 8 miles to B railroad stations. pmeral2B.0n0T)rlh f J'hl"le"""a' HethleS Home's 'in Oak Park 15500 to $12,000. 2 brick homes in vl ago. 1 mile to raliron.i station. $800 for both; K acre of land , n HARRY RICHARDSON. 100 Susquehanna ave., Lansdale. Pa. OVKltlinOOR $0200 The only CORNER home of Its kind , In the OVER11ROOIC SECTION: hot?water heat, electricity. Dutch hull. iBOTdw. Tore" and terrace front OAnAVim. mlf ''"iVL' needed. C. M. MILLER, 1217 n' ggth ." ROSLYN IIEAUTIKUL homo, 3 nctes, all convs.: sun parlor; lake; closo to train and trolldy. l" B. Koy, Jenklnlown. Ogonta 260 w ' WILLOW GROVE NINE rms. bath, good loc . $B"B(i T IRA I'lSHER. Ph. Willow Grove l": Jl NT.W JKKHI7V SUIIUltnAN RIVER lritnv-r liriMiTS- HIVERTON-EDGEWATER PARK Vi to 4 acres: 111 to 20 rms.: all convenle PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT. Pill ncsi 1I.A. NEW JERHEV SK,VSHnitl OrK,N flTV COTTAGE completely furnished; u bedroomr 8 baths, living room, dining rtMm ?!,,! kitchen, olectrlo lighting, 'laund?y, Mwatir heater and for cooklnifi garage: price ii nn0-hthAsk JOHN J ?6STEH, nwlltorf' BIO wii.pwonn Q"inlA''H-HJ4 '"t?.ri "??! ".'tage. .1, conveniences. 3 -t" irum ueacn: a minutes from 2 railroads; worth $B0OU. nuu offer, M R WALLS, 202B Parrlsh .1 PKNNHVI.VAMA I'ahmh 140-Acre Pennsylvania Farm With 3 Horses, 20 Cows and Wugons, complete machinery, buy. grain no. tntoes, vegetables, apples, etc , advantages, close by. mnchlncworked fields; good cullva. Ron; lO-covv sprlng-watered pasture, win. burrei apple orchard, other fruit, ,00 sugar maples, euulptnent warm 11-room housei basement bart.'j. silo, etc,; If taken now $8800 t everything! e4sy terms, Df "ui page 38. Htrout'e Illustrated Catalog liar. LTsfna a.1 Rial.. .tTllt,-K r,.i, '. ..''."' llsTnnilT plnfi AKivvlRi. ,"' f write. PPil i NX TELEPHONE yy reXl estate for bale Nt:W JERSEY FAIUta "uy n . Landing; It means a safe and' iSJ?r ,"1" living; the advantages ot so"?. wie,Kn,snt mate, transportation and market. . Wi thers. Just thlnkf A.llne little B Jcrr'r "" all your own for $280, which you C. 'ltn bv li uoiiar a wseKi nena now f, ," ""J nnd booklet. GILBERT OCALT i8,,n,P 703 WALNUT BT." PHH.ADEI.I'HrA0''A". MASHAriHTRETTH IrARMa"-" CAPE COD. MASS. Small village fr .nfn V 8-room house, tarn tJ'I": ahilnilatvt ft-iilf, tnitnn, -v. w.'. garagti M,: CheaP- S' D- annh. nuziar",!,?? REAL ESTATE' WANTED WANTED to rent by adu Its ln Oak rlTT , 7 or 8 room houso from May 1 l K' Address A. H. M. ma. ii. A.2" '". TRUE ! merit wins What havo you tn .n T 1. 3CHM1D. 18U w. XllVh"." f T . -.. . , vnirB rent Fnctorles. Wnrehonse. nib tn FACTORIES, warehouses end sites w..T. In.all eoctlone. with or without raTlrSiS1 Tomllnson, Lincoln Hldg. Pnrucii iii 0"1' 1'F.NNHYT.v'aNIA . RlIIIIUtliAv TWO-STY., up-to-date, aeml-bungalow tvn, not orer $8000; must be In good conduit give full particulars. C 280. Ledger Oftir.' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY HOUSE for rent, 0202 Spruce st.; all modTrr, conveniences. "ufrn nnslne Properties itng Blares 1228-80 RACE 8T.-nAb0Ut 8100 sq. ft.; 3" storles; light front, rear end side. ... i,2?,d,l0 Possession 1222-24 RACE ST, About 0000 sq. ft.- J Jtorles; light front and rear: 2 street ntrances. Possession April 1. 1021 120 NORTH CAMAC ST. About 3900 sq. Xt.i 8 stories: corner property. s,..s,I!0"l0n APr'l ' J""- PENNA. CO.. B17 CHESTNUT ST -- Factories. Warehouses). Mfg. Floors pillllUIMMiramilllllllllllllllllDllliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiB FACTORIES FLOORS 0' every description everywhere. 0200 sq. ft., 2d floor Kens. 0800 sq. ft., 1st floor Kens. 8000 sq. ft., 1st floor N. Phlla. 0000 in. ft.. 1 nlnrv ..nl.nl ,2'SS? " ' ""-"house Glrard ave. ssiooo ,q': ,:: w. Phiia."""8? ove- . with R. It. from 18.000 sq. ft. to 240.000 so. II. Pn.....ln. .:. Warehouse spaces from 1000 to BOOO , "lin or wunoui 11, 11, at once. uv. . ui iung teases. . Phone or write for list now ARTHUR B. FRASER 1420 CHESTNUT ST. HnrticA 1RH7 nm rrn-i.. nu- MflMiimiaiiiiaiiaiiiii 3000 SQUARE FEET AT $100 PER MONTH Including heat: 21B N. 2d. corner Florist et.: third floor: convenient shipping dl. trlct; good davllght; clear space: freliht elovatc-r electric light; suitable for manu facturing, iiisiiu FUHRMAN, 1211 Chestnut Phono Wnlnut 204 25.000 SQUARE FEET OF Hiair-no STJCOND. THIRD & FOURTH FLOORS LARGE c-apacity; reliable nLrrrniri POWER. PRIVATE STAIRS. SEVERAI ELEVATORS. SPRINKLER SYSTfI low' INSURANCE RATE. ZAUEL BROS R"a W. COLUM11IA AVE. ""US,. 8.0 1315 5c 1317 SANSOM ST." 3 UPPER FLOORS. EACH 30x55' WITH POSSESSION Gas and electricity, steam heating J. A. PATTERSON, 130 B. lBlh FIRST-FLOOR SPACE 118-120 N. 18TH ST.: 00x115 FEET SUPT. PARKWAY RLDG.. S. E. , COR RROAD AND CHERItY OFFICP.,. ntTSINKSB ROOMS. ETC CENTRAL BUSINESS OFFICES 813 S. 1BTH ST. 1830 ARCH ST. Electricity, steam heat; building Just renovated. ALRERT B. MILLS 110 tVEST END TRUST RLDO FINANCE BUILDING Private office nnd use of waiting room po session at once: rent bused on present lease, refa. exchanged Phone Hel. oanfl OrFICB SPACE PARKWAY BUILDING S. E. COR. nttOAD AND CHERRY STB. ufkickh ror rent, sr.ubert Bldg., 2J s. llroad St.: outside light: Immediate V sesslon. VENANGO ST. 1ST? Huslneas rooms and ofTlces for rent. FRED. J. SCHAEFER 020 Chrstnut st. WANTED, about BOO feet furnished or un furnished, ln first-class office building R. C POWER. 004 Liberty Bldg OFFICES for rent. Heed office building. 1215 Filbert. $25 and $40. OFFICE for rent. Heed nulldlng. 1215 Fit bert St.. Nos. 1211-13-14, $25 and $10 WEST PHILADELPHIA 0200 BLOCK Florence n.. fl rms tmth. modern: $00. J. N. McMICHAEL. BS'll and SnrlngOeld uve. Woodland ililufi P1NH ST.. 31118 Nine rooms, bath, nice lo ration. $75. PEMBERTON ESTATES. 813 Hnrralon Rldg. , FOR RENT 4700 Hnzel nve.. 12-room cor, house. 2 baths. Wells, 207 Lincoln nidi T.OOAN 4710 N. MERVINE ST. 0 rooms aisl bath, hot-water heat and electric. early leM to responsible party at $05 per month. Fer keys and Inspection see DALLAS ti HARTLEY. INC 4701) N. Hrond Wyoming 871. . NICW JRKSKY fiPRUnnAN CAMDF.N FOR RENT Two-story warehouse and offle. Apply 410 Chestnut st.. Csmdsn N. J. . NEW JERSEY SIOASHQItE SECOND, third and fourth floors or Ilraun-sleln-Blatt Co.'s store, 1414-1422 Atjantlo ciijanll( Also. 18-foot store. 1422 Atlantic, ave At lantc City, N. J. Apply McCrory Stores Corp. 1107 BROADWAY NEW YORK N. Y MORTGAGES BUILDERS ADVANCES Funds for Investment In bill d ere' advanco mortgages. Lari,-e or email amounts, FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 018 WALNUT ST. MONEY i?nn MORTGAGES TEMPORARY LOANS PERMANENT CAPITAL Central Mortgage Company 1006 READ ESTATE TRUST ULDO. Walnut 1011 Funds for First Mortgages VsrlmtH nmnttnta n Vtl nMI K01 1207 inas. w. iviiuci Commonwealth flldt $8000 nnd $3500 mortgages for sale, till lintl all pivurro urv. IAS. C. ENBURG w.'?,' no note on MOina"Auy TO Immediate settlsmsnti, 1000 Unsettled estate loam. Building association funds DEMI'BEY ft CO., 27 B. lO'll st . i-OR SALE First moruages on fl'.J"1!' 1UH .""'...An iiinilfl a r rnnt nterfU rtios. .". ." r;:..- prmuer- .fsr: lar ana inieri : ov..-v., . - lnlAir-o. iiniii.n ,.,w. TTnNDS In large amounts IVr ".ryt mw'' gagei; rates 0 per annum, HElluM-" 7ntres- rates 0 per annum, Ilr-l nages, rin . , fcH-l.li l n...s, .... ---. -; jZi $30 mill TO LOAN on uri-r Aftu i"i" ,UUU " 'w s.rtliT,llflfc?Q TAYIX1R MIDDLETON, 703 WalnutJ i37veM or mortgage from $100 up, imoji R. settlement: Prior encumbrances ajy. - , le.sl rate imsre.v, - ..."7 Vl I 1 rsges City or ""mtrv. 11 033. '.-tf gages cny ny .-uu..... '.' V," Srit' ii r.ivii, '."".-"" i vniMDH for (Isrmantown mgiss,, prenM-ijUuotW; i.ui.jiuuiuu. 1 .- ) 'jf-fj .US-J-!4.. h v'.' " v-C "....' - 'm.-iiM m?m