?..i.s 7F . 4-'.'i('5P 1-a.w. .w.. . J" J"TJ" '. v W ' ' Ay "." v 'w ' " a ,' ' s- fo ? C'f rt' , ' V .' "' V I. i-. EVENING PUBLIC EBDGfER PHIL'ADELPmA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1L921 1 r'r"V(r CITY OF PHILADELPHIA 5 Bonds, due 1970 Full hqormation upon request HARRISON CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges rflffill I RflGEMTINA jOHN L. MERRILL, Pros. To Insure rapid, direct nnil no curate handllnir of your cat; to . Armntlna rind all other 'Smft o" Contra! and South JSierlca. mark them "Via all America." A Splendid Opportunity for a Few Persons Who Can Recognize What They See A corporation in Philadelphia owns n valuable franchise with exclusi'e selling rights, over n InrRe territory, for Patho Safety Standard moving-picture films, etc. The Philadelphia Company has use for a limited amount of additional cash capital in order to extend one of its circuits from which the net earnings were so large that the entire cash investment was returned and n substantial surplus Ba'net 'n 'e8S tnnn twelve months. The proof is here and open to inspection iky those seriously inclined. C 232, Ledger Office. Service and Stability Commercial Concerns need an account in n modern Trust Com pany to comploto their banking facili ties. Modern business pre sents mnny problems beyond the scope of the usual banking ex perience. We particularly so licit business nccounts unci offer you the varied and complete service possible to se cure in an up-to-date Trust Company. Integrity Trust Company Fourth nnd Green Streets Capital $500,000 Surplus & Profit $1,770,000 I- fi 1 1 1 1 mum mmnmii jj-ux , Twin State Gas .& Electric Company (Inrorporntctl 100(1) 7 HomKSecured Gold Notes luo Dei ember I, 103'i Cnnrnn s earnings Approximately lour times interest charges Uncommon cqultlrn nnil security. Operitlng In Important cent.rrs In New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine. Price to yield 8.45 Circular T-09 on request. Fairman & Company Drexel Bldg., Phila. KstnhlUlied 1002 A. H. Bickmorc & Co. Ill Rrondway, Now York ItiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiTiii'iiinnt; Kardos 8C Burke STOCKS &: BONDS Hon. John Burke Fotnwily. Trwuret of I Succeiiors to i !??," i""" 'Kardos SC Co. L M. Kardos, Jr. The Kardoa & Burke Review A. weekly summary of financial nd economic conditions in direct relation to security values. Rd by Investors and Business Men throughout tho country. (ojy W be sent Pltnn to anyorio requesting No. 135. 1424ValnutSt.,Philadelphia New York Pittsburgh chjB Brooklyn Direct Private Wires J. si. wii.i.u "cT '. I TPiiv - w,sj sailer & Stevens on S AXD rilKSTNI'TS STH, T t. vy"tio Free. Ylcldlnc VAo , so. --' 4V Safe Bondsy5r Investment "ALSEY, STUART & CO. inc. ?,l,l.l l' i.iiir,.'",.,iVi" Vh Mill fc"ve Position NWanted r man. nira an .. . rii?ef "S?M,Wy' 'n"er or f'uplr,',,', ! 'I'M'Uiiv Coiik 5'h 10-.I (j rainla i.:."".,"niiij in..i Thn third larscst Amertcnn llcpubllc, with nn area of 1,. 13!),07!l savure miles and u population of a. 300, 000. ArRen tlna Imported In 1919 $103, fJG.ono wotth of goods from tho L'nlted Slates. ALL AMERICA CABLES has contributed no smalt part o the dpclopimnl of lrailo liotwcon tho United Slates and Argentina. K E haven Enjoys a practical mo nopoly of the New Eng land railroad traffic much talked about re ceivership rumors an interesting analysis with a map other worth while features in Ask for tt copy PESO MARKET OPINION FEflNBLATT & CO. Mtmbtrs ol the Philadelphia Slock Exchange 139 South 15th St. Philadelphia rionei:bll Sprnee 7627; Kjiton Race 1105 Charles Jackel, Manager Direct Ptteale Witei to R.H.fVlAcM ASTERS &CO. Jlemlwrs Cuiunhilntcd &(ocfc .'re A. nf.V. V. 82-84 Broad St. Now York Pennsylvania Railroad JVIiat are the piospects for the htockholdors of this property under tho new lailroad law i ill the earning power be maintained at a level to justify tho continuance of the piesent dividend? These and other interesting questions vega r di n g tho great Pennsylvania Railroad system aio discussed in a careful analysis of the piop erty which wo have just pre pared for our clients? A few extra copies are avail able to the fust inquirers. Send two-cent stamp with business address for Circu lar No. 3. MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE JOHN MOODY, President 1121 Ken! Estnfe Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. NEW YORK UOSTON CHICAGO tvxauanvit.ghtai,aajMtuMaBgagaaarfjiirirta CAPITAL FUNDS SUPPLIED To Established, Gcinr; Concerns FOR EXPANSION PURPOSES $200,000 to $400,000 Issues H. A. STONE & COMPANY Corporation Financing Widener Bldij., Phila. Kallmann Rosen PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS mid AUDITORS Income Tax Specialists 510 Real Eitnte Trust DMc. ',?, P. J. VAN I5ILLIAKD a rem NTM'-.rii5Tim .Sp. ciiil inn , ni)i:iti. iNcinin txi:s Junnt ilu ull'i Income 'lax Unit Durcau Internal Itcirnw oo'i hum. im.ui; Tin r num. riiiuTt mm i" i . i."ii7 R. B. CARR Accountant and Auditor rtnrclnlltlnt: In FEDERAL INCOME TAXES rrnmi. IIIiIb. I'lilh.lrliil.li. Lavrence E. Brown & Co. CERTIFIED TUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS in. hi:ai. r.HrTi; ntihr mi.hu. ImiHllKiiln iiiul ndjiot ii.irtmri.Iilp .u.il in nun' I . lifturii". V: Moore, Swartz, Hindle & Clarlt ACCOUNTANTS lucerne Tax Cast Sjrstems Audits ..riirp rm Hj:i li'li.lHN0 GOSSIP OF THE STREET Aciroidliife'ti, tlio fstlmnti-s of scvcrnl tec-ogiiizcil .mnikut olisorvdrs, nt least bO l'or rent of the leccnt liuyltiR movement icprMcnted short covering.' It cninc in aes slnoo the opening of (lie new jenr, ns earh I)lnv lP,.r0 wnH icjicIumI itnti tin' tlcmnml nt nil times wits tliRent. it ii tltflipulty to JiiiIbp tin- iitnount pt tho otitstniulliii; shott ntock. but niero is ti gi'ticrnl opinion that the lesser ipoits ntc piPdy well ellnihmtpil. As eOiiitnixsloii house bttjHiif; hiw not kept iwt'c w , tb tlip biihlhiK up of fitoeks, Mpeciiilly the Iniltistliitl Hpeelultles. the maiKet is ii'giiidiMi as bclnt,' teehnlcnlly wenkt-r than would appear on the mir inci'. At hast, It is Ri'iicrnlly untitled Hint, with the ellmlantlon otr the shott interest, the entire limiket hitsi been left mote Hiisci'ptii,,, (,, the development of finy tinfniorable news. This, of course, It the opinion of i'pcrlcneed mttrkct ob H'rvers and nrennllnis to the rule of the pmne there nhonld be somewhat of it bitfkset fiom the higher levels. It nmy winic, mid it nmy not tome nt all. The maiket is alwa.s iloliiu the unexpeeted nml hour, of the liiRKest bull movements have been started nnd latried tlirntiRli siieeessfnlly i ft.0 0f 1)0SnV0 adverse eotiditintis. Takinj; everything in ronldetntlon, here ate not mini), liowowr, who be lieve (here Im not iiilieh of n rliimei. fir liny sustained forwntd moM'tuent nt this time. Wall stteet, however, is the 'Iremnland of uondets and nobody ever Uiow.s what the net day will bting foith. Uls Tnitlets Illlienmlltn; One of the heaviest traders of it pininiiip.iit tip. town (iimniission house united into the hoardmom pstcrdny nnil, after i;Ivim; the tape a lookover, 3vi' oulirs to ideal! tip his tntlre ne eotint. Wiien nslicj fur thN sudden decision he teplied that it was his opin ion that (lie bluest traders, nt well ns the influential llmineinl interests, v,ero Kitting or Inn their nfTniis in shape pieparatoi') to the annual hibernating season in Southland. "Slure they luue taken profits and ate preparing to enjoy (lie fruits or their labois under the 1'Iuriilii huh." he said, "there is no enrtlil reason why Mints trulv should not go and do like wise. Looks to me ns if we have had the pi'owiliinl .lauunry boom, ami those who had the nene to plek 'em up when tin one else wanted them in December June cashed in iimio mighty big prollts. lliej me willing now to let the other fellows pl,i witlt the mniket for a while until the) turn up again for the usual spring minemcnt, or when the sap begins toiiiu up the trees. "At any inte," he (ontinind, "It looks to me as if we wcte dtifting into u prolonged dull period, nnd nothing sets on in) nei'M's more ipiiekly than iniietlon. So, nftei- due consideration, I decided last night to (lose out. There are -ome losses, but 1 believe prolits will iiwibuhiiiee them, (iood-by until Apiil." After Control! of Hill Stteet gossip hud it jestenlnj that the New Ymk i iowl wlio were given credit for tie liemj hujing of .1. ;. Id ill s0 unities lust ur wete going to make another tiy to get eontiol ot tl om- pun. Thesp tumors have cropped up pei iodir ally for some time and where there is so much smoke tl.eie must he some lire. Especially when taking into consideration the successful coup in (iciicinl Asphalt nnd other local con- eins which have been taken out of tie hands of (heir Philadelphia owners. This much is ceit.iin, the Hunting sup pi) of III ill stock U pretty )cll cleaned up. If nnv one is lenlly after the eon tiol there is likely to he some lirewniks as then- was in the General Asphalt shates. In view of the money market condi tions such a movement just at this time would appear to be altogether un.idvis nble. It is repoited the earnings last veiir weie most satisfactory and the coinpnii) has excellent piospects lor big business for several .vcurs to come. This is quite probable, as tiie street railway companies have made slight ependituie's (lie lust few jenrs In new I'litilpmentH. Cars we'ic out like ever) tiling else and must sooner or later be icpluced. French Kcconstriirticm Wot It following repoits showing the re habilitation of iijileulture steel making, textiles and other imlushits, tin Ficneh commission in the I'tiited tstes is ad vised that gieat pioguss ims been made In lestoring clcitticul ami gas pl.ints in the war leuloii. Cotisidering oniv plants whieli weie capable of furnishing ovei KM) kilowatts, there weie supplied to the devastated legions, in KM". JSOD.O'M) kilovvnt's. Tiie power plants ilestroved dining tiie war numlieted thlitv two These fuinlslieil in Kli.'l L'fll.riOO kllowntts of the nbove total. Since the nruii-tiec twenlv -four of these plants have in en reconstructed and nr? again able to furnish 101,000 kilnwttts. It is expected that by the spring of this je.ir all the electrical plants ded ojed will be again in oper ation, and. due to the installation ol modern midline!), will be able to fur nish u total of .'!-':.' 000 kilowatts in stead of their pre war total of ,'100,000 kilowatts. Of the 200 gas plants in die devas tated legions, l.'O were lonriletely de- (strovpcl din Ins the wnr Of this total fiflv-t'wo nie au'iin i inuplctelv recon- struct"d nnd fui in-h their full cpiota of i gas. and foitv-two nie paitiallv ie- loiistructed mil able to furnish about fiO I per cent of their pie war piodiietion. It I is Intel estliis to note, in (onueition with I this piiitlcular itulu-tiv. that it is not I proposed to iiioiiMiiKt I'oitv of the I plants di'sttovid, because of the (level- I .........nt ..f fi t i.i nimil' uiuitviii ... .... i Kiilltoail Trafilc Lighter Ofilcl'ils of iiiibotiils operating east from Clih ago and St. Louis icpnit lit t'c diaiige in gineinl tialiie conditions, fill t 11 loiiside'.ible leilmlinii us ''mil pined to a viar ago The stagnation in seveinl impoitant Mnes is musing u smaller tonnage volume. In the steel and iron ti tides tlieie Is still a much i educed pioiltiillon on the whole, al though some centers are shipping con sideinbl). Owing to small airlva's of gialn ui l" 'bis time at western con necting ceiiteih- theie has been a mod erate all tail movement of grnin cast, and the shipments ot Hour mid packing piodiuls ate also nioilciate, owing to tho lack of nnv Impoitant expoi t ile manil at the piesent time, Coal move ment is keep'tis up about on it jiar with n ,venr ngo and cllsttibiitlug iicduts are being well supplied. The. demand for coa' is of luocleiate pioportlons fiom imlustiies In man) cases, however. Ollieiiils ot soutliein luilroads icpoit i fair movement of lumber, and u good inn of whe.it to the gult pints, but I'l'ininl ineicluiiidlsp is showing a fu'l nig olT as coiiipi.iccl to hist jear. N'o letup in "in K,mu """M'lueut to the gill is cxpi'teil, anil Horn piesent . dletatiiiiis ,lll'u' "'" uu " Kd-siocl movement ol iiu us we'l as ot wheat. "' Tin: tuai)i:il Man Dead; Woman Dying ljiiu'i.sti'r. l'u.. .Inn. i:. Visiting Ids bungalow at Sunn) side, near the citv, slioitb after noon .vestenlnv, Jo--vvh Liuht cliseuveied tho body of a dead man and an apparently thing vviimau. The lur of wood alcohol was plainly noticeable. Tho dead man la supposed to bo Daniel Snydor, of York, Pa. A cai'd in bis coat and a collorbor he'ir bV' nanie, Tho woman U In a loco! los'iitrtl Ju ff critical condltlou. UNIONS PI I CAPITAL L Further Development of Norfolk Idea Planned in War for Closed Shop MORTGAGE ON IRON WORKS Hy (lie Associated Press Washington, .Ian. Kt. . Labor's an swer to ret cut lepal and legislative set backs may be to light capital with capi tal itsclt. , An experiment now palled "Ihe Nor folk den." conducted bv the lnternn Innal Asvoclat'on of JIachlnlsts. Is being much dlscm-ed and, it Is said. N about to bo repeated on tho Pacific coast. In bilef. the Norfolk idea Is the use of capital assets and credit of organized labor in the fight to compel ciuplo) era to meet Its demands. As explained by 13. C. Davison, sec retary ot tlio machinists there was a Mi Ike in the Cicsppnt i,nn Works, in Noifolk. Vn.. Inte in 1020. The labor union stritegy was simple. The out standing oblLratlons ot the ("rcicnt Iron Win In were boiignt up. and control thus having been gained, suppott wns fur nished, through extension of credit and active co-operation of nllili.itcd In a nehes of organised labor. Mr. Davison who was one of tho orlginntors of the idea, estimntctl today Ids association saved mote than S200. 000 cash in that mutest, while the saving to Its members was probably double that amount. "Instead of a long struggle In which nur members each cliew Ssj (t week in strike benefits." he said, "we suc ceeded in keeping them nil employed nt top wages, tup ministry In .-NorloiK was saved nn exin nslve tietiod ot in activity nnd the city was saved the loss in ttadc which would have re sulted." Norfolk, Vn., Jan. 1P. At no time has the Crest "lit Iron Winks been under union-labor lontrol or nnnngement, W." .1. Fielder, president of the company,- said last night. lie gave full credit, however, to union lnbor for sav ing his concern fiom tceent financial difficulties. LONDON STOCK MARKET Feeling Continued Confident Oils Drooped Dollar Descrip tions Steady T.oiiilnn, Jan 1.1 Xntw Ithstnndlnc n revival of borrowing liv corporations, Ellt-pdgfd Investment Issum were ninln talneil on thn stock (Xehnnge toilav. The leenng coininueii oontiii.-nt In tlio face of the ovcrtlu owing of the I.pvrucs ministry, Kiench loans wrre steady Oils drooped Sh' 11 Transport wna 5. rx-dlvldend, r.nd .Mexican Kagle, C Itoni.. ioIIh .r dull Hie disposi tion being to await disposition of the transport Mil In l'.iill.iniint. Dollar de scriptions were sti tiIv In svmpathv with tlio movement of N'ew Voik oxchnnge. Industrials were IrrcKiilnr. Hudson's T'nv mis 0'j. Im'IIh sn3ff.il. altlioii"li the price for bar Bold moved up a little Onorally, tho markets wero ciulet and steady. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Ynrlt. Jan. 13 Willi one or two exceptions Hi- for.-lcn exchange mar ket opened weak Kteillng started l'ie under vesterdnv's tlnal ; francs were down points nnd lire were off I nolnts The .Scandinavians displayed a better tone. Quotations were: liemand stetllrtr .1.71. c.bles 3 7 1 ai : funic cables 0 0 i, . checks fi 03 ; lire cables 3 1.1 clnds 3 41'. i Swiss cables IB fin, cli.-ckH 15 01 ; gull lir cables 32 no, checks :tj .ri ; limtns cables 13 32. cheeks 1.1 10; Stockholm cables 2145, ihieks 21 13. Chrlstlml.i cables 17.B0, eheiks 17 00: ropeuliageii cables 17 OS. (hecks 17 .13 : Iielglan cables C 37, checks G uU ; marks 1 11 The premium on N'ew York exchange In Montr, al today, which closed on Wednesday nt 151 percent, (bellned to lPi per cent The discount on Canadian funds In N'ew Yoik declined 1.1137 p"r c nt compnred with 12!D1 per eint at tin close on Weilm sdav vi:.sti:hoay s riNAi. (iuotationh Sreil nj I'liimi I.lrn llull.lors Demnnil :i 72 (I 10 a 17 a 711 2,Mrt 7.,',i II 1.' 3 III ,).' s0 TOUAV S OITNINll (Jt'OTATIONS St'ilniK rriiKN Lire dulMcrH IlAiiinnil 3 71 0 (CI a l.'ij 3 7.-, cables . 'nw 11 on, a ij j.'ud MONEY-LENDING RATES M!W MHK Money on call, both elnssi ( of collntptal, opened lnd.iv at 0 per cent fot 1, ndiug and unevvini; This Is the luvve-t 11l1ew.il lato blnce N'ovmi hoi' 30, last. Moiiev on the stock iMhante was loaned at 8 per n nt nn call and 1 uts do has bien In.iniil at I '. and 5 p. r mil A feitllie of the mniket, li ill, ithiff the shatp iniili.isl with londitinns n cently privnlllng was the fact that oine moiiiy lo 11 1 d today fur thru u, ,mr months pt C. pu- c, nt This Is the lowisl level thus far The 1 'in.iiiil for moiu v is n ported air. (lit, ilngs 1110 not what mlulit lie called llli 1 til. but the (hangia show the icI.iMng tiind tor the tlmo belng PIIII..lini.l'lli-Cnll. fi prr cent; time. (1 pi r ci 111 : couiinercI.il paper, tin in to alt months, C pi r cent (.Vote Tin si am meuh nominal quotations, as the l.g.il rnto of Int. ret In the statu of I'. unsjIvAiil.i Is l..d at C per it-iii This in 1 milium and imnmls slons, tliim nioiHV for thirty !. iiimtv dn)s Is loaned at 8 to S1- p. i- ct nt, while coininiici.il piper lionfthie to sK tnonins is ueniK ulleiecl at 8 to S1 cent ) per Reserve Banks Discount Rates Official letllMoiint ratea Die 1 , , r, J. eral Hubtrvo Istnl ire as fujluws Tlt-IIH I. I. I 'mih 1 ll, ells lloll'ls. l-.u 1 .i..nt llotton . . II Now Yoik . .. .'. 0 7 n It r, 'IlllaO-'lplUl Cle. Inn.l . . Itti hnion.l Atlanta Cllll-IBO St. l.nuN AGAINST APA 0 .','4 n .V, 0 II 7 II 7 11 h f.14 1, (I 1 0 ,-,'j II 0 .til til til to r. 0 0 i"i'J JIlntiotiHillH .. !' Kara 18 City . Id llalmH .. to faun l'raneliiio til ,(, per c. nt on p 11 oi si-iuriM 1, r, iter cent (eitlll-att-H mil " p-i (tnt en p ip, r curtd by 1 I-r (- H mid ,1 i 1 c 111 tertlil cap h tDlBeiiunt rate mi renpnmlH wl-h Inter. t rate bom I'N reltitleiitt- ivilit, eN toll 11 eral. with mini 1 u n f r, ,.,. , . nt m tiie cum ot riiilnd ll'lil 1, Atliintn, Iv nisnH Cln niel Pill is 'lid .' i r iint In th. (.1, ,f I'lev land. Jtkliiiuiiiil 1 likdto ainl ban 1'ui.i. plsro Bank of Enolnnd Statement London. Jon 13 Tho vv-eiMy M.ite ment of the Hank of Imglnnd shows tin follow lug chanues Total iesi,rvo In en an-d 1710.0(10; clieul.itifin d. -inased CI 7 15 nrto ; bulllnn ibcieas.d ilSII: other seeuiltlcs ilii-rinsul 1, '1 s son p -1 lie d posltH d 1 1 1 as (I is r, . C1O11 . nt'" 1 (b posits deeic is. . 1 1 'I S-.i) 000; rjj.i s ltseive Ineteas d 1,719 O11O; gov in tnt SLClirltles di-iii.isul .10,- '1 'lb- p opoi t on or He b ml, s useiTo to liability this wed; Is 12 15 per cent , Iaut week It was 8 S5 per ctnt 1 In to of discount, 7 i t- cent. State Funds Shrink llarrlslmrir, Jan 111 The htalunnit of the Tieasuiy Hi pat tinent ()f the amount of kik ral funds of the finuinon wealth uf IN nnsvlvunla thovva tin tot.il on hand Pees mbnr 31 11120, incIiisIm of inonejs upprnpii.itcil to the sink ng fund to be- SI, 002. 181. as against $1 -915 fi93 on Jaiiuaiv 31, 1920 Of the total deposits or $1,002,181, i'hlladelphia ee iiiiiuiiii h Id JI7O90I Peeemb 1 1 as against $818,071 January 31, 1920. - "OAR 8ILVER Ufir dllver vvna U lower n London 1oil.vy At ?nlt ty Netv York Bonds 3AI.i:3 IN ItOOOl A Bmlt & It r i .... :; S. . .. 77i 4 .. 774 Am T & T ill 1....1 .8N, Am Tel tTIH 2 ....' SI! r...... h'j Am Tel & T 0 0 ,,,. tid'i Armour it,n l(l.... SO I 3... 7.1 a... . 7 3.. .. 7S, 2 .... 78 A T & a I 4 2 78'. C 78H 4 7si; 1 78 A Conat L.V 4s 8 .... 711 7n'i t)7 117 t)7. 07?, I7. 07 N H7'i WN 117 H7i n7'i tl7'4 07 "j iV 70 7(1 70 10.. 0 . 3. 1.. 1.. r. . 3.. 3.. i:rlo Utnl l.lcn 1 - 2 . .. 4I, 0 . . 41', 1 .. 4 I "A Itrle It II rv A 1. .. . Mi '4 SO. Cnw It It cv U 1(1 0 1. . . ant, 1 . . nu'A H7N Kfk s'n n .'. trie lty Co la l ro N'n l'licttlo Is S..... 78 r. .. r,-, 2 CV'i ilovt t' H .ctf Orcif S. Cat Sft 1 100 100 100', 100 100 100 t0M 100 100 100 too 100 100 100 100 G b 100 Oregon S Ij 4 r.. l B .... 80 Ort'.W'n 11 Co Ntivl Co 4s 2 72 2 72 l t in . i l .. 4 . 4 . 2T A C'odBt I.'fl 70 1.... 101, N'n Paclnc On Atl'o l'rull 7 I . . . 72 1 CO Halt tt Ohio ev 1 70 1 70(i 1 711'a 1 70M, N Mates 1' 3s 1 7'j 1'n 11 nm 4!jB 1 ... 81 . 2 .. bl t'a HU ! 2 1 08"i renna 11 11 Is 1 tlO'i 1 HI Da It & O 3'il O .Swltj'd iUb 1 K 2 . . JOt '4 t 101 I . 101 3 111.' 14 Halt & Ohio As, 7 1. 1. 10 . 1.. 8.. 1 Ol'i 7I'i Tl. (Id Trunk rota rennet H It iJ 2 . . nu 0.... 10.1 3 In'.' t'corla & K In .-. in ji. 10. . . . 22 71 Tin I i ilun f.i'I'ore Marqt .i 1. 2 . 1,1 I.. . S. 10 . 1,1 1 81 .1 . cl.11 n 8.1 Hud & Ma,n in Phil Counlj cv 10 .. 27, 1 01 n.iit Ohio oi n nt 1 my, n & o i' 1. 1. ft V Va 4 s f. . 20 Kill County Is 1 GB . II 10 .... r."j ls&o Hn ni,i. in v,p,- 1 70 111 . 27 11 A: O Tol ts tu cfiitral t! 2 03 - .. 7iji,. Duli llldK r.s ' g 7i-,ia 1 OS ' 1 . .79 Tilts Cln C & .Sib a 4VjS 1 h.1 Bio O & W 11 2... . 01 n i a & i. 1 3 17 4 07 Et I. I'n Alt & 4. .. (17 III Cnfl iiijs inn. Milan .N'n 1 pit, lll rets I 1 .... 111 1. t. 1. 100 1 .. . 017,1 3 n niy 4s 100(lntburo JI I '(, 11 loot, I 1... . 10 11 .. -4 73 1. 10 1 R n. 1 100 Intboro It 1 M Bt I Jtt & 3 1IMI 1. ... 40 3 40 n a a av i 2 70 2 70 Pt 1. & S 1' aj lot nil Hit 101 III 1 &. C.t N In 1 00 I M Marine 0s I . . SO 3 (SO 7 Ml r. . . so 1. ... so 12... 70 1 I r.. 1. or.4 mi . . 01 ... 0314 j. a 1 in Ctl Leather Bs 1 01 Ctl Paclllc tt 1 .... 71 r. .. 71 C . O CV t'jn 1 7(Ha s 1. 0 .. . r.o 2. .. noli is .... r,o 1 .... r.o 3t Ij How' 11 r.s H. rleu A 7 03 Ijmj. Cent' 1 I- 1.... tl 2... . 711. Jnp l!n't 'Jn.l 2.. . 70 C k & Ohio Ah! 2 ... ti2ij C'k . O cv r.s .1 .. St , r. . . sin Jup Uule't ltd 20 .. . 03 . . :,s 1 . .. 0.1 ... Ss t I. . S 1'r.in -,s Scries U t 1. 1. Kan i: t S 3s 30 ... r.iij 1.. .. 7(1 .. 70 aw 'n ns 8 . . Sl- IS .. M' 3 Rl Ivan C . rl ,',(Sl I 3 7t K C T 1M I" r. . . 72 IC ot lit It- 0s '' 02 1 C.I Chi S. Alton 3s 1 03 2 ... 4.1 Ecio'd A I. aj C ft Alton 3' j 1 .... 3S (1 .... as a .. . us 3 . . 3S 3 . . 3S r. ."1 2. ... "Si. 1 .. 01 Chi II 4 Q lie". K UcIb in ', s 1 ... S'i I 10 . . is Chi II Si IsK ot Italy (, 2 07 I 1 S2 F0.10 d A I. td 0 43 2... . !i7!.acelcde (1 Co beab'.l jV I. 0a ('. 07 o rtt I. 4s fl . 'i7 I 1 (',') 1 . . r.r. 10 .. . r.i .1 . r.i 07 07 , 1.11 0 S'n I'.ic cv Is 12 . 07 Clll kll If 1.. .. r.3 10 . r..t Chtcncn Mil S. I... . 70 2.. .. 77H 1. . . 77 I.-ick hteel '21 t .. 01 Ij V en i,c,s 6 n l'ao tv tit 10 .. . 7! 10.. .. 0S 3.. .. OSii, at 1 (1 4s K (,'.' . ('2 2 .. . (.3 Chlcairo Mil & SIP cv -t'.H 2 . . 70 2 .. . 70 Chk.Hl.-i. Mil i. atl' fd ls Ti... '. 1.1 ChlciKii Mil Htl' Bill 4n ,1 . 7S ChleiiEo Mil . St l e-v .' 1 71 Cbl . Nw'n 7 2 . 101 1 . . 103 1 101 Chi Uallw'H Rs 3 . . 01 S . . 1.0 3 . 00 Cilltlil' fd L & Jljers 7s 107 8 lS- I.ou .ViiBh Is 21 0s4 S2 10. ... Ii'i si Jlld S S. O .li. 23. ... HI) 1 7S En ItallWa 4. 1 . .. 7S 2 (.0 Mi Jill & Norih'nJex & l'oc lt en 4 r . . . ,0' j 2 ... S4 1 . . 70 Mo K . T IciThlrd Aie aj .1. ... fiO'ii .1 . . 2d 2 . (.0 -' . . 20 10 . . 00 Third Ave Is . 00 1 . .. -I.' Mo Pacific la .' 42 20.. . 3." Union l'ac fl r. nr. 1.. 711 1.1.. . r,1 t'nlon l'ac 4s 10 . . . r.r. 10 .. S.l 10. . r.o 3 . . s:i 1, Mo l'ac Bs "(15 2 s.l ,1 . so Union l'ac 1.3 Vlont'a Pni Si. I 2 100 1.. . . S0 It K nt a Urlt 1 . .. Ml, .v. Id 1021 1 se,i, 1 0. 1.. .. S0 1 "SV Sow Or Tex &l 3 03 .Mexico Bh L' K el (1 I 1.. 2. .' i.O , & I'd 1022 07 3. ri'j . os . . . (.7 . (IS .. OS 1 New C Tex & ,1 . . 03 Chi I I . 1' Is Jloxlco 0s B . 01 0 . 02' 1 0.1 N' Y C.nt'l Is U K of O llrlt 2 ... 7-1 I i I'd 10." I 1 77l 1 .... SS 1 . . 72 Chlcano fit r 1 Mln & O l 3. .. sl Chi . W I is 3 ... (11 I 01 'li Heine hs 7 . . 00 Chile Cop'i Os N Y Cent I 0s, 2 . SO 0 . 02 U K of ll Hilt 1. .. 02 I I'd 1017 I . . 02 .', . . so 1.. P2 1 . . SO 1 . 02 1 . . . SO 21 ... 02 2 . SO '.. 'tH' city .. y 4Vj Jliy M7 2 . . 0.1 1 . .1)1 1 . OJ l' ft Mixlrn Bs 1 .. . 01 1 12 7 . . '12 'U H ltubb'r Be .V Y C 7s ict 0 78' City I'arla lis e 102 L' a Hub 7a 5. . 21.. 1.1 10 . 0 1 . 00 1 10 os 00 0(1 New Ik PU Is 00i 00 00 (ll '. 00 !s III 04 10 1 I I 0S 110 New V N 11 S. 7 lm) 5. ... 90 tl Is "50 U'd S fttcrl Ba C jvuurlcti re h 1 07 Cl'd Cln Chi & St I. 4a 1 SI 1 M) 2 .... SO CI 1 Cln Cln & at I.ouls 0s 0 00 2 ..01 1 . . 00 2. ... to New Y N II Hart'd 0s 10 1 01'. 01 01', 01 or, '111, I 1. I 1 1 N Y Itys ct 4 s .1 .. . 17 .1 17'i 1 1 N Yk 3 It 1 1 "". .1 1 1 V (' Chcm t t N Y Tela 4s: 13 . 70 1 7S N Y Te-le'a 0s 1. . '! Vn ltalhv'M ,1s 11 .. M 1 . . s-, 1 s-. Colo L ao'n 4a 2 . . . SO 0. . so Colo S ls I . .. S'l IVeatn l'ae 1st .71 New Y VV C ft 1 SI Host ls .XAVat Shore la 3.. .10", I '. 7 1 Nth West n U y, Union I ' s Tot wl 7 I 1 . . . . 7'i 2 . . H7.i S 70 Cona'd Can 7s B ,, 100 1 100 I'rne Vat 1 . . 73 Cuban C S cv 1 .... KB , D v. it o fd ct B 43 1 . . tl 7'W ll . Mfs 7a 10 07 1 07 '17 8.1 '7Nl 10 Dm tt II 11 la 2 . . . 0.1 2 . . (1.1 3 . 01't .1 01 Po Can f,a "Jt 2 .... 00 I) Canada -") 1 02 Pom llcp'c Ba B . .. 7B'i 2 . !i7, r. III', 4 . U7I, I 'HI', 8 1171. iVilHon Co cv 1 . 117 :i ,! 7. . . II7 Wilson Co 1st IB ' 117 , 1 .. M 1 . i7J 1 . , , vi l-l l'7'S.I 1.. , K'l r. u: 1 . vi 11 r. Hi' Dii Si I Ml S7.IH! Mi s'J llll.llv, Ifluh IIL' I'.tl Ml Ml ,S7 (ll! Ml III) 11(1 III 1)7.111 HI US till !l I .in ll'.'.ll MS.M) s7. mi Mi.Tl! till (111 117.0(1 III!. H'J Hll.tU Liberty Il'-s. . . I.lhi'tt) 1st Is.., I.iheity 1st -l,s. l.ilietty 'M -l,s.. l.ibeity .'Id -lS. I.ibertj -Itli -lVih. Vie Notes .'l-'I, s. . Vic Notes -I'j'ih. , II I'i !H.irj Shi H 1 1 Chicago &. Northwestern ABks Loan W aNbliigton, Jim 1 1 - The rhlt iko nnil Noi tlivvoHtern lt.11lw.1v Co nsU el the Intor-ituto Comiiu'-n ronimli-slun toil.iy fur n T(iveriiiii nt lo.in uf f.l.uuO, Obil foi tin M'.us, fin tin- imieli.ise of ntiv ciiiillMiii'iit, Tlu curler oltt-ii iiulimicnt tiUHt (i-itiiliittes niuountlnB to f MO: 000 iih Boimltv fui tlio luati Prices Firm on Paris Bourse Paris, Jan, 13, Prices wero flrtn on tlio BoiirBo today, Tlirto per cent rcntrs Mffr ttCa ; exchange on London, OUr 52c; 5 per cent loon. 85fr 20c. The dolla'" vvns quoted at, lflfr 62c. DODGE'S FAMILY GEIS $50,000,000 Auto Maker's Estate Goes to i Widow and Two I Children WILL SIGNED IN NOVEMBER Dclrolt. ,rnn. 1.1. The will of Hor ace K. Dodge, nntomobtle mnnufne ttirer, was filed yesterday In probntc court. With the exception of n few immlnnl nnntiitles It provides thnt hts estate in its vast entirety ro to his widow- nml fiis two children, llomee 1.. Dodse, Jr., nnd Mrs. Delphlne DoiIkc Cromwell, wife of Jnmcs II. It. Cromwell, of Philadelphia. The will contains no reference to tlio extent of Mr. Dodge's property, hut it la esti mated In automobile ( ircles thnt the estate will range between $.0.000,000 nnd Sfio.ono.ono. Mr. Dodge signed the will November 27, the day before lie left Dcttolt for riorldn, vvheic he died two weeks later. It is nn unusunlly brief document. On his nrilrnl nt I'nltn l.each shortly be foie his death he discussed the will vvitli Mrs. Dodge mid ciptesscd a desire to amend it unci mnlte sevcrnl additions to 't will! this dcv.il o in mind, ho tolc- grnphed Howard 15. llloomer, bin nt torney. to take the will to I'nlm Hencli. The telegrain was sent the day before Mr. Dodge died, reaching Mr. llloomer shortlj heCoie Mr. Dodge's denth. llh ndditlons will he carried out by Mrs. Dodge, it was nnnouneecl yesterdiiy. The proposed amendments Include benucstn to household servants nnd old employes. The opening bequest wills to Mrs. Dodge nil of Horace D. Dodge's jewelry and petsonnl belongings, fill the fur niture, fixtures, musical Instrument" nml music, pit tines, statues, works of nrt, china, silver nml ecpilpmcnt of every nutiiie in all of the Dodge res idences. The widow also receives tin two (iins-sp I'ointe homes, the home in Palm lieiich. the farm nnd all ihl Dodee vnehts anil boats of every type. including the new jnelit which Is still on tho vva.vs nnd which Is considered one of the most palatial jachts In the world. The following bequests are made outside the immediate fnmlly, and in each ease the redolent to receive tho same iiiniiunt jearlV for life: Mrs. Delphlne Dodge Ashbaugh, sis ter of Horace Dodge, S.-.nOO. Mrs. I'lHuk Cnsto Itogers, nn aunt, .$l.-i00. Mrs. Satah Custo Ilurlingham, nn aunt. I."0l). Chnrles 1'. Dodge, a half brother, $iroo. Mrs. l.tt.i I-'crguson, .1 eousiu, .$1.-(K). Mrs. Mae Thomson McNutt, bis wife's sister, $1.(i0. Mis. Cntlierine (irattou, his wife's sister, $1."00 Willlum Thomson, Mrs. Dodge's father. .$110(1. All the rest of the net Income of the cstnte is to go to the widow for life to bo paid (tiatterly. On the denth of Mrs. Dodge the trustees ate diiected to turn the "estate over in c(iial shares to the two children of Hoi-ace Dodge unless Mrs. Dodge should die befom they arc thiit.v years old. In thnt case the money is to be held i'l trust for the children until they are thiity jenrs old. MELLON QUITS P. R. R. Directory Board Member, Mentioned for Cabinet, Resigns Directors of the I'cnnsylrnniu Ilnil road Co. vcsterda.v incepted the tesig nation of Andievv W. Mellon, of 1'itts hurgh. ns n director of tlio company. Tlio letison assigned for tiie lesiirnat lo'n of Mr. .Mellon was tlint both he nnd the j company desiied to mold any unpleas ant complications nristng ironi the un dellnpil ieiuitenicnts of the federal law respecting intei locking diiectorates. However. Mr. Mellon has been men tioned quite piomiupnll.v as a posvjhlc member of Senator Holding's (iibinet. Finuneial inteicsts have been booming Mr. Mellon for secietaiy of tiie tirus ury. Joseph II. (irundj, president of the l'ennsjlvnnin Manufactuicis' Asso ciation, being tho smikesmnn for those intetesls. It is said that tliev have ie celved promise-, of suppoit from Sena tois I'etuose nnd Kno. Ilccentlv Mr. Mellon conferred with Senator Hauling, and it is Mild that Mr. (Irundj went to Washington Tues day to aid Mr. Mellon's cundidacv. Mr. Mellon is u diiector in the Ameri can Locomotive Co . Ciueible Steel Co. of Americn. Toigpil Wheel Steel Co.. Middlctown Car Co.. I'ittsburgli Coal Co., Stnndiud Steel Car Co. and the Purged Steel Car. Co. WOMAN FALLS 300 FEET Portuguese Countess Killed In Fall From Westminster Cathedral Tower London. Jan. 1!! X woinnn visitor at Westminster Catliedtnl vestenla.v fell IKK) feet fiom thV cnnipanlle (St.I.d waid's Tower) and was killed. She Intel was Identified as the Portu guese Countess Da Hilileia Cinnd, who had been missing from a Chelsea nurs ing home, whole Count (iinud nKo re sides, He was too i'l to he seen. The top of the campanile is pin foetid by n stone wall four feet high iiiul a metal guard mil. This is the fust accident since the tower was elected. In the summer time some 200 people nseeud it dailj. The body was found on a sinnll balcony below. I'veiy bone was broken. lllv bleed. llir, Hl'NTINriDDN llltOM) TOP Mill NTA1N RAll.ltll.M. A I'lMI. (O .l.in I 1 l(e 1 The lloird of Directors have thin liy ,i. ilnied 11 dividend of IVv- per nut (73c per vlmrel of tha preferrid modi of ihli Com. un puvublo 011 and after I'i b, 13, Kill, t met kin, Idt-ra of record (it the tl at- of buhlntna, Feb 1 Cbitkn will be nulled. A. J SMII.rv, -lriimir. 1 Annnnl vtietinrv ,.;.. SEIOM) NVTIONVI. mNK ilJj of I'hlbidilplili, Prinkforl I'hllit , Jan 11 Hij At ihe Ai'iuul Meeting of the Stotkhold ers held this tliv the following mined v.. mleniin w rn el.x te Direiiom to berve for tin- ensuing ton. VV itKiill Kivlnutnn Daifel It Oreenwood v,,niuelW Ev.im.Jr Ih.U.itl. Sh. ppard 1. ...l.lln Sim 11..V .lnhn I- ...... ... ' ' juhn liidtllK "Will Iji tu li.ntuin.i'n Willi HI! 11 Whilaker JllllUUV IJ JK-H . ti 11 .ti-. ... ... ..." .....in 01 I'lrcflnrx .. l.l ,1.1- .li.i lllw fol ni, l . ...i lt,rH in... .... -...j ...."."- ,., , it 1 tm w.'re 11 in lnniuHlv re-ileitei John E (lonvlinB l'..,,eni ..nd iJiinlel It Urttnwood Mii I'rtclli 1,1 I'llVN-K ADSlIEAJii"Hfchii.r rj .J.-" I Mi: AN MAI. MEI,llMi"o. mi": - Mili .1.1. -a of 'J be lliintlngilim ,,, Ilro.nl Ion Mountain Railroad ,,'i ( ,, (iiinpiuo w lb h.-lil nt lb.. otll.H of the C'oini'-ins '. riitHitn, lehrimrj t. 10 M at li o'ibiik 1111011, when an el.-ttlon win b0 held lor DlrtUors foi the ensuing se,r J D (.(Mt.ff.EY Hi, reiitrv poj.n ir l B.,-"MT1IE IS III REItV lill.NTIIAl ' a convention to revise, tornct and nmend tbu lUl a of tho Detnocriitlo parly of the el'y and county, of Philadelphia, will no nein at nie no iir.1,1 corner or Tenth nnd VValnut tret. tthlrd floor), oq Tuesday eve ning, Jau. 18, 1011. o'rlnik. , .....-r.w.H nutlllCVIll, 'tlemnorary Crmliman, Midvale Steel Mlihnlo Steel, throuuli Its dlvernM ration ot iiroductc In nlwnyn In a position to make the put of favor able buiiineKS eondltlonii. It nro tlueen practically cvorythlnu neces Bary for the manufarttiro of Iron nnil Mc. products, from tho or to delliry to the ultltnnto connumer of Its varlouH by-products Thn rompanj'a output contts of tiimmrouii Iron products, whll tin loheil materials are nheet nteel, rnlls, tructural steel. Mati-K ear and loco motive parts, agricultural and "I'rlnnl stub wlro rodn, nteel rar of all de scriptions, rolled si eel wheels and many minor foiina of steel. In addition to nn nnaltpls of Mid vale Steel the current number ot our Market Ilevlew contains brief articles on tnnnv other slocks among which ate tho follow Int." Swift & Co. Swift International Middle States Oil Allis-Chalmers Pullman Company Sint on request for 1593 Hughes & Dier ( I'lilU. Stofk i:hnnito I I'ltlslmrch Stock Ktrlinng 1 ( IiIii'.bo Uoiinl of Traile Nrw lork l'rotlucii llxeban ge Ml ruber - e 1435 Walnut Street Philadelphia Sxtruri. H13 Knee IH05 1 New Vork, l'ltlsbunrli. flevrlaml Low-Priced Rails In the current issue of our In vestor's Roview wo have analyzed tome of tho railroad issues which are icUinfjr at low figures, among which are Southern Wabash Rock Island Missouri Pacific Kansas City Southern St. Louis & San Francisco Market leader are summarized with price changes, including such issues as U. S. Steol, Baldwin Loco., General Motors, Midvale Steel, American International, etc. AsU for a free covy BOUREAU & EVANS UemScra Philadelphia Stock Exchang 130 South 15th St Philadelphia toctut ClSt Xce 319$ West Phila. Office, 7 S. 52d Stres,. Wm. R. White. Manager Phone: Belmont 539 Your Firs! Step in the Stock Market How to open an account .Methods of trading Carrying stock on account We have rrenared a new booklet espeelallr for the newcomer In 'he market, and It Is written In a style that mokes stock market problems readily understood. Write for N-10. GUTHRIE & MeGOVERN Members PI1II11. Hto(k Eichnnce 1430 South Penn So,., l'hlla. Spruce CI1G Rare 3093 New York 32 llrondway I'INANI I A I. JAN 2. 11141 Mil UK '111 HOLDERS Ol' Pl.OI'LI.-. Ps. RVW. KV MOCK lltlhT CEIiriril VIKX I'nder provlslonn uf tho Sinking Fund. staled iiroiionald will b. reteived until 3 11 in.. Jan. II, at tho o'tlLe of the Truatew, ,"i'. 7 Chestnut atieei fur the Hale to ll ut a prlep not cxce-dlng par. of as many uf aald certificates as $J..,lHli will purchaac. I'roposaN should be nddregged to THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOR INSCUANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES B17 Chestnut St Ph ladelphlii. Pa KSS3 AN AIUDl'UM.I) mi:i;tin(j of tiu: l,-y rorinrntiiin of thi (lfrinitntunii Il.. jM?iiHftry and llunplt it will bo held on Wvtl iifMdiU. -Iimii ir ID, HUM. at the Huapltul, I'tim and iht w tnLtH (.) rtnuntown at I p m , w h 11 the Amiuul Hopuit will Ih reud an fteottun ut Iho numlxTH to seno an ManuKer. 1t the next t!ir mhw will U, held nnd Hu-h oilier buiilntHH transacttd us may propeib lump Itefore th incttiritf ' TIU.MAS i:'ANS tiecrttary. j Anniinl TH ration I2?J THE PlIll.AKI'.l.l'HIA NATIONAL , phll.lelphlii January IJ 10J1. At tho Annual El tibm hi Id 011 the lllb llihtunt. the following Stoi kholdvra w. r.i flieted Dlreeteia of this ll.mk to wre for ttlu . nsuinK i-iu, " it. r.i nrii Wood w iiiiani 11 Donner W.i'laco l Simmons Samuel D Warrlner Eldridg.. It Johnson .1 H .ward Petv J Ke.irsley Mitchell It'-'ir ( llr. ngle S l'emb. rtonllutrhinson . I -l el I 1-urt m Alfred C ILtnlson I.el I. Hu. Oeo II Mi 1'idden Randal Morgan Samuel It'-l Pierr- S duront Aa 1 S Wing fiamiii'l M Vain 1 iln At 11 .meeting of the Directors held this dis. Mr lel L Hue wan unanimously re elei ted Pntbb nt Men. Clia.lia 1' Illliin. Jr Hnwnrd W LewlH VVilUiunS Mdddi x HoraeH Forteaeue nnd sti phen E Ruth iv.ro re-eltcted Vice Pit-sldciUH llciW Villi Weil FE Cashlir Zjut EKilllll NTIONl. NK I'olllld. Ipllla J.lltu.rv 1 ' ln.'t At the Annuil Eleitiun h. Id mi the lltli InHtanl, tin- following uentlemen viore electtd Directors for tho e-uauing tar -Jainuel Hill Jr. SunuilT Kerr , llolwrt Carson llobeus Irwin rnuili Uncle The. I" Minor Wm J. Montgomeiy Divid Halatead At a meeting of the Dlrei tors held thla dnv the fallowing OllUtra were unanimously rt'-tleeted WM J MON'TOOVIERY, President H-iMl'El. IIEI.I. Jit vice Pr.aiu'nt ritvlU.ES II rooiv'E Cashier JOHN D ADAIR Aeat CiiHhler W M A N'lCKEHT Asit ("uahler Dl A.NE MOltltlS ,t HEfKHCHER (funnel CHARLES n COOKE. C, hi"? IHE KENSIMiTON NATION V. I1V.NK 137 Pliilinlt ipblii Januarv , ipj Vt nn elettlon held nn -laniiar 11 101 the following iinninl gent I. men were eleetrii Pnectora of chin Hank for thn mxulng vein fh.irbs Del.iny J P Williamson, Jr ileorgn A Land -11 I bin me It VV'hlto lIumnvoA Kufnimorlo William V Prleo Hit hard To-pin ' I'dwin II Mnlono llenrv O Pro d!n-r II. 1 man I. Winterer llnrrj W Hind Mo rla I) Robinson J Scot I Fowlir At a 111 eting of tho Dlreetora held this day the following orrkera were (le-Lttii. I HARLES DEI.ANY Piesldent (iEl)HOE A, LANPELL. Vice President WILLIAM W PIHUE t.Hhl,,r k OROVER C Tl IT Assistant Cashier jijni.i-ii w. 1 w.. Assiaiitnt ejaahier KIIEUICJHCIC J. (1EIOEH. I"...,. Mollj- ."v Assistant Caahii , OEK1ER. Kan.. Ho jK30N. Noti.ry WpV lKIUU, Ca Icltor JAMKS It. ANDKV30N. Noti.ry shier, fejL uvdF CTMANCIAI, Anniinl Meftlnts JIJIIJ ITNNHYIjVANIA nAlLROAD roVII'ANY. (Jriirrnl OITIce, llronil Street Btfttlon. Philadelphia, January 0, 1921. , ?he ANNUAtj M13KT1NO of the Stock holders of. this Company will be held on TufMliy, the 8th. day of March, 1OT1, at It n'clpik n. m In Wltherapoon Hall, 11121 JV alnur.Btrcet, I'hlladelphia, at which meet Irur there will be submitted for conelderatlon nnd action. by the Stockholders the Annual Itenort of the Hoard of Directors for the year ended ,31 at December, 1020; the Question ot authorizing an Increase ot the Indebtedness of the Company, to bo made when and M prescribed by tho Directors: tho question of chanirlnif the date of the annual meeting- of, and tho annual election of Directors by, ths .stockholders! lenses of the railroads, prop erty and franchises of the following Com panies now nnernforl o h.rl. nt fliji vafjtm of Tho I'cnnsjlvanla Itallroael Company, io vvlti The Cincinnati, lbanon and Ni Hallway Company; The Cleveland, jind Cincinnati nallway Company: C NO forthern Akron --iimHA land Valley and Xrartlnahnrv llnllrnBil rtnm. panys Tho Knglewood Connecting Railway Company! Orand Itaplds and Indiana nallway Company; Indianapolis and Frankfort nli road Company! 1-oulnvllle Ilridire and Term mlnal Hallway Company: The New York Bay ltallroad Company! The New York. Phila delphia and Norfolk ltallroad Company: The Ohio Connecting ltabway Cempanyt rertti Amboy and Vt'oodbrldue ltallroad Company! Tho Pittsburgh Cincinnati. Chlcaao and fit, I.ouls ltallroad Company! The Pittsburgh. Ohio Valley and Cincinnati ltallroad Corn panyi The South Chicago and Southern ltall road Company; The Toledo, Columbus ana Ohio Itlver ltallroad t'cmpanyi and Wheeling Terminal Hallway Company: and such other subjects as may properly bo presented to tha mce-tliig. Stockholders may obtain copies or the Annual Iteport of tho Company and the necessary tickets for admission to the meet ing on and after the llrst day of March, 1821, by personal application ut. or by Utter to, the He-eretary'a olrlie, Iloom 209, lirctd Btreet Station, Phlladutphhi. IjCWIH NinijSON. Secretary, fr" AT TIIE jNNUAI. MKETINO OF . ,tho Cimtrlbutora to The (Jlen Mill SclioolM. held pursuant to nublio notice on VViilnrsdu). (he 13th day of January, 1021, the- following Oniecra and Managers wero elected. President MOHHIH KAHLE Vice Presidents I WILLIAM JI. CABTLB I onoitai: t hutlkr Treasurer. .IAMI1H A. HAYi:fl Secretnr. llDML'.N'D a IIA.tMi:iiai,Y MANAQnitH roll TIlHKtl Y1CA11H J IIKNHY IIAHTI.KTT I'lIII.tP M. HHAHI-I.KS. West Chester. Pav DAVID K WILLIAMS JASI'KH YKATI3H IIIUNTON CLIPI'-OHD PIJMIU.nTON. Jr. IIDVVAHD r. OAnDINL'K II. L. WHIT-rnMOIlR The following will hold over, plus on vacancy, and with tho abovo will constitute thn Hoard of Managers: ilV.ir.K0 J- WatHoti Thomas n. Ualrd. Jr. William I Hlret T. c Taney. John W. Townsend Media, Pa, Pnrlter a. Williams I.ouls J. Palmer J Uordon rettermun, Krancla A.Cabeen. Jr. Media, Pa. Howard It Yocum II ll" "fin'r (' if' H' Harrlsun 3m!th Chester, Pa. Also Charles C. A, Baldl. Maurice Dower Haul and Howard VV Page, appointed by ihe Court of Common Pleas, and Charles l.dvvln Tox and Herman L. Collins, appointed by the Mayor of the Citv of Philadelphia. i:D.MUND a ILVMKHSLY. Secretary. raf tiij: northIjKN national hank . , Philadelphia. Jan. 12. 1021, At the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Ilank. held Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1021. tho following Directors were unanimously elected to eervo for the ensuing year: HKKIIKHT I'. (ilM.l.M.HAM WILLIAM II. IULVKC CIIAItl.lX M. Mct'LOl'D TIKIMAH J. VVAKI CLINTON . MAYKK THOMAS DKVKI.ON, Jr. JtlllN K. PITH VV. I'AKK MdDIti: THKOIHIKK K. MCKf.Kb WILLIAM 11. IK1SSKAM 11. 11. HCIIt'KIII.KR i:t.Mi:tt W FL'LMKIt At a meeting of the Directors, held this day. the following Officers wero unanimously elected to sero for the ensuing year: WILLI M 11. IIII.YKII. Chairman of rioard HKKIIKHT r. (HI.I.INCllAM. President THKODOKIj K. NirKI.KS. Vice President UH.L1AM , HOSSKAM. Vice President The following appointments were made by the Hoard of Directors- I'HANK W. KNKCIIT. Ast. Cashier MRTYN K. IIKNNK. Amlllor IIKItNAItl) J. ARNI1T. Notary Pubtle II U. SCIHJUHLCR. Cashier. fSNAT10NAI, SECURITY RANK Philadelphia, January 12. 10"l. At the annual meeting of the stockholders, held on the 11th Inst., the following named gentlemen were elected Directors to servo the enduing vear: William H Horn J. II. Drlpns rieorgo Keesler Charles R. Schmidt Oeorge n. Allen Fred J. Flnkenauer Frank S'choble Heulen Wlndlsch Walter T llradley V VVIIIIam Doerr J. Edwin Rech At a meeting of the Directors, held this day the following officers were unanimously re-elected- T It pniPPS. President. or.OHC.rc KESSLEK. Vice President. AUTHl'lt K WKIIj Bolleltor. OEORGE OVINQTON Asst. Cashier. W. II. MoKKH. Cashier. 4 Annual Meetings PSS XUE EULITA11I.K II.LUMINATINU 2-' OAS I.IOIIT COMPANY OF PlIlLAnRM'IIIA I Philadelphia. Pa,, Jan 8. 19"1 I The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of The Luuitable I lumlnatlng das Light I Companj of Philadelphia, will bo held at ihe Comoans's Office. N W. Corner of rim. I and Arch t;.. Philadelphia. .Monday, Jonu nry 2t. 1031. nt 12 o'clock noon, when an election win ue nem ior nve in; Directors to aerve for the enautng year, and such other buelness transacted as may bo brought before, the meeting. The slock transfer hnnkn will hn iM.. 1 from 3 p. m . Thursday. January 13. 1021, u"'" '" "i-"',', VfiJV.'.UniS'-y.-r'i -' r H MACfOnniS ri-cretary." 3S THE ANNUAL MEETINO OF THE -" lncoriMirators and contributors of tho Northeastern Hospital of Philadelphia, will bo 'heM at the Hospital, at Allegheny Av4. iSth.ToiTnts'VM?" T,lur",Ja'r' JonuW Election of Officers nnd other necessary business. DAVID D I.t'PTQN Seerelarr. ffP R1TTEN1IOUSE TRUST COMPANY :s 1312 Chestnut Street I Philadelphia. January 10. 1021 I , T,1,e n7J?'1 ',;",;t,,on f?.r nirectors will be 1 held nt the Hanking House on Monday. , Jinimry 17. 1021. ut 12 o'clock noon """" AHTIIUH HAINES, Secretary. Free 64 Page Book for Wall Street Traders It dearly explains: The General Rules of Trading. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holders. The Deposit Require ments for Carrying Stocks. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Broker's Commission Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Group Invest ments. Edition limited. Call, phone or write. Ask for No, T. U.-338 JONES & BAKER Specialists in Netv York Curb Market Securities WIDENER BUILDING PHILADELPHIA Telephones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2230 Offices In 8 Principal Cities Direct Prlf at. Wire 1 I I! l It tr K M W A, te,4teBf&ft.t ..AU -, ... ',. W&I .ftfferS.lF ti, ji Jftf -.a mta ftvu iVnJg. .. iv4iiiiA tVft , V vyp V , y5fci H