r ..... . i - y 'Tc.,i7r ' rv vi 7-n - ir T' .. '.nRMHil j.j ' W . . "..' l ,.i j-. t - ; '", IV , I tV-A.i " ' ' fc MAYOR TEIS I STORY OF IRELAND Accomplishes Avowed Purpose 0f Visit to U. S.; oommiwn Hoars Testimony THRONGS ATTEND SESSION ny tlic Associated Press .Mnrion.Jnn.l3.-pon10Oal. V inrl mayor of Cork, who come W' r- '" I -townwnv without n ".-iIS "ni1 ,l0' ,rMcnco ln 'ih0 r' F i ,t rmisctl n controversy bc "WihJ Stole ml Irtbor DtW 1m nUiu-lll'rl to.lny the an mfDl ' i ,.i rn nsc of is mission to tlic iSnltlloi. Investing r the "ttf. 'crowd which jammed the IfIC.n ,."... ...i.r tllP CnilliniHB Oil Kotfl i i. null' v, tlic lord mayor dc f'T'i , I th? HI of the lata Lord K'!;hH"tnh..if.C,,.d other !'' . . ii ni'cii. iii'ii. iniirni-ii 'ft InX" of K.Pn of murdor" .,, Ireland lch "" mm" . "n&Sltnn save his iiro ns twenty ,! ami I"!'1 '" 'o"nlKMon that he '".. j.i...i iirii iii'ivnr iiv iiiit'iir UP' . : ?r . '. riilmit the 3e,l term of the lute Lord Mayor lrSUie. "'"' " T ; -- ib lu "rlxton I'rlson. London. FAMINE IN INDIA EXISTS 77,000 Persons Already Receiving Relief, Brltisn Keport ii,m .tun. 111. Uly A. P.) IJjiiii''" : ,. 11,4 l t-....u u ni ip nn.Y ncciiireu 10 rxiai n one of the districts of India, while hne U a food scarcity In many other ilirlcH. ni the icsu't of lack of win 'r ruins for the crops. it was nn- " '",,... .I. l-.1l,, nlm fhla nflcr. lOlinCW "J' '" ""' ""-- 10011 Mn'ro than 77,000 persons ore already Reiving relief. "MOTHER JONES" IN MEXICO Radical Labor Leader Addresses Delegates to International Congress Mexico City, Jan. 13. flly A. P.) Delegates to tho congress of tho'puii. American Federation of Labor, In hos sloti hero, listened today to nn address I. ,"Mo,,'" -To""! tho radical labor leader, who arrived hero last week. She has been n regular attendant at ses sions of the congress, nlthough not n aelesnte, and yesterday was granted special permission to nppcur this morn. Ing leforo the federation. Plans for today's bcssIoh contcm plated only n brief mortiln meetlne. Iho resolutions committee being busy In pre poring Its report, which will be made tomorrow morning. Debate on this re port is expected to provide tlio first real activity of tho week. Tho dclcgntcs will be guests this evening at n formal din ner tendered by the Mexican Govern ment, nt which General Plutarch H Callcs, secretary of the interior, is ex pected to preside. KILL MAN TAKEN FROM JAIL Miner Shot Dead by Mob Wao Held for Soldier's Murder Jasper, Ala., Jan. 1R. (lty A. P.) illla14 Heard, n miner, held in connection with tho killing of James Morris,' a guardsman, on December i!,'t, Inst year, was tnkcn from the Wtillicr county jull early today by 11 mob nnd Inter shot to death, three miles from Jasper. The jailer nnd mliltnry authorities believed Heard had been rescued frnft prison by friends until the body was discovered nt the iindidc by a rural mail-carrier. Stfilixfff I'UiiLlC LKDi k 1021 lV " , ' , l ' i . I.,... FRENCI H PRESIDENT SEEKING PREMIER Papor Demands Appointee Shall Not "Make Lloyd George Foreign Ministor", DECISION EXPECTED TODAY Hy the Associated Press Paris, Jan. l.l.Prcsident Millcrnnd wns engaged today in conferences with lwlltirn leaders with a view to naming n mini who would form n cabinet to suc ceed that of Georges Leygues, which re signed yesterdny. Itajmond I'olnenro, former president of the reimhllc ; Uene Ivlnnl, former premier, and Haoul reret. president of the Chamber of Deputies, were the men most frequently mentioned ns the head of the new gov ernment, but It wai thought improbable M. Mlllernnd would announce his deci sion" before lote tonight or tomorrow. Foreign relations was the rock on which the Leygnes ministry split. The attitude of the cnblnet which resigned jestcrday In connection with concessions to Germany relative to disarmament and enforcement nf tlio Versailles treaty, especially Its at leost partial acceptance or tlic llrltlsli viewpoint on imiionuui questions regarding Germany, did not meet with approval. The Itvpubllnue Kraucaisa sums up this feeling on the pnrt of the people by saying : "All we ask Is that the new premier, whoever he may be', shall not take Mr. Lloyd George as his foreign minister. In political circles there Is unanimity on two (wlnts that the crisis must bo settled as soon as possible, and that the new toreign minister must no n mini 01 experience, reputation and nuthorltly. All other considerations appear to be secondary. M. Perct nppears to be the favorite candidate among members of the Chnm ber of Deputies, and has received assur ances of support from all quarters. M. Vivian! considerably enhanced his repu tation during the meeting of tlic Lcnguc of Nations assembly at Geneva, and it is understood President Mlllernnd is nnxlous to have him take the helm of state. Failing Vivlanl, there remains M. Polnearc. Serious differences exist between hlin nnd the president, but the latter would hardly hesitate to bury the hatchet if national Interests required. "Socialist Millionaire" Married London, Jan. 13, Prince Charles Hopkins, nn Amerlcnn known ns the "Socialist millionaire, "' was imirricd to Miss Kilccn Thomns, of Wolverhamp ton, at St. Peter's Church here yester day. Mr. Hopkins and his bride will pass their honeymoon on u six months' tour of tho world. TRUPPE ITALIANE INVIATEASEBENIGO Una Divisiono Militare Sbarcho- ra' per Mantenere L'Ordino . d'Accordo con La Serbia Q IMS, EXILE 'RETURNSTO ATHENS Former Foreign Minister Under Constantino In Capital for Brief Stay Athens, Jan. 1.'!. (liy A. P.) Pro fessor Gcorgios Streit, former minister of foreign affairs and confidential sec retary of King Constantino during the king's exile in Switzerland, has arrived here. He says he is In Athens to see his family, but will leave soon and remnlu out of tli? city until tho polltlcnl sit uation Is settled. Professor Streit will not return to the chnlr of international law at the University of Athens, which, lie former ly occupied. ?1 "rr w ttyr m ?C-3 Many noted architects and decorators have declared that the Gold Room at the Is tho most beautirul thine of Its kind they havo ever seen. No expense has liecn spared on tho decoratloiiH and appointments; when you corns hero you may feel assured of nn ntmosplicrc ot (ptlet refinement, as well as tho utmost In cuisine, service nnd entertainment. Platters or Service a la Carte. Special 51 Luncheon $1.25 Dinner. m J l 1 W. ilnfr ? if' iW3 m rf $ i y fif,?r A TV I m f!j T' ll' AKl W. '? hi .'A '4 V m Are yu build V 'St M hi n NOW or LATER Whether you build your new f actor j this year or next now is the time to plan it. If you decide to wait for further drop in building material prices you can't do better than be ready to build. If, on the other hand, you decide, as a great many others have decided, that not much is to be gained in waiting then you surely should go ahead with the plans. But no matter wl)at your decision is in regard to when you will build we can tell you how to build. Incidentally, our judgment as to when to build has helped many of our clients in reaching advantageous decisions. All you have to tell us is what you want your new factory to accomplish for you we can tell you the rest after a complete and thorough study of your business. We knowHhat a manufacturing plant can yield greatest efficiency and economy only if it is planned by men who know manufacturing as well as building. Under The Steele Idea, our organization is especially prepared to build your plant by thoroughly studying your particular processes and methods. 'Equipped with this knowledge they are competent to devise and plan a plant arrangement that will fit your particular needs with exactness and precision. Prepare now. Get ready to build. The forward looking manu facturer is beginning now to plan ahead. If you are thinking of building, rebuilding or adding to your plant, consult us. We will be glad to discuss your building prob lems without cost or obligation to you. Write or 'phone for an interview. NS 00. Architects : Engineers Constructors PHILADELPHIA TORONTO A, .feC-KU, jt. 'A! 33?- "-SRSSw- n-n-.- 71 s 3fiSS 3 i 'LlMAiHU&Ua .zxmpmkmmm?&rz2z& y Hryfc. 'sift Ktt m a - rx ' f I I .Tl.ite Plibllih.d nnd nintrlliutcd' Umlr Authorll.l liy the net of October 0, ,., I'UUMIT NO nil, ,,1TC. onnni ttl ,h0 I'onlofflco of Phtla ucipnlft, 2. a 8. nt'rtLnsoN.. l'oetmiutcr Qcnersl noma, 12 gennnlo S nccicura sla stnto dcllhcrato ed cmannto I'ordlno per In partenzn dl tinn dlvlslone militare cho dovrn sbarcare a Sehenlco, con l'ln corlco dl mantenere I'onlino In nttesa dell'appllcnzlono del trnttato d Itapallo. La dellbcrazloiio surehbc stota presn d'accordo con it governo dl llelgrndo ed in conseguenza dclla recento sollcvazlone del croatl cho proclnmarono la repiib bllcn ncll'Isola ill Veglla. Xotlzlc Indlrctto giunlo dal Monte negro segnnlano cho qucll'crolco popolo, in lotto per In sua Indlpcndcnza o la conquista dellu llberta. o' contlnun iivnto fntto sTgno alio ferocla ifelfe truppc scrbc. Sccondo dettc notlzle lo popoluzlonl di Ccttigne, Podgoritzn e Itlscli si sarebbcro sollevalo contempo ratieamente, mo la rivoltn sarebbe stata Miiffoeitn tint Knni?iie tint serhi. I comhnttlmenti In dettu clttn' si snrebbero sussegultl senza treguo per tlnquo glornl lungo lo strndo c nclle case, e le truppo scrbo dopo rlcevutl I rlqforzl nvrebbers represso l'lnsur rezlone massacramlo iqoltissimi lnon tcurgrini. II uumero del montenegrlnl trucidatl dai serhi avrebbe sorpnssnto il centinnlu o parecclile personnllto' enspicue monto negrine farchbero slnte arrestatc dui scrbl e trattenute in ostnggio. Nel Montenegro Fnrebbe statu pro clnmata In legge marzlale, cd ord vi linnem II regno del terroro, II gloriiale "L'lilen Nazlonole," com mentnndo la notlzin, dice cho II Governo Itnllano lin tntdlto II nohlle e gencroso popolo montenegrino o reclnmn l'intcr ventn dcH'Itnlla per modernre, se non nltro, lo ferocln del scrbl. Si voclfern chi, In segulto nd accordl trn II Governo dl Itoma o quclto ill llel grndo, l'esccuzlono del trnttato ill Ho pallo sara' rlturdata ill qiialche sctti ma tin. tJn dlspacclo da Trieste nnnutizln cho il Generate Cavlglln, dletro Istruzioiil pcrvcuutegll dnl Minlstcro delta Guerra lu Itoinu , lin sospeso II regime delln legge marzlole dlclilnrato all'inlzlo del contlltto nrmato contro i lcglonnri dl D'AununzIo, II Gcncrale Cnvlglla ha emnnnto uno spcclalo online del glorno nlle sue i k v, vr i . truppc, con il qunlo lo ringrazla cr nVcrc plcnamcnto ndompito at loro dovpro c per lo rigorosn. dlseiplliifi osscrvotn durante I'angosclosn conflltti) con I volontiirl ill Gnbrlelo D'Annun-zlo. "Modern Cargo" Lecture Topic "The Modern Cargo" will be thu subject of nn nddrcss by William Gnte wood, of Newport News. Vo., before the Franklin Institute this evening at 8 o'clock. TENTH NATIONAL BANK 1) Just as good soda crackers should be oven fresh, crisp and flavorful. Oven-fresh i Crackers liny by the Pound and Save Keeblei'-Weyl Baking Co., Philadelphia Broad Street at Columbia Avenue 'PHE Officers and Directors extend their thanks to the many friends of the bank whose patronage necessitated new quarters having greatly increased facilities and take pleasure in Announcing the complete and formal opening Friday, January 14, 1921, from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. John F. Bauder President Herbert L. Shaffer Caihier .-.I"..."-.-ipii- !.,. Blt'"fj VP I I I'LL l . I" P I I I ll t itctwv"" & v TVM&W'Wl&&7RWiXfEWKfflffi$9KKm B K-??r Lj I'CrT rJBfiHjr nB5ytB8BMr' Bar 7M " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - .v ur jj m i - .- . . i . . . . ....- -- - - B "NcwYork jSfor&i t America Monroe Clothes Ncwrlc' Real MUIS af WimWL REdodion! men's aBB wo! sui.s and overcoa.s -were$27and$3S at wholesale -Baa?ce of en f re secA proparo?afey reducec- toai Mm k 1 " fe5rl 1 1 S jllf jM Vm fwifix C. v J "' . ,. J yVt t . .... "J rri il ii j i I, i Ufl? f jSTfVSrM M-a CHI l-2?-,OWwW . & iIO Jl WW ". . C?7tBKHUK3S3't jzmR&zz2&. w m p B ie i I1C MIOWS ! lr i IhielhiTuiTnni! & In ouur 21 upstairs Monroe Clothes Shops tmlu proves that the PwbflcHfOTS VALUES PRICE GUARANTEE Thrsr prlcm are piar antrrd n.ialnst Ihe world! If. at any time In the next al- lnonl, you ran equal Ihene valuen nnyvr here, yonr money illl be refunded without question. SAVE THIS GUARAtfTEE Charge for Alterations Open Evenings until "Half off," "Quarter oil" and other alleged "reductions" mean nothing unless original prices were RIGHT. We tell you again Monroe original prices were from $10 to $20 LESS than else where, and these revised prices are like wise. COME UP join the crowds who are buying Real Clothes at Genuine Reductions. 18 Upstairs Monroe Clothes Shops in New York City Haltimore Paterson Yon Iters Others Scranton Jersey City Brooklyn Albany Newark &"- ' mv !grisHti3ai' ' sY p!fv Second Floor y Corner Oth and Market Sts. wer Woolworth's OPEN EVENINGS ,0 H Q f SIT. 'igtti - Hlfl :Ji!lillMIP;iiii!illiiiilililiiliirilii! v t v,- !. L',!ZM2m .A.fi4t4!miM?rijJ Wift toMs4&tW& "J&kj- .i'4'ft- I'fefVv vyjjlt''if'fc.iJi.---.. , i tj,jS;ii-o. v. . . u:J!il''f ,- a .(..(-'.. ,1 . ,i- Xt$t Sffh. $ i1 .il- '