V1 'It. vv? " I ( n V; s r, " i? a V IN '.. m ' V. i 1 m Suentng fuMtc f efta PHILADEiPHiiV " SATURDAY, JANUABJ 8, 1021)' ' l "I- MORNING EXERCISE. With the elephant a3 nn THE HORNET. It's known as a "One-man obliging bit of gymnasium apparatus, Miss Kathleen torpedoboat." Captain Harold Payno and O'Connor gets ready for the day's work at the oillce Engineer Walter Johnson compose tho crew. Kejmtone view Co. it has a speed limit of thirty knots I'nderwood & Underwood. PASSING OP MANY OLD BUILDINGS. Thoy arc boing taken away to make room for another recreation center, wKcro the children in tho neigh borhood, of Elovcnth and Rodman streets may play out in tho open Ledger Photo Service. PROTECTING DUBLIN CITY HALL. This wire en taglement is being erected preparatory to the occupying BLIND GIRL ANXIOUS TO CAST RECENTLY MARRIED. Mrs. of the city buildings by tho British soldiers. They vi 11 do guard duty FIRST VOTE. Kathryn May Frick, Curtis Walker, formerly Miss rndrwood & Underwood. of the Pennsylvania Instituto Helen Claxton iinrrii . Kwins LORD MAYOR OF CORK PAROLED. Immigration authorities allowed Daniel J. O'Callaghan (right), lord mayor of Cork, to leave Newport News. He was photographed with Peter MacSwiney, brothei of Terence MacSwiney, the late lord mayor of Cork Brown Studio. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC OPERA STARS JUDGE LIMERICK. These ten members of the light opera company, formed among the employes at Tenth and Chestnut streets, picked today's limerick winner. Those in the picture, from left to right are (sitting) Mary J. O'Hara, Lydia E. Struth, Agnes E. Serridge, Agnes F. Bolton, Beatrico Wagner, Geraldino M. Kenny; (standing) Mary Thompson, Mary L. McDougal, Irma M. Gillette, Etta M. Lukens PENN ROWERS START 1021 PRACTICE. Sixteen men who would bo glad to represent tho University of Pennsylvania on tho varsity rowing team this summer wcro put to work on tho rowing machines yesterday afternoon by Coach Wright, who is standing nt tho left Ledger Photo srvi vVj' B!lliBBBIBBIBlBljKnMMF!-'o-jClt DR. ALEXANDER GLASS, I'U. of Pa., who discusses tho need for veterinarians in an interview on tho editorial pago TJTJTTiTCtr PTJ'EHfi'HT'P!!? ASHrVRR nVt? T.nMfl TRT.AMn Tlin Au.t..l. Slain was driven ashore by heavy winds near Jones Inlet, a mile oft Long icach. Tho United States coast guards aro returning from a visit to uiu snip International. if . ; a i'i'i :v.v--;VV; jiViixr .if np,-.', ''.hiLte it, z ;,. -sii till v5p;f fcS& HERE TO DANCE AND SING. Ilona Montagh, a favorite in Berlin and Budapest, is in America on her visit trip t BACK FROM EUROPE. Miss Louise Mitchell, of Los Angeles, arriving in New York. She will soon return to Italy International, A "BABY STILL." Tho federal agents who found this devicB lor making "red cyo" claim it's tho smallest still that has been confiscated Ledger Photo Eenlci. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNER I'-fM 4c .-?lktSjir:' 1 SEMAPHORE SENTINELS I i I Jl IMWIPB V i i mmmmmmmm II I mmm ' m . . mmi .. in M . I , t .t f n I tf Mf -' & " V "V "'Wi UW MW SKPTiHt ''dBaiuaHI mmmmmm i, Bt, JEiSi-.wf' slHLR jmHBH MAKING TESTS, of C , Dr. C. harles E II. Cochran, of West Clash r, u' wcrl: in the laboratory Hires Co., 200 South Twenty-fourth street LwJgor Photo Sirvloe. GREAT WINTER SPORT. Hollanders enjoy ice-yacht racing on tho frozen Zuydor Zee as Philadelphians await snow and ico Ctntral Ncv Photo. ilh'S NO .SlitANGER. Lor iifteen yeais John Burn bido has caied for pedestrians, teamsters and autoistu at Thirteenth and Chestnut streets. Ho lives at 320 South Frazier street, is married nnd has two children. Bumsldo has been on tho polico force eighteen yearB. Be is fond of music and dancing.. Lodg.r Photo Beryiot. EXPECTS TO BANISH OLD AGE. Charles M. Twining, n bacteriologist of Berkeley University, California, cultivat- inL ;i enrm fny Hit -.. ' ,..:"' "if" i , "u I'u'i'uoe. uacuius ing Bulgarlcus is tho-namo of tho 'new germ MISS CLARA L1TTEN 2031 North Thirty-sccond stroet Philadelphia ! v.niri r(twa Photo. ir" 1 K K tfSZ S" IP asifcrr: -. .. . ..... A....: u, , ,fl. Hi- fi- f I "Tars lm6XeBB&k&S ' --)-" iminrpTr"Hiiar?,rr---'' p- md,,. .M'h . ' . i L ' - -