Ffrv7 -,.., y " ' " f V ft 4S EVEOTLNTG' FDBLIO llEDGEIlr-l?Hll;Al)liiLPHlA, BATUBDAX JANUABY '8, 19230 v;i i SWVWF DUCROW nr iieniiy st. joiin cooper I u J ua iv uuurcu iniu P'd she It all to you." she p wouldn't think Id give yo' rtelng all jou'vo done for wwl lines and I will wrlto to you. nail Ha nrmiit nf m lll(l n-Trl ',l; ', ," '"J .- uuiams in ins street sunny aashca tiji from her eyes. al,s xne Dest ana sweetest woman i Htr walked!" sho said aloud. Tlflr nnnl'i Oh"' Sunnv lnnb.,1 iiyi TTrtn jI4 in blow out?1' n soinB to see you home. Sunny," Td Dobrlncrtnn olrf Vou ain't!" she said briefly, mats where you are vronri I am." I) Bald "I am rolnr to sea vou home. funny." iJ.r .-"P t" do nothing of the W, Stanley," she said. "a laugned. Because I'm gains to walk." So am I ' jWhat about your motorcar?" Hang the car!" ho nnin "I'm wnilt. v!t!1. ou lf you Prefer walking." I Oil 11 liat . n ol u ...4 t it t. , , ; "'u ty onrii lb UUl, lien . ,,5 wIlltiK. W1II you take my arm 7" What fntO T ..l.i Ii.a.. ...I. t ..M fk alon without help " v.,vuea aown at ner. Our a. erv lmnnrtnr ium rwnan . !' ho Bald. And If T weren't .l.. .... T t.- .. 7tSmn?r 5 ,ob Bomowhere." she Bald. wnny. won't jou tako my arm7 i like jou to!" ."'at for'" she said. Vi- .,,""" on'y' ion irir rtn nil fii.t iii. n. in.. A,2fln,&faJ0.nJ..wJS' ?."rt.y.?u'11 be 7 jm -ww juu Kui wilt a. i UOn t fanrv T uhnll rrii , ,' UM V fAKTB TBB BTORV "u'V. bJ? iacwn, fct works ot " 'f 'B? tolfh her, that the Mends t".r.VmiMna Better ana nu u Stt ffl E W the funds they elng on tt '?'; . netine, ore orrejfed or ""'Un-and pardoned by the mag. 'caprancv an i Montressor, welU Utrate. 'Le,, impressed with 0,cn,. Artainalhu, brings her before J"" 'riMilWitki In her and gives "i S Bor. SimnV makeea epeeeh t WSm for her tremendous op- ' M1"fn)ki ohich, by the audience, is iMttf&'iJiural acting, and he aUo "un WteSse A. bouquet la handed vlK,ttunTlnthe center Is found a t Butatnlno diamond pendant, bat contq'nmii ".,... .- nloht lMf !h fioutrs and the package otouf the Sgf truth In her words jure ?r,L Acart of the audtenca Wk?fihsh! Is applauded. Next 01ii ?fi the receives a call from a m.mnilbins Mr. aibblns Is coming Ur;Jmoto. he explains to her ntV )if Is ootna to improve inc." "" . iinlit to Know A name oj iJ She returns the dla- m7 iindant to hard Uobrlngton. ndJithat Dobrtngton ts units. ( n ' Sunny and teUs SJSl1w a second Play, and 'tt em. &ai 'offers Sunny a mow Impor- "' fASTtVs "i l,Pforhei'.elfand "3'vuim ilontreuor Invites Sunny BJtareweli party. At the party lXammeetsPDobrlngton. JLHD HERE IT uuciiinuna IiTT ISN'T a bad name: I don't disime 1 im What do they call you at home I Stan?" Sho looked at him. 15111' " , ,. ,. Vo. I wish mey ulu""-' " " I. i.j.i.n as a rule. My mother some- IZ Sou Etanley but usua,Iy 8h8 S of mo as Dobrlngton." fiK' Lt KnnT said. "And she . i t T wan vnur mothftr ft call ou Stanley, or SUnny boy, or .. in.. l.f V iiometiiing.ii" - t ,. u.. "SuDDOSing you ao. no on.u, ..-v lv.,;- mv mother? I'd Ilka U just as much!" ... , , .. .. "Tou get on wun your oum numi hftid. . jhere were presents xor iuiss wgn- asor tonight llttio presenxa io raarn (he good will anu mo uucwmn ... ..... hv all held her. Mommingway naa Lught a. Uttto diamond lboch. noat- heimera ""f "-,?&'" rV,. ion ana mo ini " ""isr" ;v-....o-on'i i gift was a sllvor-gllt chain bag. nuitf ,s nnv acunicu iu atmu wuieiw .uipty handed, but Bhe had not. "I got something It ain't much omeuiing as i wuibcu mooi., oho aid. "I thought you wouldn't mind." Mis paused. She went out and returned ..... nrnwii i unci Li.b..i ,UI ..-" ,-r- i ij ,,t in.. "It am t noining. sno oaia .iut no .h.t the rest has given you. but I'd like jou to 'ao It. I thought It might be nli! on uio steamer going acruai i ane inHM the carcol and took out a sott. woolly jacket. "Just to koep Oie cold mit mine acrostl" she said. "And when kou git to tho other Bide, you can drop It Into the sea If you llKe. I "i am not imeiy 10 ao uiai. ouimy, r Tliifi Montressor said. Sho took the slrl luddenly Into her arms and kissed her. iThank vou. dearthank you again and hraln. I lovo your present, ana x snail keen It always In memory of. my dear I..1. f.l.nH P' IbUQ ,I.OItu, The tears started into Bunny's eyes. "U i aa a 'unarea minion pounaa e saia. "Ana rou too much, for mo. You ae me my start In life. Tou took trie ty the and and 'elped mo out ot the cutter. One dav one dav vciu'll know how grateful I am. I don't never forget ina snan t never rorget ana ana - She mbbed suddenly. "God bless you icd kftp you and tako you safo there uid bring ou eafe home araln to all of .9 as loves you, dear, dear " Kr cne eDoke Them wan a lana- nl- ence after Sunny's little speech. Max iemmicgway took out his handkerchief raauiew nis nose louaiy. vi gin, Jiosuieimer saia, - sue rakes me to ahllt mv sides mit lauchter fery time. Ho, ho I" i u was over. Tno timo ror parting nl come now and Sunny broko down. Pie cried: the tears rolled down her lace. "There ain't no one so (rood and lovely la you n alt th wnrM I" ah. iM .'ou've been everything to me and fira i onan i never xorget you, ana i'll fray for jou every day and like that - one pausea. Umie Montressor held the girl tightly ncr unna. 'Qood-bv, mtlo Sunny, and good luck '10U' Your tUCCl.51 will tirTncr m n Itat deal of nlenaurn. WrltA in m IjmMlmes and I will wrlto to you. I THE GUMPS-Posting the Neb 1a Inn ! -....'" .".v "" I "iii, . "i. lVr mei 1,e Baia. .. .YuimnK, men 7" Sunn' biut IJ'!59 'ou!" ho "o'1! sunny lauched. oo ao otiiors. nerhans." -1 W-Jl ' w nhA Ha.lt1. where would Bert bo lnrA'u Tt. FithoUt tn?" I "lUlic RerMt t, ..ij o.. i .. Rfw. SB-55 I ,5m I?' she Bald. "T dnn'f thlnVt" He paused nguln. with you? dot "WhV,.ao'..Hunnl'1" He wna.ts the matter wl Main in m... i .ii ,. ... - . "Vn'i i.' ir,'".ulHFBl,on' sue asKea. mewh.r? f ld elowly' J'1 havo a pain "lift In my heart' x think!" FSWlie." Sunnv 'a,uun l H" enouen ,hunny - l"0.hv.for.JJoodr""' -le get on with L it1 nvhat' the Ssi of keep. Vun,?vun5ylne7 Thafs my name." '" he aiktdyU y0U C0Uld ,lke She turned and stared at him to diiM?e..noin,n8T Pedicular about "Nothi ,ikeX ?he Ba11- "Why?" 9UI mfv t?nly one daV ! may te hn he uLV'i yo.u He JiUM. lmelflihB?,he,,i A19 med to shake hak? "fC.h's thoughts off him as a ileaD i VJile.Yate" fm his coat when Lois and int. , if, to tno lttnd. wn one B"0IL,h,n'r, .la B0"K to V. "On. thyn' ?un,nj' saUl thought ick. or v?f l8-I m,P?l"f to play "lla? thlt i J"',. anuU?k I mean ig iCT,d" u weK- And another "iy me nn ".H. UiouR-htfully tweel'. wd BeU" Bt married. I CHAl'TEIt XV 'r... " er Of llrrl... hi?, '5um1y"1ttwrLB,ertl" brlngton Jw i i,..".y. what do you mean" 14 It UD onn .In5al11; M W"1 Bert Vet-not il0. Uay' . u ,sn't Kohi o bouts i'.Yly .Jenty ye"" or tlfere , you ZiL a." B? to. bo. Beo?" im.S'tan to . ay n? cried--"do fjat'i " " ay you are Jti love with "Mo In love with Bert!" Sho burst Into a merry peal of laugh- "You're not i Of course, you're not 1" ho said. "Then what on earth do you mean by saying you are going to marry him? Is he In lovo with you, then." "JUcrtl Uert Isn't In lovo with no one I" she said. "It Isn't u question of love. I aln t never worrlod about lovo. I had" she paused "tho measles once when I wa a kiddle, and I had the dlph therla. once and went to tho Isolation orsepltal, I did, and done well." Sho paused. "I've caught most things in one way and anothor, but I ain't caught love, and don't mean to. I've got no time for falling in love. It'o llko this Bert you know 'ow helpless he Is he couldn't never get on nohow If he wa left alone If thero wasn't mo to look aiter mm. uoum ne7" "He Is certainly not ft genius," Dob rlngtoniBald. "Not very bright, I should say." "Bert's a perfect ijutl" sho Bald briefly. "He's got to have somo one to look after him. That's why I'vo got to marry him ono of theso days, only thero ain't no hurry. Mo and him havo fixed It up to get married when we aro forty." "I oeo," he said slowly "I see." "Oh. thank aroodnesn for that, then I" Sunny said. "Now" she paused and turned to hlnWyou dldn t h farther." She held out her hand, "I'll boo you home." Ho had his way. Ho saw her to the door. Thero he shook hands with her. He held her very small, childlike hand for a few moments longer, perhaps, than waa absolutely necessary. "Oood-nlght, and thanks for coming." "Qood-nlght, Sunny : and and I think " ho paused "I think you will find out you were wrong1." "Wrong about what?" sho asked. "About belntr nroof atralnst lovs. I fancy It'll come to you ono day, little ;in, ana wnen it aocs, yours win do a ove worth having. When vou learn to -"you didn't bolter come girl, and when it docs, yours ove worm Having. love It will not bo with any ordinary love It win bo heart and bouI. It will be a great and wonderful lovo. yours, Sunny, and ho who wins It will be a happy and fortunate man! Oood-nlght, little Sunny!" Ho wrung her hand and turned away. Sunny stared after him. "What's he mean by that?" eho asked herself. "He's gone off his onion I" And then she went Indoors. Tho now revue was a gorgeous pro ductlon. Max Hemmlngway had spent money llko water. Ho had laid hlmsel out to offer hla best to the public, but one thing was lacking. The popular fa vorite Miss Lesllo Montressor. was away playing to crowded houses on the other sldo of the Atlantic. Mlas Mon tressor was a big loss. Thero was no ono else In London qulto up to her stand nrd. Sho was a personality. Sho alono had tho power to draw, and Hemming wny knew It. Graco Blythedalo was young and even prettier than Leslie Montressor. Sho was very charming and very graceful, but she was not Les lie Montressor. "Of course they'll miss her," Hem mlngway said. "They aro bound to. Even the British public has a grain of loyalty In Its composition. They'll miss Lesllo Montressor. I'm nervous about the Blythedalo girl; she's stiff. Sho don't lot herself go llko Leslie did. I hope It's going to bo all right I" "Considering der money wo hat spent," Rosthelmer said, "It ought to be all ride, didn't Id7" "It ought to bo, but what ought to be very often Isn't," Hommlngway said. "I Just hope It's going to be all right." As the first day drew nearor, Hem mlngway grew more and moro anxious and Inclined to bo desDonduttt. "I dell you." Ilosthelmer said, "dat song dat feller vat'a his name? sings aboud der roses Is a scream, yes!" "Oh. hang him !" Hemmlngway said. "Yes, It Isn't so bad. It'll go, 1 dare Bay. But I'm worrlod. I think I've made a mistake. Rosthelmer. about that BIythe dale girl. She's nice and pretty and voung. of course: but that lsn t every thing. She'B stiff. I can't get her to Jump about She's stiff. The publlo hato any thing that's stiff. She don't fling herself Into the part. Como and see 1" The two went Into the wings, where on the stage a dress rehearsal was In pro gress. Hemmlngway was right ; Miss BIythe dale, for nil her youthful chnrrns, was distinctly ff In the lovemaklng scene In the cornfields. Sho did not let herself go. Sho did not In tho least look like a country maiden In her print dress and her sun-bonnet. She looked llko a smart London young lndy dressed up in clothes that did not belong to her. "She's Just nwful !" Hemmlngway groaned. "Look at her, mincing and prancing about. Picture Leslie in such a part ! she would have been 'It I" ''For goodness sake, Miss Blythedalo," he said, "do do let yourself got Get off your high horse. Here, do it like this I" He pushed her aside. Ho took her place on the haycart "You've got to bo coy and roguish full of fun. See?" ho shouted "You've cot to lauch and dlmnle and grin grin like tho doose ! This huycart Isn't a 'bus it's a haycart. it's stucK out here in the country: it Isn't Piccadilly. Now. then, havo another try. Miss Blythedalo was In tears. It was hopeless more hopeleBa than bofore. "That girl Is going to ruin the whole thing," Hemmlngway groaned. "I was mad to choose her. I thought she could do It I made a. mistake. She's only fit for a walklngjih part She's great as Lady MarlgoV Mangold WurzeL the society youngnady, with four lines to speak, but she's a helpless .fraud at this. Bhe cant do it!" He tramped up and down the wings, and wrenched his cuff-links oft In tho agitation of his mind. "I dell you. old feller, der mistake we make, yes," said Kosthelmer. "We oughd to have put dat little Sunny girl Into dls bart." "I believe jou aro right. Sho knows how to bo natural," Hemmlngway Bald. "But It's too lato now." "She's a quick study, ain't she?" Ilost helmer sold. "Yes. but. hang It. two days, man nllve! Are vou mad? No: It's going to go through We've got to trust to luck. There's the scenery and the dresses : and. of course. Daglan Is uo to standard and a bit beyond. We've Just got to risk the Blythedale girl!" Hemmlngway s interference at re hearsal had dono considerably more harm than good. Before that Miss Blythedale had been merely stiff nnd formal : now she wan nervous as well, and tho combination had a terrlblo ef fect on her part or Marian Dobbins, the country maiden. Leslie Montressor, us Hommlngway had said, would have thrown herself heart and eoul Into the part. She would have ceased to exist In her own personality. Sho would have become a country girl with a rich Somerset acccent. ana tho aud enco would have gone mad about her. Grace Blythedale was not only snol nar her part, but she promised to spoil the show. liemmingway neia nis noau In hla hands nnd gronncd In bitterness of Bplrlt. He saw failure before him, and failure meant tho loss of many thou sands of pounds, apart from the blow to his name its a successful producer of high-class rovue. "I've ueen a tool i" ne said. "I can't imagine now wnai i was thinking about I ought to have bagged Molly Des champs or Lucy Lane for the part. Hither of them would have done It all right: now I've got that stick 1" "Or der llddlo Sunny girl." llost helmer said. "Hung her! She's got no experience; she's only a beginner," Hemmlngway said. "I couldn't have trusted her. She's all right In the Httlo part she's got. but the vvholo thing hangs on Marian Dobbins. One could cut out the part of Lady Maud altogether and no one would be the wiser." It was true enouch j Sunny's part had very little bearing on the plot, such as It was. It was a small part, but she mado the most of It. She looked very small and very pretty and delicate and graceful as tho run away Bohoolglrl She epolce very.nloelyj her accent was perfect, her modulation wonderful, considering the pickle faatory In. tho near past. She had adapted her self wonderfully, Just as Leslie Montree sor could havo dono In her place but tho truth was her part did not mattor much ono way or another. It could not manu ur iiult tno imr. ana uruuo "Bert I" Sunnv said Idea at the back of m Bert. I rot an head that this Blythedale could and did, "nertl" Hnniiv unlit mv revue's going to be a frost I (CONTINUED MONDAY) CovtirloM, lilt, by pcarge P, Putnam's Sons, By Sidney Smith . . . 2 te SVmYl?oP-? f JS OSS' tt66 iCoYWHS bSK SSd 3oou INWWT f MOCK' OP TVUifC WILL GIVE NOW 1 rme "tE GOOD y i Tiiilu " jami ) I WC VWUEH SrtT5PV3.? WrV 6 ore. 7 INTtKT- hHWGtWQM- VOO PILED V OM "e JV ySowLj IsoOVE WW't Vpr A 5 E y-Zr - S r yiHuesTMiHT Ng V uw L 1 ,v- BuV ovrr of otrc of -cuose ung X.f&Jp iA fc SN ) ?TN TTiTlifrpvf ,m urnV- rt cm-s ajp I'll 6we. SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Boss Has Worried Himself "Blooey" VHAT A dACKASS I AMTb WORRV OVER A LITTLE. FLIRTATION BE.TAEEA1 MISS OFLA6E AWbTHAT PlW-HEAb SOU OF MINE'- HA-HA.' IT VWoULD BE FIERCE I. w3 iE.KlOUS BUT IT AIvlT AV AJOT GOIH Tb VORRV MVSELF A1UTTV- IT AWT SERIOUS - hA : ZTrzv) 1 ha-mar r ( .wesrn HAR r.k 60UX PRICED ARE GOtAn& DOVN ! JOMES ADVERTISE A FIFTY PER-CEMT CUTOM LIVIA16 RoowFURMTUREJj 7 REACTS ARE bOVJ Tool I SEE THERE'S A fcJUMCH OF COTE LITTLB HOME5. FOR R&AlTAiOW. r l l Copyright, it's come.'. The. Worry Was Too much: somethims's slipping. I rEE.LS UKE A MJyAINfc OIKO lvi THE MIDDLE OF MV HEAD ' I S6T TO GET jSOMEVJHERE pOICK VHILE XM STILL HARMLESS 1021, 5S iirt-""""' - j . . iiiiiM by I'ubllo Ledger Co, r .. 1.. 1 urn 1AA OUt-"J CAE6AR : I WAMT To COME- imside; By Hayward t n sorrv, but There VotfT BE A VACANCY IN OUR CAESAR yARD 'TIL A1EXT EEK The Young Lady Across the Way Tho young lady across tho way soys hor first vote wns cost with a lead pencil, but sho hears consider able talk nbout tho good work of political machines in some ot tlio precincts nnd she supposes they'll come in time. TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE Bu FONTAINE FOX "I AWT YbU To GlVfi JIMMY A COOP LiCKiNC AfVD THEH THAW OUT TW COLD WATBR PI PI j tof P. r.s'vV l' mr IJZN-P . 'I &f UJf lis --"S : y y ' yfAtM. I ' 3A 5 ( $ A 'wQ! hJA - s Tun lA-- r inu 'inifin-i ftUHrilKG Hav4 SCHOOL DAYS PETEYHe Don't Know Wliat He Missed : : : t 1 Tin r K TTTT-TR?- """" "",n - ' , . - jg v SvT 1 , 1 iTjT j n Wswal tpe same kiuo 1 O3 m X -X-JsLsSBsSz- m THE CLANCY KIDS Thafs Different OH But Yoo PonV RAISG VotJR 6RSAT 6(?ANDFATH FtfOM fA PUP. By Percy L. Crosby 1 ' , h-fc. v 9 . - fwUAY Af?P VAr(OvMrli " ll hveN THfr BURieOMYU li j ' fi'' iiiMniu- i f3Pl?Z& "OCit' rouAr.imifn kSm. I V" I ., . " ,T V CC' ,j.f-ri flrTkaLb n -i I HP UJAA nUHK-n. J O. SMZGX. f A".-TJ!? JT I izr-mmr .. mm - I "' U - L s (JL - , -Hi Bu DWIO A. Voiaht ttnJLi?.-