Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 28, Image 28

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I' '-i-v- jIB
j, 'AL-.W
Letters to the Editor
Philadelphia's Musical Talent
To the .Vilor at the .'urnl-io 1'uli'Jr 1 nlui i
Sir Will VDtjfjtUiap allow m.. n ilitlc
PTiacn In jimr I'oopl. 'm IVim-i ultli"uitli I
nin not n rfsldnt of vour riti l.ut h.no
lwri horn fur sonn llttln (Hn In.llri-otlv un
metd with muslr" 1 mh to ink vutir
Isadora If lliv fuili nr.pii-cl.iti. ami iiiicIt
tanil what n. nntiilrrtiil nmonnt of miislml
talent jou Imvi. In this .ltv Slv i nun il mi
aris of surli h rhnrnclr-r nt vr-a-r r Hm t
Am thrown nnstmitlv nnioi.c tnustiai lis.,
pip 1 Iihi-- br.u iloln-r a slrnlliii viorli In
othor iltls and I msh to mv to oiu ir-al-rra
that T hnv. not foun I tn nil my liivcs.
tUatlrin ns wiiili n-il mustocil trt'n ha Is
In this riti Anil in tmyltv: this I -in not tr
f.r tu nnv rmt llix- of t Ii mirk but In
r-ralsn uf nr mus.i-inns -tlioso vvltu Ats
locally born- -.our on.liii'inrs, vo.ir emu
possrs nnil sour musinl is-riti--s,
T-lill-idiiliilil.-i N rwirnlzoil nil "-r Hi
country ns havini. sonu- vvontl rfu. t .l"nt
A slnircrM. but th.-v nre inor- irapr-c jti-1
t-lsnvvhc-rn than or hom- Its (---miK's-pis hi?
mnw rium.rous than In any otlioi t Iti aim
thlr works nfi ir.senifl t-nih senson in
othr i-'tles nioris KMi?rusly than n thp.r
homi oIm lt nuUlnria nre riiimfriiui
nml of the htKhr&t ila. Vhv .irti ?nf
fnllv reroi;nreil nt honn ami tl 'Jt t whv
th" ilrlft to othr rltlrF whrro ttiov nro
lmtantlt tnkm tip nnj nre nicti a IIiaI
It In i.nt iieofiwiiy frr Phil nl 'ph i to go
farlhor than Its own doori t. Ioit tintf
ere, mutrUne. fomi-iere nn.l .in(ti tnre
frr vrhntwr purrn tltn rn.i 1 te'inlri I
end, ua n HtrtipiM In ui Tnnltt lt me
11 tipon von wrlous t aim mnre iirog
nltlon to vour liotne nrilt, thrr 'tl-e
wouM lw triad to do no 'f tli.v iHnnt"wM
hat rillladelphl t I ni ail fa n to ful.
Vnu CUtadelphlin-j v'iuuI I 1 im- noush
rrl lo nniunfr :ouieil - to ' K Hret u.
hnme for whit . ii uat n- I "ii tiocl
look no fiuhtt ml I 'ru' t' !' mm-p-ettlun
Will lie f ml for til iinhl immm
those who are tn -ittunanl to pie I'l .In ! I
rhl l tlie pffereluo v.ti'tieer It 1 i'K't'lrt
I understand rondittotie hrr have lio-r
otlierxMne, and I nnv ui al to u idetut tnd
whv l"iMl pride would tmt iromp' " hntife
to th enovuiatfmenf ot liini' talin'
A MfSll'AI. !THV:E';.
Til ad tdila. .I.intiarv 2 1"JI
Household Economy
T" 'lit I'll'" "I II" r ma I' ili' !''!
tlr -If John e mother won I n r i
little on rent and food I thiol, th-v null liv
nulde KomethltiK for rlotl.. a!o bav
he tAte and dialrM for tho iln- r thlnit"
of llfo. ne e nro iileo nn Ati.Tirn fattit'
hut fur .i'l Ihnt Mfii cud I. niuii' t'.n
fruffltletil for out tuti'i
tVn hni' b n In im In Tin ,i I. i ' i f
nx months t n and ins hUHbanil i i m n
Rood. ut'Heht inn lis tho lit "f lialn'e
and il'iej no' ! ink IN hue I ''
vi-orlc moJt of tli time He is 'i n.i irteur
lind tnei hanle
Ti'e h.ive thtee III e lielltln it"," lv
tuo of ;ihom nt-e woinff to aeho.; Thurnh
thfV have to tie fed mil clotlnd 1 kn i
thnt If my huehand ivb mok rut Jinn u
month ive .oul.l llv.. H and i'li no iotn
p'alnt comlns- If .Tohn's mother ever had to
live on 0. a month. .s e hw elie iMiUlil
'arn to at'Prnlato Jin" nonm
i I. Ii
PhliedelpU' i. l"Ci'tnlr S3 l-1-1'
I.cttcra to lite IMItor sliouUl i"t ia
Iirlef nntl to t!ii iiolitl at possible.
Hint would ou-n
hcct.il tan iiluttia-
uiullii(f HivtliltiK
lonoiiilnntlonnl m
N't nllrnlior. will be pnltl to fitioity
inoim k-ttert. Nnincs nml ndtlri'Stw
must be si(-nrl at nn ovltlenco of
kooiI ftilth, iilthoUKli nntiiPt will not
bo tn luted II ruitiest is mailo tnnt
tliev bo imilltPil.
Tito publlcatlnn uf n lellcr W tint
to bi tnlu-n us .in Ititlorsctiii'iit of It
Mi'ws bv thlt pnper.
('nnimutilrntluii will not be re
luttiril unlcHS luiumpunieil b pout
niif. nor will iii.tnuscrlpt be unveil.
drem I will malt hint a. load aheot (first
Molln). together with the word". If lie liua
tint ns et sis'ured aatne.
7.11 ' armen street, Camden, N J , Jati
uarj i'. 11)21.
Referred to Readers
ltiil,r hililor a! the livening I'ullte l.aloer:
P r Will ou kindly print In the l'onim
utiere the poem enn bo found bv f,llen
i;ra " Words Are aomethlnB like theso:
lor thee n wholo l'e planned."
If miii will Kindly pny Attention to tliln It
ill I be m calls' upprerlated liv
JlllH. (3. 11 KKTCMAM.
S iiiero, Va , Uecctutier 12, I02O.
thotiHind of i pe illlat vtvil's who aerni to
fell I, th.ti hi inn ,nplied du'y to ace
III it wu plav fa : KOla'ti'T to all nations
of the world
IIooit wants ''u ii thteo mil. Ions of dol
.ars fur IJurop. i.i ihirltiia and tho nearest
nr.nt i poikotliil or two. We nte told that
i.i must tie; nu.rklv to rale the lllea of
ilften tnl.li'ins of t'hln.ro, who will sjrel
pi-ush t we 'In, t tf lively. Ctom the
To ii i i. 't. rs cf tin e'trth m nre assilled
n th pleas fo- lit p and on oerv hand we
T' i.eeiUeti' f' 'nun witu which to n i .
in the pleas a d I
lllerv lenni of flnanolil rild and ricti
-rnp of food ii'.t eleiy pound of coal that
is e lit nlirnal to earn for thesj multitudes
if ut.nashi I i upio u Hi direct produetloti
ii t) e labor nml rklll uf tho American work
'tuitnnn and the Anuruati farmer No mat
irr wneihir if.s u. Kltt from the uowrn
ti rnt or from a philanthropist or ftcm a i
in rklnsman " v ftt produeed by laror
Thie a v toll in o'lt 'ounlry iountl-s I
huitdfrdt ond thouinnda of men out of em
I. ,. in r at.l wli'i laice percontaRe o' '
tl.'lll Ihe Ptoblim of A'lbslDtillCC lOOtns .Htije
in d at n
If we ha - o ' nit .-k s'i"l '" ' !' I""'
ItNs of 1 1 r Hut vui atloul to f-ej
th rty r f"-.t mid o is f lmni-rv forelcn- ,
, re i m tu-n thai aiplus to n liettir
uao h' e i n our own Ian i i.-i ua leu .
I'M1 In and tiiti.'i oui oi n uiumpioied "
norKi'iau.iii W'l" told afur th war lo din
. ,,.1 or, ulill a I' Hi Want 1 10 r-'lui I Uo
tmh .ost .,f llilna at 1 b. tti our icnditlons,
I .t t'ie otli'.r .ounttUs i .jp tho Idea
.i.,.i nriv ur ,.itt thuunds of my
. r.iftstneti 'vho are w u Ik nil airatnst the
lint i.uiv wonJir.ns "r ui" n -
u i om. fioii--aiil -otno of ua even!
t.lli: a tu the siut of the II. M (
ml baio sonietlilMt ! av " ""'
1 ntid
llie.'l -
,li' ii h i a-k-- us
al i f.'. I I loi"ig
I'll i I. .lib1 I,
to fhart
jell- f
Do. - nil-ir
Near Kant
W I. i
A Poem Requested
l,i (.- hiliUir uf the ,'ifntno t'ubfie t.ulo" '
t.i I'.eiise print the poem when conw
tilent. entitled "Chlrkene Cotno llotue ..
Jt.oet Mrs. I.. IJ JiAIItP
l'ni'dtoiPhl.i, .Tnnuary 2, 1H21
You tti3 take this world as oit come- and
K '
A'il ou will 1-e dure to find
Tin' fite will square the lu-count alie owes
Whoever ivmes out lit hind
An I All thlitRs Iwd that n man has done,
rtv whatsoever Indued.
Come biik t meet him, one bv one,
A- tho .!drkeii9 come home to riwiet
J. .11 mni atarvo sour soul nnd atlnt vour
Hl'h the liuk tf a barren rrced.
Hut h-lt -v. Ill know If ou placd rour
Will know In jour hour of need
Aid th. n ns ou wnlt for death to come.
What lnlt ran theru bn deduced?
T'l-im a i re-sl alone 5ml will lie
While our chickens come home to rooH
ji o- ns v in will there's n time to reap.
l-'oe th-- iiood nnd bad as well.
And connu'oc.-. whether avval.o nr asleep,
N .'Itl.er Nuvt-n or hell.
And all thlnes bad must tako ll tdace.
Hi wlutsoeur lnduct?d:
Con.-- t ai u to mrot ou f ice to face
As our chuketii uumo home to roost
Wh-iher ou mo over or under the sod, i
'I he u-sult will be the Fame,
y.'ii lutiiiot eeoape the hand of C.n.l
i-u must lar sour alii and shame
No matter ivhut g rarvod on a marble ii
Wl.Mi ll.e It. me aro till produced.
y..u i ' f.nd St. Petir was keeMne tab
And i hi' ketie come honitt to i-ni-t.
lAnd we nre a. part of the countless dead.
Thrice happy, then. If aome aoul can
1 live because lie haa paused my
Ross Wallace's Poem
lotheliAltorolthe llvcnlno f'uldie l.tdatv
Str-Plene print In your Teop'.o'a Vonm
the poem by Vllllam l'.osa Wftllaee eiitlllea
"Tho Hand that Ilules tho Wotld "
M C. K
Philadelphia, January 2. 1821
lly William Itoas Wallace
Thy tny that man la mighty, h soverna
land nnd nea;
Ifo wields a mlahty ercpter o er l'sser
powera thnt be.
ny a mightier power and atronzer man from
hts Ihrnna ! tinete.1.
And the hand that rocks the cradle Is the
hand that rules tho world.
llesslnus nn tho hand of woman' oncels
I guard Its atrrngth and grace,
In the tu Irce, cottago hovel, oh, no mnlter
where tho place!
Wuuld that never storms a walled It, rain
bows ever Kently curled.
I Tor the hand that rocks the cradle Is the
hand thnt rules the world.
Infancy's the tender fountain, power miy
with beauty ftowi
Mother's first to guide tho stie-amlets from
them soulis unrefttlne: crow.
Iriimv on for tho good or evil, sunshine
I streamed or darkness hurlod.
j For tho hand thnt rocks tho cradle In the
I hand that rules the world.
Woman, how divine our mission here upon
our natal pod!
Keep, th, keep the jounjc heart open nlvtnya
to th'o breath of God1
All truo trophies of tho niea re from
mother-lovii Impoarled,
Cor the hand that rocks the cradle Is tho
hand that rules the world.
Pennsylvanfa Railroad Reports 9
Per Cent Fall In Proper Approach
Wnlolicw stationed nf KrnuV crns.i
iiiks of the rpntisylvanlo. Itnllroiul
wnrnctl 3880 New Jersey nml Perm
oylrnnla motorists In October, it wns
announced yesterday.
The watchers reported that 8.7 per
cent of nil ntitomolilllutH fniletl to oh
servo proper edition in npproncliing
Tho rnllrond'a cnmpnlfiii to reduce
ncclilenU bef?nti in July. AVnteliers,
who observe careless drlvlnB nt the
erossliiRS, take the number of the enr
nntl forward it to stnle ofllclnls, who
write n wnriting to tho owner, tclllnu
th Onto, time nml place of the cureless
riRiircs compllcil by tho I'ennSj
vnnln Knllrontl bIiow that in tho fr
six months of 1020, forty-seven pcrsoi
were hilled nnd 102 injured in ncctden
to niitomouiics nc Rrntio crosslugg i
the wiiiii' period of 3010, fiftvloiei
'tl 110 injured
persons were killed nnd
,hr I And
Blessing in tho band of woman! fath-ra,
sons and daughters ci.
tho s.icred sens Is mingled with the
wor-hlp In the slty
Mingles where no tempest dirkens, rain-
Lows evermore are curled.
For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the
hand that rules tho world.
' I!. C It " asks for tuo poem one to
tlt'cil "The Tailor," which uc! to ! le
i'te.1 by David Warfleld on th" stage, nnd
iiMith'r cntlllid "Thu New Way of Re
llfclnn "
Klvvln C Siveelret Wo cannot sue spaee
to the prlntlnn of tho laws ou reque-.!. If
voi vvrito to sour congressman he vv tl no
.loubt oblige sou with n copi-
Questions Answered
H Ti
Free Tolls and Merchant Marine
To the f.litor ,, tlie f-.iceino 1'uliln lulj'i
5irVlth renar-ls to Jatne- r Ir-imn
Iet-- if the Is: in'tint I wish tj sav th it
be mu' r-gard the matter o' "evniiMlon i-f
snnl tol.s veiv l.trhtli wh. n be cniur-s
It to a luinltur over lo ll.e " i P rail-n
use' postal fiii'Jllllee and - Hi i 1-iv
trunk lines of thIIio.iJ-
It can cnlv l that aft.- wo hive
mntlcallv .-omiiroima-d ivltb the '
nations null whiih we have In -be
or another lomm-r-lsl tratn- tl. i' i
Standard Picture on Money
,- h-.ir- t n,i- t. mi, I'l i'il"l' Titlo"'
Is th. le .1 Mtimlatil ti'. turo whlih
ii- .n -i imie-i ni-ini of n certain
i i mli al'ofi ui
I'hi'ul. i-i 1 1 " urals'r 21 I'i-O
i he -le.io'nltial'onal iHirtraiis iippe.it me
on r--l--i. Hesi-ivi- notes and rcleinl lie-
s-re bitk t -- s have len pr-mi i Ibed for
f.itur. I1.U..H of all kinds of cunenri Tile
puiieii of Wiih.r,Bi"ii will nppiar
at i.i. s .1 tf. i urn on S.', Lltieoln -
.In-kio 1 in II" " .(-viand on 52o. Cinnt
.'o Plank n .-i in". Marshull on $-"
II mil tin '-i l Miilunn mi l."-"l'i
his. .-. si inoi It e thought tint
s HtiJat ii-at n - f I- -1- ilt
-uird .inuiii- lute r.i' Intf
i le
1 pl-
Question of Naturalization
th- hi.'or it tl e I'l i- ii.'
Mi V faini of I'll- i a
'tites in 1'ltl 'Hi- fail
el. 'I though
1. 1 pets I
ii 1 1 1 I e
ni.- Hi. r
nail llio veiirj, ifn- Im I
I'll Hi. l.iifuri
. to th" I n'-nl
d -.1 In I'M".
I th-unlit ho tool, out h's llrst l
. n n.-t sor- tin. ot the tioss wm'
n!..lit. -n m Jus wains to kn.oi
he le a - ""-Ml If not IllUS'
flio enrj, ifl
on. II- .- .
tn end one to i -ntliuslastle
exemnt our ves-els from t "ie
If our Ii. iv administration can
In o do'ni.-. thin the people of 'h'-
States i atl look ferwarl tl eonieivha
oi-a-1 freight ih.irges - -PoClHlly
reaulat- r-in- to io.i'. Iran.-- iilii'li
have a direr i ff-et upot
n-nta) fre.abt tuiffi- i,it-
,.l- ee-t
low i r
n our
oui- itanHtuiitl-th-tt
niati 'cnl
at tnu aa
atitti ti
tb m '! a: l
idi s lb.
'J be, ..rii"
-I ta -
i f f mil-tb-
oth .
inak- onj
l.. la'
tl I he
II- ha
is too "1
d ffii."i'
ii orld n s r
ll lllk'l'l ll'd
ninn Will
1 ' 111 V -U
u-iiili--' vias for tb.s -o-iiii nun
an Am- ri- an i i iti '
rail traffic frf m
Whv shouldn i
! n-r hatit tnu
eould be a P'--'
the for-un ten.
tb-m bi "In 'r k
that as f -l m -n
I -rued tlie a teiti..
st ,,
I- I
i nast.
nlt-'-l S" lies fni ir
'i h tn it.ii' r a-i I-
lhat "tu- r i alu 'n
In I nil e sill e glien
rm-tiis" I- - said
n drv- -I pm- itv -re i .-n
.1 Amerlt ins ti em
f in
e. veil
f Ins
n the
. I-
u. d
be lentit.-l in -lei lupni- n's
oouii"rv. nfi 1 !' i- In tie Ninei
mar to- vvl.ete it is iil-ltn'. Uu
op. tig - ur f.-r, -irn 'rude
1 inei,eans HhoUld look f. -v i.-d
n, ii v. ir tv our new-lv -l.rt 1 ft Int't.
to gin- su ll fivoied leillaiatNn
r V HBIlMVN-'-I.S'
O.ens .1.- t'a Janu.irv 1921
hai '
n this
'at., n
Complains of Human
Te -le ; ,1 v, ili. e-i I.; " '
Sn - ll i-e in tn-- i 'Jiitrv
people so ln.t on ks'-h-c 'li l
r rht the' -h.v f org-- tuo' .
bas nn i'bta 'I h s -i-cie,
k"'OIVll I be lei- .1- 'll 111 I
Th-e l.e in ' ' Jul" tl , i f
seat .i-. th n iii i ' "" I '
F'tmi two at t th- ' iM-a-"
(Jlllp- fal' Hll.-e the! Mill I I'll
nil ov- the s-ats sit vntl. 'b .
HPil V P fill' '"' I"' '
ilr- s- s - 'ho Hi n s '
-lushing thr-.u,'! o'l -tre-bl'es
an I Unu- e vei . '
left iv ho -1j nut get o j i
If "'ongrcss d- esn': -l-i
on "h, ir.t. ' I am -aiit t
training and kin.- ' sum. ,
for JldWifl l"i I t
, - -.-
e -I--S -'
I ll IgU I. 1
riita-)e.i-'i i K-"mb r 31. l'JJU
If Hi- fsther liiid u ilelaiti.ui
".tuloii and u-li dr '-u.it on is under
i. era old t-ui-h cf h s ctilldr. n a- -ri
the ll.e 'f tivntv-oiie at the "Hue
d- un nnl aro m-w cvi iw-niv u.."
II. pi-lt'on f'-." ni.uii ixil'.i-n bus- !
rn u i s U. Ini-.i'Jon 'I he w d'.vi in i
IP a pe. uon foi naturalize" on l.i-e.1 ui.n
'..- r husband j d-elntal.-m If the rniii-1 did
..,.i., .. a. ..t-.rutiuri c' mfn-iun in-- i
.f.-rred lo mas make n "K uration
i-ion upon mich.rs th-
r bo bas nmlinl H"
tn dv larat on I olnc
ars o.il nnn np ui'iun
-.1 stales for niori
:i i etiiion for natural i
to tin i hanije
K-n leua...'
i.li i in -U'P
iivii l dlln
Martha C. Lang Poem
o -.. itilor at the llicninij fitbhr lily
- i -I'luis-i print In sour I'eopl, s roruin
th- poem vvhb.li U-glns:
' V I tile more ired ut the ilo-e n' iln,
A Vllu Kaa ntnlous to have our nay etc
I. 1) l:
l'h.ladelphla, January 2, lti.'l.
1 h.s i - em Is bv Martha C. l.ang, and
the tltie la Life's Soneit":
A 1 ttl- more t.reil nt the iloio of dm
A Wu I-ss anxious lo have nur vvaj
V I tt e lens ready to eeold nnd b'nhi"
A Ult'- m ie car-i ft r a brother's name.
And so vie are nearlng the Journcs'a en 1
Wbtiro t ii- nut eternity meet and blend.
, ii- ,-M -are for entids end col.l,
A 1'tt e tnui est In the das of old.
A blonder vleiv and a iianer mlt d
And a lltt inot" love for a'l imnk'i.d
hit e ni"te nreful of what we say
, And so in are fnriuif iv down tf.u iuj
A l"i'e ni.io .i.ve fur the friends of M.uih
. V I tt e i ui .ml for estnll'shod is nt ti
I lit'i" tiiou- - harlts In our views,
A little has thirt-t for the dal.y liens.
And so we arn roldlnv our tents away
An I passing i-i allehiu at c o-e uf ilm.
A l.ltle pure ! isuto to ait and dr-am
A lltte tnoio leil the things uiisei-n
A littl bit ne.irir to those ahead
W ill i slons of those long-iovi-d and dead,
nd sn ii-- are j-oing where all must ko.
To ibe i are tho llilntf inny never l.nuvv.
A hit. e more liughter a Utile more tears,
An I ue hal! have told our increasing sears,
'lie l-ioi is c.one-1 and tho prnsers are said,
The rroplo's 1'onini will nppenr dallr
In the I.'vrnlnc I'libllc Icderr. unit nlsn
In tho Mundav Piddle Ledger. Letters
discussing tlmrlv topics will he printed,
its well ns reiiuested poems, nnd questions
if grnrrnl Interest will be answered.
Members Hear Dr. Grammer Say
Poet Lagned Behind His Time
(insps of !iiiiii7.enii'tit nro-e from iinin
liors of the Hrownins Society ltiht liiRlit
when tho Itcv. l)r. Curl T. Uiammer,
Ketor of St. Stephen's Church, criti-i-iretl
Itobcrt llrovvnlnc in n paper on
"Tho KiTcct of Sclcnt'O on the I'oetiy
of tho Victorian Urn."
"l'rowiiinR wn n poet of Iimhi-iit
l.tiowlcdgc. marvelous lubtlely, eini
ordinary ingenuity nnd great tirtistif
oiisinallty." Dr. Grammer Mild, ' but.
so fur ns ceienco rocs, I cnniiot sec that
, In- vvus influenced one particle lij iti
"His leurninB was lilntorlcnl, iiibbm
ieal, nrtislie, musk'iil. but. ns 1 fee him,
hr was not n innn who felt tlie power
of generalization. lie was unable (o
elect the t-Jgiiilicnnt fact and ignore tiniest."
The Huslncss of
will be rnnllnned under the direction of
M. Albert Evoy
of 1
f c.gh'.et
if tiventi-
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of Bible
I'll i '!
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has . . ui .. I ii- nn Hi 'i '
ti ie -. a. l.utur in-
Apartments at
the Rittenhouse
Moderate priced apartments are
now available nt the Kitleiiliuiisc,
AH outside rooms, and lurnislictl.
They include
Two Rooms and nath.
Three Rooms nnd Rath.
i'our Rooms nnd two liatli.
Rittenhouse Hotel
22d and Chestnut
Says '
To fhc -".for 0'
Blr W. I .
finding r-,-arJ :
for Sabbath -
iibout th tlM'it
1 ag .e '1 1 -
f Jt proh.b Tl ...
and vi -jin- t- i t
fl-ii'rintr.'l u
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otV l'rc sdent
Let 'Em Sneer'
tl . ft I . i u '"' -
un 1
a I. .
s, n- in
an I 'li
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. .ll
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iv hi-1
a 1 u.
How Freak Pictures
n.i i - - - ' i h- l'i ii i '
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a s e-id . ' tress- i
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..nd its noil
When .ii --I. '
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Phil ulelpb
Till-! PIIAM.U
Tach m- thnt
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1 up I t l-l- -' -I
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flour sixteen oJll
liiindre.t eolits on
lleii, me to live -" the
at night with ii lear n-ns- .
gun under inv pi 1 iv hi 1
the faife of this- to wh'.ni
Urnii' 1 l a.eil. Tl.. 'I
mi nual tt. a. t -n 111- -!'
thereof lhat I i -iv nut
t does not In long
I i.uf. n in i to the i'ltgle of
and the ru-tl- -f unh.i'v skirls
llllnd in- t th. fau.is of I he 'li
lo.i but t.ii to me in i li
ilui l- n s" 'h''' ' -" li login uli'-'i
aii-'MS tb- ilini.. ' 'iloe Hi mi wit- ill
I ,n i bl.s-.mg I" me I " ' I. - i
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w.ei. mi i -in tf 'l .'ii.li to ii.UMh
ni -.lllnlK.li anl to
And Ihen ivli'll .olti
ete and lb" Hm-1 "f
nun. Ulllg of the linirs.
nut 111 front or un i
The Sea Is Deep
. .1 (,.e , I.. . i .'I I ) I h
' - 'liei . ativ via L i nn t ,
I ! i ik a a J "M It tsei. - l
, j i b . i tt.lin " f ll i
I l . I I I S i - I VAGU. 1 'Hi! I-
ea i ii
lo ng
t iii.v
I li .
al li.hi-i I'-- ' m-s'i 31 1'i.u
u iildent in in ti it ou v ph
tr.. r. i -irf of his .1- .i'b I o -t .
in.jti'r of th- Itunuu f .N'u.iua
li. p irtint-l t IVatili (ij'i'u i' " tr
In. man i lu'l ti i mi rating 1 lit
ou I I fr- in I. i. it I the u.l.r.i ft
f b.s d-ath 'Do r i.i Is In thai .
i ,". -ii., . wh- th' I li" l.il i -1 il i
i. I
'ot'ins and .Soig.s Desired
4-i inistif In
i tho smell of flow-
Hoft ad ps and the j
i. In- Is 'n th- -aiei
ii. ni.iki- tin i--r.
Ilea a
and th- . p lui-h t iiip.i
', i .,. Can a Reader Supply It?
i, ; . to I'- i i "'.' i- iu
li Ml fl Vlill i iu be k lid .11 Jill t, pjbllsli'
then .j, . ,ur pap. r 111 ih poem 1 olun 11 u p s m
r.t i',i. I I 'Id Vuil 11 p 111111 on ills v,i -
While not pos.tlie I Hunk .1 im-- Uhlt
1 omb Itlley ih th' author I" Is 11 I -anti
ful bit f v r ts . 1111 1 I a 111 ut iv Ilt 11 l- 1- n
""r' thou-ah Is o' SuUi le.id'i-.
Il"'e , KI-UPIl T I IU,Y (
Philndelpli a l.-.mii.r UI 10JD
Is Charity Our Duty? Will Mall Words of Song
3V fn Krftjor al the Fvenina l'ublic L'tl&tr I j0 (lie l.it!tr al the Kvtntua I'uhltc J nine
Sir Ntfcrnatter which way wo turnWaj ' Sir If 't l of Ua,ston, Pa f, r
rro ioe piie-ea o unaruy exienntiQ luwaru vs I cUt;iea ine ong 3iy iiat nai - in "caj I Tii
Vt a-jem to have In our land fw nundrifd ' rooplo'a Koruin will kindly aend we hu ad I Tl 1 1 1
v y
.More Houses:
nnd Un 1 'ti tit-t Them at IiChu ('out
ORE money for less food and
clothing!" is the song of the
profiteers. "More money for less
work!" is the motto of the "closed shop"
labor advocate. And so the world is
flooded with money, while children by tens
of thousands are dying for want of food
and clothing and houses.
We art1 pushing1 in exactly the opposite di
rection. Our part is to make building easier and
cheaper, by producing MORE lumber at LESS
cost. To aid in this work we have established a
"concentration yard" at Sumter, S. C, right in
the tenter of the great pine lumber-mills of the
South. From eight directions railroads bring to
that centre lumber from those mills, produced
at lowest cost, and from it we can ship more and
more lumber with least handling, in shortest
time, at lowest freight rates.
Do you also want more houses at less cost?
Then get our prices on lumber today, and note
the reductions we have made since August.
.Some dny you'll build. If you want the work fini-.hcd
on lime, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD.
William M. Lloyd Company
1 m sMari
Underwear Sale
This famous tratlc
mark on every
garment yotir
puaranico 0
A T, h
il o o lift treali
from.thr mitl
and all rcrfrrt,
&rWUm fit m H U IB SAAlMP -ssflsr
m'jr' w
These qualities and these prices-take you back ten years!
Not merely to the Qualities and the Prices that prevailed before tho War RUT
for Years Before the War! A sensational event I We should say so! In nil tho
history of all Men's Furnishings Stores in the whole United Statcu, there never
has been nnythiiiK like this. It's the most stupendous event of this decade the
greatest sale of Underwear for men that you ever knew. You can Bave half the
regular price in this sale nnd MORE THAN HALF! Now is tlie time to buy!
regular price
Buy Now From the Dealers Below
I he largest underwear manufacturer in the country
the Roxford Knitting Company, of Philadelphia
makers of every grade of underwear for men, selected
these organizations as the main outlet for $100,000
worth of underwear. All these stores will be busy from
the opening hours So Come Earty ready and prepared
for the most tremendous values.
Winter Weights
Fine Cotton Ribbed white, eciu
and silver $1.50
Above in extra heavy
weight II colors. ..
Worsted Finish me
dium weight
Worsted Mixed sil
ver gray
Heavy Weight Wool"
Sprinc; Weights
E.xtia Fine Combed Spring Nee-
die Ribbed
and ecru
Nainsook Check cut
full size
All tin-so HOXI'OIU) Union Hulls
tire- inuiii. vi llh the miil.er's i'lu
slvo fi'iiturr Iliiiililf front ('rutrli
tllori-lt.v Kiinriitild-llii; Duiililn
Winter W.
Fine Cotton Ribbed
white, ecru and gray
Same as above extra
weight, throe
colors .'....
Medium Weight Fine
Cotton blended
Fine Combed Double
Tlnoad Bnlbriggan.
Worsted Mixed; gray-
inedium weight. .
Worsted Mixed Gray
heavy weight
Extra heavy 1007c All-Wool
J-rrny J -ie
only 0,0
Same as above light- n
er weight JC
Spring Weights
Fine Nainsook Shirts f?Kp
or Drawers, each.. ooc
White- Lislo Athletic Pullover
Shirts or Knee tft
Tii-mi-nra JUC
Ml tlip iiliuvo ItOVI'OlU) llruvic-rs nre iiinile villi Tapttcl Srnms.
1114 Chestnut
52d & Chestnut
920 Chestnut 37 South 13t A
2654-56 Germantown Ave.
Shirt SHiopg
5& 8 South60th 5837 German
S. E. Cor. 6th & toWn Ave
1619 Columbia
3614 German
town Ave.
All floods in this sale manufactured by ROXFORD KNITTING COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
f? H"
'a " "!
Central station measures the total current deliv
ered to your factory. You can read that on the
But unless you check up every source of loss, you
will never know how much of that power 'is lost
There is no place on the meter to indicate that.
Unless you have studied the subject of belt
transmission and applied the knowledge in your
factory, it is reasonably certain that there are
losses of power that could be avoided.
Perhaps you are not equipped to know belting.
Perhaps no one in your plant lhas the time or
knowledge to tell you whether or not your belting
is efficient. There's where we can help you, gladly
and freely. We will send our engineers to survey
me Deit Transmission in your plant and
to you.
Phone Market 5263, or write
George Yeaman, District Manager
Third and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.
300 Cominrrrlal Trust lliill-llnjr. Philadelphia
86th Year
1. -
a-c&tr,"" :-"
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