iff,',- hbttj)-; u , is" EXPECT ' OUIET GATHERING EVENJJNQ JTBLW LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1921 20 lith Western Stomi Abated, U, S. C. A. Meeting looks Like Routino Affair i. tit. ... iiiiuiintirtri1 '-'r-u-rthc nnm.nl merlin of the tijl-".'. .' filf Assnr llllntl. WliCll ,,! Mai i '. . -ivnldorf JIo- PH"1 York, will be a thoroughly '. " 'V" .....t.irpiit nffnlr. Apparent- i " ri ii i whlph whirled ont of the ,1,c ,0fr vcolis since, In the form fft ? ltae of wnr to the hilt for a rl,a! n the lnrt of tho Western i nf lit on, i"'-1 "; itlb'pVvr. nform of tniec hnv bN n.i . . Mn tho ro. Hfiife '" .""" reeiliirc Ih expoctnl to move nlnnfi the liNlinl routine lines. Inelmlliit; the elee tlnii of oi&cern. the nnitiliiR of MUm for the three nnntinl chnmplnnxliitiH, the niimtciir. open unci woman's, nml. by wny of Mirlety, u vote on the amend incntH to the constitution proposed bv tin exerimvn mmtiilttnn unnm . ,.!,., I since., effectliiR the nninber of member of this committee, ns well nH of the nominating committee, selected to pro pose tinuunlly n slnte of officers of the association. Chief Interest with the gencrnl public centers nbout the selection of the three L'iinmplonshlp courses for the yenr's tournnments. Of course no nilvancc no tice lirm been serveii ns to the three clubs which nro to drnw the privilege of Binning the events. However, "grape vine" reports hnve It thnt two of the three hnve been definitely decided, while the third is n toss-up between two other clubs. AMERICANS ANN EX IE NET HONORS "Strangler" Lewis Retains Title lloMon. .Tun, 7. 1M ("StninKlT' ) I.pwK heiivywBlKhl cntrh-im-caluli-cnn wrvntllnir chiintWin, retained hl tltln In M mntch with Ilrnalo Unnltnl. Italian huvyvlm. In th8 .Mrehnnlee' Hulldliiu last nlsht. I.i-wih thrpw lila opponent la Ih, 33m , mine u lunillock. Tiltlen Captures New Zealand Singlos and Shares Doubles With W. M. Johnston fihcii n little more tlmo mid Willinni T. Tllilen. .M, will wenr nt his bolt every liiwn tennis title on this 'terres trial sphere. Ciiven n liltle more opportunity ntil Wllllnm T. 'i'llden. 'Jd. and William M. .loliliston will possess every doilh!cs title In this little old world. The glory of capturing the Dnvls flip on the other side of the globe n few dnys ngo 1ms not begun to fade, nnd yet nn -other chance to rejoice nml be glad is given to followers of tho sport in tills country by the fo Mowing cnble message . Aiirliland. New Zealand, .Inn. 7. AmeiiiiiUH won the New Zcfilnnd ten nis ehiiinplntishlp in both singles and doubles here. William T. Tiltlen. I'd. of 1'hilnilciphin, defeated ('nptniii Wat son M. Wasliburn, also nn American, in tin singles, while Tiltlen anil Wllllnm M. .lolitiVton, of San Francisco, de fentetl Nornvin I!, llrookes and (Jernld l'nlterBnn, the Australian team. The singles rnn to live sets nnd tho doubles to four. 'I he Amerlciiu team, with the exception of Johnston, will piny in Australia, returning lo the Unlfed States by way of the Urlcnt. Richie Mitchell Gets License Nw Ynrk, .Inn " -lllrlil Mitchell. t Mlluiiuk", who l iiiiitrhfil lo Unlit IKmiiiv lonirrt. MchtwlKli' tramp mi, In MaillKon Hiiunre Onrilm on .1 muni-v II. ri-ceiv, il n II r.'no today from Hi1 N' v York Hint" ltox- Inis ConiinlHuiiiii. t ., uipo wern lurcl to Ih.- Von Sthiiylri .i,rttr flub, of Utlra N. V.. antl Iav''l r. nunoruM, uf New lluvin. Conn, refc-r Stasl.ick Throws Suppo Klovn Htnsl.ick ttir- w Apollo Hupp, of Pmokl.n. In a wr'Wil'iu m it. h at the Trm nilfro TliPfitrn In " WkIii Tli" fall wns nenrfil In 7 minutes 1! R..f'i.mls nn-1 ronulttsl from it half-Nils .n ami crotch hm.l. deroi Supplii Grapcmq 1 Philaielpliia i Wife 1 rmif&sy&)iGoods 434 Market 9 Mail Orders Promptly Filled, l'h. Lombard 6117 Open Their New Store With An Avalanche of Extraoriiitary We cordially invite you to come and inspect our store and the unequaled values we have gathered for you. We have planned this mighty event for the past two months, scouj-ing the country for Army and Navy goods that( we could offer you at a price that would startle competition and eatablishus from the very outset irf the public's mind as the headquarters for Army and Navy goods at lowest prices in the city. COME TOMORROW! GRASP THIS 0PPORTUN1 Secure Your Share of the Greatest Values In Of Local Retail Merchandising HERE ARE A FEW OF THE .HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS Moleskin Officers' Style Rainctoats 1jaa 9.95 Heavy moleskin; wind and waterproof; dou-blc-brcastcd nnd belted models. All sizes. v A Vnr5 IS- U.S. Government Reg. Hip Boots rulMenfrthji guaranteed waterproof, torm type.1 a "J'K.'Wt- .90 NnT New Molor Transport CAPS ar.niA or o. o. wool n b cloth with largo pUIp fjr nts lo cover complete fIdo of face. Shcepskin-Lined Coats 3?-Inrh ; , 30-tnrh ii-45 1 12-95 Hoavy 8hc'iUln ooatn. - tioekfls and Iwltnl Mtl.'. Ideal ror out ilior w ink u:nl com Menther. Lace c Gov. Side Canvas f Leggings y l: x cfptlonal p u h a r I n a uuallty. wurth twlra o'li prlcp. AM sIzph. Army Wool Cash mere Hose 1 AVV''sSil J$8K 1 Sheep-lined Mocc&sins II n t t i' r than h I I ii i ei i arnunit thP hnutio: kup MHir f.-ot warm. I'lnrh tnailo, all tlziu; i-xctp- l ull.il J.1II' Heavy 0. 1). Wool Long Pants Mail- i.f Hll.-. U. S. O. I). Wuul ovprcoatiiu ill u 1 1 rlul All W" Army Web Holts Khaki Cotton Socks Tli. It. tf fcold fur '-"ii .1 ii i r up until '"o w i- ii k h nk'.i. 'niy inn t lie mail.i I ! h i itno p.trl . K't vuur miaru. all 9 I'r. mm r r mm Navy Watch CAPS H'Bulallon; i oat mori' t in a il u fin tureiwomli r value. 45 C O. D. Wool Serge Army Shirts .95 Heavy Army Wool SHIUTS a or eld F'f hi' !, ' ' I'i"." 1 JlhJ J!voiy lnnn wlui ntotN heavy wnrli pitllHHht'Ul.l liiiv a ltv l'.iirn ut t liia l.iw prlt 7V 1 ii New Reg. Army Underwear I'me In. ivv Mei Inn ami lt.1.1 il unU.'ivvear i-Iiu'h i-r ilr u-i. Blue Denim Overalls c Reclaimed Army Wool 0. D. Blankets 11. II. Wool cloth. u j v e r n incnt in t Ii il re iliilinrili cdoiI an new. Ik 2xmm Heavy Wool SOX All wrlKhli un.l lol.ira all sizes I'r. -PK $pAd (I'overnhient Rejects Rubber Arctics Same n li 1 r t tli loyn Mire. lined front anil il o u Ii I elbows. 0. 1). Wool Mackinaws Corduroy Pants 8.95 - 1 2.95 All SWi" Iteif. b t y 1 ' inudo of lioavy Ii I it 11 I. t t imtlurlul. 4- Army Stlt OHieers' Haincoats ix.iii 1- iimin nr ! I ' e d 8 '' " n r tl.'i and 'Is Mlllli n all HlilH ' ' " .1 r 11 ri t o h U ' n n.iif Ueclaimed Army Vool Overcoats 7S n,B. Army,, o or lo.itft K HlUht hll w n r n, nil P vizt'R. ntan-1 rojuli Wfitr Dyfil lilttrk. i ?.n ;;.'a ! H Fl E ?W ' "iK sMQ I MAIL llltllKUS j M I'ltllMI'TI.V I r 1 ' 434 M SPECIAL! Officers' Shoes West Pointers Finest Leather irdovan Color, made to hell for $7. All sizes SPECIAL! Munson-Last Army SHOES mM j XSX&fie'- ' leatlieri NcSiX hiroiiuly Sw?(Kiy inaile In HggJ nfll for (Jet Your Pair Now Army and Navy SWEATERS ItiKiitiitinn style ffWj imif Hleevon; all V Bl7en. made to sell in ieta.1 at 111. e Coverall Work Suits proofs f& Army Slip-on SWEATERS Finn, warm flip - n. costH iiioio to m.inU' fiirturu t li h n or prl.-... Leather I'uttees JuHt tho thint; fr h uiTf.-ir -. in in. ti-rri Hsfs 11 ml nun1 .95 nr. ( uulililr Salvaged Leather Jerkins Heavy leatln r coat; with U Wool llninii A 1 -i'H rent (or outdoor SPECIAL! Reclaimed Hobnail and Trench SHOES New French Shoes Willi or Wl.huut HoliniiilH (ioternmrnt Kru. 4.95 Ileay Wool Hoot Sox In 'Hr.ililf t ft 11 il Won Kooil tor all k I n (I h .f rougli u-irK OPEN E VENINGS STREET, 7 y(' XwW ft: M 1 0oeo$ v lt -JSaftog INMI'IKT ()l II MK.IITV IIAItti.MNH 1' ' ir li 11 1 li .. jfl h I. Hi V 111 U I' w 1 r 111 tl ' 1111J n.l K S '" ' t V' R- L ' ft V V.' PS 0' ?; S f 1 S ' I . 15,h and Che mm ssssz M Srai2S m jrfCfdKJJM ffj Open Tonight Until 9.00 and Tomorrow Night Until 10.00 The culmination of 60 days of intensive preparation for the most astounding merchandising event of its kind ever launch ed in Philadelphia. Clothing purchases aggregating over $2,000,000 in value, bought by us for our Chain of Stores during the welter of liquidation in the wholesale market, now on At Less Than Fifty Cents on the Dollar Embracing Two-Score Famous Nationally Advertised Brands Suits, Ove rcoa ts& Ulsters For Men and Young Men Tli at represent the cream of America's foremost manu facturers the very finest money can buy at prices that are making this, Philadelphia's most progressive clothe?, shop, the scene of the greatest buying ever witnessed. For Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters Made to Retail at 35$40$45&$47-5 Every color, model and fabric represented For Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters Made to Retail at $50 $55 $60 & $65 Every color, model and fabric represented fr'or Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters Made to Retail at ?67.50 $70 S75& $85 Every color, model and Jabric represented Luxurious Montagnac Overcoats, Made to Retail at $125; fabric used in these garments made by the famous Germania Mills. Full silk lined Also a limited lot of elegantly tailored, big, swagger Ulsters. Made to retail at $100 to $150. SALE PRICE r m - The paralysis of the wholesale clothing' 'v market for the past 60 days has brought about a situation unparalleled in this coun try since the Civil War. Pressed to a point for cash as they have never been before, because of restrictions on credit and almost total lack of demand, prices have shrunken enormously. We then planned the most daring coup ever con summated in this city. For 60 days we picked from the choicest goods of two-score celebrated makers, gradually massing a stock until it reached the staggering total of over $2,000,000! The enormous daily turn-over of our chain store business provided us with huge sums of liquid capital with which we were able? to dictate THE price at which we would buy, and in everv instance every purchase made for thu' sale come to us at less than 50c on the dollar. And that is how every one of these garments has been priced for this sale. Never was a sale planned on such a gigantic scale as this, or one that offered values so posi tively sensational. Now that prices have finally been forced down to the absolute rock bottom, the long deferred buying rush is on. Don't miss this fjrand opportunity! NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS ft 15 & Chestnut Sis. " Open Tpnlgfet Vntil 9.00 Tomorrow Until 10,00 P, M. si f- ' ! fl . 4:1 ' ,W:uL.,vi.. hiJttf;; t j.; ,Ju-rV.,i) i.ft'i ,..i?,vV',., ', ..O.i - ! IkttJiiii.li...-4