fTj'7 ' " -flf ; r EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7; 1021 THE LOCAL MESSENGER BOYS HOPE TO DELIVER IN THE W. U. TRACK MEET IN NEW YORK r FIVE FOR WARDS LEAD ATTACK IN SOCCER Good Shooter Is Player Who Is Not Bothered by Presence of Goalkeeper Center Forward Impor tant Position Passing Requires Much Skill LORRAINE GIRLS E T SHANAHAN (oiirli forwards com- Ity DOUOIiAK STKWAItT f lh rnlp"llr f Prnnwlvnnla . rrr Klrrrn Inlrrollritlntp Climnplon. iio litis the rlioico probably of rniHsIng t ip bull to tlio ntlii-r Inside tiinn or to tbp onpositp wIiir, which will qlvc lilm mill the other Inxldcs nn oiipurmnltv to becomt; uncovered mid put themselves In position to rcrolvp n nnH frmn 1u ..fl ll.n lli'n v cnri iiiv i" '- r.ir,c tl.P nctiinl nttacklng force of n . nml nro coiwtnntly Huppllcd with team nml nn . ., b ,, ..fll.ilt 111 Lilt pill!'' - ?r"Ti,B .niinort of tl.P halves. h I, pivot on the center forward. ll.o IV .nn of each wIiir arc Kclcclcd 011l,iV mo of cay nlvnm,np wm, t1(. tall mi-or nlI111iK without rPCf7J II dr stride; their ability to iblilt? "o o'rurntely swing or middle the OT-.Mo " in are what are com- I l. mi in ns the iight iir forwards. P!,,f,inr o a" fo ward halves n wel tn sl.o .tew. They arc even expected ,0 i , pumi ns center forwards. They r'ted t Le. with tt.c exception lire MP" " i" "., io ronlest nlil.v Cf T X line, tic bwt drlbblcrfl, Kobd h.l" r nrntc passers, good tackier ind able to trap the ball under any conditions. ,. . ., Nut litllj mum uw ....- "--,---. nuallfientloiiH. but they mjisi Hui.iue...c"i Tt ork of the halves In keeping the !m r . ml wings properly fed with their ft r Loads and be able at all times to ifllKltrt' 1111 Llll- V.ltfcw - II-. - 1.ll tl nins forwards. Oood Inside men In conjunction with the center uirw irji . Slav tin- three Inside game, or, in con junct ion with their particular wing men. nny the win game a happy combina tion of both stylos of game upsetting the lict drfene. Quirk Thlnlilng Nccde.1 Tli ..enter forward Is, next to the t -if .1 tnu iti.nnrtn tit lllnvoi" (filler nun. mc mum. imi.. .... ,..-,,-.-,u the team. In nddltlon to having ill the oiiulifieations of an Inside man, l,c nmt primarily have the ability to H.t. Hie oak points 111 the defense, and , (INtribute the ball on.l monciiver his forwanN as to take full advantage of thc-p weak spots. He must also be nble to swing the tall to the wings or puss to his inside men as his judgment dictates. There. are times also when he should know .i... ....... cili nt Dm Imlve.s to be able to ,,.11,,,. them 111 his attack. lie Is the- Inward who is generally most subject to attack, and conscnueutly should be thoroughly well eipiiniied with a knowl iiIrc of all the tricks of the game to enable Mm to beat his opwuicnt. He should be particularly adept in teieniiig passes, which means putting himself in position to receive passes, and particularly In the neighborhood of goal to convert the passes into shots, lie and the two inside men are the players depended on to shoot goals, therefore his control of the ball should be complete, lie must also be aggres nve and fearless, be well huluuced in lii footwork nnd always able to think fat enough to take advantage of any oppoituiilty presented to beat un op- hi. 111. Ml ijulti' fieipiently a team puts its whole ilnieiiileme on its center forward to ilin.it coals. This is poor play, for a mm! eenter half can bottle him up and neutralize him completely. It is better policy to have all three inside men good flints (moil (ioal Shooting Kislit here let me mi.v what a good gal shooter is. lie is a forward player win. cm leccive a pass auu immediately convert it into a shot at goal without Wing confused by the presence of the coal keeper.' That is. when he receives h pahs which gives him nn opportunity to shunt he is so well balanced that his tuontini; kick is tnken automatically and his iniiiil is taken up In hccitig and find in;; the part in the goal space which the junl Keeper is least able to defend. The iiM'rncp forward, when he has an oppoitunity to shoot, thinks first of the poal keeper and usiiully keeps his mind t-n much on the goal keeper, nnd not . n the space unoccupied by the goal k.eper, that he simplv shoots the bull m the goal keeper. 'Ibis Is the reason li so many coal keepers not credit tor being clever when with a real shot in fiont of them they would be lost. Theio r.re plenty of good goalkeepers, but they ate as u rule born, not made. The goal l.epei' who run completely cover his i.o.ils nnd divine the forward's intention i a inritj. iMellioiN of Shooting So much for the actuul shooting, and j E: in some uiptlioils of nluy lor sue inrwanls to give the insides an oppor tiuutj to shoot. Tin loiiimonoNi form of giving the Insides (center ami two inside for ards i un opportunity to shoot is b in.' wing working the bull down the "mill line past tile halves, and conse- I'lently drawing the fullback an him. i "ml then pitbsing the bell suflicientl.v , 'levant! over his bend and dropping it H'lnewhere in front of gonl. where the inside or center can connect with it , mi'l shoot Another method is for the "niKer. assuming him to have beaten i the halves, to trick or beat the fullback "nil send a hard, low center across the j mouth of tin. i-nni i,i,i.i ,1... I,,,,.!.-... : "a a shot like this tho insides Hhoiihl a,ily connect. If they have their minds hi the plnj ns they should. notlier method by which tile winger "in beat the fullback Is, when his in J1,o man is in position, to pull the lullba.k toward him mid Mmp the ball -a.k to the inside innn, who will, if i" lullbnek is out of position and the winger uncovered, pnss the hall back the winger, who will carry it still '"i tlier ami pnss it back to the inside. "Ho has meanwhile nmved up or to the miler If however, the winger is covered "ml the center forwn.-.l is not the ball an he pass,.,! to the center forward, or i, ""y '"'I'Pen thnt the insldn man 'niJ lind himself uncovered nnd with " free run for goal, in wliicli case it is "s ilutj to go through on his own. if "' H close enough, nnd have r idiot. it might ulso liiHi'fen that the Inside '"in on lecelving the hull, might (Ind '"'n;n f and his winger nnd even his 'outer forwnid covered, in which cas wing to which the ball has been sent In nn unusual case the Inside innn might find all his forwnrd mates cov ered, or himself ho covered that he can not pass them, then he can pass back to the halfback, probably center hnlf. mid give him nn opportunity to do what lie is unable to do. These methods apply nil along the forward line nnd enn bo varied accord ing to the ability of the forwards. Judgment Ilcnulrcil It Is a cardinal rule. Imwnvnr Hint when It is desired to mnko n niin In n certain player the ball shall be passed in such a way as to give the mate n better clinnce to get the ball than the opponent. This requires nt t ines a good deal of judgment nnd quick thinking, but it is a safe rule that If there Is an onnoncnt between tlm nnuiw and his object, the ball should be lifted over the head of the opponent, and if mere is no opponent m tlic way the ball can be pasxed along the ground. In this case, however, it must lie pnssed with sufficient speed and strength to enable it to0 reach the desired place. It is also a cardinal rule that If tbp ground is wet the bnll should be kept on toe ground ns miicii ns possible, which means no short-ground passing. lien the ground is wet the bnll does not bounce to nny extent and the hich passes can be fairly gauged. When tlic ground is dry. however and if it is lumpy or uneven, the bnll will bounce In nil sorts of ways, making It dlilicult to get under control. It Is, therefore, better when the ground Is dry to keep the ball as near the ground as possi ble. If the ground ru lumpy the hall should he kept just clear of the ground, hut if the ground is smooth and even then tlie hall can be kept, on the ground us much ns possible. Tomorrow Sir. Stewait will discuss the art of kicking the ball in soccer. Speedy Basketball Teams Clash Tonight at Armory in West Philadelphia You Auto Know If thorn Is xi DerlMent drorr In the pressure of tho oil Kituite. nml tho rei?ulntor Is known' to ih riKtu, It Is snrn in Hssuinn wmt cngino benrlnsH nro inBlnnlnn tu wear. When the rubber trean of nn rasing cnamseH color, automobile It Is Hiild bv tlrn men to "bloom " The causii or this Is iluo to the freo BUluhur comliiK to tho surfuce. It can bo wnshrd off enslly with Kaxollne, Durinff the winter months tli crnnkensc nhouM bo limine. 1 morn frequent ly thnn In summer. This Is essential because It re moves the water which forms an emulsion Willi the oil nnd destroys the hitter's lubri cating value. v Thero Is only ono thins: vvronar with n lenklnx tire pump It needs a new washer, or If the washer Is only hardened, it needs n little BOftenlnit with neatsfoot oil. A popping nack In tho rarbutetor when thn throttle Is sudd"nl opened means the mixture Is too weak, and IiIkIi speed ad justment must be chanced to either cut onT n llltlo moro of the high sliced air or let Ir a lllll.! mole Kusollnc. While the usual mediums for preventing rust of the rims are shellnc ami graphite. It Is" possible to use beeswax In this connec tion with very satisfactory results. Tho rims Htnuld be heated slightly with n blow torch nnd the beeswnx should be rubbid on while thej nio still warm If anv point In the electiienl sjsteni Is out of order and the generator is nuouen tty SPICK IIAUi - Two of the speediest feminine basket ball teams In Philadelphia will clash tonight when the Lorraine Olrls' Club five meets the Hhatialmn quintet on the floor of the Armory, nt Forty-second street and Westminister nventie. The referee will stnrt the contest nt 8:15. lioth of the teams have been working hard to get in shape for tins gtnne, ntiu It will ninrk tho opening sctto for the Lorraine girls. The Lorraine Olrls' Club Is nilillated with the Lorraine Hos' Club, an up town orgnnlzntlon that Is widely known In athletic circles. The captain and manager of the Lorraine girls Is Miss Mary C. Conway. Assisting her In the innnngerial duties is .limmlc Wel don. who nlnys guard on the bovs' team. llllam Itice, another member of the club, organized the girls' team nnd has taken an active interest in its develop ment. Practlco Last Night Lust night the Lorraine girls had their final practice for tonight's game. Miss Conwny is well pleased with the way In which the team hns developed, and she expects to put n winning bunch on the Ihior before the season Is much older. Tho regular team hns not yet been picked, but will be In the near future. Tonight Misses Ilannnh Herbst and Margaiet Knright will start nt the for ward positions, and later tn the game Miss Anna Admns will be given n chance. Miss Mnry Peurce will jump center ot the beginning, but later Miss Mary (iilrov will get into the tray. Miss Conway will hold down one of the guard positions, nnd Miss Kdna O'Donell will stnrt at the other. Miss Xnomi Camp bell and Miss Annn Laudy may also get in before the evening's bnttle is over. All of these girls who piny on the Loiriiine team have hud a lot of basket ball experience, and they are sure to torm a rattling good combination. Miss Herbst got her basketball start at Wil liam Pcnn High School. At Temple I'liivcrslty "Miss Knriglit wns a star, and Mis.s Pearee comes to the Lorraine Club trom the American Kailvvay Kxprcss team. Miss Adams, Miss O Donell and Miss Campbell form erly plujed with Athletic Itecreatlon Park. 'and Miss CJIlroy and Miss Con way were stnr members of the Flcishcr tenia Inst .season. Miss Conwny, owing to her line dc femdve work, plays guard, although she is just nbotit ns good a forward us any girl In the city. She does nil of the foul i hooting, and does it well. She rings the one-pointers fully ns often as the average man. Hesides being basketball players, Miss Conway und Miss Gilroy are base ball to.sseiH of more tiinn passing re- iiovvn. Iloth played on the fast Kleisher team last summer. Miss Gilroy did most I of the hurling for the team. At the beginning of the season Miss Conway htiirled as a catcher, but it was decided that she vvus too good a fielder to leave behind the bat, so she was shifted to the ouelield. Shifted to Infield After having played all three gardens at vurious times. Miss Conway played lii'st, .second, third base and shortstop before the seuson vvus over. She also pitched iimL won the game against the (JuurteriiinHtrr'H Clubi She is tl right handed throwur and hitter. Later In the winter it is expected thut l'leisher's will organize n regular team, hi that event. Miss Conway will piny with that five also. At present. there are only departmental games for the Kleisher girls. Miss. Conway has arranged several more games tor the Lorraine l hid, but Harness Happenings ' 1- T.n &'n",0fl ". r "W ..???.!. campaign ithi, i year." unomer ip m ih! . "'i 2MK- "h'sli dl.l not up. !ri?!!n,"v5n ths ensnn. trol?5rTiiii,alirphl-,n h'h-Prlce,l Camdlan ,T'l "I fihnrcn. 2:I1U, Is not n gelding, T,,mJeV, fPnrled. but a stallion, trv Lm?LI'i?rry' " Flomlngton, N. J., will Jvlil, h .e "i w'nnlmt cnmpalgn this yenr llht A TlE",y ""vol. 2:o5. nnd ho Is snrlsilJn H' m,,ol"? ot the rtoad Horse As- iS..y 7 '1 nlftc" "' 'ho third Tuesday In ?, ."' n" norctofore. Hli,nL'll,It,0 ,h,p,.,rcent death of Seeretnry n!EVi.I,?R,.w.li,"n. h directors of th SfJlS .1" 8",t" ' nlr Association hnve post. S.I,-- -JIT nnnun!, meeting urrtll Jnnunry IB, when offleers will Im rhnsen. ti."!" ,.m clonn'r". o' Pittsburgh, haji sold tho trotter San .'lay. lo Or John Htebens. ?..P?? N-, n Sn' c"y 'hould be n Vrf;'.1 ,hor',?x.t'ir lll nw owner, ns ha Is redlted with having trotted n mile below 'The little trotter Native Judge. 2H2V4. by iWilF "f""1". 2 0SH, dam Native Hello, 2 ni, vvas n. coinlstent performer for W. L. Hull, who rnced him In some of thn $1000 stake events in this se.tlon last year. He vvon nine of his eighteen rnce. nnd was out of tho money division but once, fie was purchased by the foreign buiers Inst month nnd hns Jmt beer shipped to Tlenmnrk. Hnymnnd Hnednker, of Klrkwood. Del., wno ien ino ugnt harness horsn gnnro sev eral years ngo. Is now Jogging- Into form n couple of well-bred colts One by Iird Dewey, out of Kcstntlc 2.01, nnd tho other ft two-venr-old bv Harrv J. 8, 2:O.V4. dam by Admlrnl Dewey, 2.01'i He Is well plensed with the natural speed of both nnd predicts n bright future for them. J. J. McCnrthv of Ynrdley, thinks well of his colt by Hldnev Prince, out of nn Onward mare. He showed so well In the nearby matinees last senson that he will bo given a preparation next spring for tho purse races nnd Judging from the natural speed he displayed will mnko them step somo to bent him this venr John It. Dodgo hns purchased I he three,, year-old colt Colorado Mark, bv Hugh Mil ler. 2:11,, nrsl nut of t"loele McCIregor. the dam of Colorndo K (a). 2 OIH. The young ster showed n lot of speed last fall und shnuM rnisn well this venr. It Is reported that n Norrlslnwn horseman has purchased the great race maro Trances 2:nn,,i. bv Hldnev Prince She I n pacer of great ability, nnd In her two seasons' rnelng hns won twenty-two of her twenty-eight races. She rnred halves at 1.02 nnd quar ters at better thnn n 2 no shot. She won n number of tnoo stake races In this section last fall, taking her present record In the final heat of her Allentmvn race lnt Sep tember. Oraily will raco her ngnln next senson Stylish aWsp Is Derby Winner Montgomery. Ala.. Jan 7. Stylish Wasp, Mlnl.r nwnei! bv Miss Mnrlon KUtxint. Montpeller Htntlon. Vn. won the nll-Amer-Ican derbv In the nll-Amerlcan add trials vesterdny nt I.etchntehK Wigwag, owned by Lewis Isn llaggln of Lexington, Ky.. was second, and Homnnce. owned by I . S Ornce, of Itobertson 111., third. Navy Team In Penn Meet Alinnnolls, Jnn. 7 The midshipmen will have their team In the university relay rumen nt Philadelphia. April 20-30. nnd the following Held anil track matches nt An napolis: April 2.1. Harvard, May 7. University of Vlrglnln; Mn H, t'nlversltv of Pitts burgh. An International boxing match with Queens College Is n probability. HELLOLCENTRAL WHO'S GONNA WIN? Bell Telephone Basketball League Raco Will Start To night at Yonah Hall The TJell Telephone llnslietball League, comprising seven tennis from the various departments of tho Be" Telephone Co., and one team from the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. will play Its opening gnmes tonight nt Yonah Hall, 127-'" Columbia avenue. The playing nights nro Friday and Saturday und n schedule of fourteen games has been nrranged, each team meeting the other twice. Included In the list of players are numerous former college stars. On the engineers' team will be ritJtpatrlch. the former Penn star, and Simpson, a former Hcd nnd Hlue liurlcr of note, will wear the colors of Plant Kngineering. The departments represented nrc en gineering, plant engineering, equipment, construction, nccoiintlng ami com mercial, American Telephone and Tele graph Co., mnintenalice and motor vehicles. Klaborate preparations have been mnde for the opening games tonight which are lKstween Maintenance nnd Construction nnd Motor Vehicles nnd Accounting nnd Commercial, h. H. Kinnar.l. president of tlic Hell Tele nhone Co.. will toss out the first hall. It is the intention of the officials to have drfneing nfter the games. It will be necessary to play some of the Saturday games in the nfternoon such will he the case in tomorrow's scheduled contests. They will start at :t p. m. Harvard Grid Captain Quits Crew Cambridge. Jnn 7. Th Harvard varsity crew lost n rraik oarsiuiin, when the Crim son football tmm gained n captain. Keith Ivnne. riuitnln-elecl ol the eleven, nnnounced that he would give his entire Mni" this spring to development of the football fortunes for next fall, and would not row again Ex-Phil Chosen Manager rinlnucld. N. .1 . .Inn. 7 .Turk Mnrtln of Plnlnfleid. fmmeilv mmber of the Ynnkces nnd the Ilos'on nnd Philadelphia Nationals, who last veur played on the At lanta team of the Southern Lengue. will this senson mnnnge the Dajtona team of thu Florida State league Allied Soccer Standings riltHT DIVISION W. I,. D. Tor Agt. Pts Marshall V.. Smith ft 1 a is s 1:1 Hibernians . . ft n 2 IS 7 12 I'nlrhlll . . . I :i 2 IS II lo Wolfemten-Shore 3 11 1 33 22 7 Puritan Y M. I. . I 1 It Is 7 Klrursesslng 3 ft 0 13 23 0 Wanderers . 2 O I H 20 ft J . J. Dobwili 2 2 0 II 4 I si:eo.i division W. I.. I). For Agt. Pl DUston Saw 12 o 2 At 1ft 2.1 Amenslon .. 10 1 2 41 1ft 22 St Cnrthage ... (I 2 I 20 II HI Kensington Con . 7 ft 1 33 22 1ft Nlltlvllv C. C, . . ft 5 3 24 20 13 (llenn Social . . ft ft 3 20 HI 13 Pencoyd ft .1 ! i'll 33 12 IMgemoore 3 7 2 II 30 h Knywood C. C. ..3 7 2 21 23 s North Amer. I.ncn. 2 0 2 HI 31 l llrlt, Ot War Vet 2 10 1 13 ft! ft wolfenilen V. C. (withdrew). THIIID NOHTHHAST W. I.. D. For At Pis Culllngwond . S I 1 30 12 17 Dlaaton Stiel ft 3 I 21 12 It PnlethortMi .412 12 s 10 Merchant Ship .... I 4 2 21 111 10 Clover 4 ft 2 10 IS 10 llrldesburg . . . ft I 0 21 10 HI Veternn . I 2 IR 1ft in Pnlrhlll M i: . . 3 H 1 10 24 7 St Veronlrn's .213 1 1 22 7 THIIID NOllTHWHST V. I.. D. Por Act Pis Hunting Social H 3 0 2S 1 1 IS I.orettn s 2 n 27 17 HI Colnnlnl . . 1 2 1 17 S 13 Prnnrlsvllle . ...Ill 30 20 13 Olney ft 4 I 1.1 111 II TMen . .... 3 4 I 10 111 10 Uwv Mem ..2 0 2 13 Surpass 1,-nther . 2 1 It 20 ft Amu n Jl 2 .1 30 Kfll'ItTH DIVISION W I.. D. For Aist Pl Wollopors . II I 1 42 I 11. llnrers Hovers s 3 n t in Hi Scnnlon . . s I o 3.1 i HI Funfleld 7 11 2ft II 1ft Westmoreliind . 0 ft O 3S 20 12 T.nrchwood .... ft ft i 17 27 lo Do Paul . ... ft "1 0 20 17 HI IlalnlKivv ... 17 0 17 3ft s College 4 7 II 14 3ft s Aldon . O 12 II 11 III o CALIFORNIA TEAM STRONGEST IN U. S. Victory of Andy Smith's Eleven Over Ohio Stale Most Impressive of Football Season, Grant Rice Asserts Ity OltAXTItANI) KICK OXKHS who iish SdO.nOO to box nt , nln to two tout lnliiwu the benefit for "devastated France" will soon Imve u mortgage on a line of shell holes between Amiens and Sedan. B Wi:ST PHILADELPHIA Vl.lrlx Angorn II Albion . Itelmar Welcome . Helmont Victoria 11 Norrlstnwn V. 11 . s s For Agt 3.1 II 3ft 1 I 37 III 3ft 21 HI I J 30 17 12 2S 13 12 TIIM Yanhs once had a double-play combination that consisted of "Peck iiipuugh to Pratt to Plpp." They now have an outliehl rein combination that liiLrmoiii7.es with "Until lo Uuth to Huel." "I Told You So" Sill Home time lnte ill Xoveinber, it ou iccull the facts, I wrote ou that California ("diversity had a football machine that was at least fourteen points Mrougci- than Princeton, and nt lint twciit.v points t-trongcr than Ohio .State, Wivconslti or IIIIuoIh. After seeing the Princeton -Harvard garni' 1 wii riiulhlent that Californiii was at lca.t two toiiclnlowiis stronger than either. I knew no one ill the Fast or Middle 'ot would follow this opinion, but after the California-Ohio State (oiliest I can nt least get a better hear itig. There will be the ii-unl alibi ex perts vvho will insist that the long trip, climate changes, etc . were responsible, but I don't believe Cinch Wilce. of the Ohio Stale leniii, will be in this class. I saw the game, .nil the score might just as well hove beep !ld or more to 0 in favor of the Piii-llic Const stars. Ohio Stale wns oiilclassed. just ns Princeton. Pittsburgh, Penn Stnte. Harvard or (icoigiu Tech would 'have been outclassed The best of these could very possibly have held Cnlifor- H ah but thev would have been beaten by from fourteen to twenty points. No ,ne expects those along the Atlantic const to know much about football condition along the Pa cific const. Ilut when we see All American teams piek.d without n single California!! aboni.l ihi joke is too brond to be held under covr. This isn't nnv second guess on my part, for you will iccull that 1 wrote ,vou California wouhl beat Ohio Stale bv more than twenty points. I,. (; j.', Furtliermori' lllX'AU, the predict ion We, Iso actee with our corrcsiiondent: thut California mny very ciimI.v hnve lind the strongest team in America tills last season, stronger than Princeton, Ilnrynnl, Pittsburgh or Penn Slate We doubt very much that an.v one of thesciouhl have supplanted Ohio State on New Year's D.iy nml n turned a triumphant veidict. We niso ugree with our corrcsiiond ent thnt the "long trip and the climate changes" are nlvv.ivs overpln.ved. Around 11)()1 ost took his crack Michigan team to the coast to tinkle Stanford I'niversily. which that veur iiud u strong mncbiue. The game was pln.ved in midsummer lieut, but the long trip mid the heat did not prevent .Michigan from winning by -i to 0. Certainly California, US; Ohio Stale. 0. is easily the most impressive football victory of the late campaign from Oc tober to .Innuar.v, from California to Cambridge. ( nmr flhl till lt ntiht vrcM'frf rfMaBajsBDAIKHAlL & RlISJi 5EJ3J3feM3H2i (3 SHOPS ""V.6ENTIEMEN to overcharge the bnttery. overheating will hu would like to get others with girls teams playing either bo.vs or gills rules. An team that would like to meet the Lorraine live can urrange it by writing Miss Conwuy at 2217 Federal ktreet. The Lorraine team will continue to hold its weekly practice at the Athletic Itecreatlon Center, Twenty-ninth luul Master streets. occur Therefore it is always wen to inipeci vour b.utery niter u long, naru urivo us follows Feel of the lead links and cover if warm, remove the venta from the cell nnd insert a, thermometer made of liquids Into tho olectrolvte. The temperature should never be more than loo degrees Fahrenheit If It Is higher than 110 degrees Fahrenheit the bnttery has u fever, nnd the bntterj expert should ' consulted Immediately tr save our battery from diath nnd jouracK from a big expense n lllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIPj Buy Your Clothes at I Reduced Wholesale Prices 1 Direct From Big Philadelphia Factory All-Wool Men's 1 Suits oi :OvGV00MSi B8W4tes23 JJMleANTU.flUILOIMB, TtlNTON HJ. J.S.ROGERS CO. GUILDERS rnHAMirMi Alterations Free Two or Three Button Single or Double Breast, ed Models. Alpaca Full or Hal fed. Open Vents. Open Piped Seams. Sewed With Silk. All Materials in Serges, Casstmeres, Flannels, Worsted and Unfinished Worsteds. Also Sutts and Overcoats as low as $12. Sold from $20 to $27.50. Remember! These reductions are from the wholesale price. SALCO CLOTHES S. E. Cor. 9th and Sansom Sts. Somnd Floors-Elevators J. Salsburg Sons & Co. , Purchasing AgenU' Qr Manufacturers )rders Accepted OVERCOATS HATS HABERDASHERY J.urgest lllNtrilinton of MANHATTAN HIIIItTS in I'lilliulelpliln B Sale of 1 Manhattan Shirts V2 Price 1 Former Prices $5 to $14 Reduced Prices $2.50 to $7 Excepting only white dress shirts I fa Everybody knows Manhattan Shirts; they are g world famous. At these 50 per cent reductions they i represent just about the greatest shirt opportunity H you ever heard of. 1 1018 CHESTNUT STREET 113 SO. 13TH STREET k gjsrai3siaM2i3MaiSMaMSfsia3rajsiaHSjaraM3i3n IIIOTOl'I.WH riKiTori.ws m THESE THEATRES EXHIBIT THE FINEST PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA See the Best Movies in Your Neighborhood Theatre iJiiTffifffiftfiJff'f-j The NIXON-N1RDLINGERJ THEATRES ACMI IC -5th- St. nml Allegheny Ave. AVn-INUt. MAT. DAIL.Y KTiir.I. CLAYTON In "THE WEB OF DESIRE" BELMONT MITdinLIj I.FAVI" S2D ABOVI3 MAItKET In 'The Mutiny of the Elsinore' PFDAR 00TH AND CEDAU AVENUE nii.i.ii: iiuitui: in "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson" COLISEUM MA?iT,ffAi,5TTiP' MAI! MimitAY In "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" II IMRP1 I'HONT ST ft OIIIAIID AVIJ. UlVluU jumlin .lunetlnn nn Kr inkforj "L" J I:TII1:L CLAYTON III .,.,, "THE SINS OF ROSANNE" I C AT"M7D 13T & LANCABTEB AVE. LEAULK MATiNia: dailx 1U.LIOTT DKXTI'.li I" 'SOMIvrillNO TO THINK AllOt'T" rillDAY AN HATUIIUAY I 7ri 1CT f'-B AND LOCL'ST STS. LULUM MntH 1 no -sn i:iM.aaoioii KLUOTT IliaiTini In "BEHOLD MY WIFE" NIXON 6ASDAnKCT?. anj0 COMr.HY FKATUHK "DYNAMITE" rIrM I 61'D AND SANSOM HTS. R IVULl Miitlneo Dally 1IOI1AKT HOSWOKTII In "THE BORDER LEGION" STRAND a,-I,MANT0liNao MAKIOV iavii:h In ... "THE RESTLESS SEX" A CTAD FHANKLIN & OIUAHn AVIS. Ab 1 vJK MATINRr. DAILY WILLIAM 1'AUNUM In .. "THE SCU TrLERS" CARN4AM OKIIMANTOWN AVE. v'fallvl1 AHOVK ALLKQIICNT lt IIOIItKT IlOltVOKTII In 'uuu"1 "A THOUSAND TO ONE" CENTURY nrl8 Vr-Viw . llnRT IIIWU-OHTII In "THE BRUTE MASTER" FAIRMOUNT "ritV VIOIA DANA In "BLACKMAIL" Fay's Knickerbocker A ,,..., COKINNH (IKIFriTII In "THE BROADWAY BUBBLE" FRANKFORD 4"5"?AfJ'r-IX)nD wai.laci: iti:n In c "ALWAYS AUDACIOUS" Germantown B;i?ATIvrr,DnAvve VIOLV DANA In IM,LV "BLACKMAIL" DAILY 1RAND r':V AND MAIIKBT jr,-viNL matinhi "A THOUSAND TO ONE1 ImPFRIAI 2Nn AN'r roi'LAit llVirCrlAL. MATINI5K DAILY " 15 MAUUICK TOimNKt'll'S "The Last of the Mohicans" JEFFERSON SffiH MAKSIIALI. Ni:iI.AN'S UAlL,x "GO AND GET IT" V f IDD A 2132 OEIIMANTOWN AVE. AUKUIXA MATl.MIK DAILY MAUltlCK TOUllNLUK'S "The Last of the Mohicans" BENN WOODLAND AVK. AT 64TH MATINDK DAILY 1VALLAU12 Kl. ID In "ALWAY& AUDACIOUS" 01 T ItrniDn 'nnoAD rfTnEET and rJL.UC.nlrVU' HtlBqilEHANNA AVK. CONTINtlOHH UNTIL tl OLIVH TIIIIMAH In "1HK rhAVVUH" I IRFRTY nnoAD columiiia av iidili1 I MATi.vnn daily ENID IIKNNIVTT In "HER HUSBAND'S FRIEND" MODEL )5 Pl'TiI RT Orchestra llm JON STltOIILIM'.S ll "THE DLVlL's PASS KEY" OVERBROOK:iAtI)Avl. "THE LOVE FLOWER" PARK "'DOE AVn ft DAUPHIN ST. . M.it !! 1.1 Hvks. 0 15 to 11 l.OLIHi: (1UVUM In "LOVt" CPRI IPP OOTH AND SPIIF'CIJ J XXVJ-C MATINI1I2 JATL'ltDAY ANN1ITTK KKLLKKMAWN In "A DAUdllTLH U" Till: HODS" 'rUKTTY OYM COMKUY SUSOUEHANNA llSSSSSi CLARA HIMHALL YOUNO la ''M1D-CHANNEL" lJiIjIj FACTORY CLOTHING This Is Absolutely Our Final Public Notice Monday, January 10th, the Last Day of This Remarkable Clothing Sale Your Last Opportunity Come In Early To-morrow, Open At 8 A. M. Re member Monday is the Last Day FINAL CLEARANCE Men's and Young Men's Suits and OXoats Kuanrm ( rm Offered Direct to the Public at Less Than Actual WholesaleCost of Production GROUP 1 Very Special SVIade to Retail at $25 84 Overcoats GROUP 2 GROUP I'Coats ,50 lade Retail at $30 to $35 Made to Retail at $40 to GROUP -1 Suits &0'Coats GROUP 5 Coats Made to Retail at $55 to $65 Made to Retail at $70 to $80 DREYFOUS & LANG One of the largest Mamiiactiircrs ol Men's Fine Clothing in Philadelphia S. W. Cor. BROAD & WALLACE STS. (Mulford Bldg.) 7th FLOORTAKE ELEVATOR 7th FLOOR Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily. Saturdays Until 7 P,M. imiilii ,. n,,-i,i v."r