Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 22, Image 22

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HHW J-Jil fT
n uoitcur w. m vxwi-.i.i.
iirl- l.'dltnr 1 ii-iiIiiit I'liMIc l.tilurr
TUST to Mnit nn niRiiiiiciit, i- will "tnlf totlii Hint I'.iM
Tiltlcn in NOT tlio ti-ntils clianipimi cif tin- urn-ltl. Hi
ll NOT tin- tenuis i-hnmpliin i-f tlio I'liltptl Stiitrs. This
probably t-oiiml trmiRc uiul mnrllins. but nrtrillirli"" it
Is trtio. Wi- mi- nut liiuiillng our Hill n bin k-liuttili-il
wnllop nor arc ut- li-xing to iwipi- an of ln- linul-i-iuni-il
Inurcl.t. Hill n u wmiili-iful ntbb't-, but wwr bus l'Uijfl
The real guint- uf trtiiii-i t plnjnl Indoor, mi 11 mini
cipeclnlly rointriirti'tl fur llmt purpoi'. ,lt Umibl i
the champion, l.imn iciiui, wliirli tin tilTsliout i-f
court tennis, m nbniit forty xt'iirs old ntnl li Knvprm-il l-v
n entirely ilinVretit i-t of tub-". If it n ni"i" popnlur
Rfimc becnusi- it it i-atb-r to pln .mil h-vi i-ipi-nivi-. .lu-t
the snmp. tin- mirt ti-nnis pla.M-rs p't ti-rriMx pri-xi-d uiul
exceedingly (.oic if tin- outdoor -poit it icfti-i-i-d to in
"tcnnlt." 'i'ln'.N insist thai tln'ii rhihi- it tin- nul. I'K'i
lar one.
A couple of days mn I -aw .Im (niiilil ntnl .li- Mot,
the yotiiiKi-Rt profi-ttloiinl, pla ioiirt li-utiit at tin- l!tiiiini
Club. Crorgr H Hiiiuke. tin- old l'.im fm-tlmll Hint- ami
former national lanpn-ft i luiinpinii. tin- nthi-r half
of the niidif-lice (ii'oic- biiiicb-d out -iniii- (l"P- un Hi"
janic and 1Im-!opi1 oiih- niiiniin inforiunt n-n.
'"Thin Rami- is oih- of tit- nidi l in tin twnlil." i-x
plained Gemc "It oiiitinti'd w.n b.n k in tin- thir
teenth rcnturx in n Kri-n-b iimim-ii 1 x . 1 1"' lunk-. to
get P-tereise. pbivt'd m a murt.aitl xtlinli a nolle too
largo und in.iilt- rulfs .is ibei uiiii iib-inr Tb- Rtin- '"
came popular ntnl nit mbei of Iln- luiliilin t""k it up
Special tourts ttrir built anil i-xcijtlimu in the uiiKiiuil
court nnl nt rupn-tl. The pentbouse. ib-iiiiiit, the tutu
'bour,' Kiille and mi pilb-rn-t wire u--d. In f.nt. tin
court ou are lookini: at mm is an t at t ttplbii ( the
one used TUO jeir-. .iro."
There was the aii-wtr. l m to. ml. b tin Kami- i
ro little known in this rountrj .u.liodv mn bn out n
lawn tennis mint. Iiut a modem tourl tennis toiirt mts
a InrRO ainonnt of ninne to builtl There are onl line
private courts in this routitn. ..wind bj liiorise limihl.
Payne Whittn-v and ("bin-i .Matk.it Tln-ri- an- - bn
courts in New .irk. riiilade,pli..i. IWton. Aik-n. Tne(b
anil Newport. In Cnliiinl ibi-n- ai il llltt p n.iti-
co'urtN in the tarious Ii.r tnuutii pin-e.s. IVihap lit-it-are
not KM) ti)iitt in the world, while the lawn t, unit
courts number millions.
The tloor space i PI f'i t l nn he- long and ".I fe- t li
Inches wide. Aiound three side of the court is a l"-.t
bed 7 feet lliRh .Hid i- known as tin- penthouse. AloliR tie
wide end of the court and also at tin- servic ml In ittet u
the nenthoiise roof anil tin. wall an- a tiuinlier nt openiiiR
and at the
i-cpt nn of shots roiiir into the dedans, gi lilt ntnl the
lirst or winniiiR Rnllcry.
One of the uutiKiinl features t-f tin- Riime N tli.lt n
plajer does nut leatb tin- IniRlit of hit foim until he is
alx-iit thiil.t lite ji-ait of ne In baeball. boxitiR and
nthi-r strenuous Hportt an athlete m on the down Rinde
when be Rett flint old. lloweter, acmrtlitiR to Tompkins,
the Rreatest ilajers in tin- woiltl have been lit their best
between the iircs of tbiitj -live and forty-two. All nf
which meatiH it takes time to master the intricate Riime.
There is o much that tan be done with the ball Hint the
tpiulity of judgment nml qubU thlnUitiR enters Into It
more than in any other rpott
.lay (iould is the champion and it In a t hist by himself
o far at the tpcbiibtiie of the Riime is tonccriied. He
siartled the woiltl when, nt the au'e of settntecn. lie took
the American title liom .losliu i t'tane. the former Hat -tard
all riitiml athlete At til t il was thought that (Siuihl.
In cause of his Mllght fi'iime ami jinith, put over a lucky
tictuii. but after defemliiiR his title a tloen timet all flr
iniiiileil nntliorities imlileil him with being one of the
Rtcalist athletes in tin- world.
When one considers that I iould it master in evert
point of the gaine uiul a platei without a weakness, one
laimot gn ttjotig in stating thai lie it one of the greatest
i liampioiis iter developed 111 ant held of athletic activities
This is becniisp be suipasset all hi- rit.ils to a far greater
extent than do other champions in their specialties.
"0 l'S imr i.t iik
J until
-nil "f the coint a ttiih- opmiiiR i ailed the
V I II 1! inrvri u) II"' ii d i'lllmi imll nil Ihr
hnziiril sicf tln.ii mi livi vidi . Ihr Inliiliil ami
srmn m ii imiill njirninij. rnllril tlf unlit . I hi
ii n moduli m till. "I I lie liinlnliitiiiii idiiifj;. In
rnuir it 11 clnicil.
Scrrire Start un V
TUT same itself, a -ilin t- 1'reibiick Tmapki
cluli profest-ional ! one of the most dith'iilt to
iapkin. tin-
inii-l i-i
The objet f of the serttr i- to Rite -ueh u -ert ii-u Hint his
opponent cannot return the ball over the ml, which is
the tame as in lawn tennis In the tourt game, hottevei.
the hcitiie starts on tin- penthouse roof, rolls to the t ml
court, hounds against lac wall and is returned after a
bounces off tin tlieir
I'oints an- null- tin s.inii a , in l.i v ii ii nnls n., i',.
Id IumiI ii mk. H'Afii n
lilt lilt Inlliri-, 111 in 'li Uniilil. iililittl hull in
tin linmh of 1'ruiil; Fniritir. i n i iiiiiinit nf un
iimill tiiinii il lull I ll. nml In aun ninth ml Ihr iiwie.
Ilr nun hit finl i hum inHili(i hi tin nyr nt .ici'tn
tiin, mill on time nt runout iHitum! Ihr Hriluli
tilli . In .''OS hr n-iii i I' Inruiin in Ihr (liimiir
wnt in l.nittlnn. hi I'.U'i hr i"ni tl" 'i" " n;" H
hilMlHwi nf Ihr nnilil Inn hr ilrfnilal llinnr
I null, thr il tut I'mjlitli pioi tnmitll.
Play for Title at Racquet Club
JAY titil I.D will defend his title again.st the bi-Ht pio
fessioiial in the countit at tin- lEaetpii-t Club next
week. To ili-citle wlio is Hie hoi. u touitiainent will be
held, beginning on .laiiuait HI. due .Moss. l'liilailel
phia. ami It. Iiutton. of ltosinn. ujll pint- in tin- morning
and .link Soutar. of I'liilaili-Ipbiit. ami oitn (iloeker, of
Ittistnii. in the afternoon '. .1. "I'litnb" l'airs drew a
bte The linals will lie plated on .lanuart l."t, ami the
WIIIIU r meett lioubl.
This promises to lie one of the inosi iiiterecling court
lennis ctents eti-r singed in this iminliy. and buers of the
g-iiue will be out in full fone. Main will mine ftom New
Vuk and ISoston for the touiiiaiuent.
' The winner of the tournament to be plated next week
nt the Kacquct Club." said .Mr. (iould. "should he given
tlio title of 'professional i liampioii of America.' Kveiy
professional has bet n gnen an opportunity to enter ami
it is th first tniiinainenl of this kind which will give a
i b-nr title. Kin-i Iln claims the title at picsent, and
liases his i laims nu his x if tones oxer .link Whit mid
l'unch Fairs. As iIipm- wen- only exhibition mutches, no
tub- could be ptopeilt i laiuieil on this basis.
' .lock Soutar and I'umli Pairs should give a splendid
exhibition. 1 Miii-iiler Smit.ir one of the hiirdest men to
heat that 1 etir bate plated."
Till! pi nf minimi vhn nbijt Unulil hm n ijirut
rhmii r In twin fame nml alary. If he linn, hr
n ill rrrrivr tl pic'ilit nf S'OOO.
i oiiy'.ot '. II'-. hj I'n' i dyi ( ti.
Camden and Trenton Meet
in Dividing Basketball
Battle; Dobson and Bald
win to Play Off Tie
OH, MAN! j
fen i-co" i-inf is J yT ? I Jtiit - I uG - I V-T v a . 2v xTs- I K&W... (5 , mw. r
P"7 . n Ci-B rVo i bought ruio)
I wtcp ioME i 1 MUi ma BEtUT'WL WAUKiNfi
t. r- I ,ElP A I JKS, ?t2 iS Br fH?J, GM" A,J? J5 '
4 u t?j xc c mm &mmrr .jl.
EFUSE $300,000 .
Miss Prances Anderson, Woman's Champion of World in
Pocket Billiards, Tells Why Men Are Better
-L et
HAf'TICi: it essential to uiicicss in the towns
cry line of sports endeavor.
Another New Record Set in
Baseball Finance by Offer
for Cardinal Infielder
S. litils. .Inn. 7. Another new
lecord has been created in the history
of baseball finance by the report from
Houston. Tex., limiting Hrandi ltickej.
manager of the St. l.tmls Nationals,
Ms M.,,1I1B ,,,1 n,,. ...eit... "'"'Oil. ,iiiu, Ul(,
fide offer tf SI'.On.OOO and four players J,,,,;,,,.,,,,,!,,. l0 practice." miIiI Miss
for lingers lloriisby. Cnldiunl second J AnilcMon. ".ton see that when men
baseman nml iluimplon hitter of the i I'ho morning, noon anil night they have
v... !....i r ... . a chance to evelon to il fur greater ex-
.s II I luiilli miil.ii' , - itt.. I ..... ....
11 111 II 1 inn I'll i
I met the best they bad
I'liisl U't'c.
proliablt is more true in billinids ami .tuss. Ainlerson plats twin a ttventy
liockpt billiaids than anv other game, one cue. "I hnten't tin; strength to
ami that is the lev taken lit .Miss i make the breuks xvitli the atcrage cue,"
I'mincs Antlersou. world's woman she went on, "nml sometimes in (lamp
pocket billiards champion, who n weather when the baHs don't enrrom
plating a series nf matches with some i fast oil' the cushions i xvouhl not he
, of the be.t male players In riiiladelpliia i aim- to no niucn witn an average weight
mill giving fancv shooting exliltmiotis , cue. mm is xtnj l nine 10 nave u
nt the Hcgcnt llllllarU l'arlors. 1'JtKi heatt one."
.Maiket .street
trVes, Hip great trouble xvitli women
riM.l . C. .,,,,r (1,.. ii .1,, ill, leu linllCUl IMUU tVOIUI'Il.
nffcr mnde by the New WU Nationnls . "'"' ' . ,',. .., .r,t tl. r,,m
I t I x iii; tl ill rut n ll i i i .---...
Basketball Statistics
THKSK nif in '! tl.it in b.iskiilmll
Frid.it. .I.in, out 7. will li" '"ii',' i"
membeietl In t'.f fan- t"i t !- I" u
a long tini- slM, ,. - ii.am important
games wen- dott-i mi o.i" i ti unci's im
Crnni. Of (our-" the it uf 1 e Ka-tint
T.eague follow eis are rnett-'I on Tun
ton where Cnindwi and Tn-ntnn will
stngp another ' hi-h in t'n- sins to i!
fide the fir t l.'llf life. I,ut In in "
fair rif il i'pi - .t.f - i I' .!-
and JS.iblttm l.o ..iiiot.ie .i'.- t.i
battle nt M us ti.l I' i ml I l.i " in 'ee pl.it
off for the hr-! iuiif 'un ii'i"iisiip nl
the Miiiiufai tint-is I.e-i-j ..
Dobson b.is nm '. ) a -.age- game
for ovei two months a'd il- "in t not
able at b let i mem tt.i u s i-nl im- m nig
administered to it, n . .. i.t- .- -Ins
evening, an I wbeb - -i- t'" t.- I - i n
Into a play nfl Tb : uetu hi hi
ers have a tu-t t' ih .u Sn i ijv niei
Pike, fnrttii.il- I'.i-sir . ,i.i. a , i
Qallagln-r mid (ii.nff. gi..n.l
Itobert rillio!:a e- Ji.'.-..n nils in I
the Kail- i . .i mi prn-i. hi: luu I and i.
expects lis i l ill in up!, I tl." In nor
of tin- wi.iteis 1,. wi.l -l.i i l.itmg
Htnno and l.ees at toiwnid o irehej I
center, .iml Woi and Ia1w.ii i- 'it guar'1
The seiniiu tennis uiiiictnl - ii i b ' i
plants will fiinnsli a pri 'iiuiuiii tin
which will gn i i, di" .tat ti r s i n
Its It IIUS I)' i II il . it'll til ll.lt" tin I.J '
In i
l.-l l-.N ..C.l I
Vt. I.. !-.( . t I I-
Irrnliili II I .:.! l'lllhl II 1.1 .n.M
Ki-iiillmt II .1 ,'!'- iit-nn'i'nii ft II .'.n.l
(.iniJi'ii II ,"i .7 11 (ent'iille I HI .'.-ai)
s( in:i)t i.i: nut vi:t i
1'mlclit iiiulnn it 'Iri'tiliin.
s iturilii Irt mini ul rlill.iilt'tiiloii (ifr
iniiiitiiiin ul Itt'iiil'io:.
M SSI l'( II lit. Its' 1,1. (, I I
t. I., l-.l . . I.. I- .
Diih-nii I O 1 Mill l.i li" I I. In 0 I .lilHI
II liliiln I 0 1.IMKI ll.irri'lt o I .nun
Itmtir'ili I II l.iKio lluiiii o 1 .nisi
I !. Islu r I o l.lliill M.:ioIpi- o I .nun
Bill Donovan Tells Fans That
He Wants Young Blood
in Team
for Ilnrnshv early last season. u talking about her. that throws her
At that time, according to a forma ()ff she mnl((,s l)ll(1 Klult m,d ,i. h.,,1
statement issued bv 1 resident Snnitu-l s t ta , p off ,u.r ,,. entirely.
Ureiiiliin. of the ( ardinnls, tlic (.mnts,
,rr I isl.-iO.iiOO nml two pluyers in ! Men Arc Rotter
ech,inge for llornsbv. When tbnt was "Women cannot compare with men
tinned ilnttii the offer xvnt raisetl to (is billiard ((Inters. J knnw tliat I
o(Ki.0()0. in inrding to Hreadnn's st-ite. know Hint while I can make it in
eit. wliii li. it wis explained, was is- , tereiting for the average amateur male
sunl to end liiinoi's that llornsbv wilt pla.ter I mil not in the class with such
... i... ,i;.,w.-,l or iilater.s ns Italnh Crectileaf .ami I don't
Tn connection with tin- statement. pretend to be. I urn sure, however, that
l'.ieailoii asserted the i bib wouldn't nil I I can hint any xvomaii in tlio woih
th i, nil baseman "lor a million " and I tiinik that 1 should lie t onsuleied
I .it. r. it was sanl. the ; ant man- un- cniimpioii
ageincnt raised the bid another y.'O.OUO
Started I'laying Karly
Kter since she was fourteen .tears
oltl Miss Anderson has been plnjing
poi'kit billiards. However, she did not
pint regularly after the liostou tourna
ment until the xvnr. tvlien she gave
many exliibitions for the hem-lit of the
Hed Cio-s. Itut at that she is going
well nt the present time
Asked about her high runs. MIps
Anderson said: "I once ran llfty-one
at Hayton, Ohio. Thai wan about two
.tears ago, but I have never been able
to repeat that. I have had a number
of foit.t -eights and a lot in t"ho thirties
and twenties. I remember on one oc
casion I pla.tetl three games and in each
one had a high run of thirty-eight.
"(If course sometimes it is Impos
sible to make any kind of high runs at
nil. Tor instance, it sometimes hap
pens that 1 play a man who is not very
good but who hates, to he beaten. He
will play safe. That naturally does
not make for high runs nor does it
make for n good exhibition. 1 always
play mi open game, just ns open ns
(ireenlcaf. 1 will say for the average
man that he does play an open gnnie
and Is always a good sport xvlietiier
winning or losing."
Mi'is Andeisou excels at inncy snoot
ing. Her exhibition last night was
highlt iippieciated and often applauded.
She will day again this afternoon and
tonight before leating for Chester.
After a few more stops .Miss Anderson
will return to her home In Klt-hmoud,
Vlctrlx C. C. Will Stage Cross-Country
Run Tomorrow
The annual handicap run of the
Catholic Young Men's Arclidloiesiin
I'tiion will be held tomorrow nfteruoon
under the diiectinu of the Vlctrlx
Catholic Club.
The bai litis xvlll shirt ut .'I o'clock
from the Vatrix clubhouse, ."tit.' Vine
stieet, and proceed to 1'ifty -second
stieel. In Market, to Sixty-third, to
Cnlibs Creek l'arkwn.t . tn P.nltimoro
avenue, to rifty-si-eoml. to Vine mid
llnMi at tlic fluhhtmc.
There will be gold medals for the
xvinncr nml the iiinneis making the
best time, silver, mid bronze medals for
those liuisliing lip to ninth place and a
silver cup for the team winner.
Veteran Athletes Select Boston
Tin 'i t -ran Athlete, n Bo-lon nrnnnlr-i.
tlon of uportH cli.tmnlons of more Hum
iw.ntt Ilti t'Hi-fl uro. tlin lia tmtl rtaU n
to name anini.i h the I-aMern en!h jt.iit. foot
luill (Irimvlmni hits neltflcil Unston foil 'if.
till -I y, nr. Tins inforninlton w.n eontitn-'l
tn n l-itor tn !ho Hv tt'tlllim Dnvol'n. y,
,T.. iiri-Ril-nt of Ilodton rn'.h-ire liulllnc lilm
rnpt.tln I.uk I'rlisn nr'l .Xlnjor KranK V
t liv in Itlgtl. l)le tllln'H I'llrll. to 1)0 pp lent
tn ror. h . n rhamiiliini'tilii up tit the annua!
Illin ll t (f till X't'Tin XtllllttH. to ho lie 1 1
here In iho near fuluie
To Play for British Title With
Mrs. Gavin and Miss
Mrs. Ilonnld II. Ilarloxv, womin't
eastern golf rlinmplon, xvlll go ntiroml
Ibis Hpring find, incidental to the trip,
xvlll play in the xvomen'H golf champion
ship of Great llrltnln.
This became known today through q
news dispatch xvhleh nssertcd Hint
"Icntntivo team" hnd been selected frnm
the fair golf stars of the land to reprc.
lent this country in Iho llrltlsh chatn
plonshlp this spring.
That, n team had been selectpd ,
(hnractci'lzcil ns nonreiiso by Mrj. Jnr
low tills morning, who unlit mat she hm)
icaril notning in sucii n icnm, ami le
icrself xvas going over "for fun" with
Mrs. AV. A. (Inviii, twice niuncr-up m
the American chatnplonshlp. M,
(Jnvln, xvho plays from the Ilcllcclaire,
Ij. I.. Country Club, xvas No. 1 plater
for New York's team In the Grlscoin
Cup matches) ut the I'liilndclplua
Cricket Club last season.
The news dispatch named Miss Alexa
Stirling, American champion slnitt
1!l(i, Miss Marion HoIIIun, who ttfiu
' furthest of tlio Americans in the llrltlsh
play Inst year; .irs. l-. ('. ttctts
western cshainplon ; Miss Kdlth Cmn
tilings. Chicago, nnd Mrs. Harlow
Mei ion, as tlic "team."
.Mrs. lluilow said that Miss Hol'mi
Mrs. (Javin ami herself wcro the onlv
ones sho knew definitely xvouhl com
pcto in the llrltlsh title piny this ten
son for America.
"Hut golf will only be an incident
to our trip," stated Mrs. Harlow totlm
Miss Hollins, who Is very expert ai
11 horsewoiumi, will go over chlcll) for
fox hunting. Sho will play very littli
golf, though I suppose she will p in
in tin.- championship."
To thtti- Miss Stirling lias neither
confirmed nor denied the rumor Hint
she will pla.t abroad Ibis year.
"I fully intend to tiinko the tiip In
1I1!1." said the champion, when lien,
last fall, "hut my trip fe'l through la-t
.tear, bo I besltatt) to say detinltely tli.ii
1 will go in the season to come."
l'ans on both sides of the xvater rii
anxious to settle the tiuestloti nf sn
ptenincy between Miss Cecil l.eitch,
liritish champion extraordinary, and
Mi-s Stirling. It Is likely that gitai
piessure will bo brought to hear on tin
American champion to go this season
Nothing is known. here of the plun
of Mrs. lietts ami Miss Cunuulngs. Tliei
.are two of the leading players of tin
country and xvouhl be a welcome nildi
tiou to the American representation
Mrs. Clarence II anderbcck, mi
tioiial ihampiou in 1S)1.', nnd Miss, Mil
tired Cavcrly, runner-up tlio fnllmvinx
.tear, will not make the trip this jenr
though they went last tear mid did er
"Once is enough." laughed Ml
Cavcrly today. "I prefer not to mi-
the golf here nt home in the spring tint
year ns I missed nearly everything la -t
car b.t going abroad.
"I have heard nothing of an
women's team being picked to piny tin
year nnd do not believe tin- rumor tn
Hint effect is tine. I knnw that Mr"
Vmidei'beek is not going nbroad, hut 1
nm glad Mrs. Harlow xtill go, ns sh-1
ought to have n line chance."
s( in. in i i. i tn: iiimi.iii
IhihsiMI Is. Illlitlilll. I'l.l) lilt lit III''
h.iir ut .Musltiil l'liml Hull.
xx!i:iui'N i.i;.(.i t:
. 1.. I'.C. . I..
-. I-. II. I II l.tMHI Nullllli II o
i if id Hi I ii i.om i-,ist an o o
It.iin ii l in l.O-lo I, Irani n n
l,.ltllliiil) I tl I. oil I.HU.III II o
liiin- tln-e tla.ts. and 'uli sunns ai-
parenih b.it night tin , . , hen
Toingl.t .ii Natnitt Jit I'.i-'ji-.nb-trei't
:. in I lhg'ieu , .. i . Huh
i i uid Ics'.i Iml.ers, ttul pl.it i ir hard
est, gun i -' 1 1 season w i. en ' ,i t-n!.
p ll'f.lll -' ' id" ('on .ll'l I I-
laiii'iu- .N. . orl; .Ship t i.i
o the in si i .i'i 'ban, l i p.i -'i ' i
i amdei. In lii-tnal I t un, i I v ,:
e la-t up "..nilii-e of I i ' t s 15'nt 1 . !,.
1 In i tl 141. i-d b Tn 11 'in. in' tl'
. !!a-ti in I ' 1. in in 1 1" I 'mi i .
u mi" I'bil lliggiit.t's Nautili I at I
' I'I I, 1 tl.,. A't hi li'
Kiit 1,1 ( 'alho'i ( un 1 .1' Ni
I.I1..1I 1 'h - at tail tui m ' s hall Twin
1 . 1 in I .iml 1 'hi. stum - iei 1- The
' iti 1 1 1I1 have in tl ii.ie ui lv .it -
1 ' all I Wllite, 1 I eh'l' 1 i-lili . anil
I 1 -1 ii-1 111 I I ' 1-I11111111 n uinl-
'l' t
el 'I
Hi, I'I" t. it
; j content staitel i-t -. ,;n s,,,ir
V Rumsey w ill i' iei. e
', Camden is Coiilldenl
'4 The Ciiiinleii 1 li.iuip ' a
f' final game 111 their tii'st Inlf s
4i5' Trenton this e-inuig wi-h '
fc" confidence It uniting - . .
W! ehnmnions m unlei d t .. m
&' town acro-M the Delawa
S,1 will not be our of si, v
W tlon of th" f.inb.'il h.i
1gf nccotup.iin tin-1 ti.oiii
j ot tho (oii'ln 1
1 ! Arrniigeuients i,ne 1,1
'f' the I'cnnt.t ivnuiii Itailrnml tor f .1.1 -pi
:Vl clnl conches to be utt.n hen to the tt-'t'i pr
I? i..i 1' 1.. 1. . 11 ..1 . . ..
ruin irtilll 1 itiiec 11 11 .n m'i siini
nt Hrondway ('barbs Helm -.n, 1 1,1
mornlug that if 1 fir a t'.nu wnt nr ,
A game determined to win it was 1 it
tain Roy Steel and his i..i:.-
IJave Kerr, who w.i in.iureil m
"Wednesday's game with Iteinlin hi
recovered and will assume In- leg i'.m
position at gtiaitl The lug 1 u do- -not
feel tin elTet ts of his 1 11-1 np an;
Mjs ho xtill pla.t bis 'i-u.il kii 'lie
T'ottcrs hat.- several 1 rlppb s, hm r t
are fast rounding into town li is
peeled Hint Tom Harlow who was 1.
ported lis stiffen ug Willi blnol Jin -iiliin;
18 rend) to jump into tin lire.n .11 urn
War In Northeast
There is 11 war on in il,e noiili. ,i-'
.between two ntul I h-m ttiali miui-
Holy Name wants t. t Vimm
but to date the uptown m i.lihoi - have
been unable to cgree (li, lenus Man
nfir "V ,1 I.ees, bi-iatlse .1 lu, -in-lit
desires tt issue ,1 puhle' thi'lingi
Manager I.ees siiti- be would be pei
fectly Katislied if a si 1 ies of lime g,,nn--ras
played in Mu leal 1'uml II. ul
So far Holy Name has s . , m
ilinkins quite 11 reputation in tin mgc
In tho last two xveeks tin- t urn has
stopped the. winning streaks of St
Clark Griffith Has High Hopes of
Landing Trappe Slugger
Washington. .I.t 11 7 I'laih iiiubtu
I 1- high I o 1 s ,,i , dihc I 1'iaii .llli
IS..1M I , -' ill on I. ll'-i I ,.' Iit ( f I'm
. oil. 111 ! -. to ,l.n t till 1 bu-i
"o- I'll Si l.lllol - I.eXf s S)I
It'll. I"fl -I'I i'i cffnits .if tl), 'i W
i.rk 1 n,)i to gel him bin U in the mui'.
hi 1 ".1 but phl.ted in some exhibi
tions luie in ine fall, ami Hiifl was 11.1
"-I'd lit his foim
Il .1 .en' 1 1111 1" aiianzi'l I! il.er will
1 nun- 1.' 1 in a tl.n e 1 ol in 11 d 111 1 in ge
I', el t t.. it till ui'i ( itln 1 a piii In i . r
1"- mil' In ' w 1 1 li the X, ,inl( 1 , 1 1 mil
-.line other 1 lub
-X'll IIIIW 1.1 I'. ls m K
loe lliirs, 1 is ilh 1 , , r
h ( XI WilUllfr ts ,1 iniini -lieriilm
f lllf Mint t. Xl.irl.n .t,l ,
I'll! 1)oi,v 111. l u I. Os, ,,f ,e I'lnls
oh I-, s., , IleSalle I'.miicil of 1 he
Knights nt ( 'uliiiubus at I.iinsihiwiic la-t
night ami Hill's n minks tteie niitiii 1! t
1 oiiliiieil to baseball.
Ili'l told a pnekul hou-e of fans nf his
lo x 1 xperietn e in baseball, tout led nil
uh.ii lie i-xpnti-il from the 1'iiils ami
how gambling was rooted out uml I i h ,1
hi flu- I'aciiic coast. Said Rill:
"I started pitching professional ball
1 sj ,-,(i per game ami thought I ,,,
'-'' ii- .1 good sum when I mnde un
th but at Mi-dni Thnt is too far bin',
for tin- tu tall; about, but it was at ,
M'din w lure I began inv professional
eiin 1 I sinned ns 11 'Itninentter' at
i;-t- - i 1 1 rt . then liecauie u I 'a 1
Spun mt ,' floin wbuli laiiils I 'moved'
up a bit I was in inanv a lough gane '
deling mt liiue. but the hardest wi-
i f iss 1 , 1 . v, nh the Atlib'tii t in
I'M. 7 " oh ('nliimb'ii 1'aik 1 will nevi 1 ,
I Ih'lt battle "
.'s.i .i.ng I'tiiui tile pilst to Hit- pics
11. liill 1 oiitiniieil : "I have been of
f,in liian.t old players bv other Nn
, ' .cm; it- t lubs tin tlatles aiul t uuld ,
. 1I.1 inanv swaps, bet would line to
.1 mi in 111,. of in.t be-! men mid onlv
jet worn (en men in their pliu es Thi't
.ire nl' willing to hand ine pUtt-i-,
wim h.ue passed their prime in the big
-how 1 ttr.nt young blood The 'i
iniisf buili! foi the future and now i-
tin- tllli" tn In gill. Tlien- Is giillil 11 1
leii.il 111 the tlub ami tin- pm-pnts ,n,
not as d.iiU as diet are puiiited '
Diiiiotan also said that the bi Pagu.
iniignatfs toii'd tf fit a Idif nut nf tin
I'm Iln- Coast League in lwg.iriU toj
hamlling gnmhling heie. Tlu-.t 1p1nl.lt
hill'd that ctil nut there ami bitting
1 oii'tl In' llisi lis iplliklt Wiped out Inn'!
,f the 1 iiiinr lea'! liiiignal Inpt '
same p'llie.t
mn rrnielsui x , un 11 tt !
1 1 1 .1 . 'i 1 - ' t
As far ns I know there lias onlv
been one real xtorld's championship
match plajetl. That xvas about ten
.tears ago. A good player from Prance
was over here and she and H. I I
Keith m ranged a big tournament In
Huston. IwXi-ry body xvas invited to
participate I won 111 thnt tournuiueu!
mid since then I haven't seen nut
woman that 1 think could beat me.
"I have plat nl 1," matches since I
have been mi this tour, which included
slops ihioiigliout New Ilngland, New
York (state mid l'eiuistlvania. I lost
nineteen of those mutches. Kvery one
I nln.veil aga'n-'t was 11 man except one
iMioiKlit ih.imi.iiin II 1 n -ix j pp j Kcranton lecently I plactl 11
T,m: '".i"',o'ir: ':"'.' 'J,n'.v I woman, but she really xvnsn't good at
nn 1t1nu.11 (i mi -i'i! tin-.' an, mere xvas no tompeiiiiou in inui
niL'-r match, lint in soii.e of the other place
! 1 met good plnyeis. In the majority of
Sterrett Funeral Tomorrow
1,1, h If Sti-n-i tt. th" tt.lt I," ti -.tin I
Ultlierl't. Itntittn ilii.iulnii' t i,- ,
Ctrl- n the mm who ntir-i-i. 1 tl-.
s'lmuilne "ilh In Aliiirn tin ll-tl
1 11 -1 it tnulii v ill I" hit I. 1 t,
, ft, inn 11. lfiitn hl le"- r'M n 1 11.IT
.n-i 1 stt t Mr s'urr tin, . n "it t
1 t '1 l,1g. 1. nml A. .XI .in.t of I'nlwt
t II il Arch (-hunt. r. nn.l Me M itti.
1 1 1. KPiluilttl i ts- f'in 1. tt!, -r
1 h tn 1 1 ,. h"'.i dt v .. ' H ti 1 ,
, I e nil.. 1 nf lli.l w'v .J - 1 1 . 1
Dempsey Signed for Dout
I'ertl mil. (In- J. in 1 Jin 1 1 1 11 1
- 1 I
I' U li'
I, tit. I
Clarlton Clothes Shops
Philadelphia Trenton New York
arantee This T
h M'lx
unt-Wjii lut 'i 1 )i 1
1 lrom .1 1 k 'C irn-f n
v ;istri (iru Ik Hi I'ii tt
Unusual Savings on Every.
Thing Hie World of Sports
Iluslvctual!, soict ili.il1, ,:. tt s, jrym. oulfit.s, sn0v-shoes, skiis,
b.iMtiir irlovcs, 2)iii'cliin; Imu . aiiythirj you lined in clean indoor or
11 itduor sports that xtill i.ml uu butter mentally and physically,
tuu. will find hen- and a; 'h.i thnt will sax'o you money.
fcuk,h.-Q. N,
tiewi-it-ivs a .7,-'.i' '.it
V. tf lot JUHt ill
in. inv .it
thi-i p r 1
.... .,..VVM
s"x ' Coni)asses
C e ,
S5 U. S.
nous Dial'
SI .50
Franlcie Clark '3. AI Thompson ,
Burman vs. O Donnell
1 hi- inn
th ii:rs xi
i.i.iiii i.t,.
mis f.m' 11s 1 1 rn
.lN til
tlll.MI.X'i I. I MM.
I J)Jk
S its 1 11 s 1 , '. II " nrf, ,
'Hcnry'8, KntejrUo and Cape May nml
xra, only beatWj.by Aauinan on Tue
,f.v iiiffct, isriT.
'i'he imlepcuilents arc ijot losing anj
Ili'T'iMitoii'i' fiX,.ii...,K ymyJf.
!(.. Hockey Saturday Nip;ht
Sn eilv inic In lulrv. Ilex ilinls I'rcmllM
1 111111 iinvs nt 11 m'tii: xn 1. xtiii
Mil XII I I Htl XM) Xllss 1 lllll.hlt
Temple University vi. Villanova
fs-onil Itfatnif nt Arniiirr.tlroail .V Siiaqudiiiimi
Ate. Wilt.. Jmi. U. HlIBi llnntlnci Itr.iSK H11111I
S9th A M.tKKKT tiTH
at TlX,,r Palm Garden
Exercise I'liila. or New York
fire.it lliunirtunltt fir ISislm.s Mini tu
Keep Physically Fit
llkueht lijliitniHlitiii mi Mul-lil
l."th & Chestnut Sts Phila.
Iadison S(. Garden, New Yk.
lli'sh-Ui'iluciin; lliiili'lluil'linir
lluxiiiK TauKht -No I'liniwlimt-iit
Iri'HlnifllU Ml lltnir M tu 10 1 X
CAMBRIA .. ATin.iyrio ci.uii
ITimxY Et'l'l JANIfAKV 1TII '
t JtaUllfltl AND 3 81XK3
fiiinilei. tt Ilh I ie. r 1111
pun 1 iiniier i'i nun r
Other Basket
Balls. .5.'5.r0 & S5
.S2o() Basketball
$10 Shoes & Skates
"ww JF
.- -f )J
1 1 i-(,i- ii.
1 stt-. .My,
tint, etc
1 H
Styles &
Men's Size $7.50
l.xtra Qi'a'it
1, 7
1 ' 11 ..lllllllllvau
' '" Ml I "" " " ""
JllSl tie I llih- for tie
tti'hnol buy . 1 1.11 1 Yen II
pay Iln - 1 ,-t for me
mi ma i i - i. "!
, Others $6 & $7.50
' Shoes &
Si.'i) l.uniiniHiH SO.50
I'llK'lvH, IKltV....
Hi' I'
tlfui .
t 'uttipl
' liln I I. ill
d -Itlluli
I Fit it.
vii ifiAi
" m
'x'W " --JTrt.rtL'SA vsTn
SKSSSssSirm I c.i artVl
it .', .i!' '-ya
if Sr-ll "11
i.i ii 'isj-nii'' ti'itti.ii
tl Lunch KiU), now $2.50
I'ompUIr H-lth pin' Vnrunin Itnllli
miibtnatloii Mrru tap (m( rUu 7 jj;,
inrtnl lliint i I'lriittj iia (,,
.anilu'liliiH, f " tikr.itr Vainnm
bntllv kerm inttn not u, huur loltl
tiijH tta rati! . j.
$3 Genuine Thermos $p
Bottles, now
iQnly One
M. & H.
That's at
Jb K12t4ARKETSlll!aBa
I vtII
Every $30 Suit
With Two Pairs of Pants
In This Immense
Second Floor Store
Just to Think, and All S;c w;u
Ur.nJ"?:. th? "Iff. of. Philadelphia.
... . ."" ""'"H biauu Ol L Ullauelnhill Thia u
bier. T10XV nnn.fl crht.lln slnrn ! i.', ,'!"'" t ,US H
,'or smart feUo! looWn,,. KSS Sf
ale is iroinsr
most popular meetii
the "bier nc
Here Is the Balance of Our
iM V ami Q Vn B Vv
m.ffi iCl A
$35 and $40
With Two Pairs of Pants
$45 and $50
With Tvo Pairs of Pants
MJ ok fttf Jwi B iWV!
vcti' tdk V3 Ay.MixS&
Between 13th and JuniperOpposite Vanamaher'
o Be
111 I
This sale is mv bijr 1:1
make my
ig place
$ J- 3 oJ7
fck JfcaL Jti W-LJy
1302-9-11 MARKET ST.
7??;" T' ympimT,