TTttB w" vr vw ii & t V I 4 Hi? ' M".. J.V LHf. vr 7, i. ' w mh .' H mm I'M "" ?j tv. VltfUSrl' r f ikwsshi r: HOT t. fluT"' ' ' Jii BJftttaiSaMrtiif i JiHlBii ! wrfiTu ' ' , 1-i . ; j - ! ; ", ' j ' ' ' ' ZZ. I . . . i I . . .. .. l .. . .Mil l,i.l iftiiM a nvi I l frn AT DBNK DEATH OF MOTHER AND BABY ACCiDEN Child Thought to Havo Opened Jot of Caa Heater While Playing With Toys SUICIDE REPORT IS DENIED TVTilIo ilnyln& with lier fTiriUmflfi toya four-cor-olJ Mary Schmidt U thought to have accidentally turned the i top of n gaa heater and oniined her own lenth ar.d that of her mother ut 023 "West Tioja strett jestcrdny. ; John Schmidt, the bufcband and father, returned from work nbout half vast 5 o'clock yosterdiiy evening and ound his jounu wlfa Mary iind his Ut ile daughter dead in a front room, with the jet of n gmall pas hentcr opn Schmidt, now a broken man. and in clined to cynicism toward the whole vorld, described his feeliiiijs in halting . ones. "I finished work at the .Tohn Rrom icy & Sons' lace-makins plant nliotit Ti o'clock," ho said, "and was ntixiou" to get home to my fnmily. When I reached the hous-s unl runs the bell, not receiving a response, 1 wondered, but wasn't particularly worried. "Then 1 tried the back door ami several windows, and begun to feel that ometh ng wns wrong .My Mind, were T &SV 'Jk E. ... -mk : B.-lJJia?-'!crayc?Tr''v'-";tita",'' ""'' MAKV M'HMIDT I'mir-ear-old child who pUjcd with :i km Jet, causing her own death and that of her mother, Mrs. lolin Schmidt DEFENDS SCANTY ATTIRE Morality Has No Relation to Clothes, Says Dr. Seton Pittsburgh. Jan. 0. "Why wear clothes?" abked Dr. Krncst Thompson Keton, the celebrated naturalist, who N filling a week's engagement at n lornl theutrc as u vaudeville artist, giving talks on nature. "Set morality," went on Dr. Seton, in answer to his question, "has no re lation to clothing. The costumes of the i women oi todttv are the most sane In N CAVEN Ti 10 LEARN REASONS "ublic Works Director Will Make Charges of Inefficiency Specific 'ici'ihi charges of inefficiency will v filed with the Civil Service Commls- iin bv Pireetor of Public Works Ca- i aniinM Water Hureau emplojcs re- nll marked for dismlsal. ' Tills move will bo mado In const' quence of the return by the commission of dlsm'ssal canto on which Incfllclency wns given as tho reason for the dis charge of the men. 'Die commission wants, to know in Just what respects the men under the ban arc inefficient. The commission's notion, it was first believed, might hnlt Mayor Moore's plan to weed out dlslonl and Inefficient emplojcs. Hut in the Public Works Department today It was stated the offi cials havo plenty of facts to back up their charges of inefficiency. In some iustniues men dropped from the Water Bureau will bo placed on preferred lists. They wcro "let go" because of lack of funds, nccording to public works official!. When enough funds nro nvallabje theso men will be taken back, It was said. Civil Service Commissioner Nccld, In discussing tho return of tho "ineffl ciency" dismissal cards, said: "Ineffi ciency will not be Accepted no a general charge. The chargo of inefficiency must bo more specific. It must give time and place of the Inefficiency, and bo mori specific no to tho character of the Incffi ciency." , According to tho Civil Service Com mission tho niacins of the dismissed Water Hurcau employes on a preferred list was due to the commission being informed that tho dropping of the men wns due to the lack of funds. By its action tuc commission virtually re moves from these men any Imputation that may hnve been occasioned that their being dropped was because of any fault In them. TO HAVE ARTILLERY AT PENN -A battery of Held artillery will bj irgnnized among tho (Undents of tho Diversity of Pennsylvania, as a part t the reservo officers' training corps nt the University. The battery also will become a part of tho Second Regiment Field Artillery, National Guard of Pennsylvania. A similar battery has been n feature at Yolo University since before tho Civil War. Ofllrftrn exnwtnl tn d l -i the battery will be Captain, JoicTj Lewis, class of 1010, laws nV.W tenant, jNcwbold Drayton, '08. ri.irH aluee-lng, and second lieutenant Vi I T.ln,1nT. 22. lv!l n.lnJ.'.nt' JoU ""- w liHW;iJlg, Furriers and Millinen Charge purcha tctlt be tilled on March ltt. Purchasers open Ing new accounts wltl he entitled to the above dating. Extra large sizes up to SO bust. 1115 CHESTNUT ST. TOPPPSITE KEITH'S) Liberty Bonds and Purchasing AgcnW orders accepted. M ail orders promptly filled. Extra largo sizci up to BO bust. JKL. i. T M. Jak. .hakngasif 1 hndfcW. Icn 1 finally the hWory of the .race since tho dawn Vokc the lock of the front door and of so-called civilization. 'ushed in. Tragedy Confronts rather "There was Mary my wife ljirg 'icross the bed in our first-floor bed room, and beside her on the floor wa kittle Mary. The room wns filled with ran, so thnt I could hardly stand in I Jnally found where it was coming from tho jet of n small gas heater und turned it off. "I picked up little Mary and ran with her over to my brother-in-law. John Moran. nt the nme time calling the Samaritnn Hospital. I tried to re vive mv wife, but when the ambulance ame from the hospital tho doctors aid that there was no hope. Both of my dear ones were dead. "I cannot understand why thistrac 'dy has come to me. W had only been narried five jcars and we wcro s.o 'loppy, especially with little Mary to keen my wifo companv during the day. And now nil of a sudden evervthing is uone that wns worth living and working for." Suicide Theorj- Scouted Mrs. Kllen Moran, the dead woman's mother, wns equally uncon-olable this morning. She and other relatives weie nclincil to scout the suicide theorv is having no foundation in reason. Their belief is that the little girl, while plajing with her toys near tho gas 'icater, turned on the jet. This theory is borne out in the fact fhat Mrs. Schmidt was cooking the eve .ilng meal. Meat and vegetables burn- d on the stove, ard potatoes partly .iccled w;re on the kitchen table. It is believed Mrs. Schmidt smelled gas while engaged in her cooking and ran to ineticate. Her health had not 'xen of the best, and the fumes nie thought to have overcome her as she reached the front room and saw the ittlo girl stretched on the floor. The mother got only as far as the midd'e if the room when she collapsed on the ed. In Turkey, where more clothing N worn by the women than in any other countrj on the globe, the moralitj of the people is the lowest." ( City Treasurer's Report The report of the city treasurer f'r the week ending jtsterday, follows: H-- elpts. $2. -io!. 115.41); pfJ'uieiits. .1.- J3-'.0-.".Nj; balance (not including inking fund), 91U.500.44 1.23. 'mpuxQ sa Uhc Superfine Sma II Car There is no satis faction like that which seeks high est quality and finds it in the Templar. COMPTON-BUTLEK, INC. llrtall Mnn-N MORROW MOTORS Corp. DMrlbutuf, 822 North Broad Street I'lionr: I'onlur "SMI Opn Kenlns THH TEMPLAR MOTORS COMPANV Ckvcluxl. Ohta Ml i I mlilrftr 6' 'r's I v ORTANT A January Sale of Shoes for Men at $ 7.75 Some folks are talking about "turning the clock back." We're doing more! turning the clock forward to the time when prices will reach nc and sensible levels an example of Dalsimer progressive policy! This price, for example, cannot be duplicated quality considered. STYLES: Rakish English lasts. Medium English modtlr. Straight lasts. Medium Bluchers. Broad Toe Bluchers. LEATHERS: Dark Tan, Black Calf, Black Kid and Patent Colt. Medium or heavy sole some with rawhide Weather proof insert. a Feat to Fit Feet Dalsimer Standardized Production Meant Lower Prices ENTIRE MAIN FLOOR FOR MEN JANUARY SALES jje&lJc IWC. Q o m KCrv nfV assmfiS jMit & K9 The Big Shoe Store 1204-06-08 Market St. ''I M if l ii Dalsimer Quality Hat Been Paramount For 40 Yean Dalsimer Standard Shoes HP .r S IViSvli IxmtmvMiWttttmWtmMim. KKLBmlUttttttKtWtSSSttttwKLtttttt)! "Bfe. ; flftpu Manufacturers' CancellationSale Fur Prices Cut More Than Cf The stocks of four great New York Fur Manufacturers, which we bought at our spot-cash offer of 50 cents on the dollar, together with our own rich stock, which we have included in this Salo at these new low prices. Furs cannot go any lower than these, because the rock-bottom price has been reached on each one, plus an actual loss which the manufacturers take and which we take in an effort to offer Furs of tho Kind You Want at the Prices You Are Willing to Pay. See these values tomorrow. A Small Deposit Reserves Purchase Payments to Continue at Convenient Intervals Fur Coats and Wraps at 50c on the Dollar Length Were Now French Seal Self -Trimmed, 30 -in. 190.00 S4S0 HaJionSeal Self-Trimmed, 30-in. 2S5.00 U2JS0 Broun Marmot... Self-Trimmed, 30-in. SS5.00 1120 Nat. Matkral Self -Trimmed, 30-in. SiG.00 12S.00 Brown Marmot... Raccoon T'm'd, 30-in. 21,5.00 125.00 Broun Marmot .... Opos. Tm'd, 30-in. 215.00 125.00 FrtnehStal Self -Trimmed, 36-in. 21,5.00 125.00 Nat. Matkrat French Seal T'm'd, 36-in. 295.00 145.00 Nat. Raccoon Self -Trimmed, 30-in. 295.00 145.00 Nat.Mmkrat.. Beaver Trimmed, 30-in. 31,5.00 175.00 Nat. Matkrat Self-Trimmed, 3G-in. 345.00 175.00 Nat. Raccoon Self-Trimmed, 40-in. 375.00 185.00 HaiionStal.. Self-Trimmed, 30-in. 395.00 195.00 Nat. Matkrat.. Raccoon Trimmed, 40-in. 395.00 195.00 Nat. Matkrat... Self -Trimmed, 45-in. 445.00 225.00 Length Wre Now HaiionStal... Beaver Trimmed, 30-in. 445.00 225.00 Scotch Molttk'm... Self-Trimmed, 32-in. 550.00 275.00 Scotch Molt ikin... Self-Trimmed, 36-in. 595.00 295.00 HaiionStal. Squirrel-Trimmed, 36-in. 595.00 295.00 HaiionStal... Skunk Trimmed, 36-in. 645.00 325.00 HaiionStal... Beaver Trimmed, 30-in. 645.00 325.00 Nat.Saairrtl Self -Trimmed, 30-iru 645.00 '325.00 Htiton Stal Self-Trimmed, 45-in. 645.00 325.00 Haiton Stal Wrap JSelf-Trimmed, 605.00 345.00 Itaiion Stal. . . .Skunk Trimmed, 40-in. 695.00 345.00 Haiton Seal Beaver T'm'd, 40-in. 695,00 345.00 Scotch Molttk'm. . Squirrel T'm'd, 36-in. 095.00 345.00 Scotch Molttk'm... Self -Trimmed, 40-in. 695.00 345.00 Nat.Sqairrtl Self-Trimmed, 36-in. 745.00 375.00 Scotch Molttk'm. . .Self-Trimmed, 45-in. 750.00 375.00 ff zExtra Special 24JJ0 Choker Scarfs Natural Squirrel and Jap Mink animal effectc. 12.50 n Extra Special - 115.00 Australian Nutria Coat 3G inches long. 74.50 Extra Special. 49M Aust. Seal Stoics 12 inches wide, 72 inches long. Soft, lustrous akina. 24.50 Fur Stoles Now 59.R0 French Seal 39.50 110.00 Scotch Mole 64.50 110.00 Hudson Seal 69.50 125.00 Nnt. Nutria 79.50 135.00 Nat. Squirrel V9.50 135.00 Nat. Skunk 84.50 175.00 Jap Mink 97.50 225.00 Jap Kolinsky 145.00 Extra Special . Choker Scarfs 24.50 to 49.50 Fox and Wolf Scarfs Animal effects, well made and substantial, in Black. Brown, Taupe, Poiret and Kamchatka. 9.50 14.50 29.50 Now 24.50 Hudson Seal 1450 39.50 Taupe Fox 19,50 39.50 Stone Marten 19.50 44.50 Nat. Raccoon 24.50 44.50 Genuine Beavor. ... 24.50 49.50 Fitch (2-skin)..... 34.50 49.50 Jap Sable 34.50 69.50 Hudson Bay Sablo.. 44 50 rwmeuwwfunww1 mOltBESlllS Chestnut St., Opposite Kcith'n, twiumnum 1126-1128 Chestnut Street W Fine Gl omen s r me DiacK: Lowered Prices oves at In order to meet the present demand for line merchan dise on a new price level, we have still further lowered the prices on all French Black Kid and Suede Gloves. Those who of nei essity must wear black soon find that there la no econon y in cheap Black Gloves, as to give good service a Black C!.ivf n.ust be made of specially selected skins, be properly Hycd and be new stock as blacks deterior ate more quickly than white or colors. We include Black Gloves stitched with white which many women find look partcularly well with bright-colored suits. All of these mentioned are our own French make and have been imported within the past few months. Darl:ngton Best Quality P K Kid; now $5.50 a pair. Darlington 2-clasp P K Kid; now $5.00 a pair. Dorl'ngton Special 1-clasp 3 K Kid; now $4.25 a pair. DaJington Special 1-clasp Embroidered P K Kid; now $4.75 a pair. Two -clasp French Overacam Kid; now $4.25 a pair. 16-button Black Suede; now $10.00 a pair. 12-button Black P K K"d; now $9 00 a pair. 6-button black P K Kid; now $5.75 a pair. 1 1 bSA """ Here's a load cf Fairbanks Goods for you! Reconstruction Values are so Convincing, Our Store is the Busiest in Chestnut Street THIS forward step into the New Year, which has brought the. entire stocks of the William H. Wanamaker Store to its thousands of customers at prices based upon their costs in the markets today, instead of the war prices which we paid to produce them, has met with a very hearty welcome ! r We are very glad to place our quality stocks of every kind on sale to buyers who are proving so appre ciative. What we lose in profit, we shall gain in good will! Every Imported Overcoat in the Store They were $45 and $50, All are now $29 Whole stock of famous Aquas-) cutum (London made) Over-? coata. Were $90 to $100, cut to) All our Rich Worombo Over- coats which were $125 and $135i$85 are now marked ) A few typically English Over-) coats mado by John Gray, theJ London tailor. Were $90 ) JAM'slRY SALES & ?. sfojepj o 1126-1128 NC so W'tmrnoiicrv Chestnut Street higl Black Taffeta at $1.85 a Yard There is only t limited supply of this excellent-wearing grade Taffptu, 35 nches wdc. which has been selling for $3.00 a yard. You can get the material for a new dress or waist ut low cost if you get your share of this at $1.85 n yard. All -Wool Tricotine at $3.95 a Yard What could make finer spring apparel than this Navy Tricotine? All-wool, 55 inches wide, smoothly woven and a perfect shade of navy. Same Tricotine which was selling recently at $6.00. Excellent Values in Cotton Goods New White Goods, Imported Ginghams and other materials all priced at much less than last spring. WHEN you order a scale from one house, a wheel burrow from another, a big machine tool from a third, you have three orders to place, three shipments to check, three bills to pay. When ou put them all on one order to Fairbanks, you cut out a lot of detail, and get better and faster service all along the line. "Speaking of service" says "El" Brash, "we can sure step fast when you want us to. These big motor trucks of ours will carry a large assort ment of our goods we have live of them and two smaller ones for lighter deliveries. Just between you and me I have known our salesmen to take things out in their cars when some good customer needs them badly." We do not bosst ubout deliveries uometlmts thru no fault cf ours, our service soems blow. But Blnco we do all we can, with ample stocks, sufficient trucks and an eager corps of workers, wo believe you will find our delivery service) worthy of your O. K. as well as ours. THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Seventh and Arch Streets MAUKET 2210 The FAIRBANKS Foirbanki Sats Truth i and Whielbarrowit Vafvti Cftgims and pumps, Tren$mi$$ien. AM, Attn and Hmttway Supptut . Automobile fttratr fuip. Mtnf Llncttn cfrr Motr$ Machine ToaU Stewt fmctary EQutpmmt, Company William H. Wanamaker Overcoats! Standard $50 to $65 Overcoats and Ulsters . . . $35 Standard $65 to $75 Overcoats and Ulsters . . . $45 Standard $80 to $85 Overcoats and Ulsters . . . $55 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS I' IS SR 8 AU-WOOL QUALITY SUITS FOR $70, $65 AND $60 ALL-WOOL QUALITY SUITS FOR $85, $80 AND $70 ALL-WOOL QUALITY SUITS FOR $35 $45 $55 h,H,62,TO $75 TAILORING FABRICS BUILT TO MEASUREMENT FOR ALL $80 TO $00 TAILORING FABRICS BUILT TO MEASUREMENT FOR....".... '55 J65 William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. WCtStPM A zrt?itz VV. "-!-rrr- .r--'Jrc "trfr-r .Vu rrn".