Kri -'-. VI it 'ilv, . t n'-,-Vt ;""OVvTh W- 'WJ? r - V r.r'; ' v'" r' ; - '). t 'T'ff j ; .. . t r O fiVENIftGf PUBLIC liEDaUR-PHITJABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 102i" 2fr 77 . JMcrs fo I ho Editor Have Confidence In Children T6 the Editor ot the Evening Public l.rdatrl Vint n woman, who Huns) herrclf "w. rpondent. """S,,., ,, Punuc .ttnotii. To her let mo nay: ,y ,v!5.m. If you havo Hires children be- ! llw bit" f fourteen and seventeen ihem S trust them t of your direct con !i nv mlnuto of the day or evenln. ns !w SKe. w l "! "'" Inn. of heir Uvea already. Tour aystem ? .ir.ndv been Proven n wrn one. Why ,"." ih.n Helen to your hUKh.-in.r- advice M'; eHd'enta ly give !! P""' lirtrcn k "I. J? to mk chapter? They will oon hJ to f" the. wnrl.t on their own find LT, ion and IMeUbTenc, .without con- slant practice """"'".-,""-;., , "": ".'.'.!... e hi. tcarher and without lilni hi hand In practice. Mistake, nro factor. In all auccc.aful Miaia" ,. Ih. -,. h pin fill. In K,T 'haven't you learned that the MVrnii-ci .. - ,U.lra In ilri th frr. ll'SSen" th; -he her Ttl, forbidden -PC-ri'flcny o only Inferential!;;? If your ehll. cincati i.- . md vrv human SS there H nmnrthlnr materially wren lr!'i ...-- i.,.nh nr vmi havo been a vYr? b Ind mothernot tn discover ... "rUe I no "rUht" bor tween lourtj. taX dlreetM. PUl-tod or ch.ded by hi. SSh.'r. no matte--how, much ho lo?. her nd One fn suojriiivu .- -- - --- -- ntrlca of It throunh life, much to his Oct mtrKs 01 " """..,,. .u, iii(0h, it,- rlmont. no you minK urn. " votlnr a?o la ' "'" - - rentury pant: or ao you i.ur.... ... -..., ...... .....- i.ininnnl nor oI of dovcloDmcnt jrSoacb them for M l.f.T Thj century p. "l .'f.?" '"Dl ', ih. d,iM ...irt. on It. tak of development when born. How run It attain juaRTnem. u.n... ..... jSrt?r Vho tnat It cannot tru.tedj V Tour nuananu ir u.--.. ....., ... ..-.... Lectern I bd on Indirfcrcnco nml ahlrk P" .. i.. ,i,.tl.. ihroush aelflnhne.i. ,nr or "'."-,""",-,,, (n ih. child. riftlh parents can " - - Uit not by oonirtant exactlne aurvelllanco. nor -et by atmm.onmem. rhlladclfhla. Pecember 20, 1020. Let the People Arm To th Miter of the r.vmlna miillc l.alarr: sir In tho prewnt aiv.ii.sion or crime . . .. r U..M fallnrl in AAA fct1tfTPntP.d . . -.t n.tlrlr rmdv. WhV lint havo nomo of the obnoxious and un-Amer- tcan law. repealed wnicn narrnwmmuru, long-haired reformer, ho fol.tcd upon Iho American r-ple law. which deny to every Amcilcan cltuen tho rlghla irrnnted by the oomtllutlon. the right to enrry nrma to pro ..ot hl life and property? These law. never rreront a ".tlck-up" or "Kunman rrem nrryinir arm.. ui o.n .,., mc oltlzpn I. prohibited from cnrrylne them for the protection of hi. life and property. Can anv one nni, in mo iimvoi '. ." .... ..- m.k vt.n Mvrv tntin pur. HTlTf ironiii'i umn ........ .... led arm. for the protection of hla tiro nnd roperly. "urh a wavo or crime .- i-o, ior . .... .-M,4 ihn DrilTITTian kheW th.t no .ct K.r... ..-... ...- - -- it wa likely to meet n. man Just ns quick the draw r.s no was. 1. T .tflHNSON'. .Phlladslphla. December 20, 1020. How to "Get Back" ) far KitlMr o Iho Kveitliip Piiullo I.edocr! ilr In reply to the letter by "Mr.. W. R." It la po.'lble I may be ablo to help ier In her nen ex nu domestic problem, tor he lait eoien or .o yearn wo have been Jlne up to the nbnormnl condition which Ht today mortem Inventions nppiicatun o our comfort, nnd unfettered dealre. to opy our more fortunate neighbor. Instead if loitering a nanit or iir-ueniai we nave oitered the hab t of dc.lre. whlrn nn keakened our will power. At this prlod we Ire auWeet to an extreme atmosphere of lireit. W hao sauandored our will lower, Inet the power of and Hven way to our aurfaco thought., allowing hem to dominate over the deeper, truei houEhta. You. "Mrs W. I.. II.," possibly lave allowed your eurface thought, to .o kmlnate that you bollovo your Impressions Ire true Membors of families have forgotten We huenee of Ufa I. In the home. Kach Hhmil I lo hla or her .hare In mailing It an nbu.l rd which one's thouehta should auto atlcally be directed with pleneurf. L'nleaa lour huflnnd 1. a vicious man you Mil find by truWectlrB your thought, to the Iroeeoa of nelf-analyalt, bravely admitting our on faults, that llfo with him Mill nas la Jo Hut thl nrocea. Is ft hard one. Giving tpreislon lo nurface thought. I a bad ablt and as mich hard to submerire. 'ine nreat of tnday ha. driven u to pleasure. e maintain a tent In an upright position t eiert the name nmount of pull on encn ur rci If w null loo hard un one liio, ie atrurt-ire falls with the pressure of tho rat atorm 8o It la wllh our mental makeup If we Ire In to our surface rr.ilng, our desires & us to .aorlflco eomo other e.sentlnl. War- hat Is tho tlm. How .hail we irengthen the pull on tho homo guy rop7 IV ih iitiiikuiI. nf nlpaslntr make, which l'l attract th attention nnd cull forth dmlratlon Mini- f..m los n.lmlt there I. a strain In lelng earh other an.1 diy. out of tho ear. Ind with perfeit umlerMtandlnK llt oongt- lal relathes or friends, and upon rnurnins n have frish topics of Interest for Vlie fmlly rifle Sn "Mn v. I. Tt " first comiwl your- lit to dig down Into lour ded-r thought.. lany a clear spring lin. lieen found hidden hoer the muck of leaves and twlga accu- lUlatlng for iear. Your Interest In your uaband Is as great a. ovor, but It has tieen )red by eurfaeo desire, of tho period. ake a i.vatlon or get him to nnd freshen le home in hi. absence In doing for him ou will l happy your lf What nre lour foellngs for tho dny lien ion mike a gift to a poor child? Ton rvd (he courage to write seeking light, which low. a pllmpae of vour true self. Uso o fame tournge In getting Iwck nur hop- r ii. ii. I rhlladtlphh Decemrvr 2S, 1020. A Mother In a Quandary Itlierihii ol the Wrntro' VvWr I.rtln'r: Sir N i' ,ng a number nf discussions In io PeopVfi I'nrum that hae been most iluabie to me in my handling of my family am con trig t your render, for a lime Ivies I hao two dauiiliters nnd am n Idow Om is married and lives nwny from inv I lime been able to keen my home Bi iher throuah iconomy and ilo all the irK wnue my daughter who liven Willi " goes to one nf tho cltv hlch schools. Mv daughter Is not a very .trnng girl nnd amo hi r In oerv wnv Tinsslble. Ile- nl!y she luu threatened to leave homo 1'"1 "mes nnd go nnd lle with her sin- neiuo t ilo not allow her to havo com nv during tho week eienlngs, ixceptlnt 'u-'iiy una I give her thin privilege on tltlv Of fiurito. T mntfA pvppntlnn o ja rule wh n ch la Inilttd to a special I feei tint after my daughter has fin- u s'liinm in tho evening It Is tirnt. "'r in B to bed to get tho proper J'Z "'" '-"'"wing day I cannot under ina h.iw k1, 0.,i i, nt,e,, for sc100l k k an I .n' nth r cloning.. It would i- nr ncnith, I foir. an sho ih r titnteeii )(.r(( nt ttKt, Bh0 pal,,,,, out Phii, "'" do this nml rhe resent, very faaea I .p Kluif, .nfnrliirin(1v tni- ..... s w,ih her ' 1 can Qnurp ni. n., t . .. ... - . .. 'mole t, ,v ,. ,,,,. . ... . ., ,. " ,;" Lr k UP my home. We cannot ..,.1? "'' of n compromlae. btcause rrlM ,T".nr" ""reasonable nnd I urn uli ha m ,' rt,raetlon Any udvlco .b.iJT.iT:'c.V'?. . .MHH. I, T. Y. --..., ijvcnniuer 7, 1020. 10 Rcmovft Pri..t tr..n. ill!?""" ""KvenlnB l;,Wo I.tdarr: Merrnmn i, i .'" "' "' '"cmg us la how awetp,. """"" ""'n cnmo Wfte that II" ' rr,"".l land today. In nplte of ck I. i, 1, I. , ''" nn" cnurtH lo "' tin ,r,n V , ' l """ ' whlch the Und tin ". M"n" ",,J ,llen ,lh-" cure" ,;.;. '"""'""on ". worm a pound nee. ,hh"n.'im n ,,,, """'"tlons and l. Uem i. ". '''"uu"" criminal, nnd tho - di.'iJSMd. """" '.'!'vlded Into (a. vho ml ' iw..W(jinir moral rfiiwei.1 .1.. " 'i ,f"ow mani .econd, "" P9 urei-namtnj PEOPLE'S FORUM Letters to the Editor should bo ns urlcf nnd to tho point ns possible, nvoldlnir anything thnt would open n denominational or sectarian discus BlOII. No attention will bo paid to nnony. mous letters. Names nnd addresses must bo Blgned ns an evidence, of pood fnltli, nlthouRh names will not be printed If request Is made that they be omitted. Tho publication of a letter Is not to bo tnkon ns an Indorsement of Its views by thin paper. Communications will not bo re turned linlesi nccompnnled by post age, nor will manuscript bo saved. class, polloo, Jall, armlea anil navlen would bo unnecessary, If nil wore of tho criminal class, tho Imagination Is not sufficient lo picture tho hell en earth thai would result. It Is nn ac ctptcd fact that men nro morally nlmost en tlroly what their environment, make them, Surround a child wllh nn environment of crime, vloo and Irrollglon, and ou may con fidently expect a moral degenerato to result. Surround a child wllh nn environment of re ligion, morality nnd patriotism, and you may confidently expect n trood, law-obldlns citizen to result. Wo reap what wo sow. How much better, then, to brine up nil children undor tho Influence, of a proper and good environment than to let n groat purt of them grow up under evil lnnuonce., and later on try to curb them by the fear of tho law? . T get nt tho root of tho matter there must be moro co-operation) between the church, tho slate and tho presa In a com bined effort to removo those evil, corrupt ing Influence from the live, of tho growing. generation, All habitual criminal, should be aegrezated from society; all gambling den. and houses of vlco exterminated. Tho alumn should bo abotlnlieU and ovcry family given n cfianco to live decently nnd com fortably. Intoxicating llouor and dope should bo firmly abolished. Tho moving pic tures should ho made clean. The Habbath Day should bo freed from all forms of commercialism. I'nder such conlltlonn ns theso crlmo nnd criminal, would bo almost unknown. Tho renson for our failure so far to eradlcato the ovll In fluence, of noclety today Is becaivo whllo Iho church Is doing nil In II. power aloin, tho lines of Improvement of noclety, It too often ha. tho opposition Jnstead of tha co operation of that tremendous influence, tho press. An Inerenwvl police force nnd sterner sen tences will not eradicate crlmo any more than do largo armies and navies eradicate war. Enduring peace will como only when "peace Is written In the. hoart. of mn" Instend of "In flocument. only." nnd social ponco will come only when righteousness In stead of aln possesses the hearts of all. W. K. WACJN'ER.. Gordon, Ta., December 23, 1020. Questions Answered Our First Suffrage Laws To th" Kdltnr of tha Evening Public LettOT! Sir Vhcn and whero woro tho first fe male suffrage laws pissed? T. Philadelphia. Decembjr 31. 1020. Tho first woman suftrago laws In America wero pas.ed In tho Urrltorlcs of Wyoming nnd Utah In 1800. Referred to Readers To the Editor of the Evcnlna Public I.edoer: Sir I. there any known process whereby kerosene and cnsnllno ells have all the of fensive odor, taken out without lessening the vower and brilliancy of same? C J. K. Camden, N. J., October II, 1020. A Proverb Gone Wrong To thr rdltnr nf the rvmln Public Lrdorv Sir Can you Rive any facta to prove that tho proverb oft repeated, "A Brecn Yuletldo makes a fat churchyard," Is tru7 Or, to be more explicit, Is n warm winter, such as wo nro li.'uiiie. an unhealthy winter? W. I.. V. Philadelphia, December 28. 1020. TIiIb Is another one of those proverbs that go wrong more often thnn right. You hear people complain of unseasonable weather tie If It wero a bad thing, but it la really the best kind of weather. That Is to rny, the cooler tho nummer and the warmer tho winter, the fewer will bo tho cusp, of sickness and death. The true facts of the matter nro that tho trmperaturo of winter has llttlo effect on the dt-nlh rate, for people aro able to dress ircordlne to tho weather, and thereforn Id-. P their temperaturo nt normal; but In .miiimer hot seasons are always unhealthy. The Coining of Silver Dollars To the FiUlorot the J'venlno Public Lrdn'r Sir When wero the last sliver dollars coined and when will moro bo minted? D. I.. 13. Philadelphia, December 23. 1020. Tho lust sller dollar, were coined In 1001. After that tho Sherman act wus re pealed and tho Treasury Department had no nuthorlty to buy moro sllier for the coinage of silver dollars until the passage of tho Pitman net In 1018. Sller I. now being accumulated under that act which may bo used to replaco tho sliver dolUrs which wero melted. "Blue-Hen's" Chickens To the Editor of the Ei-enlna Public t.tducr: Sir How did tho term "Illue-IIen's Chickens" come to bo applied to tho people of Delaware? W 1. SAYRB. Wilmington, Del , December 10, 1020 Tho accented origin of this term Is thai Irro Ciptnln I'ltldwoll, who commanded a Delaware) regiment, was notorious ror ins cock-fighting. Ilo drilled Ills men ndmlra bly. nnd thiy wero known In the nrmy n. "Cildwrll'a gamecocks " The gallent cni taln hold a peculiar theory that no roclt wan really game unless It came from n blue hen, and thin led to tho substitution of Illue Ilcn'n Chlckcnn ns a nickname for hl.i reg iment. After tho Revolutionary "War tho nickname was applied Indiscriminately lo nil Dolawareana. The Ladder Problem To the rdttor of th' Evrnlvo 'iifdlc Ltdarr Sir The only (inawcr I linvn noticed to the ladder rroblein llz : Two ladders, one eighty feat nnd the other 100 feet long, In toreect, or. rather, cross each other ten feet above levil ground between parallel ndjacent hulMlng. The foot of oneh ladder rests on the ground nt the linso of a building, whllo each top In surported on the fldt of the building adjacent, what 1. tho distance be tween the two buildings, Is somewhat In accurate, ns Is evident from the following work: 70 8424 squared subtracted from Mil so.uarci! or 11374 ROSM subtracted from 0100 " 2S 10117 whoso square root In fi U10 feot, tho dlstanc" above the ground the upper "lid of tho eight v-foot ladder would reit ngslnnt fie .Ma of the building, nro obvious Impossibilities, (in their Interrortlonn leu feet above tho ground by tho condition of tho problem Ily differentiation ind gcomitrv I have oli i.iH..i ih. rntinwlnt? niiDroxlinato distances' Distance betweon building. 70 101S feot I llolaht ot upper end of eighty-foot ladder, 1101120 4- f't! of the 100-font ladder Ifiini'.'-i- fit Tho perpendicular dropped I from lh" intersection of crossing of the ad- d ra wi'l meet the llm or ground at a inlnr Oil lTr'2lI f't from tho end of the Inlrt'tv-font ladder resting en tho ground and in i.n,'i feet from tne lower enn oi mo imi- foot ladder Tho sum of theso two parts Ih 70 00'IT ' The ladder will Interasrt nt ii dl'tanco from the ground of the eltfhtv.foot hid I.t nf (IftOJinS and from the building of 13 071.1 feet whoe sum Is 70 (in7SH , and of the 100-foot ladder a distance from the ground of 111 H4M feot nnd from the wall of 83 0320 feet, their sum being 00 U0SU feot All values approximate. i. . Philadelphia. Dtccmhor 23, 1020 Poems and Songs Desired Selections Requested To the Editor nf th Evenloti Public t.alwr S'r -Heis. trv to find ilu poi ms bo low nnd publish thorn In th" People". Torum. Klrst. an old ono entitled "There'll Un Time Knough for Tint Rnld I." Heiond ono n oy .T V. Foley, entitled "Tho lMio of o Song." It commences' "In mv funev Idly romn'nx. 1 ii m sitting In tb Klnnni ng " And earn erse ends thus "To her nddlp nuih a it'ppy little, reepy llttlo song " F K VAN TASSRI,, Oermantown, Ta.. December 21, 1020. Locates Poem To the P.dllar Hi the Evenltu Public I.edocr Kir Your correspond nt "C I, C ' In quires for n poem ontltlcd "II. s Coming," containing Iho lines; "It may bo in Iho ev.n'ng when th. worU of tha flay Is done," etc- , This Is the btilnnlntr ot ft,poem by "II. M." (Barbara MioAndres). I bellovs it can be round most conveniently In ronbery'. voice, ot Comfort," page 313. Some tlmi ngo one of vour correspondents asked for th'o poem, "The First Steamboat on the Alabama." I have not observed that lou han vpt referred him to the noem by Sidney npd Clifford I.nnler, entitled "Tho i-owcr ot I'rnyor, or Tho I Irst Steamboat Up tho Alabama," which will hi found In I.nnler." I'ocms, page 177 (second edition of 1KO0), and which In unloubledly tho poem Intended CAI.Kl) 11AM1KIISTON. riniauelpnia, Decimber 30, 1920. Italian Dialect Recitation TJ.he '.V"or "I "" Evrrlio 'noil- Ledaer! Sir If you bsvo It I would like you to publl.ii In your People'. Torum tho selection callod "My Ilosy." It Is about an Italian who buis ft rose for Ms daughter who Is sick and ho has no money and tho store keeper given him a bunch ot roses. Thank ing you In advance. U. O. Philadelphia, December 20, 1020. ROSA I wnnti to telj.a you something I sce-a one-a time. I walk-n down da street nnd look-a In da bees storo window and se-a nil tn nice rcd-ft roses. Uenutlful-a rod rone.. Another ono man he look-n, too, llko ho love-a dem so mooch. Then ho go lnsldo nnd ho say to da flower-a man: "How mooch-ft you want for-a ono red-a rose In do window?" . The flower-a man ho look and he say; "One-a dollar each." Tho man ho sn; "I canna no pay-a no mooch mak' a lcetlo cheap." Tho flowcr-n man ho say: "Oh, no, no cheaper; thcy'ro onc-ft dollar each." Tho man ho go outside and ho look-a In da wlndow-n, tho nlcc-n rcd-a roses, and pretty soon a young Indy como-a. Jlenutlful young-n. lady, nnd sho seo da pretty llowers and aho-a say-a: "Oh, tho pretty rcd-a roses! How mooch?" Tho iVowcr-n man ho rco tho nlco young-a lady and ho siy-a: "Ten cents each." Tho Indy sho buy-a one red-a roso and sho go nwny. The man still look In tl.o window, hear tho flower-n man say; "Ten cents each " And ho go onco morc-a to da flowcr-a man and ho .ay: "Slgnor, hntv mooch you want for one-a red rose In d.i wlnda?" Tho flower-a man say: "I tell-ft you be fore thcy'ro ono-n dollar each." Tho man ho say: "Mak' a lectio cheaper for mc, Slgnor?" Tho (lowcr-a man ho say: "No, no, no chequer, One-a dollhr each. What-a for you want-.i red-a rose" Tho mnn ho eai: "I telt-a you what-a for I wdnt-a the red rose: "I had a leotlo glrl-n. onco nnd-a sho was Jut Illte-a din so high, nnd becauso nho look-a mooch llko-a din flower wo call-a hen Itosn. "Wo wero so happy together me, da. mamma nnd-a da leotlo Rosa but ono-a dny da mamma sho die, Slgnor. I bury her quirk away In da country, and-a lectio llosa and-n mn wero left nlono. "How I loved thal-a child! Sho was .uch a sweet leetle-a child! And every night when I comc-a home-a from da work-n I go to d.i hlll-a top and I say-a: 'Hello, llosa!' And nho say-a from da wlnda up-a high: 'Hello, papal' "And-a eorv nlsht. Slgnor. I do thnt-ft way, but one-a night I come-a homo from dn work-a and I sav, Just- a llko I nlwnis. 'Hello, llosa!' but thero was-.i no 'Hello papa" She was no-n there, Slgnor. Sho was dead! "I bury-a my lee'.lo ,Ttosa by tho mamma, and I havo lieen alone, Slgnor. I Just-a want-ft a red-i roso to put on da grave of mi' lectio llosa. That Is all, Slgnor, that la all. '"Scuse-a mo to take-a too mooch of lour-a time. Signer, "ncuso-a me. "What lou sav, Slgnor? Tho whole bunch-n for-i nothing' Tho whole bunch-. i for-a mo for-a nothing! Tlnnlt-a you, Slgnor; thnnka ou tbank-a you!" The People'. 1 onim will appear d.-illv In the l'.icnlng I'nlillo Ledger, ami also In tile Suiul .v Public Ledger. Letters illseiiKIng tlnirly topics will bo printed, nn well r.s mulcted poems, nnd nurstlons of genrrnl Intercut will lie nn.wrreil. GAS' Soldering Furnaces nnd Appliances HK.WU FOR CATALOnVU L. D. Berjjer Co., 59 N. 2d St. Bell, Market J Knttone. Ualn ten PARCEL POST nil Trudrmnrl.. trrurrd. Wrlh. phone .or cull for Information, Williamson & Williamson ISM AIlCH ST.. rillLADKLl'IIlA Dally O roll .lion, mid Thurs. i:vo., 7 la a CHEAPER THAN WHOLESALE 6PA11! MIIN'S G1 HALF lKISi: $1 VAI.UF. S1.73 Parcel 1'nst Prepaid Packed In a Chrlstmm Ilox Satisfaction Ouaranteed or jruit y llefunded THE LINCO MILLS. 444 S. COth St.. Ptila. DIAMONDS BOUGHT llrlng us your dlamond.i If you want to renllro tho highest passible prlio for them. No matter what other, tell ou they aro worth, get our nrlie before ynu sell. Wo pay in (10 to ilOU (U for each diamond mote than others pay. ?.ie un anu ii. cinvince.i We buv any size, sbau nr color. I"iiin tickets for dinmeniN b mght. KIll.l.Y & CO. CM. I, V3i (IH.sTM'T ST. I'hnne Wtilnut 7341. Suite 21-22 rrlute nfflee. gil llnor. cer t'lilld'w Hent. SVIESH DAGS S REPilRED ' Xpert, prompt nervlce n r.'palilnT reflnlshing, ..lining Low prices, A. E. Moss jr.wui.itR 33 S. 9th qJJor Beaded Dag Repairing a Specialty -RECLAIMED- Army Raincoats To Sell at x SO OA ao These c n n t n wero purrhiiseil from the (.o t'riiiuriit. Mlghlly iisul. but In ten gned coiiilltluu guiir n n t e e ll to lie mv strong anil well made Spe chilly ml mil d for out-iif door wr ir int'imii hlllng, IMilng. in o (i o roiling, l'ulliemen nnd r n I I r o i il in e n shouldn't bo without uue. 1'areel post pri'iuibl. When nrilrrlng gle dieht ineiiMiie-iiii-nt. If un k ill I fnetnry our nionry re funded. Keystone Canvas Goods & Flag Co. 1012-14.16-18 FUbcrt St Phllndelphlo, P, ' PlTFIITfl g mm l I lil'ui 'i'Tm i V $ m Hf 1'AKOEIj l'OST iiarbct Scissors, Clip pers, Hnzors nnd Mani cure Scissors. Also Safety Itnror Itlndes ltelinrjierel Filbert Grindlnr? Co. -1220 ru.iiriiT ST. BUY A BALER WASTE PAPER BOUGHT Sylvester S. Garrett 2S9 S. 3d St., Phila. Taper nnd Twine , CAHVAS GGMHGS IIKMIW COST 110.000 new heaiv 1 1-07. cmnim fie n. It. C'nnvan In nil widths, for nil iitiruusr.. Barnctt Canvas Goods ANswiuts Tin: in nmvi ol'kstio.v MANITACTI mats Jl N. lltli St.. I'hila., l'u. ,EYES EXAMINED FREE . NO DROPS USED SPECIAL GLASSES FOR THIS WEEK vxi.rn S3.30 All prescription filled nt n Favlnc of 25 to GO'S, cilns.... m.tdo on tho prcmlioH whllo you nil MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 0TII ST. Open Mon. & Sat. Era;. Till 9 P. H. .. Stock Taking Sale Direct From Manufacturer Working Shirt Celebrated Die Bill Make All Sizes Warranted 36 inches Ion; Combination Set Pair Arm Bands i Peir Garters Pair Suspenders Handsome Silk Necl.tie Clinlce of Sub- l"onli rs or licit. rurliul In luinit- nime ClirlntinaH llnves, 1'uili nrllcle Is nell m lile, nf the licit iiunllty of m.iterliilM. 6 Pair Seamless IIcsc Colors Guaranteed In Mark. Mne cordoinn or i:rn. All These Articles Parcel Post Prepaid, for w cck only. Money refunded If Roods nro not k.itUf.u lory. STANDARD NOVELTYCO. ui:i:i) itriuuNd 1211-i:i-n FILHKRT ST. .j,... l'lilludclplilu, I'll. Skatljs f,,Ar,flI'. , '", UIHIKTI'A widow or llisrl's A I .n U I.ltles an I friends nie Im.tiil to an. ml ruiiernl services. Thur" J p in Tt Ii. i sou'h resldetue, V VI. nun. 14J7 11 MoMiuumeiy a.o Int. nrKat.. ASSU.VIII .Mil. .1 11121 MAY. lie nf UiHuril A-. nhclmiT (lieu J, n..s,, ntt, j ".'. Il'lntes i.n.l fil mis, iiIm.i nviuUrs of iliaiv M i: cl iiit.Ii. Ambler. I'j , lnit. d to funenil. Iil 1 id n. in. fium I Uu r. l iltnLf .It) I Ih'tiei live. Aiuhler, I'.i her lr, h in I' it. il church 1" i in. Int I ..hi ii Cem It. niainj ir.ny bo i. h d lliure . -. to lu ii in HAII.IIV. Jan ;l I1M.MA C. llAII.f.v mutliei of Win II. Hatty. llulnl I v--. u,. iniiidt, nil of which b'u, ullH ineinlier, lim'e.l to funerul rmvu'i i. m -rmldet.o. Win II. H.ittj. L'.'til K tlu.inl V.m' .',',1,,rH., , - ." ,n' lnl N'oith led u 11111 t em Crleuda inav call V d. ee HOVD Ian. 1. 1.11NA. wife i.r WllllTm II. llojd HiKitive und frlendM. tlln IVnuli Hcot Council, No. US. 1) uf 1'.; in. nib. i of Ilmanuel It. 11. Chu-ih. aro to ut teiul tirliei Thuri" , .' ti m lite reildenec. 2.f.'7 Coiil rt. Int North i-.jir lilt 'em Ilpniutiia may lie lviid Wed . h to in p. in I'l'KMS --Jan. .'I. MMlOAltnr I. imiCIUS S-iviw Thuri. 11 a in if , dei e i.L'1 N. in at Int tuaatv I'rl i ma eill ' .1. 7 to I" ii, m I'lllvro.N 11)21. ANNIE f P.l'.IN'Ti'N wife of Ainoi tl. Ilrlni.iri 1.1.' N IVuim'. l , off J 71 curs i;i ,' , . lit'Uil .a .id 'rlendii nre lmlti, ti n" n I i ii il ii'iT", TI urn '.' p rn. hi ! i 'in' " i I. - 1 m llllil Hi m in. n in Went 11,1'. . . i l i ' '' I ! "id Hiil, b to lu v l.i I i , i-.t. . i-imera pi. am t mv cm. i.t. m.n Jan. 'j, immairr wife if 1 1' M I i . '.i.ljii.m due I. Inn,. i i: . t,.H ml fi en, Is p. . irnliet! Ii ilt.ll '1 I' i ' i'.i, s.lO a in., l.itu rt nidi in Ji 1'i t- r. Ii Nt i-ij.enm uqucni m 1 1. tv M I .1 a Chui'lll Iti il in. Int 11, u i Ciin. , ii-i.n-o nn. ". Mlf'IIKI.lNA, if of l.'ml Ilo Clrlim nireil fir, Ite'itlt.s n'i. fileinH Muni uf ltnl I.odiie, No. nil In lt(.d to luiiLial 'liium., ti a. in , 7lv f,:i n ht .sn.i mn iciiuieia ninm inir I il f (heil CoullK 1 lu ti. in. Int. llti'v .'i t'e'l" ctt llltwu Jan, H WIII.M'l H I'DI IlilANI.. Hired 'II veil IV. I'lm, I il n- 'i 1'rl 1 p m , n.u Wliu. ,1 ,i I. ii hi Int pilMite I'liN'Nnl.l.V fin Jin. 3. IIUl i'l.l. ldo ii f Michael C.innnllv. II. i , s ii lit luls ln led tu ,n l'rl I , i " .0 i in from In r hiiii'h mUdHnci, 171'IN V 1 1 -tun .-I 1 1 lull r.qul'in n ii-h m - ,. .iii'i ciiinli u a, in Interment II . 1 Ci m t i . i HI MltlN'R dm I, IIOWIX J hi'iiiiid f l.itel a M. Prinnrtne. Puuerul , u in Jul . '' ii in., GUI Choitnut tt. Int. lem uu t Cent ni.MI.IN'tl Jim I lt.MCIIAIl ..f I i ii ! in'ln.- iii'e Iterirler) lu her V Ii i. u I'.. i itlM i .uu I lilemU. iiiimiin i f ih.. II li l"i nil Altar iiinl II m.irv t' 'i-v I eh, i Aid mi' Sorlelv of St u , mid tn A.olwn T'n inv. Invite, I to f i , i, l'rl s 'III .i in, from Into r ld ir,, i. i V 31 n Ileiiklt'ir 111-ivn Mi in iir i. m i liur, h In ii in Int II il It" l.i,,, m l.-.VI'Ni:' J ,11 3. MI!Y A., wide nf i'.i it i ii r.iniiK r iv i. nn. . rmi.r.ii I'll, t ' a in. fnirii nf .,ii i, Inw A V I'eiiiu. mini, r.iill l.iu.h'i , ,,. II lull Hi'." ..f li'iuluin CliniiMi ,,f Hi,, imn. ili'in iit.n in n in Int. C.ithelru i em lint tllll. It'i'Y - Jin 3 TllnMXM J v n of tli- I no Jihn J. and llildijet limui, m It lutHm and ftl.'iiila m. 'inv te.l i,. m.i i tun,, Pri S 3ii h. in , ti ,ni hi. ' i ,, , rt, in e. i,n i h rt'.'a at ir,e,i U1I(J Vll ,, ,,, iii I SoUnin minj uf r tuiiiii al i I n I nf Hi. nt mid Suirunieiit lu a m 1m i LVws ""eni. in itnHrt Jan. 3, i!ji. MiriiAT, in- llOrlM II lRtlVN nnd fllendl lllen cliip' . nf '.'I et hUlimatlnn 1" f) , lire Inv i I nit. lid full l.ll H .10 tt 111 flll'M I -i i of h h I i itehi l.i ii. I Dm, ,-s ,-7js ii, kl - i i-iti 'mm uf i, nun in Chip eh ,,' . i I.41W uf y ID u n lilt ll.ily i , c, in rHFR - Dll Jail L' CllAltl KS i' rXlirit It "I 1 1 - n unit frl n le ., i ,. n, , I NDKIITAIU'im & I. il it? IS i'J Ly il, i V sSjS i ' . i VH' ! .1 V 1 v' mm t? l-" BROAD a'nd WJr DIAMOND wnmwMumtlimMiamummnmm tamtam inTii tn tho funeral, on Thurndav innrnin. nt o'clQelt from the Oliver II. Iln'r Hint 1X2" Chestnut at. Illeh mas. nt Ht l'MrUUa Cliiircli at 10 o'clock. Intirmcnt nt Holy Croes Cem'tery, nrzauio.NH. n.ivin, inr. , nuvnanu of Anna C , residence 11." H Connecticut no. Atlatnlc City, lull nntlrr. later. rhlllH. - Jan. 0. MAIl'IAIlUT UU DM., widow of I'rederlrk T. Vr . tl'lntlv-.s nnd fllendi. are Invited to n tei d funeral verv leea Thutv li n. m nt h. r Lite rcaldence. 13.10 Orthodox at Fritikfor 1 Int private riTlin. .Inn 1, ntinitdi: rrilll. Ilurlnl nt the rnnventmce of IV fimllv. . rum.PNl Jan. S. MAIllIN. hii'liand of Anna M. Kurlonir (r.e, i.nnin llelatlvrv "nd xmplojei . ' lilelnn' 'in" Work, nro Invited t) f'tn.ral. Prl.. 7 30 a m late tevld-ree ltiji j; Tloira at Hequlem man Chuieh o' t Join of Arc I) n tn Int Ilnlv Semi,, lire flOKTZ. On Jan. ft Itr.N'ltY OOHTZ. nf r.32 N. 2Sth et.. Iiuvtnrd i.r the Into Anm floetz. S'ervlce en Thui.d'iv mornlne. at 113') o'clock, at the fi.u.r If ltnlr ltldir.. 1R2D Chetnut et lnt"rmni nrlvnte. Friends may lew remain. Wilne.fiv evenlntr. IIAItT .Ian. I. ntlUAItli M . Iiuslmnd nf Mnriraret Connor Hart nnd von of tl.o late I i am In nnd l"ja llirt ll.Htlve. nnd friend, nnd I.. O. O M N'l .11 urn Invited t nttrnd funeral Sat. M 30 n m , revl- di neo nns Church latin Oermantown. Sol' 1 ni n rcuulem mnve Immnrulntc ("oneeptlon church 10 ii m. Int II jU mitcliro Cem. 1111,1, IIOASS .Ian 3 I'.Mll.Y I) widow "f l.iivln 1II1I. trim nir. ,1 nj Itehitivev nnd irinnu. aro inviteu to innfi u rvieen. i ri , J p m . nt t.or late reldenr jiiis (;. Madl. on .1 Int private, tvdnr lllll I'.ni HOI.STKI.V Jan 3. .IHIIN HOLSTHIM ItninlUea and filend. Invited to funernl Thuri , ii p m , rcildew of Mr.. AnillO i uuer. Aiiiiintfiuim net c , ri. irrt llethn.fla Cem. Friend, iniv eill Wed eve. HYNI'MAN Jan 2. FIMNi'llH It . diuull tor nf the Into Charles 1' und Mnrv Hjne man Kclitlven nnd friend, are Invited to attend riinerni, I nnr , u a in. rrnm her late resldeiee, 202H Knee et Services at St Clement's Church. 20th an I Cherry sts.. Ill ;iu n m, Itu private .HNNM5Y. .Inn. Si KDWAIttl W.. hu. hat.l of Laura II. Jnnnev, nnn, r,4. Funeral Thurv . 2 p. ii'., parlor of w J I'hllllP". linn N. lnth l. int. wivt l.iurel lllll Cem Vle.tflnc Wn,l evn. KRI.I.I1Y -Jan 2. ItnnrilT I' . Iiu.hand of Allen J. and von of the late Ilnhert Upton nnd Mnrv 12. Itellev (nee S'l'cktnn) nrred 4D. Itelatlvev and frlndv nle.i Inclereielenco t ircio no ;',. ii or a mtcinitionni Moulder.' I'nlnn, Ixicnl No 1.1. and ern nlove. I. 1' Merrl". nro lnlte,l to nttend funeral vnrvlcev. Thur. . 3 p in . late tevl denco, 2130 I! William vi Int. llelvue Ceri Vl'vvlnc V-i1 . 1 to 10 p m 111 VMM U h r r, i,1..n' l"..t IMiewood road. Ardmore, on .Inn I. MMtY. widow ot John Kl.'inm AniiniineeiT' nt "f funernl Inter. MUIN'-Jnn. 3 I.Al'IM 11 wife nf Otto J II Korn tnen willilnv). in her .nth vear. itf.intiv4 nnd frl'ml. ire Invlt-d to nttend funerni vervlcev Thur. . 2 n m residence nf h.-r fither. 1127 . York vt Int. Nort wood C in. Hi main, can bo Mi wed Wed. h in in n m. KHATZ Jan 2. HAIIUY. Iiu.hand of Tln.n Krni7. Itrlrttlve nnd friend., nlvo I'mni) I.oiUe, No 77. I. ii o r.. and fihuvler ('imp. No 1, H. of V. Invited to fune-al .ervlcev, Thurv . 2 n m , nt re.l dene, nf hie von, John Krntz 2.13H X. Mnr vh l'l vt. Int Northvvool Cem. Friends mi.v cull Wed eve. KTRTZ On Jnn. 2 .MArtTItA H.. wlfe nr ii.irry i: Kiiriz. fervieen nn rnurviliy afternoon, nt 1 30 n'clork nt her Into revi dencn, 1 1'jfl Jerome nt. In'erment nt North wood Cvineterv.' Viewing WVdne.dny eve- i.XNCASTlin Jnn. 4 1021 OllORfli: It. I.ANCAS' In 111. -10 tli viir. nineral vcrvlrev at hi. mvldenee, XVInrtv pike Dairn, l'i Thur" tlth Inst . nt 2 10 p m. Int. rrlvete Cinvevnncev will met t train lea Inn Itioad St. b'tntlon 1.13 p in at Devon Station MADAIIA Jan. 3 ll'".'l. Hl.l.A roitl) MADXHA nueil 3S yenrv. ll'.lntlves and irlemlH nre Invlfeil to nttcnl fiin-rnl rerv lr . at the re.ldenco nf her huMnnd, Clar ence Madnra. Svvedvhoro. N J , Thurv., 2 n. m Hit I.nko 1'ark Cem MAtlKS Jnn I of vcnrlet fever. MII TON S . von of William K un.l Mnrv Mnrkn. l-'iinernl Wed . 1 p. in . parent.' residence, '.'LIS H. Mllllclt vt Int Mt. Morlah Cem. No fuiural. MAIIT1N Jnn I, 1!)21 WII.I.IAM J. hliMliand ..f Malllila W Miiitln, nited 17 vi ar. Funernl prrlcen Frl , L' o in , re.l-dencc.-- 4S03 Aspen vt. Int e.t Laurel lllll Cem SIOIHIIS Suddenly. Jnn 3 llNDLHSS MORItlH. Sr. I.elovcd huvlinnd of Jo.ephlno J. Tiu'tne Morrlv and .en of lale llnrry nnd Sarah Morrl. IlelitKen and frler.d.. also Key. ton. Asi mhly Nn 2, A O. M 1' cm Plojes of Schuylkill Areiial Invited to fu neral n rvlee.. Sun.. 2 v m . nt hi 1'ito re.ldence. Mm Dick. uvo.. XXcvt rhlln. Int. 1'Vrnwnod dm. I'llejidn mnv call Sat.. S to ID p m. I'XIlKIlIt On Jan. 3 GII.HP.ItT 91'X. nilltl.A.N'l) huvhand of Anna lllev Parker, llelatlvra and friend, nr., invited to the vervli"... tn Prldiv afternoon nt 2 o clock. nt hlv Into in. 'donee, 3310; Garden hi. Interment private. 1'IV.NI) - Sui .lenlv. Jnn 3. 1(121. TIIPO Pomi. hii.lian.l of Caroline Pfund tnee li'ikle). n vri il i',2 Heintlvr. and friends tn vlt'.l tj fnrerii service. Tliura. 2 p in. PirlurH nf IMivard Mack IHlll N. 5th vt. In" "rival". Orel nmount Cem POHL. Jnn 4. Ifl'Jl. PnxX'Allfl I. roilN ltelatlve. und fi U nils Invlti'il to fu- n r il. Tliu- . S'llo p. m from his 1 Un nvl I'ence lino . ,12d vt Mnv. nt Chinch of SI Pram.! do Salia 10 a in. Int pt I t IIPVMP.M. Tan 3 11)11. PLIZAnriTIl I . daughter of Pleanor nnd late Joseph ii, men r,-rv -ees -inui... p. m, at re.l dni 1001 Walton nve. Int. private. I'l'fTIt l.i tl I MXItflXIlllT M. widow nf Pinlel M. itlzer. nBod 71 ll"l.-itiv. nn I ft I- ill Inv te.l lo funeral service. Frl 2 p ni riMl.lence, 21.M S. lto.evviiod vt lnl ii-' v itc. N fflt. Morlah' Ciin. Xlevvlmr Thur. eve. I'li.lllllTS Jnn. 3 11)21. MAItY A. widow of Joseph II. ltoherts (nee Wil.on). Ii Iniv.s nnd friends aic Invited in nttend i i'i til servlci". Thur. 2 u. in. lite r. l 1 ti". 1227 Pnlethoru vt. lilt l'l hate, Hi. nvvoii.l (K. of P.). UulllNfcO.N" Jan. 3. ut her late r. l 1. nre, HI". W Chelteii nve. (Ittl , DPIti ill XII I IUIIT widow of Charles Austin It. Idrnnn. I nn r il vervti'i nt St peter", ijlui-. h llar vv vt nnd XX'nynu axe.. Gin, 'I hurs.. 2 li ni Int prlvute. ItDWAN. Jure 2. WILLIAM II. I'.OWAN, lived mi Funernl vrxlcev 'fhur. j p in . revl.liiuo uf Wnl. It Pulp U'.ip.itil load. II. r.iwi Pa. Int Itiulnor llnptl.t Cm. ?cji:ii:i on Jan. 1, i:IXM i: . wlfo of Jehu J. Schledel. Sr l"un s- ivlees ..ii l'i l.lay afterniion at 2 o'll'n k. ,,t h. i Int. rivd'nce t,'ju3 nv. Itit.tment nt Mi Morlih Cemetery. Itemaln. in iy he vl wed Thursday ovcnlnir SHAW. Jan I. ANN1I1 AMPI.M. widow of Al .nnder It hh.iw IMi'iie and fil nd Inv lied tn fun. r.u Pi , u "n p. m , iivldenue. 1)0J X", bukuu. liaiina u . . Int. filiate -xii ill At atianiic cuv n j. ,nn. n MXIULXUIIT M. wife ,.f ,,le Jnhn II. nltli Sr. need SI lte'utlv. in, I friend, lnvlt'd to funeral service, ri.1.1' n. .. of li. r miii Chrl. Smith. 27 S Mnv, ml ave. At iyitli L'ltv Wed,, S P 111. lilt 1! lli I Clip t'v'i.len Thurs STITI1S Jan 1. 1521, "All.XIt 11 STIT1H In her Slvl inr, nt lie- Kio re.. .1 if. 2...H N. CHailvvicK vt. and lilt private, S'lOY. Inn. 3. P.l.IZAIlPTH STOV (nr l'i nn). wife of Sninuil 11. Mnv. Pniieiai seivlces Thurs.. 2 P. Ill . at Inr hil.l'iilld'i. revldetico. 22 Iltiddon nve . N I. Int. private, Pilcnds mis nil XVnl . 7 to t) p 111. STllPHLAP Jnn 4 1HJI ANTHONY liu.Linnil nf the late Mary Strili m in e Ilnn ck). In li Mill sear 11 lutl'.-s 'in I frlendi aio invlt.d tj attend tin. i.i Pi i M0 n in . frum hi Int- re.' p, e ;i",s -v; 21M1 ht. 11 1.11 111.11 ! Iil'lllllii 'tllll i II in i in. Int Mi t II. .ly H.d . .., t c m THOXll"-i)N Isn .1 OP.Jliriu .x UPP I'lll'Ml'MlN HI i.l."l'il l'l. llel hi . ni , 'ileiids Invited to liiiv'inl vervlc -v 'I hur. J p ni precluls, it Divid II, huv r PldiS , llroad and Ii.iimunil ,'. in 1)r . ''IOOTI.K UATTON Pee 12 it I . , I ,,n,e Pl'mlii'th, N J, i'iiieie.1 nn,' rei. X'xitv X llXTTuN vlfe nf J h.. T.vtl" in i,.t -. ,, THP.ADAWAY J in -' UUt P-TPt I V 11. wife if Tl, niiii s T Tr, ndivvi 1: ' lives nnd friends are Invlt.d tn mt n I fn. ie nil, Thurs , 2 p in. lier ,t,. r, ,. lelice, 2 J.I S llin.iiliv.iy. illotn et.r, N, J lin fed ir (Irnve cm,, Fllelld may fill Wed . XVAI.KPH on .'.ni .1 U. nicest -V J tn i n SAIlXll u , T ter XX'atker inj, d in v 1 1 V S. i r . . Thursday nfto'iuon. .'t 1 3e n'i t, , ', ,. . i sld w uf her cl uuhtii Mr San u i x' I'tiv, 131 W. AlbiiiiUH tt. In'i'iin.i, , vate. "Ki:ii. ,ian i uii.ii.x.xi i.ptimvs WAl.UPIl l'uiiernl srrv'ei Thins II . in varliraof S P 1' i M s, n Pm X' vt. Int. OM St. Pvtii'ii I'liun In .i : 3.1 and pine vt x" I'l'SUX Sudd nl-. Jan I P i i NP.WTON. liuvUmd of 1 I i L. n Tancv). In 111 mini v ur. it-i ! s i fil, mis nls.i I oil. r 1 li", N',i :,'i i , O P, nnd Pol tuna I" No Hi K . P. lire lnvito.1 lo ntteml lun nil frl . .1 , i 7 2H0 1 in. unaKiii-e. Itatlj.iio l'i i Haii.oro p. in XTSON .Inn 3 1021. ANNIP. M w f . f I'liarle .1. XX'iitv'ii and d.iurVer ,.f '.,i Uimui'l und M irla 1 oltnn, anil i;7 ,.U) pelatlves and filendi ,uo ln,lt.. t u ml runernl v'rMcee 'I Inns, 2 p m . nt In r ' it - residence H2II Orl In d,, , t pil l,,, , ', it,. Pl.iisa unlit tinners. XXF.ISPISFN - on 1 in 1 1". 21 IYIHX .1 . wife of Wlll'iiin XX el Isen up, I il.nmht , ,i th." Int. Jnnitli in ml I It tit '.i It id- tiv.H and frlitdi mvit'd i . iv i .ii 'ni a of Liifnv. Uu 'Is.iloi. 2031 , III Hi. id HI. Prldll' it n III. Ilil'iiii, iinilv pilviite. I'll r.l iniv i ill 1li4i si in II 111. XX'III.IXMS Jail J ANN'lll V XVII. I I AM-, imeil 77. li- iiiii. i .ml ft luil- ,f ii, iniuii. in inui. i in an n.j fun, r.ii . ril,.s Thurs. 2 ti in at h t nut.,..,. vi x . sldiuri' Mrs John tl Williams ii It Mill a V a. hit li lllll. J-,, j. it 'ii i, .it, . i, i ,., womtr.i.i At ithcium. v j jun i ii SfiviceH Chi Im t-huu-h, ItivtMion . . . .Irlu !-,1l., Ill ,, I I " ' I 111 lei IIV'II ' I" I- II II) fill I. ilJflK't., 7lM M.liu jit JUwit IN J i. r.t. xi, xhx pitTiM-Mi.N r 'f..-,lT.Ti: OP I.IIITII A. IIU.t.Kii', r,, icnsisl I't'eiB u f iidiiiliiivtriiilr linn III, .stilt.' of Plllth A miner ileeeai, tiHiiliK heen urillit .1 to PlllPl.lTY Tlll'S i i XI XNY all iH'ivu.ia ind. tiled tn Iho tu h' ,ie arc reciuesi.d lo make Piunenl in i i s hevlnir clulina naainst tlm aumu n ... nt them without delny at tho oitlco of the IIM I'llllll'UII, QmO U.II I. IIL'SlllUl HI , t'Jl. dolphla. W1?.UAS1 P. OUST. A. rrevlient i.tMiAi. ,ivruTisr.xir.rvTs "jri'iLWAlK IIP IMHM.X lilt lll'.l'.NAItll v scilAlll'I.K. ilecniMd Letters of nt ri'lnlvtrnllori upon tne ept nr Iinrnev i,r Hern ird Si lun fi r d is d limine lieen Ti'llt'd to PIDPLIIY Till ST C'lXIPANtY ill p'rvonv liuletit d to the vnld i.tate nr r, ipif vt d to innke invipenl and tho ie hnvlnt, elslm nsnlnst the snm to prevent linn wilhou' d" iv, nt the nffle. of the vnld corn iiiiiu, S-'j-Ull Chestnut ,) Ph ladelnhla. 1 ' WILLIAM P. (IHRT. Prestnenr. T- ii".-r.ii: or mxiimia srniVAitT, ""A" ih cnsl-r-I.elt' r of iidmlnlitrutlon ... .... .. UI.Mn.l A- UPOn llll ,-llt..e "i .' " ie." '.,-'.,., .. !- rnnoit h-wlni- hn prnntci fi FIDRMTY TItt'ST rciMl'ANV nil p'r.n Indobt-C'l tn ill' HUl'I -"Hit" !' i "i w - iu simm- ! - mnt nnd thRf hnvli,,. rlatm- nralnrt th mmn tn prt9'.'nt th-m without d" ny, n tin nfflfp nT tht fi,l(l ton.pnn. 3J"V 1,31 ClifRtnut .,.. Phl.adelPhl.. wiItAM ,, 0, President. ',--.,. Sonri: p imirciii (iiviin tiiVt ivJll nop''' it, mi his Is-en mide hv llnrxan K-'iti'nskl. 2I1T1 'irthndnK vt , county of Phil adelnhla end vtnte of Pennsylvania, to the Commissioner nf Danltlnw eti the 2il dsv -r Oclnher, 11)20. for a llcen.e in sell steams! p tickets or orders for trnnsportatlon. to nr from forelun eountrle. under act of the Hen eral Assembly nf tho nmmnnwenltli n' Penn.vlvanla No 397. npproveil tho litli ,1a of Julv. 11)10. LOST AND FOUND HAItPIN Lo.t. iiin tnnn.t harpln nt Itltt Carlton Prldav nlxht Hew int. lleturn tnMrslmli.v IHO S llroad st .. DOtlS Lo.t "2 shepherd dons one black one brown ne-ir II iverford Howard Hot (ID. Hnicrfnrl Pi KIJYH l.o.t. tn iwen 3th nnd Spruce vt . to llh und chestnut via , up to Kith an 1 Summer. S3 invird I' 11.1, Jflarcr off lie i?ERSONALS DnTP.CTIX'i: licensed nnd honded desires revponvlhle position with prIX'alo party or romern I' 1102 Leduer Office HELP WANTED FEMALE COOK. whit", downstairs work, no lnunder Inn; small f.inillv. refennee reuulred. 2121 Mldval. ne Phone tl .reiiinlown 12.10 COOK ni outii! whPe itrl. ret, Ph llrjn Mawr 77, or add. Mrs J. H. Clarke. Ilryti Mnwr I'a COOKING nnd ilnwnnnlr work, whit", ref erenie Applv 202 XX'Irulcnero ft'0 , Wayne, Pa I'tut" Wwyne 311 I,P.N'ritP.SS. tlrvt clnss. wanted to take w ih nut ref re. Dickinson nOfi XV Nlllts-i; foi In fim with nractlcnl expurl Phone Harlnit gostl nnce referenri s OI'P.I'.ATOHS. expei 1. need on oloth lint and i-iin Knln fn 17 N. nth vl. SAI.nLADinS Wo have sevfral acanees In number of our departments fur experienced women; per manent positions. Apply Mr. Newhoffer. II. P. DIIWIIK.H 1122-1121 Chestnut st. S.XLllSI.ADY. expei leneed In suit and dre ileimrim' ft. K-'.-il Hilary, pormincnt posl- tlon. Palley'H Clithes Shop, J ,N, Uth st , second floor HALUSWOMHN TUP. PtNIi CO. SUCCKSS. 'It.-.' TO IIIHRCIPS U23-'iL7 Markit vt. SHOD SAI.KSWOMHN Thorouehlv experienced In flttlmr shoes per manent positions to womin of hnit experi ence who undervtand the utinu business. TIIK FINK CO. Successors to Illrich, 1)25-1)27 Market st. WAITltllS exn . white. ief ph ltrn Mnivr .7 or add Mrs J s i lirk- Hrvn Miner WOMAN. Intellluent. wonted to care uf boy ll iirvl Klrl 1 Thuifdiy aft moon from 2 until 7 anl Hunilav pi" iilim. from Hi t" 2. rltv referenio reqjlrel XX'rlie or lull v"io Itlttenhnuse nuiie apt 11 A WOXIAN, over 30. of "luentlon nnd social pulse, pencancnt position, Kood motwtarv returns; envy hour, udv.iiuoment. II Bu2 Li-dcer Office. YoPNG LADY I" niiwer phone and neslst In offlre. must be neat ind thnrutiuhiv re llnhle. expei lence not ni" Cull any mornlni; this week nfter !)M 121 Uifajetle ltldir . nth nnd Chestnut si. 'lenrTa) 112.1 MONTHLY wnrklns dilrlnj snarVi (,urs skilled opeiators ik-v.,j ir in .in li .Ie mand aa now iiftir learnlna fate scalti M- t .... 1........ 11. 1,, ... .,. inuiui), iiia.v,;. ,,,,.- ,,.,,,, ,,..,.-. , ,i , Illustrations, wllh cnnipitn massage iuur." by mall. J.I or prlvute esi ns nt home Jjl 12 ear.' experience. Althei.n rhno nf Mas-sni.-i Nifi'lown, P O 1"'X 4 112 I' i MAKH MONllY AT !! ixli: -You ciin eurn from Jl to J2 an hour In your vpnro tlms wrlllnir show card., nulekly ind eaviu lenrie'd' no tnnvavvlni,- we teieli you I iv and veil our work XX'rlie today jr. .r full particulars to Amerlenn Show Cnid Si.h,,.i '.''til Pyrin HliW Tnriinlo Cnnqilo HELP VANTED MALE CX.NDX .- I I I. IN I I Mil.. I. X larK candy ri inuf n turer .l.i, t senilis nf '1 vuperinftidetit Vllm I vi. nullified to dlrei t pinnufneturi' of hnih lm and ihncolate cindl v and who is fimll, with the prodm tlini inpicltv mil limit in, of i andv inaihmei a ilIlplte In-nvl, lu.. a Inncy pin k ice In" I l"lriti.. ., t , posl'luii for Hu. lU'it man Addi .as .XI lj Lidw-er Ol H. ". CA.NDXMALKI. i 'ne capuble of man ik-lntr inndv UU'lieti '0" r--"all h islncv ,., ,i -siversjmijjlvjii'itld. nn.i P1 Hi7 I r, i nf CANX ASMlll imiit eiicl, one i tpahle ,f driving a Ford nr Heine" nn 'j ice. .M'.rl.iiie and n te'en . uu 1 vn pr. feried vn ary und 1. e.13 l.du. r 1 1 i , COI.I.PPTOn X'e reoulre the v-i'Mcm of a Prvt i i.t-s . i.' i, lnl' lll'ivt b" I'XP'M. Ill 1 iml i, in. ,,, 'ci iiii il l d d A I'll Pni.. v u l.t l,u ,j HLXl'.NKIt M Mid .Muikil -it M XNAlilllt vviii.l.uu-ic uud vtiuii'ii: u w th i xi'-riciK'n nnl uldiltv in Pi, .i i ,. u l'.pnld povllloll. ualll. .1 b a Kl, vmi; ,. v,imatlon si ' "U purticuliu s ,u n, hi ' ter Addn H t'"'l ydu; I. ' " "l ' X, XN lo mn 1'i.wi ' t 'vn'.n l,i , ' i i , j upartmei I hnus Pill it luuil-lo Sin ii - Ask fu Mi I'' i ' '" Ml;N Laiwe i orpnralluii iiee.w teriiees .7f Bund men in Pennsylvania. Maryland. Del. aw ire atsl New Jersej , tlmso with iharai lei ubilliy nnd Ku"d I icnl aciiunlnt.ince w I , irn ni ii'muin of J.luoil per wr nd un'iinlted in.xliiium. If Mm contetnplate n cluinte on or before Junuaiv 1, pleiea mldteits l.i .un ndvnlliiMv M ll.lfl I "liier Office Ml. N XX' lilted. In n levuliilile lupkini; I use several men nf huh i il Ine Ihmj X'elt nee pref, ried but lilt ii.ll i. ' till ler l If ll. e met rls. trior i uvhlv erperieniel inemier nf Ti pnKrnphlcul Pnion, w itit .1 i -i l'l iladelphln Public Iduir perma pint postttun with roo, ss'ary ta it. .lit inn if Apply at nun Chestnut i. . ilfth Hoor. titter 5 p. in. .SXI.l.'SXlAN i I '1 ! 1 tPltl 111 I'llllndelplllil nt- 1 1111 1 1, 1 Ml lU'Preclsln till opp,t tllnlt v I . li. ipi. ! I- ,. l.ll. d w Itll ll sal. s or, ml ate 1. i ' .1',. il 1 1 uti whre a siiiiMa 'i u h tm. s 1. I ,1 ptiilldimi ll- Is lll'l.u t, win 1 ,.iiil III I 11 -s pli'ttcrlbed bv till , 1. nn 11 1 ' It v 1 .1 11,, lis and in,- r, il'.v ',,1 fc f , ill ii 1 11 11 . I" belt r Vim,' p"-al..n. 1 ill pi 'Hill P n- U llll I III.U b I1V1 -II 1,1 and 1.' i m " I 't nd r. p in SXll'XlXN 'o .ill 1111 l fa i.'ifrjToi "1 It i,l. 1 " in d 1' iliibl.i in. in if 1 inr 1 Ira in li-.u- 1,1 . i.ihin c.,,, i i 'i."-l'L' JL 'it in Ill II Kill 1 .ly r llf S "l K-MI N i'i tuirtunlly I,, simt wiui 11 "f. I in I li' ..,ini,, nv with proper triinin:. 1 multir ill t ' "ir Xnmtlnn Id life 1,1 be, n we will I'lve vmi an opporiunlij .( t nr lime und ul tin' nsalstiinru to mike Bnini "ill Sil.s 11. inner. U tn 11, Dm miinit llnnstein i 1 .'fin S Ilr. i, ..,XiN I 1 urn h 1 11 in 7, f 1 v,ru. li ih 1 1 . 1 l fur an 1 xi 1 1 1. n, i sal's mull 0 v .id nniur, n' 1 usim ,-s .,, nut -a S'Vu' 1. rti vv lam 11 minus , coinmlsnon I i h pornianent (.all (jhu c P.llrchlld 2U S IHh it , second flunr. b tweuu 2 and I o'clock, foh opn THinp ploop. ni:ADY-To. XVIlAlt DRPAIirMPN'TS WHICH IN- 'll.t'I)i:S PL'IIS MPiSSKA', COATS AND SPITS. CAPAlll.K XXM.XIHN OP OOOD AD DUKSS AM) POISI TllonOUUIU.Y K.V PHHIK.NCI'ID. PKItXIANKN'T KXIPI.ilY- miint. Tin: oppi'itTP.N'iTiKs opi''i:iti:i) IlKItU SlluPI.D AI'l'n.XL TO IVOMK.N' WHO Alti: AT I'HRSK.NT HMPIPYKD AND XX'HO AUK SICllKINll ADX'ANCK.XIK.NT AND IlHCi IGNITION. APPLICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL. USED AUTOMOBILES isnniwiiu i ramiiiiiiiiimwi!inwiim P AC KAJELD Used Cars fo us, a Packard car is always a Packard, whether used or new. It commands our continued interest as a Packard representative, and our fa cilities for service as well. In buying a used car, aren't these the conditions under which you wish to make the purchase? Avion y others, wc have now for your inspection the follow in y Used Cars, each of which represents an unusual value. PACKARD 3-3.") "Trxviii Six" Tourinp; Car. Tlio present model Twin Six. It has boon used les thnn a year, receiving the host of care, nnd is in practically a3 kooiI condition as a new car. Warranted by us. PACKARD 3-:to "Twin Six" Sedan. Beautifully tiphositercd and painted like nexv. This car is fully wan anted. 1020 PEERLESS, 4-pass., liko new. 1!)20 STUTZ 4-passciiKcr. 1D20 STUTZ 2-passenjjcr. A3 CADILLAC Tourinjr. CHANDLER Touring 1917 REO runohoiit. 1918 HUPMORILE, winter top. fl-IJ FRANKLIN Sedan, like new. 10:0 DODGE Sedan, like new. PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. OF PHILADELPHIA 319 N. Broad i LocuFt ?Prif) mkuiii iHi!irari!iiW3'!!i w riPi .iLKiHiiaiTmiiiiiiimrmiiim jiJinnEniynim'iiPijiiH.Tiiitiiiifini.jn'iii'iniini'iui'iuj'L mi . i n lii ip rn i h rbTv n inti inti nn ti i n: n i nit x h ; 11 u: ' n i. r ' ia i tp ih in ' u i n tnin n h .u h 1 1 : HELP WANTFO MALE SlU'ri?..'!! 1IANT) anod wanted for ilxelnit n.i : bleaehliur pi tut must b" xell tiste i en y htitifr 111111 1 iit.n'iar iinisiins. .uiim .XI His 1.,-dner Of Ike Xi'ANTPD An cn rlonreil iitboii In ndver-i li-ttla sn.l rpn. , nlr worn; one wno is tluirouitlilv . p'i'. ncid'ln the dct'i Is of fni-low-up work and p-ibllclty. n position Is-1 nfferi',1 tint Is p. mnnent nnd affordv unusual I opi.ortimlllev Aui-vvr by mall for appoint- ,ne"tt0 SXX.PF.I. D. LIT I Lit Pus . Philadelphia ' flrncral INCHP XSF. 1 nt' snl 'rv. 1 nroll now Auto. motile di lift" mum nr-l eonineriee -ept L"J Hprlnr; O irilen lnstltuie I llroad and Spring Harden iits. I GITUATIONSWANTED, FEMALE ' AMANCPN'-siS -X'runu i.'ulv . xi . w Hi 1 "-t r, f. ilesin position I) ".a, ld ' Uf llO llll.N'llr"' lin-- 11 'IP i.rt'liit... d - plr- rniiti'm P. 711 I ed .. r .ifftre i XVOXLXN' retlned. Intel merit. mlddlssKed nht'Hs hearlnir Is impaired ile.lro tn ns .1st In househo'd dulles mendini. darning itc either pnrt nr full time, highest ref'ir-' M lfl.l, Lelyer SITUATIONS WANTED MALE j i Xlll'l NTI.IC" ! 'Xl'-rl m do mt".-' a n-i. I,. 1 1, 1'lir .1 n. ' v'ltl. of any knn I- .,o ni cri'Ut H i ii" call fol uumk ,'t nn li ""I I 1 ' i "'" ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MK- KAMI Ml S sh" 1 I'"- I "I1" ' , nn ... ti.'U.elii. i I mi " . no I rei onim n ".il l. I.N i HI I In ili r ... s nnd in. 1 1 1 . t rs deslif, 1'onjtj "I H'tn "-piuie .Hill. k. klu hen nuiid.. ,'ik uirls. hllil 'i' Jilll help i, nt i nk. wall . r nn I nurses, i I'll i i.iuf .I'IL'7 L'Ul.iiHHI) Hill 1' sut.i I 1 In nr w e it. Hurs v il'.'tl S. li"i M s.'i T11 BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS" BOUGHT Tf nu want to It" n mr d t)i i' nr. Ktlll ayln'; !" nuirn tl an utl f i dii Hindi tu"ttt KELLY & CO.. "n rioi'it i'i.' i npiTvPT st fpm.J"'rJr','", ''" -v sr."3, Vt it inxirvc -.,i iinu i in '-t a sife DIAMONDS !! .' '".. l - - ii ' xx.riii nnxr. u nil mrtriii ROI ir.HTiui : v urf.eii.ui i i DUUUII1 , u v M i-Ti-niis- i in lou,,,.,, . , ,. ...,.,;.,-;.',"-, iuJ:"'"",."n: I'j'.n DIAMONDS B0UGH1 HIahcst prl.e in Id ' tj In Hints fin to M.'iJO. old K ild piiitlnum un.l silver bousht Tlie Diamond Shop k-n' j."t'""a"l'i APTOMOl'll P' i.'i i "' li v ir own mi iai;e. Pi em i anl A met . n tt'.hanl's ' , in '.'0 '" irsevp pi ".'l.i' He' 7U.".UX "diamonds bought"" "" IIAUIIV XV -.XP7I1 71 7 r X N"nM IT. HI Ki 'lllli u7l. XI XI'.N I' ,. . i i ir.l .,f lu, lnins" nj, ll'i i Tr-HI.S iil, I tutti-h '- ti I Ir i , ." Imiillpir I ' lj 1" I'll wie d Vkt 41.1 ili i nn iii nt t i ; . im ii d I ,i.- -"l" P i i II 11 .. .l.nlj SEVINO MACJIIIIES -LXXlNii XIAi III.NI " Pi"' in Mil pH J," lli-nl . f .P-' r .' ''e-Illt. ihe i en to PJ. fU ll Ml 11. 1' 'I I l'i N IDtll SI STAMPS AM) COIVS fl'XXll'r. Pn , l- 1I1IS lll.d Mil I PHII.X. SI AXfP 1 I. I I'lXt -. 1 , I ,, M IP ', ' . Jl - 1; I 11 SI DOGS. HIRDS AND GOLD FISH f nil. 11 XM N 11 1 - 1 1 ' ' 1 1" r -t , t a 1 - ' 1. v 1 11 J ' ' " v f I.INi I" Hi 1 K.t ; 1 .1 V ,l."ll,re li 11 1 1 ... 1 , . l( N I s si 1 f l "iS ' lis V 1 WANTED XX ll XV A NT "t 1111 liou-e' oi. I nni.lule i in nxt ir 1 , if .' la--ini'. pay p ,1 cap1, lints st v ilue Ihiis us sin. it it 1.0 i'il 4J11 i)!d .Chut, li, ir I. Hi ,.n,l i'hin AN I IQl'i: fuiu I 11 . ti 1 1 Mi, 1 1 si. u, 1 ul s 1 uli t 1 1 . . p u,l : r r ii 1 Imi-h .111 l-i p - 1 .". I ri l isi ibid 1 STOKAGL AM) MOVING nn CONTINENTAL" STORAGE WAREHOUSE ?Oii, Qt ,ii n,f...... i.ii.1 ui. uu. t.nuiiu MOVING STORAGE PACKING - - - ,,M Mns I li r . I 1 I 1 1 L l .1, The Exchange Storage Co. i I li - XX li 1 t s Pill It I "ll ,.. I II Vll 1. VXI..NH '.'171 ! v, k i 1 11 . ,. Miller, North Broad Storage Mi?...'.""! .ndjMi.... --..j..jJ;ilj!j: " " - - - . ,, 1 1 , VICTORY STORAGE fililtl Pill ert Ph ice I elm .u (H70 fnrtsliinate 1'ui v .Xtt, n vni,. ' ali in tin n 1- 1 mi 1 i.'n 1 ,1. ,; 11 ll AM Al I' ' M I'VI 1 ., ,1 ,,V rA' MN'il I ' N". . lit - ' iv , t vl.nivij'1' JhlUlltlR 11 hourPull' ie.10 PhTl.blrA' "'', USED AUTOMOBILES llaco 1500 1:1 ' tui h i:rti .1 n : i ir n i t j: uijj t m; 1 ti 1 ht . n ' n 1 m;ri irim 1 ' 1 mi 1 1 .ti ;rr: munniin nn n m rmmrnirTg? OTiMKiiioi imiiQwniiiuiiiiisiirai1 MARM0NS RENEWED AND USED CARS Now 1 nr oppnrtiin rv to luv fi r-iin't nr ud Marnrn nt a Krntlv t hi'-. prli ur i nrtn nr includes all rno'llH of vpen und closed arN Thy nro nil In pnrfet condition nml rnrry th nanio mechanical cuar untce na a now cir. Wo tmlt your fompnrlflon of n rn.wod Mtirmon to iumo new cars ut other m.ikn. oTinrri rn Hunmrbll. 1011 ...nflnnpitf tnnp. I , t j 1nr rfpiintI .In k nw mp. uood H "1 '. ni" innn hi cundition ''handl'r UHm f Iiummv ro.ndtor pilntd I -i. U pmi mf-rhanlcHl mn dtti -n lop Mnd tins uood Do'IiTO. lllll). Ti rutHmfrAr Iniiplnrs pilriK',1 Mntk. flninh and ll ' nuitlon like new, new cord tlrei .Vl nil nrtn nslrn M cole, s cvlinder. 1(111. i-passenKer touring, painted trrav. equipped with practically new cord tires and ono '"itra. excellent mechanical ion dilinn. Hivne. ini.-, pnsseniter tnurlne. I'limuii unrK creeu tinlsli urKid un n ra ..,..'-i. niei'iiiiiiieii) conuillnn K'lOll Peerles. 1 1I 1 7 limousine tires I'n sh and mechinlcal tunditlon srood Palntel dnrk blue THE HATCH MOTORS COMPANY s niu;i:n xinp.. pm:i exit iicit 720 N. Broad St. P'lPI.XIt 7d70 ? I P wi?iiiii:n!ii.wiiiiiiEi':i!!ii,i!iiiirajiiniiiiiii CASH ADVANCED OX APTuMnl-ll.p.s STANLEY AUTO CO. JWS Jtr, ,,1 ej P,plr T."l WAN VH A TnMi-lDII re STANLEY AUto'cb. "ill N l'i , i t i r Generators Starters o . . . "' vuikitsts i v iii .N"nT, rT ,- -;---,, 1 ' ' " '-'-' '" l'l i'rnn.1 s I' 1.11-1, ,. : - ' f i1 llll'i'N , mi 1 ,. pill. ifr... ..",,, t. tn will sill miaonnbly. Phoni 'Mil. IM .MxltjtuN lnl-. tounnK. rtbui.t uur, 1 - ii with new tup mi, sun ravvr), pant liur t,. su t pur. hntk-r 1.-J50 Phono fcpru . M'r.',n ',,' "?,."""' ',-?''" ",ll,t drHT on run in i lit spe, hu spurt ,y pumt n . nnl upiiosi ruiir t, suit purchaser, Pi,ni Mi'jitf. in 1' " Is X Ki 1 nut) six Hp, 77u"l,nJnnK ,,r llh "."1 "" '" ! ' " '. " Pa. nt.. I tl h '. .""' .p ',' I'f" vl .. ..iistom nek 1 ,,(- ,, r, 1 a , 1,1 1 . ixiru tins, wl'h SIH-I l., ' I . , i,l 1 M vt l'i Pa. i.,n, ir I,. v r s -.iinir t.i rep' , . 'I ir. ynu hsie prnb- ) ; ,: -"- " - i mis p. en in, 1 1 ,1'i'a'i if 11 ' 11 I ickniil XIntur.i. e this , list .lllll '. .' " ' ' I'" 1 ai . Illouil si 11- p.x' k Mir. r, . , s ns tiiuiiiii; run 1 ifuiiabh Ph mu . 1 'ni.n , 1 1.. ' VN I J.'l.l XV v , r- I . 11 . ) .Is XI It" A ,11 X'. 1'iri.. I SlDOn .. LUSINrSR OPPORTUNITIES RiiiniWill'l 'Jul wi 'i" in 1 1111 1 11 ,iliiil,,ii FIRE BRICK PLANT FOR SALE ' I 1.1 I 1 1 .. M ,. , , ; u' -j' h i- '"tm. 1 J. NELSON DICK 'Is I.XN.) Till, mil, PHI! Mi:i I III in iii'X!Pr,i.,'! 1,111 l-i w ", :irii iiirwiiiiiiiiii,'ii,iiiiiiiimiii SECURING BUSINESS I CAPITAL QUICKLY I 11 ' n 1 I J I I S ll .. I, .,, . .. .,, .' ' . " "Pill, lit . I iv klliK ''f ' -II 1 "I IIIIV ),,, 11, 1 it'.l at mn imiirn 1 i.m v in 1 . nrn 1 in :.:- ... ,,:,'.,,;,, i .:',-." v ""-!. us - 11 1 .m 1 xi . n 11, - 1 ! c . p .ikiv .1 1 1 : 'ill " 'i ' --i in UK Til. 'V . X I' , itnimr IT. ad anl UL'.-IINHasl uppnltTI NITV ' .al 1.1 "i, . ,,,,., , ,,;,.. n, rl , W '" V"' :: -ri. .!: . in iu uyu tint t.i . , 1 1 mi inih ,. m ii'." ' 1 .11. mm. ni s. in .. ,.,,,1 ' " ' "' '"e V eSei'l,i ''til r mm, ' 1 1-,,, .... a. I M,ruei 7US" 11 ,1 I I .1. I'll, Pl"liri n IV t, ,,,,.,, m B IUIlh I . , ) 11 1 i. ,1 ir. 1I1. . 1 , f Ilk., . . ... .7 u . 1 th.. 1. , r 11 1 ..... .'.":' ."'I 1 v - . i" -" ' "ll I ll 1 1 l. i '" ""''""'",''' Vfi'iL'lff,."'': t is,,,, su., , .miTiy,,, buneTTnTTuar-. I It Pi Mil. I. INI IX M il t I I . lit f,ir 1,11. .... lll'l the sp-ilil'v nhnii nn XV,. In,,. t , 1 m I. , .' 11 P I lll'l L, a, r ufii,. PINXVilM. lissl.lnlie. tl I usmns In.n M XI Hi ii 11 ri xni ''1 1. ni.' Trust ll I. II .id i k 1 Hoi 11 HIT OLD QOLD iTL1 Bo1.'1' vV PlatlriuinV'piitM warTToT lllllHt h. Hansom, I i i'li. v. . rHw f )tvr-i,vj t , t .