J A ;ti- ; ffi K1 U 2i TO THfc HOLDERS OF Firtt Mortgage 55c Gold Bonds OF ' Now York and Richmond Gas Company With reference to a previous notice of this Committee addressed to the holders of the above bonds, calling for their deposit under Agreement dated November 18, 1920, notice is hereby Riven that a majority of the outstanding amount ofi these bonds has been deposited with the Guar anty Trust Company of New Yorl: as Depositary, at its office, 140 Uroadway. New York City. In or der to afford holders of the alimr bonds with whom the Committee has been unable to communicate, ex cept by advertisement, the opportu nity of so depositing, the tunc for deposit has been extended up to and including the close of business Janu ary 31, 1921, after which date no bonds will be accepted for deposit except with the approval in each case of the Protective Committee. Copies of the Deposit Agreement may be obtained from the Depositaty or the Secretary of the Committee January 3, 1921. FRANK K. SHRADER, Chairman. HENRY W. GEORGE, JAY GATES, J. FRED SMITH, SHRANK B. RHODES, M. M. FREEMAN, SAMUEL MARSHALL. Committee. EDGAR K. CKFLL, Secretary. 49 Wall Street. New York. N. Y A. H. CHKADLi:. Counsel. 15 Broad Street. New York. N Y. Bonds Investors should ask for our January Bond Circular. It lists many attractive issues of Government, Munici pal, Public Utility and Railroad bonds which wc are recommending for investment. Harris, Forbes & Go. Pine Street, Corner William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: Widencr Bldg. Bottom ' of the Decline If you have been waiting for the bottom of the swing downward of stock market prices before mak inc purchases, our analysis of prevailing market con ditions, just published, car ries information that un doubtedly will prove of interest. All basic influences have been carefully weighed by us and the constructive factors seem to outweigh the unfavorable to such extent as to indicate a sharp recovery that may getunderway very shortly. Write Dept. PL-34 copy of Market Analisia, together with Thrift -Saviiiqi- hi wtwent booklet, explain ing our partial payment terms in detail. Sent free on request. CtiRRLEsiLCLRRKSDN&Sf CG Broadway, - New York. TELEPHONES" J4BCTOR, 4G0J-A E. H. Rollins & Sons I -.lahh-.h-tl ISM 1121 CluMnut St.. Philadelphia Ilnfmi ru Yorl. Wilis linn r llttltiinorc f hirarjn Sun Vanrnsr u TIid rutin.' of livlro-i lirtrle k iiirlllcx linn never hi-en an lirlKht an It Is tuilav nor lini surfi r. -rurlilch fur linn mr.ru hiKhli iPBanli'il Wi' rrcumim ml ns an inw nm, nt of 'Xception.il merit nnil ntif i.ji restntathe of tins tp"of m i'it. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Twenty-Year 7 Bondi at 99 and interest, to yield about 7.10 Thin eurnjinnv one of thn luur'.t lml'lli" titilitk In tli, CniMl StutPH serws .1 rupi.lh iriowlni; terrltor In f'alifornli almost equal In Hire to thn iiholo of New r'nRlaml For complete details at to the properties, earnings, &c of the company, tend lor Circular L-151 Income Tax Individual I'artnerhliip Fiduciary We will prpparw r. turns ut vuur home or otllce Arrnnne tmrlj I'lmne Diamond .MH W Good Bonds to Net Wo A. J. BENDER & CO. Liberty Iiuildinjr X. E. Cor. Hroad nnd Chestnut pgyJjLLjiwtioc lr-Ujr-.,NAUII.N,W. nlAimil HAMi WXf I'lilladelpliU, December 8. 20. The Annual Kles'lon for Directors of ttU Sank nlll be hi Id ut the Ilnnklne House on ucsdar. January 11, 11)21, between th hours of 13 m. and 2 o. m. W It rlivr OSS" A MKini.Ml 01' TIIK IIOA " counsel nnd pmirfl of Mans Hie renns. inuusiriai 1101110 lor mini will be hS Rt the limns, 111)27 SKle- lit O At c n i l J- At'.t Ja( 1IK1, nt 4 1. M. ..The Market Outlook I Tho ndjmtment of Wall Street and butincis condition to n moro optimiitic vlowpoint is outlined In the latest Ittuo of the Invcltort Review. Detailed information is nlto given D1VVI1 leading .lock issues, on Homo namclv Electric Storage Bethlehem Steel International Motor General Electric Pacific Oil Pure Oil A number of other important stock nre frankly discussed, show ing price chnnges. Aih for a free) copy BOUREAU & EVANS Members Philadelphia Stock Kxehangt 130 South 15th St. Philadelphia Locust 5SJ Race SISC West Phila. Office, 7 S. 52d Street Win. R. White. Manager I'hnnc llrlmnnt 8CMI CASSATT OFFERINGS A MONTHLY lected list sC- of investigated conser vative hecuritics. Vc shall he glad to -eiid you a copy, ami to assist you in the investment of your funds. haittlu tnk for Circular 7. t CASSATT V CO. tUbt SieX Wt COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. PHILADELPHIA hCW VCR BALTIMOnt-PlTTSBUBoH-SCRANTON e jS ....miiim.. . mjjUJJJJ MIDDLE WEST UTILITIES CO. through its subsidiaries senes 496 Communities Fifteen State Wo Offer lis 20-Ycar 8 Secured Gold Note., Series "B," 1940 At 95' 1 to yield 8i Circular L. M. on request Fairman & Company Drcxel Bldg., Phila. JMnlillilied 100. A. H. Bickmore & Co. Ill Broadway, N. Y. rivAvrii. 111, r 11 wood com, a ctui: t om-i-n tvi:mv-h 1: m:k riitsT MoiiTiiAOi: n i'i:it ci.nt sin kino rt mi COM) corro.s iiomix, dip, i'i:iiur.itY 1. inai. l'nrnuiint tu wmn nf niortutL' '111 111 in' 1 intl'l Js.'.dll of hi. I I I nl 11 11 1 I r. d n. In' 01. hHn rw, n .Intwn f r d inptlon nt Hi". pt cent ind iif rued In'er " is of IVI.ruuri 1. IHM. ..ut nf m 11 . ninlUkhlP in HlnKInK Iun.l. nfi.i uli' u nil 1 nernst tin riy.n will cei. lz Sttnt'en b nd. fur f".(K t-iu 11 -11 mi TH ' k? !2'l 1.7 Ml 1" Hi' in. 1;; ln jin .Ji . 10 yi.n Ali. I nnd. with nil urimatur.d rniim , ultn b,- I "h Hid It pre1, nleil fur piMn.ii nt mil f Trunin on ir iil'.r IMiruiri I, 1 u-j; 1 (.111 Mil) THVST COMPANY, Trustee ',1 .ili; II ST I MiT .1 Tre.i,,ui 1 Tin 11 IniPhia Pi Jnmiiri 1 111 1: 1 Annilnl Klertloim Ariin: niu-xniii-i'iiiA national rhlladelphla Dctmber 10 J020 Th.. annual .1. .thn for illr'Ctnr. wli bo held nt th MinUInK hous. on Tiirnluj. J.nui. ar 11, 1051. between tl.o hours of 1". noon ji,.I 1 p m A special meetlnit of the stockholders has nlsn been lall-d nt the sime time and puce tn pass upon such matt, rs as may properly runm beforo the meetlne O IIOWAIID WOI.pn. Cashier Priionsiil ( NADIVN IMHMIIML rillll'I.III rre tjuurt. rrnustr il.jit.nil ni nt nn .rteiH fir sale two sp." mil. I j.lltntM in ., rtpdH Bf "lit." InJustrlJl disti.t nf Montreal innaJu Tli s" plnnts nro n. subs'iimi il' 1..11 utru '"I "id adni 1.-.1 in tin. 11 ,4 r nn in.' l.'irlntf to .it.iblish u niaiiui.11 turlnc fntoriin ,11 '- .na la 1 1 t.'r l.M.II rintil' (Jn S' i.awreni.' HUtr nnd V. re Himn SireLt. S inlltH from tho cent, r f M mreil Mreot 1 ir wril'i. r.illa cunm 1 iu.iih nn I b.rb.ir fiiiUlil.s Land llu US", k'tuira feet Unpn.iemerts 1 new LulMlncs sid. n Hilly ponetiuitfjl usl l. tho V. H (In. nrn.nl for nmnufai tnr 'f sholls unl suu.tblu for anv manufacturing purpose Main Two Mory null.tlnn-lst lftl 117.1 r,t ft "11 1 sn 1172 . rt l'ors.i Iliilldlnir l.'l.'xmi it Llectrb al nnl l'mver lliilllini 20 ikih hu ft. Heat 'Ireailntr ilulldlmr 13 17.'. mi ft. I'loor Hpaco lllll .1.", I nn ft Munltlors Miihlnory Ltd I'lnnt 1111 17th Avenui 1Mb Atenue uiul otro Dili", -iiitit. Mmitr.Ml 1 in I 1H -'11 ST ft. Iiulldln4 I and -' Hon 4 I (inn 1,,. ft Oil Htuiunu Hind . . . I nun H.. ft Tutjl 4' nun i fi These sa "III Is made upon 1. imumliin t. rm I'uither details mo lio nbi.ilned by uns re ln'"r sl.d from - Th"' hlef. Heal i:tati Hinin r s, OIlWo of thn Qiliirtermnsler Oeneial Wasblnirtori. O 1' 'lUr.ASIUV IIEI'lllMi:.NT (lllll e of the hiiprnUliiE Arihitrrt V coml.tr 2.1 I11JO Sealed rnpnaals will li 1 m, 0V, , ftt ,h, rfnen until II n'dock r. M., Jaiiuiirj 10, 1U2I and thflii opewd for furnlshlnir and laylnB with nnieiii .1111 ot.r surru.e of llnorl linoleum and curl. err't In rnoniH In Federal Hulldlmrs under c. ntrol of the Treasury Department as ordered from tuna to tlrn.i D"partmeni oruertiu irom duilim th reinilndtr of thn tin Ink- June 30 11,S1'. Hpp'"1'"' posal hens may be obtain. d iisii jear end ..'. no iinu pro- I linnn r.nnll.. Hon to this otnee. Thn Department reserves th rlKht to reject any or sill bids uml to "VT.r it. . V "' ' "r modi -cation of bills will not 1. . unsldere d. r.ui b proposal must 1i aj-companltd b n i.ortind rhi-'k In nmount 1 100 00 drawn to th., nrdtr of the Treasurer of tho I'nlted .States as n euaruntee of good faith, J a, WKTsionr: Acting Rupervlslnir Archltoct Bealed Tenders will tn received by tho underalKncd until rtliiradii) , Jnnuury 12, 11)21. ut riBTcn u ciuck i. .11,, ror tho salo of as many Herirner ft Kneel IJrew Ins Corn nsny Six l'or rent Honda due 1021 as the sum! of MTH8 0U will absorb, l'rlvlle.oli r"l?rv?q in mirvi miyor nu nius. MIJKC1IANT8 UNION TUIIST COJIfANy r nnjth rh,n.. c. ..-,., ..'...i.i uu iro'j uu j uuuximn?HU'j j'v uuuumju jf I &VENIXG PUBLIC ris Nriw. lllipiiiU JOHN .. riH.IN A CO . INC. Illft-.IO derm intoiin Ate. tlhlln.tnttihlrl 1,(1111,1' !1 Tlii rinsr. nf Dlipctorn of John .J I'l-Hn A t'.i . Inc. nt their meetlne held l'"l' '' lini drrlnrt'il 1111 nnnuiil ilUIJeni or 111' en tho (irnimnn Stnik i.r tin- Compiny "nil h iiunrt.rli illil.lon.l of I'ti'r on tho I'm forip.l Stork. piimiMp .liitmiirs IS. 1DJI. tn moi khniii, m of runrd Jiimniry 10 1UJ1 (,'hecKs will lio millpil i W n Utni.t.Y Srrretnrj ' ipemi.pr so. io2o , -.-- - nmMH. Annrk4r'fMkt SUI'tKIUK M tbL LUKt'UKAl tun I At tho rniMilnr tneellnfr nf Iho IllrrCtorn Of thn Suixrlor Storl Corporation a mmrterly illildrn.l nf Vr wim l . tnrnl on the rVcnn.l I'r'forrocl Ht. k. fnsnhln IVIirimry 1.1, ItrJI, to Morldiolilorn of r.oirl iviirunry I, ll'-l It n MMlOi: Hi'crotnrv. rm: Tt.Tic iti:riMNi company :illl l'imH link Aniup l'lill iilriiililu. I'll. JniHinrv 1, 1D2I. V n Ar-itlnu of tlio lloinl of l)lroi'tor h-M Jnnuin n V2 n. ilhliliml of $1.7.1 nrr thuro linn iVclHrptl on th" rrrforrcl lock it tli" romnifv pnMiMn eiiriiiir I, 1021. t torkhol'lpi of roponl nt Iho tloo i of l,iisliips January liv.'i ineiks will lh innlli'l W n ANDIinsON. Srrrptnrv. n.ni.it u. MKi.wt iii:riMi o. Dotfinbcr L'Mt, 1IIJ0 ThP rwrulnr nuiirtprn illiiilcml of Onp 11 ml Tlirn- iiiLirtirn I'rr tVnt (I 'ir,r on thn Com m n Simp" nml One 11 nil Oinvlmlf l'pr e nt 11 1, . . n tii I'rpfprrpil Hhnrcs of this Com intiv will I. lull I'llimiir Int. 1021 . '0 t .1 kli 1.1 r nf r. c u I nt Hip llojp of lmi n i .linuirv ?.'! 1021. Trannfer books 111 n. t 1 1 '" 1-irnm: J SMITH Trpnurpr. tllllir of I Iip I iiIihI in Improvement Co. N. H. Corner llroml and Arch Mlrretit Plilliilp.hla. Deci-mber 8, m.o. Thi tllrectori tint this tiny declared it qimr'crly dlMdend of nnp nfr cent (80c per uliiirc) on (' common tock of this Com pany, payable .Intiunry IB. t0?. to holdri of Common stuck of record nt the closa of hui ikki December 31, 1D:0. Checks will be mailed I. W. HfOnnig. Treasurer. W1IIINM. si:ciiv HANK l'lil iiMi.lilii. Jnnuary 4. 1021 Tim Iilr.it r Inn thin il i .1 rlnmd n enm im.'i.il dlillpml of 13 per tent. inuliio nil ilnni Ulll c.ipitni $". nnnni Surplus & 1111.1 il.l.'.l prolli 1 -.70 i;,-, 7-, W II Mi Kill' C.iBliler uri'ici; or Tin: i'r.sv. mi.t iro. company At a Mo. (Inn nf tho Hoard of Director held tills d" Omrtcjly Dividend of to nml one-luilf tier icnt n dcplnrcd, punhl Jiintiur 1.. lll'l, to stockholder of rrn.rd Deiiinber 31 HJil Cheekn will be milled nTiicn r: mrn, Trensurur. rhllndpiphls n pptnlicr "th losn "" Mllllll.i: 'ITY IINK I lilln.Mihiii, Jnnunry I 1P2t. Th' Pire t.in h.io thin dn ilnrlired n nuirter .1Ui1.mi1 of one nnd oni'-hulf per rent, puil-le .l.inuiiry II, 10JI, to nt.l hnldprn nf re. i.rd Jnnunr 4th. jnjl flu 1 1. will bo malli'l V.DWMtD C. lim.I.. Cahlnr nninl Meetings Ca.r,lItlM.I.IN .NA1IONAI, llM( ( lieMuut Htrpet. we.t of llrond. l'hiliAl Iphla December 11 ln.H. The Alum! Mtitlnc of the .hnreholdere of thin l.nnk will In held ot th ltanklni liom on Tnroiln, .liinmiry 11, 1021, between th) hourn of 1- oilndt noon and 1 p. m , for the 1 lection ot dircc'ors to Birve durine th eniulnff imr nnd to take action upon 1 proposed amendment to tho Articles of A. fOtUlimn n eun" uuiiiiu lui vno ert'Jitu entence of Arilclo VI wticfi now reads as follows The director, nhill hip power to elect vice preeldent who shall also bp a member of th" lloui 1 nf Dlrnctors ind who whjll bo I authorized In th' nbsencn or Inability of ths prenldent Ir in .nv c iiisj. to perform all ' acts and du'ls pi-tilnlne to the office of pre. 'den exi.pt surh as the president only Is aulhorlz 1 l.y law to perforin and to elect or app lnt n cTShler nnd surh other I fftlcers nnd clerKs ns may lie required to transact the business of the ns.oclatlon to fix the 8-l irle. to by paid to them, nnd con ' tlnup them In office or to dismiss them ns in -he nnlnl.m of n matorltv of th bonr 1 I th" lnt"reite cT the nsboctatlun may demanl " the fnllnwlnjc "The directors shnll hap pnwer to elect one ut more lco presidents who shnll nas such power, nnd Ivrform such nets and duties ni the directors shah direct ny -4iy. law and to elect or appoint n cashier and such r tli. r officers nnd clerk, a. may bo re quired -i. tm.net the bu.irr.s of the as sociation to IK the sil.irle. to ho paid to them and crnMnuo them In office, or to dlsrr.l.. ihem is In th. opinion nf n ma jority of the board the Int. ri.ts of the as sociation may dm-apd ' J. WII.MAM HAnDT '"ashler. Csf 1 111: iti:i. Kvrvir. rm vr t inii'AN'v or rim, miki. rm januiM 1 ri'ji The Annuil M.etlnc of th. ii 1 khnldnr. "f 'hn. I'nmpinv will be h. 1 1 it If -, llinldlnK S u'heast Corn r Urn 1 1 ml 1 h. .tout str . is. nn 'I iii'mIii.. .1 inn in 1 1. 1021, at 1 1 11'rl.nk A. M. nt will h tli. r.. will Ip nil , .itlnn for Hucces.ors to ihn.p Dlrm tors wlu.o term, then i xnli nnd such other I n-lliess will t innsld.l.d tnl i.t.d on us ruio be bmuixht lpfor. Hi. meetini- wii,iimii ntnrrit s . r. ur ZJff JOHN .1. I'KMN A ().. INC . 1IIK-.1II ism llitiiwn Ale I'h I nlelphl l .1 iiiuiit I 'i ' TIlP Annuil MeetltlS nf thv li kll.il 1, r. . Jnhn 1 1' Uu - " . In. nlll l 1, 11, lh. Olll... f th" I'nlnp nv 11 IS -.1) 1; .,,, , tnwn AMni. nn M..111I111, .1 iiiunri In. Ii!i 111 111 A. M.. for tin- .uii. it ti.it 11. H.ard of Iiireel .r 10 serie fi r tin . nuin )ear. W. 1 Itnil.l.Y .s.tr.tu ZJT CU THAI. Jlllsr AMI SAIIM,., COM PAN V Tho Annunl Metttni: of f'.illinM rs 11 l! le lit 111 rtt the nltli s of !lli .iinipun in Tliuroilii) . .lunuurt H. Wil, In m..rl ti linns of i HO nnd .1 an p m inr tl I rtlon of .Hi eel. .rs and for th rmsirti i if su. Ii nth. r luslntss us ni i cum. l.f r.' tie metinir ciiAni.r;' k i ri;n .rretii' tijritoi.Miiin iiiimi: tui t hui. - I'ANV. Hrniiil M. lit ColiimliH ,P rhllad. Iphln. IJepemUr "1 ionfi The ANNl'VI. JinnTINC, nf tie Hinre. holders of this cnminnv for tin .Iieti n of Hir. rtors to serke durlnp the ensulnc n ulll 1... held at trip Hanlilnc llntisn nn 111 11 MI)AT. .1WI MtY IS, lii'l. it Ai the h urs of 12 11 1 lock noon and 'J 11 in WILLIAM A. CAHI.II.l: .Secretary iiW I'NIOV NATIONAL HANK IVtU rhllad. Iphln. I'a.. Doc S intn Th Annu.11 Meetmu or tho Stockholder, ot this bank ulll be held nt th banklnc house I on Tuodin. .liinmiry 11, 1021, , .V,h, hours of 12 m and 1 p m . for tha .lection ' of directors and for tho trans ictlon of Jch other business as may comi before lbs ineetlnu. 1 nris v srrrLiirnorn rnshi.r 3c7 lA'MIII.IIMirV'.N lSIIS( l'A.N. l-'7 Walnut si ; con I'l.'O I'hllsd. Iphl l J1 e 27 The annual 111. MnU nf hi h ith. 1.1 el. tlnn or tnrio ilir. ftors to p, ri.. fnr trrni of four enrs ulll b. lull f ,(, ( r th iimipiiny 011 Mnnil.i) , ,lllllllr. lUil. at 1J 1. 1 1'.eli noon Ai'.Tiirit 11 1 1.1 vr nv;i rt Secri 1 irv r?r-Tin: ir.vNsvi.vM iminw U t-s' 1NSI KANf'KH ON I.IVIIS AND (.llMIN(l ANN! Illl:s Tho Annuil .Mtttlnu of the sto. kholde-s of this Compani will flkn 1 In,-., nt its olll J f.17 Chestnut .street, on Monilm, J inuari 17' 11121, at 12 M . at uhhti tim an tltttlun will bo held for thirteen directors tu serve tor the ensulntr enr '- S i:VHALI, Km, ,,y rjT-Tiii: iMiisiitiM, rm si m LI. l'lil .tl. Il bin Janui.t r. pill Thn Annual M- ilnir nf 11 m ' , rH if the ubn . IVnip mi f .r the ' 1 ,,f Dlreitom nnd Ainindnieii' t th I i,,uH will b.i held "t I's (nil. inn -j ,,, Front Btrtt I'hr.nkll In ,n Mmid,,, ,. lir 10, 1II2I, Pt K o'tliirk nmoii. j 1.1 ' .-' 11 M.11 i;i( ' 1 ry zr 'uu: ivM.il, Mi.miM, or iiu; Sim khnlili rs if lb. I r,.nLH.. , cnui.inv of I'lilliuli liihl 1 wl I 1 1 1 lt ., 0IH0P l.f th" l-iimp lli, 211... -, lt, tltb street on Wi'diiisdni. .I.iuuiri in joti bptwiten the liinirs 1 I 1 11, m, uud , p, m ' nt whlih limn nnd I lui p in .1 tion m , li Id fm Dlretiurj ti urn 1 1 11, ensulnu jear. A I. rrtispi:v s eietary rrJSf ANMAL MI.I7IIM. Ill' ; ( o.s. . trlbutors to lh. l-frHon Itelrent. for the nlectPn of Man-inert n 'r, laur, r nnj two Audtlnrs will I., lull nt the lletrellt 20th ft Hamilton str-,.tH, PliiludPlphlit on Monday. Jnntiirs Hi. 1021 it I n'clork n. in (IKOItr.r: D I-nrnTIl fcecr. tnry. X3T reiinsjliunlii Manufacturers' Assiilllltlllll ( IINIinltl Illslir.inre f'n Tho Annual st, oldi .1 1, rn MtetliiK of lh nnoie . uiii('....y ..in v 11.111 .inuuiiy, Juniiur 10, 1021. ill II) 11 in . at ') .. .Manufacturers Club, Philadelphia WW riNN fiocrctary. rrr' Tin: ivdhilnt w mow s a ninhli; HUH !.. 'Ill 11.11 in- l-HILA. .'ill 1,1 ( In atniit Street Tha Annunl M. line of th.i Indlrcnt Widows' tnd s i.kIj Wi.m.'n'H Hocletj of j'nna.i' ipma win 1 1 a 1 nt nun (Instnut i on Thursili) .1.111. 11. 11)21. nt 11 11, in. hy ouiiKit ..rTHi: noAiti) yf' reniisjhiiiilii Maniifaiturirs' "- Association I'lro Insiirnnre Cninimiiy lit', t.ii.iu'.i ..in. niKiiun, tiitmiiiK or me nbovp Company will I. held MniuUy, .lunii ur 10. 1U2I. nt 10 . M ut tho Manu fucturora I lub I'liflml. Iphla V W J'INN Secretary IS" tui: anm i, mi;i:tino or tjil Foster lloine Assnrliitlun will lm hei.i a- ine nonin. -uu i-opiar nui., on xuesuny, Jan, 11. 1031. at 10:30 n. m. ' ilAlU-OiOWAItU fiCOTT, Secy. IJ3DGER - PHILADELPHIA', WEDNESDAY,' k JANXEf' 5, 102t . , nnrnPU imnnr Q a jO Llll I J I I 11 I IUI J Vi m2i .isSrai . . ... JJBK ON ARMENIA POLICY unw Peabodv Service "' ' , nCrCHSCS tllC Value Ot Coal Property Investments (Onto a Series) As Sales Manager From experience in distrihut tap; millions of tons annually, wc have valuable knowledge of present and future markets; can advise as to market pos sibilities on contemplated min ing operations, or sell the coal from small mines more eco nomically and with greater profit than their own sales offices. r Service based on 37 years' suc cessful ownership experience Our complete service in coal property management includes Financing, Operating and Sell ingevery phase the practical development of our long ex perience as owners and man- tant bituminous fields. Write for Booklet PEABODY1 COAL COMPANY Fourutcd iS8j 332 So. Michigan Ave. - CHICAGO Operating 6 bituminous mlnei fn II fills H annual cafiacltj of 18,000,000 ton! Ui:i,l(U(il s Mil 1 c I 1)1 01" rilAYI'Jl lllll MISSIONS. I'rldiy t n.nr 7 WpmIpv Ilnll 17ih nnd Arch s.,ikir, Mrs Mnuil William. Africa in v Samuel O. Ininaii, Latin AinarUa r.nccTioxi. Doth Spxps Straycr's Business College 5troycrs Duslness College has room for n fewr more students nt both Its dnv sessions nnd its night sessions. Ihls Is the school thnt Rets such large salirles for Us grnduntcs, because they nre more expert than others If you want 11 business education we would s'lggcst that you start nt Strnyer's nt once nt either the day or the night sessions. Slrnycr's Business College 607 Chestnut Street Phone, Walnut 384 LEARN LANGUAGES at 'irr. BERLIT2 SCHOOL J 511 CHESTNUT STttEET I!y the Uerlltz Method Students barn not only to read nnd write but especially to understand end to Micak the fnrnlitn Ian Kiiace TltlAI. IXFSO.V PHKi; mki: usu or sr.xitn timi: If sou nrt implojtd during the dm. .tudi shorthand and titieurltlnit nt nlalu and lit jnurelf fm 11 imjIiib position Our courses ya nte most complete. C-it-iloir fi!ia(N ''I"''. IU'MNi:Ss COI.i.IX.i: lS!3 '""I f'llleBP of t'oinniertp 'W 1017 Clieslntit M. I'hllnilelnlila Wanamaker Institute 2.11) AMI IVU.NUT STS. Vncnncles for nio students only In eaco eotir'-p Till Ion r duc.'d one. half Send for catilnir Div nnd nlsht classes. FRENCH SPANISH GERMAN ITALIAN 1. 1 .ltl) LIIIIUL, til' LAN (it AlihS 111.'; Chrstniit M. Ilr the l.iiMird r-jsteni yon learn null lily to spruk, uu di rotund, rend and urlte. TIVi: TI'.ACIIKIM rritute and Class Lessons, p,;,,.n 1 r.,nnt r.usllsh, l'rrnch. Latin rrivaie i-cssons utiiem.iti(s. i:tc Sllss U'lldmin. 1M7 Itnep t I neint 108 Ml SH VI. INSTKI t THIN RAG Piano Playing Taught Beginners in 20 Lessons rnix imoKl.i.T Adult llcElnners n Slflllllt AiHnncp Cnursp It tin Noh l'l.i riione snruce '".'.. iiuisti:nsi' si iiooi l.l.'ll ( lll'stllllt St. Itn r.D'iH t.iriniiiiton Am'. JAZZ or imip Mrsir Murle. Msr. rilline dill. J.I33 PARCEL POST J. & I.iidles' House Drisscs l.nill.ti' limmn dresses of liost clntnbra, smo. Unl fiont, hand rml.riiidere.l Ais. ni'Ll.eJ RlnKham white pip Ir.K arnuml tullnr cufft nnl two pocklls. '111. sp CTIl hum lo had In stripes or 11m mlnr lh. so drtHs.'H are rn.nl v fu I of ery neat dcsiki 1 Si,1 a from ."IS UP to 10 .s 4S tu V2 1.1c ..I llilon.l lulup I.IIO I .III II Our I'rliP 2 for $3.00 Ladles' Mlddj Smock Sires as - II Hand rmbinldi 1. I mi the colUr 111 I fi int. lush tilt All colors r.jinia l.lnene. AI30 seernl sim 1'iir stles at tl.o snne .rl e Value SI. 00 r.nrh 2 for $3.00 All-uonl rKiil tln hmep II1)IHI N( r o ir 11 1 11 r wilm sl(.r.0i mir nrlrp Si ThLn. It. mn will lo sent pun i C O. U 01 on rr( ijt of id ii j 1 1 chicle or cash, with IOl ridJlu i i multlnK ruh article. Mmw rttur l o nut attsfa tor. J. & A. Mfff. Co. ,ri01-0:.0."i North 8th .Strict IMULADELI'IIIA, V . Start the New Year Right! You cannot enjoy a happy New Year If your toeth troub 8 you. Call una neo !".: vman at once. Pliun EXAMINATION HiKliMt Krnde dental work nt the loweat prices In town. I DR. HYMAN Amtrlia'i Fonmoit Dtnllit 9th & Market and Drnnchf. 0 A, I. o 8 l, m, Sundnjt jo lo 0 iftffMiii'imiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij.i.rjgkK MFG. fa CO. A ,. m m ; 5 3 "sdfir9 1 1 cjs) ik faii.toi.l Premier Suggests Wilson Me diate Through High Commis sioner at Constantinople SOVIETS NOW AT THE HELM Cmrwi. .Inn. G. l'niil llMiinn", preililfiit "f tin1 a'soinlily of (lie Li-hkiip nf Nntlntis. lini received n ti'loprntn from Dnvltl Unjd (JforRe, llrlllli prpiiilor. rinliodyinc 5"ipKPtlnn n 1o the furtlicr courp to be tnken liy 1'rcM. Idont AVIIson on tlifnupstion of niptlln tinn lintccn the Turkish Nationalists nnil t lie Armenians. The Itrltlsh tircmicr In Ms incfsiiKO fsiipRPstpd thnt I'reslilciit Wllon cable his instructions on tlio mediation question direct to tlic American IiIrIi commissioner in Con stniitinnplc. The cdrrcspnntlencc. In tlcnliiiR with cniiilitioiis hlcli make the pltuntlon oxtiemelj complicated for the medi ators, alludes to the report tluit n tront of peace had been concluded be tween tlie present Armenian (!oirn ment nnil tlio Nationalists This Rtiv (rtimi 11. is not of tin Mime cninplexinn Combines Safety and High Return Cities Service Company Preferred Stock Backed by large and crowing equities. Dividend earned 4 times over. 24,000 Holders ol record Indicates wide distribu tion, broad market and confi dence of Investors. Returns, at present price more than 9 Price at market Circular "1"' nn request Henry L. Doherty & Company GO J Morris liuildins Piiiladolphin, Pa. 7.aJphone: Locust 1440 TO HOLDERS OF The Southern Pacific Company 5 Per Cent. Convertible Gold Bonds Due June 1, 1934 " Each $1000 of these bonds may be converted into ten shares of Southern Pacific Company common stock. The Company will adjust in cash current dividends and accrued interest. Stockholders of the Southern Pacific Company have the privilege of subscribing to the new stock of the Pacific Oil Company under a plan of segregation on or before January 14, 1921. Because of the con version privilege the convertible 5 per cent, bonds, due June 1, 1934, are selling at about the same price as the Southern Pacific Company common stock. It will be necessary for the holders of these bonds to convert the same into Southern Pacific stock on or before January 14, 1921, in order to avail themselves of the right to subscribe to the new stock of the Pacific Oil Company. These rights have been selling, as, if and when issued, on the New York Stock Exchange it about $26. We shall be glad to take up this matter with any holders of Southern Pacific Company Convertible 5 per cent, bonds who desire further information on this subject. Biddle & Henry 104 South Fifth Street Th Infnrmntlon nnil ptnt 1st I, a r nitnlncil herein lmp lpn ..ht ilno.l from Hourtoi ninth , llu'o to l.o rcllnlilc. Income Tax Returns The deduction of all items allowed nnd the pres entation of essential facts in corporation nnd in dividual Income Tax Returns require a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the Federal In come Tax Law, and nil Amendments, Regulations and Treasury Decisions passed hince 1909. Fcw.busincss men aro sufficiently versed in the application of tho Incomo Tax Law to risk cither the wasto of time or tho possibility of error by assuming personal responsibility for this impor tant work. A special depaitment with a staff of able nudi toi.t under tho direction of former Government Rcvcnuo experts is maintained by this company, in connection with its general business of auditing and accounting, to look after the interests of its clientele in all matters pertaining to Federal Taxation. Accurate, unbiased audits are essential to tho proper compilation of Income Tax Returns. This work is clearly tho function of the CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT whose analyses and re ports are reliable and beyond question. 'We aio prepared to assume full responsibility for both audits and Income Tax Returns cither jointly or as separate propositions. The service eovcrs all correspondence, conferences, etc relat ing to tax matters between tho Goveinment'its ox amincrs and our clients until tho final nccentanco of tho return. Conferences can be arranged im mediately. " George K. Watson & Company Certified Public Accountants Real Estate Trust Building, Phila. CHICAGO ns tlint with which the All ci hnvp hm tliulr dcnllugs, It ImvIiiK been forinci nntler the Rtrcss of lJoMicvl't nml TnrkMi pressure. Iiclievcill.v In co oncrntlon, Its forinntlon. virtually lilac lug Annenln under tho control bt Soviet Ituvsln. New Yorli, Jnn. 5. Four of seven AmorlMin relief workers stationed in Uic hrslcRPd city of Urfn, Clllc In, since August 10, have csenped nnd nrrlycil safely nt Aleppo, n dlspntch to the Ncnr-Knst relief lirndnunrtcra hero nn iioimced cstcrtlay. Throe others, whose f-nfety was reported December 28, nm believed to be nwnlting nn opportunity In leave. - Those who bnc csrnped nre Dr. Jo seph S. Stewart, nll of Trof. .1. V. Stewart, of the University of (leorg a, who was In eharcn of work nt Dlarbek hlr: Dr. .Tames L. I'nrk, of Indiana, I'd. : Hoy i:. Myor, Lancaster, I'h., and Chris. Augsbiirger, of Canton, O. (Jeorge A. Hiirdtik, of Mnnlr Ique, Mit-h., and Daniel I). Stoltzfus, of AMnr tlnsbiirg, I'n., who have been nt Har pnot, eighty miles northwest of Dinr bekhir. nre hcllcved to have left in order to iiit Anatolia by way of Hamsun, Snfe arrival nt Snmsun of four relief u 01 Iters who mndo the overland jour ney from Ilnrpoot nlo wns reported. Thev nrc'I.nurn I. MncFctrldge, Mor lisv'ille, l'n.: Margaret Kransworth, Muscle Shoals, Ala. ; Amy A. Hurt, Venice, Calif., nnd Mmrk L. nrd, Newton Ccntfr, Mass. Deaths of a Day JAMES RANDALL Private Detective and Political In vestigator Dies In Hospital .Tntnes llnndnll, n private detective well-known lis u pollticnl investigator, died jestcrdny of piicumonia in St. Agnes' IIoMiiitnl nfter nn nllncss of nhniit n week. Mr. llnndnll, who wnt sUty-onc enrs old. lived nt 11 IV rnlrmount avenue, l'or the lust twenty oais he had been employed in n private enpneity bv ninny iiromltient pollticnl lenders in l'lillndelphln nnd throughout l'ciinsyl vnnin nnd even in Wnshlngton. Urcvi ously he hnd been n ronduetor on the I'liUndelphia nnd llendlng Hallway, lie I is survived by a niece, wiio lives in Washington. Funeral of A. S. Strouso The funcrnl of Alexnnder Kilns Strouse. formerly bcntl of the American Wine nnil Spirit Co.. who died Monday, will takn place today from the chnpcl nf the Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Mr. Strouse, who wns sitv-slv jenrs old. tiled while visiting his daughter, Mrs. I. C. llesh ower, in New York. Mr. Strouse hnd been n resident of riiilndelphin thiily-thrce jcars, linvlng I'oine from l'ottsville, where he wns born. lie lived ut 17111 West Kric ave nue. He is survived by bis wife, four daughters nnd n ion, Arthur A. Strouse. Gilbert S. Parker Gilbert Sunderland I'nrkcr, known for many jenrs in nrt rircles ns n curn tor of pnlntlngb in the l'cnusjlvnnia SCRANTON Academy of tlio Fine Arti, nn expert on rnrly American nrt nnil nn ntitliorlty on old mnstrrs, died Monthly In ItN liouio, JWIO HnriiiR Onrilcn street, lie wni malinger of tlie Northwest Stornco nnd TniHt Co., Seventeenth nntl ,1'oplar streets. , Mr. l'nrker, who vni nboijt fifty j-enrs old, Intel liren III lor neverni months. lie wns n mciniier oi n linnicon I.odjio No. UGl), V, mid A. M. I In nlm ivm n tiipmtinr of tlio Historical Society of l'eiitisylrnuln, and the hpls eonnl City Mission. lie In survived bv lilt widow nnd dntiBlitcr, Miss Kntherlno Tnrltcr. The funeral services nro to lie lonutiucii in his residence Friday nftcrnoon. Gcorrjo R. Lancaster (irurcc It. Tjniirnter. of I)eoi) 'ii, t, tiled retired l'lillnileliihln liiislnrss mull jenterilny. Mr, linncnster, n director of the lleminittnn & Sherman Co., iiiiimifnctiircrfl of snfu nnd vnults, (KWI It e iinoiul street, nntl until clsrht years nco tliclr renrcscntntive with r iilncc of business nt 1127 South filconth street, wns forty-nine yenrs old. Ills widow nnd one dniishtrr, Mrs. J. Alexnnder Clark. Jr., survive him. Mr. I.nnenstcr was n member of the Union I.enRiiP. Funcrnl services will tnke liluce tomorrow afternoon nt his home on Windy nlke. Devon. George T. Brooks Lebanon, l'a., dan. d. Oeorpe T. Brooks, seventy-seven jenis old, man ufacturer of Lebanon for more thnn n quarter century, died nt his homo hero yesterday. Two (IninJlifers survive. He served in both thn liifnntry nnd cavalry In the I'lilon i-ervico tluriiiR the Civil War. Mro. Matthew D. Markland Atlantic City, Jnn. 5. Mrs. Mlllnn Nelson Mnrklnnd, wife of Matthew II. Markland, eiiRineer nnd toiitrnctiir, tiled nt her homo in Chelsea nfter nn illness ti;,msiiii' xnTiria EARBY SAILINGS 3.APLAP . . . JAft. . . . JAN. . . . JAN. ir M'.W YOIIK-I IH'.I'llOlTHO sot'TIIAJII'TOX . .Inn. lOlI'pli. IDlAlir. (I I OLYMPIC Mnr. JGIAnr. 211 Mnvjl AIIRIATIC . Xow Ynrlc to Llvprpool Cfllln Jnn. lSU'eli. 20 Arr. " VpiIIo (Npiv) .Jnn. 20 ,...... I ... Cedrlo l'cli. nMnr. l!!Apr. 10 AMERICAN LEWE Xpw York l'lrmmitli Cliprlinitrrr I.iinlnnil . .. .Inn. Hireii. ispiiir. u . . . ..Inn. infl'di. mlXInr. 20 . . ..Inn. SSII'oli. 20Apr. 2 . .1'eli. B.Mnr. 12Air. 10 J.lnu tcniiH'rH en ruulo rinlimil . .. ppInnil . . . , Kr(i(inliinil Hod Stnr Antwerp. Xriv York llnmbtirc DIRECT SERVICE v Mniirlmrlit 'If". 13IV1. 24Apr. 7 Miiiilfolln .Iiin.SllMiir. I0Apr.31 l'lillndelphln Liverpool West Clierow Jnn. 1S lluicrfiinl Jnn. t l'lilladclpliln GIniEoiT Wrst Tiirnnli . Jnn. 0 West Chcrow .Inn. 18 l'hllndplphln llnnilnirK OAnivntnmle Jnn. 7 WiiiirmiKii. Inn, 22 Vt'ntlicnu , Jnn. 20 BDEAL Mhllc Mnr l.lno H. S. JIcKiuitloi I.nrRent, Jlnut CnnifnrliTlilp CruUInc Strnmrri rtillrdjl liAttfwl in C'pitlun l'nuupnc'rtii Snrrlnllr NplpfCl I'nrtH nf t'nlll Nn Cnrfiroi 2n tn 2(1 IIiitiI I. fin In ir York Jnn. 22. l'fh. 21. Jlnr. KliiBKlim (I'nrt Antonio), Martinique 1'atMf.m Vcnriuiln, lrcln Ilnnili, clc. ixTr.nxTiiixAi. sn:itrANTii.r. Mnixr. compvxy ritmrnerr OI11p. 1310 Wnlnut St.. riilln. CUMMINS LINEQ ta U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP S S "BONNIE BROOK" Lending S S "ARIZPA" Jnn. 10 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN S S "GATEWAY CITY" Ja'n. 5 For space and ratei apnlv A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St.. Hilla., I'a. Lombard 4127-tl28-5iG7 : Main l.W NAWSCO LINES Direct ScmIip Without Transshipment Between PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND R.S.j.c.sh Jan. 15 Hr..tVrcst Togus Icb. d.S. Brush Fob. l'or 1'nnii'nei'rn nnil 1'relRlit out ciT Xpy Y-ork Admlrnl I.lne Acenl triiiiier U'enntoliPct miiMIiht JVIi. 2llli NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 1SG S. Fourth St.. IMula. 3 lc;c)iti for U. S. Shipping Board Philadelphia to Greek, R 1 1 DAI I Sea Ports Piraeus, Patias, Snlonica Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fort Arnutron."... Sailing Jan. 7 A Sleamer Late Jan. Loading Berth: South Vj Tier 78, S. W. For rates and space apply to The Charles T. Megee Go. Drcxel Building, Philadelphia Lombard 5100-1-2-3 Main S00i Philadelphia to Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelona, Marseilles S S WauUau Loading ; or rates ami particular apply to James W. Elwcll & Co., Inc. 17 State St, Now York The Charles T. tacc Co. Drexel Buildinp, Philadelnhin i.omoara :jIuu-i-x-3 Mai,, sOGL fjto noxes )0 -" nnd Malllnrj nn Tubes EDWINJ.SCHOEnLECO. 533 N. UUi St PhllsdclphU of Fcvornl yearn. She formerly , I'l.lln.lnll.l.ln,. ' "" I Adelbert P. Little HocJiestcr, N. Y., Jan. r. AiUlhl I. Mttle. widely known ns n.. i'h "I and mnniifnclurer of typewriter M bons and enrbon paper, part nui. I of the Hocl.esler lnternntloiini iZ" tlnnnl CofleBe Fraternity of Theta t)li Chi, died nt hh Jmmr yesterd.iv "(, ll noon, lie wns sevcniy-two yenrs old 1 VOTE REFERENDUM URGED Governor of Rhode Island Touchtil on property uuaiificatlon I'rnltTpllpp. Ir. T. .Tott R . I . . eudlllil : :- " .i rrirp. vine on rrpeni oi tne timnoti. qunlificntlon for votlnc wns i-.Jl VOtillR inclined ny novcriior i;merv j, ... U,t,.l In Itlti liittitfriirtil .1.'l . n I .... ., ...- ............i ttuiirt'ss fif, Kliodo Island In the only state iu rctnlns in its constitution this siirviTji of colonial chnrters. The Ilrst mnii to go to tlie Koiernor'i chnlr from the lieutenant govei nnrMitn Oovernor Snns Souci succeeded i LlvliiRston llceckmiin. I.nekitiK iiimlonl nitillery equipment, the stnle's snlnt, to the new governor vnn from hy,, 0. muzzle londers, relies of the ("vll var Tlie governor cnlled for legMntlon i' enforce the eighteenth nmeiidiiicnt nn. n blue sky lnw. Firemen Hurt In New Haven Fire New IIuvVn. Conn,, Jnn. 5. (li, i P.) The Coloiiimtle. n fn-lunnablp shore tcslaiirnut nt Snvin ltock. a destroyed by liir- Inst iiiqlit. Th(. !,, Will (Mimntfd lit ifciMiuu. I Up jrr. men wcie Injiiicd, one seiiouslj, mip. ii West Hnveii tiro truck i epoiilIi,K to the iilnrni for the lire, oveituiiicij neat tlio ceiuer tu cnl iinvcn. STPA'M'iiiii' xoTirr.i - To Europe 8 lo Plymouth, Cherboutg, Antwerp to Liverpool' to Cherbourg and Southampton B5 19 ITE STAR LINE - ?piv Ynrlc TJonton Aroren (lllirnllnr XuplpN (li'iiim Crnlp Mnr. Hl.Mnv .1 'iiillo Slitr.22l.Muyn .... RED STAR L3NE Xeiv York I'lj ninulli Clierliourir Antwerp I l.npliiinl jn HTrli. 12MInr.ll 1'liilimil Inn. If.lIVIi. l!)Mnr.!l '(.('liinil J an. S2l. 20 ir, It Krunnliinil .. . a'el). SIMnr. 12 pr. II. Xrw lurk ilnnzlir -ln llninlinra; Tlilrd-Clnss l'liasenRPrn Onlv (iolliliuiil Jun.SOlFcli. 2(1 pr, IMillndelpliln Antwerp Osnwnlnmle Jnn. Victorious ,n. Wiitliena Jan. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LIN! l'lillmirlnliln London .Mnrl.lnr Jnn, HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE l'lilliiilrlplilii ltntlerdnni sloii'rilil. Jnn WINTER CRUISES 23. 1021 Ylltlnir HnrbnilOH. Cnlin, Jnmalril Ciin.il ti'nnnnut jii;, rorio idea, irinmui 1'rplBlil OIHip. inH4 llnurup lllile.. riilln. and LOS ANGELES HARIJ0R, S.S.Yalza Mch. 5 5 b.S.West Isleta Mch. 15 181 S. S. Art!e;os April 1 I'lione Lombard 5791-2-3: Main 3202.3 UNITED AMERICAN LINES iMouri)itAii:i JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURCl S S METTE JENSEN . . .Jan. 15, -I1IKIH (111 11UJ.S OI' 1,AI)I.N(I 1IAMI11 1U,. issi'Kn in .11.1, Scandinavian and Rnltir Porfi RATKS AM) l'I'HTIIKIl PAHTICl IMtl ". APPLICATION TO INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Lafayette Bldg. Tel. Lombard 3!l UNITED AMERICAN LINES iN(.()nioriATi:n Freirrht Traffic Dennrtmenl 39 BROADWAY, NEW YORKl i i:i.i.i')iiim; Whitehall io; 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET! CHICAGO DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW S M rAWTUCKCT expected to Mil J" ' S H MONOMAC Duo Into J"! HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., INC. 425 LAI'AYKTTI! IHTILUINO. a L.,iaJ-.a.a iiaa. . ,tSM I.oiuliunl B2J1UI llll 1'aaH Fall River Linl To Boston 1 Brifmllo Htr mrri. bpicndlo hervlr ,, a., a ici i. n. jt. iruiionoc, t r, w fM uitnmira Minn aloamr Ww London (Norwich! LlnoT'lT. 11" , Her 70 It li. (Xua flt.J .(', u.- HtifcK-ttf -.ftTtrjaa&is"! Vstrm, rt,. 4r .V"" V