-...: . . - J waviwaHM T,W- HW T'r' " p -" p"'amflW'i-''-WvVtW'7" . "li.T-.- " "' J' W': "!!!, ' .V'i'" 's.JTi Mv , W f h'1 ' 7?y . f; 1 'V EVENING PUBLIC LED&Eft-r PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY S, 1921! ( Ml ' oc The Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company of Philadelphia 523 Chestnut Street Arro from lndfpndmce Hall 45 S. Broad Street I.liirnln llulldlnr At the close of business. December 31st, 1920 $1,298,494.70 284,269.56 3,788,807.67 1,630,996.14 1,452,122.20 ASSETS Cah on Hand and in Banks . . Exchanges for Clearing House. Call Loans with Collateral Loans with Mtgs. as Collateral Mortgages and Ground Rents. . Bonds 2,700,739.40 Slocks 12,350.00 Office Building 400,000.00 Other Real Estate 23,316.84 Miscellaneous Assets 364,228.79 $10,955,325.36 LIABILITIES Capital $1,500,000.00 Surplus ....'. 2,750,000.00 Undivided Profits 61 9,902.66 Reserved for Depreciation 50,000.00 Reserved for Taxes 80,864.97 Deposits 5,732,015.25 Bills Payable (Secured by U. S. Liberty Bonds) 200,000.00 Miscellaneous Liabilities...... 22,542.48 $10,955,325.36 Trust funds kept separate and apart from Assets of Company. $19,522,140.09 FRANCIS A. LEWIS President DANIEL HOUSEMAN Treasurer CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The National Security Bank Girard Avenue and Franklin Street Philadelphia, January 4th, 1921 RESOURCES Loans nnd Discounts United States Bonds Bonds nnd Investments . . , Banking House , Due from Banks , .$8,688,433.41 . 804.050.00 . 299.170.62 60.000.00 . 663,648.02 Cash and Reserve 2,001,057.90 $12,516,359.95 J. HARPER DRIPPS, Preiident. GEORGE KESSLER, Vice Preiident. LIABILITIES Capital $250,000.00 Surplus 1,500.000.00 Undivided Profits 70,425.75 Due to Federal Reserve .... 903,000.00 Circulation 250.000.00 Dividend January 4. 1921 . . , 30.000.00 Deposits 9,512,934.20 $12,516,359.95 WILLIAM H. McKEE, Cathier. GEORGE OVINGTON. A.sUtant Ca.hier. MVTVAT TRVST MAIN OFFICE BRANCH 25 So. 60th St. BOURSE BUILDING OFFICES 2809-1 1 Germantown Ave. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 31ST, 1920 RESOURCES CmIi and Reserve $521,242.00 Stoclca and Bonds 523,559.97 llrnuinil I.onns with nllTl 1,029,434.38 Hiiih l.oalin ( (-illiilrral . .. 331,793.37 NulfH I'urrlianril . 908,217.75 MurlEiicrs Oiwird. 70,150.00 llf.il i:!ni(. . .. 215,174.20 I urnHiin- and Fix. lure 21.737.56 $3,681,311.29 ft. V M l II.IU.OOll, ITcmIiIciK LIABILITIES Capital $438,043.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Unilltldrd Profit".. (Imn pxprnnPH imlil) 89,355.83 DEPOSITS, $3,103,912.46 $3,681,311.29 M. II. Ili:ssi.i:it, Mt. anil Trein. Announcing THE FORMATION OF A CO-PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN HON. JOHN BURKE Resigning Treasurer of the United States AND LOUIS MONTGOMERY KARDOS, JR. TO TAKE OVER AND SUCCEED THE TIRM OP KARDOS &. CO.. ANP HEREAFTER CONDUCT SAID BUSINESS UNDER. TUB FIRM NAME AND STYLE OF Kardos &. Burke 32 Broadway PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK CHICAGO BROOKLYN I January ut, iqsi rrrrsBUROH i&Z&o S&triti'fiae .iZ iiivi.i3 n i bonds Bankruptcy and a thousand other evils predicted by chronic pessimists as being the end toward which tho country is headed, mean nothing to the loyal, far sighted American who is hrewdly investing every avail able dollar in reliable indus tries whose stock are now purchasable at a fraction of their real value. Our Year-End Review Discusses the general economic situation as it affects security values. Have us send you ono gratis and LEARN THE TRUTH. Members rhllidlpht SImU Exchann 1622 Chestnut Street rhonmt Ilrll, Sprnre 60I7.4SOO Kmtonr. Knee 7S9 14 Hrondnar i: 480 Sth Aye.. N. T. Stamford. Conn, Morris Brothers Co. KAtnlillalird 1RD3 Bonds for Investment Municipal and Corporation 1421 Chestnut Street of isolidatcd Gas & Elec. inlto. 71.S. 1945 ro de Pasco 8s, 1930 wrong Cork 7s. 1931 ?40& 0h' Ry & Lt' 7'-8' idard Oil of Cal. 7s. 1931 idard Oil of N. Y. 7s, serial Lnih. .. i.i . . .. .-"" " " "" " fct Mill .""""iPpla Stuck KxchnnB p. UIU1 I .J TV.f Fit I...... AtA i vt '. mag. " lorfc. Tel, Connection Canal J8IJ GRAIN PROVISIONS COTTON Ur DaU ter Bent o Jlequert fughes & Dier !'" I.'.?. I'rodur ICirhnin. ' ril(bnrtl Block Kiclnntt 143B Walmir Sr- J Pl,ll..l.lt.l- . .... m..v.mw.j.w fln iova I f? HENDERSON & LOEB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange (410 Chestnut St. Ckorsla Kwy. & Vr. fls, 1931 Penan. Water & Pr. 5s, 1910 I'hlln. Subur. Gas & Elec. 5s, 19G0 Shaffer Oil & Kef. Gs, 1927 D0ENHIHG, GARRISON S CO. STOCK KXCIIAMUS 1IUII.DINO Dlrrrt I'rlTala Tclcpliono to New York Mt-iiibrra 1'lilln. Htnck Ixchanit MERCANTILE BANK OF THE AMERICAS 41 I'lNK NTIUXT NKW VOHK tii Amrrican Itnnl; for Faretpn Trade Nrv Orlriinn I'urln Msdrlil llurtflon.i AKKII.IATKD I1ANKH In rolombl. Peru Veneiu'l't llrstll florainJit Ouli (oi In Itlca i(inilura If You Ever Study Stocks, Get This Book H It not only points out the main facts to :onsider in selecting an industrial, oil or mining security, but also analyses nine dif ferent stocks which are now in unusual market positions' and discusses them in a clear, impartial man ner. Call, phone or write Ash for No. T, U.-332 m JONES & BAKER Specialiite in New York Curb Market Seeuritie WIDENER BUILDING PHILADELPHIA Telephones Sell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2230 Offices in 8 Principal Cities Dlrxt Frlr.l Wlr.i New York Bonds Adams Exp 4i 1 BOH Ala Mill 1st 1 01 A Air b. C Oi 2 . . 8fl A Smit A It St t8AT.ES IN SlOPOl 1. 1.. 1.. i.. a. i 74 74 7.1 7B 70 78 Am TAT clt I. 74 K Am Tel A T 11 1 R1'4 R .. . P2 1,. .. 8'J Am Tel & T (It 4... . 00 2 . . . 00 Armour 4Ue I.. .. 7i ATHh 4 2 704 10 70'4 20 70 14 A T 6 T cv 4 4 M Atch T4SF Arls'n Dlv 1 . 77S A T A 8 F nj 1 70 f .. 0B, 5 . . . 70 At'a Ktl'd S R0V A Conut 1. clt I 00 A C l.lne 4Hii 3 7S Atl Const I. 7s 1 ..101 tin It A Ohio cv 1. 1 t 1 it T 2.1 I) Canada '20 I M'.l 4 HO Erie II 11 cv D I . . 44 Erie Ity Co 4t 3 IS4. Cne I Illpp flu no fill K 0S"t ni'i 01) on Unit A O 3fcn 3. . . 001, Halt A Ohio 4s 2 . OS Dili A Ohio Si t . COW Bait A Ohio ft- 3 .. OI 1,4 n a o r i. Ei A W Va 41 4 . 03 Vi Ilalt A O Bw'n Illj- 3',, B .. . 77 Del A Mud fls 10 . ., SIH Drn A It U 4a 2 n 2 I 23 1. 04 U 0 04 n.1'4 03 H 04 D A It O 4 '4s I 07' I Nla A I.crt Sa 2 . 84U Nt'lt Sn n Ba 1 . 40'1 N'n raclflc 3i 10 f.S4 OrK A Cal Be 3 HA fa H It 4a '43 2 HI Pa nil en 4H 2.. .00 fa It m 4'4 3 . .HO 13 . 80 Penna II 11 Ba 2 . . R74 2 ..8714 I. . . R7'i 0 .. fi7'i TVnna It 4t 7a no r,n o Hud A Man In 21 21 23 1 J Ilia Cenirnl M 10 . TB' 8 .. . 75'. Ill On I 4i 'Ba 2 .80 1. . 101 Oena I Eire lla B . . 101 1 . on, B 101 2 an i, 1. . ioi Gov'i K n rcta 3 .. UU IB . 100 3 . 104 3 05', 104 1 I00H I . 103', 4 1 01) '4 A . 101 111014 1 . 101 1 1001, I . in.1!4 2 KIOi; 1 . 103T4 2 KIO14 s 101 4 10014 rf Marat Ba " l'OOU ' 1 . .. 84 C Nwitt'd rcta 1 . . 84 .1 . 1021, Dill County rv 1 . 1024 1 884 I. 101 Tilt Cln Chi A Cd Trunk rcta EH I. a 0a 1 101 "ji 8 . . 82 10 . 101 ',4 Heading; llv 4s B 101 2... . 78', 4 101' II I A & I, 4t4 O Nth n It 1st 3 . (1BH 2 . . 801i 8.11 .. OBVj Hud A Man M .... St I. I'n Mt A S'n Illy 4 1 72 S ... 72 St I. Tn Mt ft 8 n Illy S 1 034 1 01) III Cent'l MU 1 . .110 2 . 00, 2 . H014 Int Met ct 4i 1 .. 7i, 3 .. 14 n A O Tol 4i Intboro II T frt 4 . . S4 Del Tel 7a rcta 0 ... 101 K 1 ... 101', 2 . 101 ', 8 . 101 2 .. 101 13 t'oliper M fls IB . 81 '4 Won t! n 1st 10. 01 Cal A i: Ra I . 82 A Canadian N'n Ilya rcta 10 40', 2 4IH, B.. 40V4 R . 40U 2 4'JS M Marina (It 1 784 I 7S, R 7Si, M (Jap tlDie't lat I n at 1. 1 3 3 2 St I. 4 . 1 13 . 0 . 8 8 . 3 2 83 . 83 8 V Hi . 04 i 414 a; . 041. . 84 i 8 K In . rov; . B0 BO . BO . BO BO . BO 411 1 T.-i". Jap (Jcne't 2nd 2 18 I 3 too 100i; 100 2 . 100 B 100 I . 100 7 100 1 100 n . . 100 4 . 100 1 100 Cnt'l of Oa en 1 . 84 C It It N .1 Ba 1 00 10 . . 00 Ctl l'aclflc 1st 4 . 7314 ID .. 73 I . 73 1 . 73 Ctl Pacific S 1 . 75V. Ch'k A O 4a 7.1 m I. A 8 Fran 7S wrlea 11 Jap Ooe't 4a 0... . 71 R0ISt I. A S Fran 7.1 C A O cv 4', a 74 ; 74 fe 74 74 74 74 St 1. A 8 Kran Series A 2 . . 02 0 ... 02 03 02 112 62 02 02 , 10.. 10 R 2 2 2 fl!l 80 2.1 4 40 . 10 25 111 10 4 I 1 1. I I. Bfl. 511 .10 B0 Series C R'8t 1 5 B7 R7' 87 87 87 Hw'n rn . (13 R3 03 Sw'n 1t ,. 00 I Minn A 57 St I. 60 I 0 B7 St 1' 57 Manlt'a 4Ui 87 14 1 2 . 88 ,1714 Pnn Anlonla A R7HJ A I' Illy 4a r,7 4 . . oo R7"(Senb'd A 1. a J 57 57 B7 B7 R7', 37 B. ..37 1 .. 37 S'n I'm-IOc M C'U A Ohio Ba 10 01 C'k A O cv Rs 3 84 2 81 2 84 Chi II 4 Q 4 2 06 .1 12 II Kan O A H 8 1 54 2. Bl Kan O A B 73 73 73 K C T flly 4s 1 . 70 K llelic 0s '25 1 88 0 88 7.1 7R ,nnt I B. 1.. 4 . S'n Pac cv 4a .1 . 70 2 . 70 2 70 1... 70 B'n Pac cv ns 10. ion 2,1 HI) 4 08 I 118 Lncalede O Co H'n llallw 4i of St I. 4a 1 .. 08 Lack Steel 3u 2 71 3 . 73 2 74 I. I: A Wn 1st 2 ... 82 Lake Shorn M 8 4 '31 00 00 00 1 00 S 00 0 . 00 7 . 00 n ooii R U0 2 ()8, 15 . 00,J.chlh Vl'y Us B .. 00 1. ... 08 Chlcaso H'n AiL A Myers na Q r U 3.. . . 78' 2 . 05 L A Myera 7a 1; 1. 1 u 41 2 , 1031 1 31 I 1 1(1.1 Chi A U V 4sLoni: lid n fd I B.l 2 0014 1 R3 lorlllard f R 53 I 1 . .. 78U 2 . R3 I.ou A Nash 4e Chlcaso Mil A ' 81 tn n a n 4 . . 81 1 .. 02' I 02 II 0-11 . 103 Chlcano Mil &MM S A O Ra 1 50 S'n Itallwa 8a 1 . 87 2 87 3 . 87 Tenn Coal A I urn Ci 10 87 1 80' Term' I It II A 2 80 or Mt 1. u I 80 I 1 .00 V'y en 4a,7nlon Pac cv 1 . 81 5 81 B 82 Tnlon Pac fd 4 70 Union Pac 4s :iT.oii A Nash 7s 21. " mi St P 4a '25 fi . 70 B . 70 5 . 77 5 . . 78 2.. .. 77 Chicago Mil A Stl cv 4a I 1 . 08 1 . 70 1 ... 70 Mln A St I. 4 B. 41 Mln St P A Hlo M 5a 1. 01 Mo K A O 5s 0.1 1 I Chlcaso Mil A.Mo raclflc 4a 8tP fd 4a 3 .. R4V 1 02 Chlc.iKo Mil A Stl sm 4'i 1 70 2 . 77 Chlcauo Mil A 8t P cv .11 00 IS 1 Chi Itallw'e Ra, 1 .... 03 I' It I A 1' fd 1 . . 07 I 2 07 1 . 07 2 07 C It I A 1 Chl 17 S R B. . 70 Chl A W 1 4a II , . 60 Chile Cop'r 0 IB. 10 I 3 54 54 54 6 64 1 .14 3 51 Jlonfa Ct'l fls 3 102 Morris A Com pany 4a 4 . 71 Now Ur Tex i Mexico 4a 1 . 01 3 .01 4sl 2 01 0I&N Y C & I! II R n 4a 1 . 7.1 1 7B ,N Y C A 11 It It It en 4a 1 . . 07 N V C 4 II 11 II It 4a 8 . 77 N Y U A II It n n Oa 08 08 (18 00 08 B0 C8 GO Child Cop'r 7s 1 . 02 1 . 02 City Copg B 1 74 1 74 Cty New York 4a '03 4 ... 01 C N Yk 4'fl7 8 03 City Paris 01 1 .. . 04 1 . .. 04 2 . 04 8 . 03 I . 06 1 05 C Zurich rets 4 .. . 03 Colo A H'n 4 2 . 72 1 .. 72 6 . 72 Cons'd Oaa 7s 0 77 U 8 Hub 7a I . 07 3 07 8 07 U'd S Mtel Ba 1 03 1 03 I 03 I" 03 3 . 03 4 .00 2 1131. I. liOVi Utah P I. 5a 3 00 S . 77 1 01 Wabash It 1st B .01 2 85 10 . liluWen n l.'Iec 8a N V fi J II It 2 02 It II 7a rcta I 05 1 ' . 101 West n Md 4i I 1011, 1 55 N Yk l.lsht II I 55 1 Cuban 3 1 Del A 1 100 100 C S cv 84 83H Hu1 o 83 Pel A Hud fd - 1 77 IS 2.1 II 1 1. 1 80 80 80 81 80 80 U Puu 4h rcB 7S Union Pnc 1I1 2 . 00 3 HI) 1 00 3 loo 2 00 tl K of I! Urlt A I d I02t 1 . 07 1 . 07 R 07 U Kof O Ilrlt A I'd 1020 . 87 8 . 87 3 88 1 S7 U K of (5 Ilrlt A I'd 1037 8.1 I. 8,1 85 I 80 ! . 83 ! . 80 I . 85 . 8i I X.1 I 85 U 8 It A 1 Bk I 80 U S Itubb'l 18 1 . 77 Pwr 4l 3 . fl.1 10 . 05 10 05 New Y N H A II 3a '54 2 . 45 2 . 4.1 New Y N II A Ilart'd 6a 3 ... 07 2 . . . 07 4. N Y ays cl Ba 3 N Y Tele 4t 77 77 7 N Y Tele' a 0a 1 81) New VWliJ Iloatnn 4 a 4 37 1 37 iWm n S Y A la It It 1st 1 fili IVmtn Pac 1st I 82 West ShorM 4 s B 70 1 70 W Union la 1 77 iV n A Mfn 7s 05 B 4 4 B 2 a 2 2.1 B B 1 0.1 05 05 0.1 05 H B 05 05 05 05 05 Wilson Co 1st 1 80 Prices Irrerjular on Paris Bourse Purls, .Ian, 6 Prices woro Irrcsulnr on tho Douran today Thrco per rent rente. p8frj exchange on I.omioii, 60fr oBaj B per cent loan. 85fr 30c, The dol lar was uuotea at 17fr 2c. , CHEERFUL OUTLOOK AIDS WHEAT SALES Great Lakes Official Predicts Business on Solid Basis Within Three Months Clilraco, Jon. ! A clnap observer In (lie Rrnlti trade finds the lnree8i short interest of yenr.s in whent nnd mm. Wall street nnd cotton nperntora nnd the country Renernlly ore short of jtrnlnfl. Recent biijitij: of wheat hns been based Inrgcly upon the belief thnt inllllnr; nnd export demand is nborb inft the surplus, nnd the more cheerful outlook In the H'Clirltlei innrl.-eln nml general business.. .lumps A. I'ntten clvea mil luilllali In. tcrvlews on wheat. XorthucMern mill ers continue tn take Canadian whent freely. The Com Products plant, nt Arco. hns resumed cHndlne mi n fire. days per week basis. The American .unir.e plant, nt Hohe.t. Ind.. Is run ning nt hnlf cnpnclty. nnd the Htnlev Stnrch Works, nt iMatnr. III., will start next week. Hutchinson. Kn.. telesrapbs that I.arnbee's, one of the Inrjjest flour milli tn Kansas, has shut down entirely, let ting out employes, for IncK uf orders. Indiana and Ohio nre vel ni? earn to the Knst at lower nrices than the stntes In the West which is uviinl nt this time. IndustrloH nre Inn 1112 moder ately. Cut Porli Increases at Chicago Total stocks of cut norlt meats here incrensed 1.135,000 pounds last month and nre fiS.073,000 pounds, nualnst 1 1 1 .i.u,mw u jinr nftu. i.aru miockm Increased 13,135,000 iinnmh nnd nre 21,37.-1,000, against 111,578,000 last year. The Chicago Stock Yards Co. esti mates the decrea.e in value of livestock marketed in the t'nlted Stntes last year ns 51,000.000.000. The Livestock Financing Corporation is making n few loans daily. Sheep raierH have applied for large sums. Local tanners report leather market activity increasing, with many inquiries for prices on good lots, nnd some smnll sales. They look forward eagerly to the national shoe retailers' convention here next week, which will include one of the largest exhibits ever mode. Shoe retailers icport good movement nt re duced prices and stocks nearly depleted. The .losepn Campbell Soup Co., of Camden, N. .1., has purchased the plant of Held, Murdoch & (Jo., nt Hnmmond. Ind.. for S300.000. It com prises eleven manufacturing buildings 011 sixteen ncrcti. LONDON STOCK MARKET Undertone Firm, but Changes In Prices Were Mixed Kaffirs Dull London, .Ian. 5. On definite rumors that excess profits ley will be aban doned shortly imd be replaced by In creased death duties, Rllt-edged Invest ment Issues showed fresh buoyancy on the stock exchanga today. Tho foreign department was quiet Hesitation was noted In tho oil group, and adjustments were In progress. Shell Transport wan 614. and Mexican Eagle. 6 11-16. Tteflectlng the proposed scheme o pro vide new foreign trade rates, industrials nnd homo rails showed Improvement Hubbern reacted from the best, owing t,o lack of stability In the staple. Knftlrs Were dull. The shares of South Ameri can railways were Irregular Generally, tho undertone of the mar kets was firm, but changes In prices wcro mixed FOREIGN EXCHANGE nv Vorlt. .Ian. C Opening figures for foreign exchange showed a train oer night for Blerllnc of 3Uc to 3 S8 for demand nnd 3.5i.i for cables Francs opened up 7V. points at 5.89'- for cables and G.88; for checlos. Lire was 4 points higher, nt 3.45 for cables and 3.41 U for chocks. Other quotations were Swiss cables 15.27. checks IS 30; guilder cables 31.65. checks 3155, pe setas cables 13.20, checks 13 18. Stock holm cablea 20.50, checks 20 45 ; Chrls tlanla and Copenhagen cables 10.05, checks 16.00; Belgian cables 6 18, checks 0.18; marks 131. Partly on account of the strength In sterling at Now York the premium on' New York exchange- In Montreal today haded nearly 1 ier cent to 17'k mr cent. The discount on Canadian funds in New York was lower at 11 iwr cent YnSTKHDAY'S PINAI. QfOTATIONH Ucmnnil (J.lblHB Hlerllnit I'm"' a :i,."i.rii, Ti.S'J 3 r.r, r, s 1 l.lr ClullderH a 10 ai.i.-i a ij ;u. 5:, TODAY H OI'BXIMJ UCOT TION1 Htorllnc I'taris l.ir.' r.uiM.'rs Dunund .'1 .'iS , H-ll1, :t I r... cnL.s a r.n'a ."1 8ji3 3 n 3i ir. BANK CLEARINGS Hank ilcnrihCK loduv ronp.ir il with inr renponUinir day last nwi Mtrs llil lftL'n Hill) Phils. ..$1)3,017.320 JS'J.83.1 r.ni J72 r.in.o.ia Uostun.. Ill, 0811.472 (111 240. (Mil 4'.l.31S.ti;i MONEY-LENDING RATES NKW YOIIK Money on call, both classes of collateral, opened today at 7 per cent for lending anil renew lug. PIIII. AIir.l.I'HIA -Call. 6 per cent, time, 6 per cent ; commercial paper, three to six months, 0 per cent (Note Theso nro merely nominal quotations, as the legnl rate of Interest In tho state of Pennsylvania Is fixed nt 6 per cent. Plus premiums and com missions, tlmo monoy for thirty to ninety days Is loaned at 8 to 8'j per cent, while commercial paper, from three to hIx months, is being offered at 8 to 81 per cent.) Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Orftcinl rediscount rates nt the tweH. 1J erul Iteserxe bankH me nn follous Truis 1.1 b. ("i m I llkro otfH llonilH Paper Accriit Iloston 5' 7 Se Yoik r,j n 7 11 Philadelphia, til r.', it r.'-t Cleveland il r.'t 1! '. lllchniond '" n H 11 Atlanta . 7 : 11 11 ("hlcauu til 11 7 U ft. lunula . ri '-a V-j rt f,i, Mlnneupolls ,'ili il 7 11 Kansas City il il H .'.'. Dallas til . il M, Han Kranclsco til H (1 0 GOSSIP OF THE STREET Convincing testimony of tho earnest effort being made by the management of the lending utility (oinpnnles to bring down operating cost 80 as not to en danger net earnings, was given ycslcr day by nn executive of ono of the lend lug Interurbnii companies. "Some time ago." he said. "c wnt out imperative orders In district man agers of our various underlying proper ties demanding an immediate cut in operating cost of their particular divl slons of not less than 15 per cent. Tins order applied to every department along the whole line." "In Older thnt this order should be carried out in the letCrr of the lnw." lie continued, "sevefttl director anil myself mnde an exhaustive Inspection of every plant nnd system In our organiza tion. We found in quite n number of inslnnres a reluctance on I lie part of the district mnuiiger lo pare down suf ficiently lo ii'itkc the necessary 15 per cent tediirtion. Some claimed they could not operate with any less number of men in the various departments under their Hipervision. Others vigorously op posed leduetion of the existing wage scale. Opposition, however, in every Individual case was overcome when they renlb.cd we infant business. "In other words,' he continued, "we have eliminated the least suspicion of unnecessary cost, which has resulted in a number of Instances in the nbollshmenl of officerH and departments which were regarded as wholly essential for the welfare nnd success of tho organization". The retrenchment policy was considered unusually drnstic by solne of the district mnnngers. but it 'is the consensus of opinion of the board of directors thnt the hour has arrived for Mich drastic steps." No Other Alternate c IWt In discussing the adjustment of the business situation, the credit mnnnger of one of tho largest manufacturing concerns of this city snid c8tcrdny thnt most of the large business houses were granting long extension of credits to their customers. "As a matter of fact." he said, "what other alternative hnve we. When one of jour principal customers, who up to recently had nlwajs been prompt in his settlements, or whither one who has been slow in paying up. requests nn extension of time to pay for his mer chandise, what can joii 'do? Why just the thing I and all others arc doing every day. giving it lo them. It goes ngainKt the grain nin.etimo.s, nnd often it hurts, nnd hurts badly when you must sit down nnd dictntc'n polite let ter granting the requested extension, while you recognize thnt such philan thropic action is practically doubling up tumbles for yourself. "In ordinary tiim It is n good policy. It means jou have cinched your man as n perpetual customer How it is going to work out this time Is merely con jecture. We nre nil taking n chance. Some of us big ones. The only thing lift is to trust to luck." Curtailing Copper Production Walker' Weekly Copper Letter snys: "The principal nsset of each cop per producing company is the copper locked up in its own resources. It is, of course, not good business to exhaust these resources when operating costs) are abnormally high nnd the market price of the metal abnormally low. From the business point of view there is nothing else for the mining com panies to do hut curtail productions, nnd when they once co-operate definitely upon such n policy the situa tion will undergo a marked change for the better." Itelgiuni Farming Activities Since the armistice every effort has been made lo intensify agricultural production in Belgium. Out of nbout 00,000 hectares (hectare '.-17l ncres) of war-swept soil, more thnn L'5.000 hectares had been put into condition for cultivation at the cod of the fi-st nine months of lOliO, due Inrgely to the aid given by the Ileiglau Agricultural Department. Besides this, the total cultivated surface in Helgium is on the increase. According to the Bulletin du Hnvi tnlllement, which hns just published nn agrldiltuial census for 101!) and 11IU0, there were, nil told, 1,11 10.11." bectnres cultivated in lllliO as compnrcU with 1,210,'JO." hectares for 1010. The largest increases were for rje. winter barley, oats, tlax (.'11,000 hectares in 1020. ngainst 10,000 in 1010 1. beet sugar, potntoes and fodder. A de crease is noticeable with regard to wheat, spell, beans, pens and lentils. The area of prairie and pasture lnnd also has increased. Instead of .1,1(1,. fiOl hectares in 1010, there nre nt pres ent .ri02,S0ll hectares, a guin of (!(.: S05 hectares. Till: THADKIt. We Offer Chesapeake & Ohio Northern Railway Co. 1st .Mortsase lis West Penn Power Co. 1st Mortgage fls Welsh Brothers 028 ChestkoitSthhst Philadelphia I. milliard 15i:t iHKnslHHsBiassssssssssVIki -ijJS' BOND QUESTIONS C U R booklet " Bonds Questions - "Answered, Terms Defined," ex plains the meaning of various terms which are often not clearly under stood by the inexperienced investor. Jf'c shall be pleased lo send a ropy with out charge upon request for Booklet PA-i HALSEY, STUART & CO. Incorporated Successors to N. TV. Halsey & Co., Chicago LAND TITLE BLDC, PHILADELPHIA Telephone 1 Locuet 420 CHICAGO NEW YORK DOSTON DETROIT ST. LOUIS MINNEAPOLIS MILWAUKEE JT"aaaiittyWtfciwi1inn wwamnm 1 mij." ' j" ).u!S.'J2St'.' &5gi UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA. At the close of business December 31, 1020 Resources I Liabilities ( nllstorlAl lsns . . . $l.l"a.!2 ftt Opltm Ktnrk .. . Jl.OW.OOO no I' a ri'l i'iiv of I'hlln. Surplus 10OO.OOn.OO Honda . ... 37a.37S.riO Surplus Hullmn.l snil nther Bonds.. 330 0.12 OH !irortalliy . . 100 OO0 00 first Momksus . .. . 1.173,8-13.83 Undivided Proritd iiO.oni.ft.". llanklnir IIous. Klxturfs, Itesir ro.OOO.OO ( vaults inn.noooo l.iionnisi T.fsl Hsfnt.' 111.215 . IS Deposits l,S23.frt0 21 .Mlsrellnnfous r, SI 2.00 (.'ah In omm Hnd Hanks. 340.122,40 $3,905,981.70 , $3,965,981.70 TRUST DEPARTMENT . I 'I rust I'unds J1K70.7R121 lioal Estate In Chart 43.400 00 $1,914,181.23 WM. M. COATES. President. HARRY C. POTTER. Jr., Treasurer. Electric Bond & Share Company Cumulative Preferred Stock The General Electric Co. owns all the Com mon Stock of the Elec tric Bond & Share Company. There are other fea tures which make this Preferred Stock un usually well protected. Price to Yield 7.32 Write for circular Bonbright & Comany 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia New York Ooiton Chicago Detroit 34 iwr rnt tin mntr secured l cent cirtlflcatps arM ft per cent on paper s cureil by 44 per gent und S pr tent lordrt cates. tDlscount rate corrfsnonds ulih lniT.t rats born hy cerllrtcates pledged hh c oil it t i eral with minimum of ft per cent In the case of Philadelphia Alls nla. Kansas City und I Dallas, find S'j per leirt In the esse of 1 Claveland. niUimond. Chicago and H.m rranclsco Raw Sugar More Active New Yorlt. .Ian S Incro.tuoil netixin developed In the iuw sugar market yes terday and upward of 60.000 tings of Cubas tn port and iifloat were taken bv local reflnorH at 1'jo, cost nnd freight, equal to fi.S'.'c, duly paid An opculor took 3000 bags HumarlnaB nlloat at -1 U centH. c I. f Iinportatloim conalbted of 15,000 baua of Cubas to tho American SuRar llellnlnc Co. nnd 10.500 baits Brazils conslKtiud lo the trad The local refined market la unchanged Baltimore and Ohio to Issue Notes Washington, Jan. fi The Tlnltlmoro nnd Ohio rtallrnnd Co. was authorized today by the Interstate Commerro Com mission to Issue conditional sale pur chase notes to guarantee an obligation ... ..,-.., ,,, iUl, .imiuiHu luttiwny bervlco Corporation, with which It has nn 1 1. nln.l b ..... . ..I . .. ...muikiiicii mr now i-quipnieni. it also wijh authorized to Issuo 17,586.000 of refunding nnd general mortgage bonds Ut bo held In Its treasury Tim Carollnn, Cllnchflold nnd Ohio Hallway Co. was authorized to Insue fifteen year, G tier cent cumulative, Income debentures total, trig 15.000,000, to retlro 14,124,000 or obllirat.ona which (ell duo on January 1 COAL FACTS Our 50-cents-a-ton re duction for cash is not a bait it is a fixed, fair-dealing policy that saves our cus tomers thousands off dollars each month. Next time come to KUNKECS Jbr COAL Phone: llclmnnl 7500 51st & (irnyH G3d & Market The First National Bank of Boston Transacts Commercial Banking Business of Every Nature Make it your New England Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits, $37,500,000 SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen in industrial lines desiring change may find excellent opportunity with investment home handling securities of highest grade. Reply to B 907 Ledger Office WILL BUY Grand Rapids & Indiana 2d 4s, 1936 CHARLES FEARON & CO. 333 Chestnut Street C. . I'ATTON m--i ji 1 1 .j , -. Safe Bonds for Investment hmlocy, SIUART &. CO. Inc. J. M. SAII.KH ' I ITTTH m 71 Sailer & Stevenson' IjFrederick Peirce in ani rrrr.TNijT rts BONDS lux Free, Yielding Vtffo to rituvirtun r ivivb .biV fir I tr -:.'"' ', ! Chftnot Rtrt, rhUiflnhlt sp Vl . v.. ,., .; Jriaa.' sft. ,, -. .... v ,i' A .V .,