r v' " .f'f.''--' i" 12 .'"'. ".y .lf r 'p--'rv- :' "; k EVENING' PUBLIC LEDaEE-telLBELPHDV, WEDOTSllAX JU&RY 'Mfe lVi . r .5 j 'AID FOR STARVING I hcndrd by Herberf Hoover, nntl is aa tho funds which may be tendered for follows : this ood purpose : "Whore ., ,,; .hvulonl "Xowi therefore, 1. William Cnmcron iiuirn.u .,!.... ...... ii i i i i ' Sproul, Governor of the poinmonuenlth n s ros, ntraoMt tmpnrnlleled In modem , of ivnns.vlvnnl.i, do commend to the History, exists in the countries of attention of our people nnd cnll upon j eentrnl nnd ennteni Kurope, due to the them In their spirit of thankfulness for , destruction nnd disorganisation of war I blcsnitiKR which they have been n.,.i ,i, n.. ., , .. .Klven, to render prompt nld to the needs I ?"'' .the " of the . productive 'of tw0 nf0rtunnto human belnss.. and sono mlscrevoll, dovutc alia mnncanxn dl vlvcrl. II cnpltano Host Vcnturl, gia' dlrcttorn delln dlfesn nnzlonale dclln cltta', ed II slndaco Olgante, entrnmbl membrl del Ooverno I'rovvlsiorlo, hnnno fat to nppello nl Ocnerale r'errarlo per avcre soccorsl, SI dice che II genernle provvedera' n far dlstrlbulrc lnttv. pann c came nl phi' blsognosi, speclnlmente nel lerrltori che furono dcrnstati nel recentl combnttlmentl. Tutto lc bnnche In Flume sono sorve gliale, come pure I locnll ove si trovano varii mlllonl dl lire nttenuti In prestito per II rllnsclo del vapore "Cogne," che ern stnto senuestrnto dagll ufflclalt dl D'Annunzio lo scorso nutunno, 11 Doftor Antonio Grosslch, capo del Ooverno l'rovvlsorio, ha stnbillto la data del ,28 febbralo per la elczlono dclln prima assemblea costltuente. Trlesle, " gennnlo. Flume continna nd cssere clilusa nel ccrehlo dl blocco, che venn' mnntcnuto fino n che snrannn stale esegulte tuttc lo clausole del 1'ncordn raggiuntn In Abbazla trn 1 rap prescntanti del (ioverno ltnllano o (pielli dclln cltta' dl Flume. Vent I arditi, lexionnrl di D'Annunzio, motore, rccando nrml, munhlonl, ed una mittagllatrico ma furono scoperti da uuo dci gel potentt rillettorl cho si tro vano dl frontc nl Porto o qulndl co strcttt nd arrcndcrsl ad una torpcdlnlern llnllnnn che pcrlustrova lc ncquo del I'orto. aocaon 30C30E 301 ocaoj COME HAVE LUNCHEON at ASKED BY SPROUL I MEENEH AN'S CAFE I legionari in Fiumo pnciflcnmenle hnnno consegnato lo loro arml c la cltta' o' orn Borvcglluta da una nuovn nilllzln formnta da cx-legionari resident! In Flume. Lc truppe regolarl itallnnc sono stute rltlrate dalln parte dclln clttn che era stntn da esse occupatn nel glornl iji it" . n dcH'accordo. Lc condizlonl trn I povcrl dl Flume sono teniljiii. 1 pochl vivcrl che nneorn esistouo nclla clttn' sono vendutl n prczzi csorbltnntl. Per qulndlci mesi la popolnzlono vlrtnnlmcnte ha sofTerto la fame c gll opera! non trovnno occupa zlone. , 62ND & WALNUT STS. OPUN SUNDAYS Governor "Kencies ni nKricniture nnd commerce ,,iv,, C0I1PrOii,lv nn.l Rtihatniitlnllr tn TOMORROW'S MENU Chicken Ohra Soup " Choice of Brained Short Ribs of Beef Creole or Gabriele D'Annunzio Sara' TUItimo tloi Legionari cho Lascora' la Citta' van O Fried Oysters (Platter) M RolU Butter Coffee Milk ns a result of hU rxtrnnrillnnrv slln. dire wnnt are now prevalent, nnd who SITUATION GROWING WORSE ntlon. nnd must be enred for until the next harvest to prevent n cnlnmlty tin- will not, I reel sure, forRet their kins men beyond the sens, but will, In their churches, their organizations anil P TJlOlo wtin Imva lln.l -t l'ul.lihpl nn.l nietrlbutcl Under AiithnrlrM by the net of October 0. J'RHMIT NO. ait. I".'7. rnni' ' tho rostotllce of I'lilln doliibln. P. a s. nfnt.nsoM. I'ostmniiter Ocnernl " jl , . .- i hiqo oneh r-i -" TTBTaTP Know mo excaiinnt n.i:i.. t .. an ininknnie in civilized tlme: and. ww .AJica. nnA ,, .,-:-:""" 0,. their homes, heartily join with their ji:r ::ri. . "r ,on y?urteiF the Associated 1'rcss ' relict nrwiilMllnn.. mtuHv: the mn. I I0" IlT.y?!.,",!f. " nmlttg iT fnn..l i... - , ienn Friends' nrvlw rnn.mlMn... H,n ! lo "'"."'I ''I'. "nv. nll,l t,ic!"' children Am.-.--... mm... ii. i t t you'll enjoy ' Qino VTlKrl Its Inrihv J .. . . -" " r "" o Know 1A oI E 1 . . ." "Ppotizlnglj tnn8 were today called upon by Oov- , 'iurltuZ .he ivderal Omncll 'Our frio.,.1. Herbert Hoover, whose jernor hproul liy proelomotion to give of the Churches of ChrM, the Jewish wonderful work In the past makes his cooked, ns you like it bet. v jw ua rem loan Guticura Soap sioxao ionao oiaoE: xocaoi nmnuon ro give ot the I'liurches of lhrit, the Jewish wonueriui wors in me pasc nuiKes lits ef of the people joint distribution committee, the Kniuli's name n guarantee of humnne servii'e In Fiimno flnriic ,f '"'""ll'''- the Young Men's Christian this emergency, Is at the head of the .i it., i huh- .ssticlatlon and the Young Women's I Joint committee engaged In securing nnd Trieste. I gennnlo. Onbriele D'An nunzio snrn" l'liltiuio uotiin delle forze llberntrici che Inseern' la cltta' di Flume, l.'cvacuozione del suoi le gionari comlncern' domanl e durera' urnerousiy inr the relief of tli IS IDEAL yf central nnd eastern For the Hands Sp.OlnhnOTt.Tlfmii,lk.vifiitini'.rortiiii1t ddrWMi CtUltlbwtrlwJptJC. MalJa.lii. .llHinj IllC Clllinreil Who nrp itmnnnf i !.:...!.. , l,i.. n ...... i. ... i .l!.n. ..,!..- .v.. I.. ... I .I ... f...l L. .. .. . ., . ......... .... ., ,,. ,, Liiristian Association, all notahl.v bene- fv RUME HA BISOGNO UR6ENTE Dl VIVERI I'm n mm nu...i nrnmiKit fn ........i.,,. r 11.- .., F ii. WIIIIO Ull rHniSV - "!; ... i liluilui' lur lUC ni'l'UR Ol till" m,a.,o,. ll.r, nnnnnl f. nrl t.,o .. !-. n.i , ., 'Mvil.. ?-!'.'. ,. , .. . i , i linve in i'ennsylvnnla, among our prow- inns to Help Child I . WriJL '" C, !,1nt,,, ',' ,V n,'f P''" ""' Productive citizenship, many ... . ww.(m enililren, liclpic victims of i ;..), i,.. ,nniP fmm tim,. i, ,i ii. Victims Of War j fe "I "j"n-' .".f" I""?" I strTeknKope 'rZuWu 75c . ''iin;i iiik iiuu I'vrii ucniii ironi minim i -.' puiicrcrs from the disorganization pro- licient and efTectlve in their past efforts jrtuecd by the war. The (Jovernor's or ,nc nllevintlon of distress here and Wlamatlon mentions the agencies i ?brpm1' ,,.nrn mjte,i in nn effort to old it.. , , , , , "!. 'is in succoring nnd relieving these unfor- 'Ui mI. " ?vorklnK f" ti'-hnlf of the tunate i.eople, thus assuring nn of. Children nnd commends tlie committee fectlve nnd judicious nlmlnltrntlnn of . .... . ... .,. ,.,,, ,iifi-)iiii , j, ii I11lil iiitiii. limit U' Itllk !, Ittltl,-, ,11 Lfl UJiril 11, l,-4'll these starving innocents. The amount required 1 pitifully small, cnmpnrcd with our surplus resources. Let us not fail In this call for help, the like of varii glornl durante In nottc di lunedr tentnrono I,e presentl condizlonl delln clttn' uscire da Flume in una imbnrcazlonc a which, it is hoped. od, in Ills mercy, will spare us from ever hearing again. mh - 5 firsESEzsaH l il ii V. t. it 1 MiMiMMMiyyyiiM Oriental Rugs y2 to i3 off . Embracing Persian weaves, room sizes, in Keshan, Kermanslyih, Sarouk, Kurdistan, Ispahan, Scrape, Arak, Mahal, Lauristan, Hamadan, etc. Asia Minor weaves. Shah Abbas, Ismid, Ispahan, Mehlas, Anatolian, Serape, RUG SIZES in Keshan, Sarouk, Kej-manshah, Cabistan, Daghestan, Bokhara, Beloochistan, Mosul and various other Persian weaves. EVERY ORIENTAL RUG IN STOCK subject to the above discounts from marked prices. On this basis you will find these values unequaled anywhere. Chinese Rugs In large and small sizes of the better class at V2 off. FRITZ & LA RUE, Inc., Importers Oriental Rugs 1615 CHESTNUT STREET ifwmrwftif Ww?wTi7 tr innnuTWinrfrit .f7vn?w ffyffWS 'ywrwny'ffiSSlgiijfi I IpiimwimimM "jfHTiuiiin.'u.MTinitiufHiiariiuinnnnTOTniraniminnniiiiimff jr M "Is-1 tfofoiMM W7&hwv WIIII'lllllllMllllirilllllllllfflllllllllimillPllllllllllCTBIHIlH!! u:Hcnii"Jii)!i9WJfflffiBii.i!atimra.'!iii B Oak Hall's Replacement Sale Wins Widest Public Approval m Th e FRANKLIN How It Anticipated Every Essential Motoring Tendency of Today There has been no need for the Franklin to shift suddenly either claim or manufacture to meet the 'essential motoring tendencies of today. For 19 years the Franklin has been steadfastly maintaining that, the real fundamentals of any car's value are comfort, readability, economy and freedom from trouble and prov ing that the shortest and surest route to these fundamentals is through its own principles of light weight, flexibility and direct air cooling. Here are the facts: The Franklin is light in weight, scaling 2445 lbs. in the Tour ing Car model, 2750 in the Sedan. Light weight, with flexi bility, minimises road shock, creating comfort, safety, ease of handling and therefore roadability. The Franklin is economical see owners' averages: 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 501c slower yearly depreciation National trtraert) The Franklin is freer from troubles. "509c slower yearly de preciation," based on used car values, is one proof. Having no radiator and no water, it has no winter troubles, no summer overheating. And its tires average but one puncture in more than 4000 miles, with practically no blowouts at all. The Franklin aim has always been widest utility with greatest economy. It is accomplished in today's Franklin performance. FRANKLIN PRICES F.O.B. SYRACUSE at Runabout $2500 4 Pass. Roadster . 2600 Touring 2700 Sedan $3600 Broughnm .... 3500 Runabout 2750 (ConertlWo) Franklin Motor Car Co. C. G. HECK, President 91 1-13 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Uell Thone Poplar 4036-4057 m 1920 ROLLS-ROYCE (ALPINE-EAGLE) FOUR-PASSENGER TOURING ALMOST NEW RUN ONLY 3000 MILES BODY BY GILL, OF LONDON Owner returning to England unexpectedly. Car can be seen at our showrooms. POTTER-DIESINGER MOTOR CO. (Fornirrly lint Motor Co. of Pentin.) 2207 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. HOLMES Improved. Air Coolod r,very one realizes the value of air cooling in thc i niivi . i ne uoimc.M Acroduct I'lui.iiu-L'H iih vanic everv Av it (. ic year. P RIORITY in being ready for normal business with the advent of the New Year as shown by the wonderful values in this January replacement sale J brought instant response j BECAUSE THE PRICES, THE CLOTHING AND THE 1 OBVIOUS VALUES HAVE CONVINCED THOUSANDS I OF OAK HALL CUSTOMERS of their GENUINENESS .tt-b: '. eji i,- WM m' .--3Mi- - . iiiTsr BvV rH 'fc' U r7Si L. TiT1HMyTTWM i. M wimKmmr-irn-: fAsx- .SHlllHlllllilliHIilliHHHIiHHiii'J IWs't Coolbaugh-Macklin Motor Co. 3723-3725 Walnut St. Preston 3504 Our Own Overcoats and Suits $35 & $10 Suits for $15 Suits for $50 & $55 Suits for. . . . $fi() & $fi5 Suits for.... $05 & $70 Suits for. . . . $75 & $85 Suits for. . . . $75 Prince Albert Suits. 6000 Black Sack Suits. . $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $55 $45 $15 & $50 Overcoats & Ulsters for. . .$25 $55 Overcoats & Ulsters for $30 $60 & $65 Overcoats & Ulsters for. . .$35 $75 Overcoats & Ulsters for $45 $85 & $00 Overcoats & Ulsters for. . .$55 Oxford Vicuna Suits wilh Extra Trousers, $50,' reduced to $35 YOUNG MEN'S, BOYS' LONG & SHORT-TROUSER SUITS Young Men's $50.00 Suits. . .$30.00 Young Men's $55.00 Suits. . .$35.00 Young Men's $60.00 Suits. . .$40.00 Boys' $16.50 Suits for $10.00 Boys' $20.00 Suits for $13.50 Boys' $25.00 Suits for $16.50 Note: Special Suits for stout boys sizes 13 to 20 reduced to $18 and $20 Blue Serges and fine Cassimeres ALL SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS IN THE TAILORING SHOP BUILT TO IVIEASURE WITH A FLAT REDUCTION ALLOWED OF Young Men's $40 Overcoats, $25.00 Young Men's $45 Overcoats, $30.00 Young Men's $50 Overcoats, $35.00 Boys' $15.00 Overcoats for $10.00 Boys' $20.00 Overcoats for $15.00 Boys' $30.00 Overcoats for $20.00 0 I jj iSio w o 25 In the Women's Shop $15.00 I For $22.50 to $55 Dresses in Trico-1$75.00 to r tines, Serges, Jersey Wools and i to $29.75 J Velvets. For $35 to $15 Dresses. Poiret Twills nnrl Trirnlinps. Mnstlv $29.75 r Nnvvs. Ik-nder! and Silk Embroid ered. For Meteor, Satin, Georgette, Beaded and Silk Dresses. Values $12.50 lo $65. For Richest Dresses in Meteors, $32.50 to $12.50 $32.50 to $35.00 $85.00 $57.75 $17.75' to $52.50 For $12 Nutria Colors. 3 Coats. Collars, Bolivias With AH Wanted $11.75 to $17.75 $13.75 $22.75 $29.75 I $35.00 r i $39.75 1 to $15.00 J $16.75 Satias, Georgettes and Black Nets, i Romilnrlv S5! 50 In S75. $27.7o For Dresses Regularly $22.75 to $35. Jerseys, Serges, Satins, Georgettes, Taffetas, Tricotines and Silks. $37.75 to $39.75 For $75 Coats. Velours, Silver tones, Bolivias With Scaline and Taupe Nutria Collars. For $65 and $75 Coats. Velours, Silvertones, Bolivian; Mostly Fur Trimmed. For $27.50 to $15 Coats. Wool Velours and Silvertones. Some of These Are Fur-Trimmed. For $47.50 to $69.75 Coats in Sample Sizes. Season'a Newest Styles and Fabrics. Handsome Fur Trimmings. For $19.75 to $27) Coats. Tweeds in Several Colors. These Are Built Over coat Style and Are Made by the House of Kenyon. Marked for Quick Clearance. For $35 to $15 Suits. Cheviots, Poplins, Silvertones and Ve lours. For $17.50 to $75 Suits. Many Samples in This Group. Serges, Silvertones, Velours, Broad cloths. For $55 lo $69.75 Suits. Duvet de Laines, Velours, Silvertones, Serges. Some Fur-Trimmed. $17,501 For $75 Suits. Some Fur to L Trimmed, All Desirable Colors, $55.00 I Handsomest of Fabrics. $57.50 1 For $85 to $89.75 Suits. Season's to - Handsomest Styles, Materials and $59.75 Colorings. Many Fur-Trimmed. $3.95 I For Blouses of Pongee, Crepes de to Chine, Batiste, Voile and Georg- $9.75 I ettc. Were $4.95 to $12.75. All Furs Bear Decisive Reductions $110 for a 30 inch self-trimmed Marmot Coat, I $239.7.") for a 30 inch Australian Opossum Coat, regularly $150 135 for a 30 inch Marmot Coat, belf-trimmcd, regularly $189.75 $175 for a 30 inch Marmot Coat, raccoon collar and cuffs, regularly $239.75 $105 for a 30 inch French Seal Coat, regularly $300 $229.75 for a 30 Inch French Seal Coat, skunk collar nnd cuffs, regularly $335 regularly $339.50 .$219 for a 30 inch Hudson Seal self-trimmed Coat, regularly $375.00 $395 for a 30 inch Hudson Seal Coat, beaver collar and cuffs, regularly $550.00 $425 for a 40 inch Hudson Seal Coat, beaver col- lar and cuffs, regularly $595.00 $450 for n 42 inch Hudson Seal Cont, skunk collar and cuffs, regularly $G50.00 m onoc 30110 LOOSE LEAF Columnar Journals Almost any number of Columns i OE3( Especially adapted for cost accounting YEO & LUKENS CO. Stationers, Printers, Blank, Books g Now at 12 N. 13th St. 719 Walnut St.o Electric Specials for January -M i d ii 'w-o I Electric Clothes-washers Electric Ironing Machines d-! First JElectric Dishwashers tpLKJ Payment and the balance on convenient monthly terms. Western Electric Cleaner p3 is the first payment 1 on this well-known cleaner then the balance in such convenient month ly payments you will hardly miss them. Hoover Electric Cleaner We have decided to continue the same easy monthly payments of fered on the Hoover last month $6.25 down and $6.20 per month. Si fli $1.95 this handsome Library lAJ Lamp is offered at a very spe cial price for January only $10.95. Regular $18 value. Two lights- an tique gold finish exclusive design. Sharp reductions on other lamps also see these startling clearance prices for yourself. (J! down and the balance in very ipJL easy monthly payments' these are the special January terms on the well-known Universal Electric Heating, Pad. This is a standard, first-class heating pad, and for sanitary reasons cannot be returned. Sec these January specials at the Electric Shop, Tenth anil Chestnut Street, or at your District Sales Office. WanamakerBrownKSve The PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC CO. TENTH 'AND fMIPSTNIIT RTIIFET I M OS, 40th St. 10th St. anil Columbia Ave, 6th anil Diamond Su. 4600 I-'rankford A)1! II FfnmuM'ininiiiiniMMM Jiuu tvendngton Ave. llroail an J Kioconiu SU. (Logan) 7 and D W. Chelten " t f V .if! j? vntWirf -.4- Wr-r'.-f f.x . PCTSi