3 T"TP1PP ---- J :'" -----.' s ? iv ni r.wJ11 Ai' J'KV' v .$, v'- EVENING PUBLIC1 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1921' SKWv.i.,y It-..." - I,; t -f ' l-V- tor KM- v ' r F.- tv .v 17 Si WrA KW R j m THE Letters to the Editor j... Objects to Wlfels Mother 5V) the lUlltor nf the Hi-mmo- 'i I.MI7. Sir A (.erlnus questl n nf dinVrenee his Mrlae-n lietween nom-lt nml inv wif reenrd in her mother omiilnt; lo mill- h. r home with lis. It in not n nueatinn or obj. rtlnn bio mother In-law tn n (r..iiernl mw. for I i r'v, 'ril"um my wife's mother WwUl tun Intcr- . .v.n nun ua espr-riiiiv Rrcvntly my fnth -r-in.w ilioil nml mv wife, h-lnit n otil diMUhter. ahe enjs It 1 h. i dutv -.lute, her mother mim brent, up hr h.nn ;.. IiNiih h.i to live with im. i The. mnther-iu i ,. a im.e inri rr r nt about romlnu. nti.i n h- i nnltr ..Id w n tllerussetl lh i1 Ixntillit.v or 1O1rl1.1l I her In n. home for the used, ami I lia. i,i. untrered I. .i the tow My wire ,ay the vroiilil not permit tins, nithnURh he bell v. s It would be the beet thlnu f.ir her mother. flhn iav she would he nioi tilled lo ilo.uh in h people anv io hi-r thit ihr uml returnl her m lli. r u B.lnu into one nf th liunie. The moUid l w miner 1,1 p. in th" horn-. In fuel, i rr thit n. would rr. f. r .loinR o rnther thnn come to lle with ti but hr itAUnhter I (i rmineri We ivmiM I- mini whnt cr.ivded in our Utile apartment If tin mother crime ulitl if he (II. I I would tons 11 clvn up my den io b converted into u bid room. I nin folic! of cird mid we uo t!ie den frn.iientlv, Hnd If mi mother-In Invv cni" to live with us I would have to brent. top i-ur little (nrd pirtn lhjt my wife does not cure if I have to t- II m m.-n f 1 1- title tlmt ' cannot niet for rard nnv lonR'M, for It , ould not im bnir i Urn iih f i hei to tll )it friends her mother hh tn home ui Ported, lor the ni.nt part. b ilmrtt. I 1 am fiuu .uie thiit If I im unabl" tu oxercomn mv vw If. "a objertl"ii il l if inn u nd more or lem dlintrouh .mi ituallv for vrlth th f.'llriB wo Ntih entertain n w there ' la bound to bo n drlftlns Inio mo. -rl m ' conditions vh.n h.i mnth.'r irrl. nnJ II eenis un'oitunat. thit thl) rhou' I hue o -i curred for my wif nd 1 iu-'vimis t t ri. j Incident. hv. 1 .d on ih. most fn.'n.llv , term 1 hardlv . t how any on wuld h .P mo tnu.h with I h-lr ndilt" un.l.'r th rtr- cumiatH". but 1 would accept I' Hricinii I I. l'hilul. Iphu Dicembei LT ID';' Feels Dlue Laws Not Elevating To Ihr Fihtnr of th' f.'fnilno I'uhl . .. .lu-r 8ir Thp prei. nt tendnc tow irl HltomM Inic tn HMki. ttoonlA rluhtpml nn.t r.llut('U thiouh iiw fMnbilehtnent of tho Sunla j obserancH doitma by civil nuih.r IIs. i ' a rlanc r nlunal at which wc eh on. I ink. alarm Rundiy laws an. un.ii'iKil .onipul-. aory obt.nrH ir an enlerltm wede- opn Intf the (.iiM for .i Hood of illg!ou l'K latlon to follow In Its wake It Is hlah time that a ntronK vniie of protest be ri I axalnst re leelastlcal encroachments upon our frn Institutions and the const, enn of the ImllWdui' Th Amaripan nMnla l...olil I. 1 to. r . thariUfi.l Ihnl t ttoo nreM ult. . .Ill mm I 1ho are i.lie to t lleroacm. nis against our repiih lean form ut Bov.'rnnieit ex'iits at the present tlmj I.-i in k-i h" chui.'h and Hale deflnlti-ly ippariit.l lhat trull-. Justice an I Iberiv in ly prevail and thu trangulllit.v ui.l happlmaa m.iv b.. .outlnu.d and rromotcii fur the b. nefli f ell . n cerned N C M I'hiad. 'phln Hwrmbtt -'1 '''-' against immigration To "ie Milor of Ihr r'vntbiD I'nb! c liilm' S.r Being orlginj It an UnmlBrin tnvseif I am not selfish, but our Senxtn un'ess i Influenc. d h the financial powets that want rheup latm shou.tl bat k up iur Congress ami tjp imiulration fur ai least on" jear or no w I hive soup Mtihen again thousands of ui.emplovt .i notv lu our large itles are e tlens If should be figured on the s img b tsis as I usm. ss - take euro of vour old lustomeis IV t Ctil.-ss our Senate wanto to bo das, d with the English House of Lords in this . tse lit. had better l.avk up Contfr.s-. w . Philadelphia Dvirmlivr 20 10." How Can He Get Back? To fh" Mi w' cite i . m n a t',th i t'llj-'" r I tn th .if if t-tin . . u readers hh in h.w I am cuintf ' e-r LuU nt my wlfM for a ir'ik jih p''U mi m at Chrlatm-ir h .1 u'l nur f -.! wimI I pxprsil i (I r- t,iii ur I v l - ant ronffcqU4ni i utste u' k I f i .in iK " chiefs frinn t 't i ' I r i I n tin-. rra iirt.Mf- t u h- -t t i i drpn. anil rn w ,- v w-i ivt Mn' I never u f it ' n 1" ' ' 1 t I nl liHrdlv th nr -i-.i p " , i J i i. - i l i' Milnut ii-rto I'lm thit i-t.t, lift I tf thins on m ft n Mir- ol tunil in b oauo I r'ta il t v.e tu r it" in . n m n as she th ughr .h. oiwht '.. tin pren nts fir li f.m. v unj fit. i..l NOIV tshese b . Itilrfht hi. I". lino s.iinu t iriin r. ,tl v .In- cj hut She It , i' I t. I nf 'III . I ! friemls thti I it.i- it f .n.i .i r Presents mil til t , , t l te !'! the b.ok . ti n I i .in .t i i' second-hill I. I... .It- r nil u i a price for ih-m M nit. r n .t ic copy if HuntMt 1'ilj.i nn 1 because; mv wl; i I h. r tt. ir I a ilesirA t.i hav- r If the ii..n. tv the lines .n w hi. I I mi nt. r. - I caul in - mill.' 11 . c - : mlKlH ! ItT ft Hut tm.i .' i i r. .t ' ' Clirlstnus 1 1 1 i Mi I.ind.' Tvs I. ... ' vi , mv Wife I . I III .1 I' I ' taken ,i r t u. i i i ' n I son I'ru-o.. . t. . I 1 recall m I. I. 1 i -- i--my vvif i.. i in. i T it VV.iUllll. t 11 it" III ' I . .' . i lection it' r."t. i .s ' ter io tit- ti'1 ' .t tlon t. r " ' "i si' which sh. - t corns Hit. it - i - u months I have 1. . n ' -s v th Pst pi .11 f n i ' ' the junk h i - - ..I ' . i leiitlv pss. .. f..r - .. to f.p. n.' n 1 ' "' f' hflplru ' ' ' t 1 -et h..n 'in k h-r ..r . ' .i ' th nk II ' i '- ' must ' l'h i I ' ' J -T The Hyphenate T" Ihr i i . ' Sir -JV ' " - S . til.- ' ' ' bu tt TEMPI..: : N" KHSITY IHtllMi M HI III. Mill i I III- S inlet I .1 111 I scenario wit; im; PHOTOPLAY S-l'DY Spi'fial t'tiiirsf. (Jpt'ti tu Ml. llcniiis Mni'.d.iv. Jnnu.irv id, .it 7:li I'. M. IN nillllin 1 liiliiiin f . v rin -i- ill -siring Ii fiikp cmiresc mi um'I ImihJ . , thi I'liUrrttl ,,r I""""' u llir 1 Hf-t-cult. IMrf. t r I lu.i l'i mi .i, in I: i i. , ; $2000 A YEAR AT 20 y otitii,' n i w ' .. . tl i i ' Strayer s lluit , t . , .-.hi i . jrnrs I I l . ectlltlv ' ' irl 'ft'l it. e t I' .11 I t t n . unl l' "'" s ti . t i thnt I. is " i ' " ' 'i.n $7000 . t I ' . !- nf illtc r-itnit v i - il I t!., - i. e" ,t you S,-t '' ' r ' ' "' '' "1'liveri Straycr's Su3.:nes3 College 807 CbtJtn.it 5lre-l Phone, Walnut 381 (IKf ih IM II I S.. I'll' I ION- Ulen.iili m tin t) t i " i . W ii fi)tm ni 1 1 i I HI I I I.I. tiiiini ri e I'lill .ililiiln ia .'i i " 111 I 7 I in HI Wanamaker institute 3t M V II M I 'fX ...nl.1 f it i ( .niy In onc )Hsse our'. Tu'l.in r a , .1 i tl' IV ii I ' ' I mim "" ' ll.wenL VHCIIlClra Itr u 1" .tn Td, I ' . nt l r. riViil In lllillil I V'T...;!,' l-IM l.e' '.. T- :... a...... ... a.... a. ,f '.. "' tIMl Sa,.L.I tll.. BTl.'i'k- I t.int Liil'llsli, Jl rriiib, I .ill la i6n'!i af jWIMiB. u" ivurir ?l.l l.mu" 1 JL '..t5i r. Itt,.- kLaSS rf--' PEOPLE'S FORUM l.rtlri" to ilie IMItnr fhotilil In n tir.pf ni'il tn the Jmlnt um ins.sll'p, iivort.njf .iiytltinR Hint wouUI niicn n, ilrnuiiiii.ntlon.il or sectnilati illsciis i )i No ntieiit.nr. will lio pnlil lo nnotiy inrus lett rs Sliitno.i nml tulilrcssen must be siKfrcl n nn evidence of Kootl faith. althniiKli tinmen will not ho printed if rcfiucut l made that iliey 1k uiiiltted. The iitililtc.it ion of n lettei l not to be taken iih nn Imloi Keiiieiit of Km Mews lij this paper t'oiniiiuiilintliina will not bo re lumed iiiilcMH nt'oompanled by post .ine. nor v 11 tu.itiusi'ilpt be "tiveil. eio rrstxind. nls opium..! lo Irish friM-ilum tli.ll sonip who svn i.attlt' with the desire for It bo ovpr there hv should people uho fonf.'sell t.n.l nvownllv low. the etmrloan foim of .ivrrntn.nl. who or their ,.liistora i-hITI.. hue as did the Pllsrlms r ih Marv landers under la nl lUltlmore to ket awn from the oppn'sslons of tbn" . luntiv t. r-nu.sted bv Jomithi n." "I'nK I.IBht ' r ' .lusllee for flolh. ' as they "Isn IhemseHps. to ho to a land Willi h tllej il.ilni irt inlsaovem. d ' Tho. who lelle.. in iie.ord with the his one and tradition i epinl of America. thit hi in. n ale .riate.l equnl nn.l ilia il.. io is no u vine rlKht III KllBlnllil In rule heiand l.vo this land well They love Its HA. rnnn nt lieiter than ll.at of anv other .o the world Thei love It so well tint tne feel, as the vvrlt.r f. It and i x-.ressed It with ; reKird in lli'luluni and oth. r European , i-ioinirles In. public sv. eches for Ametlca'sj reuse In the war that th. re Is no natural tusoii whv those unfoi lunate people across tho s. a shou'dn t "Jo the -inv rlkhts w.- ' d hei.. In Am row llesldei. the Itrltlsn iii.v. rnn.. nt would s.e thai their passports er. not vv...i If tl.ev chose to Mi biu'a Sol how roilld lie V Wouldn't It ! a little more lonsistetil If euon writers wlo sop suiti b-autles In he Hrltish m'thod of rutins Ii-Innl should bo ov.r there and pel a lurta of H rather than .ou.l.mn m d"sjrtiillon t" lie...... tl.nse "hi assert that it Is not fi. nnd Hint t'imir tiro not i Ulli there'' Who - tie hvphenaie he wlo holds to ih Ann than attitude of preferring lepub Ihe oi h wh Plefers the ipethod whli h , i fore s taee domli nth n iivr a rat Inl nn. I , of 1 moB"ii-ous KtiBll'h ll.tn . ' hollloBeneolls felts'' o'tr another Is I! tlBht t .all naiie s and iinss lis llolhei ist, pto iletmins i .tinin hlst ttiose who sa Ire ui.l ouklit to I" fre,." A l.WVVIIP. phll.i I 1 1 i n . imlr -Ji) in." '. i Violent Anti-Woman Respecter To Hi. I'd tor o' fli r'ornlnu Puh it .dor: i sir Please publish th followinB 1. tter In he Puruiu In answer to a letter sinned bv dwun! M Shaw whlih appeared In tho I ;;. nlna Put' ! 'U'1 ' Mr Shaw tur nrth'.e wis .oiilvely ' ureal on The HolTlntf of tho Hal ' I ' ler.- with jo i In evervthlntr jou said In I stea.l of manv thlnltlns m a radlc-il I '.ellete tllev vv I 1 Bree with yoll as I do .Vomen mos' t-rtamli ar. tallnB tliemselvis oo htBh Yi u are mrn.i In stnl.na- tlmt man- of th. in Uf ri n supeuoru m.r i" ma s-x. Hit tin have ths wrnnu Itlea ulinii.th.T and bitter B-t bsel; on the rlBht track aealn Worn, n a-e posltlvelv malilni; ton li a showlnu In t uln"ts life un.l In men's dilnas t .o an 1 fem why they ill long r d.s. rvo n.urtsy .,..1 rsp-ct. V.in. n u" votlnB now somethlnK ths n..l ..ever .1-. amed of ea-s aeo As they , anl )ai )( lt ,,, 11, ti an even basis with nun thv t1-. rtfore should lie tr. at. d ilk- men. No .spirlal courtesy is ,,0 them ivtn' . rger Tbv h.ve brought OD their own und. Ing Thr- ut y th- .Mr M.i f nian r i :r niin .lit bur th ha ii .Mrt . f th H, iklUK vt th .) women h" bi'-n outdone ,x 1. 1 dfl d.-rnn tif hat IT tN tv"! I Ii'U O tlint it ihiu d l."t f doll t utrd uf on- h n ri !Iri.l"ii l iv.i.i Th. .irtic h in ti v tr!f.' nun ynu lull' a.!y iis-vt-r t ..-.it mvflf unlit luiuni .iium .- t v,..oi hn In t.fv:itoi mun Um hut v-- i' urr.il to nn th .t I "i u d t- mn my nnd vfu should I ' I finn I ' "i r virtu ! ii i nurh .n iliitl- thlnt ll ml It's Ite itt'v vvnv ti si.,.v r. sn Ttm' s Hie , t. ff in ii iuriv' list I'aee on .1 1 linmv vour h.it t n vvum.i" ! hnve vt.n.e f.. .. 'h I!' SB N.' I cl.m'i t-II' i H"'ss.irv M t n ..-..- K. ,.-. e w.mnn on th" Street nil more I' v men .Ls-rve n...it!as vvhv men '. al 1-tniJer le Hsse.l SS tlia K" n thlni: nf " pat "- h .eiv. , tl en . ' "t iiin he t p nf ii hat Womsn can no ! i-ete Thn s insl.l. i th. m 1- s t i lona " tit. h s s-at 1 1 3 c s.ir I 1 .,! "l -h. ii I L t. I I CJ. ,hai th' v .. s rrutv le.l a man t Biv t n''. i r ci i pi ,. I n in t ih v..men n. tr.cln un s. t run' veil a i it-., these rlivs clui' ' stsml when th y i t on tliev ir an.l I presullit tin t ki ow ! str' leaeon As I r tne kLmjint . i me -n. r of ttv-nlv .- ttilr'v in iiuli-l h i' nT I. a i-e . ' , tt ti ... ' w1". llle' M ..' TRAVEL SERVICE A WINTER TRIP under SUMMER SKIES to MADEIRA. GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS. MONACO (Ri viera). NAPLES. ALEXANDRIA (Egypt and the Nile) by S. S "CARONIA" of the Cunard Line, sailing from New York, January 15. for a forty-nine-day cruise. FINAL RESERVATIONS NOW CLOSING. APPLY IMMEDIATELY. TROPICAL irhinil. an Willi ut afn- Iiepfirtuie? "i A I A MARKS" in Tl.-. . I wonty-thioe uay; mn-t attrnciivo itiiioranc. Send f. illu'tratc'l bof.klc. EGYPT AND THE NILE uookv. nilk S'l.'.nn.is will recpen .service on Jan. 11. Steamers will n 'It oiiffliu it TARACrs. 1. CALIFORNIA from N'i'W York .lanuaiv is, .'7 and later. Hi'lik'htfully plannoil Touts cnibracm(,' i;,;m! Can;.! n, Apache Tiaii, Suutheni ("alifornia and i .1 l Ki"OI,a. Iii iiiiin't n Mtii (nhfuinin tiavcl we ate olTennjr a tar.i ji.i ir KMi i ti"n Tout' to HONOI.l'I.r. Ti.nt. ti.i . I.i a iiik San I'laneico, Jan. 2i. IAPAN CHINA PHILIPPINES COOKS CHEQUES THE SAFEST WAY TO CARRY FUNDS , ! i Tuui- iiom Ma i n '.. !". .n d ' iriTar.' - SOUTH AMERICA f,,,,,, nw y..iK .ii,. i;, IM. -. -:; M-.tinj? all pints of KAST AN'i) WKST ("fjAS'l -' FLORIDA CUBA Kiequent .Upaituic Ks ncialh e!l-plannci itineraries for individual travel. BERMUDA TOURS Short or extended pe-ij- T.il'i-iK' of all f.pen--c. .'"ailingt twici- weekly. (Jur s,-rice l'aes ou free lo enjoy everything that your Iravrls should mean to you. Talk over with us your tentative plans and make tccialions now. THOS. COOK & SON 223 SOUTH BROAD STREET (Below Walnut Street) PHILADELPHIA 'ty 'Iih phoneWalnut 300 and Walnut WSJ 52 Our motherii and Kranilmolhors had ome ene I i an assure vou, us they worked and staved where thy belonged In lid nome net on the street nnd In the officii, tf any one were deserving of respect and courtesi. It wnn them .1 II IIllATz. l'hllndelphla llreeinber 2'.'. WliO v . - . Questions Answered ; World War Queries, Etc. To 'lo l:,l,tor of the Kvrnlno Public l.citocr I Sir To settle an arsument. would sou Pleaae answer In sour People's Forum the I followinB questions 1 How- near did the Germans reach Paris In th recent world war'' ! How mam miles did Hie Russians get ! t.nn p In Itel tin ' 3 If possible, rive nie an outline of the Unrdsnelles. tho length and width In miles a-id Hi. principal forts that were captured b Ihe Pranio Hrltlsh fleet? A. V D. Phllidrlphla. December 10. 1020 i The u.luin.e miird ef the (lernian Austr nn armv leuehed a point within twelve miles of Pans before they were compelled to retreat 2 Most of the lighting between tho Uus Ian nnd Hi i man armies was alonu tho bordei The lluselans never advanced very far Into O.-rnrin territory, ntthouch they fouslit the Ualsir In his own country near ' lnn k'snurv e.nu in Austin a: i.emuerK ana : ,.,ir I'rmsl n The liardanelles Is a atralt utittln? lino s a ol .viormora ,f Morniorn with the Aegean It extends for a distance of forty-seven miles Willi an average breadth of from three to four miles. Th. Allies were unable to de ptro m my forts of any consequence along tho utrnlt and for that reason were unablo In reach Constantinople by sea. They at tempted lo reaili It by land, but this expe dition also was u failure Ex-Emperor and His Mother To tlir Filttor uf lh- I.itihu Public .rtlurr: Sir 1 have heird nt different times the story that the llmptess Frederick, in mother of Hk ix- ntpiror of the Hermans, and who wis Princess Victoria, the eldest dnushler of Uueen Victoria nf Knuland. snnie time after Iter widowhood marrletl njcnln. nnd thn ho s. cond husband was her hairdresser an.l that Kinpress Fnderlck'i doltiB so was . ti nf the chief ciuses of her i estrangement hum her son I have Just read the "Life i' th Kinprdssj Frederick. " but no mention Is made or this eeconii tr.tir rlaKe What Is th- fact' W I. II Philadelphia Pe. ember 2.1. HOI The estra'iBetnent between the cx-rmperor am! his mother was due to the ntnbltluns of William II and to tho antagonism aruued In the Herman court hi the i:nKllsh lnllui nee represented t the ljtnpress FrederUk 1 hi bitterness of th . .ontroversy lid to ut tacks on the impress some of vvhhli took the form of storl.s l.ke the one i.fvrred to In the above quest'on Land Laws in the Orient To the y.M.Cor uf tl? ."it-itm; !'itbttc l.nfytr: Sir Tliere iff I.IW in both .1 i.mii and I'lun.i tTohib.il n fort-Utiern from iiunin land. rtilna ha made nin roncion hoxw.'pr and fortiKti'TN mHy own Und in i nrloui parti o( th tountr Jutmn p.tfed .i law in Uif-I Kis.nt.nK th prill, en to ah. tin of owni'in .ui.d und-r certatn con dition but nwi'h t. noine tcinnli-alltv tli ' law h" rii't b--n nude fffoctlvu and nt the prffn' tlin fur. lin.'r-s) du not own land in that tountrj l hit In lu ani-.wr tt a n-o-nt uu-"tjun C l' riKKM. 1'hi ndelphlj, Wr-.HiulpT 21. l&.'i) Meaning of "Mark Twain" ' To fir FHitoi ' tl l.'ifti.ni; J'aMtC t.r1wr i t,ir Va ntnutl M t'leineni pseudonym Murk Twain fane or h.i-t It nn teal III'Mtltt , I'hliKdelphU .Mirk f fi.im thi v ' i f tt Jitxrl w w V. 1- embt-r 113, Ut-'O i i an xif --1 n (j ai uf piV it I ti. ;, n UUHtis Call for Volunteers ,.,. . ...... ,,. . ,s,., ,., .... i d. it I t Kl " Mlw .-.....-... 1UI the I nltetl "tlltts ISsUe III v C.I ' i for n vulunieer nim b fore men w Int.. service I i the late war" Imfu P. l'lnln'lelphi.i l.ec '.'3 IH'.'" ,l urn c i ruitmc stall. .- t i. , nii posiers vcr. .i-plav..i uralilK n n L' ' 's' .n.i jtron.inent titty. n uave t tills ..'lie-' nn v .Ititiiee! s si, that .v.rv nun I rf.l i t h tn. -ti v ilunte. r iile service in t.. aintv i ivv or marine . ..i i lettveeti the tint s r April 1H17. when vv ent-red tho war mil Jun- r of th' ttir when the llrst t ,ist it'on draft . .tli.J The White Capitol Dome 1,, I r-cfilor I ' ' fci '.iii ' t ' t'w . i -i in ii i -1 . n visit tu V isMnutt i rn.tl. t lhat lli. .It.m.i of th ..pl'..', m While I HI. Ulltl'I Ih" IniP'eSKinn that l simt was glided wten I saw a nbout twp.t tnitn alio If ha. liven chitn;sil w was Ii l..ne'' N W I I'h.ll.lelphlll I' .") 10.'" Ill III.' I,' 'I t tjlllt. l t r. tttt t 1 le' lilt IIS CRUISES Lcav,. so and ice atvi mooi .-iprini; lony-uiRni, nours Ian. 20 and March 12 by S. S. S. S "ULU.V'of the Great White -' iison hi the fust, anil second I'acilk' April Coat Jan. 2 I'n u sun I !l. Fob. 5, 1!). w 11-planne I t X 1 whlto. Tou probably confuso It Willi Ihe dome of the Conitresslonftl Library close by. which Is lovered with Kohl leaf. Complete Census Returns To Ihr lUltloi ol Ihe Kvcntno Public l.rilutr' Sir When will the complelo returns of the last census bo readv for distribution? l'hlladelphlo. Dec. 2.1, 1020. W, It, T. The Census llureau says (list the com plete results will not bo available for about two years Bible Translations To Hie Fililnr of Hie ffivniiio Public l.nljir: -Sir Into how nuny language has the III hie been translated? Aro tliero any coun trlea In which tho Clospel has not been preached' xy. 1.. C. I'hlladelplila, Dee. 23, 1020, The latest report of tho Ilrltlsh lllble So ciety states Hist tho lllble lias been trans lated bv the society Into -IBO different lan BU.iRes uml dialects. The American Asso ciation nli has compiled ISO translations. At the pres.nt time thcro are many parts of Thibet. India. China, Africa and Australia where the Gospel has not yet been preached War-Risk Insurance Policies T"J,,L' Kii'"! "' "";,Ti1Ho I'uhllc l.nlorr' Sir What wns the total number of war risk Insurunce ihiIIcIos Issued during the war nnd the number that hnve lapsed through nonpajment cf premiums' W I T. Phllndelplila, Dec. 23, 1020 There are J.IHO.010 pnllcle-. In force, to-tallnk-H0.n31.O40.O0O. The llureau of War Ulsk Insurance has not compiled flBiires showing how many policies lme lapsed. Referred to Readers Sir i an you or nny of your readers tell mo vwien. i can obtain a copy of a prose story uh.eh, I think In entitled "When ths Moon rose I du not know the author, bet It Is a Hevolutlonary War story and te7s of a k rl nnni.-d Judith who saved her lover from Ismiib hanged by the Ilrltlsh II A V. Hamilton ."ouare, N. J , Doc 23 1H20 Poems and Songs Desired j Poem3 Requested ''V.'"' v.'-'v.',"'" o "'.'. Kcctl'ID Plb'lr r.r.lnrr- Mr Mhl.e reading tlio People's Forum of this ,t.t. 1 received the knowledge that .vou lnv the words of Ihe poem called "The Maklns I wou'd 1 very thankful to jou If vou would send ine n i opv . Also If vou would publish or send me the poems cailed I Ve lion" .!! nit with the A K F Ihe H.i-tlo of the Jlarne " and JOSHPII f, I'lulide'phla, December Jl O NUII.t, 02H. ".v.. have mailed "The Maklns' ' sn.l would appreciate it If a reader could sutmly th. olllel two Old Verses Wanted In Hi. ili'.n of the Lwiwo I'nhhr l.rJm" Sir A very old lady wishes mo to km for some vrses which she heard us a ennu. The hi,.t verse runs as follows' "elv chaise tho vlllace Inn did Ktiln lust us the settliiK sun's last ruv T.niehel with refulgent Kold the vane Uf th- ild church across the v nv " As h.. remembers the poem It tells how lim narrator sees two children anpaientlv iiuirreiiri; over a Piece of brad Hh. re. provis them of ureedlness. but discovers that . ..Ii is araulnc that the jilece lielongs tu the , th. !. and one of them clinches his nrcunient hv sajlng thnt whlin be had hail some bread that mornlnjr the other has lasted nuthlntf since the diy before Of mini.- aii appropriate moral is drawn and nil eiiijM well (j f riiiiaileliihla, Pecember -.'I lii'.'u It. "The Foolish Little Maiden" 7 ci Hi. Kcliior of thr i;tnmu I'ublic l.tdoer- s - I am anxious to srUr.. a poem en ii'o.l Thn .N.i- l;unne; leBlnnlnir. "A It Will Certainly Please You Walnut Ice Cream The Special Flavor Now Obtainable in U r- The Standard for a Quarter Century VER go out into the woods, in the Fall, on a nutting expedition; Ever bring home a bag of chestnuts, butternuts or black wal nuts? Hard to tell which you liked best, but during the long- E Winter evenings, when you tasted the wonderfully ripened twang of the black walnut flavor, you most likely voted for black walnuts. That is (he flavor uou yet in Crane's Walnut Ice Cream. Clean, solid, rich, meaty Black Walnuts are chopped fine and mixed generously into the freezing cream. The demand for Crane's Ice Cream has constantly increased during the past quarter century, necessitating frequent enlargements of the plant. Recent improvements make the modernized plant adequate for the present-day' demand for the Ice Cream that made Philadelphia Ice Cream internationally famous. CRANK'S VANILLA tlio cream that in a (1 e Philadel phia nationally fnmous for icu cream. Mnile from M-M Mfxieaii V u n I 1 1 a IliitiiP. importiil ill in t ntiil Kruuiiil In our plnnt Look for -4 i foolish llltla maiden bought a foolish little bonnet." UnACD T. CAtUl. Phllailelphla, December 2S, IU20. Tin: ni:w iiunnut A fo1lsa little nialiKn bought a foolish lit tle bonnet. With n rl.ibon and a feather and a bit of lace uion II: And that the other realdens of the little town might know It, Rne thought she'a ko to mcotlns the next Sunday, Just to show It. Put, though the 11111" bonnet wns scarce latccr thnn a dime, The getting of It e e 1 1 1 e, J proved to be a work of tlr"ei So when It wns fairly tied, all Ilia bells had stopped their rlnglns, And when she came tu meeting, Suro enough, the folks were singing. So (his foolish little maid stood and walled at the door. And ilie shook her ruffles cut boh'nu nnd smonthel them down before. "Halleluial llnllelulnt" sang- Ihe choir nbovei her head 'Hardly knew you! Hardly knew ou" were the words she thought thevenld. This made the little maid feel so very, vcrv cross, That she gave her little mouth a twist, hr head n illtle toes: For she thought the very hymn they sang was nil about her bonnet, With the ribbon and the feather nnd Hie bit of lace upon It. AnJ she would not wait to listen to the sermon or the prayer. Hut pattered down the silent street and hur ried up the stair, Till she raihed her little bureau, and In n bandbox on It Had h'dden sife from critic's eye her fool ish little bonnet. Which proves, mv little tnaldns. that each of vou will find In evetv Piitibnth service but nn echo cf vour mind. And thnt Illtle head thifs filled with s'lly llttlo nlrs. Will nevei ir.t a bleialni; fioin sermon or from rrnyers. Poem Supplied To the 1,'iIiMi nf the livening Public l.nlurr Sir- find onclosfd tho words nf the souk. tho chorus of which begins' "She's morf lo be pitied than censured." requested b "P W (1 ' of oreenvllie, I.. In jour People's Kt.runi of Tuestliiy. December 7, iu:o JOSIIPH A. NOHI.K, Jit. Philadelphia December 7. 11120 "A MAN WAS T1IK CAUSM OK IT AM." In a little low room In the lloiven. At a tiib.o was seated one day. A lot of voiitiK fellowa couverslm,' To Hum life seemed hupp) nnd a' , At the vetv next table was seatetl A Klrl they had driven to shame The fellows all Jeered at her weakness Till thev heard an old womati exclaim Chorus she Is more to be pitied than censured she Is more to be htlped than despised Kor she's onlv a lassie who ventured on life' stormy pnth tlbadvlsed. Do not scorn her with words fierce and bit ter ill not laugh at her shame mid downfall For a moment Just stop and consider, that I a man wns tne cause nf It an In a little brown church 'round the corner. all the nelchbora had nathercd one da, While the person was preaching a sermon o'er n soul who had Just passed away 'Twas tho same wayward alrl from tho How- ery who a life of adveuturo had led Did ih parson then Jeer at her downfall? No. lie lieKK'd of Cod's mercy nnd suld Little Poem on Death 7o (In F.iHtor of the Kvrnlnu Public l.iitotf H I r I hnve been looking for a long lime to find a poem entitled "Dying," by I.oulsa K ' ,sr PKIIiILA 13 wMJaMwrtrtllsawKly! KSSSB.TmWPniBBBBRVTr'e-1- . f rctt-w-wvf.sS6fe HBRU ., t " K3r.riitt. HBILe. V r, ' I '. -.-. MPSSteaS'T4ts v." " "tffl" ,- -1 eiwninyel " i There is never but one Quality made the best that rich, pure cream, pure sugar and pure flavors can produce. When next you buy Ice Cream, order some Crane's "Walnut" from a Crane Dealer The Sign of the a - Vv. T It. .Atl: f"e"sl T ' e j.tr!.M taing. I havo been tempted to write several times tn the Feoplo's. Forum, since It haa been established In your paper, but havo felt It would bo n vain Plea, Uut I tee ao many odd things that 'I thought tnaybo you could help me find this: KATHKIUNI3 K. DAT. Philadelphia, December 20, 1020. DYING Hy Louisa K. Ixing' 1'nsslng out of thn shadow Into a purer light: Stepping behind the curtain, (letting .a clearer sight. Laving nslda tho burden, This weary mortal coll: Down with the world's vexations Down with Its tears nnd toll. Tired of all earth's playthings, Hrnrtslrk anil ready to sleep: Heady to bid our friends farewell, Wondering why they weep. Passing out of the shadow Into eternal day Why do wo call It dving. This sweet going awiay? "D. r. I." asks: "Can any one give the. whole nf this? "How far lo heaven?" Not very far, my friend: One single step will all the Journey end." "M. V. C" wauls to know whether nn one ihii give her nny Information about the Indian legend of "Cllosscap." supposed to In hnblt "Hlomtdon" on either the North or Soutli Mountains In Nuvn Scotia. "V I. II " wants to ltnow the author of tho following lines, which are minted from memory: "liver near us, though unseen , The dear Immortal spirits tread; All this boundless unlverso Is life. There Is no death. " The People' I'oriini will nnnear clallr In the lhenlug Public Ledger, nml also In tho Sunday Public la-iltcr. Letters discussing timely tonics will lie printed, us well lis reuiiested poems, nnd ciuesllotis of grnrrttl Intrrcit will be answered. Scranton Club Wins Eisteddfod Dr. I'niT.v'.s vileo ('lull, of Scrniiton. wai tin- winner of tlio $."00 raili pib.i1 nwiirilctl for tlio stnr fentnrp of tin eleventh nntiunl HUteiltlfotl held in Lti I.n Temple, under the nnsplres of the Young PeopleV Koeiety of the Welsh I'resiiyterinn Church of I'hilatleliihin. J 'I'hi; prize-witniitiK fenturp wim n ehornl contest for ltinli! rhortiies. There were font' oilier rtiiiipetltiir. the l'tills of Si'htiylkill Male Chorus, Ciinlorinn ' Mule Chorus of llii.s rity. St. (It'orge's i lileo Cltll) of Trenton ntiil tlie Orpheus 1 Milk' Chorus of Khitiiigtou. iFLQWERS from "The Sign of ihe Rose" Are Alwnjs Tresh Four Shipments Dauy Charles Henry Fox . ,' "IIW EDWINJ.SCHOfcllLttO. 533 N. Utb St. Philadelphia Crane ff && .221 S. IIUOA1) ST. I'linnst Wnlnilt 7I) s ml MnlllnoTubci TrzT 533 N. Utb St, Philadelphia Bf M M B Imifll 1 " Jl:nLiIiO,tisBiQsKiJK Q EL1F1KIM IKIM CRANE'S CREAHSfe 8 CHILDREN SAVED IN FIRE Four Men Overcome Flohtlng Mar ket Street Dlazc Hlght chililren were rescued when fire NUopt n property nt !tl)21 Mnrket street curly ycstcrtlny. Fouir llrcincn re overcome hv Kinnlfe nml bv am monia fumes, niter n tank in the bnsc- ment exploded. The property, n three-story lirlek building, Is n toinblnetl utore nnd resi dence, occupied by Miehnol ,f. Callln linn ,n florist. Urtween 4 and C o'clock Mrs. Cnllnhnn wn.s nwnkeneil by the coughing of one of the children. Her cries awakened her husband nml also her Hister. Mrs. Ogcar Kimcnour, of uolVi Wynltislng nvenue, who, with her children, John, Grace, Joseph nnd Helen, ranging In nge from four to ten yenrs, was spending the night at the Cnlliihan home. All were on the second lloor, as were, the four Callahan chil dren, Atlclnide, Margaret, John and Michncl, ranging in age from hcvcii to ten years. Tlio Mimics, due to defective wiring, originated in the basement anil run to the second and third floors, Mr. Callahan said the damage ex ceeded $10,000. He wns Insured. The lit emeu overcome bv smoke were O. If, Kosklns, James Wood, (Jeorgc Lambert and J.ny Cuinano. Man III on Street; May Be Gas Joseph Meritt'. nn e-Mihlier. twenty- eight j ears old. became ill nt l-'oitieth street and I.uucaster avenue this morn- ing. He was removed to the l'resby terinn Hospital in the patrol of the Thiit -ninth Ktreet and Lancaster ave nue polire station. It is believed he mny be suffering from the nfter effects of gas poisoning. WINTKIt ni'.SOItTS II 1.1,1, r-Allt IIKK111TH. n.A. ;REttEVIEW 'Ml and Florida Is Wt'l ti i sBWftt. F -fMHAI The proudest yachts fllde on the blue waters, rare game fish in the depths. Two 18-hole Donald Ross golf courses. Smooth clay courts for tennis. Bathing, trap, shooting, motoring, horseback riding, airplaning. Sym phony concerts In the morning, dancing in the evening. Kindergarten nnd elementary classes for children under competent Instructors. Opens January Oth rr..A rtlmn tu '". AdJriiiTktBIItmtrt, tfrm Ttri.ftr liftrmttlf tr nurvttlmi. el 1 JOHN Mtt BOWMAN, Piw. IARU E. CAR LET, V. 1. C IIHUMIHA linit.Mt'DA J tfatune&airyiandz 2. Days fircm NevvYor k Jg n UNDER SUMMER Join the many charmlnr American families who p?ml thtlr winter viicatloni In beautiful llcrmutlu where In ii nnnlnt nlil world erttlnK of Incomparable Invellneas, ou miv IiibIIv rent, rnr Tilav your favorite eDorta of coif, tennis rldlnr ilrlvlnft molor boatlnir, enlllnE, bathlne nnd Ashing or dance at Hie icay incrtles ut the many modern hotels No l'npnrta lleoulred fur ltermiidn Tnn snlllnta weekly durlne Jan.. Feb., Msr. nnd April vln Hnfe, Fnn!, I)e I.uve, Twln-Hereiv Steamers S. S. "Fort Victoria" 1 S.S.'Tort Hamilton" H 000 Tona Dlsolacement Satltnt; from New York rjt.fr Jan. 8. .. 'J'.'. 2ii i Jnn. D, is, l an Keu . is. id, an v rb. i. . tn j.i .tend Jor clearrlpltre IHeralnre fo 'rm iJUKk U FURNESS BERMUDA LINE UffJrflsg&esrn- 34 U'lillelmll KtL VavT-t- Kiirneaa. Wlllir A Co., Mil. Ilonras Hide., l'hll,.. Va. 7iiniiii.iiiiii.nnnMiiw.m.MtiTi XTI-WTK CITV. N. .1. ATLANTIC tJITY.N.J., I i AivAmcpican. Plaariott?! iof DislmdioivandRealCoiivtort j I FIRBPROOP Q AH AC R. r I i capacity uou. tvairrrs.jcxizpy M.iH,Hi-siMi.sanM-WM-ieHiaiMiae-iiniM Let Ut Malta Vou Feel at Home In the "L'ltjr of Kobnat Health." Hotel Morton Orran Un.l Virginia Are. CannrllT 2SI). Klrintor. 1'rlvxU Hstln, etc. Alware open. Vlralnla Ave. and Ueach. Cap. S60. Prlvatt bathe; run. water: elevator, etc. A me r. plan. HAal.BL.US. Owner. N. J. COL.UINB. lljrr. MarlborouanlBlcnMrn Hnlpl Rnctrnriol KmucU uve. Itefiirn riOlCl .QOSCODwl inrellcnt table. JIT SO end up vveeMy. Phone 117 A. E. MAIIION leIvHV(ltll). N. J. Laurel-in-the-Pines Lalcewood, N. J. Situated umorir the Pines anil ierlookiiitf Luke Cnraanljo New "I'lnea Orlll" lS-lmlo flnlf Colli xf I'llvute Timlin Courta. ItldlnK Kliailctl V.ilk KlahliiK. Musli rrlvutii (luriiBC'e. Nev Hlrctro-hydrothrrnphy Hath Hybtetn I'KA.MC V. KIIL'TK. Mnnner Hrnnih Ollbe of OI.O. A IIUIIN & HONH c.MlllJrM New VorK Slot le IIxi h.ititto l.Alvi'HOI)ll, N .1 111 Hi. rilHM nil KlinrtH lttu.hlil Wnlo roWNHlllH CO.MMITTI.I.. NT.W ORI.KANB. LA. NEW ORLEANS "Tho Paris of Amarlca" Central Ticket Office of all Principal Rail road nnd Staamahlp Llnea In St. Charlea Lobby. Illustrated Folder on Requeet, One of Amerlca'e leadlnc lioteU. Accommodatlnif orer 1000 cueete. ALFRED 8. AMER . CO.. Ltd. Proprlotora sr ii:ti:hsiii mi Manhattan Hotel ii.a ts'I I'ltcii Mhuic;. Modern fvlott. iititlfiil criilllltls. nnnlP liet Imulcli't MIA 'lit rie, VISIT MIAMI ll.inUletM, Cliiimlier nf ('oiuniircr, Ml. mil, AIKilST, IA. 'hi. HoielBonAifSS Deliglitful for a Winter Vacation Two full It-hole couriee In tplendld condition llouepick name ana u outdoor eporti. C. O.TRUSSBLL, M.vfr LONDON, HNIII.ANH RKSOIPfS -i .1 ii . i tn i i , nn, ...... !) ! )ben in iMti&on Mioit u 4MUA&A4 )WJl4 ,v. ii BLAMES ARGENTINE COURTS j Officials Hero Dltter on Escape of Fugitive Brlcker Philadelphia officials, headed hv ,,. jor Samuel O. Wynne, chief "of the county detectives, litninc laxity, nf tt pontine officials for the escape nf ur William 11. llricker, the notorious innlprnctltioner, liist l'rhlny. Major Wynne declared clumsy inutt proceedings In Argentina hampered ex. tradition ot Dr. llricker, and lutlinntM his intention of spending every cent nf the $21,000 In forfeited hnll forfeitc) when the physician fled this country to bring nbout his recapture. "Wc have just been advised by (In. newspnpers that Dr. llricker ha escaped from the authorities of tho rc. nubile ot Argentina," .Major Wynne snld yesterday. "It docs not surprint us. "It would have surprised tin if he lm( not escaped, prior to tlio final decision of the court to extradite Iiliu. It wns all wcil timed, as he is said to hnie pt. euscd himself from his gunrd ami left last Friday, just tiic day before iho arrival of Secretary of State Colby The escape of one of the most nntniin'i, criminals this country lias ever had will ninke the welcome of Secretary Colhy hv the Argentine authorities seem quit's sincere." Man Hurt by Auto Near His Home Thomas Miller. -1801 Ilidge hvimui wns knocked down neuv his home His morning by one of the Swift A. Co, trucks driven by Joseph T. Wooihuinl, COS Grove avenue. He was taken to the Memorial Hospital, where It was discovered that he had a biulli i ut scalp. Woodward was arrested. WINTKIt KiyORTS iiKi.i.r.Aiu iir.ic.iiTM, ii.a. COTTAGES v R HEIGHTS, :Jorida most enchanting at the Bellcvlew a. great luxurious Winter home, nestling in a Southern paradise, fringing the Gulf of Mexico. It com bines every home and hotel comfort ; offers every sport facility and the charm of interesting people. - JUDKlHS.Mjr. SKIES IN JANUAR I 11 000 Tona Dljnlacement ' alllnif from New Vorli St.. NeiV or "40 Hour From Frost to Flowers" Thm Hamilton Hotel II EH M LI) V "The queen of Ulm.r Iteaorte" The Uricit and flntal hotel on the lilandi and of fireproof cor.tiiUvtlon; modern In etjulpment and operation. Golf, tennta, boattnr. rldlnr, drlvlr.K. danclnc, flahlnt. bathlnit In the aea alias encloied eun rrlor20O ft. lonr. Orlll. lOOovtalde roomt 260 with connecting hath. Hamilton Hotel Company, Ltd MANAGEMENT 01' J. A. HlinRIUIH) N Y.Ofilce. 2.1 Dth Ave.. Hpur Travel Ilur, tnnolllet ) fable addreea "Hotel nermude" TORT MYI.It4. n.A. Florida's Host Attractive Resort HOTEL ROYAL PALM FORT MYERS On Hie llrantlful Calooaahatehee Rlirr OPEN JAN. 8th, TO APRIL, 10th. 18-hole Golf Course, Oraee Oreeni. TiclHIm, Horaebaclc Itldlnr. Motorlnif, Tennla. Fine Flehlnr and Iluntlnr. Bulphur anlmmlnr pool. Orchestra, Elevator, Buns- rlor cutalne, Acrommodatea 200. Every Room with I'rlrate nath J. L. NELSON, Manager lor Ilpoklet Addrrea Town it Conntrr. 8 . 40th St., New York tlRKBN rilVK HI'RIXOH. FL.. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL (Iret'n Coir hprlnsa. l'lorliln I'lirproof hotel Willi mud, linprovnn'ls . j iiinva Hot eiilphOaintiKiiealu enrliiKH ' butha eolfi bathliiK e.islno, tennla. hum ' Italca L'i )er day upvvnrda with menu, " iner connoctlnn Hotel Uunmore, Lake I mi more. Vt , Hutcl Marlon Lilte Oeorge. N Y UOSCOi: ,. .MAHVI'.L ST AI'ni'hTIM n. GOLF AT ST. AUGUOTINE HOTEL ALCAZAR Now Open PONCE DE LEON Opena January 4th FLORIDA'S IDEAL WINTER CLIMATE AIHCN. H. O. AIKEN Hnulli Curolliura Premier Itrairt Highland Park Hotel OI'HN DHCHMIIEIt TO M V V I'llBeessre u viiicriu 1111 us """..,, . r C'LI.MATH RKORI.ATION IJNVllluN.Ml NT Aililrraa .1. J. K.VIIKNHV, ManiiKrr Kiimmer Mhllefiice Inn, Luke I'luild, VUIITI. HI l.l'lll It M'JIINISM MIIITI! iini.r HI LI'lll'R M'HINHH. H. , 1 1ll; IIXTIIH AMI HleM'TII TODHH tUntuy SSros- INCOtirORATCD TOURS CRUlflliH 8TKM8HIl' TICKETS (At Htenmnlllp t'ompanlea' 0n Rnlel INDKI'IINDI'-NT TRIPS ARUANOI'" 210 So. 15Jh Strept viiiiAi)Ki.rji( - :i Y I vKSI & $L w -e- ... TSLviin - . -ag-iLSreji. i. . M.r--jmfmMt- rrtaei bhpbi