uv y r 'If 1 " ' tn M .ilMV rxP KS. WILSON OUTLINES K - J$C Reason in Frenct Coolant: t' Cosmopolitan Kitchen Containina Reaves If p From Various Sources ny mh.h. m. a. wilson "Werton.. l. by .1fr.. .!. A. U'iu-on. .m nosis rrrre ru. 1 NfTtf st.r w lKAir.S DAY ushers in the new year, 10 lot us begin it in a' nner In which there will bo no back-1 sliding, Do not bo discouraged by the I .failures of the past, but know that be- TOm mil utnnrta n r-,.n. !...! ...... !. with opportunities nnd ulthln reach of I 'n"' Nw Y,,nr w111 ,,r!nK M t,,V' ',af:c thc who would grasp It. " r,'u' "snBll'" French cooking lesson, All things fulfill the law of the Ir I ", ""mo'wlltnn kitchen every Weilncs bflmj; flowers bloom and scatter their 1 'fl'1 with recipes which nre gat hired blossoms to flic four winds; the tree 'rom ti'0 ,,our rnp''', of "" world' A bears Its fruit nnd the stars keep their ', practical Friday market basket, which appointed plncos. Let us then luv nside ''airlcs the housewife through the mar ine old ways nnd trend bigger and kcts. nm' n dictionary of foods, which broader paths, making bigger nnd I w"" ' unother feature that should bettor homes, , proio most, interesting. With flicso new Know Uint the true wouinnl) nrt of inct.sln mind, let us resolve that wo will nomemnklng requires brain and Intel- bake more bread, make more cakes and led in order to be successful ; and the I desserts nnd have more pudding and art of preparing nil home-cooked foods pies. IV nil homo-cooked foods for tads nil other arts. , our families Know that this, our New Today tlic whole world Is looking to ' Year's ri-o'utlon, will pny immense tfce womanly woman with her little fam- dividends in hnppv families, good health y about her to form the true home nnd less evone I" monej . plrlt. I The Rvkninu Pi in it- I,KJoi:n and To the woman who feels that she h Mm, M. A. Wilson greet you with a bored to deatli because she must provide llntipi New Year nnd wish vrr all hnp Uiree meals dally for her family, nnd ' pine-n nnd nm cms In your undertakings. THE HUSBAND HATER Uy 1IAZKI. DKYO TlATCHKLOK Conir,pM, I91t. lu f'uMIc Ledger Co. Jean Xorthrup, broupht tip (u Iiiji- ' rj. la (ititfdrnlj lift prnnila bv the ' tenth of her father Futr of finxuntu force her into a marrtaii elth h r guardian, itaik Uranil, ritiit thr imh lecit to Ms ranrh hutii '""' few mi Mm. Onr, tiny Join d"vfiis her i- , hand's orders thnt the ( n( M fii.n 1 alone on the ptains nnd hrr hu"e , fcai-Oip run awau rchdr he sd ;jf . ! Is forced to rmr hnot 011 tin mm horse with Murk, who Wilrv otir to rtti'I her, A scene ensues brftrcin them iind for the first time Mark hold Ins iWr . in his arms. A few dav Infer a atranger eomts to thi ranch liy lie name of Dick Mason. A Neiv Friendship j MARK was rorwi to Ktand by nnd watch th friendship that quickly developed between .loan nml 1110 Biranger. no mnue ni ein ri 10 intericr- --...... - . .. .. ..... fact, he was only too Rind u Klve, nM, linntilti.nu I nf th. llrnt time Jean any hanplness Tor the first time ne wns soelns his wife ns uh rcnlly wns with her fai.e wreathed In sir lien and with a hundred little uirllsh graces tht made her adornbl young nnd sweet. Since that night when M.-rk bad held Jean In his arms there hod been but one feeling In his heart the d.r" to mai: her care. He would hao elm anytning In tho world fcr lust i n- of tie strum that she showered on Dick M.isnti. but lncc that time Jian .1 voided his e.s: the memoiy thnt was sweet to Mnrk had evidently closed her heart to him for ever. She would never forget the fict that ho had broken his pror use. Mark liked p.clt Mason lie thought of him as a nice, clein-mlnded bov, and between the two joung people there wan Imply a frnnk frlendhip which did touch to ameliorate Jean's lotu liners Mark wlthdrtw his objection to Jeans riding and sho and nil. ften rode to 5 ether, ay and material tains for Billows even lampshades or tti s-ime helped to ninke thingn bright. Often Mark heard Jean humming little DREAMLAND ADVENTURES In Marigold? Kitchen Hy DADDY rii.iTi:i: vt A II-!Jorn Mnlden "H A! IIA' HA HA, tho handsome I younc millionaire has fallen in love with the grlddln eikei of a dancing kitchen maid," jeerd Mndim Proud nt Ned, who was on hl.s knej at the foot f Marigold. "Ha! Ha! Ha' Iow folks will laug'i lit this!" jeered ""' iabille end Anna belle, who wero bitterly dls.iptointed be cause Ned had not asked cither of them to beoomo his bride But now Madam Proud irrew eraftv ,,thn was still e.iger to Vcome the I nother-ln-law of .Wil, for she knew he naa untold riches '11a! Ha ' Ha'' bIh' lnughni but making her o ce jol'y instehd of sneering. "It Is a joke on Ma 'ig.ild th kitchen maid and not on N'd the mil i. HonaJre. He Is makli.tr fun of her Peggy and Hllh lojkd mix nisly at I ed. Would he tak - Madam 1" cuil i nt and try to make ; appeal n joke I poor Marigold" Ma 1am Pi old ton iked anxiously at h ni If m ihould ice one of my daug it rs as your bride I would know tn t was i 'oke and r nothing about it rh" said Ned nover ' j k 'is i , ,, friim Mar1 Id's face which h.i Ij.oI s n for th" Jt tlmo when Mad.m I'roi.d dnatehed ny her mask 'My fair Princess Marigold ' s-.Vd Ned ..ully, "you are ven more beautiful nan I thought Will jou become my HltB?" V "Goody I Goody ' Ned has stood the t!" ehouti-a 1'egy and Jiiiiy, and at The Question Corner Today's Inquiries 1. How enn the cleaning an I . ijilntr down of tiled bithrt.om walls b accomplished nt one ti- i ' 2. Describe a striking patent leather belt for n daik blue d i-. 3. 'What use iuu he mnde of a hn mols or sin-de slioppnit; 1-ai ufter it bus worn nut'" 1. How iau uccorilioti plents br held in place to be pn-.ed w it basting or showing the marks where pins have bun'' 5, In what nttraitiw wiv i u s. of furniture for n I bitch dining room painted? 0. How is u neiklnce worn bv fflli ionitble women who like n h.gh collar? Yc.stenlay's Answers They even went to tuwn one ,,'..", ",'",""?; '',L r "r --"'nir brought back iirds or bright I 'f, ??tr.ard colorlt"f bin thoughts which Jean fasf loned Into cur-1 j'-lnbi r v,WiaH y?u"B "J'1 ln,Pr'-"'' the ranch llv ,; r.oni. Kat , ,! ' ",f"i.Mar,: PUt "J0 ' t,,'lrl'-' m at.op.ir..,l in rh. rhmrs nm l". v.,i of We feeing Jean wnenevcr p' 1. A new standing ushtru.v i made on the Hat top of the porn.uui i Hhnde which entirely Inciois a ' low lloor liiiu'i. V V When the visor -f n . iv i- b i I 'oil cloth is u good mnreii-ii to u I for mending it, so tnu it will wear us long us the n-t of t i t C"I'' 1. The effect of ti plain white slm-T. r on an electrie '.imp an be chutiRed from nnn- to ti i e painting white bulbw in diOercnt , colors. i. It V shoe wears a hole In u cloth spal, mend It by diinim l nl , bleb evnctll nillt.il-,. ' Kolilln? n f.lllllU liitce i f . 'i I f ill. s-illie Hllllde Illicit rnetllh so t'l.M it ir lu eaucllt py some hi till stitches. A K00''''00'" M"i'l" p ''"" bo tnadit Inexpensive!) out of HiecUed gliiKham, cut l ht Upper, with a plniii flap oi tlll outside. sWhlto orsandlo is used to make u ierel row of cut-outs In the f sfaape ol uowers or uuimius h rouud tbe bottom of a dorlt taf - !' SM.UISP-' Vi' I iuUt,.,.i-'i - i , i h m ii i i i ii nli n .-;- , - ., - ,IHi . ". Every Week, and nn Wednesdays who then feels Ihut she litis favored thon iiNienllloently b.v garnering nn ' "l inuvimoiis irnu me Ill'llie-ll. dolieatrsen shop to her I would say "nRn'" Mnrtlin, return to the wuvs of v,,,r hne'iold baking nnd cooking, strnml"K '""1 "truing, nnd Unit have ,mir f,II,1" R'Tlfy ou us n true woman Mill IllOtllCr." .....;.. 1 ... i-i i. ..,..... tunes to herself nml it great ruin would tenr nt his h-'nrt Hmt wns there about this buy that he h tnself InrkeU' Whv wns It that h could meet Jenn on equal terms white her own husband was linricd out of her life" Mark did not urderHiand that Jean bnd been used to n ill.Terent type rt man In the tlrst tilicc Mark's v'rltlt overpowered her, hiH lack of soclnl prncex set hltn aport from hr and all of these things, nhlci. would n')t Imve ma'tercd nt till had chc 1 vmI him liinttnl up ns an Impa1 sablo liarrler between them because ho had forced her to nvirry him Dick Mason had come west to do some railroad constructing on u branch line. 11- ni of Jian'a own clisr He wns 1 ortililoratp of her every wish, nnd It was possible for them to chnt casunll about things that would have seemed to lack Importance to Mark. Dick was frankly amazed to meet n woman like Jenn burled out here In the wilderness and he tqmke of It once and niiwtii-3T f,n, ni' r"iii- ji 11 unci- iMIU onl. 0I1(e for J(,an BhowPd lerv pln n)v .1 . . ,. i. . i . . .. . ' that idle had no wish to dlscuns'ihn mih. Ject with nnv one It wns on- dny when th-y were riding together and Dick had said suddenly: "Whatever posnessed you to marrj a man who would bring uu out hero to live" Somehow I lmag.no you In a dif ferent environment, a long drawing rnim with sti.uled lights and the stent of ('"With, and ou In n wonderful gown dispensing ten to your friends." II" sjieke lightly, but Jean s voice was sharn when slu answered: "We don't nlwa moose our environ ments, and n woman tnut live whro her husband has Interests " There was iin air of tln.-il ty about whn' she saut that prevented Dick from gulr.g further. Hut her vcr evneion of the subject showed him more tlenrly than anything else could have the fact th.it she was not liiitp nnd that her life here tn the west diut oft' from the roinradesliln of one Ieg(r- bv.in nl.iylng .1 wdfl!ng march on hir isnmb-organ w'i'le I! My H-pt tlni" by drui n.i. lg , n the dish p.in "What'' shriiked M.tdam Pro id an 1 it two dauKhlprs 'Will you many a kitch-n ma d?" I win marry Marigold if hhi will May; me, said Ned. ' for lle Is good, and sweet, arid beautirul and knows how to cook as well na how to danc-"'" What will all your friends nav If ou marry this 'ow-born girl, lnttind of fin- of my daughters?" shrieked Madam Troud mil now .Marigold mule answer She lrew herself up proudly, look'ng every "ii 'i uiiioK iiniie ior mu. the mtl.lnnr.-'re oung A kitclun maid I am it 13 true, but low Is rn. never'" cried Marigold, her ee srinj.png '.Misfortune n rul me oor orplvui who had to tarn a li- ng 1 ui niv futln r nnd mother were p rsoni of higher degree th.ui you. el en tho'inh tley wen lot rlcli. Our fnmilv goe Uirk to roalty nnd cur name is 'honor .'hie "1 know It! I knew it!" :rUd N'ed ' My own Princess Marigold ! Again I nsk you on hend-d kne will jou honor . ,' h. -,, " , "V' M..i . .. '- ....... ... ...... Yo for I love you true," whlsjiercd M ing' Id I "ITa' Ha' Ha Whom is i he jcke on row " cried Hllh nt Madam Proud nnd i iJimbelle and Ann lhelle v. han aston Irl'iiM' -vis turning into rag" And fi.iin bill' In 1 to Ijdge uiekiv tj p,n lor h.i impolltenisa for Mad urn Proud throw ihr hot griddle a' h.tn At t ,e same time Clurdbellp pitched a siuce to.n at Pegg- an ! nn.i')rll. mrl d a rul'ing pit. .it ..M ml Mur'gold I. k- soino other rsous who hue hot tem-pi-rs, motlo r and daughters forgot they were supposed to lo ladles and tli-y thPfcW cierythlng they oould luy their hands on IJut t lev vere not good shots and Pegcv IV v Marigold and N.-d wee r.rtf ll dodos. No one ent bit ..n.i ut n , 1 ih- fu .r wore Rife In Nid's automobile Aw iv ' Away to get marri -d '. ' cried 1 d puhh.ng th i.ir to Its high, ht I-i'-rl Ui.t Hut was the end of the - "iy ns far as P ggj was cincerned, f r as th air rusm.il on she tII ash ep ,; 1 ti er ', up tint 1 ntt mor irig rlnn sho fount hvr-lf snugly tucki.d .In hir own bid at home. I r ",e com ng wo.-k s story 1'tggy mid I Ii i: I v pi,v a tuck mi Ilopplty-Uop and li jmim msgl': on mur. I il" you linai-lnc what Kind of a trick i tii ) t .!) And .an vou unaglno whut ki'i I if magm Hoppltv-Hop uses" i r, I i ,r ou ginsj 'he str.mi.-i pa e I to whn.li ii, irrles ta-rji hy tin pyivur I uf h.s magC Things You'll Love to Make Worsted Clover Hat Ornament ment for n i j in -,1,-d clovers cardboard , i b two i - or Mako g i 'li - nu i of i-aen ovi i . aeh i i,isr ind 'he liolm with vvor- f Ki ,i tie 'tit. Ins nr I utie-l i i ii ' I smal ' I i Plrto- i iv i . in li i overcast thiuugli m d lp lil i i .v . I I ii, In r s i, it r clli-le .s 1. it l I outHld- is "r th oil ce o. 'voi ,st, 1 I . i , V 1 11 till, who e cut 'iirough the I wrsti I (tin i liuiirds Hjl Ml.'l He -cunlv to bin I mi i w o c- iru me mruiius oi orsi i n, move the cuidboards oi All luv ti tlufty ball Wind giten worst, d or lils around the lop i-') '? form the calyx (the gnen cup-hapcd part of u flower) Join thre o( these cioveru and a few leuvea to oomplet thlB tuateful bat ornament- KLOHA c niutcnol """'"" "'", "Rlu Atondnj- Duncer Ahead jsvmWillk ssisi Scm?z7sK. ffwlAV'Ur A ikJQ ?"r'5y eii-i-ij rip wintg . i r,rn Hp H- ha i ,i - I ( Ml sm , ,,, ,' ., tfl2NSlU.-dMro Please Tell Me What to Do By CYNTHIA "A Lonesome Girl" Slnco you read the n. Ivfce Cvnthln gain to "Lonesome," follow It, too Miss viuiuman win do giaei to ncip ou meet oiiirr gins. j-ernaps you win mcei Ivoneoino ' there Sorry, "Patrla" i-jninia is soriy. I'atrla, but your Jotter and arg imenls not having true bnsls tnlglit do harm to those who rend the column. You do not know whereof you speak, m have bom very, very uiuoriiinaio in our rriendshlps. Trj' to look for tho good and beautiful In love nnd some day you'll thnnk C'vn- tlila for not haMng printed the sill) theories Oh, Fie. Whlteyl Dear Cynthia I'll sav this "poor lamb" Is peeved You got me right No. I nthln, I can't ay 1 am sure vou are a woman, half a woman, two womon or whatever you are; but what ever ou orgiint.cd editors. r,r rcn one editor, are or Is, on rnsMi r yourselt ft "she , but I never thought It wns tiecessnr to find out becnuse I am forced to ndinit, you usually give good, honorable aHlce to both !-exes, but whenever any one Is to blumo the count of ten for us men. We tiro com pletili knocked off Well, whnrer you arc, and which doeint interest me o verv much, vou certalnl nro n wl"e one ou gint mo a swell write up for an answer vnthla. but you didn't answer one or mj questions Kut ny Now, I'll nsk nou again pretty eves A young couple nipiid the evonin together nnwlurc thnt Is the proper placo for )nung couples Who gets the most pleasure, the man on account ot iiavlng something fall and sweet with him, or the girl vn account of haung something strong nnd rough with hir? "WHITKY." Well, Whltcy, ("vnthla thinks It's a fifty-fifty case Hut oh. fin' Wh be rough? It docsn t sound pretty. Suggests It Grows Tiresome Dear fjntbia If the barracks once known a "Tho CT.Ief Medical Kxam Iners Oftlce" nt ramp Le, .tin be stand, lug then there w II probiblj be found In tho convirted i lfss hull chalked on the bullrtln beard th. follouii e imnr.,v. ' nient (") u.ion K i. rrg, which 1 tiotlieil when 1 pas..,l through the building upon my d t.-harg . "The shouting nnd the tumult dies The cat tains and the kings depnit. Ihe plllrolhrs uttei m nirnful cries; oh, homo' When do WH stnrt'!" It was dated November 10th. 1 passed It b In Ma 19 111 six long months and they hadn t started then ' SpasmodlcnlI almost slno that time the question of b v, has tlnrcd up In our column, and our coriesponuen-s are Ju"t ns fnr from n solution ns ths poor "plllrollers " Mavhaps bv the time we of our column have nttalned a head if white hair and aro bowed down with the wisdom of the world wi will ilkcovcr WHAT lore Is Hut In the meantime nut we all learn that It Is a great mvinry, giving place only to life nnd dv.v.1." Snd. -.co pt ing tint as a piopir d-ititim turn our toplis to s.,m "cw field' V-'rllv tne old subjf -t (rmn tireiome with the lonstant repetition i,r old thoughts ex pressed nrdy in new wrds. THE BUCK PIUVATn Fears His Manners Are Bad Dear t'ytithla I am a griatl Innr eted reader f your column, and have noticed latch- tint ther litis b"cn nu to a dl&cusflnn on the subject of love Mav I not nddiesH a f vv i'te.s to the reader-. In uetiernl Ihatu: to-i There m.;st assured :, is fjrh a thing as ovc fo- love I- all that Is beau- Hi . ','w .,''' '"'I'" ""d faith, and without love tho y lid would be a pon-I-laee to ,M Ir In n v opiumi. a per son who hues th.-lr faith in lovn loses ever) 'lung And now. r.vnthia. I hn a qut-Mion to as jfu, and I fee Mire, nft-r ri ail ing the wiiiiderrul idvliv whi-h m.u hive gtven oth.is tint vou wi,I r,e me I hive re. in'lv Income in qualtited w-ith u .voting rnuii who Is irv- niiL and nU, .atr.urive Now this same voin.g nan Is .mpi cd In an ollh-e wl.ii h ,s ii ir the -tndlj rlius I att'nd. and has askid me to inn, h wi i him I do not inru ti hurt his feelings, but I nm verv pr-.ud nnd am ri'illv afraid tliat hs table manners might nn be verv goo. and so um wond.ring whether or not l shall refuse. You see, Cv-nthlu mv niothe: nn) s that I a-n too" proud and Incl tied to be snobbish Won't you kindl) give mo your opinion on the ma'ter" VANCHON. If this young nnn is ho r.lco and at tractive whv should )ou think he would nit know how to behave nroDerlv ' i .. ... .. r i.i ..,.. ... I r " viii nwiuii vivu are hooiiDin tpy Never be ashamed of )our friend" dlhr Stands Up for Redheads Dear Cynthia It Is with n griat denl of hisltnni) that I wr to to .o-.r column, sini ever) new Jetter means pra tically a ihvv nrgumeiit. and I am afmid tn) studies will proven, my ion turning the argument 1 am writing In defense of "red itu red ' men as "Winks" is pleased to all them. From her letter I ns-aime thnt she hates but one "red-haired" man although she dies not tn nn hlghl) f Mu other "red-hili cd ' men I am iii f thie in) self and have nough I v.wiedge of them at hand to dlspiuve ar arguments nKaini-t them It In trin that most "re.ihiad"" ar quic'- tempend Put "W nks" Is not quite fair to them when she leaves ,.rr her Btatemer.' at that pdiit She vvii fullv negleitH to state that their nt k en ' off nltif t a- rap dly as it ansis and 'hat a "nam of remorse alwais fol ows It, "IU-d-h..lred" men are nut. uiall) good natured, they have sort hearts and randy sv-npa'hles "It-I haired ' men are cot, dured as nn nsset b) most know ng folkk rather than a llub 'ities The) nrt clever and quick witted. brave and fair I ha e to write these praises, coming uh they do from a member of the clan Hat fai Is are facts and the truth slioul I lu known These tribute are quotnl fi-.m state-mints of neutral person 1 I 'ivv read art elm and heard lectures perta'idng to "r-d-halted" mn, nnd tne i bov. w r. the gimr.il nlii rvnt ces n ii r li, autli hi cs on the mutter I am not the "rt-d-ha'red man i I. as ng after "Wlrks " but I did th nk a gt-a' dull o' a "ridhnlred" g rl W. in. i t ' beet il i impnr.li i,s and pn pl-w.r- iilvvav" rereirmg t, us ns tii. j iiln-3 pal. ' Wi woie ulwavs laugh It g. Upon meein.g cuch other on the 'met tieli saluted tho other as ' Heds ' Hhilo It may be i-iiid thnt this Is an! exieptionnl uue I know for a fai t ill is nearer me irue state tnnn the f. ("itlonnl on.- If It hadn t bn.n lor panntal rbjtctioi s- -who knows' I Mie didn t Kuk ah'iut red haired" I. I'll lie. fill Hi. uh tfll.lv lh.il- f-tiirnn. .. I'.uh summer night ,t coterlo of piini nr nine 'ndhcuds --bo)M and girli 5 mtliH it i ndulth--mav le een on on nil miki' the Julliist liuiuli itnng li .hie Iiwn ut Stnt- College thero is a 'HidhMid Club" that Is tho mvv ot .ill till .lletH S, Winks" stop krmcklrg voir own .i in'il )our knocks are Just tied tn, ' ji.'.hin" ,rlli:iJJjV." He Bursts Into Verse Iii-ar vTithiu an the columi. dl-g- st a IfcW untamed stana. ' UiVK i V'eri-i- Llbro I f.i."' How elastic, 1 1 bow narrow. II iw ibvatlng, and oh how cruming' II L.ee ,i in) alt noun enigmatic concoc. tl m I'- pared by l-'.i'o While III Ot i cf HliU Ir.T.ot us Tii, 'Ua. Ill Iit-iir CvTithiu ''.m the column I..H. ,i r.lurg.- into tbe si ii lirst It thrill us Tnei. .t b'lddunl) hi gin., to i lull wi IV I.Ike wino i: stimulates. Then intoxliaiea, And iho morning after I,cavei that dull, dark-brown lasto. (To bo Continued ) HICAHTUHEAKBIt. Poor bouI ! It's pathetic, but now nnd then th,ey get that wav J' JiL "-- BHiMRaL iTtliT TTrMWiiiniTi A - p' t,mT LEDGE1U-PHILADELPHIA, ( SATURD USEFUL PANELS FILL MANY EMPTY SPACES lly COHINNE LOWX Panels nre mniils of nil work. Any little thing there Is to do nbout a dress from forming of trains to creating nn unevennc-s of hem, from giving n eon trnst of fnbric nnd color to helping out on a Moyrn Age lino they nre rendy to undertake Rome of the new panels arc accor dion plaited ; nu unusual kind created by n great French designer Is formed of diagonal pieces overlapping tin en tire Skirt; a third variety is the fan shaped one. now so much seen. The above little frock of old gold catlu morel) fills in the space between two side panels of blnck sntlu widen ing from the shoulder downward. These panels are made distinctive by the ap plication of n squnre of the old gold satin embroidered in blnck and shver. The same embroidery nnjienrs nt the front of the coisngc. Adventures With a Purse A ND now, ho soon on tho heels of - C'hristmns, Xew Yenr's comes rush ing in, pell-mell! Perhnps jou might think thnt I relish this opportunity to talk earnestly anent resolutions. Hut no, that I cannot do, for I have alrend) passed the stage of illusion where 1 can make un.v New Yenr's resolutions with the convictiou thai I shall l:rep them. I know me too well. I rem) receutl) about a man wl-o snid he hud heard tint one should do souu thing ever.v day that one did not want to do, Siich 'would li" good disiipline nnd a well, char acter exerciser. Tor his part, Mild the man. he did two things every day that he detested doing one was going to bed nt night and the other was getting up in the morning. A'l of which has really very little to do with New Yeur's and resolutions. Nor has tins "Adventure." My purpose todnv Is twofold. I want to remind you thnt the adventures nre written in good faith; we tell the truth, these ndven tiire and I, nnd we endenvor to point out to .vou some little nrtiiJe you may he needing that you hove somehow over looked. Hut if in seeking such you a e unsuccessful, won't you phone or write me so that 1 enn help you out? 1 should be only too glad to. And sicond!) the purpose of today's article is to wish every one a cry hupp.v nnd thu "best ever" year. A Rustic Rug Hvcn such homely stuff ns the coar.se material of a coffio bug or coarse sic Ing of any description ma) be m. de 'nto an attractive rug In tho following way: Cut the stuff to tho shape required Then having prepared strips of woolen material an Inch wide, darn then with a coarbo needle In and out through the -larking, leaving between each strip Ijops an Inch in height. Tho colors n' the vvinl mav be div tsilled according to taste- I'or instant e, thero may in a blink bordir, with a center of a sin gle shnde or a variety of bright colors After the work Is ended the whole surfa i may be tl I ; ed cvml). A ver) tasty and .simple rug can be made tn this easy manner Your Soul's in Your Hand Ilr lllVINfl It. llCON ii.i;i ri.KAit lines One with lines like these, nil other things belnr eijunl, will be found to be uuiid ph) ideally, mrutnlly, morull)- I.XXI If ti. l ilm lines In n hand aro clear and di i p and of the normal Jmgth, tiny speak of a P rson who Is sound In eve y lisped i)l')sicnll), mentally, morally This will be found to be especially true If the lines have u pink color; for thero are frw markings In hand reading which ti II of health so accurately as does color No matter how good the lines or other fiiitur s of palm, thumb or fingers. If the limn are wh'te or )ellow, there Is ll.t i hs lurking sonn-wln re, ready to Im pub the operation of even the best an I -ir ingest 'iialitlis. If the color Ih i x cesslve." red, there is too much ardo , tin b'ood is ton huitid, ar.d the viry i of Inal'h niiv be mi ohstiicli- to the bi st om ration uf onus good quail tlo Pink 1 1. lor is lust It "liuvvs (Iin gloii of hi.ilih In sutflcliint nieasuie to Insjri the hi st results from Very pirt of tin svidun to nh ch the lines in the hand tefir If one lino Is clear and deep nnd of a good color, while tho others nre def. o tlve, that line will till of tho ono forc9 within the person from whloh he may hope for sucoesn. (To b Cotitlnofd) ! nll I V L W X ' s I I I !1 ) 0) J '"iri'r I ...v..- ... ri -.Cs-t.ii THE DAILY NOVELETTE No More Larfo for George nr nussKix CIAYTON Oeorgo Henderson ran hln flngeM wildly through his hnlr, took n frenilea turn or two about hln narrow hnll bed room, mvoro it mild oath thn threvvr himself down Into hie morris chair nnd, by the light of Ills rending lamp, pe rused once moro tho letter which wan tho cause of his dlstrnetlon, "Dear old Oeorge You're tho one man I can think o" who could, nnd would, help me out I'm having tho diiUent tlmo posBlblo nt this poky old hole, simply becnuse I don't know n nian. I II confess to you there Is a man I d like to know, and I think If I could rouse h's Intenst I could detach him from a fow other young things down here. "Can't you run down for a week nnd play up the earnest suitor, strong? "Yours for old times' Hake. iiptexfr " "P. S Pon't let on to Aunt'jnno 1 ietit for you. She'd bo too awfully hor rified." Now, "Peto" wno tho girl with whom George had grown up. She wns some sort cf n relative but their relations hnd not been bnsed on nnv Kinship. Hather had she been to him sister, friend nnd pal nil rolled Into ono. Never had she failed him whon he needed n bit of ndvleo or help nr sympathy. How could he refuse her this favor, tho first, really, sho had ever asked? llvents o the Inot few years had cast their Icti In different places, but Ooorgo could tell from the letter that "Pete," his boyhood's nickname for her. wan the nmo uneonventlonnl daredevil llttbi person ns of )ore. Always, whenever ehe wanted a thing, going out after It. Who. he wondered, was this man that Poto felt worth wastlnir tho ammunition of Jealousy upon, for that was what it umounted to'' An to ins going uown there hang It nil, there were reasons, good rensonn, why ho should net go. Thero was his business. With nnt vn caney In the position of treasurer, he wns keeping his noso to tho grindstone, hoping to attract attention from the powers above. And ha was building up i reputation for frugality which n trip down to Peto's fashionable If poky little hole would shatter Irrevocably did It become known. And there wns Mar lon Hang It all 1 rote's plea couldn't have eomo at a more Inconvenient time. His thoughts fluttered nervously between h's business and his fiancee, the while he s'ung things Into his bng. Then he snt down nnd wrote nn cxplanntory nolo to Mnrlon nbout his proposed nbsenco from town which explained nothing. Pete met hltn at the station, n vision of white from head to foot. "Dear old Oeorge," she cried. "Dear old George' Aren't you tho best over'" Then, ns she moved over to the driver's seat of her little blue roadster, she Jerked n brown thumb In n northeasterly d'rcctlon "That's him!" she whispered with a beautiful disregard of grammar ivhiCh Intrigued George ns much ns It would havo annoyed her highbrow nunt. Georgo glanced casually at the tall, broad-shouldered man In tho Palm Ilench suit standing back to him, evidently lis tening to tho chatter of several young women grouped around him. Now thero !s h certain similarity between the backs o' all tall-broad-shouldered men, and this particular ono signified nothing to Oeorge. If It had. well, there Is a fair chanco hit not even Teto could havo kept him from retreating hastily northward on the vet v nu.1 train As It was. he passul a very pleasant half hour driving with Pole- along the ocean boulevard nn.l llsenlng to he.- ac count of various happenings during the years cf their separation, while she, In tum. extracted nil ho felt nt liberty to teP her until Marlon decreed a public announcement of their ouihtiiiuiii Thin she dropped him at the hotel where oe unci eieoieu 10 siay. witn his prom ise to bo her eicort at tho Casino hop that ivenlng. Now, either Pete's Intuition was true that her acquisition of nn escort would bring her tho particular attention she de sired or eltv the rn.lshlng gown which .sho woro would havo proved Its own at traction At nny rate, George'n duties- at th hop wete fur from onerous. At the nd of the opening dance, Pete wns all bet tnken from his arms and for some time he saw her no more Then, far down the hall-room, J palm-imbowered orchestra burst uito the hop's o' a popular om-step he saw ete nnd a tall, broad-shouldered man ulvanclnir toward him And there was no escape. And all his llfo tho merest iproreh to those chords on any Instru ment from a phonograph to n ukulele uoducid the biune shlv.rs along his pine Peto and the president or his firm 1'efe and the brother of his fiancee for they were one and the aaiiu y.o had indeed plnyid a scurvy ttlck upon hltn' T",1.1.t".Vou ,,," !"ff nrm of coincidence' vv lldly. he looked about him Uy side s'! pplng Immediately behind that pillar and back-stepplng out of the op- n 1 rench window, he would be safe' Ho had no tlmo to meditate the p-oject It v.ns net or gi t caught Geoige acted Half nn hour lai-r. In tho quiet of his hotel room. George wrote nn explana ory note which actually explained And he wound up this wise- "If you can dispense with me, for He iv wis t.iki let me Know Vou se- ii iiiujunt of explanation will abiolve'in" v i'h Mtilcr. because to explain uropOv would Involve )ou nnd her brother' "Worriedly. "Gi:oncjii" The note he dispatched to the Casino w 'l. instructions to page the lady for v.hpm It was Intended Thin he waited and sM'.nid I inuincrable cigarettes An hour later ho got his reply "I'cnr Georei -You have ,inm. i. .... thnti yo i kn w. Your defection ...,i U y. In tight Mr Illalne to my reVeue -in i.u.iv, I I- roiiireci mv liri V Thrniliu Ir. vn I i'. P.. r .......... ... .iv,-. I'lilL," r,.-orge took tho Inst train out that night and not till ho wan unco ugnln In "in o'Mi hall bedroom did ho feel asen- of safety Whow ! That was a narrow CSC il ' Just suppose he had been caught on tho eve of announcing his (neagnnent escorting another woman than hla fian cee to a dance at a ashlonnblo re-sort ftet writing his fiancee he was out of town( on business with a person called Oeorge mopped his brow "Here's win re )ou settle down, old boy!" he said And. presently, it was I Next Complete N'ovrlcttr out an II "hornb with- That Touch of White One- iron- we am j.iboting p.s Mas said we inleht. and no th ,.r. ..... blue serge ffoolt, so long bere.ivid uf Its ' urtftt nlnn I.. .ml. . 9 ...1.1. .1 . ' ' a I ouivMiiud v-'us.i ui wiiiir, noes riot hnvo o bo deprlvid or It any longer You may M't )our Jabot up against the plain "hoker colhi - of this blue fri' k and look llnlshed And for the more ,-laboiuie Mick ehit there corno long plaitid Jiibota that resemble those we all wore n tho good old days other touchi s of ehlte can also bo un-d, such ns tie ruche of white prgandle, with Its cuffs of sim ilar fabric Iloth of these aro mushed with nurrow grosgraln ribbon. Ncio Frocks 'Die frork whhli romhlne-i black and bluo Is one of tho outstanding features or prewnt modes It seems to go with tea as frequently an tonst Hut, then so do the various sands and browns These latter, b) tho wa), aro so orton trimmed with otter that It looks as it everybody had been organizing an at tack on father's old skating cap. This pelt Is really ono of tho most fashion able things you inn don. Sunday at Y. M. ti:.NTIt.li 1HII.OIMI 1431 AIICII ST. I.iiHIIY -.1 ! M lump IN IllllldJ ci.sn At Idl'iJIII'M I P M Hi:itvp i: h:i:tinii tpeaker Itl.V T. A"lll.ll HKSH 'lople ' lle.nll t r Hi- Wurk of th Voir Th it In Hi fore Vou" Vt'Iill' lUt'M -, I M IWI.IAJ. I.IVi; VtlHK IJI I'STI'JSS U th WWe AI, . M. re Scrap uf I'upir" I."1IHV 7 P M i:l.MVIJ HD.N'O M.'HVlri. VI III rOHIIJM S 1' M I.VRMXtt SKlUIC'K Il.uitr.it I Wit i MiMun Plcturei jopic -iieiinninfts'' i i; r.UA IMIIIY MJil.COMK. l,.nU".H AUK IWPKCIAI.I.Y imitpii Y. M. C. A. OF r-wSSSlHP . -i"' - W'Xytffflt&MKMMmMm OTjA-NUARY 1, 1921 ' i i 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 I. I, ,tli WHATS WHAT ny iirt.tcv nrcciB After cutting tho meat on tho plato It Is proper to put the knife down, to tako the fork in tho right hand, hol lowed prongs upward, to placo tho food on the fork and convey It to tho mouth. The knife should never be used to spado up food on the ork, and iho fork should not bo held In the left hand at nny time excepting when cutting meat with knife and fork. lilting Into bread Is A very common violation of tablo manners, nnd slices of brend nhould not bo cut Into sections. When tho brend Is passed, It la placed on tho bread-and-butter plate. No sllco should be buttered all ai once. Tho cor rect way la to break oft a small portion of bread ns needed and to butter that portion before eating It The Woman's Exchange Inexpensive Refreshments To tho Editor of Woman's Pope: Denr Madam I am having nn eve ning company this evening for about flvn Connies Can you suggest Homo- thing Inexpensive to servo for refresh ments; A NIGHTLY nKADUH. Why don't you servo hot chocolato and some sweet crackers? That Is rcnlly plenty, with some dainty on the side, nnd hot chocolate always tastes good on theso cold nlghtii And It would not bo expensive. If you wnnt moro you might have some potted chicken, cream cheoso or lettuce sandwIehCB In addi tion to tho chocolate nnd cakes. An April Wedding To the Editor of Womiiti's Pane: Denr Madnm Wilt you kindly answer the following; questions; First, What clothing Is proper for a brldo nnd bridegroom to wenr nt a homo wcdd.ng nt 7 o'clock In tho evening'.' Hecond. What is tho most popular, n voll to tho bottom of Uie dress or a long vell7 . . . Third. Are tho hotels In tho Pocono mountains open In April? Fourth. What things nro needed In a girl's trousseau? Fifth. What clothing would ho neces sary for a bride nnd l,rld-,gioom to take for a trip to the Poconos tn April? lNHXPnitli:NCEU. Tho bridegroom at this wedding should wear tho regulation eve-ninis clothes, swallowtail coat, white vest, black trousers, white tie, stlff-bo.som sh'rt and bl.uk silk socks nnd black pumps, with white gloves. The bride should also wear evening clothes; that Is, a dress with low neck and short sleeves (white, of course). In sntln, tulle. lace, georgette crepe or any inn teilal that sho prefers, with white satin Gloves nre better form with short sleeves, but are not absolutely ncc-ea snry. If you wear a train on your dress tho long veil is prettier, but with un ankle length dress that has no train tho shorter veil Is better. Most of the hotels In the Poconos are closed until later In tho season, but the Ontwood. nt Mount Pocono, Pa., In open all tho venr round. A troust-cau should Include a suit, with whlto walnta, everyday shoes and silk ytockitigs, a slinpla hat and dark gloves, nn afternoon diess. a top Coat and n dressy hat, white gloves and pumps, nn evening dress with hllppera nt.d ono or two houi-e dreases There may be moro ot each kind If desired, of course, or fewe.' dresses, If jou do not need nil of tnem. Then nn many sets of underclothes nn you want or i an afford, bedroom slippers, n. kimono or negligee, handkerchiefs and nil the other little accessories that only 'ho per ion who Is g. .eg to use them can choose find decide upon. Tho weather will bo pretty crisp nnd cold In the Poconos in April, nnd it would be best to bo prcpntcd with plenty of wurtn clothing Your regular winter clothes will be enough. Malting More Money Oat of the Air Abk rlmost nnv one In the Bouthern part of California "Who Is th's Mis Yeomans I hmr so much nbout ," and tl.ey will relpy, "Oh she's tho girl that picks money out of the air!" To be sure. Miss Yeomans doesn't find do'lar bills floating about In the atmos phere, for even In the California climate one has to work for financial rewirlu but sh" has capitalized an Industry which had been overlooked for )enrs til he only stock In trade, la provided by nature. It jvtm several years ago that Miss Yeomans began to be tntetested In but terflles Ut fore then uhe had sein hun dreds of thousands of them gay. mu tl colored Mlttlng nbout like bits of n rain bow but she had paid llttin attention t hem as a commercial possibility. On dny. however, n visitor from tho Knst re marked upon the exceptional beauty ol several cf the species and added that, t far ns he knew, they were peculiar to California. "There are a number of collectors In New Yoik and Chicago." he went on "who would be willing to pay real monej for perfect specimens of those butlci film. Whv not capture a fow and send them along?" Miss Yeomans not only accepted th suggestion, but found the work so Inter is'lng that she went Into It on a lnrgi scale, Huppl)lng weveral decorative houses with i undreds of tho largest but li rtlles to be used under glass and open Ing an Interratlonal exchange for thi rarer varieties The monev and thi r was n lot o It was literally "plucked from the nlr." while at tho samo tlni. I provided a healthy outdoor life, coupled with nn exercise ot oiu-'h artistic sc-nsi which made It extremely enjoyable Mondn.v for thn Hrhoot C. A., Jan. 2, 1921 MlllTII I)I.I)0.103 W. I.KIIIUII iniiv 4 1'. M Ppkir: IlBV. I.INN IIOWMAN Tonic "Tho Olft of Capacity ' Solelit MItS. C WinilVXllHti. f. V M l-'KLIJWC HIP ti:a r iiuki n.-i) a simiom sr. j.oiiiiY- i p. .r Bpeiker- CIIAHLRH DKIUIYSHIItL, Topic "Th III 3" 611 P. M ri:i.!.OWHIUP Ht'I'PEH PHILADELPHIA v? .'. i evf-g -MMtMMi I I BHIEflCliHHBHCSElrDtt3HJy9p1l v avis. JAr LETS MAKE A RESOLVE FOR MORE HONESTY THIS YEAR If Every Ono Would Strive for It There Would Bo Fetter Robberies, Hold-Ups, Graft and Less Lying A HE jou making New Year's reso lutions this year? Instend of tclllns ourselves nnd our world firmly this yenr that we arc not going to cnt so much. candy or smoke ho many cigarettes, not Being to use so much slang, or swear so much, not going to buy such expensive lunches, or go to the movies so often, according to our sex, why not tnnkc up our minds to bring more honesty Into the world with 1021? We can use It, you know. Thero arc so many kinds of dishon esty in tho world now. There is the kind that ve always think of first, which nllowB men nnd women to tnke complete nnd immedi ate possession of anything they want, no matter whose it In. Ye know how much there lq of thnt dishonesty being practiced nt this vcrj minute. Then there Is thnt smaller dishonesty which allows n person to rench out and tnke possession of small articles that really do not sccra of any Importance n pencil left on a desk, a pnir of over shoes left in an office, n towel or spoon belonglug to a hotel, even n face veil left for n moment outside n locker. There Is the dishonesty of speech fo mnny persons find it cnslcr to lie first when nslted A question. They He when there is no need for it, when tho truth would require less cxplnnntion, or cvuslon would bo simpler. LACK of sincerity is another form of thin kind of dishonesty; this can not lie cnlled lying, but it Is n second or third cousin. Petty graft trying to get something Two Minutes lly HERMAN The Two Roads THERE in a beautiful Gorman, legend which I am goiug to bo terribly wickwl and translate! It wns New Year's night. An old man wns standing nt a window. Ho turned his i-nd eytR up toward the deep bluo sky, where the stars were floating l'kc white lilies on the surface of n clear, calm lake. Then be lowered them te. the earth where few more hopeless beings than himself now moved toward their certain gonl the tomb. Sixty long yenrn had ho trnvclcd nnd his journey had brought hltn nothing lut errors nnd rcmor-e. Ills health was shattered, his mind empty, his heart sorrowful, his old nge comfortless. The days of bin youth rose up ns In n vision before him, nnd he recalled the tolcinn moment when his father hnd plnced him at tho cntrnncc of two toads one leading into n peaceful, sunny land, covered with a fertile hnrvest, nnd resounding with soft, sweet Rotiga : the other conducting the wanderer Into n deep, dark cave whence there was no instil', wheio poison tlowcd Instend of wnter, where serpents hissed nnd crawled, where footprluts led within nnd none led without. Ho looked toward the sky nnd cried out in his agony: "O, youth, return! O, my father, plnce mo once more nt the entrance to life, thnt I may choose the better way!" Hut the dn)s both of his youth nnd of his father hud long since passed oway. lie saw wundering lights floating nwny over dark, foreboding marshes, nnd then disappear they were tho da)R of bin wasted life. lie saw n star fill from heaven nnd vnnlsh in durkness this was nn emblem of himself- and tho sliurp arrows of unavailing remorse pierced his hcai t nnd soul. Then he remembered his enrly companions who hnd entered on life with him, but who, 1 nving taken the other rood, were now fur nwny, nnd honored nnd hnppy on this New Year's night. The clock lu the high tower struck, nnd the sound falling on hi.s ear recalled his parents' early love for him, their headstrong, ciring son; the lessons thoy hnd taught him: the prnjers they had offered up for him. Over whelmed with shamo and grief, ho dnrcd no longer look tnwntd that heaven where his father and mother dwelt; his darkened eyes dropped tears; nnd with ono despairing effort, he cried hittetly: "Come back, my early days! Come back! O youth, return! O, give me back my early days!" And suddenly he beenmo ecstatic for he had waked with a start I And he realized that this was but it dream, n henven-sent message delivered to him during his slumbers on New Yenr's night! He was htill young! lie still lingered on the threshold of life! Ills journey was not passed It was but now begin uing! The roads were there before him he had yet to make his choice! And. kneeling down, he thanked God fervently thnt time was still hla own; that his ycarR were yet oung nnd his sinews utrong, and that ho was free to tread the path leading to the peaceful land where bunny hurvestn wave Insect Pests Much can bo dono now to reduce the possibility of Insect plagues next sum mer If a little effort Is directed toward the destruction of Insect shelter cieas Around the grounds nnd gardens, under ledges, bosldo ditches nnd In fence cor ners nro bunches of insect-shclterlnn wceuH or grass. uy me tlmo com weather approaches many kinds of In sects In tho adult or immature stages havo taken full ndvnnlngo of theso nooks nnd hidden nway thero for the winter The llurcnu of Kntomologv H STORES CO." US Cuatomerg Ijfattftfttl mp!opeeg anta pugineggf Jfrtettftg is a full and happy new year, with health and prosperity overflow ing. Let us not forget that true pros perity is measured in things that make life worth living a peace ful heart, a friendly smile and a God-given respect for the Golden Rule. 1921-WE GREET YOU! iV Our Stores Will 2:Sg:g:g:2:g -4 ,.l.miii. , m ,.i .. ij. u. w. ut ViW.aaJ .- i--ri 6i , for nothing, giving as little as possible tor as much as possible honesty his no room where nil these forms of dli honesty nro allowed to live. And they do live; they flourish; they nro encouraged and developed, until now dishonesty has become almost n sclcnco. N "Something ought to be done," wo moan, ns wo hear talcs of ransacked houses, daylight hold-ups, and horriblo crimen led up to bv the dcslro to get something dishonestly without paying for it. But wc don't do anything about it personally. WI, CAN do something to mako thi tics better rlclit In our own small circles nt home, In the office, among the neighbors, wherever our llfo takes us. Wc can help stamp out tho dishonesty thnt has been the outstanding fenturo of 1020, bv making tuire thnt there is no sign of It in our own lives. It may sound small, it may sound ridiculous nnd Impossible to say that you, personally, enn affect the world with your weentsy little resolution. Hut remember thnt there nre several millions or tnoro or these "you's" In the world. If you Ahli decide thnt your New Year's resolution Is for moro plain, unadorned, unqualified honesty In your own life there won't be onvbody IcfB to nourish this greedy, selfish dishon esty. Can't we try It? Can't wo nil make thnt general resolution todny? It won't hurt nny of us, nnd if we keep It it will be worth ten times the trouble It takes. of Optimism J. STICH United Btntes Department of AgTicul ture. says that If theso spots are cleanod up and tho reruse cut and burned many of these hibernating lnecta will bn destroyed nnd the damage from sucf pests during the coming season will b materially lessened. IcriUtiiM lor Atsoasct- Mudrrulr I nei CSd'i mntt W rite r f h for Knursvisl or mates! Ksmnles. ROYAL ENGRAVING CO. 814 W.lant St 0xv (Earnest warn tov mi 0m Be Closed Today JJl j54ft 1 -J.Mvrlfi s m W m t- -r k.,''n-""!SM .Sl rrW