f$ll8t$& mmr- - tflP&W'-t jTa, i-v I' I -- if n Jenkintown Man Wins , Pme for Limerick No. 12 Jury of Girls From jStelson, Hat Factory Sits iii Judgment on Best Last Lines Alyah Bushnell, Jr., Wins Award of ONE, , HUNDRED DOL LARS for Eight Words Today's llmcricli priyp wn au.ir,Iil bjr jury of clrvpii cirls from various departments of (ho ,. it. strt-nn liat factory, nt Fifth tfrret and Mont corner Atcntie. A pliolojrrapli of the Jm uill be found on (he hack pace Monday's prim winner .s heini; chosen by a Jury of Klrls In Hip S. IJ. it . W. Klelslirr iirn fnrtory. at Tvrenty.t.l.th and Itecd streets. Their verdict nnd a picture of the Jury will be published on Momlm . lints off to tlie lintlcrx. tnilnv. fnn Up in the bip factor of tin- .1 P. Stetson ("o . nt Fifth s-tiept anil Mont Eomerv avenue, Hip.v pickpd out r'even girls from vnririiii departments nod this jury Hat in judgment on Mmerick No. 12 the one about the New Year's res olutionR. Wp all pot togetlicr in one of the hip rooms and pQTi'd around the printed "lips containiup the ten best lant lines received and, after due consideration. the girls cast their ballots for the one tney liked best. i!" .xvi,nup.r wn Alvali IliiiJinell, Jr.. 222 Mather ave- uu, iM-iiniiiiuuiii uimu, uij r, inert sireoi I he limeiiek. as completed bv Mr Bushnell follows. Now icr romr to Ihr Imppy rir Year, And Ihr limrrn'krrn all irant to hear What uric leaf j.on'rr tummy, Whut oM habit vntirniiia I'rc reformed snmy icife thinks I'm queer." 'lhe other nine lines submitted to th jury were : But our spirits are dead wltcrc's the bier? I.ouis ("noper. -"OS Antic ave nue. Atlantic City. IJelng wed. l'v no single idea Frderiek ToiiKon. :',:i West I.ogan street, (iernmiitowti. Since we passed around Uarle corn's bier A ( M. Chandler. J!o- 1 1T. Fort Wnsnington. Pa. J11M say Volstead: the rest will be chvar (ienrge H Howell. 'Jl South Oil fill street I'mnl steadil) tuniing down brer tiionel dra-it .rju Ilii-hniond street We Tu clear, dear, mere ne.ir beer's dread cheer -William Carpenter, il-iio Market tri er. Or are you j earning for a blue-law career? Cvnis P. Troinpetter. P.IIt.S Airdrie street Swear off swearing off's where I swear -William C. Colbv. 5:!2() Walton avenue. I'll drlnli like a llsli water clear W. Iunseath '.'."ISl Morgan Iloiilevanl, Fairview. N .1. Mr. HushneH's line was chosen on the first ballot, witli live votes. There wen two voles for Mr. Troinpetter and one each for Mr ( arpentcr. Mr. olb.v. Mr. Cooper and Mr Chandler. The jury vvu-.-o.u ,u .miii itjiiccs ."smiles. ..4 1 Jess.ip struct, si I'ppiiiK di'partment Mls, Itlanibe Kuapp, l.'li. Noith Dover street ti'iuii.iuig department. Miss Edna .Strieker. Js'lli North Mar shall street tiimiuins ilepurtmeiir .Miss iiua (iiiul, 'J."17 Noith Sith street trimieing department. Miss Lillian Aelieriiian. .".114 Norlli rront street ho. department MI.ss Pauline Miiiuiim. I.'il Wet CORNELL STUDENT FOUND Jame3 A. McCartney Proves to Bs Amnesia Victim .Tanus A MiCaiiney. twent.v fiv yearn old of is-.'-J North Meivme street a student at I'urucll 1'iiivei-sjn . who has beni missins "ince Ilecember 18, wus f fni ml in .1 .lazed coiiilitlon in Ithaeu N V 'n-t night He was taken to a hospital where it wn found bo was an unniesju niim When Mel'n ln v ili-uppeai eil frmn Cornell he "mpi: i! his lo.-ki r of his personal cfl.cts iii'l.cniiiiir he bad i plomied to hiive the i in . Word of Iiis dlaapj'eiiraiii tliisimj i,, ih.. poi,..,. in nil tin la ,. Mties jjnil his relutives fid fellow -tiideiiis -l.ii t ! a nation wjdp scini li fur him No trail ol Inn wus fun in t mill Uit night M'l.uinev u.is vvell-ilrcfseil ind carried tjfii sintiases lie deuiid he wu ' Hi ii issing st'iih nt i j lid said ins name was I'.eiisou .mil thai he l.u . r never ben in lili.n.i hefiire. lie .oi,. not I'll v he i he hud l eu ami ,-ai.l l.e never ' in ! of I'linadelphia The leiliiai mm in hinii! hnuid s, in h i to I'orniil l" in'.e ii i.Hii-e iii hgn. ii tliri" M' II 'll's ol l.le i-tUlil s tHIll llv lefi nun ediaii Iv lor hiiiou In u thry l.i aid l.e I ml bei n toiiml FRANCE REBUKES GERMANY Note Says Teutons "Fell Down" on Spa Agreements Herlin. I nt 1 I'.v A. I - t -it i- HPIIllnllli iuI'v -ur.fl i Ii 11 1 lhe I'ril.'l lifivei'llloi III on- linnl'il a riolc to in ' (iv rum ii iiml.u .smlm illinji u'leiition t the fuel f n.t Ciiii.anv lia- not til lillod in- igaifi mi iii she puK'imI inn at tin1 Spa i onfei'i hi i After iei liPii'g I i Prein II lo.virii tnent 1ms imteil v loliinoiii. oi the u grecioei I I .. tinli U' on si's lhe Allie.l will ii.ivc t..j I'lisidei the ninftei Iiomlon. dan 1 ' I'.y A I" ' Ir fltllivmrr (ieiui.in a iihi.sin"i veter day was snu.i. oieil m lhe tnnign of flee, vvliere I' vnnl mio conl'i leiiee witli KhtI Ciiivoii i lie I'oi.iu'ii si'ci'i tart Tin conversation li'mli t'olluWed is I'epoled ia IinVC In !! -H HI 11 dlleeleil lowind till hitllllll'iii ur.siiil,' over t .ei iiiiiuv "s failure to can i mil lhe Spa iigrei'iiitut Taxi Wrecked: Call Driver Drunk William -I Atkins hiiv m vin m.iis old, of k'O NiiiiIi IJeinii -d stieet a tax nil driver w,m ui'tciid Inst uigbt bv I'atlMiliiinn Krovvu. i.i the Twentieth uml Kltzvval. r striets station, nfter the taxicali bad hit a I k wnll. houi I il off. and nunc to n standstill agi,it ii a trceut Twcnii ninth mid Pelt siiet'ts Magistral)' Ueushaw held Alkltis il SjOO ball for inurt mi a charge ol ill ix ItiB enr while niioxicnicd. , Man'a Nose Slashed as Year Dawns I i'"k,'l "' ' f"";"'11 ''" that kimii o ..wv 'gave lo si. mi of I nii'iiiiv s must ,,, , ,,,,,. A ItUlllx tlioiisiunls ol piis.uis were ' ,lllMl , (,,,, -n-UlilriiT puch other ii Iliipp New i'ir. n lite Stroke i.f iiinlnight. John Mc "ildeii. JCW New Market street wiis , Issbvil on the nose tv no unknown a. allaut ut llroiiu nnd Spring (iiiden jtstrcets. I no injured uinii was itiueu &M Ibn llaliiiemaiiu lliispniil Sin aiSS 1HIV f.V'-ll Mll.ll.-s IO .lis nun- h Kline vvicuer viiiiiii'ii uv.ii) iniuiiKii .k crowtL 2l MA All IH SIIMXI., ,11!. Winner of prle for best List line for limping limci-lt'li No. 'l J.uruv vti-erl department (iiTinantouo publicity Mist. Sarah M. Marnier. .lUt Knox street; uplfure department. Miss Claire (iallaqher. 10.115 North Fourth street: weaving department Mr. Klslc Fielding, 1PPJ West Dan- .MUs 1 i.iiiii street ; weaving ilepartment. taiiiermo i.iujii. JIMS i;ast 1 Palmer street: fnrinlntr dpimrtinpnt Mlss ,c,s,t' MrNelll. ."SIS North Park avenue: trimming department. About Today's Winner 1 The news that bis New Yeir lesolu I fon was worth $100 in the ctlmatinii of the tai.- jury was a considerable si:: pi 1. .- 1,1 Mr. Hushnell. He has long been an anient lniu.iir.1r. Inn and has been s0 intereste.l in tins , '.""V"1 U'at he said, laughingly, p,,' "V""''1 " make an that nfln.r resolution. This resolution is that will uot, under nnv circijinstauces, our .chase the l.'inixi, Prune I.ui'acn eacii hi until he has completed his day's work. He remarked .v-teidii that he found that if he bought the paper earlier during the da ne hi came so intereited in the linn nek contest that he could not pav sufficient attention to his business t he al-o admits that lie prohahl won't keep his, re-ohition Mr. Uiishncll lias been gieatly in terested in lizht verse for inaiiv venrs , and a number of tiie prodints of his pen nave lieeu published, lie is the vice president and general malinger of the Alvah Itushiifll Co.. manufacturers of paptr filing ontainers. His ofiices are at PLTi Filbert strret. He was bom in New York vtute in 1ST."., and came to Philadelphia three vers lati 1 when his father moved here to inter business n,. graduated from the Central Manual Training School and tioiii Fustburn Auidemv. and studied one .venr at Princeton Fniver sity. For the lust twelve ears he has resided ftith his wife and "two sons ar .letiKiiiiovvu. vvliere "The Ahimrtim motor police are compelling the thucs , nmke peace." according to another limenct Wnen asked vvluit he would do with the .1(X, prize, he said, jokingly, that he mislit found a society tor underpaid lui'l iiliri'i-onizeil polls. J I added that ! in- mm prnnted p.v the experience of the first few winners of the limerick ontest and had not pi unused to divide his prize with an.votie. lie said that 'he did not have to wait until Vn.v Year's to make that resolution VICTORY FOR PALMYRA. N. J. Town Forces Recognition in Name of Ferry Line IlisiJ.uts ol I'uliiora. N .1 . won a m t' r. toda.v when director.-, or the "iiupant which will operate a ferrj s.vstem between Tacony and I'alinvra ax-eed that it would br known as the i neon -I'liinivrii tern and not ilic lacotiv itiverioii ferrv It was tir-t proposed to opemti. the ferrv vr ii ! between Taeonv ami IU ei ton Itiiert'.n leshlents objected to having tin ir pietiv river front despoiled bv a fen v sup Then the men behind the pioject de Mile I to inive tin- lent operate between Taeonv uml I'alir.via. but the name of Taeonv Itiverion wu. retained, ehiellv '" a.i- i in ii v iiniiirliiut stockholders iivi.l in Kiverinii inn desired the ail v. i Using which the ferrv nuine would J.fe There ,- h,.,.n rivalrv between ihic 1 o .le.i V tnVVIls, and l-eslilents of I;t .i'ra pi'..tis,Hi s,i vigoroiish again-i a I'.i1, ira ir r, s(iW, .. biaruig the mime " "ti it "I ti.at thi din-i tors ib-cidi'd to i ll.ili. li e ,1U i FIRES DAMAGE TWO HOMES Families Returning From Parties to Tind Losses Suffered I - nf ..ndi-teriiiined i.iigiu nun i .' i ' ' immes ,,t da,,,!, Signl, ls:;'.i '' u . vi inn s.,.,.r nd I.r ipo'd li'fl'iiun. st l Wbiirtiin -tieet ibirniL' f i" i, gl i . hen both l.imilies wo" on- , 'l ! thi ri it - s'li.rt' alter i lulniil.t i.i..lIiIio snu il'l.' '! 'he re.-n ol' the Scgnl home I I e ' I. oned an a ii rm Tin- kitchen' ud vaid ''"ficp wire diiii.ug.td. though , the l . wU. s,ig t I'a'ri.liiian IlolT "in of mi 1 Mini and DlekiiiHon I utiie- lati.iu. pa "-nig Leopold HoiT- 1 '" l-'.-e Hi t'litne. in lhe ,;i" "" '" ' " " ' "lis morning lie 1 ' r-' " ''' ' ' 'id fought tin iluin.'s until tircti.Mi n.rve.l Tin- lir-t Ih or ' ' IP 111 'I (111. I till' speilUll Hllgll'lv ' il ' .eil 1 in f.niuh had in spend the liil t .til lend COLBY DISCLOSES U. S. AIMSI Way to De fojnd to Allay Distrust in South American States Molilcvlileo. liugu.i.v. Jan I i l!v I' i Ihiinbi iii.e Co In I in . Ma'is.i.i. arv of st iii inld'ii ... . . nf I ri u'i nv ... sieid I. at lb 1 mil I St ites ,,opi,si., i,, timl u wax to ul'nv I'.iliii'js of ilisii list of .Ninth Anir w I n II he ' iiid be li ii I In i ii told In lean, njt men ,: sled on the pari of inaiiv ' i'i V into i. no u h. .'Hi 'neii.nti win. did not io,iii,re- 1 bend the 1 1 iii" motives nnd purposes nt h's ciiuulr.v .ii its di'itliug. with tb Souih Anif le.in n.'ilion Mr C dl.v Fire Damages Awning V A lighlcil i ig.irclte tin own on mi iivvuilig nt ale ml I a m loduv iineml n lire in llie I moil Wnrkri House l"77 Frn ii' find nvenue Tin bln.e was iinibnid ' the nv unit. nm w,i extinguished h inenien nf Kngltu Co No 7 "EVWa PUBLIC! CLASH OR POWER E Decl.irjitioij That Senate Will Frame Foreign Policy May Foreshadow Struggle NO EXECUTIVE DOMINANCE , Washington. .Inn 1. Oflirinl Wash 1 inpton today was discudiip with keon , Interest the declnrutie.il made li Heun , tor I'etirnie jcitcrdiiy that the Senate ) nnd not (lie secretni of state will pave 1 the way for the foreign policies of the I filled State. Tie senator's state , iiienf. it Is ald. fnrpliadns whnt 111:11 develop into one of the keenest contests '"( 1. mi nl p.vir (hut t! ,. cnpftal ha PTpPrieiiccd. "I do tint think." Mr. Penrose said, "that it matters much who 's seerel.irv if state. t'oncrcsN - espeeialh the Sen -ate -will blaze the v n? in iiiiineetlon with our fnieipn policies. 1 do not think we will be salfsiled to sit back and take the program of an sccretan of state." I Senator Penrose made this statement , to n group of newt-paper men who had waited in mie of the reception looms , I while he wits receiving from Senator I Kno. iiis colleague, a lepnll of Mr I Knox's slt to Marion. Mi" Peiili'c agrees rordi.il! wiih I Senator Kim, on f ipipn policies. To ward the end of the last -r-smi of t'on press, after lie had been stiiel.cn bv ill ness he sent wind to Washington liuii he had joined the irrccom ilublrs on the peace treat tight, unit wished to be paired neoirdingl j Tliete was miiili interest liere toihn . ! therefore, in his statement that the sen ators would work out foreign policies, and had no intention of accepting an 1 plan bunded down bv whomever might , be secretary of state. Speculation was life as to (he out come. In view of the probable uppoitit- 1 incut of riiarles K Hughes as secretnrv of state, Mr. Hughes having something of a reputation, acipiiied while governor 1 of New Yorl; and while a candidate for the presidency as a stubborn lighter for whntever lilens he mnv hul The fact is that Mr. Penrose has 1 "I'enly exprcsseil an idea vvlm h n.anv 1 senators nave ueen liolilwig iinvatel.v. he!1""' fcpenking of only behind closed onors, icsr, nicy lie urnniieii as ins'ir gents before they know definitely whether tliev want to insurge or not Senator Penrose took chaige of the tariff stiintinn. opnosed nnv action at the present session of Congress nnd also indicated his opposition to bonus or revenue legislation befoie the new ndministralion enters upon its work. Harding Is Silent on Plan of Knox fonilniinl from I'licr One treaties which now bring international questions of n justiciable nature before the couit and international disputes of a political etiarncier oetore trie com missions which the Knox plan cn'ls for. The big question ut issue is jut how inueh and just what sort of an asso ciation of nation's we should have Ml tills is disposed of, there would probabl.v he no great difficulty In ob taining the two-thirds vote whirh would set the court to function and pioride for the appointment ol commissions when required. At nnv rate, that would be easier tl.au inducing t o-tl.irds of the Senate to agree upon nil form of internatioii.il organization. Mr. Harding is going to have Ids trnnhh's in obtaining a tvvo-third-i vote, either for a new tisncin turn luivtig a permanent organization or 1 f ...... rn.n.l ........ ..... ..v;..l..n I.......... I"l no. . u-ru ...lull I in -sLiiir. l'il;iK', The mnjorit of the Itepiiblicnns in the Senate appear to he avainst him if he is headed in the direction of an formal nrgunirutloii of the world out ijide of an internal inuai court of jus tii e. Moreover, it has nlvvn.vs been doubtful bow man Democrat votes he could obtain for an plan which involves either ahandiiuiug the I.uigue of Na tions or greatl.v modi' in,' it. And without Democrat tote. Mr. Harding i annul succeed, even it lie should have all the Kepiibllcun votes in the Senate, unless he goes along with Mr. Knot. Of course, if Mr. Harding persists in working toward a formu' ussuemtiou of nations and not a men deeluiiitiou of a common pnrposo uniting the nations, much of the Republican support in the Senate will hnak awav from the Kvn plun and come to him s President he will have all the prestige ami power of a new ext'i utlve controlliiig mii'h pat ronage Hut he i facing dehnite pari resistance in th" Senate, some of which i annot he broken duvvii The Senute majoiit.v l.r.s put a seri oils olmtnele ill Ills path mid pointed to him an i'ii) vvav around it. He i wniliug lo see what the pub'ic sa.vs. 200,000 Cars Licensed llarrisbtirg, I'a.. Jan. 1 (lit A I' i More than L'iMt.iKH) motor vehicles of various l.vpes. pneumatic-tired pleas ure tars, solid t in d truth-,, motor- ev lie. tiaitoi's ui'tl trailers, had been' ll I. 'i fur ltl'JI vlien the Olllee of the! stni. ngi-luil ilusiil aftir 1 o elm k Ins mm mug i Open House at Y. M. C. A. Ti.i I'ei.tinl Muildi.ig, M, r . 1 1J1 Arch streit, is olis, rvnu ommi ! Ihuim. niila.v. m i t Ii a proginiii that in j ' bide, imiitv feiililles of the iishoi in tion Thousands ,,f esn u,n ;.,;, ti,,, I biiililin.' dtir ng the il'iv iilliuals, ,,( l ne central huihling ti.ilnv announced I in. ii'bersliip of !,.hil!. t In largest in the I bistort nf t'nit building, with a dailv I av tnge ntteiniain e of ."iiUii . Lane in Minnesota Hospital oelie.,ter, Minn., ,1-in 1 i!U . i-rianklin K. I.ane. former s',., ,.. iirv of the interior, underwent u pre ininiar.v i.Miiiiiuatiou nt lhe Muvn , H,,,,. Jjere vesteidltv. Mr I.ane, who ninvcil here toihu with Ins wife and ,,i, (mm Washiiiglf.il. dulared he was nffermg froin a "a-ueral hieitktlovvn " . Deaths of a Day Mrs. Agnes H. Andruss .New urlv. Jan 1 Mrs. Agius lieiinlon ndiiis- win fur ivvent.v tive venr. vva- an aiiir.,, i,u,.r the stage mi Mi" of gne II 1 1. on died VH.stei-ili, v It lie" nine n W hlli SlOli. . L I Hi ,. Iiisb,iiul A'lieit And 'Us-. . iilnviii' in 'little (lid New York" ,,t tin. IM. HINTEDBYPENRQS iiioith '1'ln litre j,.. ,,, , InidlTluy wen- among the Htl ariest.d as p'nve.l iiiipoii.iiit 1.,,','s m .., lie le ship' deserters at Cliester shipvards two Mane "I lie m Kin in Ifln.-k ' and . months ago. 'llie otliers hnvi been ie- I II'" '" .-111' Piuveil o lllnnr I ri'iirs ibi lending tner s iMugliiei iol ,..i ..,...,.. iv. all '" ."', ' '"'-I over tin. inutitrr Mr- AudriisM was entertnine.l t th.- Whit, lou",. whin Mr Aitl.ui via Pi.-ident Mrs. Virginia W. Ingram Mis Virginia Inian,. Wfc of I 'vde Ingeain iin.l n granddaughter ,if Sh, new all Jncksni,. will be burled this ifternoon in Iv, Hill i I'linir-ri sin VV.I flilM fhre .veins i,l, ,;,) ,(,, vt i din s.ii, v hi insirl disi'ii.i. (1, H'l low I'linl in . I ., , t'a. II e inn mi I nti.i I Sbi I She WiIk n ilniigl to "' an I I .'I clergyman and was born it r Tifhti (i LEDGJBK-PHlliAbJaLPHIA, SATURDAY, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER'S DAILY LIMERICK CONTEST One Hundred Dollars Daily For the Best Last Line Supplied by Any Reader of the Evening Public Ledger to the Incomplete Limerick Which Appears Below 1 RULES OF THE LIMERICK CONTEST - Contest is open to any one. All Hint is requited for you to do Is to write and send in your last lines to the Mincriek, using for conveni etiee the coupon printed below. 1 lease wiite plainly, nnd be ourc to o dd your name and address. All answers to the Limerick which is. printed below must bo re ceived nt the office of the Kvkninu I fflMP I.KIXtKIl by ti o'clock Monday evening Monday and ihursday's l,imrricks should be moiled to P. O. Hox ir.i'1. I'hlla. 'Wl'I'In: Tuesday's and I'rldny's o I O. ox lnill. nnd Wednes uay. R and Saturday's to P. O. Ilox ? ' A"s"er left at the office ... ,e. i'i'-NINd Pflif.tc Leivjib will also be admissible. THIS WINNKU of TODAY'S CONTEST WIMj HE ANNOUNCED ONE WEEK FROM TODAY Cut Out and Mail TO TDK LI.MIi.KICK CONTEST Evr.NtMi I'Liit.io Lnnai:ii. ' . IIoj .i?, Philadelphia LIMERICK NO. 18 Now we come to lite year Twenty-One With coal fifteen dollars u Ion; With the weather much colder And the coal barons bolder (Writs cvjr answer A'flwe Strcit ana City and Mute Paid Council Not Shown as Panacea f omlin ii' fretn I'jpe line virgins. The tit'c of virgin sit.s rather liphtlv Thev me still foolish Thry think the people will forget. Thev try to "josh" tl.enisplvps that lime will soften the blow thev handed lhe pub'ic Thev had the opportunity to save ihc fity $:rjs.otio. That is nearlv a third of a million of dr.Mais. TIrI they do if Nt for minute! The vote to sustain the Mayor's- veto of waste ami trtravapanco in the Mu nicipal Court was the crucial test of the councilinanie year. The five "reformers Wnll.trl , Int., ' over into the cmm. t ,i. S " . W. " minnriM.. v. .1 ".'","'". v urp in iiroaii sire! ami (.oiumnn nvenue. n Inorit; for the minoiitt were cue j Thomas Lyons, twentv-three years old 'Mindeiiurrourr f I,atr0"Ui!" "'- MV """. "treet driver of the me .MiinHipal (ourt. i ear. took the injured man to fit. Jo- It was uot the hledge hammer of cph's Hospital, where he 3 suffering I ouiieilman Hal! ()r the persiinslu i 'l'l,'n concussion of tiie brain, laiiguuge of Ciuneilman tinfTiiey (hat' 'o0"'' surrendered to the police of aught Messts. It,,r,.i,. Limeburner ' ,1'" .Twenty. third and Oxford streets i.nns. Montgomery and Weglrin "tatlon. . i. nuine, M.'s,,UIII. would liave .a te, five nubs nt streets in the sub Would I'ny Salaries Thirteen v..... It wuiild have paid the. salaries of these five council,,,,.,, f,,r ,h,. ,,. .1." teen vi ar- that i,. shh thev he luckv enough to ho eleited for that iot'g ' lhe pioplcs idea that the sordid Hcment would be eliminated r.un ( ounoil after t whs , . V V1 was a lain- on Hfibery .barges have l,.ft th(li Huik upon the .hainber tin,, Tb'e lhe Sehmidt-Seurs-Jto.'bup,, ,'11., Sumo tiny it" liiii( uill .:fc ... as in tin. iietter side of the com ,.,i. i 1 ." . ' 'if Ulilllll line calendar! ' . uuiicn nniiou ,m i-ertai,, mennres that were fr the ,,,.,,,, hem-la oMIe citv. lhe have that credit. Hut t!,.n was not patronage involved in .these matters. Possibl,- thai ex plains tiie springs of action for some ' ( ouiipieious among its , deeds was providing for a city asphalt plant It arranged for (he city to ih, ,t own h reel cleaing in two districts i. il icnt ed bj the Department of Public v orks. It iiiissed two loan bills. One for Si ,000.0110. went through about as lhe administration desire,. Another of S.'I.I.OOO.OOl) went throu-h pietti jnuih as the administration did not desire. There was a vn-t deal of complaint about the hard work aud night sessions tolling over the budget. It was 'urgel.v n lubber stamp ioh Upside, thev were paid S.'.OOO a v'ear for their work. And that ?ol00 salary went on nil it,,. linn in the three mouth of .lanunrv. IVbiuory and March last when Coiincii in, noining inn ugni. It was almost a criminal waste of the citv s money . Then i an e the summer recess, and actual woih scarcely begau uutil Sep tember. i lie last tour months are history. recent mrkllAr?hl IMIIIonA IITP r-nr-r-rs vvumcivj iiimiunHiM i a rnccui''",.1; ft, ..lan.' 1nns' fl'fypight years old, Mother Hunting Husband Released ' ','.""! "SV li""v' M",(,y' sU,y " . , , , I "i'- cars, i,H Dounton street, nut With Daughter and Son Prank Homier, fifty -eight jears, ".(151 Immigration oflUera nt (.linnet stcr ' 'us' Miller street were taken to the City jesterdny received word from !?' , 'CL H'lo","?LSU!!,'r,l"B V',T r,ut,i .,.,... , , , , ,, "'"' bruisei when the car in which they Washington to idease under bond Mrs. were riding was struck by a machine of Doia Icnigold and her twenty-one- Mrs. Wittaker. Disston street, Tn .tear daughter, Chaje, and her nine-i corny, at Tenth street ami Hoosevelt vi'iir-old sou, Iaiu . wlio i time here boulevnitl. time vvteks iil'o In scan h nf llie bus. Michael Wnbl mwt bin iv; xi...i. 't.in.il fin. I f.itbt.l Vdfl.itt. l'-i,!,w,.l.l ! "".'. "' .,,,.,, who is believed to be in Chicago. The ' later mine to this inuiitry nearlv ten , vears ago, and the family has not heard iriuii him for eight .venrs, but thev came lo America to search for him. A brother of the husband, who lites in ! Detroit, has promised to provide a bond I for the three. j There are fiftt -three i 'hine.se seiuneti still in the (iloucester City detent urn ' house, snd within two week thev are , likelv lo he on their vvu.v hack to China. I n.i.ti.r- f I If If 1 hi.il I,. ,,.,,. ,, I .... ! : : ii-... wanted. All went given permission ,.. ....i,... .. .......n i,..i ...,i.. n...... t reslnp us si amen. " -""", high wages and Mo inn. I, """1,V '" 1"lv"",, Plan Memorial for Mary Coles ' A nn moi ml -civile for Mi.- Marti 'Vile., vthc wi in, active woil.er in i the Dim esc of I'eiiust It aiua for moicl ilinii fifty jears. will he held Tlnu-din I nt Hie Pioteslnnt l)isiiip Chun III Training ninl Deueniu ' Ioi,se, nt "us!' IS.M 111 e -lll'l I 'i,s, ,i Itlil'il l, I, i ' )insidp. MH Coli s fiinuihd the Ciiuieh i i i amlng ami D"iicoiiess' Hou-n 1SJI0 .. tftV on this line.) One Dead, 10 Hurt in New Year Accidents CniillniirU fitnn Pnjr One near Thirteenth and Lombard streets early this morning. The three men who were involved in the shooting escaped before the ar rival of the police. Watsou was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Harry Price, of WOI Chancellor street, was shot in the right leg bv :i ' 3. The nnswer of the OMv "' DltHD DOLLAU prlt.e (or the beat lost line to each Limerick will bo announced one week niter the T.lmcrlek is printed. For mP f the winner of the prise for tlio Mtnerlck which appears today will be announced today ft wcclf. 4. In cnBO of ties, prizes will be awarded to each Miecesssful con testant. For example, If the judges decide there nro two or uloru answers of equnl merit for tuu prl.e, the author of earb answer will lerrlvo. ONE HUNDItU) UOLTiAKH. The prize will not be split up among them. , 5. The decision of the judges In each limerick contest will be final. Vn.v v.,,. i. t,.., ... ., , , mm Kiiiie wounus, were iukpji 10 me .-V" oar s celehrator nt Court!) hiiiMlj..., i.-,..,....... ii.,.i.,,i ,..i,. i... ..iiiiiui sireeis. ciiriv louay. llie woillld is not serious. Price was the first vic tim of u shooting accident in JOiil . Lewis Cuppinger. liftj-foUr jeni-s .firm.. ... , . t .. hi. mi .serin i iiirveiiii street, wa lIiii'I I.,- .... ....,.,... ..1 .! I .. ...1. . . ."',."".' .'"'. ",""".''""V "'" morning Woman Hurt b- Auto Miss Mnr.v OTIahert, twcntv-eight .tears old. of -I'JS North Sixty -Vecond street, was severely injured at Ilrnad . ml Spring (larden btreets last night, when she was struck by an automobile owned by Marion Neeland, of Wayne, and driven by 11. J. Albright, of nyne. Albright did not stop after the acci dent. His capture, at Ilroad and Arch streets, followed when Max Cohen, of North Ninth street. Logan, com manded ed another car. chased him down Ilroad street and nointed him out iloit patrolman ' lluu IVL'l..l :.,. ., iw .. . .. '-. " --! .,,-, . .11.11.-11), Mini .VI, PS IVOtll- ,'nn(' ' nl. f "l"i Master street, started to cross Ilroad street when the .eeinnu car. driven nt a good rate of speed, struck Miss OTlnheitv. Miss Convva escaped injur by n fow Inches. After the accident the girl was taken lo Ut. Joseph's Hospital in one car, nhile Cohen chased Albright in another. Physicians nt the hospital said Miss M'Klnlierty had deep cuts on the head and possible internal injuries, but would iccover. Mepliistophcles and three of his aides sprawled across Ilroad street at Mhunk fins morning. l-'ruuk Pcincotli, twenty-two jears old, 224 Kllsvvorth street, all dressed up in the popular ret! suit aud trimmings approvid as the modern satanic repro duction, drove tovtaid I.road stteet in ii motor-pjeh, with nide cur attachment. I Mi the side, of the car was n placard leading "A Tool There Was," In the side car weie Salvatore Krnei. T'Js. ni. .worth street: Frederic .Soldo. 00., i Mountain stieet, und Hobert Dalfol. I 1101 South Sheridan street They, like- wise, were "shooters" on the way to the I starting point of the parade. 'IM... ...ill... .... li .t. ..i . . . lh01'W ZHt Z"!!" Khuiik streets at a speed of twenty. Peincntti ami his .... ...I..-, mi nun,-, leincom ami iiis tluee associates were I brown l ,,,,, .. ii,... - i dinetious when the motor overturned After rh.tsicians had stitched up sclera! cuts and poured nrnlru on about fi 1 1 1 v hrnlsi'il otnld I,A ....... ..., .i . . --.--- .-,..... ..,,- .m.-,, irmrneu lo of 1 .ntlMilill.. i ne,. I..., .. 1 .,.!.. ' ..-.-. -.,v inn, ii,-u ineir car tvns struck by another nt (iovvnn avenue antl lio.vet street. Jnnies II Clark, tort) -one years old, "1" North 1'orty-sUth street, was ,tr(li " n automobile as ho alighted flom l trolle car at Forty-first street, "",l 'nneaster avenue, and Dominic Nicilllettl, sixtt-fivo eais old, 1017 "barton street, was struck by nn "V1", "! ',B,lt a,"l Christian streets, ""'V. ' )"ni'l"'"'l , ., ..inn ..i. ..... .run, uiu- ..an jorceu upon the pavement ut Kleventh nnd Pike stieets. a girl about ten years old. who refused to give her nuine. was struck as tho car mounted the sidewalk." How Prohibition Failed in Test of iS'ew Years Five Police arrested several hundred intoxicants. Federal agents ai rested none Chief ICiifotceinent Agent Crossen sn.ts city had wettest nlgM ever. PnlifP saj it was worst hx vear , lb. f' dci al 'ill' ' n'.'cut sen. Uni.'' to five d.i.is fur inioxicutioii, , JAKtTABY 1, 1921 B IS Prelato Passes Good Night and Talks of Returning Home RALLIES AFTER RELAPSE y the Associated Pre Baltimore, .Tan. 1. Cardinal Gib bons lias rallied from his relapse of yes terday after n good night's rest nnd Is much better this- morning, according to news received nt the nrehlepiscopnl resi dence from 1'niou Mills. Mil., where the cardinal Is 111 nt the home of friend?. The nicssaio came from Cardlnnl Gib bons' secretary, who was quoted ns say ing. "His Kmlncnrn N feeling fine nnd Is talking about coming home." All the Catholic religious communi ties here, embracing tlv" various orders, prayed throughout the greater part of tho night for the cardinal. Kprclnl prayers also were offered nt- nil masses today by direction of Uishop O. H. Corrignn. vlear ccncrnl of the diocese, who, nfter a visit to the vener able prelate estprday. issued an of llclnt notice tu thp I'leigyuirii of the 'diocese and through them to their con gregation, diieeting prnyeis for ills eminence's speedy recovery or n happy deatn." The bishop' notice plated that the cardinal's condition .testeiday was less fnvorable tlian at any time during hia Illness nnd thnt he liad received the last sacrtuuents. Yesterday was the second time he has received extreme unction, the first having been about two weeks ago, when his condition first became grave. Since thru he had gained steadily In strength until yesterday. Earlier In the day yesterday the cardinal gave u new yenr't) message to his host of friends in llaltimorc, Wash ington and throughout the country, ex pressing regret that lie would not be able this year to greet them in person on the first two Hundas of the new car, as lino been his custom for more than n generation. He nsketj their continued I prnycrH and gave them his blcs-ing and best wishes. 50 MERRYMAKERS HURT Temporary Sidewalk In San Fran cisco Collapses and Falls 20 Feet San Kranelsio, dan. 1. illy A. P.) About (ift.v New Year merry makers were injured, seveial seriously, when a temporary sidewalk over on ex cavation for n new thnitrc building at Market nnd Ta.vlor streets here, col lapsed early today. A thirty-foot sec tion of the walk gave way, falling twent.v feet into the excavation with ibout 100 person I'oiii. mi'ti . nil oifCm-inr- fro.,. tvrnlmliK- ,...;.,." , ".? -.." -.' day, nfter being iittack.il at a New Year's joust b tito otlier men. Gibboney Disliked Trip That Cost Life Continued from l'ate One of recovery of the bodies, all will be brought to the United States for in terment, the body of Mr. Gibboney to be brought here. Mrs. Sliriver Heard First First news of the tragedy came to Mrs. Shriver. wife of Frifiik W. Shrh-pr. ut her home in Highland Park. Slip j immediately communicated with De- i tective IJrouiiley, of Mr. Gibboney s Philadelphia office, nnd lie, in turn, wirctl the department of state in Wash ington. Confirmation by Acting Sec retary Davis followed, nnd representn tives of the Tropical Products Co. linve been cabled to send full detnlls of the drowning, with advices ns to whether the bodies were recovered. The drowning of the four men, all of whom weie virtually Philadelphlans, creatod n sensation here. Gibboney's long career as a public figure a career in which he reached the crest nt the time he was a candidate for the mayoralty and which started its decline nfter sev eral political defeats, with his eclipse as a dominant public factor developing with his alliance with the recent O rover Hergdoll unsavory mess ended in tropical waters, miles away from the scenes of his early triumphs. Tho history of John Markle climaxed in the sniabhlng of the International Lumber nnd Development Co., and the imprisonment of Marklcy In the ICastern Penitential. Hut Marklcy always be lieved in Iiis Mexican ventute, even if the means of notation were doubt ful, and he was evidently Ir.tlng to "imike good" on his oft-iepeated asser tion that the .Mexican holdings were highly valuable uml could be made to give a return thnt wou'd compensate the one-time International supporters for their losses. He died while trying to make this assertion n reality. Luwrence Mnrkley, son of John It. Maikley, was not so well kuotvu to Philndelphians. He was still in his twenties when the family, after the father had served his term of impris onment mid had been released, removed to Klmhurst 111. Hut he wns fully ton versaut with tho possibilities of the Mexican venture, nnd ho was in Unit cn.i.itry the greater part of tho time siiiu rcoiganization of the old IntPr national as tho Tropical Products Co. was affected. lie believed, as did his father, that under n new name and new management and new methods the. property could ho recouped, and tho stigma of Iiis fnther'H connection with the first financial smash could be re moved. He died tryiug to make tlih belief a reality. Hellctcd in Project Frank W. Shriter, for years a Phil- THE WALNUT WINTIIHOI' A Sttlno Today, a SO nvenlnira. h nu i GEORGE ARLISS vv !; i iimir asium lTrenta in "The Green Goddess J a ri.Av op auvpnti'iif: 111 WU.I.1AM AID'IIKll "Spltiullilly lultoa to .Mr. Arllss. . Iteeoril h AM SHUBERT ''AHr -MAr today ti ALJOLSONinSINBAD ."jfc SEATS NOW " APHRODITE ADELPHI V,',1h- at Mnt. Today MMuoiui- n.Miir in i hHnmiiK lulln. Uh Khiii, ii, Mr-lnitrama "iiii: "H.N )v iMi:j)i,i,it" LYRIC i:v,iH ATHtr." J-. AMV TlllllV Duniilil llrtlu. IVkkj lliuid. it li.h Vlorriui I " "" ' lil ,1 II lit. v. Ms I iv CHESTNUT ST I'lrii Mm -i,a I I I '1 ...It hi t I . EAST IS WEST vni'i i- nxivrrii IM'.M'lls Mil. I. AH - nn li-. ,i HAZl.t. I ilH'iKliirr of I. in-ii i.rel l.llllin MUlm In.... . limn l it .!. r, nn . i. In, (,. j, ii,,., in '1 fi 'I in. i. ' in rn . r, I ii ' u .s, , . J v I". I'.' 'fc f ' ..in 1. i i rent riflfl-ne 444 H 4th nt Ijlttin, Ii Krinil ma) ml M nnla eienin,. 7 lo , Inunn nt prr a CARD NAL IB ONS 1H IMPROVED IBr. IBBBBBBBH it h Itfirt llf il iii If rtf-"- ". "tV;ft-yffl)XT ilX-fil I' W. SIHCIVKIt Companion of I). Clarence Gib Iwncy, 1io was drowned near ChniniHilon, Mexico ndplnhln business mnn nnd n lipnvy loser in the nrlginiil venture, identified blm. self with thp tiPtv Tropical Products (Jo. because ho believed In the proposition. His death came ns n member of the party, till or whom were directly In terested in the success of the Tropical Products project. All the victims nre survived hy fain- Inch. Mr. (lihboney's family consists of His widow, .Mrs. i:ila JI. Gibbonev. n son, D. Clnreucc lllbboney, Jr., nritl n daughter. Miss LoN May fllbboney. The (libbnney family huvc been In Ilos ton, but will likely return to this city immediately. Itcccntly they have had uo permanent residence here, but hnve been making, their home nt a hotel. Mnikley, St., is survived by his widow nnd another son, Itolliu Marklcy, of Seattle. Wash. Mrs. Mary Oibboney. M!r. CJIbboney's mother, and Charles M. Oibbonpy, his brother, who went from Philadelphia to St. Louis to visit relatives, wero advised Inst ulght of the drowning ot Mr. Gibboney. Mr. Gibboney said be would nwnit further advices from Progrcso, nnd if tiie body of his brother hns been recov ered he will immediately Jcave for the South to nrraugo removal of the re mains to Philadelphia, Until two jears ugo. the Shrivpr family lived tit 471(5 Klngspssing ave nue. With the mnrringe of n dntightcr, Lucie, to Stunrt Cooper, iissistnut su perintendent of the I raffle department of the Hell Telephone Co.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shrlvei- closed the Kltigsessing avenue house nnd went to live with their daughter nnd son-in-law nt 122 Carol Iloulevard, Highland Park. Mrs. Shriver and Mrs. Cooper nre in bed to day suffering from shock. Victims Were All Officers Frysmger Kvnns, private counsel of .Sliriver, with office,, in the Laud Title ltuilding. snid today that the four men, especially Mr. Oibbone, were on nn errand of personnl sacrifice to them selves when they were lost. "The I'nitcd Stntes Government of ficially confirmed tho accident in a tele gram sent by noting Secretary of State Davis to tho Tropical Pioducts Co., 1120 Walnut street, jpsterday morn ing." be continued. "I read tho tele gram nt 0 p. m., btating that the power boat was lost north of Progrcso, Yu catan, thirty miles from tho plantation. "The victims, nil officers of tho Tropical Products Co., were en route to their plantation to sate what monoy they could for their stockholders. They took n stenmsliip fro Pregreso, nnd from th m Havana for ere a motorhoat which carried them to their untimely fate. VMVkVVMlVVM4rVVVMVlrrVVtVVVVVV Hotel Torraitvc J Broad Streot at Fairmount Avenue J j AUDITORIUM Seating 400 PERFECT ACOUSTICS SCENERY IDEAL I Commencements, Recitals, 5 Dinner L POPLAR 520 Citizens' Meeting for European Relief Academy of Music Sunday, January 2, 8 P. M. Sharp Music by orchestra drawn from the Philadelphia Orchestra No Seats Reserved Presiding Officer: MR. GEORGE WHARTON PEPPER Speakers: GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING MRS. VERNON KELLOGG MR. JOHN KENDRICK BANGS Tickets FREE Obtainable Emergency Aid, 221 S. 18th St. American Friends' Service Committee, 20 S. 12th St. Y. W. C. A., Umpire Hldg., 13th and Walnut Sts. Knifiht.s of Columbus, Saturday nt S. W. Cor. Hroud and Vine Slw.j Sundaj, 115.18 Glrard Ave, Jewish Juint Uihtribution Committee, Saturday evening and Sundiy afternoon, ail Catharino St., and Youtii; .Men's Hebrew Association, ,..,., iui .mm, Asuuemy ; j FOROISAllENfl Summons for International Cori foronco Would Bo Basod on $ Act of 1916 n WOULD APPEaTto ALLIeW Washington, ,Tn. l.Dcllnlto atop. o p rvstall a, the apparent sentiment li? the United States, Great Britain amft. franco in favor of disarmament nrq'. being considered by President Wilson. The President, f wns understood to- ' lay, is thinking of calling nn interna tionnl conference on disarmament, the authority for whip, was granted in the navnl bill of J010, but which has not been exercised. Norman If. Davis. ..,i. t.--,... of Mate, passed moro thn nn hour yesterday conferring nt tho White House nnd Immediately nftcrwnrd was closeted A5in1?.iCqiTily .l0?? I,cr,c"' wl,h Bear tmvu L!,iCrt 1J-,Cont. chief o of thi ?.PfaV0D.s. nu!' nc,,ne secretary Daniels. y C nbscnco ot Joseph. frTli.,b,Ci wns Prf-scd In ndmlnls Mo, ni,r'.s :v,.c,,t,,r'Iy that the rene holldJv if ntho proI,.os?1 f"r a ""aval t , ,i;V of n.vc yvarR duration, made move h..O,'"0r "?,e mo,ncnt 'or wh n n inn?1' nmt. trh.n.t,thc o0cla wor'l ' I',,mp" n,lt '-loklo would welcome tlio chance to convert into deeds the rroiuTf r1'0,. "'"Jium 5f.2.0ncl0' lnvl,otlon from tho United States Oovernment for mich action. Pre. lnnfCi of 101C "ndcr WW the 1 resident is empowered to call a confer ence on disarmament was net quite in- ' clusivo enough to reach the goal which the leaders of many nation are now discussing, ns it provided rather for recommciidntlons thnti actunl regula tions for tho limitation of armament. It is believed thnt to carry through the present program action by the respec tive legislative bodies of tlio countries concerned an interchange of treaties would be required. 800 SLE5P IN N. yTcHURCH Homeless Who Threatened to Break Into Edifice Welcomed New Yorli, Jan. 1. (Hy A. 1) Kiclit hundred homeless and unem ployed men started the new yenr by sleeping in the pews of one of New lork's most historic ehurchcn St. Mnrk'ii in the llowcry early today. The men, part of n crowd of more than 1000. met in a How-cry hall on New Yoar's Hvo und planned to breuk into the church for the night's lodging if admittance wns refused thrm. Hut when they approached tho ancient edl lice in Second avenue they found it brilliantly illuminaled nnd tho rector. Dr. William Norninn Guthrie, waiting for them with nn Invitation to come in side. When the motley crowd lind settled in tho pews Dr. Guthrie addressed them, saying thnt whllo it would he "wotse than a crime" to u.so a church for any except religious uses, no Christian min ister "in his senses" could refuse to jicld un emergency shelter. Says Venlzclos Planned Coup Atbens, .Tnn. 1. -(Hy A. P.) Former Premier Venlneloi planned to form n new Greek stnto In the event nf his defent In the elections of November, according to M. Vlnchos, editor of the KnthimerinU w!io gives the late King Alexander ns his authority. King Con stantino hns requested nn Impartial in vestigation of Greek events bv nn nllled cnmmii.sion. WM. B. KUGLER Manager COMPLETE STAGE 5 FOOTLIGHTS FOn Concerts, Theatricals, Balls Dances $ ask ron MK. GOEHEI, after 8:05 P. M. Eastern Chapter, American Ited CrohH. 218 S. 19th St. Y. M. C. A M23 Arch St. Federal Council f the Churches f Christ in America, Mr. ft A. K. I'almiiuist, 18th aJu firct-n Sts. oj ,viuhic Un All Ncwsnanerh m ul i IH A, !' ..i ! V ?; 1 31 m vij! m K I" .-. Jv. r Jw J