nmnmvaaavBii tejaSr; SSSSJa&SS m sw t w TiT -mm AT, S ?w-" mi V -V- Ij A S . E.yIG PUBLIC LEDGER PEflLADELFHrA, "EJRIDAY, DEOExUBEK 31, 1020 (11 'fJIflKT W' --v - ' TOD4TS MYSTERY STORY By rillUP FflANCIS NOUXAN Yesterday's Mystery SpUuion IN THE case of "Tiptoeing Step" It 'w quite clear that the murderer could hnvc hail no piiriioie in nvpronch In thq victim on tiptoeH. As Dr. Inr nelirh had pointed out. fnnUtPiH on' sand mike no noise nnjliow, nnd besides, tlm murderer was in plain view. Harvey Hunt arci'd that thrri!'v,cre only tifo other possible reu'onx tor n pemon'fl walking on tiptoe. One would be to save an injured heel... I Jut It wo too fantastic a Bupposltlon thnt n pcr ion would have suffered from two In lured heels and yet committed murder. Bach a neMon ttould certainly be nware of leaving behind n dhtluetlve trail. The only other reason was' habit. WalMns on tiptoe was a habit with the murderer. Uuc again Harvey Huut fig nred that a man having such n peculiar habit would be cognisant of It, and would have made some nttempt to obllf. erflte the trail. The only possible, conclusion was that the murderer hnbltually walkril on tip toe and attracted no attention by so doing, and honce was aware of the fart that the trail left had been dlstlnc live, This, of course, was equivalent to the conclusion that a wo'mnrt. accustomed to wearing high heels and balancing her -eight on her toes when she walked, cn without heels, had committed the crime. Many women do this, arf may te observed on any bathing beach. With this ..clue to won; on, Hunt goon located the waitress' who told a tile of o life blasted hrtc years before the artist who, on going down to he beach that morning for her btirf hth. hod faced, him, and. Infuriated by Mi scorn, had atruck him. thus pie elnltatlng tt struggle In which she hod filt the revolver In his pocket, snatched out anu ustu it. Can you solve this viysteru f- The Pirate For twoNnontbs the city had al ternately laughed and thrilled with In ilrnatlon at the escapades, both funny id brutal, of tho spectacular thief who etlled himself "the Pirate.". n-v rtlrotp unnsrentlv was not par- tJcnlar about how. when or where he tnersted. First, It would be n hold up in the suburbs, then of looting a house In the absence of Its occupants; ij would enter n fashionable apartment honie and rob some inmate at the point tl i revolver, fading Into thin air faster tbin the outraged vicum couiu puonc tie office, many floors below. But he was consistent In one thing, hit sense of humor. He nearly always took occasion to ploy some practical Joke en his victim. There had Dcen inc case 01 aim. Cholmnndly -Jones, whom he visited In tie Belvldon, an apartment hotel, nnd whom he had taken over his knee and raanked when she became hysterical and refused to tell him where she kept her valuables. There ha'd been that of the old darkey sutler of the Fairfaxes, a Southern fam ily. After looting tne oio-iasnioncq Hfe In the library, the pirate had ucended to the fourth floor and entered the servant's room, thoroughly Intimi dating the old man by waving a revolver and, in the glare of his own electric torch, by a series of fantastic facial contortions, in voe worus ui uk myiy, "he done pinch his face out ju nis dniubs. and make It snap back, Jes' lak ( rubbuh ban'' ' He was described as da.rk-haired. red dish completion, always wearing deeply tinted glasses, with a long bristling tiiiBtache, an angry, ugly scar running icrosi his nose and down his left cheek, lie always wore an overcoat (but then It was winter), and strangely enough, in old-fashioned opera hat. He spoke with a decided foreign accent, and with i lisp. For the most part he was seen only it night. IJut one day a milk bottle crashed to the pavement In front of Detective MacQuinlan, who had been assigned to the task of hunting htm down. MacQuinlan, who had been ilklng briskly, came to an abrupt halt and Imiketi up to a window in tne soc end story of the cheap hotel and saw the pirate leering down at him. He Im mediately rushed Into the building, but the ntounded proprietor vowed that lobody answering that description had been in his place. MacQuinlan took occasion to scrutinize every guest and employe, but tho pirate, who had ap peared at a hall window, was not among ftem. The police were nt their wits' ends for "boln? made a monkey of." when llarrpy Hunt took a hand in the game. He Mnrtcd nt the cheap hotel from Which the milk bottle hod been thrown It MacQuinlan. Hut his scrutiny of he guests nnd employes was no more Illuminating than the city detective's, to he chnnged his attack. Acting under his Instructions that night the proprietor took occasion to whisper to each of his guests a tip that the police were going to stage a raid In the place in search of the pirate. He Iiurhed as he told them, as though the msm WTTM ni f f.Ta r.fVSCB 1 ..wu r YxftvW .. TOJobboUhIiotToo"im mm&!tfs v E LATEST"- WKIHI8BM "flitiXkgggffgg Why you need Hesinol Ointment T'e same noothlnif, heallnK. untl KP'le properties that make Kealnol tiShient. M effective for Kll hoif le also make U tho Ideal house hold remedy tor Bom Kcalia Cuu g"tha Wound a "nilaaa owta Ulcara Ftlana PI ai plea CoM-aorM Chaflnca Bttnara Pilea IrrtUtktaa Delia Aa! S"?U,rMe"'lMrwi. TUk gtttdiclna fci, w,y w (ma. 5ittttjle frmar- YwaVawriH (aiiVj K teaafcwuawaa Idea were ridiculous, but also a-s a warning, that, the police might not put any of his guests to too much embar rassment. The affairs of the majority of them, In fact, would not hove utood a searching Investigation. Then Harvey Hunt took up his post,, with MacQuinlan, In a closet on the second floor near the hall window from which the bottle had been thrown. They concentrated their attention on tho three rooms nearest, that window on the street aid Finally a fluttering flash of yellow ligtit came from under one of the doors. In an insUint tho two had thrown their Rhoulders against the panel. As the wood splintered In they were assailed with the smell of burning gasoline and rubber. "We've got him!" grunted Hunt as he plunged through tho wrecked door toward the wasbstand, where In the wnsn-oasin me names suit Mattered, nnd seizing tho water pitcher beside it dousml the flames. Hint's swerve toward the woshstand hnd disconcerted the plain-looking man who stood with his fists doubled up. as If at bay; so that MacQulnlan's rush carried him to tho floor. ."What'fi he burnlngl" queried Mac Quinlan, arising from the manacled form of his captive and straightening hta rumpled collar. "And say, Hunt, how did you dope this thing out? This pasty-faced clam doesn't look like the bird we're nfter." Do vnu tnote tehat teat burning, and why Uarvov Hunt expected to catch the nirato in that particular part of tht hotelt The anneer trill appear tomorrow. THE DAILY NOBELETTE Never Attaint lr WHAIAM n. COWX.KS "Ta. Chris." said Molly slowly. "I I do love you. but" The rest wiu checked by Christopher's marer up as no swept nrr into nu arms, Rwnved bv his lmnettlosltv. she r. sponded to his rapture, but for a 'mo ment oniv. Then aha freed noraeir. gtntlj' but flrmlv. from his embrace. "What Is tt, swecthoort?" demanded unris quicKiv. maKlnr aa ir to grasp his new-won prize one more. "Walt. Chris." the girl halted him. .Not yet. I sold I loved you, put didn't say I'd marry vou." Chris looked astonished. "What'n the IdeaT" ho wanted to know. "Well." hesitated Molly, "you set, It'a New Year's Eve and I kind of feel like making resolutions and thare are you havo wsll " "Out with It!" Interrupted Chris. "Am f as bad as all thatr "Tou're not bod at all." she responded rravelr. "Onljs well, your smoking, you know, And when you net Interested In what you re talking about, you "ljt sIId a -cubb word." finished Chris. "Well, my dear, there ore two resolu tions as good as made. Here's to can ning the smokes and the strong talk. Anything more? Now's your chanco to make me Into a perfect little paragon. Now. If Molly had' been truly wise, she would hae stopped right here, content to have Inserted ever so tiny a wodgo between Chris and his pet habits. Out .1: . -l. Sh COUld not raallt (tin fumntntlnn ta take & whnclt.at (h emv mrntAnlntt trtiit Vvliloh troubled her. . , "There"! one thins mora T-wtsh'Vou'd stop," she admitted, "and that'B going around with Jolt oiakoman and his crowd." Ct)rts thrust hla hands Into his pockets and rogarded her gloomily. Then. "Hanr it all. Molly." he 'expostulated. "That's asking- too-much." , 7yy well." sold Mojly stiffly, "very well. If yoU won't do so little tt.thlnrt,08 that for me '-" sho brokeorT with a significant shrug .of her slim shoulders. Mqlly.1" Chris, sot up straight, then sunn dock despairingly. "Well. I might have known It .you were't, satisfied with me tfio way tho .Lord made me, you'd never'." r ' Tho Idea I'" Interrupted Molly, o red spot In either cheek. "Now that I know how little you will do for mo, I'm not satisfied at all 1" Chris rose quietly. "Mean It 7" ho asKea. unsmiling. 'Tos," declared Molljv Then, iia he starred rpr tne door. "Ana I never want to sea you nirnlti t" hi addpri hmtortlv. As Shrltophcrk footstepn died away, the bell of tno city broke out' In Joyous peal, but their vibrant chimes fallod to reach tho cars of ths rrirl who sat hud died In her,chalr sobbing as If her heart would, brcolC The next few weeks wero long ones for moiiy, ano noy were not made any easier to bear, when Molly's fifteen-year-old brother casually droDDed tho Infor- (nation that he had gone riding with Chris In tho latter'! brand new runa bout, Molly knew that Chris wan not in a position to Duy new runabouts Un less he had.-dtnwn on the little fund r had accumulated so slowly and so proudly us a nest-egg with, which to marry. Hut the runabout was, not his only extravagance. As the weok drew Into months, rumors reached Molly of ex penditures on the part of Chris totally vnltke the soberly, Industrious young fel low sho had known. 8ho heard of box partita nt the modest local theatre when a third rate musical comedy hit town and of late suppers where Chris was a lltxly and riotous participant. Perhaps she would have discredited the gossip as exaggerated, had not her own eyes borno witness to the truth of at least a part of It. Walking home up Main street late one afternoon, sho saw a trim little runabout draw up to the curb of the Chinese restaurant Just ahead. From It descended Chris, fur coated and gauntlcted, Then he turned to assist In doscendlna; a girl a pretty, shallow-eyed Uttlu thing equipped with fashion's latest devices. "Aw, can It. kid J" Chris waa saying In his old slangy way which had brought upon him Molly's condemnation. Then he caught a glimpse of Molly and, as he bowed gTfcvoiy, ho sent, unconsciously, no doubt, a glance of wistful appeal straight to hr heart Molly walked slowly on, but In her heart was the greatest happiness Bhe had known since nearly a year ago when she had let Chris go. And her happiness Waa not due to tho thought that she could win him bock, but simply to the discov ery that, after all, It was the old, slangy, fiipc-smoklng Chris she loved, and not ho paragon she would have mado him Into. Underneath ran a little undercurrent of fear. Had she misread the look In his eyes? Waa- It too late? That night when Chris reached his rooms he found a little note. "Because It was everv bit mv fault. dear Chris, I am oatlnjr humble pie. Dad has some extra fine Hs.vn.naa on hand, Care to come up and try them? Bellee mo. too. Chris, that there's lots of people I mtnd haying you spend your time with more man jmice uiaxeman, and wear ear.rlnm.1' they Chris waltstd hla car over the ley streets at neck mi well as law-brcaklnir speed and ten minutes later hold in hh arms a starry-eyed Molly. VJEMirryBYiHECKi;' Y$fcV w "Thank Ilenvon." she saM, "Vo got ou back, without frills or Improve ments." "Never mind, dpttr." hh whlmerrd 'When this New Year comes, I prom ise we u But Molly Interrupted him firmly. "No, Chris. Never again ! I'm through with resolution for other people, Tou novor can tell. What you deprive 'em, of may drive 'em to things Worse. Besides. I've got enough to worry about In reforming myself" "Billy I" whispered Chris. "You're Perfect aa vou are I" And qulto likely ho believed It. Next Complete NOTrlette No More Xirlt for Oenrse THE TOSCANINI CONCERT Great Italian Conductor dives Di versified Program With La Scata Orchestra the rnoonAM Concerto for itrlnir orchtitra Vivaldi Fifth Symphony Rtethoven "Iberia". imAgea for orchestra DtbuMj' "Fountains uf Ilo-no" rtuntfhl Prelude and IyOvcDjnth, from "Trliten." Wftiroer Arturo Toscnnlnl, one of the greatest of present-day conductorH, gave a mem orable concert nt the Academy of Music yesterday afternoon wifh"tbe members of La Benin Orchestra, nt the head of whom he Is now making n tour of this country. Mr. Toscaninl Is one of the few con ductors who are equally effective cither in the oporn or In n program of abso lute music, nnd one of the even Sjmallnr number of conductors of his nationality who understand the lmDortanca of Inter preting tho architectural beauties of a symphony-nnd Us relation to the ctno tlonal content. His oroiram was ex cccdingly dlvcrHlfled, but the maestro was eouniiy tnmiuar with each of tho five different Idioms employed by the composers represented. Tnls was one of the most ama7lng features of the con cert and it was almost Impossible to say which of the five works was the best done. He opened with the A-mtnor concerto for strings of Vivaldi, n compo sition famlllnr to Philadelphia audiences and one which, in point of nge, conslil ernbly antedates Sebastian Uach. Writ ten in strict contrapuntal stle, Mr. Toscaninl interpreted it with fiill rcgnrtl for the formal manner in which it It written. This wns followed by the Beethoven Fifth Symphony. In Jhe first movement of which the conduct; took considerable latitude In the mutter of the tempi, but gave n thoroughly satisfactory reading. There were several points In which he departed from tho trndttlnnnl Interpre tation. From Rcethovcu to (DebusHy is n long Jump, but the great' conductor ac complished if perfectly. Tho "Images" were superbly plnyed with all the re finement and poety which characterize the leader of the modern French school nt his best nnd with great regard for the ntmosphure nnd orchestral color tints which belong to Debussy alone. 1'spcclally fine was the treatment of the percussion instruments, which were made: n port of tho ensemble and never allowed to intrude. The Resplghi num ber, a new one to Philadelphia, was exceedingly Debupsy-llke In the. softer passages but much more vigorous In orchestration In the louder parts. It is V 4 - S-f Sf;'M B WA mil Crogram music, but of the, legitimate Ind and It received n wonderfully sympathetic rending from thfe. maestro,, the close being especially beautiful nnd impressive. The Wagner prelUdo was taken In very slow tempo, tho conclu sion being glren wltji thnt fire and Im petuosity which was Hie chief char acteristic of Tobcanlul's conducting of tho opera. In hi orchestral conducting, as in his operatic work, Mr. Toscnnlnl tones strong dynnmie contrasts constantly, but always with regnrd for tonal effect first of all. His planlsslmos arc very soft but not so much so as to lose color nor are the Instruments allowed to screum in the fortlsslmos, -"It may rcadtiy be believed that the orchestra Is one of tho best In Europe. The first movrmetit of the symphony was not ployed Htrlctly in tunc nt all parts, but when the offending Instru ments "warmed up" there was no rom plaint to be made onthls score. It is absolutely under his control at nil times. Wills Probated Today Wills admitted to probate today dis posed of estates totaling $108,000. all in prlvnte beoilests. These were ns fol lows! Ella V. . Merrltt. 1018 Wet Dauphin wtreet, $.12,100; Louise M. Hartley, who died at Oravesend, New York, $22,000; Nathaniel Klchurdnon. Academy road, pear Ilustleton, Slfi.OOO; Nellie A. Uwls. 234:1 North Sixteenth street, $11,200; William Kechtold. .1447 North Eighteenth street. $10,000; Charles T. McCrelght. r10.r Hazel Ave nue. $111100; Ferdinand Obrrholxer. U144 Oaul street, $1,100; Alexander H. Walters, 1341 Palmer street, $3700. I m V av nl ' w ' sV H ' ' litKHhJJiJ J f 'iztH'0' Hiatal aBaBaBBiaSBSaiaHBkaillSl Inventories of personal estates were filed with the register of wills ns fol low: .losenhlne I,. I.liulen. SIC- :i33..18; Ilernnrd MeKeown, $14.iri!.07', Lnn oight, S4;j.ii ; k. Iloilnlpli Ahren, $4000.74. Letters of adminis tration were granted ns follows; John .Morris. 22.11 Columbia avenue, $11000; Hearst Kaseno. .1.171 Itidge avenue, !W50a; Jnmes Crossett, 4711 Spring field avenue, $1400. WTKAMHHlr NOTlf'tX jftWHITE STAR LINErtffl Nearby Sailing CELTIC. JAN. 15 to Liverpool ADRIATIC, JAN. 19 Cherbourg and Southampton Vmm Vk rtinrhanrg -flnntfi.mnfnn ADIUATIO .Tun. lOIFeb. lfllMnr. IS! New York to Liverpool Celtlo jnn. KFrh. 2 Apr. Vedlo (New) Jan. IS 1 Cedrlc Feb. 8Mnr. lApr. IS AMERICAN LINE New York riymoatli-r-Clirrhaiire I-pUnd Jn. B Fell. 12rV!nr. 10 Finland Jan. lSlFeh. lOlMnr. 2ft ZreUnd Jn. 2tFeb. 2fl.pr. 2 KrnonUnd Feb. 0.Mar. 12Apr. 18 Ited Star Line steamers en ronte Antwerp. New York Hamburg Direct Berrlr. MANCIITJTlIA . ..Jan. iaFeh. 24!Apr. t MONO OI,I A .... .Jan. 27Mor. 10Apr. tl Vhlladelphl a Liverpool Tyeat Cbeiow .Jao- S llaverfortl Jan. 28 Philadelphia Olaagow Went Taeook Jnn. B Wtit Che row Jan. 8 Writ Noho Jan. 2t Plilladelphla Itambnrc Oaawatoml. Jan, 7 WnuentlKa Jnn. 22 Vfnthf na ., Jnn. 29 IDEAL WINTER CRUISES Whlte'btar Line 8. H. Mca-nntlct LnrKrut, Merit Comfortable Crulelne Steamer! Knllrelr Drvotrd to trulne Paeeenrrmi Specially Selected Portii of Colli No Corijor 25. to 2fl Dy. Iavlnc New York Jan. 22. Feb. 21. Mnr. 23. 1021 Mulling; llnrbndofi. Cuba. Jamntca. Klnmton (Port Antonio). Martinique. Panama Canal tPannmn Cltj). Porto ltleo. Trinidad. I Yenrmrla, Ylrcln Inlanda, etc. INTF.tlNATIONAT, MKHCAVTILK MAHINF. COMPANY Pfimienaer Office. 1310 Walnnt St.. rhlln. Frrlcht Office. 403-414 Ilnnrne IUdt.. Phlla. FRENCH LINE FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Compagnie Gcneralc Transatlantique Inward nnd Outward Fant FrrUht Steamer. Regular Service Between PHILADELPHIA & FRENCH-ATLANTIC PORTS S. S "ROUSILLON," L Hlvro & Bordeaux D.c. 31 3S "ONTARIO," Le Havre & Hamburg Jan. IS, '21 (end aueb other French-Atlantic Porta aa cargoes offer) To Load Pier 80 South AGENTS NEW YORK OCEANIC COMPANY, INC. For Hate, and Poaee Applr GEYELIN & COMPANY (Inc.) Philadelphia Representatives 108 South Fourth Street Lombard 4207 Main 21B3 CUMMINS LINES U. S, Shipping Board Steel Steamers , Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP SS "BONNIE BROOK" Dac.30 SS "ARIZPA" . Jan. 10 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN SS "GATEWAY CITY" Jan. 5 For apace and rate apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 139 South 4th St, Phlla, Pa. Lombard ilil-imsm : Main JU8 NAWSCO LINES Direct Berrlee Without Transhipment Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HAUBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND S.S.Lehlgh Jan. 15 j S. S. Yalza Mch. S S.S.West Togua Feb. S S.S.West Isleta Mch.15 S.S. Brush Feb. 18 1 S. S. Artigns April 2 For Bate., ete., Applr to NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. !!C S. Fourth St, Phlla. Phone Lombard 5791-2-3; Main 3202-3 The CHARLES T.MEGEEC0. Agento for U. S. Shipping Board Philadelphia to Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patraa, Salonica Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fort Armitroni"...Sailini Jin. 7 A Steamer Jan. 1 Loading Btrtai Sorrtn j Pitr 78, S. W. For rates and space apply to The Charles T. Megee Co. Drexel Btrilding, Philadelphia Lombard 5100-1-2.3 Main S0GU Philadelphia to Gibraltar, Valencia, Barcelona, Marseilles SS WaoUio Loidint for rotes and particulars apply to James W. Elwell & Co., Inc. 17 State St., New York or The Charles T. Megee Co. Drexel Bialding, Philadelphia Lombard H100-1-S-S Main SOGi RIO JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES S. S. "Lake Fannin" ....Sailed S. S. "Lake Fagundui". .Sailed S. S. "Weit Jaffrey". . .Jan. 10 U. S. Sklppinf Board Steel Stcuneri Applr John S. Empry & Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Megee, Steer k Co., Agb. Drfxal BuUdlnf, PLlladalphla riKtLADELPgA WI.NTKH. ItKHOHTM HITK HI IJ'IH'B HI'ltlNCIH. W. VA. UllirK Sl'l.CIILlt HI'IUNOH. W, VA. UOI.V. TIIK I1ATIIH M1 IIKA1.T1I AIKEN, f). C. AIKEN" South Ciirollnn's 1'rcnilrr Itmort Highland Park Hotel oi'UN nnciiMitint to may fnfaar i rlmrtn .,11 lt nun" Ct.IMATi: IIKI'IUSATION KKVIIION'MKNT Addrrrn .1.. KM KI.VKY, Mnnmrrr Summer Wliltrfstf Inn, I.Ite I'lucld. N. Y, HTKtMRIIIP NOTiri" OLYMPIC . . . .Mnr. l!3'Apr. 30May 24 New York Aforen Cllbrnltnr Nnple (ieniM Crrtle Jnn. OlMnr. HIMiiy 8 Cnnnplo Mnr42lMy 17 RED STAR LINE New York-rI'lmnutli Cherbourn Antwerp Miplnml ....... Jan. BIFeli. 12Mnr. 10 Finland Jnn. IBFel. 10llnr.20 Zrrlunil Jnn. 22Feb. 2flJApr. 2 Kroonlnnil . . .Feb. SlMnr. 12(Apr. 10 New York Hnnil Hamburg Thlrd-ClnsR I'nnner Only Qotliluml Jnn. I2l'fb. 28 Apr. 13 Philadelphia Antwerp Onawotomle Jnn. 7 Vlctorloai , .Jan. is Vntbena -, Jam. 28 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia Mnbnpne Mackinaw London .. ..lire. 31 Jnn. 22 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE rhllndelptila Rotterdam sloterdyk " 18 UNITED AMERICAN LINES iNrnwrnnATTp JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA ToThAMBURG SS KERLEW Jan. 4 SS METTE JENSEN.. Jan. IS "li&SlsWrai" Scandinavian and Baltic Porta BTE3 AP FrmTmjn vTtcvu.ra INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Lafayette Bldf. Tel. LoatBird 3833 UNITED AMERICAN LINES INCOnrORATED Freight Traffic Department 39 DROADWAY, NEW YORK TKLKl'llONE WniTEHAT.T. IOJ0 327 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES 1111 LA. TO IlllIHTOL CIIANNi:i. I'ORTS I MANCHKMTEIt ANU (il.AMI.niV ' lmiSToi. ss nwinsoN codntv Expected Ball. Dee. 81, 1020 MAKCIIKSrRn nia8QOW 11I1IRT01, B P MON'OMAO Due La.t DecemUr I 8 B l'ArTHCKET. Due Early lanuarr 1IAMUSS, MACILL & CO.. INC. 23 LAPAYKTTK IIUILDINO, ' riinDKi.riiiA ii"i''i"i ain.i iin mil IH-lHT- STK-tMIIIU-ft BERMUDA lwo uilje Iruui Nrw lorb llrr. you are fro. from thu snon. lo. and chill winds of th. North, and In a quaint, old-world aettlnv nt Incomparable loelness you may lutlly rest or flay your favorite sports of (tolf, tennis, rid. int. driving-, mntnr-hoattna', s.lllns, bath Km and flshlnn or dunce at th. fay par lira at the many modern lintels No I'asMMrte Hrqulred for Uerniuda flpeclal Decemtier Qalllnes Prominent Hotels (ii.n In Dereraher Two salllnas weekly during Jan., Ttb., Mar. and April, via, Hnlfi i. Liu. TwIn.Srreir Htenrr S. S. "FORT VIC. w.UA" ls.uon Toiw Dliplacement S. Illnc from Nw Totk Jan 8. IS, 22, 20 S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11,000 Ton. Displacement bslllno from Nw York . Jan, B, 12. 10, 20. fftitn fot (((wfHfiftve literature to FUHNKilR lir-UMUDA LINK SI UhWehnll Htv New York Faroe . Withy & Co.. I.U1. Hoarse Uldf.. l-hlladelphla. fa. MINTKlt IU0HT3 VTI.ANTIC CITY SPEND THE HOLIDAYS IN SPECIAL HOLIDAY liNTF.nTAINWENTH hftvi" been arronirtri at th 1-a.tlnr hotel The Chrtittmiia-New Yenr holldiyn may bj enjoyed In an entirely different atmo. Pnere than one If nrrustnmed to In everr ay life, ret ulth ths name appropriate ceiebrntlonn. TIIK WKATIIKtl IS IDKAI. ahd nrfordu wonderful opportunity tor Jtnlldlnir up" nfter the nenou "train of ChrtBtmnB ehopplnit llrlcht Sunny oy, crlip ealt nlr, pure mone nnd a Iloardualk where It all enn be eo e.a.lly enjoyed Kent while rldlnic In the Iloltlne Chalm or partake of mild ejercleo nnct DrnmpnfldN tilth ,i.. m..v h-nm, riAif Horebe.eh Kldlnit Motorlnir rieri iuiic uancinu Theatres Movies Etc. THi: LKADIMl 1IOCSEH l'hnne Wire or Write for Information, rnlea. ete. Mirlboroi'gh-Blinhflm The Breakers Hotel St. Charles Galen Hnll Hotel Dcunis Hotel Chelsea Hold Strand Seaside House The Shelburnc The Wiltshire Alamnc Hotel Hotel Morton The Holmhurst Conrenlent nnd pomfortoble train nerrlre, I'hune loenl tlrkrt narnt for schedule, fare, ete. AivAmOTicarv. Plan. Hotel I of K$iMaivwdIlealCoiiart ritua proof oamaom. I capacity eoe. Walter Let I'h Mukn loil Feel lit Home In the City nt Bobmt Ilea .lth." Hotel Morton Ocean End Mnriiiln At.. Capacltr 2(0. r.lfMitor. Frivnte llntlm. etc. Alirair. opn. WWTDTHIRK Vlrclnla Ave. and lleach. Cap. 8S0. Prtrat batba; run. water: elevator, ete. Amr. slas. BAM. ELU3. Own.r. N. i. COLUIN8. iUt. marIoulvBlcji!Kim ! (alt Whit ainm Gornprniyy Hot?l RntrnKel Kentucky ave. n.furn. noici doscoou K,cel,nt tB.Die ,1T.ro snd up weekly. Phono 117. A. B. MARION LMUTUOOI). X. J ,iAUREL HOUSE lakewood, new jersey A OellKhtfu; toclul atmosphere prevails at Laurel House nnd ma lies It the favored wlntir hnme of u particular und dlscrlmlnat Ini: clientele Indoors are open fireplaces an orchestra if artists danelmr. honie-lUe chnn. service laramnunt. superior cuisine. And In the open KOlf, rldlnv. sititlnpr, slelKhlnr and splendid motor roads . A. tlurph). Mbt.i C. V. Murphy, Aast. MsT Laurel-in-th-Pines Lakewood, M. J. Situated among the Pines and overlooking Lake Cnrasaljo Mv "Pine. Orlll" 10-hoI. Oolf Course I'rlvile Tennl. Courts. Rlrtlnr. Hhaded Wall.s rishlnc Music ITlvnto Oar. it el. Siir i:iptro-hidrntheratiy llnth System lHANK r. 8IIUTE. Maninr. Ilranch DUlce of GEO. A. IIUIIN SONS Mi ml. re New Yorl: Stock Uichinse m INEAIR HEALTH FARM I.AKF.U(I11. N. J. Rent. Reereatlon. Kierrte. areo Gymnasium Turhleh. Klee- trie Hjdrotherapy IUths. Handball. llldlnK. Uolf. Tahle Supplied from luu acre farm, Ilooklrt Phone 52S. WILLIAM JAII-y IKITII, lllrertnr. LAKEWOOD. N. J In the Tines, nil sports. 11Q..VIM Writ- TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. RICKS HOTEL ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Midway Iletween N. Y. and JaeksonrUI. Tliu Loirtcal I'lnee to Drcals Your Trip" Nw. Modern Throughout Ac.com. S00. Writ, for Information T. L. HUM). Prop. SAVANNAH. OA. uavannaA At beautiful Bavannah. aa tb. paradlsa for olf. motorists, fishermen, hunts men itid tourists llrtproof nooms wlthcut bath, 13 ear: rooms with batb, I3.80 day ur. fleorre I. Albea. Manager I. It. round, I'rr.ldenl rionmv Tor llooklet of I'lOKlIM KAT COAST ItemetN. write 24.t flth r., New orlt. I GltCEN COVK WITtl.NOS. FLA. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL . Oreen CoTe hprlnrs. Florida Fin proof hotel nlth moil Improvem'ta ar.it ' lonvs Hut sulpho.miixnesla sprlnas and hatha, Kolf bnthlnE casino tennis, hunting Ilntes $& pvr day upwards with menls. Sum moro Vt , lintel Marlon Lake Oeonrc, N. T IttKCOi: A. MAKVKL "" HT. ACGI)HT1E. WA. GOLF AT ST. AUGUSTINE HOTEL ALCAZAR Now Open PONCE DE LEON Opens January 4th FLOKIUA'S IDUAl. WINTER CIJMATB sr .rni stink. riA. THE HOTEL DORETA on Tin: dixii: iikiiia" m ru in uin Mp. Mil uttcnttnn to Au 9 1 .rueu Ktrlntf t. Ity O . h nnd tlolf lAnht 1-X1KT MVintS, vu Hotel Royal Palm ' nrt Mjers. Ilorlda th.Hole Golf. Flshlnc. hwlmmlnit Tool Ever. Hi.oiii wlih llath J I.j NIII.SON. Manaaer, 1 DAYTON UK CH.n.A. Daytona Beach Hotel llrnad verindas fnco the Ocean Thorourhlr modern Cuisine unexcelled Ilat.a IS 0O t. Ill per do American plan. I'AJUATKA. ILA " Ol'KN ALl, THI'. YKAB PUTNAM HOUSE l'AI.TKA. FI.A. MT.ST l-AI.M IIKf II. IX. Hotel Salt Air u, 1'iiim llem.1 Htrli'th mod throua-hom i'!h iinsurpnsu'd ocean tlliln," Hoold.t fc nil IhlllllMW I.UUKI.l K atrnut A VNns I'rots rieon appnraiin l'AIM UKACll. KM i ..!. rn,.rt inlii. .. . "':" I'"' It rite rnr It l.uni- ""' l-rtl m Iteneh (luwr. Ce. MIVMI. rt IHIT til MI ' Umklet fhnniher of Cnnnneree. Miami. Ha iir.i,LniKiiKitiiiT riiii: hki,i.i;m'm llelleulr HrlKhls. Ha. IlKiniDHA "Islands of Sunshine!" HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Modem In Construction and Operation 2S0 Uullea rlli Hath rir.iro.( Avcominouniinn (or oou tlanasrment of J, A. Sher: fi. v. lime sia oin ve,. nnur Trt' rl llurenu inooKle-l lame Jqqres. -IIQUI I ni)n.ivni.AN hk'oiith I to&miM 1 mm IV lr-,J J X' 1 m i) ta I I s i N A fi ! v m 1 'i .- ii 'i..1-.. r -'mOT.- 1IJ 'ir, b 1 M, 1-, J'-T . . f .. f,l..l.t, v . vjV -" C " l Ttj'iv