f'VV' i""' fni. H 7 ' a -V r SWV7VF DUCROW y HENRY ST. JOHN COOI'KK Tit IB STARTS TUB BTOItY Hlliabeth Ann Ducrow,- known as "Sunny," works In n plofcle factoiy. She has atpirattons for something hinher and (oil Bert Jackson, who works at "the pickles" with her, that shr intends to rido in a motorcar some day. Bunny lives in a narrow, dtrttr street with htr aunt, who is prmnblt. .(tipld oiid improvident, Sunlit and Uert are hunprv for a day In tho country and, lacking the finuls, thru tlno on the sheet for pennies and-aro arrested for "vagrancy," hut pardoned bu the magistrate. Leslie Montresso , a welt-known actress, sers Hunnu in court and is impressed, with her nrip. InaUW. Bhe brings Bunny and lfcrt before Mas Ilemmingway, manager 0 the ptay In which she is appearing, lie, too, is 'impressed and engages sunny at two pounds a week for thine years. Bunny, always loyal, insists that he give a part to llcrt. She has ae inn tii 'undred a year and ruunn about in taxioabs, Iferlt" There is some difficulty in getting into the theatre, as every attendant sends bunny and Bert etiewKerc. Finally they got to the managers omce ana Mr. liemmtngway remarks to Ms a tociate. Mr. liostheimer, "I've got an ,,u that, with luck, she'll drive thr. uwbHo era.'' "I believe , you," said. "Yes, I belleve you '" AND IIKItE IT CONTINUES he OflAFTKIt V (letting On IriOU the Arm time In her llfo Sunny ' had received ft parcel. It had come rom a well-known West End shop. 'I don't know nothing about It !" Mrs. Melkln said. "It como by a cart. Thoro k is i" Simny opned tho parcel. It contained 1 drew, ntno undorclothlng, and 11 good pair of boota, but as to who Bent It ,hero whs no Indication. "Some ono trying to do mo a turn," 1I10 said. "I wish thoy wouldn't who vr It l. It's about my size, too!" It vrnt a plain but neat and nervlco tble drew of black BOi-go. It wna tho lery first brand-new drone Sunny had ivr ownod In her life. She put It on ind looked at hereelf In tho glass. 'I wish I knew who sent It'." she raid "I'd send It back. I don't want aiors from no ono '" .... , ,, "Vou're on ungrateful child!" Mrs. MpIUUi said. "After mo navln' and tcrapln' She paused, .y)U you" Sunny soaped "you got mo this?" Mra Molkln htmllated. Well. If I did. ain't you my own sls- ttr's child?" she said. "What's the 'arm? 1 like to soe you look nice, I do; and me saving and scraping " "You old darllngl" Sunny said. She be'.levod It. She believed that her aunt had, sent her the clothes, while, as a matter1 of fact, Mrs. Melkln know no more about it than Bunny did. "Scraped and scraped, 1 did ! she nld. "Put It by, bit by bit, for you, niliabeth Ann !" "You're an old dear!" Sunny said. I il take from you what I wouldn't tako fiom nc ono elsol" Sho win wearing the new dress and huota and tho new hat tho following day when she met Bert. Ho looked at her In surprise, but said nthlng. - ., u u "A present from aunt I" she said. How do I look, Bert?" He looked at her and blinked wth his melancholy eyes. "You look a fair knockout, Sunny!" he said. "Sort of make me wonder all the time If It Is you !" "It's nothing to the clothes' I'll havo ere day'" she said. "Como on!" They hurried on. They had to bo at ifhearsal at 10. This time there was no difficulty about their admittance. The mm In tho llttlo boxolllce smiled good 'morning to Sunny. "f.ot your little lamp vvun you nun, I je'" he said, looking at Bert. What happened nfter that Sunny could lemember only ns a confused kind of rtrfam She found hereelf on a hugo singe There were no footlights. The Brest auditorium whs a blnck void, through which shrouded candelabra dluniered In ghostly fashion v'omn one unit shouting and ravin?. There were n number of girls and a 1 umber of young men who were going through some kind of a performance. "Now, then, ycu'ro In the chorus, aren't jou?" Bert found himself roughly torn from Sunny's side. Uo was hurled Into a co-rier among a lot of young men, who looked at him superollloUBly They were going through a kind of fanre accompanied by n song, Now 'ii'j thrust out their right nrms nnd r"owil a step toward the center of the m me Thc were singing something about n f I from Ohio Sunny watched them ; pis" watched Bert. Bert looked Intensely ui happy lie, too, thruit out his right i m and took n step with tho rest lie w.m trylniar to sing, but ho wriB woefully en of tune. Sunny smiled. I.lttle by '"tie sho began to laugh. Others stand In; about her followed tho direction of hr eyes and saw Bert. Then they liiiehrd Soon every one was laughing That chan at the end there looks in e a funeral I For goodness' sake kick him away'" some one. said. "Look at Leave him alone" It was Mr Hem- r ncrtuy who had come on. Leave htm in ' lie looked at Bert "Say noth- l"? to him It him go on his own way. I got an Idea '". He spoiling the chorus," tho stngo n inager said I ve trot inv nwn ldea. .lakes ' Mr llemrningwav said "Let that fellow k oiu for the present, at any rate " nv good: as Von llko !" Mr. Jukes nlil 'Now, then, ladles of the chorus "' he hfllowed. "Como on, you 1" He Rlarod at Sunny "You arc In tho cho- n.s I suppose jppose ' Hurry vouraelf; walked deliberately across the unny mite h re havn I irnl In Htntid? shn I suited "'ei Into your place '" the stnge A gill matin room InanagLT bellowed lior sunny lies n one of his tnntrumx tills I ruomlmj : cnt nut nf hnrt li urnni, Ittle ' ihe muttcretl "Itn'H n lienut ntiv 1 Hit SometiTTlpH u u'nrun licnul thtin lo-hers What's vour name?" Sunny What's yours, " Sunny what?" P'linnv nllr nnmdij ultnnt,! 1... ntltr ln t it?" .Sunny said "Mine's Sniinv 1U( row and vrmrH lit Himnv U'r.M U'hn Klie jou that name? 1 menu you vaunt- 'SIIOIICh!" ehouterl tlln Ktnir.i num. lager Now then, ladles!" Tho orchestra MtrilMr lit! nnrl tUr. rhn- J ih hurst Into wing Sunny did not sing lor the simple reason sho was hearing me fiiorus for tho first time Sing UD '" th Mlnizn mnruiirnr intl,i1 V her "Hlinif It. what are vnn here fcr?' Not to bo hollere.l at by you said Sunny Then, ltnce. waa a sudden nnd deathly Bl- "hats that'" tho manager demand- 1(4 What I said Is, '(IW C'.tll I NillL- Mil Kll I llntt't Imilll Ilia Miin.tiln,. m. ..-" . i ix iiught to know It'" ouirhi ' lime !, n i1,,,!),) I you know, ipiierry Jam or iiiHliuice, 'ow to make raw ir go off out of applts anil coloring Jim flavoring nml birdseed? You fouldui do It could ou, unltsH yitu waw He still til .it her I (ldtl'l Unfile ...l.t .. ..n i Iain... i . ... T'i J" It' WimillK si-oui hut i ,io knw this If you want nnd Minis. .if ,,niMi.,.. 'I don't Hlltinv unl.l .'f.,i,i f ..(.' fw"r' lu' ,So kptl' i01"' liulr "" "',l'- You 11 trit Ncwl u.. i. ..ii i. Hde i Mimij miittend cn.n .' !m'. ,. Munny said. "But I ain t altiw.! . "Il,'r"1 "' ') no one WIlklllH ai the faeloij ti lul It oncu, then lie .iv lP.i to II ho'" llr I!fmmlni.t . ii. i.... ... .,. ""ge manugtr In .. low tone Itini "n len will, hm i ,,,,' i,, ,,,. H i i --- i '"long tho ehorui- You'll huic to Itini,. , r uu,..r ' lf "ho goes on on n - i ifH ir lnLc ,,1.1 'It' lit) ri(l hlu In,, ' I 1.1.. lft .... ...... tutu inn iiiuniii i v HiiIil In f I L. MI..O i r,U,U It I MIIL'.i Wl..i I.. ..I ,w .. Inn . , . Tt' H'l'l HUH t IIU )( I1 F'llK i uU. i..i. .. hi,." "" -linn iM ii'hnni) itii Co,.;""' left off illilhpeiliiK to Usf'l It "er 1 .lis htoud In Slnun.'.. . ...j .. ,...i r..h"'i iin h,.,i '"" M nir in, i ...u. ...... . kin ', ii.iiii mi nnii yoiu ni'.iri k . .- .' t.1111 I II 1,1' IrfIB' . .. w ...... sho MhlHiicreil lU ti V , ""Ui'l'l l I give to King mat. 1 lutoiv 'cr, too " She paused. lrn.1L wouldn't 1 glvo to sing some trouote in itvcpmu d?vi i vuvycu iin. and "Whatever 'appWs, it's my fault," Bunny said cheerily. "It'll be ,, fault, won't it. when you're act- Miss Montressor, her song finished, looked round. She saw Sunny, and enmo straight to her. "Well, llttlo girl," she said pleasantly, ." you are hero! And how mnnrt you Sho took .'unny's hand In hers nnd hold II whllo she una talking to her; the other girls looked, on enviously. J.osllo Montressor wan a great star, to know her Intimately, as this girl seomed to. was an honor not to bo scoffed at. Thoy looked at Sunny with new re spect. So, too, did the stage mannger. " vnn noiiccauio mat no icit nunny nlono after that "How did you got to know her like that?" tho girl Who had stood next to Sunny asked. "Me and her was had up at tho same police, court I don't know what she was charged with," Sunny said, "but mo and Bert was chargod with singing n tho street Wo got off; so did she, It ftAAtvia ' Tho girl laughed ; she thought It was' somo joKe or sunny h "My name In Daisy tie Venn." Bhe said. "You tolo mo Just now " "No, I didn't; It wne your mistake, I said 'Sunny what?' I mean what was your other name." "I am an Idiot, ain't I?" Sunny said "I'll Introduce yoii to tho othcra They nro rather a decent lot. take theip all round. How about your dressos for "I ain't bothering," Sunnv Bald ."But you'll have to see the Wardrobe about them " Sunny nodded. "I will; only there ain't no hurrv as I know of. Besides. I shan't want them long." Tho other girl looked at her. "You'll want them for the run, unless you get fired." Sunny shook her head "I shnn't stop long in the chorus," she said. "Not that It Isn't all right being 'n the chorus," she added ; "only I pre fer to havo a part of my own " "I daro say you do," Miss do Vtnn laughed "So would most of us Hut parts don't grow on every tree, mi girl " "It's a-growlng on the tire I'm sitting unuor, and presently one's going to drop on me'" Sunnv said When the first strangeness hud worn off, Sunny adapted herself to circum stances with ease. Sho learned the words of tho choruses nnd the neces sary actions ; even the stage-manager had no fault to find with her. lie was not nnturally a bnd-tempered or nvllly disposed man, ns most of the girl thought; but tho stage manager's life Is not all bcor and skittles when n big new production Is being made ready, as ho told Sunny one day when thoy were the best of friends. sunnys part as tho long-lost dniii " s 'a.! A icr rracueu irom mo picKlo ractory of the brlo"ct. It consisted of soi linns unaer twenty lines, wnlcli 'mle icnrneu morougmy Inside half nn hour. She was what Is called a "cuilck study." It don't hardly scorn worth whllo me getting myself up and all the rest of It to como on and say Just that '" she said to Bert. "You ought to have a song," he snld 'I ought; but I ain't got one" I was thinking about a song ns 'ud suit you," Bert suld "You'" she said "Why don't vou write It out?" Beit nodded gloomily. I s pose every ono'll laugh at It If I tip ; but I'll havo u shot nt It I got the tral tho other night nil right," he added cheerily "Father gave It to mo whtn h.. heard" about mo leaving tho plcklo fac tory." Bc'r?""nd t0' Sunny Kald' "Dil1 H hurl, ,."Samo" us usual 'bout,- he said thoughtfully. "I'll have a shot at that there song tonight," he added Ho W( nt his way. "Got tho song?" Sunny asked lilni. as they mot the next morning on their way to rehearsal Bert nodded "It didn't turn out ns well as I thought," he said. "No one 'ud look at It. It b no good Any'ow, here vou are " Ho brought out a dirty piece of paper, and Sunny stopped In the road way to read the penciled words "Bert, .vou never wrote thlH'" she sold. ' Me r did ' ' ho snld "Whv not'" "Why. Ifs fine' It Hulls splendid I I m going to tnke it straight to Mr. Heminlngwn "It's no good. Ho'll turn It down. ,,i ,f ' 'CK US DOlll OUt, he said urn s me use : "I'm a-going to tako It to him hnitr " Crttnn,. ..M any- ..v.. . Ti,.i,i. num. "Well, Miss Duorow?" Mr Ham mlngwuy asked a trifle Impatiently some hours later Sunny came smiling Into tho oflloe. Mo. and Bert hns been tnlklng." hP f'". I,1,01;' ,,lllnls " my part 'ml go better If I had a song to sing " "I daio sny," ho said dryly ' Now I m bus , I'm borry, hut " .i ,u, . ' wro,e ,a KonB ,hat ll thought iiVifu0 "f" U. Is H'a ca,1e' Picca lilli 1.11 , and i'1'. P01 ',U) tlme- ' ,,e Ha'd "Its not "Hero It l," Sunn said She thrust tho dlrtv .-crap of pnper In front of him Mr. llommlugwav glanced nt It. He 'ifl'ated, then ho took It He read It through It was not bad Jt com. menced ' "I'm Piccalilli I,ll, And I work In PlnviHML, S!!f.k,nK Ul I'ibels on llio jam,- ho ivroto this?" he asked ' Bert did done It out of hK own head, hunii said. "Up thought I might H1II& It l.enve it hele, he snld lirleih think about it " "I'll "Havo a look thiough this," Mr Hem- iiuiiK"y xiiiu homo llino later to the musical director, "and. It vou think vou enn milling. It. hung wnie tort of a um, to It Tile meter stems .ill light Slgnor Portettl noddid t. looked nt the impel ".Nit'o Kwlngy he h.ild "Tei iiiniti tumltv. Himlty Yes, .ill right, over It prut-ently " For three days Sunn he.ucl no mnio about the Hiinp. licit had forgotcn il except that he had .i vague idea that lie would ho illsuit.sed fur huving dnntl to write It Sunn had Ik in nt lehcinl a ,( She liml liuulti a few friends and pet Imps one or two enimles -(Jlrls whose nn I u res had soured ,i little by earn ot lieglirt, b vurs of having to rimnln In the b.iclcgiouiMl while ihev saw oilais and nowtr tomers forge uluud, disliked her "Wall till tho llr-t night, she'll to plecch, they ,s,ild And they Impeil that l hey would prove true mnphely .iiica iiierow wnnieo," some sain Sunny went .She found Mi Hem lilliiKwnv with the inuhlcal dliector "That hong, ' Mr llemtnlngwav s.iul "Slgnor I'osftu hn.s x u to muni. Think ou can (iitrh the tune?" "Tri mi-," Kuiiin said The slgnor unt down at the piano in the office and placd tho air. It wus it very latihv. bright all the veiy thing for tlln words. The words had been 'il tered a llttlo hero and there, but they stood much as Beit had written them "(Jot it '" Mr Heiiimlngvvny asked. Sunn nodded Sho hummed the tunu to herself "l.lvel, isn't If Wonderful being able to write out mimic like that I hhould not have been able to think of It In a thousand cnrs " Slgnor I'nhelll hmlled Jo wsn ripen to .i Utile llniuiv. .ind this was genuine admiration Iin looked at liu i i "Now, ilin. iw lr It over, cs, he snld "Come" Hlu supple tlngeis (ouiheil the kev s "llonl he rrlghlenid, - jh WI1V k.llll Ilumnlug "Not me, ' Sunnv smiled She smiled, Minvving hei w Idle teelh Willi Ihc mlg. Innl tinpi i in her hand, in guide bet in the mittei of words Sunn s.mg llm song oiu Nevei urn e did liei c,u- il.i her fnlhi t-ho ban got the tune nmivcl ousl. "I'd like to do it again 1 II do it Int. ler next Mine," she said engiilv "All ilc,ht, Mr lleinlngwii -tiul "Sniry In liouhle nu, I'oseitl " Thin lioii' Sunn let lirihilf go Mie inn mini Hia n wiiiIh, klif phi aetliniH iiitn her wiig ".'iiii. Iltinmliigwii said liileil "You II il" Send ,la Uhiiii tn me ' Sunn Inn I lid bin k In the xtngc "It's 'nil ilb'ht, ' she wlilM"eil in I let : "The've pill woiuleilul miiimIc t.. -.11111 jing, ami I 111 m siiig It .11 1 Hemming. v.i wnnl In see ' 11 .it nnii ' "Its tin- .n l " I'll'l mill Ii r til. 'I knew It It's nil up ' H went wielili- 11 ll.ilf .111 iH'iii I. it' 1 In 1. line bin I, Tien w.i" .1 iimllll"il Ini'k on Ills t .ti nt I, s bunds .1 pine ol p 1 P'l cnicklnl "Have mi live pnllUlli 1"! 1 In- I Igllts, nf I In mh ill.. ' he Mild 1.1 Sniinv "rive' l.imli ' I '1 " sin It s .1 t .ii ti '1111 lliougli ' Sunnv l.mglKd l (IN'I INI I 1) 'lOMDKKIlW " " cwwn'.(. -'' " ''. i'utut .o,i. EVENING PUBLIO LBDGEBPHICADELPHIA, THUKSDAY, THE GUMPS Dough BlfA GOMP FROM AVTRAUX- eu- JuT SOY W- OH 6KM$X FKllKS -Flrs-VE.- SaV- Y Y 'to ARRANGE A U "TTtf. Titlt TO NOW Ves EVE "RCSKVJE A 6oot YW3L6 VO AS VJW.L Vo) AlAKE T A B&VJER OF Renews L0N6 ONE A TJOSH JUST "TME .CK): OFF The Young Lady Across the Way SOMEBODY'S STENOG Better Than Cam Could Do Herself : i " n 1 I r . f'.i.imi.t nut. i i .. , i.i,,,, Jig Hag ward ; 1 t "TJr,4,?T" I VJELLYER OU6HTROr? SPILL ME THE. L JFll PP uig uifait I P TR ; - . MISS Q'FLAgE, ' ME THOUGHI SQMEDATR MI6HT FJ.OM. MARW.I To THE KlsTSf L 1 I HOPE T&U F VEH -I 5AT5T0 1 m OFFALLPrrSAAt . 1 lHt WHICH I FORGlNEO BUT ' K J J)' A-vBhBI 1VERVTHIM -H AV-A H0L BUCKWHEAT VAHEM ) 'lM f5Bffi5iMll ZZL J r,- WE GET HOME UA&T MIGHT . ( '! ? - mmhiw fM ?-) he up aw asked aie rJ " sS8s& X - JJ rm9mA &?m oW black aajd white, fer V Vj (?&L c x - , Tim .voting Inily ui-ioss the viav says the prnfestinr of lulitlral lils tnry nt uillege icrtnlul.v tnlki like an independent, voter, hut lie na lie is 11 strong .Mugwump nnd she guesxes he might to know w lint party ho beltings to. PET EY Looks Like the Same Wave to Us "Te PAPrR $ an s Th 1 ' IS CETTIWC CRtviFR AMD EVEtTrv DAV VJEtL 5) T WASVJ'T T5oTmeRED Ml 25EEW HELP UP QR. RoRT?tD "'"JBlfiiBP ZAA Uifew ' w'kSMm mf -- BBS . . THE CLANCYKIDS-Logic in That " : " 7 :' . :" " :' Percy L. Crosbj -lllib " r-- --lo -.4 M&mmeM)c felLiliA;h -'iJfemr -Mk ir,. msjy tjessj w . .. c" rvr5i?.,, jsezaL j .i-iwin... - ---ii , a. - --, --- iwj'i&fvi' 1 . jiffi r?.'u. "faartrwT.'".' -a ul I '., mw &S3!S6!V000fi .:s I 1 1- 'w gMA' I - . W4 Ray Mc Dough TDA"5 EACH CHOP TWATAlLL - The Almcnt-Mindcd PratcHHor Heater for Christmas c: m E WAvVf'") Lonu lUSf WAU NAAVIEP2. V-Atc - I HAVF.UT j&L.'.xf - fas rom nice. wblfern vS rz Jm?' i'.'f && i && aSt , . u YaW T f7 f 0 u ( x -I'M -"-t. . . 1 ,ik n. v.ii. '' ; -r y m-m- 2f . r U-.vc?53 siSiByN m VVE GOT A LTLfc MENV) CAPA WE. THM 0N? ' X I PVOUT- ' ,T tojj TELL TfeOttU TO 6tT f L0HC?H I I CAVIAR. A) BLIMI ?U Me A COUPLE OF y I BRlGE S 1 ACDAk. .r HI I . .w-. Bfw 'Miw iivi L tTTHi x , A greem iurue aovp T ?,oooffl bv-is- m I trrr, ' ' Ay An0NTILUAI?O ) V ' To c, ) A HUUING lovN- , 1. A TWl'RAPN MAEYLANt A kJS-, k..Ti- --& - xT', 1. ., - - I m nl11' ntrritin I ' r-J i Perhaps II Wan u Mi.itake to liie F.TEV Ofc"Ai? 'VC " A PE13MAHEKIT VAVE ) ' ..-V, '', rT . d. VltTs olti.' ! -- Ti'.tV. - V - J O 1AM KLNAKK'rrs AM01VEK" ' DEOEMBEK 80, 1!)20' Him That Klcctric SCHOOL DAYS By Fontaine Fox -, I AMD M 1 " ccii ')hlv n j i)0LLAR'S.'.?J Vt-Tv UOUARS' ," .J 7 w 1 ''A'C oh ttt'J ton eerrtft this jonMi'' , Trit SAlT rAACMeBM. DONE it J iftfff rtE. VM AXfUL BiO LftJT MICHT . fr ftvtft OoT "t ' BWl'HS , 0.0- JHH HW ",600 'f WiTt0JP MVOORUDC Citw Wi T fctu, rWBl. W 00$ CODERS - 'Frt "t OCWrJ utTte BtTTt WJ Cat TO iMT rACeB. TELVJ W)T t0n, .M n . Wi IT IH T- VOiKft. 60OK MHO T'tO IH ?(CK ft (.iTne BtTrtR. Wm 6Klb S 6AR4 FEET AMD Tpt ORAVltP I I 0 lwt -rj, ' i, e- rcvER. ooTtn bwks - iw"J y rtKVit seMt ! 'jLt o1 o; CMftR. now. Hows vsviR IctiNtM ' 1 q , j ! c a(v-.a( was That i l Ia.'jT u'umaickI , op Vouub V b Iil Sidney Smith nv nwia By C. A. Voiglit - )'MPLV JAID IF f Am r owe wave X --VJ x w