'4, - ' " Aliening Public Tt. -ij i .' rr mfWr-ii w 1HILAD,ELPHIA, TUESDAY, ' DECEMBE 1920 I "JKU'WF - Jagg ?uHErW$lVHHaR j$4$9PSSp jL . 191 IfcJ - Iff?.. MMi&iV1IMmM&lvmml M ... . 4-j.'.43HK9l SfliT JSP? v ff&s. A v tie t i f Elm m uZHhRJhjO J PIHlr a BIBqBF Ji8pK $v$&fciWi HPkL. ? ". THEY'RE JUST AS PUSHING IN SPORT AS ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Uncle Snm's fighting marines, stationed at Paris Island, S. C, vigorously engaged in a strenuous game of push ball A FIGHTING PRINCE. Nicholas of Rumania, second son ot the king, sparring with his instructor at Eton College, England. I'mli rwoiKl & I'niUrwood International. LOLLY POPS FOR NICETOWN YOUNGSTERS. "Uncle Joe" Zleglcr entertained hundreds of youngsters at his annual Christmas party. Candies and a motion-picture treat were features of the program Leaner "noto serlc CHRISTMAS AT CHINESE EMBASSY. Little Virginia Dzung 'leven months old, daughter of an attache, and pet of th Washington legation, enjoyed her first Christmas with he Christian mother. I'n'l l "I A l ruleruo HOLIDAY FEAST FOR BIRDS. Daughters of H. II., Ui.m. Vorwegian Minister at Washington, observing a national custo, of their country in arranging a Christmas dinner for the birds (e Lnderwood & I nu J iC&jre, '.-- 5--jV5SA . 8 ASVSi?i. WM"Ml Sfr rfW Aa7 '1 iPlK If A iyW4 Hi' 'K::::. in 11 mill 'IIIBlii III i TflWnBMnBBMiMBBMI u-n r j , LOIS MEREDITH, the film actress, and "Black," the dog presented her by King Albert, are arrivals from '' Belgium, where she was engagcu in motion-picture work. Onlrnl .Venn IN THL ( AiT 01- THE MATINEE MloIvau t-LUii'S BAL MASQUE. At the left is Miss (tlady.s Sutton in tne eotunle of an Egyptian dancer and at the right is Miss Salome Hcnlings, Oriental dancer, participants in the club's holiday pageant in the foyer of the Academy of Musk last night Ledger Photo Service ON HIS HOLIDAY CALLS. Thomas Bradbhaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Bradshaw, 1814 Spruce street. on his Christmas rounds. Ledger I'lioto ben ice BRI 1 IN TLWIO! Ill I()( K Nice Pre im'flui ( oolidgi spc nc ' p' in the Pilgrims' famous landing stone, cauei fiC'ra' v-pr h. opk wa moved frorr gran te base, in 1 77 j n- v.i cently restored ts -hero location. i r 1 f. X If iJ T N SWHUMi WEDDING The eom-hattid umolim u ir.aels are Scandinavian ballet danceis ajpeanng in London ' ( 111 N I -uipal i W ' Philadelphia High Silioul i I , miscussc i I", mc s mi thuds m ! i i ity's school v,.".ttm on tin in'ii al page, Phiiiipi THE NEAT WAV THEY HAVE IN GERMANY FOR PROFITEERS. Traffickers arrested in Berlin instead of being confined in jails are penned up publicly under guard. It is reported this method has reduced complaints of illegal trading. Underwood i. Underwood CUBA'S EXECUTIVE. Dr. Alfi Zuyas, the new Cuban president i cniral S OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO SEMAPHORE SENTINELS I 1 . -jSBasfc. THE BEAUTY CORNER TURNINt; DRINI . It I. Li S I OK BO-- HIM..- Uultri Wundeilin 4U4G Notth Third 'n-it, I'lnladelphui guiding the boring bar on a lathe at fhe plant of the St'ikes & Smith Manufacturing Co, Summer-dale, Pu. I,iil4tr 'hutu hei vii, lOii lhlt "1'OLLIL-" BLLLJ. Mi J-I.ri Una; land, once Billy Allen, "lome again from n-ism Cenirai N'uwn '. w I' '.I KDU AT MJ(OND AND ll ' 1 M I S'l Rl LI'S Reserve Patrolman Chillies I' Lime, GHi East Allegheny avenue. He lias been a muidx'i nf the form 'or tun years, nine of which he served at his present station. .Singing is his hobby. U titer I'hoto Berlc. nnna MARATHON BOWLER. W. Muel ler, who competed in the twelve hour two-nirn team competition, on the. Keystone alloys, hjdfi-r I'hoto Kirvli. MISS ELIZABETH SCHMIDT, 1424 Frunkford avenue, Philadelphia. i ,1ii i. t 'H JS.J&MVtftgt!! Tfiit'ff'fTt f n , . 'Wi.f t