Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Image 5

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r-4m.'"M tf.
't -"" vf any :' ,
Commits Suicide by Inhaling' Veterans in Hospitals Are Re
Cas First Husband Killed amembered by Christmas
by Turks ! Packages' From Posts
I ft
A trnlp story wns uncovered yos
tfrdnv morning when Mrs. Krnnk Kirk-
v Jon JCortli Fnrnon street, nn Ar
nirnlnn. committed Hulolde by tnnnllng
-a, wlillo licr IniKbnml slept In the
adjnlnlnc romn.
They were nmrrled .fust five month
ago niiil Klrkory ascribed IiIh wife's mil
ride to worry over Mm own fulllnc eve
lht niul prmipqupnt innhllih to con
tinue his work n n jeweler.
Mr. Klrkory. who before her innr
rln'ce wat ItfvP Mendo, lived for ninny
ronrs na ii xlnvp of the Turks In Ar
menia Vhllo n .vomit; nirl In tlmt
rmintrv "he hml innrrled, Ijut her Iiiih
hatul wns kllleil by the Turks, mid when
her oon wni nine yonrtt old (die lied to
this country.
Klrkory. who is nlso nn Armcnmn,
hiii n pnst pijtiiilly ns full of honor iih
that of hlH lnte wife. Ah Mrs. Ktrkory'x
drat liui'lmnd wwi killed by the Turks.
jo wns Mr. Klrknry's first wife sliilu
by the rrupl Mohammedan. Six jpiirn
ago he cenped the horror of his home
lnnd hr fleeing to Amcrlcn, wliere he
nn(iRVl I" "ie Jc,wc'r business in New
York, Inter movlnjf to thlH city.
The body of Mrs. Klrkory wns re
mnred to the West rhllmlelphlii Ilnmeo
pnthic Hospltnl.
FncitiR the new yenr with n raplt.il
of but SI. 10. Robert Weiss, fifty -pixlit
tfars old. who lived In h rooming
hou.e on Second street nenr Vine, wns
found (lend In a gns-filled room early
je.vtcrd.iy. Thp itinn wns pronounced
dond lit the Hnhtieinntiii Ilnsiitn1.
Mrs. Anna Treglin, forty yenrs old,
41.1 Spruce street, wnn found yester
day afternoon unconscious in her room
with a bus jet unllghted but turned on.
She was taken to tbo IVnnsylvnnln
Hospital. It is not known whether the
woman attempted suicide or turned on
the gas with the intention of igniting
it and .suddenly wns tnken ill.
Many Leave Here to Attend Pitts
burgh Convention
A lnrge number of clergy nnd laymen
of tlii city left today for I'itt.sburgh,
where they will attend the niiuunl con-u-ntion
if the Catholic Kducntionnl As
tneiiitinn of Pennsylvania, which opens
iti -( dop tomorrow. The meeting
ulll riillnm through WednoMlny.
A discussion of the rotation between
rnrnihinl ifuil Mate schools will feature
the Tne-ilny meetings. Addresves will
be miide b Ilishop I'liillp U. McDevitt.
tin U- .lolm K. Flood, tin- Hev. Wil
lin m I Mi N'nlly. the Hev. Tliomiis V.
Piii'k'e nnd the Hev Charles Conner.
THERE'S something interesting
going on at The Blum Store,
mo Chestnut Street u half-price
f. V Tlmt mnnns t.hnt in overv de
in soft greens and browns.
Chestnut Stront. nnd hear the Per
Klght hundred nnd fifty Christinas
hags will be dls'rlbutPil by tlie Ameri
i'iiii Legion po.-its In this city todny to
the el l s n I) I e il
world war veter
ans in local hos
pitals. Kuril wounded
veteran will re
ceive u bag con
taining one bo
of stationery, one
pnuinl of candy,
n tooth brusli,
o tulle of paste,
nnp tube of shaving cream, n book of
stamps, n pencil, u box ot cnlo-s. n
pipe, pacltnge of smoking tobacco, 100
cigiucttes nnd fruit.
In response to the call of National
Commnndw Fred C. f!alhralth, Jr..
legionaries in Philadelphia organized
it special committee on Christmas cele
bration, and raised n fund of 9,1000 to
provide for the men In hospitn's. I'sc
servieo men, regaidb'sN of Legion nlfif
intions. were caied for by the Legion.
Likewise in the hospitals throughout
the state gifts were distributed by the
Legion. And in each hospltnl here and
In the Interior counties a Christmas
tree wns provided to add to tliu season's
Kensington Post ON lias obtained the
use of Lieutenant McKay's house at
Pleasant I 111! Park as a summer home.
Last Sunday the post entertained Pri
vate Parks, of the First Division. J.
K. McDonougli calls attention to the
fact that the post meets the second nnd
fourth Thursdays of lie month in
Strnubmuller's Hall. Rust York street
and Trenton avenue, and invites all
ex -service men.
.lames II. Mlirphj heads the State
Fencibles Post 112 duritig the yenr
1021. He siii coeds William C. Hhoades.
The other officers, elector arc : Kdward
IW. Shiirnlnghiuison, vice commander;
Frank T. Itiicon, vice commander: 1M
ward .1. Koellsted, adjutant: Itcnjaniiii
F. Nenl. tinnnce officer; AloxnndiT C.
Ileitis, historian: Dr. Arthur U. lin
ear!, chaplain; Frederick Knopp, ser-Keniit-nt-nrins
: I'dwnrd .1. Koellsted.
.lames A. 11. Freneisciis and Andrew .1.
Shickltng. .Ir.. representatives in the
new county committee.
2 Women Overcome During Fire
Two Negro women. Mis. .lames .1
Maxwell and Mis. Ites-io White. wor
oveicomo by smoke last night during
a tire in the basement of til1 Penn
sylvania Kailroi'd's dormitory for
Pullman emplojcs, at ItliOU Market
street. A number of porters were diiveii
from their beds to the street by the
The Blum Store, at Kill) Chtstnut Street, is well known to
Philadelphia women who achieve distinctiveness in dress. They
know that they can always find there something to tht'ir liking.
dbmuJy g&G&As
HAT are you going to do with
your Christmas money? I
know some one who is going to buy
nu exquisitely carved frame for a
partment tickets hnve been marked nuich-estermcd photograph. 1 1 has
nt just half the price which was ' been in liailey, Hanks oc uiimie
markid on them last week. It gives Company's window (the frame, not
you a wonderful opportunity to in- '. photograph) during Christmas
vest your Christmas money in the . cek. Some one else I know, who
new clothes that you have been, s evciything necessary to her hap
wanting and furs, just when you ' mss with the exception of a string
are beginning to feel the need of j .,' Orient -il pearls, is planning to
them. I noticed some smait ncw,viit Bailey, Banks & Kiddle Com
bats the other day when I visited i "any's More this week for the ex
The Blum Store, and I'm beginning , press purpose of selecting one to
to feel anticipatory thrills of owner-1 her liking. I'm sure that she'll find
ship since I know they have been it there, for this house has a well
marked at just one-half what they i deserved reputation for the quality
were on Friday. There are lots and ' ,nd beauty of the jewelry which it
lota of interesting things in the handles. A string of perfectly
bl' use department, and it's an excel- . matched pearls will bo a lifelong
lent time, to buy one. reminder of a happy Christmastide.
TF YOU'VE planned to spend your I VOU knoyv what the name of
J- Christmas money on ''something -1- Bonwit, leller & Co stands for
for the house," it will, more than , buiuty, distinction, originality in
ikely, be fin place tittn-., . for what , cUhes. And when this :,hop an
is n home without a ii . place? And ' nounces a .sale, as it does today, it
vm'll be wise if you 'sit the store is something worthy of investign
? .1 Franklin Miller, Killi Chestnut lion. A clearance sale such as this
Strut, for I aw theie a mobt won- gives you a wonderful oppoitunitj
il .ful p .'.lection of andirons and all ' 'o buy a now dinner gown, a good
tl.ose other accessories which add to looking coat, furs-all the things
the attructJvincsH of the hearth, you've been wanting-at much lower
Those of highly polished hvanf look prices than you had expected to pay.
pa.Mcularly well with the dark ma- There are reductions in all depart
h.tuny furniture which has como ' mwits anil I know I nted not iulvli.0
dnvn to us from our Colonial an- you to visit the store as early as
colors, and with the ij-irk oak and po.-s.ble, m. you 11 be sure to find
walnut of the Jacobean and William ' jut what you re looking for. I
an I Mary periods wrought iron is can assure you that you are going
wv much in keeping. You uill , I make some worth-while purchases
In, t.H,.fi. i,. !,..!: Im .it ' -rns ween ai mo siore oi iionwu,
Millc 's. Some are hand-paintcd ' u-Mpy & i-o., Liicainui and imr
unuainf tvuwu uii-i' '7, "i . -
ft i "-.... r y-it , . i nil
Villou Imskftts. ntliois niv staJlltul , ucmu oiiuim.
GIFT-BASKETS of Fruit for New
Year's dav and what aiinrop-
NOW that tne rush and bu.stle of viato gifts they male! For what
Chnstnms week is over you , could he a more fitting harbinn-er
1' m time to plan quite calmly just .f the bounteous crops to come than
I'ow you will spend your Christinas the most perfect of tin fruits of
1'iMiey. You've thought, of eours", the old year. The baskets are ex
f buyinc a phonograph, but d.in't, niiUitely hand-painted and tho
1 beg of von, go about it haphazard- 'mii'- -ire most artistically arrangid
You'll be rry, if vou do for, in liiem. Hotlioue Crapes fro i
there's ahvuy.s the chaiie'.' of hearing i Igium form the ecntral motif m
' I'erfeh'tnii after you've bought I miiny of the Im.skLta, ind about tlu'ia
onie other phonograph and regret-1 im grouped i ther luscious frui'-,
tnir thnt v,,n lifirln't iw.tml it first. ! ii-oiiuciiig pleasing color efi'iets.
-" if yoii'.e wise, you'll visit the ' ''bey make ! light ful gifts for yiu
" ri's snlesivoms and hear ' ut- f-Mvn fiiends, .is well as lor
many kinds of machines as passible, ' v.nir tt'iiends here in town, in
i ml tin n go to the salerooms of the,' IUnry R. Hallowell & Son, Broi
lerf.,l.-'..,.. r n 17211 St root below (histnut, ('Uliranti
lowil, nun
'ii. iuiii: uut uui tllii'ii, v -.-- ....-. .jil.l..
pirlect delivery 10 any p'um n
1001) miles of Philadelphia. Pi ices
'' k'tonc. You'll not bo disappointed
''hen you compare its tono with
range from ?5, ?8, 10, $1.1, $25 and
Clover Days To-ui
The last Clover Days of the year will be exceedingly profitable to the tens
of thousands of customers who seldom miss one of these unique events. There
are almost innumerable articles which, before Christmas, were in high favor
for gifts, but which folks buy for themselves the year around now marked at
Look for the
.1-1 II I ..1.1. . I - . . .... I ' I HI- II. 1.. .-I I. MM I I II MMM
The following is a partial list less than one-third of the special lots prepared for the two Clover Day. Hundreds
new lots in reserve for tlie second day. Try to be here on both days but be sure to come tomorrow, early and please
ently do so. Wc cannot promise to fill telephone orders for Clover Specials.
$.12.50 New Tricotine Dresses now $20.50
$25.00 New Wool Jersey Dresses $17.75
$25.00 New Tricotine Dresses now $18.50
$22.50 Navv Blue Tricotine Dresses $14.00
S'tO.OO New Wool Velour Suits now $29.50
$32.50 to $47.50 Volotir, Cheviot. Chevrona
and Silvcrtonc Suits now $25 to $35.00
$27.50 Worsted Jersey Suits now x$l 9.00
$25.00 Dark Wool Velour Coats now $17.50
$28.75 Full-lined Coats and Dolmans $20.00
$50 Velour Dolmans, with fur collar $35.00
$18.00 Rubberized Tweed Raincoats $13.50
$G.50 Velveteen Skirts, some others $2.75
$8.00 and $9.00 Trimmed Hats now $3.50
$10.00 to $15.00 Trimmed Hats now $5.00
$3.00 and $1.00 Ueady-to-Wcitr Hats $1.50
$5.00 Smart New Satin Hats now $2.95
$4.00 Georgette Rcadv-to-Wear Hats $2.95
$200.00 Black Russian Pony Coats $115.00
Cniliir i tui i nu ot i i.il.nn (ijtfivmjni ( i r'lc-f i
$225.00 Russian Marmot Coats now $137.50
Collnr ind ruff nf n.itural i.iccooii
$38.50 Taupe Fox Animal Scarfs, now $24.50
$4.50 Crepe Georgette Blouses now $3.35
$7.50 and $8.50 Georgette Blouses $5.95
$1.50 Trimmed White Voile Waists now $1
$3.85 Royal Waists of Batiste now $2.85
Rumpled French and Philippine Underwear,
broken sizes, at great Price Reductions
$5.00 to $1(5.50 Rumpled Hand-made Blouses
in the French Salon now $2.00 to $5.50
Rumpled Silk and Muslin Underwear Reduced
$1.50 Flannelette Petticoats now $1.00
$2.25 to $2.75 Envelope Chemise now SI. So
$1.50 Nainsook Night Gowns now $1.25
$1.25 to $1.75 White Petticoats 95c to $1.25
$5.00 Silk Petticoats now $3.95
$3.05 to $4.95 Taffeta Petticoats $2.95
$2.50 and $3.00 Satine, Heatherbloom and
Cotton Taffeta Petticoats now $1.50
$1.00 Cotton Taffeta and Satine Petticoats, in
black and colors now Sac
$1.00 Lace-trimmed Brassieres now 50c
$1.50 to $2.50 Corsets, broken sizes Soc
Well-known Corsets, less than half price
Sl(i.5() Jessica and La Resista Corsets. $7.50
$3.00 Checked and Striped Gingham House
Dresses, sizes 30 to 40 now $1.95
- IM Ii I '
$1.05 to $2.95 Figured Flannelette Kimonos,
210 in the lot now $1.00 to SI. 95
$5 to $10 Blanket Bath Robes $3.75 to $0.95
$2.50 French Kid Gloves, 2-cIasp $1.35
$2.50 to. $3.25 Capeskin Gloves now $1.95
$8.00 Fleece-lined Gauntlets now $0.00
$2 Washable White Fabric Gloves, now $1.00
$9,00 Lambskin-lined Gauntlet Mittens, $5.00'
50c Embroidered Organdie Collars 10c
25c and '15c Lace Collars now ISc and 25c
$2.00 Chiffon Motor Veils now SI. 25
$5 to $0.50 Switches and Transformations:
all shades but gray, $2.95; in gray $3.95
12'2c Mull Handkerchiefs now 10c each
35c Linen Handkerchiefs no.v 25c each
$0.00 Blue Silk Taffeta Umbrellas $5.00
$3.50 American (cotton) Taffeta Umbrellas, $3
$7.00 Wool Sweaters now $5.00
$3.00 Shetland Wool Spencers now $2.25
$1.40 Arnold Drawers, sizes 2! and 25 95c
iv.ttiin im-Mi , lacT-trlniini'il kn -
Ribbed Cotton Vests, seconds now 25c
I.im niM-K nn gl yen
Ribbed Cotton Vests, Drawers and Tights
It.gulnr kUi h M)rl(j 7&o nu i Kxti.i MlzLt.
mil ill "' ii ii'v
$2.00 Out-size Fleeced Cotton Vests $1.50
SUps -K. IS iiliil'Cil
$3.00 Merino Vests and Drawers $2.00 each
$1.25 Ribbed Cotton Union Suits now 75c
H.iml top. l.v ii. t It. nn hUcvis n-it kn.-i
Ribbed Lisle Union Suits no.v $1.25
"'ll!lmp., " Sfi-iiuls of 2.nii ip iv
Ribbed Cotton Union Suits vw $1.05
"IlnrwiKl MIIIh " Seconds .! s. iuu!ll. i:ir.i
nlfi $1 H."i. hi I of JU.ir. iiii.iiitv
$3.25 Ribbed V-rino Union Suits now S2.05
Ktra kUih ?-'!'"; aliii- f ." .". IIicli mK, InnK
Hlcvf; iMiirli i i !, Htwjw .-lii - low Hi iK, no
v!nii h, link Ic length
Silk-and-Fil r Stockings, seconds now 05c
$2.00 Silk-boot Stockings now SI. 35
Kull f.ihlilniM il , I 1-Inch liooi II . .mil mlnrs
$3.00 Black Silk Stocking- now $1.75
lnll-fir In., ii ii Mcrci rl.-.i 1 c t i in'is mill ho
Full-fa -hioncd Silk Stcckirc, now 95c
S t'l.'i.lrt nl f - liil iU:illt III i I. uui, w liltf
Black Cotton Stockings new :'"c
.Siiolirli of ir'jp (Hllllll 1 'i' I i Mi'il solos
Brown Woo) Stockings, seconds 75c
$9.50 trrSU.'.OO Shoes, manv lines now S5.90
S5.00 and $0.00 Shoe-i. brol.?i sizes $3.05
SI 7 00 to S'0.00 Shoes, gi t varietv SS.75
ST' to S'O.(H) Pumps and 0fo'-ds .c I.S5
S5.0D to SO.00 Pumps and 'forb-'I2.15
S2.50 Satin nnd (loth Snn' -now Si. 00
Phonographs Much Under Price
( ,i' i ' -l' I- - i. . .! i' i - . .iti'Hi
'j. t' v ' ' 'il il'M;v" ''' ' imtco
Regular Prices $100.00 lo S1C5.00
Now Marked SS2.00 lo Sl'tp 00
Month!) I'aimvitls of n.tm lo 10.00
1 I . M.i.,1 I'lf I I"
Many Hundreds of Different Lots at Less Than Regular Prices
Famous Four-leaf Clover Signs Throughout
$13.50 New Cheviot Coats 0 to 12 $9.75
$1.05 to $3 Wash Dresses, 0 to 11 $1.35
to S2.00
S21.50 Cheviot Coats. 10 to 10 years $10.50
Misses' $17.50 and S22.50 Tricotine Dresses
Si 1.50 and $18.75
Misses' New $05.00 Fur-collared Wraps and
Coats SI 5.00
Misses' $29.50 to $15.00 Coats $25.00 to $35
Misses' $29.50 Heather Fulwool Suits
Children's $5 to $10 Fur Sets $2.50 to $5.00
Girls' $2.00 Fur-cloth Tarns $1.00
$1.05 to $4.50 Colored Wash Dresses, 2 to fi
years $1.20 to $3.50
Infants' $1.25 to $1.75 Long Dresses 70c to
$2.00 Stockinet Drawer Leggings, 2 to 0
$2 Flannelette Night Drawers, 2 to 12 $1.15
Children's $2.25 Brushed Wool Gloves SI. 90
Children's 15c Ribbed Cotton Waists 30c
75c and 85c White Fleeced Cotton Vests and
Pantalets, 1 to 12 years 50c and 00c
; 50 to S2.00 Sleeping Suits, 1 to 12 years
$1.00 to $1.40
ills' $1.00 and $1.25 Fleeced Union Suits, 2
to 12 years 75c and $1.00
'hildren's $7.00 Shaker Sweaters $0.00
''ine Ribbed Cotton Stockings, seconds 20c
ninth, ivliltp or ro'ilovun; HOfomM of 35c aiirt 4nc
Ribbed Black Cotton Stockings, seconds 50c
With I'.islnon.il f.i. t s, ,'iui'ls of ST., niul ii.V unnli a
Mercerized Lisle Stockings, seconds 39c
I'hikliins line Slock iil Si i. iils s"u im.mIi
Mioses' and Children's $5 and $0 Shoes
Growing Girls' $0 and SS Sample Shoes
'nfants' S2.50 Shoes now $1.75
Misses' S0.00 Dress Shoes $2.45
Misses' S2.15 to $2.05 "Puss-in-Boots" Felt
Bootees SI. 95
$1 Tan Leather Lace Shoes. Si to 11, .$"3.15
$3.50 Bljick Dress Satin, 10-inch $2.S5
5.00 Black Canton Crepe, I()-inch $1.00
$0.00 Black Crepe Meteor. lO-jnch $3.05
So.OO Yard-wide Black Satin Messaline
$3 Yard-wide Colored Mi-saline now SI. 90
"5.00 Heavy Taffeta Radium, 10-inch $3.50
$3.00 Japanese Ecru Pongee now $2.00
S.'.50 Double-width Crepi le Chine $2.10
-') i. ..,M.s White Shirt'ing Silk S1.S5
$5.00 Colored Canton Crene. 10-inch S 1.00
$3.00 While and Pink Wi-h Satin S1.90
S5.00 AH-Wool Velonvr-5 ! -inch now $2.95
S5.00 Heather-mixed Suitinir. 54-inch $3.00
$5.00 & FO.tlO Wool Plaids and Stripes, S3.51I
$150 Part-wool Tricotine. in black S1.00
$3.50 All-wml Storm S"re. black $2.50
50c I'ercale 25c 45c Junior Suiting 32c
S1.00 Plaid Cotton Suiting now OSc a yard
55c Dress Gingham, 32 indies, wide 32c
S3.25 Ten-ard Pieces of Long Cloth S2.00
05c White Pique 35c 15c White Voile 35c
05c White Underwear Batiste row 15c
S2 00 Lining Satin, 30 inche- wide $1.25
35c Piatt Valenciennes Lace now 25c
Short Lcngthsof Lace- at Half Price
12c Trimming Embroideries now 0c
30c Fancy-edee Taffeta Ribbon now 22c
$2.25 Black Coney Fur Trimming S1.S5
S1.25 Mercerized Cotton Daina1 lil-in., 75c
$3.50 Bleached Linen Damask. Os-mch S2.75
M5.50 Bleached Linen Cloths, 7IK70 in. $5.53
$1.80 Cotton Huck Towels, 20 10 ""l.OO doz.
$21 Linen Huck Towels. 21I2, SUnlO a doz.
25c Bleached Cotton Toweling, 10-inch 15c
45c Bleached Linen Toweling, 10-inch 10c
40c and Soc Turkish Towels 30c and 15c
$2.25 WhiSe Dress Linen. 15-inch 1.05 a yd.
$0.00 Hemstitched Linen Pillow Ca.se $1.25
SI. 25 Heiv-titcl'cd Linen Scarfs, h's'0 90c
SI Round Scallope.i Linen Centrepieces 00c
s2.25 to $3.05 Bii-.iclied Muslin Sheet-, sizes
0390 to SK99 inchesS2.()() ut .s.J.10
(ile to 95- Pillow ases 55c to St.'c I
White Crochet-we-i e Spread., SJ.i'd to .- '.()')
White Marseille- Spread $0.50 u SI0 90
(.'otton-lilled Comlriablt' $1.75 and S7.50
ooMilled Comfortables ow $S.75
Wool-mixed Blank' t v-9 25 to S13MI a pair
Nainsook, 12-yd. pieces for $1.00, $5.00. S7.25 i
Bieached Sheeiine Muslin 70c to 9llc i
White Domet Klaunol 35c. 15c and 55c
35c .Striped Outing Flannel ISc a yard
$1.0') Cream Wool-mixed Flannel Soc a vd. I
orrow and Wednesday
greatly reduced prices. Besides these are many lots of seasonable, desirable
articles of apparel, and things for the home, novelties and staple merchandise,
at far below their real value. The figures printed show the season's regular
prices in comparison with the Clover Day prices.
Men's Clothina
Hart, SchaiTner & Marx and other
Sr.00 lo SoO.OO Suits- -S2-1.50
S35.00 to S40.00 Winter Suits S21.50
Hart, SchaiTner & Marx and "Alco"
S60.00 to .$70.00 Suits $33 50
$35.00 and S-10.00 Ov.eicoat.s 19.50
S45.00 Ulster Overcoats $2(.5()
SOO.O;) to S75.00 Overcoats $39.00
Youths' $25 and $30 Suits $15.00
$5 and $7.50 Trousers $2.75 and $4.75
$25.00 to $10.00 Leatherette Overcoats
$10.00 and $17.50.
Odd Coats and Vests from $35 to $50 Suits
Suits-to-Measure from Regular $50 and $55
Tweeds and Ch-eviots $.57.50.
Soft Hats at Half or Less SI. 65 and $3.15
$10 Velour Hats, $ 1.S5 SO Dcrbv Hats. S3.95
$7.50 Fur Caps $1.75 Sfi Cloth Hats $3.95
Four-in-Hands 35c to $1.50
Shield Bows 10c Bat-wing Bows 50c
35c Handkerchiefs 0 for $1.75
75c Suspenders 50c $1.00 Belts 00c
SI. 75 to $0.00 Soft Shirts SI. 25 to $3.95
Silk Shirts at Half Former Prices
Flannel Night Shirts. $1.05; Pajamas $2
$9.00 Sweaters $3.75, $5.00 and $0.00
Men's $7.00 Blanket Bath Robes S5.00
$S.50 Lambskin-lined .Driving Gloves, tan
$5 ' ,
S7 to $15 Shoes S5.S0. S5.90, S7.95 and $9.75
Bnlhriiriran Underwear Soc each
Sliort-sl . shirts and nkl.' Druwir- S.oon.s
S2.00 Fle"cd Und -rwear SI. 05
r. iirli s-U'i . lliK.-il Shitts. ,-iikI Hi.iw. rs ilfif) cm Ii
SI. 50 G-iv Ribbed Underwear 90c
II.'iiv.N Ri-ij nli'i'il ''ii'ton S'nts jinil L'r.i.-r-.
S3 00 Ribbed Union Suits S2.50
Mini or trnv iil.lwil rotton In hfaw U'eiwlit
K:tH-fashinned Silk Hose 95c
lllill'k, U hit.' .111.1 CDlnl 1 S. I otllls
35c Cotton Socks, black and colon
S53 30 Three-quarter Wardrobe Trunks.
S3 1.50
:-iS.00 Fibre Dre-s Trunks, 10-inch S37.00
05 and $00 IMoch Babv Coaches S 15.00
S5.25 White Ennmeled Babv Yards Sl.Ofi
50c to $1.50 Embroiderv i'ackets, 25c to
S2.00 Stamped Pillow Cases $1.25 a pair
00c and 75c Books f.ir Children 15c and 55c
15c to S10 Calendar- for 1921 5c to S2.50
:.oO Gold-filled Broocb.vs S1.50
si. 75 Pearl Earrinp- si.00 a pair
lewelrv and Silverware, odd lots at Half
Pcaded Bags and Vehel Hand FV'gs Reduced
SI. 05 (Vored Strap Book SI. 35
S5.75 lilted Sewing Basket SI.95
'1.00 Vaciiettc Strap l'-sok S5c
"hrtcai-inh Frames Reduced One-half
s'S, s'S.7.-, Fabrikoid Sail Ca-e-, $5.25 and i
S and KS.75 Enamel Sui' Ca- 5.25. S5.75 I
1"c .nrnnr, Sylvan and ("rat 'an Soap Sc i
Presqu Ivoire Toilet Article- Reduce;!
' ' i , r'"' tl.'ic
si 90 Lantern Flash-lights SI. 50 ,
"; l"w and ISc Pearl Button- 7c. 12c and
1 . Larre Snook of Black Silk SI. 00
J. J. Clark's SI. 10 Spool Cotton ,sSc a doen '
-1 .CO Real Hair Nets 7.1c a lo'en
"5c and 30c Dress sjpi,..- o()(. ,,u o.-. a ,)ai,-
5c Tibinets of -t"i ionery 00c
'Oc Pink or Bhi '''nvr -.nofttlence Cards 2c ,
'"c and 10c Writing P- ner ?0c and 30c box
"Me l'u torse: ' f'ra'nels "-V a pound
"0c .s--ortci Hani Candv ."Sc a pound
M!f to I0c Slv'et M'-ic 2Sc a cop
l!e to S.'.'.OO Do'ls ( -"'",; ) -5c to SI 2.50
$12.50 to S30 Sample Automobile'! $,s.50 to
Twelve Tables of Toys, at Half Price
Tr". Oniamen's and Artificial Tree.- Half
$3.5') and S5.00 Bicwle Tires S2.50 and $1
Men's and Rov,' S5I.00 Bicxcle SK7.-,
SlO.ll'i to .S20.00 Sweaters $7 00 and $11.00
S10 Basket PalU S7.50S1.50 Knit Hats, $1.10
SS.00 Skating Shoes $0.75
;"0c to S2.00 Dog Collars 25c to S1.25
$10.00 Plu.-b. Automobile Robes S7.75
S20.50 Wool Auto Robes, fringed SI 7.75
$1.25 .Mirrors, 75c S2 Cum us Leggings, 50c
the Store !
., , , .
for the first day, ar
carry small parcels i
ind several hundred
if you can conveni-
S30 Full-size Felt Mattresses, 2 parts, $21.75
$20.00 Felt Mattresses," regular sizes $15.50
Sample Brass and Steel Bedsteads, one
fourth less than regular prices
Various $7.50 Framed Pictures now $5.00
$3.00 Framed Pictures, good subjects $2.00
Polychrome and Mahogany Table Lamps,
odd pieces, reduced one-third
$2.00 to $5-50 Silk Lamp and Bracket Shields
$1.00 to $2.75
$5.00 Velour Table Scarfs $3.75
55c Cretonnes 35c 5c Lace Edge 3c
Cedar Chests, Floor Samples, Greatly
$2.00 Ruffled Muslin Curtains $1.35 a pair
$7.00 Figured Drapery Velour $5.00 a yard
75c Colored Marquisette 50c a yard
1.25 Scrim Half-sash Curtains 90c each
25c lo 10c Bedroom Papers 15c to 25c pc.
$0 to $12 Room Lots of Papers $1 to $7.50
S3.00 to $7.00 Imported Grass Cloth Papers
50c to $3.00 a piece
$7.50 Silver-plated Bread Trays $5.00
S10 Silver-plated Cheese and Cracker Dishes
$35 and $37 Dinner Sets, 100-piece $23.00
$2.25 to 5. 8 Potterv Vases. Jars S1.S0 to $6.40
$1.00 Light-cut Glass Baskets $2.05
$7 75 Cut Glass Celery Trays $5.85
S15.00 Cut Glass Sandwich Trays $11.50
$10.00 Decorated Tea Sets now $8.00
$1.50 Decorated Cream-and-Sugar Sets
$1.00 Hotel Tumblers now 55c a dozen
S2.15 Aluminum Cook Pots, 3-quart $1.45
$1.75 Large Japanese Waste Baskets $1.25
S2.25 Floor Brushes, with handle $1.50
12c Kitchen Knives, 8c; 50c Razor Strops,25c
Sample Bathroom Fixtures at Half Price
$9.25 Oil Heaters, 1 gallon capacity $7.50
$12.75 Open-grate Gas Heaters $9.75
$5.00 Gas Heaters (".."j-now $4.15
Furniture at Half and
Less Than Half Price
Suits, Chui'-, Rin ki'i's nnd othfr.odil piceus,
Kathoivil toircl-i-r in a special section und
marked ut half and los than half former priccn.
$17.50 Ro.xbur Brussels Rugs. 9x12 $42.50
S 15.00 Seamless Velvet Rugs. 9x12 $3S.50
S 19.50 & $05 Axminsters, 9x1239.50 & $55
S21.50 Fibre Rugs, size 9x12 feet $15.00
'TK I'li'a-t ritmnil't-r that our ntire stock
o" HiiL- ', ri'.lm i'l. Hl'-lm's the ClovL't Specials
ar. h'ndrni.s of Ruir- at i.Muniely lou puces, in
clml'iiL' our splendid n-vitnu'nt of Wilton Rus,
nuin of which mc nwukud Tit ksa than wholeanlo
lit thf I on rr-I' ired Ih lnr' nifh'
SI 1.50 Seamless Velvet Rugs. 9x12 ft. S37.75
SI 1.50 Seamless Axminsters, 9x12 ft. $37.75
S10.50 Tapes! r Brussels, mitred, 9xl'2,$U.75
$17.75 Wool-and-fibre Rugs. 9x12 ft. $15.00
S1.15 Tapes! rv Brussels Carpet 70c a yard
05c Felt-ba-e Rii',r Borders. 30-in. 25c a yd.
SI. 35 Rubber Stair Treads. 01S $1.10 a doz.
' 23.50 & S21.50 Matting. $1.3.50 & $14 roll
Sample piece- of $3.50 to $9.00 Carpets
Si 50 to $3.50
S3.25 to $3.50 Inlaid Linoleum S2.05 sq. yd.
$1 25 Printed Cork Linoleum 95c a sq. yd.
S2.50 Imported Granite Linoleum,$2.l0 sq.yd.
SI 2.00 to S13.50 Suits. 7 to 15 year. $0.50
.'15.U0 Cheiot Sails, 7 to 12 years SS.75
S25.0H to S30.00 Suits, 7 to 15 ears S12.75
$25.00 Suits. 2 pairs of trousers $13.75
S12.00 Mackinaw s, 15 to IS years $7.75
S15 and S20 (hernials, 13 to 17 years $S.75
S3.50 and $1 Wash Suits. 1 to S y$ars $2.85
.-2 50 Cordunn Knickerbockers $1.05
.'2.0:i to $3,011 Cloth Hats 85c and $1.85
Si. 50 Caps, with in-bands 90c
S3.0U to Sl.00 Plu.-h and Velvet Hats $1.05
75c to S2.25 Blouse 15c. 70c and $1.00
$1.00 to $2.75 Shirts 70c, SI. 10 and $2.00
Flannel Pajamas $1.05 and $1.85
Bos' S2.05 V-neck Coat Sweaters $1.50 '
$1.25 to S1.75 Union Suits $1.00 to $1.10
l'i I I 1 I . 1 1 ' ' 1 III I i nl IIU 1 i .
He;ny Ribbed Black Cotton Stockings 10c
-,, I.' Mi 1 I I I II
Biack Cotton Stockings 20c
II. in ..! I- . 1 .
$5.00 and $0.00 Tan Laced Shoes $3.95
.Market St. : Eighth St. : Filbert St.
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J , W.Jit)fc.-.iti-iWii,inU.( 1 i-.
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