Vv.' ;y . i. V TT " ' 'v'JSvaV.1,'U"' ws?"- WKmSF ; 2 t -, . Euentng public l&flaer ' PHILADELPHIA, " MONDAY, DECEMBER1 27, 1920 $$ J ( " P PUTS ASIDE HIS COMMON PLEAS COURT GOWN TO FILL HOLIDAY BASKETS. Judge John M. Patterson directed the distribution of baskets of Christmas-time cats at City Hall to 527 families remembered by the Prison Welfare Association I-pilirer I'hntn Service :" WL A LITTLE EQl ESTRIENNE FROM ATLANTIC CITY. Dorotln Moore, 31 Fairmount avenue, Chelsea, giving hei Christmas steed a tryout. TOYS AND CHEER FOR THE FRIENDLESS. Jack Wemsteiu, with little Lester Weinstein, 5229 North Tenth street, nnd Frances Slomire. 2527 North Dover street, playing Santa Gnus to youngsters of the Northern Home for Friendless Children, Twenty-third nnd Brown street5. mmmmimmmmmamfmnmrm&mrrmi9nms- " ' . '. ''. ' I ". IV . ' i ". . bm wiKvMWrfTa . iv (i . r .rw, :",im.:-Tm Jjft upffif " !9L. x' a f i" ' w'? ," XBHHhY fii S -f t , x A'f ! .V ffit&l'O. i ' H " - K. ... -- r. .i, - -. . ' ' .y,M!J ITALY RECEIVES LOST GERMAN DIRIGIBLE. Landing of the third airship required by the Italian Government following peace treaty conditions. Vldo World Thoto THE ' LDER KN TE tOMMI'lTEE l.W LITIGATING t OAL SITUATION. Left io right- Senator Walter E. Edge, of New Jerse ; Sei.ator A illiam M. Caldcr (ehaiiman), of New York, and Senator William S. Kenyon, of Iowa. BISHOP JOSEPH F. BERRY, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, discusses New Year resolutions on the editorial page. A HOLIDAY DISPLAY TWO MONTHS IN THE MAKING. A. Rnbell, 2715 South Thirteenth stieet, nnd Edward Frcyer putting the finishing touches to an elaborate Christmas scone at the former's home. The many buildings are strikingly colored by Mr. Rabcll. He has been an employe of Hog Island since the opening of the yard. i.Mier l'hoto novice. i i . ! II ITT 1 TtTII lll.ll lull WMMMMMMMM PREVENTS SPLASHING MUD ON YOUR NEW DRESS A Paris wheel device designed to collect the mud und oot it backwardon a line with the car. Kndcl . llcibcrt STAR1 LING b R O A U U A Y C apta r Charles N I ugeialu, comntandiig New York's air jiolic"- in a thn' inc tunt KITH CrORDON. the "Buby-'l ulK L.iuj, '"i Tarkmgton'- "Seventeen," Fo..iing after surgeons broke hfi ', jr to cure bow-leggedness OLR (1h S WORKERS AD WHAT THEY DO iiNISH KING AT RHEIMS. Christinn X needing a German gun which shelled, so dis n trouslv, the famous cathedral of the French cit Wide World l'hoto. i ' r- : : ' I MiI'IIl 'I'jjlljl I 7. ON A TRIAL SPIN. Christopher and Norris Lloyd, 1(!2U Spruce stieet, put ting Santa Claus' gifts to the test. l.idsi-r Photo Si'rlc SIAMESE ROYALTY HERE FOR VISIT. Ptince and Princess Mahidcl arriving from Europe for a tour of the United States. Inturnutlonul HOLIDAY STATISTICS. Edward J. Cattell, the city statisti cian, tabulating the many hundreds of Christmas cauls he received from numerous friends I.cdfvr Photo S mc. SEMAPHORE SENTINELS THE BEAUTY CORNER A.SSKMHI ING' HKONr III' I l:'i I I LN ' O- ki i,u i- 9kV.h' ktiect, priniuini; luntetn fn li in i t it n H ni UiH'inen Mnnufnitunng ( o, ll Noitn Umad -tied. lKler I ti A UNITED STATES TREASURY IIELLE. Milt Hetty Failcr, chosen as the prettiest gul in the Treasury, who christened the monster oil painting of President Wilson, Tieasury Uuilding, Washington Kevttunt IP"PTn'l""","",lw """"' ' !' I .Mmw I ,, I -XtVf jT. S:1. .Ta1V . - v J- i 'Xi) 'f' "?''. ' J' " ' ''' 1 inBBHBBWMBaaBI-avaMM HIS TRAFFIC SIGN IN HOLIDAY ARkA Reserve Patrolman Thomas Toon, 1151 Sparl. -stieet, signnlh his "ntot." .nd "hj" with h. ' und Christmns greeiiH at Fifth and Murkc) streets. He has two children, a boy and a girC k LlGi, i, I LI rt.f, iho lutly is representing "C,gaielteP and her e-cort is ai rayed as a "Box of Matches" in tL recent Ailvf.ri..r.i tjii n t A. '!? .'" "10 'T " v vuyciii, uurucn, L,onunn. Cntrul Nw. MISS FY WERNER 525 buuih Fifth Street Philadelphia 1 . 1A L , . '