-'-mtmmpp-r " ,T w EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1920 I SUNNY DUCROW Uy III3XKY ST. JOHN COOI'KK T1HB 8TAHT8 THE HTOHY pilmbeth Ann vucrow, usually hCnxin as "Hunny," tolw iporhs m a iJfitlt 1 factory, but has aspiiatlons for .ih'i?iVbcttti She confides to lert i nimi u,oik8 Oi (he vlcklc. .".'".:.. irhi IZrtorv '.that she intends to title in a motorcar some day Hunny Hvcstn a SlrlS nanow tired, the only home Vhe has fof known, with her aunt, an irrrinonslbtc person who look on the dark side of everything, the om.o. li,o bunny Hunny and Ilert decide in haxe a day in the country, but lacking the funds, they sing on the n bin policeman for "iapraney" "We're rtm in," llcrl said to Hunny. AND UElin IT CONTINUES t'HAl'TKIt II At tli Fool of the I.ntlilrr THn pollen-court moBlstrnto frowned "Application of Mlia I.oMlo Mon trFor for a llcensn to permit two dill iron to nnpear In a rcvuo at tho Park Music Hall " The m(rl8trato pursed up lilo llpi "f !on't know," r Bald ; "t don't know tit ill i" He looked at Iho applicant over his apectnclea She a tall, very beautiful woman, with Rhinitis: Rolden lialr. not qultn a loum? woman, perhaps, vot ,i remark ably h.indsomo woman Thn nmRlstrnta ,Uh a kindly looking man. I do not care for thin sort of thing What In the neo of Uinio children?" One In nlno and tho other elm en," tho said Too younff, too younc ; . inr too iounsl" He nhook his heap. "Wei . tielH" Ho iwiuscil. "I'll consider, l'l think It ocr. Walt. I'll take tho next cae" Whs Montreesor bowed 'I am to wnlt?" alio Inquired "Ye3," he 'aid, "wait I don't cam for this child-performing buslncxm nt all, but I'll m. I'vo no wlsh lo uo un" jut Next ciio." Miss Montrcssor stepped out of the witness box. Vagrancy, your honor." "Dear, dear I" tho maglstrnto snl(L "Dear dcorl" Into tho prisoners' dock stoppol tho dellnqucnte . , , One shuffled with a melancholy mien and downcast face, tho other tripped lljrhtly Into the dock iind smiled broadly at the paternal-looking magistrate. "Herbert Jackson and Elizabeth Ann Ducrow," somo ono announced. Charged with vajjrnncy slnglnc In tho ttrcets for tho purpose, of collectlns "Wo weren't collecting alms at all." 6unny said Indignantly. "Mb and Hcrt wanted somo money to pay our Tans "Walt I" th magistrate said sternly 'You will have an opportunity lo talk presently." Tho ponderouo policeman who had ar rested them went Into tho witness-box. He declared that they were always pes tering people for money, that he had warned them seeral times, but Ihey had taken no notice of his warnings. 'no, ho had arrested them lant eenlng while they were singing In tho streets. Sunny's faco burned, her blue cyca Aimed. ' Oh '" sho gasped. "How how can he? What a liar!" "Hush' ' some ono said 'Will. It Is a Ho! He necr saw mo oMora In hlf lite"' Sunny cxplmiod When did otl see me In the HtrtetB sllng for money!" she demanded of tho policeman Usterday morning, it was about tuelic,' he fluid. Oh, wan It?'' Sunny leaned over the edge of tho dock "Was It ' What about me being In Johnson's pickle factory then'" Sim turned to thn magistrate 'Don t jou bclluxo a word ho sas, air, Us not true. Mt and Mert work nt Johnson k plckln factory. l'e been tlioro thrte Minis Hert's been then- ui.iily foui Wi 're there all day long, ho how could V 'ae seen u7 ' oti were singing In the Htroiti last night'"' the in.iglnlr.itn said Minny nodded Sho smiled at him. snrt for thi llfo of him the old grntl.' inaii could scarcely ripnji ,i sinlle in re turn Ii was like this." sho ha Id In a con f'lemlnl lone She lemed lownid him M and Hcrt wanted to go to Hampton f"iirt I asked in .unit m let mo keep i FhHIinpr of m money, but she wouldit I Ijm'k father wouldnt lit lilin haxe iionu of his either So wi hud to get tnoiiiy loniehow to pay our f.ues, anil I thought If I sang in tho streets I might get inotgh I neer dorio It before, nnd l".'i that fat policeman says Ihh t trui How could wo be beggln' In the streets ' hn wi'io working In .lohnnon s picnic lnitir Auk ourMir' .sunny m s't'il 'How could wo bo In two placts st rnrc ' He ald wu weie In the ntr-els "jrgln at twelve yesterda Wlij, wo ero at the plckln factor ' I wai. ch 111 l "g up the caullMowers for tho piccalilli, w.ih and Ilert wan in the boiling-room I nlwnjs makm 'lm Hlik tho simll of vinegar Hon't It, Hcrt. '" ' ho said Of course," feunnj admitted, 1 s pose i didn't ought In have sung In mo f'rte'jt, only tilers was no" harm In It. was there' We wanted to go to Hamp ton Court Herts bien queer In Ills In lUs for days, it's tho smell of thu ln nr and " Mlencv ' ' somo one said Sunny looked around Indignantly "I'm telllnu- thn ntd irentTemnn ." tthf. tald; 'he wantn to know You do want to mow, don't you, Mir'" xes, lm sain So jou woik in a plcnie factory' Johnson's In I'utwny street. Hor ough.'1 she said "You call down thre "rst time you'ro passing nnd nk lo ic Mr Bill Wllklnsi he's tho foreman Hell t'll ou " 'It seems to be a case of nilsta-cen Identity." the, magistrate said "1 hough ' -he pauhed and looked nt Sunny-- 'I cannot understand how any one uin han mistaken this girl for ans other How r, It is ery wrong, and It Is ng.ilnl io iaw to sing In tho streets " ho silii ttely. "You must not do It agiln" ot If you say we're not to,' hunn faid Wry well On that understanding m cin go The cnarge Is dismiss ! em c si " Munn lingered She felt she would haxe Ii (ed to liae a longer cli.it with the pWneant old gentli nuin If jouaro In I'utwii) stnetam tfini, ejr hours are from sewn till llw, ' i.iie raid The charge Is dismissed hn said pollen constable hustled Sunnx iiil lirt out of the dock That fat policeman Is the worst II n I ewr saw'' Sunny declared In In i r ar vnrill olco . ju pet out of It ' the constable Mild Jenr out, and think imis(lf lucky' Minin Hinlled at him, and the iti.iii f I d back in i.iong now hi said ' 1 ou re " "l Willi I thought I mi done for Hcrt t miilileil '1 li tit i miuh of Homing to ii miiiii) 1 l get the iitrap 'or I Mm "i'i I gtt back from fithei nil light,' I ' mi mhli tl I t-h jiiidti t worr) " Sunny said 1 in I'c ri, lit s tie! itt ' ' Hi ) weie milking tuw.nd the Joyi " i"ii a hand toueliid suiiii.x'h aim i would jlki lo hk- lit In mjii i'hu, I ) i w in lm a Utile whilt ' ii nj Iniiliid up .-ilii n, a tall and i i i iiiiiii', guiinn nairifi woinn V l I II ll I I ll, 111 I k, rid I I l UtlUW Silo N.llll It H IK. I ii i i m goln ti) w.iilc toilax, urn 's ii.ivi i It veil and Un l.nniK ,jf( i i -iituidins " I mi ii i Ii, i i jou i'i j long 1 mIuiiiM Kl l III til Mill. tile lulls N.I lit I inlKii' haw Hoiiitthlng to 1'Ihhhh in imi 'hi would lie In oiit nil ililagi Will mi iwilt' Slir huirlid uff foi lu i lane Imp ailed again J' n ti (lib d II uuU lm lit il iim.i) tn inter I 10 I HH llll 1 un on ' Hi rt talil Lets get mil of Hiii S iiiiij fin gnoiJntMt' sake' I in I , I inninlfi d lit-1 , ' she f nil ii i' IT hi liki but I m not if.iiig ' v II ' i hum Ii hs ill in live minutes latri 'lie lv v i lm, , she InoUiil Mil 1-1. d ' un irgiiimiit Ihn InagiHli i o ' ' ' t ikI the III iim . W I i iniwliiie and haie a i up L' ' bin mid unr noddul I could ilj willi one she haul ' Let h f. to cm of Mum airijatui luead noiis Miss N inlrrssoi looktil nt Ilert I dmi t think then s niii mril tor rtilr--jour ft If .1 " rhe hald u'Jt with me.' .sunn) said '.M nd Hen I- chuiiiH, we 'all,- togeth-r "fiere 1 go, Uerl goes " ,. t'h, wry will"' The) went nut cf the eui.rt, ihev walked down the sti.e', nueerly assorted trio Miss Montroiw w 'icr ilesant nlDihcs, und Sunny shuf fling along, nfrnld tint her boots might play truint any moment, Hcrt with hunched Mhoulilrr. mid n look of mlier ul'le dofortlon on his face Tho waltreiM at tho corfer--shop looked at Runny niut Hcrt uskniico Hilnnv looked nt her, smiled brondly, nnd nodded ' l.ko .wnir Job here all right?' sh asked The fflil put her note In the air 1 II t'ike inur order, If you please," fhe said to .Miss Moutresior Thrco cupM of tea, sconeM nnd butter and Jn.n," MIsm MonlreMMor said "Not rut Jam," Hert shuddered "Not Jam nor pickles," hi snld, "please." "Mb and Ilert ain't keen about Jam," Sunn snld ' Miss Montrcisor smiled "C'nke, then " sho snld And now they wcro seated ut a smtll IUUI1I1 lllOin "Ho u work in a plcklo factory, do mi - sim rni i in Hunny Sunny nodded "I'lckles in UW winter, Jam In the summei, the iild '"Havo xoi nover thottglit of bettering i wur Mnii ion ' Sunny Inughid outright "I ain't never thought nbaut nm thing else," sho snld. I m not going to stick In n plikle and Jam factiry all my lire" "Then jou havo ambitions'" "I mean to get on, If Hint's what that means, Sunny sild 'I'm not going to stand still , I'm going ahead, I am," She thrust out her firm llttln rounded chin. I m going (o woik mi way up some how " "How" ' Mfrji Mnn!rr.sni- nn1rr.il i. MI .Jon.'.t. nnvr , I ain't thought about ii joi ivnen I tret n lilc liou,c nml llin servants nnd a motorcar, I'll reckon I'vo dono all right Till then " Sunny pauseil "I'm going to slog In" Hert grunted. ., "Nearly got put away for singing In the streets, that's how sho slogs in," ho muttered "Well It ii ns nn Iden, anyhow. ' Sunny snld "ou'ie got lb takn risks In tho world Whi, wo mndo elghtpcnec insldt three minutes, we'd hnvo been dono In s.do half an hour If that cop 'adn't como along" , '!,."J.t ."'o l'(ip did como along all right " Ilert said. "Youi inline Is'' "Suntii " s,0 said "Leastwajs, It's ree v Hllzibeth Ann Ducrow " Haio you never thought of the stnge" "Thought of If" Sunnj laughed "I've Just dreamed of it ' "Would jou like to go on the stage'" .Siinni s c)cs Hashed, but sho said nothing "How old are jou" Sixteen lust September," she slid, ion look older no lounger, at least Mini Montrcssor paused "In H,om.e 'J"14 ou wni to be oldir. a great deal older. ot )ou have the faro of a Mid and " she hesitated Mgnln connected with tho Htngn I " You iou aro'" Sunny leaned for ward her blue eses wldo "You ro on the stage ' You sing and dunce and " Mlns Montrcssor smiled ' . "!!'.' B,, R,xllli "fometlmes Hut Wo nro talking .iboiit iou. How would you llko a stage life ' ' "I'd loio ll'" hunnj said 'I hate Plll.les HIHWII) ' ' The girl had brought the tea and thn scones arid cul.e, and Sunnj and Ucrt did JiiBtlco to tlio food "Come to mi houre tomnriow Hern la my nil(ri.(.H Tomnirow will be Huii uav iou inn come, Sunn ' "I II come nnh I nln t - Hunni pnused, "I mean tni cloilus ain't Hun-dai-golng-to-mcetlng onet for i ailing." sho said "That doesn't matter In the leaat to me. Miss Montristor said " ou inn I cad '" Stinnv nodded "l'o got to In our business ll would not do for me to gi. nn, stlik tin uiirliut labels on the strnwberrv Jam would It' .Nor plekled walnuts on plcklul onions, neither" , Mlsn Montres'or smiled 'fonie loiiionow. I shall expect iou at 2 o clock " "Mo .mil Hi it will bc there," Sunn) said ' 'Them Is not mil in id, 1 think, for for Mr IS it Mss M,iresior Mulled I think jou itnilil como alone, Suiiui ' Sunny shook her bend "Me and Hert Is i hums Ik ro I go he goeii ' nli. r-nll "r.lther licit conies wltlinie, or 1 don't come" "Ver well" Miss Montressor said uricny, niing uert." Slio ros, to pa; the bill 'Tomorrow' at 2, Sunny," she said Klght )ou are!" Runni snld. Oil Wll.lt III The Mart Mi opinion is that it Is nlmt real talent The girl Is absolute 1 natural It wan ns good as a sketch to s"o and hear her chat with the magistrate , It took the wind out of the old fellows sails completely Shi Is positixcl re fnshlng, Max ' "Well .iou ought to know, I supiKise," tho man snld Who Is Mio" "A 11 1 1 lo girl from n slum who works In a pickle factory and has ambitions, ' Miss Montussor said 'Shell want tiaimiig. then ' "Training would spoil hei , iou want her an she Is She's n naliiial nrtlsi. and she has tho most licautlfiil hair I ver saw ' Thn man smiled lie was thlck-set. sallow -faced and stout Time was potne- tiung .U'oiit mm that stiggMu at a glanc i the prosperous thalilwil mali nger pus Mill the large and i xpetiuho ilgir t lut l he nlw.iia hid tin Id d In a corner of a latgo and llesln -looking mouth 'I don I ofti it make mistakes" Miss Montressoi raid ou riinunbi r I found l.lli Hlrch Ho IHjlJlll ll Shes giltlng thlrti nuid a week out o me now.' be sild 'nd when jou i potted In r sho wiih n nlmp-glil ' This girl beatii her hollow Mlsn Montre-Hiir snld There s ihoihi in hei Max, jou will nnd i,n I.ih lllnb," l-ho wint on, 'was ileier, but a fool In n wa Slit dalici s nleeli nrid she's got a pntt) lolie, but fin the n st she's a fool 'Mis rirl is iliff tint Shes all llf. find pirkle nnd go utterly wltlnut I If-eolll-Cinllrill SS .IS fllHll lis ll ll.llsl mil i ilf inn neiilnt sinil., Max I like i iilliusl ism I i 'Hi ' he sini ou nn , ilw as inthuslnvtlr f tin girls nl liilf eien nt wli.it iou siv she U rhr ought to be a hiiihII fin tunc She s (oinlng ' ' ' She II In here almost nt nine ' Miss Mi nlipvxm rim; a boll It h.h a large ndil !ooMnc loom half drawing loom liilf dining mom ami wt in Ith. i In ippeiiramv Thire was a host of arui-eh ilrn of soft cufch lens Ij lug iilniut Hi Hour 'Un, camel was tlilik ami uistein the walla wile hung witli hundr.ilM oi phot n,i.inhs of thintrli i ii-libiltlih ill f tli in s'gnrl To di H old l.tslii ,'nini i ,,, Mlt-s I.eHli, MontriKii ii with r bnetiu l Olllll llllilllH (.1 Milll, On I ,4 I I, ,r , ..i.t ,.l. , . , ..., I .... K ". ... H . KM " ""' usual thing Mhi Mon' 1 1 cor had I ecu on lilt stage I nm in i,"v of llili; in ,,,! there was not a b Iter liked worn in In thu inofi s In i A malil-s nam ni-w.ieil th. ring I .mil p. ti'ii- i w mirf gin. s. inons .Miss MniitriM oi jiiiiiI- tl pJ( NhepiiiHid 'rutin i slialibi .' Slit i a' ill" ilimr now Ileen twl end a"k"l f ii will mid I told her to gn llll,l) IlllKU 111, gill a ill "J he! w is slamming it t!i I in ir;ain Mi,, sal she had an tl polm nent willi ion ,U j dldii t be1 i w h' i Win iou can see hei men i" niBli her IiuiiIh Hark lo her now in i Ilsng' lung' bang' went thn knocker b low Ho and 'i1 her In at once Slmtnrni ,MI Motltll "SOI r-.llll It II fillnni,' sin sahi t the mull 'Anihow,' In iia il she didn't minn to In It out III till Kill! ' Hn iiilliil Ills elgir In tweeti Ids fat llngirs in I w.itiheil Hn Inor He was Inn listed l.es It Moi i -sc, tanli ii i I. a in t.ile Sin It ,1 fo mil ti,, f.xr i i uiT' Hiking ilinui jiisi nen , ,v. u i tiho' ml ii s In liinil 'hn iniiiur if i Hill late uilltiniri klmp r, i hid mm I, cell i il her '1 i girl h id In, n ipille l e, mi , n ,N doing n, II and Ii M it lb nun in j h , liiadn a nli i Mttle inollt out i lei Tlie Jooi wa ajiu Kioui .li sialr ease cam 'In sciind of n , It ring nu Inftftloui iukIi Theie was niinetlilng so spoiitnin nilci ibout th, I nigli tint Mr Hei nilnguav blinsi If vmllt d IMiIn t iwinl to It t me in' n lolec i rli d If I had tome ro'lln up in a swell motf i ir ou'd a fell i ei wnii si If in pen i lie turn Wt ll, don t wmr) ono ii' tins dais I'll toiii" In that tin re i ii r ' Xa, t 'ti thn I nigh thin tho ! Ico again, a little in t ouh this lime (I'ONTIM IJU TOMOItHOW) Copvnvhta IJlu, bi Ileum if, John toojif. THE GUMPS Ever ubodii Happu ZSr lo I 15 ?AHTA CLAVJS AHP COPAISV BR0U6HY A PATCH OF HAPPINESS TO THE GUMP FAMILY VJHCLe BIM LlVEt UP TO REPUTfvriois VWWIA fHEStfeR 5m Gump Heir, to the gump MIULION& CHES-ftRBIMeuMP- fZ"S 1 t I V7N"5NT STMACAWG UP SnvJM6i-Cr MnH AUL t-y V &Z nM riHc.BMiel CLOWES AHt VIOEI? OV VP w m JfxtVfcM 1, .1 . Jm j-tzmiR&wrj& mmmm W&- 1 mk - - ' - - "- ' ! n-L- - - " WwQBKkt. Bil Sidney Smiih NCT" TrEl-U HEMT1 To A CNE kND A. OIA.MOHC?- F VKOSC SO tR.&e eVll-r OP THe M1KG ...J I K r-OXMP-- i ism-o lr TV gFP THG rl, : V Psofw-T TME ' V " - V 1 T-. ! fKvAC 1 m.wttv "tonir" vjm ii. . i nn i cttfl r u V.- SKT IT wt:T or "MEM? JU'S.T WVT WHTtt-- HOvH nH0J6HTMJU iVEY ARC -WORKUP KV )HTALS IM IT- A nvLUVOH v?olvAr?s vWOOUPNT euv T 'FKOMI nE7 '? IAWERVA WW A RHAL PEARU NECKLACE JOST COT A S!S 25 Mil POUARS KORE XHmT A OATTUEBHIP vMbl7. Krn raxQt j TWC joy .POCrtETr XOU VJtLL "SEE HANKERCHIET CHRVBTfAKS FROH THE SOMEBODY'S STENOGIt Was the Limit V Them i Got lots e.use. too. oh vwelu :rn Guess iri auu cver For another. ffeAR - OJLY CARDS IU TObAV?; MAIL. - SUE.SS I've Got the. limit p - f opvrntht into l.y Public ly-rtcr f ? Hay ward , ' VJELL.I MADE OUT FIME. TAJ WMSSin T.T ;,,, 7,;..' 1,' HB har - onu cards iu todays -mail- l-. n fWibAv. ,; y ' u RUB AND SEVEA4 MAAHCUR6 SETS - IH GUESS IV GOT TH LIMIT Hll ' )l UUnJVU 'J BH (3E& I OUGHT To BE ABLE. To IffL-- V ; I . S , ' n ' K n O X" -' iiiii; mMMl :sfiTl: jJI- v:- A-tL-HA.yw.T?)- 17 The Youno Lady Across the Way I -JUnLJn'x ss M Aunt Hppie Hogg, the Fattest Woman in Three Counties Ry Fontaine Fox jS w Tho jounj; Imlj nrros tho wnv wijh sho iloisnt bilirw nil tlioio Miirirs of ,TnpniiP8ii- bcllirostt.x um) xhc nt'icr inw one tlitit waHii't nrttially thin. ' 'AT 5 PoRtrVfiN 0UCK&T fUUS I COT IN rrC NOW "1 ... Wi- i , . . i ii iJwWjrr"' r s- 'cj sr r s -. j r :vwkft .iri2y. -m ri. mmjm ss M Metttt2Z2i'fv &i rwt wmJfi &. z?aa. vr -ti "iiua..irx - -- ---,. -rt-- n A--JSKVV ,a -- -s ' Cr 1- - i&p ifi'i & s .rz vr r ,dH&J '"-s Jt AiwJC fja wxi Mtvr aijivwv U -tfax lC0&A mt4 (rtni rwx. erf -fu u X m&4 Vkt "A sciioor, dws vW ML. tKKwxQS to kuui w ' j- f . r9..A.. f.. rlinfji &jd V,, vM AUaaxu m. W " ""Tr .;,v' ' fy& '. -pt s i a tf UfAA jHO VKCAXv'jOUj XI. CLXX. Ti -- -WtAKY" '" " ' " I till.-.! 1 ,., . .,, tt ,. PETEYOh, Boy! -n- I M ALL OUT OF NiV Wtf.ULAR iMOkVSS 1 It LlAXr a HV Okir nv- ti lHE5h" YHIUiS. TmH fiJr. JiT Ar Mr PiwViwAt -. X VJ n - , , u 1 w 1 .,Mriu 'it ' lHE5h" THIHiS.N TmH fiJr. Jj Gave me FoPi-MAS ' ! !, 'i I1 ml ": ' i! I I1 V : .1 '. 't r-m. ffm amf ' 1 11 rkflt''PSl r"T4- . ii "74J- By C. A. Voiffht Ino 5aid X - V-ht-L ULl. I V 1)ir ur li hfl WAS I Hill" 5 " -.' K . '1 1LAK1 OLD 'jWfjmm'! Tml Moi 1 dans : ALWANS MAXt. Mil PL El. UKEA UIPUIT'AAIH d)0ViT TWEV ; 'I'1 Y HAV-t.V0J hEEL J! ' I' 1 MAT WAV Too , ,1 - ' I PETcV DEARrTSn J &$ 5 , L I . ,, ;'sjpk f ! Nficl miTm A V. I G f . I WE CLANCY KIDS It Was a Mean Trick to Play I Lz-n - ' IMX?4lT?,rr, 1 1 j r.nj'r -1 t W I - lIMt'O'Vfc I tr , j'is'fi.aBSJ ? x r immimi ..-m Esia fiwtuiiKViVY vi lXa -c T'flO,TiUR'n,lll WV I "I . - - 1 1 ceasMwgwv 11 vit rA 1 sWI - ii''. 11 .'IzMMA iw i'VMimMmljm , ) fAH7.ro M6 FAf? LADY U ' " - - 1 "" a v J fir,! , il in. f,JfM . &c.LJi--VSS& , ii-fc n Vs ' "!5at2EKW iViiiRrh.,, j-'eSZ&ijg X ".' x, Nr &V..-sZ ," - - --- t.. &P!?s5Z?SaM 'fa ' -4Xs0 J- . . wm W 0 , C NJ.-ji, -' "5i3Sesi'iP'fff3r lfc?! tr - " 'Ss CSCP Percy L. Crosby MAYfle THe PRTTY i 1 GIRL ArtCAO OROppeO IT. I 1 15- PINO our. 5 "r """ ; "yi g- ; r J--'zi '" -, p'-"""' -' &s TEa !S5Js l'' -..-v - Sit J 5 J V5 -- vi M Ily DWIG it ! I I I I '! m ? ) th y& i i N i-"i' j 4iSS!V4rW.,