Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 27, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 21, Image 21

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Evaitoj. tvs&Q timtetiJiwivAj)mjpm&, MdNDA.fr mbobmkbb , i9'o
Somo Costumes for Mummers'
March So Elaborate Thoy
Nocd Two Men
nuidqtinrtcrs of the New Vtyr'ii clubs
ft busy places thcitc rtttys flnnl
(ourlicd belnR put on tho costumes to be
need in the "big show" next Saturday,
and scores of workmen bolntc endued In
bitlldlns the llonto and Hkeletotin of the
huge canopies which will bo features ot
the parade.
Tho rcjcolln of Rome of the members
will be entirely too elaborate nnd too
heavy for one person to control and nn
Innovation Is certain to result In that
"two-men costumes" will be neeii in
the parade for thi first time. Guards
ore watching the hnndsome costumes
nt all hours to prevent nny inltllni or
description from reaching the listening
ears of rival clubs.
As the mummers nro determined to
five the New Year's parade fans the
flnest ond biggest spectacle they have
ever beheld, they linvo decided that unv
member wl refuses to inarch the full
route from Ilronri nnd Porter streets to
Broad street nnd Columbia avenue will
be disqualified, even though he should
be awarded a prlzo by the judges.
Won't "Get Iy" Now
In former years some nf the mummers
made it a practice to fall out of lino ns
soon as they had passed the judges'
stand at City Hall, considering their
duty ns mlmlckcrs accomplished. Thnt
sort of thing will not "get by" thin
time, tho lenders say.
Another decision reached unanimous
ly by all of the twenty clubs nml as
sociations which arc to participate In
the procession is that the parade will
start at 8:30 a. m. sharp, rain or
shine. Last year the "big bIiow" was
postponed several hours on account of
a drlzilc and thousands of would-be
spectators were disappointed. Club
lumlprs declare such delays will not be
countenanced again, no matter wbot the
weather conditions.
Rivalry, It Is said, lias reached tho
rtralnlng point among the mummers.
The majority of the kings' capes nnd
jesters' nnd jockeys' costumes have been
finished. They arc on exhibition nt tho
various club headquarters for the bene
fit of the Initiated, but they arc guarded
day and night.
Mast no Rejuly Friday
from now on tho members of tho
orzankntlons will devote all tbelr spnro
time to the construction of floats and
ether apparatus and sundries. Every
thing has to be completed by next Fri
day night. New Year's eve, when n
preliminary frolic will be given by the
costumed revelers nround City Hall and
In the Htrcctii of the central section on
the occasion of the revival of the
Major's New Yeor reception.
rifteen thousand mnsqucradcrs, It is
predicted, will march in the procession,
competing for the prizes, aggregating
$12. "00, offered by the city nnd for nn
additional $1000 offered by the Colum
bia Avenue Ilusiness Men's Association.
Tn oiilcr to capture the latter, the pa
litdi' will be continued along Columbia
avenue eaxt to Tenth, after the official
rilibnndlng point has been renched.
Deaths of a Day
Founder of Ridley Park Hospital
Dies From Septic Pneumonia
Dr. II. Kurness, Taylor, founder ot
t! r Taylor Hospital nt Kldley l'ark anil
Mic of the most widely-known physl
lans in Delaware county, died yestcr
la nt his homo in Itldley I'nrk of sep
tic pniiinmnlii. Septic infection devel
oped in his right Index linger last Sep
tember, rosuitluc In septic poisoning nnd
tinnlly pneumonia. He was thirty-nine
jears old.
He wns born In Wnllingford. I'd.,
.raimnry 20. 1RS1. the son of Millard
F'llmore Taylor nnd Hettle C. Tavlor.
In Kebrunrj. 1010, he founded the Tay
lor Ilnxpltnl, which sW jenrs later
recelieil a stnte appropriation. The
hospital had its first home In the Uurko
mansion. In .Tununry, 1013, ground
wns broken for a new hospital building,
which Is used at the present time.
Dr. Taylor was coroner's physicinn
of Delnwnre county for n number of
years, a director of the Essington mid
Itidlcy Park building and loan iisocin
Mnns, vice president of the Tinicum
National Hank, nt Hssington. president
and socretnry of Taylor Hospital, presi
dent of the Kldley Park Hoard of
Health, school inspector for Kldlev Park
and Norwood boroughs and n director
of the Kldley Park National l.iiiilt.
John J. Jackson
.lidin .1 .lAcluon. a solicitor tilth
oflltes In the Peiry ItuildMig, died vim
teiduj at his home. 0010 Master strei t.
ufter an illnoeS of several weeks, of
heart disease. He was soenty-tvo
veurs old.
Mr. Jackson was bnrn in New f astle
county, Delaware, nnd came to this clt
twenty jears ago. lie was nssoclnteil
with his brother in business. He was
sn elder in the Calvin Presbteri.tn
Church nt Sixtieth and Muster streets.
Mrs. Mary B. Wlndrim
Mis Mnrj H. AVlndrlm, widow of
James H. Wlndrim, former prominent
i.rchltect, died justerdm mnrnltw in
her home, the Latches, Merlon Death
was due to heart dlstnse. Mrs Wln
drlm. who wns seventy -nine jears old.
had been 111 for noun time.
She was Identified with a miiiibtr of
i inns and social orgiinuntloiis. aim wii
uctivo In the welfare work iiloiu the
. . . . . ..
., : ., , . , .. .
UHin i.ine, iter uusnaim men nun mi
years ni;o. llefore her marriage Mrs.
wlndrim was JIlss Mnry McCtitohtou,
of this city
John M. Campbell
-The funeral of John, 1. Campbell,
prominent lawjer uml for twenty jears
a member of the Hoard of Cltj Trusts,
will be held tomorrow morning from St.
Thomas' Church, Ivy Mills, Chester
Heights, Mr. Campbell, who hint beeu
ill for some time, died late last Friday.
Ills fathtr, James M. Cimpbull, had
Mrved us attorney general of l'euiisjl
Tarda nnd us postmaster general under
President Pierce Aftei being gi minuted
from the I'lilversity of IVnusyUunin the
nn followed the pructlce of law His
home wus at Wawn.
Croft A. Drown
l.ervlstown, Pa,, Hop. -7 Tin bodj
of Croft A Mi own, senior assonnto
judge of Miftllu countj , was found
partly dressed In the little room over
lis giuage late Saturday night bj friends
who tailed to ascertain win he had not
kept an engagement to take supper
'llli them Judge llrowu ato a hearty
liuucr and passed the afternoon paint
lag the Intel lor of the room he had
furiliulil .it'... blu I'limii, .mil It In SOU-
..... ,u. ... e..... .N.i ...... . .- ---.,- .
poifd that his iluntli resulted iriimi,;,. ..r!1 tancoln Femuson. Mis J
a'Ute indlgpf-tion. Judge llrowu as
Cited iisjo date judge of Mlmln rtmntv Mc'iol Mis 'ohn l' Norrls Mm Wll
three enrj ago on it ti"o,.i -u.te plat- h , , Uu, u Mrs .lames atair Alr
torm Me huh l,o i-urs old and bad W -ir t - k. Mrn Wllllnin Warden,
Iteattrtldo- .ii i;,t vtm pirs (.to c Woodward
Consumers Asked for Fund to Resist
$2.25 Rate
!Vt.m""5 ". vubXic hcnrlng by the
Public Service Commission In tho
mntter of .proposed raise In rates for
gns service to thn northern suburbs,
protesting citizens have formed n com
mittee to solicit a fund to fight the In-
A Miiliupt-liitlnr, nt 41 Mi, ,........
Is nVed I hi f ,!!.u np,,,conHmr
if nftllft '10 onl,n,ttcV,n.1 rcsdontM
ot Ulensltle. Ambler, North Wnlcs,
uKuiiiz, i-jiiuns ram, .jcnxitiiown, '
"vi"';i n (iiniu' nun viriuniiy ail me
Old York road towns are asked to con
tritiute to tne fund.
Effective November 20 last the Phil
adelphia Suburban Ons and IOlcctrlc
Co., supplying the district, filed n now
schedule of rates, bringing the cost ot
gns to $2.2." a thousand nnd eliminating
discount for prompt-payment privi
leges. Glcnside citUcns havo carried the
fight to the point where they havo guar
anteed n fund to pay nn engineer to
check up on the property npprnlsnt to
be presented the Public Service Com
mission bv the ens comnanv. elimin
ating tho necessity of nny other north -J
ern ituouroiiu urguuicuuuu irom iiuing
J. Howard Graham Is chairman of
the Glcnside organization, and Robert
T, Almnn, nlso of (tlenslde, Is the
chnlrmnn of the committee to ralso the
fund which Is expected to run well Into
the thousands.
Camdenltes Will Join In Annual
Philadelphia Frolic
The public welfare committee of
Camden Council has the assurance that
virtually all of the mummers' clubs of
Philadelphia will parade in Camden on
New Yenr's afternoon, when the firut
big pageant of this character will be
held In that city. The Camden clubs
will parade In Philadelphia In the morn
ing nnd will accompany the local
marchers to Camden nt noon.
The parade is scheduled to start from
Delaware nvenue nnd Cooper street at
12:30 nnd will go out Cooper to Broad
way, to Kalghn nvenuo nnd dismiss.
The cltv will nwnrd $1(100 In cosh
prizes Editors Upton 8. Jeffcrys and
T II Slfftrn nnd n third tnnn vet- tn
be selected by these two will do the
Forms First Distributed for Corpo
ration and Profits Returns
Washington. Dec. 27. Distribution
of forms for filing Income tax returns
for 1020 will begin January a, tho
Iiurcnu of Internal Kcvenue announced
Inst nluht. Collectors for each of tho
sixty-four districts, the bureau said,
will simultaneously Tclcaso six classes
of forms on that date.
The forms to be sent out, the burenu
enld, are for making returns on corpora
tion income and profits taxes, merchant
marine corporation profits taxes and
Government contracts profits taxes, ln
ormntlon as to subsidiary or affiliated
corporations, schedulo of tnxable Inter
est on Liberty Bonds and certificates of
Donald Brian Says "Hard Work"
Is the Recipe
"Thero 1b juiit ono way of Kottlnfj any
thing worth whllo, bo it on tho utaRe
or anywhere else, says Donald Ilrlan,
"and that Is work for It." Mr. Hrlan
Kalned wide, fame In "Tho Merry
Widow" nnd other operettas nnd mu
sical comedies. Ho Is now ntnrrlng In
"Huddles," a romantic play with music,
which opens at tho Lyric tonight. A
nuecens himself, he may speak with
wmo authority on that subject
"One may bo specially gifted," says
Mr. Urlnn, "but tho best thnt this
will bring ono Is to maka the path
a little smoother or hasten progress In
between the beginning1 and your achieve
ment must be work. It matters not who
or what you are ou cannot buy suc
cess except In the coin of labor.
"The hard rond Is the short road In
most worthwhile cndeaor You can
not skip or Bhlrk the drudgery nnd hopo
for success In your undertaking What
In more, your work Is something you
must do for yourself. The labor nnd
the thlnklntr must be jour own, Just as
ou must eat food to unslmllato It.
What others cat won't do you any
"It has been truthfully said In epi
gram that 'only aviators c.in My to
buccess , the rist of us must climb ' "
"These ate merely a means to diver
sion and perhaps of information when 1
am not busy on the stage," says Karl
llonhnm who Is appearing In "The Ed
Wynn Carnival" at the Metropolitan
Opera House Hy "theso" ho meant a
dozen or moro books, mostly political,
economic and dramatic literature, with
a sprinkling of works on pscno
nnalysls, that Hanked Ills bit; mako-up
"All of this study," declared tho
actor, "I bellee to be helpful In one
wa or anothor. Yes, I even conrcss
that I studied ns a preliminary to
tnklnjf up the profession And why
shouldn't one study for If If you are
going to bo a lawjer, a doctor or a
chauffeur ou get the best technical
training possible, and then 'Jazz urnund'
for tho real experience That's whnt
I did But when I Approached man
ager after manager for an opportunity
to dirnoiibtrato thu turned ma down
because 1 hadn't the necessary experi
oii"e So I hustled to get It in thoso
dlacouraulng dns"
Seven years ago an unknown jouth
was one of the mant entertainers In the
first show produced at the New York
Winter Cirdtn He was regal ded as
Junt unother lecrult fiom vaudeville,
many better known entertainers were
on tho bill , noburt) noticed him Now
thnt hame uuth W llntenlni: to applause
ns star t the present Winter Garden
slim.- "Slnbad. ' at the Shubort
The man who began as a bo sinking
tor small change now rteeives a goou in
come for telling stories and Hinging
songs for nn amusnment-hungr.v public
Jolson ns a boj ran away from home,
was brought bm.k and ran away again,
because he prefer! d to sing songs and
tell storied to tho work his fathei do
slicd him to do He has kpjwii up on
the stage and the life behind the siv"es
13 ,i, n.'TIl IllH llll, Ull llll' III' i.i,'vn
H'jllks -,, m't lu ,lirt h0UrH
... . fr,.m th.. iiuntie extent of new
I ii'ihj ...... ."-. ., . ii
hongi lu sing and rn-w irls to t-ll
tomlltloni ot th, work a" t i n w
StaiilfJ Tlui'tr.. Nineteenth and .M'"
Vet Btn ets nie such that It Is k d
tl-at the date or tho ojienlng will l
u..,i,iinii.i'tl within a short time Ju'o
11. M.istbuuin, picBlilent of the Stanley
Coinpinv expt'cis to set ine uuie ir
some time In fnnuary
While the openlnir picture has not
yet been selected a few of tho tlg pro
ductions which w'll h "ten nt th"
ui,.,,i..i Include tile I'ai.inionnt snic'iil
'Mellotiope " .i Stirling photoplay of
father-lojo, oils SKimiiT in "Kisme1
with goigeoos bettings nnd an ndnilrablc
riippoidng tiu-t ' IToithbound," i pl.ij
bj Basil King with gripping suhpense,
and "Polly With I'ist." a conieUj
Movlo Treat for Orphans
tvtlve h 'Ii ' J ' ''' 'i o' "'
i. nt nsvlunis lomeb and Irslltutions of
(leriiiantown '"In stout Hill -itnl v'clnl'v
will b the gto its nf flu. htanlei '"oi
iiaiiv ut th Oolunlal The.i'ri ihtm.i
towr on Wediifjdas irioinlng, at e
sped il limitation perforniauee nrinng"'!
by Jl:.n.iger Fitilurle IaoihjUI
To man" of the llttlo cities tills will
,e tbelr first Jlcw o' motion picture
proiti.un of eotuedles of tho lieut typo
I. is bien arranged
This I'liurtiunrneni lias bein spoil
r,r, ,i liv the followltnr pattoiicssi ii
PilOSUIl All lliuw .lit, t. lueu
. ...,V, 'Martin. Mi U H l'ienil-s
Letters to the Editor
The Draft Evaders
To the Fditor of the Kvniw Pittite Lidoer:
. r "" oo's " Hnvernment hesitate
kut KCltliw after the draft evaders? In
ronnoctim with the reoent annual report ot
the secretary of war It nhould be noted that
Sir why docs tho Hnvernment hesitate
ua.uu men have b-cn classified ns willful
ur"" or arait evader rne aajwuni
tnnoral ond local bonrds of the sovernl
rUt'i rtportrd 4N7,00.'l, but by ft revlilon
tf the llat a lurno pcrcetitaro ws ttlmt
nnttd Counting T.000 men to it dlvlilon, thtro
aro about ill divisions of men who may
b. claid as willful dticrtern Now, I
um In favor of tnakltifj publlo on tho front
Vans of evtry newupaper In the country tbe
namei of tho man from tli particular com
munity who are so claaalfltd It ceems that
the War Departmant tma lone promlaed thai
ths iinmia cf the stackers would be pub
llahod, but ao far nothlnr has been don
Thcao of ui who aurvlved the ircat
trucslo owe to our fallen comrades the
aolfmn oMInrttlon and trust that tliei
evaders ehnll net ifo free Didn't tho bov
efninfnt prescribe a ptndlty for violation or
ovnalon of the draft law? Then Ut u
aland by eur pleduea The lltt should be
publlihed and prosecutions berun before the
statute of llmltntlon ccre to protect the
willful desertafe W L.. O
1'hlladclphla, December SO, 1020
Question of Raising Children
To the Kdltor of the Kvcntnu Puhllc I.rdaer:
Sir A aerlou dlffprence has arisen be
tween mself nnd tny husband as to the
way of rolslnir our children, and I have been
nonderlnir Just how wmo of your readers
would bo able to handle u condition of this
character I believe In keeplnpt my children
under the strictest deportment. There .
three of them, rnin; In ages from evrn
teen down to fourteen two boy and one
Rlrl. I Insist upon knowing; where they
aro every mlntttn of tho day and cvuntiui.
t Insist upon knowtntr all about their com
panions and friends'
My huaband takes an entlroly dlfferem
view. Ho believes that they ehould be MJ
reliant that we should pay no attention w
them when It ramra to wnero thiy want to
bo and with whom, for he Ii sure that If
we aet them the prorer exampto nt home
they will not want to iro to plawi they
ahould not or naaorlato with companions
who mlsht prova objectionable He
that hl parents wore always repreactuns
him for what ho vim dolns and where i.
itaa going, and boy like, he would Inva
riably search out thn forbidden places He
believes In thn predeetlnatlnn of chlldreu
and saya that I will bo sorry aome day tot
my Inalstlni; upon so many exactions.
Ho may bo right and I muy bo WTonit
The trouble la I question it, I am nnxloua
to rear them In the right way, ond will
very much rearet If they no wrong" through
any fault of mine, and yet If I allowed them
to go where they please ond with whom
they pleaso It would keep me mlaerablo all
tho time wonderlnir whero they were and
If they wero In Bvod company. Is there
anything a reader could BUBiret?
Philadelphia, December SI, 102O
The Motor Accidents
lothe Kditor of the nvenlno l"vbUe l.tdatr.
Htr Today wo hae anothor story in tnt
papers of a motorist kilted and a number
of persons Injured through foolhardlnosi
on tho part of there raon and women who
were out o-i a Joy rldo. There Is entirety
too much of thle ort of thlnK golijc on In
this city, and especially at night, with nu
way. It would appear, of stopping; It. If
the automobtto laun were otrlcter nno
would bo enforced It would be ft great bieh..
Ing; for all ctmeerned. When a man Is
caught Joy-rldlng his llceniw should bo In
stantly taken away from him, and It tin
was done I am sure there would bo much
leas of thla sort of thtnr practiced
Aulomoblllni Is fascinating, and It Is rot
hard to get up a partv at any time, nnd In
variably a number of Innocent peruons are
thus led Into danger Why, when the po.
Ilcemen aaw thla car speeding" down Ilroad
street at the rate nf forty miles an hour,
did they not pursue the machine In motor-
Oclea nnd nrre't the driver and take his
llcnae away from him? He has met hM
death. This Is unfortunate, but how about
th Innocent Uetlrns who nro todAy In the
hospital BUtTerlng from scrloua Injuries 7
Hut the motorcicle force nem to be Indif
ferent to this night Joy riding, nnd while
It Is golni; on constantly cry rarely aro
there any nrreals . J. u
Philadelphia, December 31. 1020
Why We Lose Our Love
Vj the Hdttor of'th? Evtntno Public Lruaer1
Sir In our arloun dlsc-usslontf In n
People's Khrum of tho CuM'U Pinili.
Litlirn, which havo been ery Interesting
to mo and iteoin to hate t en eo to many
pet.ple, I have wondered why no one. up it,
thla time. h.iM touched upon thn question,
when ao many dUorcea have been men
tioned, as to why men and women lose 'neir
loi.t for one another no soon and how auch
a thing could bo remedied.
Ah a rule, the man blames the trouble
on the wife, and vice ersa ilth the result
that no tlcllnlte conclusion Is to be armed
at I have been married for s.wen joars
We haio no children. For some reason I
have irroivn to dislike my husband and can
not tell for the life of me why Ho la
uotid to inn, probably ns guod as tho aver
age huaband nnd I hae no real complaint
against htm other than that my life la mace
miserable because my nusoand company
borca me ' long for the companionship
of Home ono else. Some one with whom I
can discuss new mibjecta Home one who
will bring nt.velly Into my life. The monot
ony of living with a man aeen years la
Why do I feel this way' I cannot say.
Alt tho artince that my huaband used to
win mo has tarnished and I oho the
copter underneath the gold lining which
wan ulwavs shown to me Just prevloue and
during our oirly married life I feel aure
no man can continue thla artificial gold gilt
ter rontlnuuualy. I mtoht hao expected It
would weur dit Unfortunately. It tarnished
only too soon Whet nm I tn do? I don t
bellLie ho cat e.r win my love buck again.
and yet I feel that It wan not his fault
that I lost It 1I Is Just a men man, whin
I thought him muth more when I married
him. It Is terrible to think of. but I im
sure that my preaent hate for htm Is rolru:
to Increase as time goes un What will bo
the consco.uente' It will bo either dhorry
ur m 'Ivirut thus unhappily to tho end of
mi or m hmhand existence Is thrr
iru tear that I rtuild aco.utro thin Iovd back
niratn I den't et I have altvios b.en
of a determined disposition and rarely evr
forgive and forget and It Is Impossible
for m to b otherwise Mrs W l It
I'hlluderphU, December Jl, 10JO
Why So Much Crime7
To i ie hitltor ot e "uirtiiip Puclio .trtm
Hlr It may eounl vry raoiini ,.,.
a it but I feel that the cause of the in i. h
crltre thut tie (tie exierlenclng Is due to th
mothers of the land and the Indlrte.riun
tint they now fihow toward tho horre ii
war hHH bad in Inrluencu. the jiool m
blllurd rooms hae contributed their shur
an well an ihe moilfs, the public dante halls
nd thn iaix music
lint the imrtnte are In the first p nee
ti blainu for It ull If txi a were taught
rleht when thej were little, 1 do not b. lie.
Tney would gu wrong tvhn they ha grown
u.t Hut tie tr.njbl. Is there la i o h me
any moie mi" n ie uu.i ei me mniuei
The fMher must t utray to business i .
lh reirlni! of t hlldren naturally. mut
t. car-led un bv the mothers The) nea.ee
Ihet- dut) fin a IthH Important dutj t'
totini jrtilli sharing the responiibiilt
. the government, etc.
Wo are rapldlj txcnmlng a peep e of
' live divellera" or "tllff dwellers Whole
riiiMllei. e.re tiundid Into small nai mi.o
apartment and there la no place for u
Uj or glil tn entertain mends, o theN go
t . the pool hall, d.inoe halls, public pUiei
ant th street" 1'arents anoiv --y little
i hat th'U cMldrin are doing
A wrn Judji many tlmm has vni for
rmthrH iiii.l fathers of dnllnc,unts and
l many mutant s hits paated tuiilente on
I pirents nnd put them un probation
i i thnt thev Instead of thtlr rtl'.
i weru to blame I believe It la un
. i omen ond inolhue especially, to right
i ,it detl ot this till and I b.-nev
'lid .fin oo tneir uuiy in me matl.r ir a
e iv tan 1" i!".vl tiiem,
ohllulolphla Dtceinlmr il
C I,
Can't Live on Vauclain Wage
;,iin pn'or of tie ei-um; pi i,i , ; fo"
fl"r--Iurln Ihe neelt put i t.Hirt leen
rKtllni the comments on Hamuel M Vau
i a n'e ntsteiii.nt In oui inpir Thi re Is
niiu letter t part cularlv notice I signed
"O K IUsluiii. Jr , Harrlman Shipyard
ii. i .. ta In which ! ,,! if e.nnlln
1II,IU , ..v.hU .... . WHW.H...
jfM n apologi and which ao far hi not1,
Letters to tho Editor should bo M
brief and to the point ns possible,
avoiding anything that would open a
denominational or sectarian discus
sion. No attention will be paid to anony
mous letters. Named and addresiesj
must bo signed tin an ovldence or
good faith. Although names will not
o printed If request la mado tnot
they be omitted.
The publication of a letter Is not
to be taken as an Indorsement of Itfl
vlewn by this paper,
Communications will not be re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript bo saved.
appeared In your paper The dlfforenl pat
tloa have mad many true atataments In
reference to his article, but ne one who, tn
the paat, has lived In the country within a
stone's throw of Mr Vauclaln'a house (and
where I was born nnd ralaed) I would llko
to make acme comment on his ataletnent.
When- Mr. Vauclain apeaks of people mov.
Ing Into tho country from tho city ho haa
not studied the situation very closely Tour
J ears nno I was forced to movo to the city
no I would be nearer to my work, wiucn,
ot that time, was at Marcus Hook, and If
I saw a chance to oet out In tho country
now, I certainly would take ndvantace of It
I would bo safe In saying that B0 por cent
ot the working poople In the country nre
employed In tho city, or tako cars to ret
to their placea of employment Homo mar
led men I know go all tho way to the south
ard of tho New York Shipbuilding Cor
poration, while others co to Chester nnd
tho Sun Hhlpbulldlni; to every morning o--causa
ot the Impossibility to obtain work
along tho Main Lire. Now. I do not sup
pose ono would travel from Ilryn Maw r. Pa .
to Gloucester. N J rr he could get work
within threo miles of his bouse, aa atated
In Mr. Vauclaln'a article It Is all very
well If you ate furtunato enough to have
an automobile to drive to your work, but
when you havo to change three or four
different car lines and the ferries, It Is
a different story
In Mr. Vauclaln'a letter, whero he apeaks
cf IlMng on to to a week, I would like
to say that It ta'ies thtt much for carfare
every two weeks Mr Vauclain knows the
fact that tho Philadelphia and Western
Hallway Co. run cara from atrnfford to
Ulxty-nlnth atrtet evory fifteen minutes In
order to accommodate tho working people
who go to their places of employment In
the city and elsewhere
Regarding; Mr Vauemln building a four
room house with 125 nack In 1H83, I would
llko to Boy that my father built a borne
consisting of six rooms with J 100 to start,
and ho did not hae any trado either, but,
unfortunately, wus a laborer, not receiving
the wages for his aenlces which Mr Vau
rlaln received Howeve, touay my father
could get $3000 for that same alx-room
house with but a amall amount of crountl
It Is nbsolutely out of reason to compare
those days with today. In the olden days
my father and every other man with a
family (who lived out In the country) could
work In the armmer and do llko tho aqulr
leta. store away eno'iah foodatuffs and aup-
Plles ao when times did get dull In the
winter, they could sit bark of the tiro and
smoke their pipes with case, and that was
all en 110 a week Uut today It Is entirety
different. They hae to work seven das a
week, fifty-two weoka a year (Chrlatmaa In
cluded on somo Jobs In the country) to keep
the wolf from the door.
Philadelphia, December 10, 1020.
Questions Answered
The Newspaper "Morgue"
To the iMIfor of the Kvenlna Public Ltdaer,
Sir Please explain Juat what is meant
by tho "morgue" department of a city
newspaper A. D. 8,
Philadelphia. November 10, 1020.
"Morgue" Is a French word In news-
nnner otflres It Is tho nickname for the do'
partment where obituary or biographical
sketches are tiled fur use when occasion de
minds, In fact, all aorta of material for ref
ronco that may bo repaired from time to
Beautiful Christmas Ceremony
To the Editor of tho Mvcntno Public Ltdutr
Sir Pleaae tell me what ou can of the
Chrlstmaa ceremony In Home known as "The
Ilamblno "
Philadelphia. December 10, 1020
On thn Capltollne Hill, In the old city of
Homo, la the church which haa tho honor of
hi Ing the home of the Hamblno The word
"namblno" Is the Italian for "baby," and
this particular buby Is a wooden Image
which waa carved by u pious monk In the
eltv of Jerusalem about the time that Co
lumbus discovered America. The little figure
was finally sent to Home and became audi
nn ohl-rt of love and reverence that people
have for hundreds of enrs hen giving It
preaents of precious atones On Its heatl is
a llttlo crown ablaze with rubles, diamonds
nnd sapphires It has a robe of royal purple,
also resplendent with gems
This little snered Image la usually rare
fullj concealed, but on Christmas week It
Is brought out and put Into tho arms of the
Virgin Mary In one of the chapels of thla
church of Ara Coell A wooden pln'forui at
that time la built before It, and the little
children of Homo come up nnd apeak their
pieces telling of what tho good Christ child
has done for them through tho year The
fathers and mothers are gathered around on
the stone floor below nnd listen with ijul-t
rever-nee. During Christmas weok a stately
procession passes through the streets nf old
Horn- nnd In the midst Is borne, on a nilvd
platform among white. robed priests, n beau
tiful llguro of the Virgin Mother Mary, sit
ting with this same Hamblno In her arms.
The sidewalks are lined with people bnwlna;
low and many of them kneeling upon tho
Suggests Solution
To 'I' Editor of the Kvmtna PuDilc i motr
Sir In answer to a recent number prob
lem, who wants 1. 2. 3, 4, li. 0, 7. S 0
arranged In three rows so that thy will
hn counted add up to 1000 I don't think
this can be done as a straight addition and
that it is a catch ouuDtion And if such, the
following might bo the correct univr 7 1 It
plus Silt minus 2S.I figured n fiiiluwn 710
nine 301 equals U.i minus 2s3 eouats loOO
Might this possibly bo tho solution read-
i re" ' ' "
Philadelphia Dect niter 20 10.0
Y. W. C. A. Membership
ro rht h'ditur of the Kunniy PjMiC Luijtr
Sir How manv memln rs Ins the Young
Women s Christian Association '
Mra ST ('.All!
Philadelphia lietember 21 1H20
The natlon'.l board of tho Young t om n s
riirlstlan Association recent! ntutr J ,viat
.tie mbinbersMp of the u'uuclutlon 55'J
Petrova No Opera Star
1 if'n hiifuru' tht Mi-iiiiii; M( J
Sir Was MiitUiiii I'ttrovt, the
star, ever u urund opera etnger'
Philadelphia. December 20 102O
Madame Olga Petrova, the in.nK. sti.r u
not alng In grand opora, but w.ia a toncert
hall ftnuir
Poems and Songs Desired
Would Like to Find Poem
To the l.ditur of the fc'i'rniai i'lidli I ltl rr
Sir I should like to And a xoeni bev.n
"I am the virgin from this granite '.due
A hundred weary winters have I wai'hed
A lonely road that wanders at mv feet
Cheater Pa December 10 1020
Entire Poem Desired
I' Ihe f.'tlllor of tht. Fl'nilnu PuiVl. , tuQi
Olr Will you or somo correspondent (it,
the entire Iein, 'The Aftirglow one
verae of utile! 1
"Mother o' mine, in His afterglow
Of mothering .eara, I luve von su
For lovlni, lie er. Ufa I Knew
When next ur heail ., net lift are
Loving tn. Into fair thlldhouJ
When I so Httln undei stood
The long hirtl wuy we all mut go
Mother o' mine J love vuu ao
I'hlladtlphlv December 10 11120
Sends Omitted Verses
To rne f.d.tor ot thi Kvm,nu 1'nlhc l.nljrr
Sir--I ten I v,,u the two last vertvs of
' VlltlKtis and llli IMnnli '
U.FHK.D V tlivn.it
Philadelphia Decembar 21, 1020
Then be kissed her eo'd corpse a thoo'and
tlmee over.
And called her hla Dinah, too' aha was no
Wo he llnlsh-d up tho plson like a love- so
And Vlllkens and his Dinah Ho both In one
Bo all you young maidens take a warning,
he auro
That you nevei by any means offend tho
And all )ou young fellows mind who" you
cast your eyes on,
Think of Vlllkona and his Dinnh and the
cup of cold plain
Tho label on the bottle was llfltlih
Facts About an Old Song
2u f.aiMoro fit Jivaiibip I'gplle Lttloer
Kir During November I wis Interested to
notice tho discussion nnd the i.evral verelone
given of "Fifteen Men on the Dead Man's
Chest " or, aa Hubert Iuls Hteenson calls
It In "Treasure Island," "Hill Hones'
Taney." I am sending one additional verae
to one of the erclona prevlouely given. I
cannot recall where I heard It.
Davirs work wa abroad that night
xo, ho ho and a bottle of ruin'
Twas a word and a blow and a drunken
To, ho. lio and a little nf rum'
Tho helmsman lay with his head stove in
Hla nngcra clutching u belaying pin,
And his Jaws death.locked In n twisted a-rtn.
And there ho lay, and the binnaclo light
nnone on nia features through the nlgnt
My Hod, but ho waa a ghaetly eight
Yo, ho, and a buttle of rum'
I have heard that tho veralon to which tho
abovo Vereu evidently belamrs was tho work
of n. Now York newspaper man, who wroie
u as auvertmng matter for the tlrat drama
tisation of "Treaauro Island." Should any
of the rnad-rn of the People's Torum really
desire the original of this poem, tho follow
Ing. quoted from "Treasure Island, by It I,
Stevenson IMtted. with notes and on In
troductlon by Hiram Albert Vance, Ph D
tJena), professor of Kngllsh, Unlveralty ot
Nashville, published llrOD by the Mncmlllan
Co.. wlll bo of Interest Page 220, 1-19.
"2Jfteen men on the dead man's chcit.
To, ho, ho and a bottle of rum!"
The nrst two lines of n song of West In
dlan piracy, whlih originated In the wreck
of an Kngllsh buccaneer on tho cay calle 1
"Tho Dead Man's Cheat," from which It Is
said only o, quantity of rum and flfUen mn
were saved, fur the complete song, whlnh
follows. I nm Indebted to Mr. Jeffery Au...
tague, of tho Hlchmond, Va . Tlmca, who
has pieced the various fragments of thli on
'To ,ho lino of "Itlow the Man Down
fifteen men on a dead min'a cheat
Yo. 'en (heave) ho and a buttlo of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest,
Yo. 'en. ho and a bottle of rum'
(To save space I eliminate the refrain
and clve'only the remaining couplets )
They drank and they drank and they got ao
Uath from the dead man bit a chunk
They sucked his blood and thoy crunchd hla
When suddenly up came Davy Jone
And Davj Jonea had a big black Kes
The key to his locker beneath tho sea
Ho winked and he blinked like an owi ,n a
And srlnncd with a horrible kind of glee
"MV men
says he, "vou must come wl'
"Must come wl- me to the depths of the
sea '
8o he clapped them Into his locker in the
And he locked them In with his big black
In conclusion I may aay that niow tne
Man Down" U an old "sea-chantey. and I
know the words and music Tho abovo poem
ma the tune very well. In most ihanteya
the thantey-man." who may be (but Is not
always) the boatswain, singe the llrst and
third lines alone and the hands at the cap
stan ur brace ihorus the refrain heaving
in unison at certain words, that Is. at
heave ani Rt .... ln ,h nU)V rerraln
The purpose of u chantey of course. Is to
produce simultaneous effort on the part of
the men Ki Jt i, Jr
Hlaiksburg a, December 15. 1V20
"Canned" Lines
To thi Editor of the Kvrnlna Pnbic i.nloer
Hlr l'leaiie publish tho follow Ins ex
hortation ln your Interesting People n Kb
Philadelphia. December 21. 1020
All things that ou would like to eat ore In
cans at mudesl prices
Heed ni advice Despise them not their
qu.illt) auftTlrea
You tat the fitl ncaed in tin at m.iii a
high-toned dinner
In fine hotels and retaurints. and vou
haven't ifrovrn thinner
This talk about the cost of eats benn; st,
Is aure exiggerattd if not also tuntu
With mutton .mp u nine a can mil a dish
meals with frills und capers
This newav sheet ttlla whore and how
also the other pipers
So read the itdn , uch morn and night Ufon
ou di our buvlng
And ciult your Juvenile complaints, our
kicks and silly crying
PlliadtlphU IiicemlMr 21, 1020
A II ilesl'is a poim the last ,lne uf
each erse teing
"I vvant ml youth and enihustism '
Harry C Oatorro desires the Kipling
poem entitled II iota Can .t reader sup
ply us with a ton foi printing''
Tho People's Fiirniu irlll npprnr datlr
In the livening 1'iildlc I.edcrr. und also
In the Mind iv 1'iiblle Ledger, I.rltera
dleeusslng tlmrlv tntilts will lie printed,
as well as rronestnl iwems, und iiuestlons
nf general Interevt will he answered.
Mnnufncttirors' Samples
Eastern Mink Capias nnd Stoles
Hudson Seal Coats
Nearseal and Soallne Coats
Satdrrel nnd Skunk Stoics
li, isooiis tin: ta- iiiANTr.r.n
t iiHi'niNr.M'i:i nn: vntv
iatimt Mni)i:r.s i or-iidNH
One-Half the Iletail Price
Fridenbergs Loan Office
37 N. 11th St. "'M.!'"'
N. W. Cor. 9tli & IJuttonvvood Sts.
' m "er1v7Sr ... . fe
Made of Pure a
4 pair for
iri d fur unr Kpettul I la ran in Price
I is We Ii'f Ciiimu iM'in
1 57-61N.aHi-3fr. E
b p vm 1 1 t'Oii' nn I n;
j.i Uivn i;vn.inu Till io ..' CI ii. I. 1
51 II II Ordire Promptly I Hint W
or mushed iiertntor H-lulies friends nnd I. e il No 270 In ' ''41i:Vr '. " i , b .', .........--. imrnng j.. iu i io tn-reen-r nnvance
One ulmoat tould this sphvr.,,1 span ,. I rria.lo'n.. At W5r.ann..f . iVent ..nTl It .tel TATinn M D .t.e P M.I .; s f rt-r I. men. A Idr-., Main Offlr.. 2500 Atlantic
eluding the eu.UH.tor. Employts. ore Invited t, atlen I tnirl , ''?J .r,, , ,' ",," ' ,. ,, ,,,,ij,, TV at- Ifrookiv n N Y
And aalmon'pink at 'llfteen cent, and o to. i'l.Ts. tMmwluriJVlcMl'- m "Jt'n. ' i - 1-n- ii PJrL " i '-MAN w.-ie- , nn 1 .wle.ige f ...am
toast and tea v .vioruii i rivn.ja mav mil j, rr1(ite nginerln lo represi r t in Phils .list best
A ration fair I do declare, for a trip acre,, ! -1- 4lUH If w.fu uf late y,W iK 0" h, ' TWiuJ' I " -"rTTe, 'els'i'ly V.Vm, "lo'Tn" ,. Pan'd
the i I rederlck U pllksine. M I aiihlln) Fu Tn"nin"VM',rt ;- F..neral .ervL-es t I Int-il lint man d1re. Charles II rJtab
There'H fiftv seven mo., "comblnee for , ""'.-. XW,.?.-.""" Lr'n;L?e ", "" 7hT.' of Krwrin CVn'"". anV'.V J .. 1Hr.t l -tin Mm
rn IrTJtl !
1 1 Wm
Bed and Tablet In Dryn Mawr Hos
pital Planned
In memory of the Into T)r. George H
Gerhard, of Ovct brook, a bed will he
endowed in the Mryn Jlnvvr Hospital,
nnd well-known women of the suburbs
west nf this city have united In the
campaign to raise the ueeessary fund.
Trustees of the Ilryn Matvr Hospital
will ulso plnee in the building a tablet
hearing a mr-dfillion portrait, In com
memoration of his services to the hos
pital. Ur. Gerhard died last November at
the age of seventy-one. He hnd been
the fntnllv phjslclan of scores of promi
nent Main Lino resident?!. Mrs. Wil
liam H I'hiller, of Huverford, heads the
I'ommittee of women who arc raising
the $3000 necessary to endow the hos
pital bed. She said yesterday thut
whatever money above the necessary
$,'000 was received would be used to
eMablfsh tho Dr. George H Gerhard
fund fo purchase equipment for the
hoipltol fiom time to time.
Parlor nnd Ubrarr
Units made like new. We
reunliolster anything,
(let Our Kstlmatea.
Charles H. Deifleh!
100 N. 11th St.. I'hila.
l'hone Walnut 0MO
The Modem Method of
Painless Extraction of
One to 0 teeth extracted
without pain or danger
Just the thing for nervous pton
no 111 effects follow 1U Me.
Come In for examination Jfonday
, S. E. Cor. 7th & Mnrkot St.
ForrrxTly on tttaff nf prominent ifoptot
f.Ked 70 HelallveH and friends also mem
bers of Kxcelelor Dodge No 01. K. and A
M FVnwIrk Dodge. No 101 I O. O. ..
Invited to funeral, Tuea . D-c 28. 10 a. m
without further notl... from residence it
Mri r o Acton lflil 7th t Balm. N. J
Int friends Hurlal Ground Salem
husband nf l.ydla Westcoat Adams uf li)2
Locust Notice ot funeral later
Helatlves and friends are Invited to atten-t
funeral services, Wed 1 80 P m. late rest
dence, fcB(l Htenton ave fnt Mt ernuii
Cem. View remilns Tuea eve
LoV. aged DO Funeral Wed . 2 B m from
resldonio of sun-In law William " -on-way,
242 N Crelghton at. Int private fl
Peace Cem
73 Services Tues ,2pm, funeral parlors
of H P Frankenfleid a Buna, N W cor SDth
and Jprlng Harden sts Interment private.
Mt Pcico Cemetery
IIUM. Lansdalo. Dec. 25 LYDIA L
wife of Henry C. Ileum Hervicus at htr
lat resldeno" 111 Orotn st Landadalo
Wed. 12 M Int. private OreMimount Cem
HKNZDNHOKKH (nee Fable) -Dec 2.',
I1F.I.I.A widow of Phliiu J Henrenhofer
aged 01. Hcln'.lves and frl-nds are Invited
to attend funeral aervlies lato residence.
H85 H. BRth at.. Wed. 2 P in precisely
Int Mt Peace Com
t'lMPIIELL. Dec 25 1021) JOHN M
CAMPHKLU In his 71st ier He.iulem maea
Tucs 10 a m nt St Thomas' Church. Ivj
Mills. Chester Heights Pa Train leaving
Hrnad st. station B 21 a m will be mot at
CLAHK. Dec 23 P.l.l.A J CLAHK inec
Marshall), widow of Oeorg VV Clark Itela
tives und friends are invited to ntlend fu
nrral. Tuos . 1 p ill residence 2425 Fed
ernl st. Krrvlces at Chaiol of Holy Com-I
munlon. 2pm Int Mt Morlah Cem.
I'l.AItKK On Dec 21 l'JiO, MATILDA
daughtir of Matilda and the late Joseph
Clarke Helatlves and friends are Invited I
to the services Tuelay afternoun at 2
o iiK.k at the residence uf her bruther
ltlihard Clnrke. 3J50 Sanaom at Interment I
at Montrose LTemettri
Ing ifondaj
C.HINCI.L At Woodburv
n.e "S El.IZ.
AI1K1H wife of Charlea F Cornell ugd
40 Funeral Tus 1 p in , from lato resi
dence, 332 Washltistnn st Voodbur. N J
Int private llreen Cem Frlenda may call
Mon.. 7 to V p m
I'ltAIii Dec 23 at Verrtnor N J JOHN
M.H1UHT CHAIO Relatives und friends
also Vaux Lodge No 303 F and A M
Harmon) No 52 H A i' . Pllgrln- Com
inanderv, No II K T of Harrlsburg In
vltod to attend funeral service Wed 2 t.
m residence of his nephew Joleph H
lli.ile, S10 Preston st Phlla Int prlv tte
CHOWKLL Suddenls on D"c 28 JOHN
KIDDt'l.PH Jr , Idir ami of John II and
I'harlotte Crowell iriee Lau, r; aged s
HelallveH and friends Invited lo attend fu
t-M.tl services Tuea l Mt p m
ptitents' residence (HIS JefTersun t
orliAte Friends my cull Mon eve
... h.u
1 ' '
CimniHlLRY -Dec 21 11120 HAHHIET,
widow of Udwsrd I Ciibtx.rley aged DO
lb-l ilivin and friends an Invited to attend
funeral servlte"), Tues . p m . at her late
r.'illence Mil harton s' Int private.
invited, Thurs., 8 30 a m le resldetice
113S Rltner at. Solemn m.ts it requiem St
Monica's Church 10 u m li t Holy Cross
I .1 '111 1 lee O. Hi 1 I,
M hustiand
of Surah T Dubs' uae 1 11 ft. ativ.s and
friemto HUn iw ivetu-e .. n.1 I ii o
P Cjnress Encampm-nt So .17 lnU
Tribe Xn .17 1 of I'h a
fnliv leidice No
nvlled i .ttend the
t. New IluDt. Pi
3.D of New Hope are invited t
funeral from his reeidenv.
Wei Dee 2'J. 2 n ni
D n. 24
tl Krd
nn 1 elu
EIlliMVN'N At lntlor .' D n. 24
l2i HENRY huslund of reinei , tl Krd
mann aged lltl Relatives an 1 mn lelu
frlenls Inuted to aitend fun- nt, rervlus
Northwieel Cem. Phlla. W.I ll.l. i m
TON liosiHE Die .il iii2" livltUMiv.
J I'l'A "UK l",l.,ei 11,111,1', .11 I IIIFIIIII.
art Invited to funeral serv ict Wei l :io
ti m prectsi ai nor late resnier lo.'v
E.tri el Int private N'orthw ,o 1 . i
UILLIOAN Dit. 24. 1U2D lll-.SylE
daughter .f the lat . William and Ji.t o ..
llgur (n-'e Ivatansghl Relatives hIi 1 frl. i 1"
alo pup Is of the Cat'iullc Olrla Hint, iho
.nvlted to funeiiil Tues S .10 a in f- m
h.r late is dtn e "01 J IDth ft S. -nm
blah r mlem tuna' Mt i-'rant a de j-nI.h
rburcb In v m Int Cathedral
OLEVSON Det 24 MARY K wit. f
.Mlthnel K and d tugl.ler of Jatnes I' eiit
Anna E o Ilri.ni Relatives and frie'M i'i
vlled to funiral Tues li a in resiler t
170 I'lrsl itv.. , l'hoi'nUvlllv. High re.m en
mass Bt Ann x .'h ir.h 10 a m Int at
Mr a Cem Phueinxvtlle
tluRD'.N 1 1. 1. 2.5 1U2.) WILI.MVl H
t.eloved bu-tialiil tif Vnrie E (lord n. i
1-Utisiri rf) and s .i jf the latt. Mlae i. 1
PHrne.ia ilordtin I'i ro'it. from hi- .t
It bid. .n, . lll.t'i N air t t
oriIiEI, Dec 2.1 KAl'Il VRINE diu-l
ter of tin lett Kt.it Ir.-t ind Miisann., Oi .
t Puneral , n iue w , I 1 10 p m
residence f Robert Hum 2dlS " Pe.u ih
,t Int Weil laurel Hill Cm Remains
ni I v . wed Tu.s e
H vRllRllI E A' llrowr Ue S 1
l.ei 2.1 pi.'o LYSIiES li HAlUIitut h
, el 21 ruoer.il pri t . fmm hla late
residii e itrown s Mule N ,t W'ed 1 p
in Int iMutlst v'tin I'emb. rion N J
I'i It rids lnu view r. mains Tuea 7 tu ti
i in
I HAHMv D t 21 lHAHLI A sin nf
j ' eri ltd Iturgaret Harms Itehttivts jtn 1
fi litds uii Hulled 'J jlt-iil luneral Wt.I
I . 3u u m l..te r.slteiite 0s V Liimlei'
I at Solemn r lulem ina-n l ElU.tbuth s
I Chur h 10 a in Int llo.t t'luit Ceni
! IIPI.TPEI DEH lot 21 1P20 v.
i PISA T wife of thu ..tie t hrmtoph r H.tt
feid r (n. l.uwie) Puntrsl lo wnich r. la
, tlvea un 1 friends .ire Invited lues Sam.
from her latt esllc-e, 137 Millean it
1 Mass -if renu em at the t'hurih uf the s ,.
Icred Heart l 3J 11 m preu re.S Int. t,,y
1 rA... -., ,1
. Crn4
Dec 23 1120 KI IZ JANE
Merslia.H ll,i,.l wir. ,,r
!,,"i:nd funer'al.". .'jiV,!
nm lesitienc, oi virs rranK Jiursh II
dltnw od IleKhts
. law nil . ouiiiv
Int 1 avvn l. roft
Mnn 7 t I 1.1 p
i I t linos ma
i I
IIL'.IHKV 1 .v 2.1. ' IHllHriNi: M
1 It'll H K te-l. ved wlfetf vl.xit'ider W ant
l. ....v.... . I.ilrt ,.,.. I II.'. .' ,.t II.. It ..
PlI.'lHli ei w . . . ...... ". .n i tie, ,,. r i
- man me., lii.ch.r) Ka d 24 lteletii s an I
E, I frlenda invited t; .nk. . Wed 2 p m
B. kite res dence I2firt H. HOth st Int prliat.
Ivni't.oi t.m viowinv iui'h p m
1HV,lli:S Deo 21 lfl"ll KL17.A V
widow o William IluKhes iM H2 Il.lt
tlv.s ir 1 friends rre tnvlN.I t, attenl fu
nor.il Tuea 2 p m. from h-r dtutiht. rs
resld nt.e soil t'ott.ifcre bt llolinisburK.
Ill I la Int oak Lane llaptlst Church
Qroun ts
JACKSON On D.t. 21 lH2rt IdllN
JAlQl'f I liusbind of -a . II im 1. J.iKsoi (
SUld Master at R.latlvei, an I f rn n.N nri
Invited tu the a i v Ic. it W'edneeil..) tminlni;
lit 11 u clot k at tile Celiln Pi abvtirtall
Church Hit l and Maalei sts Intetiiitnt at
Wllmlnton and Hrandjwine reinetert Wll
mlnali.n Io I at 1 .10 p m
JDHNHluN - Dec 21 WIII.UM J a.m
of Murv and the ate Reliurd r It ui i
llelatlv. a ind f rl. nds an Unit. 1 i, att.nl
funeral Tu a t .In n m i.-d-m ti..
S lluliy yt HU'h t.inss if r. inlem at t lui h
"f Most Illesmd Sacrum, it lo i im Int
Holy Ceeaa
JONEt' Relatives and frlenda are Invited
to attend funeral Tues tin a m from
the residence of her til. ri tr Hiin N t
tlcton, 1130 Jael-aoii pi High i iui m mass
at Church nf Ht M ,nir i in ,i m Int St
Mary's Cm It II li N J Mt lloib
paiiers p. as. . upv
Ki;NNEIJY - lie 1.1 .IIM1I if m the
late Mlrha. 1 Ker,ntd Fun ral r,'rvlces
Tile , 2 ji in uu i ii l n . 'o Itaifihf id
rt Int Fertiwood Ccln It' mains may be
viewed Mon eve
band of Ytta Ix,w. nstetn ag.d S3 Hla
tlies and friends ur. In.lt" I to attend fu
in ml, lues 2 p m. fiom his lato resi
dence, IS.'2 .N 1.1ii f Int Adath Jeahurun
Cem Kindly onwt ftoAere
MATTHF.US Dec V3 I't.It.NARD hu"
bairl of the late Maiirtr.t i Matthewa
Helatlves nnd friend ire '.lulled to attend
funeral Wed 30 a m from 112 S 24th
st Solemn high iiass t.f reiulem fit Pat
rick Church lo a m Int ' athedral "em
MANUS wife of John K MrManus (n.e
Uhcllemi He atlvea and frlenda are inviteo
to attend funeral Tuei S .10 a m late
lesldenee. 4I1 It tlnbndgo st High mas
of ri'Oulm at S Theresa s Church io a m
In' It dt i'r .as t. em.
MeNMAHA -Of 2003 Coral St.. Dee 2:
JAMES husband of i;ilra B MeNamara
ag.d 5rt HeUtivee and friends invit.-d to
eervlces Wed .' p m n-sid. me uf son In
law Ihwnias Nmlth S8 Amte-r at Int
North I'edal Hlli tern Til rid't mat t.al.
Tues eve All of hla societies invited
MOIUIMA.V D-t 25 CLAHA I. wife
of Harrv Mohrnnn 'n.o Ouist) It. lat'vee
and friends Invited to attend funrl serv
I es Tues 2pm st parlors of J. hn P
Heuhr I'll W Husqucl.anria ave lot North
Cedar Hill Cem
MOItltts At Hurllnton N I Der 2fl
10i MAIlOAHKT Ife of the late P.lward
M rrls fr Holatlveg and friends are invited
to attend funeral from her lite residence
115 i: Vr.lon st nurlingtnn V I Wed
s 3D a m High mass of rf'tuiein i t Ht
Pauls Churtli 10 a m Int Laurel IH'I
, Mt HPHKY Dec 2 IS20 Wtl.l.HM t
MLlli'HEY lne-al mnli-i Tut i p
I tn it rejldencn uf J P Connors 231 (lren
at Int private Hemaltis niay be viewed
Mon eve
I Mt'ltPJM per !,. JKFFIlf.Y hus
'rnnl of Mary Murphy fnee Hryanti He '.a
itlv s and frlenda arn Invited to attend fu
In.rai Wed i SO a m from his late sl
'den V W for 1.1th and Llndley nv
1 oiran Sol -mn niass uf requiem Holy Ch Id
Ctmrrh 10 a in Int Holv Sepulchre i n
I NOIlMIS' - Sull-nl) Dec 21 SAH.MI
IIIfliXiMALL wlf of Uenjainln F Norman
daughter uf t. l"t Jaek'nn and Matilda
Ieidy Fun inil Wid : i in , realdence of
I husband 11 I. nn lioulevurd Host I-ane
downe Int Wondiiinds Ctm Friends may
call Tu k 1 to b p in
O'KKIJFE - Dee 23, JOHN C . husband
of the late Margtret O'Keefe Helatlves
and friends St Carthage Holy Name Ho
I ciety Dlv No 31 A O II . Phlla County
Hoard A OH. Aerie No 42. v. u i; . ana
Court Cross Kets F of A . are invited to
attend funeral Tues S 30 a m late resi
dence nno" Locust st Solemn requiem mass
Bt Carthago's Church 10 a. in. Int. H ;ly
Cross Cem
PHAL (r.ee Hnders) Relatives and friends
invited to services on Tuesday as S P m.
at lato residence SI" N. Allison et Inter
ment private. West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
Frlenla may call Mnndai. H to 10 P m.
Onil Dec 21. MAHOAHKT daughter of
IM late Andrew and Margaret Orr Itela
tlies nnd friends are lnvltid te attend fu
neral Tue 7 30 a in late roller 4013
Klngs.ssing av Solemn regii.nn tr.su nt
St Fran. i de Halea' Church San Int
H. ! i'rns Cem .
PATTON On Dec 25 1920 I01IN. hus
band uf the late Margaret Limits. v Patton
Services on Tueed-vv afternoon ut 2 o clocs
nt his r. "Idence 41 N Puxon nt Interment
private Friends mav call Mondav evmlng
PINKRHTON ftuldenlt on Ie. 21
U'M.I.UM I himlnnil of t.tr 4. Pinker
ton of 3703 Haverford ue u,.ittlvea and
friends, also William I. Kleins Ixxtge .-io
i,4rt r and A M Ke stone t'hapter No
173 It A M Kt John s "oinmunder No
4 K T und other orgni iutlona of which
he ML ii member lire inle,l to th, serv
ices on Tuesd.tv nftern .r. nt 2 oclutl: at
the Oliver II nalr Hldir lljn t'liestnut st
Interment at Westm.nst r 0in"t. rv It.
mains mav bo viewed Mo'nlav 'ventriK
band of the late J. n.'fe Prlnilw Hela
tlves and friends ar. invit.-d to attend fu
neral services Tus .' to P m at his late
residence. Mllnor st T. rreslai. Phlla Int
private nemalne may te vievted Mon eve
HATTin Dec 21 ALFHRD huband of
Mary Kattlc In Ms 44th year Relatives
and friends also all orders of which he waa
a member Invited to funeral eervlcee Tues.
2 p. m.. at late residence 3021 Ilnwlo st ,
Taconv Int Magnolia Cen- Friends ma
call Mon . 7 to 0 p m.
PlTDIl Relatives ami friends are invited
to attend funeral Tues .Sam frun the
resldenre ot tils eon-ln-law Philip Orai
Mlnso Hotel West Conshoho. ken High mass
at St ilerlrule s Church 0 30 a m Int St
Matthew's New Cm
HAAKH Hit Dec 2(1 tf.20 CHAHLF.S
SAAKK SH husband of ICntl- Snake (nee
Messwr) itire.l 74 Services Wd 2 P m.
residence. 107 N bth st Int Laurel Hill
HAWYBR Suddenly Die 24 rHARLKS
II hu.il. nn 1 tf the lnte Annie ."awv r Fi
ner tl to whteh relatives and friends ruso
emplojea of N'avv Y'ard and all em Mies
r wn eh be has a memuer ara invr.-o
, "'" J-
Wed I t. m residence of Ms son law
llreii 2210 a 22a si in
cm Friends may call Tues
after s p m
I SILK Dm. 2.1 JOHN I husban 1 of
i Marearet fllk Relatives and frl.-nds are ni-
vlted to attend funeral W'ed S 3o a m
from his late residence. 121o N 10th st
1-olcmn requiem n aas at Oesu Church lo
a m Int. fluty Cross I'-m
1 SMITH Dec 25 IlDlinRT eon of the
i. i7.'org' and susan X'nltl egt.I 01
.It ntlves en! frords nr. nivlt-d to ntt.nJ
fun. rul services Tu. n m rellnia
lif sister In .aw Mr" "mlth 1014 V
'ti ' further e-rvitee an.i 'r.t vv . o
ki W llllHinstow n la
srritiil of - 30
a in train rrom i'r'i.
SPANOI nil - ATWOOD husband uf Mar
gnr,t f,pang.r n.letlves nnd f lends n -o
.- - T ..I,... V. ll f- nn.l A .
'V ll-ll KIUII ,,Muer 'v ... . n..-. . ...
I'h IP bvhu.l. r Ctr - No 40 II of A It
vlt.d to funeral Ti"Ma at 1 do t. . lo. k
fri.in parlor of Wm Conn 2ni2 N ".'ri st
M'EKVKS (inl.ee 2. 11120 (.HWr K
S'IFI'VEel it J " I'h-stnut at s. rt I
in W. iln-"1H iil'ere, win .11 l oi t .i -
ih. lillver It IJir 11 dg IS2H I'he tr.i" Mt
In. rm.nt pruate K.nlv oinlt tliw'-
Toe 2 n
TIUiM 4.S Lrtte of .20 S "lh st D
24 WALTER sun cf M.rgaret Thomas
.th 1 .1.1 Relatives and rr end. tn' Ited to at.
i ten t funeral services Tu-s 11
1 elaelt at tho Patld II r. r uv er
H!d2 .
' Ilroad and Dlumond sts ln private
i 'UloMP'iiN iw 24 javes W
band of Annie Thornim-n R1 t-ltes en.;
friends also Southvveetern imi N'e is
C M P Phlla 1O.V 'i 11 1. O O
i II i ri. nters- i
' Ptt.nl fuieril str
i Wlniroh .tKlt'ir s
i v. i'n. nters' I ooil N S i-e Invited
'ett.nl fuieril stnl lute r. l ' n e nip
i Wlnirnh nKlmr a' Tue 2 t r- r'erls-n
TIHHETT.S De 23 HARK1 N !iii
bend of .'II - Hoffman and son f w t r H
and Mart Net.on Tlbb'tts .. :. ' lii.
nert, aervl.. a Wed 2 p m it r.i r. -I
Ill (lie ,, , I . - -,'IT-Iiv.'l, e, t'l,
priv te rrlenda mi) csli Tue-
j, m.
I TIPPER Y -Dei 21 EMM w f
I ipperv runerl wnkM Tues n
at Armitrong h 1127-20 N Hroa 1 et
I private
lltll -On De ', 11)20 H. ll.it 1
i I. w 'f Wili.un Irei Reiatn .
n i
f nds alv ( s ..1 tlilv ..r II v M
h- I
l.m" o' 'n "tcno ueiirt oi -it ft
w ie .i . ii rn.oe .. o So i el 1,1 Jni J
W..lni.lt) m.rniiiit at So oclock fr. -.1
h. i 'at r.s'l.-i. 'll.l 2'h at ".'J'"",
',".,. ","".'; lriln--n pr,v te hUU
11 '" "' ,rk lru ",' n' f'v-.te
ilth'Av'Y D-c 24 MICHAEL J I u-
bund o' Mit T tao r.e 7 mininm E.
i . i
vv e i e ji, a m re. it nee Hole
.piiri.t' . 1 i i- ! mn n ass ,,f rtuuum at
hurth a il at )Te-.i.u tttraincrt 10 n m '
In Hi Iv i i ,n, im .
rWlNlNti Su-Uenlt nt ii t.rltstonn
I. iw."il Mon' i .1". It ' 'Ii TWIN I
IN , m his I'tllh eer Ilea ve, ,ii fr endi
e e In. tel t itt.'J tu-. r 'r n. Wuhta
n Kii'i la Me. tina Hiust, wii third lav,
'1 A..i ii M. tub 2Mn 1 1o p ni I
M KMlXid, I) .'I -t I. .....e -.1
li'ili .'.J K 'urn:. lliil,. '11 I N '
J W M.ltl.LMIN v. vtlf, .f J, m Un. ,
n-nt.liC i.iied 27 Ii. at. ts ui 1 rri'1,1"
III "ltlt.d Ij ..llond tall .. . r.l . W,J
2 p in previa l .,r . a f J - Ilttke
Im I .1730 ., rint'itt'.v.i ave Ph..u .'nt
pr veie Koiviai Itllla Cem.
i IvILLVIrill IVt .1 JvillN tin. I XIKIt
act I tt.1 H'litlvts ar. 1 fri 'li Is are nut d
to itt rtl funs.ul W'i I I J noon late rest
(, e New Charon itlausbiru pllte t v
. W .ivi.l N J 8. evi. t .ml mt ut Tr n'i
'luiheran Chu-t-h I'tiU P in tUv rt-'
p i- ns Tues eve
W .4f.llS" 'n Dot 24 JH..' -.A VII r
!' bus! tll.l I Al 1 . VI V lie. f Serv
I K -a on Widntsd.v atterin.on at 2 uuth it
Mis ' li rent lente 221 ' hi etiui e' lu
, in ral tnd mt tinc-nt priv tt
1 WIPDwP - Det 21 P.vtVI v tifH (
W r kilt W lilo Rela ilea all 1 f len Is i ro
llli Ud t alt' Od fur-ral -.i. w ee Tues
, ' So p m It'e restlene,. tlntu 'oh et
.1 prl ate lv Hill Cell! lew rt-malns
, M n eve
Wll SuN Dti 2") It... I IHAl.l.l. t'OR
MHl vll f .' i" I'h 11 Him en ..I 71
llellllv.s nl fit.nla ute Invllt.l in attenl
lun'riil . 'i ce Wed III in u h. r
,', rtsd. ii 11.11 Hn I a . Im iin.it.
ll"li II" -' -I MANN v Wlt.-nS;
Pan. ral Tutu 1" - ni lr on liin, im
! Old I a lii s hul Ufintiii ,i. In i - v it
ISKItlM l her r 'den. Vlriiin
Pa dillldat llu.lHnK Det, 2.1 11. .0 fRY
1 tif. .r ih. la" James II Windrim
N oi. f fun r il le't i
I W'OOI Deu 2, 1IKA.NVlt UHUIt
'hiHimiii ot Mti rVt. w.'ii K uv,
i friends mil t leTtiJat ns t thti. h.
I , it memtiiii iiivltentfi lur.. r..i - iv.-, ,
I Wi.l . t in i. .itlfiic "tel, . SpriifcUi v. ,
! iierm mt""'! Int filiate Itiinilns may
. p. ll w.d Tu eve
I i.t I M VN l. . . I Illl .Si I M
t fe ui rjmt ins i . iv i ri ti i It, ! t i e ,, i ,
,,i !.! invited l . rv s lm .' p ,
) asaawasagaManaaMinsieanuw es oiaT"
rcaldence, 2433 N Mjrtlewoial bt. Int.
Pei.e cem Friends may call Mon. evt.
J "'k Su.lden.i it 20JS 11 due hiv
u,. nn
SVh Ins' Will MM 11 Zt'Ck aged it'l
ja s Funernl mrvltis will be held at Ht
Paul .i l.uth.rm c hitr- h J2d at, above Co
Uml la i. Tiieiilet tienns 8 o'clock. In
termetit end forth -r n.rv' s on Wednesdas
11 o clock at Zion Hills Church, near
1'09'-1 AND FOUND
DLl'wHIT HOOK Ixist deposit tsvok No.
2S.1SA2 with the Western Saving Fund 8o
elely loop Walnut at Reward
DtXl Lost, Dee 2.1 Iliarlc and "tan Airedale
pup 0 months old pink nose is n hlohi
T.. J' J' Jl"artny H403 N jjtb
st , Philadelphia
t0O "iynrday "a fferii.Tuti- cm Wlssaholckn
(how dog amttera tu name rtltllken. Ilha.
erai reward offer 1 Anelv Aire it n alien
Towntida st Chmttut HIM
31 IT 'ASK Lost drees suitcase, marlttd
II P (Tirmed from nut., betttien 20'h srt
21st on Chestnut st lam Dec 23. Hii
wird p livos le-dger Office
WAI.I.r.T teist wnll-t fn . -titpiil Dirt of
ts Chrlitmis nluh' . . nt ,mini amn.il im
moiiev letters tnlterane etc flno rawrd
for imm r. turn II 70'. Ledger Office.
WILL JAMF.fl MOHAN ho called at mv
le-iuse 13J0 Tasker at Saturday Dec 1!
In r-forence to a lo-t nnc. communicate VrJih
m.. will be of .n'creet t. him J H
I'orlnir. 13U) Tasker at Phone Dtcklnaon
10'M w
TOM HfcLl. Write. "to 'lorn Murray, Silt
Olendaio ae Lon- Heach. Calif,: fin
i.irt ir
vhb Ptin.ic lkdokh co DRRmiw Tins
mi:m with at u-.AHr two YKArtr
"uvalknti ,:DUCAT,ON on ira
T'7iJK. .white fur institution Coll Chen
CisiKINO and downstairs work no laundry
white pref Blklns Park Ph Meln so 13S3
OIP1 s Learn to I rumu rTttendanta
month board.
room laundrj
3 221) Areh st
UIP.L for general housework reliable for
mall family no wnkhlng, reference re-
oulred Phon; Met ose 081 "
NCrtJK practical or mother s helper Ha
tlned mlddle-iged woman to care for year
old child, .(iil borne and pay in German
tow n M 114 L'dger Ofrtct
i-ALESLADY If you Cfuld malTe 1 to 8
nn hour act. Ing hnalerv from factory dl
rett l , tiBsr would 1 vou tr' Write us today
Ta Worth Mill Meehunlcsbura-. Pa.
BALKHWOMLN wanted fur waist and Psttl
,.SoaJ,id','ir,m"l, Apply Thresher rfroa
1322 Chesln.lt st.
BHOES Kxperlenced table girls fitters and
operators wanted Apply Laird, Behober
- Co 22d and Market second floor;
hTKNOORAPHKH Mm b. rjuick accurate
and willing v ante I for 3 weeks Apply
between 9 and 10 71H Crozer Hldir 142o
( hrstnut at
YOL'NO LA"DYfor lnv r..deW,rtrnnti muet
be accural! and fiLifhfui ,e,i-L.e -La ..
sltlon for capable erson II Ton fe-dger Oft
YOf.Ml woman In Ins,. ,tion and wre.pplnr
depirtment. di kiikKihhs . xperlence pre-
ferred U F Dow.es 1122-24 Chertnnt at
MA KB MONEY AT HOMi: You can earn
trum II to 32 an I uur in vour spare time
writing show cards oulcklv and easily
learned, no canvassing we teach ou how
and sell . jur work Write today for full
parti iiie.ro to Amercnn Show Card Hcbool
gsn Pirle Itldg Toronto . annda
TKACHIIHS wanted in West good salaries'
.nderful opportunlt -s only normal and
college graduates ar-epted Write Western
Advanr.mcnt Association 802 W Evelyn
st Io wistown Mont
KARN J25 weekly apre time writing- for
newspapers, magazines , cup unnec. da
tails freo Press Sjndlcate 122, at. Lou I a.
ill Il.Nnil for brick plant In Snow Hill, MM.:
Hate uge exi rlcncu and salary expected
references resulted. Address P o Hog 201
enow Hill Md
CHAl'l I-Kb H.I waiiteo eooo pay ateadr esa
ployment. Apply Nell Oronberg. euperln
tendenl GaiaVer rily I'ati i'n tat7 vin ,.
FORD DRIVFR R, ute man to ..over Penn"
sjlvanla and South fo- long.eetabllahtd
und nruwing firm, salary cinnmlaslnn, ex
penses average llo net at start, advance
ment suretj bond renulred give references.
Adlress Main Office. 231)0 Atlantic ave.
Brooklyn N J
MKN Iarge rorporat'en nreds servleea of
good nun In Pennsjlvanla Maryland Dela
ware and New Jerrej those with chnrueie.
ability and sool loc.ii aroualntanee will tarn
minimum of 30'io per ear and untlmtlxi
maximum If you contemplate a change on
or bfo-r January 1. pleas- address ua eon-lld-ntlnllv
M f.ift lo-dge. Office
PRESSMEN on 2 large cv Under presses
running on hajf-t' n. and color work
atat.i If union or nonunion only htgh-grade
men ne-d hppIv. steady vork. high pay; M
13 I.teiqee QfUc.
PHINTHH J ih piintfp si' ornpoaltor one
w th t,xp-nnc.) In ooun'r; aiop preferred
Appl S't wtown Knt.r'-ls Newtown. Pa
SALESMAN ,nd ir I ..k-W- have tn
opportunity In ..ur irgam.-.atlon for a high
g-sde ruiMP-niutlve to imndl railroad and
Iron rrorsislt on p endld arrangements will
be m id with the i Ighi parti Including fall
faitlltleM co-orernM in nn! ails this open
.nr i frie an i rr-.rtijrii for very larae
r turns Oentra1 Properties Inc 8, W
cor ir.th and W i nut -its
!LKSMVN nciuiintel Philadelphia mea1
trii le wide aw ilte hard plunger, push
' sr
'altv eerv'ce fur mm' successful concern
Ur.. salary uminlssljn 23 2 weeks
&ALKSM N Wnnt.d i-rene.d paint and
tarn -th sidesman rami .ir ullli western
Vngtnla and Weet tirginfi t. rrltory atate
age ext'tilence refwr. in . and i-ompcnsatlon
exiier'td M 202 Ledger Cifdee
wanted to nandie the Kkom
bowiina Pin machine agent, tnaHIng large
proftts united Tool Die Co Hartford
SAI.E.-iMHN Opportunity tnr s ambitious
men to sll eleitrlc washti s maehlnes ar.s
i vacuum cleaners, on.y live wlrea, exreptloni,
i thinr- for ndvar.rement Call 122 S 11th
' Me flell
sl F'sir prominent N Y e .mninv rep
r, ,Mril nun s'.ire n tem hnvlni.
..,. . , ut rite In Phlla w she. to neat-.
s. . r
Das n
n re
21 '
good salesmen
Dr.. 1.1 t Ph..
Appl) to Mr
Spruee 3SH7
i vv vvil l Klrst-e uns ul1 i. round genera
1 . ..li ...l,.e fir... .!.. i .lii.. ep..ivn een
....j . . .e .. " . ....' - -...' ......,. ...
,.1H foi l.nr rrt.,,1, l...n. in town
s.ti. 30 iuIIm nt Thi Hlphu with uirnc
ie- iir.et (unvJltturit- punlilon permment
f r niK-tttit mnn t Jj IiIkt Offlca
frum nl0 t0 ,20, PBr month Knj
nm" im short h urs travel! 3 month'
lh'Vr' '" ' ur'J'r """" t JOJ
I ,u, n, Kir , ,, or booster No
. -itanrtsrl Iluilnesi Training Institute.
ii.Ti NY
E llC' 21 we.Ulv .
- v, vi rv m ik',.alii
't, , T . , - in. i ,, .
nm. vvrltlnir foi
itnn-ies detail"
s- I ui. Mo
i hit rRM-'ss" v st'.i, I'n-n I- mversation
ijl ''I tKefr,. n." J 'I -' ' t't.lo Ojeen
Y7.)i MIIiDI I. iT, II I KlVKlV IN
'll.l l.lt'l N'l I Itt lltl li ..P ttHAR
ISO 1 I -Iliv- P..-1T1. N s- I'At-TOHT
(leTIt I INHTll l"l' N i I' PRIVATl'
PAilll-V. H Vrilll 1.INI.HV ,tII,DRRS
ilOiU' SK IM.ST It' -s - fi 'IISTANI)"
lIH''EII.'IDni ill"- ' NJ' KS flUNAIlI V
HIKrfirN. P IS l'I'N'I.IirD M 1S1
i : ii .1 i.pi-t k
" v'OrfT At r-fil VTtNT
IUI .rj.i' man eltl M ..ira' riperlane
. ! im .tt 1 tli'l ne Mrii't lines will be
,,pei for ! si. on .1 out I'.' 1 li don Ixl Off
AUKS IS- lie a. i nn ir 'i advertise end dle-ii-iiu'e
sal iwies t. t isimcr write qu'CV
(in t.rrltorv .md p . riltulure Albert Mills
,'i n,T ii manager 2l ' All., rleuli Hldg ClO
vifl-Viri Kveiaiiin iu'i h. on loinm eel I In
peNi h ni m li' ii" necensary Irre
, Mihe iMiifmnn . .I Jo it ta tint day, iirollt
jj w i ite rt Craft Prn.l.ii'ls Co New
l.irrN V
M N to work this u tv r ilnlshlim hands
II. rfc tie as lads en. omul I'es b nillv
rneth id tl" d.lls without capital nr e
p. rieme Wrl'e (iuniiH lal Co 232 Elm
lie.stur ll
Sv.IKi4vI.vN -Md line ..il'lnu on hardware
irnle aitttl ti v eimm'.tlin on ri-orders
., , unit i i r II I nt a s n Tarver
I t'i . s pur. N 'v Y.rk iji
-"i T IT- M K s it . rl'ite.d or ,"ir.. rienee"a
, ,lt oi 1 velll.K Tlte fir Hs of lints
nn, full par rum. I lre .Sailounl Hales
n,l , r vvlei.l lion I lattrteiit 277
i h ii.. 111.
i,i: I'S Make ii it ilia an hour sell melt
.1 i aitsii I .t'i l"' .nil) n u leaks
i, li ii. ns is "i iii.l. free Mendet Co
v. so i . t irv V
-T K l.l -I'h I ' 1 ) lv I'm ii i i, in
i ill V. ii v i ni m ( niM'il
i ID eulil etltpr platinum plntrd ' are ole'
a it Jewelry teeth plu .-v I'i'UKiit fir uen
.. Ibl" I 1. Clark n n.ti U7 Uaniom,
iundrr fl;
.. ..frtfc. 'V I -v 4'!