nim' ''--' -V A EVENING inJBLlO1 JDGMV-PHILADELPHIA, ElilJDAY, sl)JLUJivMJbEK 24, 1J20 j4 DREAMLAND ADVENTURES The Sailing Sled It; oaoos x. CIIAl'TKIl V Ned Btriiime Tent vtED the ImnUsomo young mlllonalre, IN vnnte.l to dnnco every, dance With didn't do Ihl. as ho had to be PoHto it,,irin.i"il'iWoUi'er,miildon wero clamor n "t'ot W. P"ne? So , ho danced only Jnery other Janco with her. When ho danced with Clarabelle, tho stumbled nnd faltered. "Isn't 1'rlnccBs Marigold a pretty dancer and hriMi't she aliretty name 1' whnercd Ned. Now Clarabcllo didn't uin Turn to talk that way so her answer S Tinfr "Humph, wo havo a kitchen mW meA Marigold, and h!io Is a pretty dancer I" Clarabelle said this not becauso riio liked Marigold, but bocause film was jealous of this strango princess and wanted to be mean to her. Sho dldn t have any Idea that this princess .vas Marigold ncrecu. Then when Ned danced with Anna-beile- tho other daughter of Madam I'rou'd he couldn't And anything to talk ibout except Marigold. "Sho lias nuen Sswcct name." ho said, "and sho danced hko a fairy." And Annabellc was Jeal ous, too. "Humph 1" sho sneered. "We havo a dancing kitchen maid at home whose namo Is Marigold." I3ut Anna bello never thought that thlB Marigold was the other Marigold who was sup posed to bo homo washing tho dinner dishes. , Now It happened that Marigold heard these snocrs nnd they alarmed her. "What will Ned think when ho finds I sm only a poor kitchen maid?" she vrhls ptred to herself. Finally the clock struck 11. and Ned ordend tho music to stop. Tho dancera gathered around to hear what ho had to say. "My friends," ho cried, "every youth iteks for his brldo a maiden who Is joung, fair, sweet and graceful. These morlts I have found In many damsels with whom I havo danced this night. As he Bald this all tho maidens with nhom he had danced crowded forward, tach thinking sho would be his choice. And in tho very front rank were Clara belle and Annnbellc. Ned's glanco swept over all of them and rested on Marigold, who shyly stood far back. "Ono other point of merit a' bride i-hould have she should be able to cook," declared Ned. A gasp of amaze ment went up from tho maidens, rhej had never thought of such a thing. "Behold, I havo arranged a final test, cried Nod. waving his hand. At the signal, uervants nwept aside banks or ferns and flowers that had stood against cno wall, and there was a row of cook ing tables and gas stoveB. "I want a brldo who can cook good rrlddle cakes, of which 1 am very fond. Jald Ned. "Here aro Hour, water, hot prlddlcs nnd all things that aro needed. To her who cooks tho best shall I give my truo love." Now this surprised and dismayed the maidens, particularly Clarabolio and Annabolle. They had no Idea a hand iomo young millionaire would demand a wlfo who could cook. Soma of tho maidens drew back from tho test, hut when servants offered tliem t, cooking aprons they slowly put them on They didn't want to lose the chance of winning Ned and his riches. All were nervbus and filled with doubts as they began to stir the Brlddlcake batter--all except one, and she stepped fcruard eagerly to take tho test. Can you guess which one that was ho was eager for this cooking te.tT p.. vnl cuess who will win .y5" for by cookhig tho best griddle cakes? ran you tell what is going to happen In tho next chapter? CIIAl'TKIl VI A'cfs Griddle Cakes TAUOIITBU nnd Jollity filled tho Lle'Tayiy diagVrr Hk?ryheard; "'.' umph! We don't have, to mako ClarabelU i S'nc I Annabclle. the daughters tr"yeslawerieaUvo that' to our cooks." iried tlw other maldcns-all except Mxr'gold She went ahead deftly mixing her batter, then she tested the heat of the griddle. She knew exactly what to dsomo of tho maidens among them was Cla?abee made tho batter too IMn and it ran over the griddle and Mo X o fire, burning and "corchlnB. Some if the maldens-and among them was Annabclle made tho tatter too thick and their cakes were ab toughens leather and as heavy as ead. Ned went along tho row of cooking tnbles and gaB stoves nnd a frown camo to his face Never had he seen such a lot of spoiled grlddlo cakes. The far ther he went tho more disgusted Ned became and the more he turned up hU nose. Not a batch wa fit to feed to pigs They woro overdone, or under done; they were too thick ortoothn; they had too much sour milk or too little sour milk. Hut from a stove half hidden among tho palms came appetizing odors float ing through tho Bmoko from the other Krlddles Ned sniffed and sniffed again. "Ah I What is this 1 smell?" ho cried, and he strode over to tho stove. There en tho griddle wero wonderful grlddlo Skea, brown, crisp. Just thin enough. iut thick enough, done to a turn. An who was the cook of thcao wonderful trlddlo cakes? Why. Marigold, tho kitchen maid, of course. 'Such delicious cakCH I have never teen or smelled!" cried Ned. "I will have them for my party supper, whllo mv guests feast on the other good things my cooks have prepared." "Humph! Our kitchen maid at homo an cook as good grlddlo cakes as Iiom)'" sneered Clarabelle and Anna bels, their cold eyes turning groen with jealousy. , ,. ., . Hut Ned paid no attention to the r Jeers. Ho took a plate ot Marigolds hot grlddlo cakes In one hand and ho took Marigold's fingers In his other hnnd and ho led her to the supper room . . ... i. ... I.I.. - nh. ftnnri wnero lie seaieu ucr m. "? & And as they went along Ned whispered to Marigold loud enough for Peggy and Jillly and Judge Owl to hear "lpu have won the test. After supper we will creep way to tomo hidden corner and there I will Bet down on my knees and ask you to bo my young, fair sweet, graceful, good-cooking bride." "And then you will be happy ever after," murmured Peggy, but she spoke too soon, for at that moment a dread ful thing happened. In front of Ned'B placo nt tho table was a large bowl of roses, the bowl It self being nearly filled with water. "You shall wear the falrebt of these flowors!" ho said, leaning forward to A Fair Price and Satisfactory Service Electrical construction of lighting and power equip ment for industrial plants, power houses, municipal buildings, etc. Estimates given covoring every detail and guarantee ing proper arrangement. Our engineering depart ment is at your disposal. George Woodward, Jr. 1723 SANSON ST. " Philadelphia Helli flpruco 0U0. Keyatone; nae 1203 pluok the prettiest rose from the bunch to give to Marigold. In the stem of the rose was a thom. The thorn pricked Ned's finger and as he Jorkod It away ho .knocked over the bowl. Splash! The water went nil ovor Marigold and her dress of tissue paper and Chrlstmas-tree tinsel. Now, every ono knows what that will do to tissue p'aper. At one moment Marigold was clad In a frock of fetch ing beauty. In another momont sho was dressed In a dripping sop of tear ing paper. With a Bhrlek Marigold Jumped to her feet She had only one thought thnt was to get away beforo Ned end tho others found that she wan only a kitchen maid who had been dressed In tlssuo paper and tinsel lnttend of tn. richly garbed princess they thought her to be. At her heels were Peggy and Hilly. They throw over her their own fairy godmother and fairy footman cloaks and fled after her. She ran straight to tho sailing sled. Billy wrapped her It. her blankets and comfortoru, tho wind cnught tho sail and away they went spinning back homo again. After them ran Ned, the young mil lionaire frantically trying to catch his chosen bride. Hut Ned saw only a white Hall scudding across tho snowy fields a sail that was lost to view almost as soon as ho had glimpsed It. Ills Marl- gold was gone. Do you think Ned will follow Mari gold? Do you think ho will find her7 And If ho finds her In the kitchen. will ho Ktlll want her for his brldo? What do you suppose will happen In tho coming week's story7 HUMAN CURIOS The 1 rente t of Chens ririyers Parents who, rending of the triumphs of elght-yenr-old Samuel ItzecheWlskl, the Polish boy who has startled the chess world, wonder whether their chil dren could grow up to be a prodigy of this sort might do well to keep before them tho example afforded by the life of Taul Morphy, admittedly the greatest of chess players, who died after his mind had practically given way under the ab normal Btraln of playing a number of games blindfolded. Tho chroniclers of his triumphs ngreo In stating that Morphy won them with tho ease which marks tho achievements of genius. Horn In New Orleans In 1837, of mixed Spanish nnd French ancestry, Morphy, beforo reaching the age of twonty-two, has proven himself to bo tho chess genius of his time, defeating decisively the lending experts of Europe and America. Included In the list of tho masters whom ho conquered was An dorssen, then tho foremost of foreign champions and a player of exceptional brilliancy. But Morphy won from his opponent by tho score- of seven games to two, with two drawn. It was not the single games, however, which proved to bo such a drain on the brain of the Loulslnna expert It was the spectacular exhibitions In which Morphy played against scores of other c'xperts, defeating them with monoto nous regularity. As time went on Mor phy found difficulty In discovering any opponent worthy of his skill, and flnnlly took up tho practice of law, In which his father had distinguished himself. Theoretically, tho problems of the bar should present Interesting studies to a mind which has mastered the Intrica cies of chess, but, as a matter of fact, Mornhy'a mind had been sapped by hlB almost superhuman efforts over the chessboard, and ho died at tho age of forty-seven, his brain burned out nnd his power for concentration almost en tirely lost. Monday The Strange Cane of Jf. I). Stnrr '44, JTi&f Settles It One Home, at Least, Will Have An Appropriate Xmas Scene T WAS In one of thoso stores whero It Is possible to buy a mininturo Christmas Bcenc, the Christ child resting ou the straw in the manger, the Messed Mother, the humble nnriipntpr nml tho three sllCP herds wlio. followed tho star from afar. QiHetly the nged woman stood there nt the counter picking up first one figure, then another, with n reverent loving tiufch. "I've been savine mi for onc'of thrso ye 'sets for dear knows Jiow long." she confided to the snlesmon. "I'd ftsk onc of tho children to give it to me, only they'd think I was too religious. But this year I mritlc up my mind I'd go nhrntl nnd buy it myself." After much deliberation nnd changing of mind sho had picked out4.ho Bet thnt pleased her most. "I'm going to put It all on a stable nnd then I'll put a light In the window. Don't you think that's n pretty idea, to put a light in the window on Chrlstmns Eve?" she asked almost wistfully. , . In n few minutes she wns out on the street mingling with the crowd of rush, ing, Jostling last-minute buyers. No onc knew what she carried in the big, heavy bundle. Not one in n hundred would have ever dreamed it, for Christ inas Is n supreme puruuuA. "i. the drama consummately human and consummately divine. THE girl with the furs nnd the pnnlc stricken face worked her way through the ciowd and nrnvon iirriun lcsslv nt the parcel-post counter of the postofflcc nt Ninth nnd Market streets. "Did the mail go yet?" ho gasped pnntingly. ... ,, , "What mnil. Indy?" enme the calm reply. "Wo have mall Hint goes off everv few minutes." "I mean I mean the mnil thnt wni mailed about nn hour ngo." "Oh. that," returned tho clerk In a renssurlng manner. "Don't you worry about thnt, lady. That's well on the wnv by this time." Tho girl with the furs inndc her way slowly back through the crowd and it was only when she reached the edge that she burst forth in horrified tones to n clinncc woman bystander. "I (,cnt n pink silk camisole to n young mnn!" "I WANT one of the kind that folds tlixnn Inira Viu I fu I II fl flu if lfWU I VlllsU lln. j-1 1 1 - intuit- w iiwwiii. What's that you snirt? No. not exactly like that. It's not one of those straight things kind of slopes doesn't always work, but when it doesn't you enn use flatlrons." The mnn who stood on tho widewnlk nearby listening in dropped his jaw lower nnd lower. What in the name of common sense was the mun talking about? -. But the denier who had pntiontiy taken in the whole recltnl never batted an eyelid. It was the ,100th time lie X. MSZsyM I ) i'iiK I r'w&Sit V- ?M 'ij'lili i v uumnmuYTWir y' mi ni a UMgrZ i. M Uf HVwror MMiu in Jm ww 1 til -vmffl 'lVin W 4mWn aw & '-.0 IgssississH J1 WJMWP'.. hnd listened to the story or one thnt went like It thnt morning. Kor today Is Chrlstmns eve nnd the man wns hunting for his favorite Christmas rec standi STOTESBURY AS SANTA Distribute Gifts at Recreation Center fr. and Mrs. E. T. Stotcsbury will play Hnnta Glaus this evening to 800 ?S&:?S&;;3S VA ' msir i mi 33 TTh5p&fcrvfr ttPi CJjrisitmasi t( m 3fit our mcrrp-mafetns let ua not lotfe Kigfjt of tlje teal Significance of tfyte gacreb 33ap tlje amttoertfarp of tfje fairtfj of im tofjo bieb tfjat toe misbt Itbe. tt tig lip our Itoes gtrtoe to brins about ttjp. $eace on (Eartfj Our Stores will be closed all day tomorrow. Open tonight until 10.00 P. M. ICtlVW .4 :3&r32 Cream Wheat is a highly concen-j trated and econom ic food.' One pack age will make nine quarts of delicious cooked food. Can you beat this for economy? , -v " llttlo' children who will attend a Chrlstmns party In tho Stnrr Garden recreation center at Seventh and Iom bard street. Tho entertainment will begin nt C o'clock. A Chrlstm88 tree twenty-five feet high will bo tho sparkling center of the festivities. This a well as hundreds of dollars worth of gifts which will bo given to the youngsters ns the donntion of the Stotesburys. .Mrs. Htotcsoury will distribute tho -presents person- ally. Tn nddltlnn to dolls nnd all sorts of toys to be given out each little girl and boy present will receive a box contain ing fruit, randy, enke and ice cream. After the distribution of gifts the children will entertain their benefnetors with dancing, under the direction of P. Scbmid, superintendent of tho recrea tion center. rfr 7"CPfr5N fcr t& Greetings! e extent, to efoerp one our sincere toiafjetf for a jWerrp Xmag &oob OTilt to iWen" p:S:S KKMOlOlffl NOTICIM FrlFiid mis u KniEMU.s' siki:tino notmr,. Montgomery pike .Morion, wan estnulUhed 10S2 Hsre Wllllnm I'nnrf worshiped, nn well as many other noted Krlenili. Ono of the hlatorlrnl fpots of America Is open for worahlp every Firm-day (Hundayl morning at 11 o'clock. Visitor cordially Invited. ITfubrtrrlin AIMBH HT. ( 1H lt( It. isth and Arch At the Chrlstmaa Servlcon tho rholr will be as slsted by Harry AlelnlkofT. violinist. Ui tho morning, and in tho ovenlng by lloTerco Adlo Welghtman. harpist, nml UfMrand A Austin, cellist, Dr. Macartney will proven at 10-45 on ''If Chrlxt Hod Not (Vim" a study of tho slato of tho world If Christ had not been born At H he will preach nil "Satan Why Does flod Suffer lllm' ' This will to tho 7lh sermon In tho series nn Dlfflrultlci In Dollef, or Questions tho I'oople Are Asking. Is there an Hvll -'i .i it as well as n (lond? and aro we Itfnomnt of th devices of Patau? Recital of Music nt 7.30. Mers uiblo Class nt 11! A spe cial Invllutlbn t students nnd traveling men. Protectant Knlwroptit 'nntlnneil ST. AM)Ki;u-.s ! i:. (.lit lt(II aflth and llarlng sts. Ilev WIM.IAM J. COX. Hector. Hpeclsl Christmas Services December L'l. 10.10 p. m Musical Brv I'e Choir assisted by Mr I.uc'us Cole violin, Mr Anthony Muzzi. cello. Mr Jardnll Simons, trombone. Miss Hell piano Mr Herbert A. Jerome orfran. Mr Jumes A Crnbtree choirmaster. 1 1 oly Communlo n a rid Sermon hTT I'KTKIl'M CliritCII. 3d nnd Pine sts. Itev Kdward M. Jerferys. H T. D , Hector 7J0n n1 Holy Communion. II on a m Murrr'nir Seivlco, fiermon by tho Jle II. J. MoFotrldgo. Tho Choir will sing ' Te eum In C" Martin "Jubilate In H flat" Stanford "Mercy and Truth" Sinlner '."annus and Olnrla In II flat". Stanford X 00 p m Congregational Carol Service Short address by tho Hev. H II "ntrher Chfilr of 40 men arl bos will fe 'ure tho ItCSSIAM CIlOHAI.fl HKHVICK of Smol enskv and familiar Christmas Carols. vT. TITIW Clll'ltrtl S4th nn,l Tlnicum avo Itev II M o IIITF. olllelatlng Christmas Day Holy Communion and Sermon 10 a m. Sunday December 2C Holy Communion and Srrmon 11 a m I'nltnrl in TUB CMT.RtN Cllt'UCll (IT (IKIIMAN TtlWN, (lreone st nnd V Cholten ave. Sunday. December 20, 1520 Rervloe nt 11 a in Tho Minlstor Itov. HOCHIR S. FOnnnS, will preach Subject "The Other Cheek." All aro Invited. rJ.L.Borsch&Coni Opticians Kryptok Bifocals Our Specialty 1324WalnutSt. L217 So. 9th St. J A REAL TRUCK Do you know you can Bet a used truclc of Standard make for about one-quarter of the or'Klnal coHt? Tlmken Hears. Continental motors, Brown & Llpo Trnnclml.sslons Do not neglect to get ono of tho two or three-ton trucks wo h.ue re placed with new equipment Seo Mr. Caple. Atlantic Refining Company 3144 Pas.syunk Avenue Why you need Resinol Ointment Tho eamo soothing, healing, an tiseptic properties that mako Resi nol Ointment bo effectlvo for skin troublo also mako it tho ideal household remedy for Burns Scalds Cuts Scratches Wounds BruKcs Sores Bolls Ulrcrs Felons Pimples Cold-sores Challngs Stings Piles Irritations And a scoro of other troubles which constantly arise In ie-y home, es pecially whero then .iro children. That Is why PLesinul Ointment should bo on your nn Ulelno shelf, ready for Immediate u-e. Snmrjle free Your l!r "'"' "", samplo nnd a mlnlntur,. r ,K of Il.-slnol Soap, wrlto to DeM 1 V. IUslnol Chemleal Co., Dalllmure MJ. PAKCEL POST GLASSES LOW A3 ljrs I L.xumlned I rre M. Tyrt A Joseph, Inc. 733 Sun-oni St. rrrscrlptions Filled iintiuiai i.jes iiiDcnru WrlU or pltonn for sample and prices n cntiTViiT'P Arfi. iiu 1 rank. e j, tiumuiiM i..ii. for, "HAIRO"" Tho new selp food Hair renower dandruff remov.-r Trice. $1.00 Vtr l a postpaid stamps oi cash. C VN( 1) MT.CLVI.ITV CO. Oniee. 2.1S New street I'hllsi. Ertelt's 1 iclor Vietrala Salesroom Large Assortment of Itecorils aii. i uiiuiiiiut eu -....,, t... .t UI.. 2135 North Front Stv 2135 DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bring us your diamonds If you want to realize tho highest P isslble prlco for then No matter what othira toll you they ar worth, k'et nur prlco heforo ou sell. We puy So 00 to .100.00 for cai-h diamond mora than others pay Reo us and bo convinced, Wo buy any aire, shape or color, Pawn tickers for diamonds hnuaht. KRI.I.Y CO, CAT.I. 0S2 CIIF.STNTT T. I'hnno Wnlnnt 7SM. Suite 21-K rrlvole nfflee ?d floor, srer CMMi Ttet OLOs- PH0T06RAPHS REPRODUCED ANY SIZE AND FINISH STUDIO OPEN SUNDAYS C. Mylnnd & Son ZI2S N. FRONT S3- $-5.00 YJlJP Men's Overcoats Walters' Pawn Shop 004 Vine Street Open K mines Until Chrlsrmns J.S-M -,UOKUD IO TUB ClIX' -" PAKOEI' POST ADDINf: f f "nellef Adder" adds MLIU11NU I J qlllrIl), n,rri,telT anr rnlnmn of figures, I'orkrt site. I'rlee FlflT nts. Money hack If not us represented niPANin-.x co. iinx tut DIAMOND'S BOUGHT Hlchest prls pnld. H to in cnrntB- tlO t" $3300, old gold, platinum nnd s Ivor bought The Diamond Shop , h -J?' EVENING CLOTHES to unci: ami rnn mam. l'till Dress mid Tnxriln "nils Cutnuiits for Morning eddlncs I..Hrst .Model of highest iiiiallly SAMUEL COOPER ."Ihh 1010 GIRARD AVE. ,.!;; COLN MACHINE Cell Krult and othors. Card ltel (1U17 Modsls, Jackpot 1'oksr Card, lweyi. lou niw nd rebuilt. All bargains. Kasteni Ofllre LOAN NHVIII.TV MTO. CO. ! N, Bth SI. ia Phon.. lull rnolar tilt TCV. FULL DRESS TI'XKDO. CUTAWAY. III.fl & PIUNCI AI.IinttT S ITS TO HIRE Open Krenlngs nibert 4208 MILLER w. r. rim istii a iiiMiiui)(ir. sts. NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME AND SAVE MONEY With m.v complete Instructions for remoi mic tbe dust. dirt, nnd frrcne spots from j-our nll paper, joii run stir many n dollar, and the complete Instructions ure ours for only 25c roln. Hunt inlas tills oprmrtunlt.v, send noiv. JAMES T. HERR 2919 W. NORTH AVE. BALTIMORE, MD. PAINTS REDUCED House Paints, $2.25 and $3.25 per gallon. Linseed Oil Paint C1.50 for i-oofs& barns gal. Flat White heavy Ql'1? body gal. High-grade White 4-00 enamel gal. Poplar 2658 DISKAN S. E. Cor. 12th & Girard Ave. l THE CLOTHES MAN 11L.U.1.. Xmtks Bargains Overcoats Ulsterettes Suits bomo tmporti'l m"d,'s S itoits, tlim. jouik men'- aisles to '.I J 10. $in u I tTTi &'A 3 LADIES' CLOTHING Wraps and Coats nolMa Velnu- r m Rme trim '!, I'-un tt: i&. $10 op SPORT SUITS, $10 Dresses New Spring stjlos In b . -i. T- tn Ciimbinatltns. AH sizes J75' mi'i'uo f P7 UP FUR COATS Muskrat Hudsm Seal. Ileu r f" t1. IVII ILUICtX O linlnlirlilee xt-. nri:v rvr.Ni(.s siniti: oitnr.ics ,rt i:i'Tri U. S. ARMY TRANSPORT NEW HATS Genuine regulation V. S. Govt.; waterproof khnki and wool cloth. Fine for all out doors. cl.."0 Miluo, Sent Parcel Past I'rcpaid Purchased From U. S. Navy 80,000 Pairs Genuine Leather Half Soles 50c a Pair SunJ ivmpaid AM now. Fit any also shns Hpeeial prloss In lama quantltlts to hoi) repairers an I dsalers Army Trading Co. 303 Market St.. Phila, Pa. 'mm ijxaj jljj mil m.mixumu m i iy 7 I PAHOEIi POST KEYS MADE TO ORDER 2 for 25c clubf) and orvanfi f inrisi I'iilLADfiLPIIIA KEY CO. ln N. Ilranil St.. I'lilla.. I'd. MINTKIl KnsollTJJ ATLANTIC CITY N. J. nft4f i . MiuAniii.L;iiTiriiVi. i An.Amfl.ncaa Haarlot lofDistiivctioivaiviiKjealCor riRBPROOP QARAOI. capacity coo. WaRer jr lue OCnaiOr walk Fireproof. Amsrv Plan f I 00 day Corno now and spend th. holidays with us Com , homellks Chrltm with bountiful tree. Will you b her.T flflarlborouafiBlcnMm UoiiAhWhlte A Son Compmny, SsWIJbTJ'HlRB Vlrxlma Ae. nnd lie.tcli. Cap. 3S0. PrlvaU oaths, run water, elevator etc, Amer. Pia KAM I.I.I.IS. Owner N J COLLINS. M Hotel Bocobel Kentucky avo. Return. no l p weekly Phono 117 A. U, MAUION HOTEL CONTINENTAL lwayn ipen. Always nRily. Trmi mod -tA phon or writ. M Wilrh Dune. r.Aicr.wooi). n. j. LAUREL -HOUSE UKEWOOD.N.J. The Joys of the Yulelide ar accentuated by tho dellshtful Christ mas spirit nnd home-llko charm at Laurel llous Down IhrouKh the years history at Laurel Houso rtcrds Tule'ldes of happi ness for those discriminating folk who iae made It their holiday home. In the healthful, halsam-scented plno woods surround. ns I.akcwood thera Is found tho red-berrlcd holly, the laurri and hleh-hldden numns of tho mistletoe. Golf, rlillne nil sports A. ,J. MI Kl-iiY Manater 1L1U'1IY, Asst. Alcr, Laurel-in-the-Pines Lakewooc, N. J. Situated among the Plnea and overlookinR Lake Cnrasaljo New "Pines Orlll" 18-hols dolf Court Prtvato Tennis Courts. Rldlne. Shaded Walk Flshlnr, Music Private Qararo. New Klectro-hvdmtherany Uath System. FRANK F. RIIUTK. Msnaier. n-nVi rtmnti nf nrn a mltrx? jl arwrm ' Members New York Ptnek Kiehann. I UKKWOOb N J In the Pines- all eoortf, Ilooklet Write TOWNSHIP C01IITTEE. roroNr. moi'vtains Mount Poeoun, Pa. Tho OntwOOfi "'" n "" "nr. eleconl 1 nc vimwoa loenllon. sneelal fall and winter rates Ilonblet K I. T. V. Arrraan. nnrKT Mnl'NT N. c. RICKS HOTEL ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. Mldnny Iletuern N V. nnd JscksonTllls r I., si l I'laco to Break Your Trip'1 . diuderu lnrouRnout, Accom. ouo. Writs for Information T. I.. III.A.ND. I'rop. SAVANNAH. OA. At beautiful SavannaJj. Oa.. tho paradise for rolfsrs, m it irlsts fishermen, hunts men an.d tourists. Fireproof. IV ins without bath. (2 day; rooms with bath. $2. SO day up. J. 11. round rresldrnt fieorce I. Alhea, Manarsr KO( lv MOl NTMNs. N. r, THE HOTEL DORETA "ON TIIF. IlIMH IIMillWAY" Amerli an plan sii c t.kl attention to Auto I'nM es Tj inc City Oat. s and (Jolf Links. AIKEN. S. C. boutliC.irolIna's I'rrralerRraart Highland Park Hotel I orii.s Di:cn.MHEit to mat "I'ossrssfs rt charm all Its own" CUMATI2 UKCHCATION nNVIRONiTEITB Address .1. J SA i:i:Ni:V. Munacrr nimnrr Whltefare Inn. Lake I'lsrld. N. Y wiiiTf: srr.i'iu it si'uivr.s. r. va." w ii 1 1 1: (,ii r. M I.I'lirit xl'UIM.W V. VA. 'Mil. MATHS AMI HKM.TII ri.oitiii.v For Ilooklet of rLDHIDA IiST COAST ItrMjrn wrny J43 atli Are.. New York. (iltKBN IIVi: M'HI.MJH. FL,. QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL (ireen Cote Sprints, Florida rtreproof hutel nh mu1 Improvem'tj ani convs. Hot gulpho-muiinesla sprlruis an4 nm hi. K'it. bathlns casino tennis, huntlnf. Itatis I'i pir lUy upwards with meals. Hum mer conneitlon II itel IJunmure, Lake Dun more Vt IMi-l N'urljn Like fleoiga. N, f. nnsrnr Mtnvn. ST. ai (,i stim:. fi.. GOLF AT ST. AUGUSTINE HOTEL ALCAZAR Now Open PONCE DE LEON Opens Janun v th FLORIDA'S I DUAL WINTLK CLIMATE lT I'M M ltl.( II. FI . Hotel Salt Air ft'iF." Vs r..m Hcnh bri',tiy nv 1 u ' ushout. V. . unsun istMi ii au bdtmntr Huoklet h rat s in ,pt , tn ii S'mt & .Nraaa, l'ropi Lake" Court Apts. "r!,l' fVr,.,nf n damdn nr.Arn. rr. . Daylona Beach Hotel Irrtid vcranflHH fac- tho Ocean ThornujrhlY .tjt rn .u n ur m - ll d Hates S3 60 to ,,. i-r 1 'n ti n I' an. I'M.uii . ri (II'KN AI.I. 1I1F. K.U PUTNAM HOUSE lI.TK. IXA run i MM:if. fi" Hotel Rova! Palm rn,; Slrrrs. rid. ,H Ilnle O.i'f Fli-hlnu, Hw'mnilnit r ol Krsry rt Ith Jla 111 J I. NTIHON Mansr. " iiim.i. i:nt licit. ins. fij Tin: HKI.I.KVIFAV II. Ural r llrlshls. Fla. MIMI. II A VISIT MIAMI Uookleta. Chamhrr of Cnimnrrre. Miami. 11. 1 HF.IIMI IIA "Islands of Sunshine" HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA ,M 1 in in i .nstrui'l II Hlnl tllieratiun .j" !ii 'ik tti'ti 1 a'l Flieproof A' ommc dtnons fur lino M imiKMni nt uf J A. 8h rrard N V Oilier. U.I mil Ave.. Spur Trarrl llarailsl UJoolUstJ Cftlilo Addrtai ''Hotel ii:ml'U ', (JO pr, 3 A-vrrt n?i7-v itfjji&ffi'&t 'SatfarvnaA fT'i-p i:n9 jftiiSi! mm i Vsnasssassamsfe r ; Mt X. t t