Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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" "iw,(1n)j.
? I TJwriwr?rA
Slffl HAS
fugitive Sloops Under Parents'
Roof Virtually Unguardod
Following Surrender
Hy tlio Associated Press
EI Paso, Ic ,23. Clnra Unrton
gmth Ropt untler her parents' roofltist
W' . L 1 l-1.1nl, ,mi-n
... !... mi November 22. Mis
whicn ui- ....
-..i.i. .nmp to .TiinrcJ!. opposite hpre,
t nUht, surrendered to Sheriff Buck
firrft. " Armnorc, wrih.. unu un
..Ven to the lll'nip Ol nrrmmrr, .ihiihm
.. ..t VI linen, whom nhi Hncnt
! !iI"1 7 "i?..! tn,lnv. If her Condi.
nn ifcrnillte'il, Bhe wns .to be tnken
tin ""'!' . Vnr Anlmnrn. to n en.1 tn
jbonril i w -nnnwllnn with thp
Sth of 'Tne I" "nmon ln tl"lt clty'
n November 20.
little f ,1C Hlory of hcr lsnPPenr
.ntt from Ardmore following the shoot
ln of Hiwion on November 21. una
mi? rS,1,.,L.."'f.h J.mnllP, Ip nnlr
MiS' Willi" o i" ..,.. ...,
i iTrmntlon K ven out regnnlliic the
SSfSiflUt om Juarez, to cfilbua.
flllV man he met on the train from
... to rhlhunhun must hnve been
jMYCti-M-nt," he sale I. "She Unci never
SSbta before. They ,11.1 not even
.ilk the fame InnKtmse. He npnronohe.
r' knowing fhe wns In trouble, anil
luntrerel to shield her. and Clara re
ft her trust In him. He guarded her
J,enrefnll as though kIip were his own
J' 111 1.nfi n tnlvnnln T hn.
.Mill 1 0IH'r iiiiii. n ........ " -
iii fiml bhMwI that friend to hor hn
tor hour of nml ... -
Thp irieiiii """ ... ii.ii.iin.il .
f!al the fnther Hald, who took Clara
Mils home und his wife became Clara'H
companion. The official policed his es
tate win privuiu ini.-.i..." v.- c. ,. ....
fife and not even her own brother
'Jimmy." aR1 nineteen, could nn
.fonr, until he had thoroughly estab
iihf(l hit identity.
"Clara It broken in health, ' the
father said. "Her mother and I can
iw.t!ce It. The strain has been too much
for her The ordeal Is not over yet. I
kore (inil gives hit nirriisui w ui
i .L-i l ..nf fn nntryn Wrt fl ft. plflll
the Is home, and after all this Is over
(he'd going to stay vnn us.
When asked for an interview, ansa
rhillh snld she wanted to give her st)ry
to the Associated Press, but she was
tro tired last night. Later her at
torneys announced that they had ad
v!eil that kIio give utit no further
rtatenicnts because of the charges
cjnlnst hor. I.atp last night a physician
MM nimmoned to ndminister to her.
Ilani'in was shot In nn Ardniore hotel,
and before his death guve out a state
Kfnt raying the shooting was accidental,
md relieiing Miss Smith of all blame.
Tlie county nltnrncj, however, swore out
a warrant, which later was changed to
niururr unu iiiiuuirr i-iiiiiuiiiiug u siuiu
torj eliargc.
After n conference, fiarrett said
tnat he would telegraph to Kansis Pit
.. !,... fl C.Ifli'u r.it.la ...litnl.
I'l IIU.'- .i..". .until. ,-i iniunni ....nil
Hire opened there some weeks ago, scut
I (! to Ardiuorc.
"I hnie nothing to wear except this,"
I mtlng to her blue serge dress, the glri
It Is Not Too
Late to Make
Them All
Happy This
i - -v .J y
A,U M,y
Buy Today and
Tomorrow on
Your Own Terms
and You Will
Have Your
"t""! OOTHUNtnrotQulUTY
for Christmas
I "Ac l.nrn.t 'lll.l.... !.(.
4''e In Philadelphia With
' f.nraeat Selection of
'1't Talking Machine
8U Chestnut Street
Is reported lo have told. Hie sheriff after
the two had entered her father's home..
According to a friend of the family
who was present, the greeting at the.
house wns dramntlc.
"Ind, good old dad," the returning
daughter shouted as her father came out
to meet her '1 hey embraced.
Mrs. Hmlth came from another room
and Clnra (lung herself into her nrtns.
"Claru," was nil the girl's mother
Miss Smith snld nothing but clung
to her mothvr u full minute.
"Would you have run away from
Ardmore If you had seen me nt my
window?" the sheriff is said to hnu
asked the girl.
"Hun away?" repeated Miss Hmlth.
as she shot a sidelong giatiro and
ftmlled. "I didn't run away. I drove
up and down for a long time after the
shooting, as you know. If I had seen
jou, I would hnve gojic to you. You're
the very one I did want to see.
Oklahoma. Clly. Dec. 2,1. "Clara
Smith will be arraigned within a few
hours after she and Sheriff Garrett, of
Carter county, return to Ardmore ntul
the case probablj will come to trial late
In .Innunry," County Attorney Husscll
H. Ilrown, who instigated tlie search
for Miss Smith and filed the charge nf
Future Assured Philmont Club
Boys by Ellis A. Gimbel
at Xmas Dinnor
and n vaudeville show. Women who
Inlded In the nct,iml serving of the din
'tier Included Mrs. Kills A. Ulmbel.
Mrs. Milton Ilcrold, .Mrs. Henry
Htrouse, Mrs. Kly K. Sellg, Mrs. Jo
seph N. Hnellenburg, Mrs. Frldolyn
Klelsher. Mrs. I. 11. Silverman, Mrs.
Hnymoiul Slotter and Mrs. Kdwnrd
Oolf caddies to act as auxiliary crime
detectors and working In the Interests
of the siirburban police, wns a move
advocnted by Kills A. Olmbel, merchant
ntul clubman, at one nf three Christ
mas festivals given the bos of three
country clubs todny.
Permanent positions with large cor
porations', with a chance to work and
ndvnnce themselves Into positions of
real worth but positions obtained only
..... ..n. ...1..1 i, i i i.- i- ..1-i.t " r, I'liiiiiviuiHiions incriiru iiy I'uirit'iu
ttnrtlTK?JV effective service os caddies on the
shortly before he returned to Ardmore. g(,f lourMf WPr0 prornuort by Mr.
Dllll ncoo ni am oiito (ilmbel In his annual talk to the boys
BUILDERS PLAN CUTS of the Phllinnnt Club.
Two hundred and sixty -five boys
were guests nt the Christmas dinner nl
the Philmont Club, of which Mr. dim
Jie Superfine 6ma Cai
Change Advocated to Bring Return
to Normal Conditions
Resolutions urging action looking to
the reduction of costs in the building
Industry by builders, with a Umv to
furnishing emnlojment for mnnv work
ers now out of jobs, were adopted at a
hel is the president. Two thousand dol
lars were distributed nn clft rnnnev to
the caddies j but to twelve of'the list I
there were special prizes awards for
good records of service during the year.
It wan during the award of these
meeting of representatives .of eighteen i prlml (lnl Mr, Gimbel snld he plan
major divisions of the building Indus
tries in riiiliidclphia, on Tuesday.
P.tilldcrs are urged to reconstruct
schcduleii of puy. which, while providing
living wages, would assist in the re
turn to tiormnl conditions. Those who
signed the resolutions were:
Willinii' M. Anderson, Henry K.
Itaton, Herbert K. Hear, Hear Kngl
neerlng and Constpn tlon Co.: J. B.
Urcnncmnn, J. K. ltrennemau Co. ; W.
T. Ilrown, Jr., Klcetro Construction
Co. ; .Tunics Hnvlcs, Cramp & Co. ;
D. F. Ptirkln, Jr. : John A. Diirnss,
Khrct Hooting and Manufacturing Co. ;
Thnmns M. Kvans, CJIobe Automntic
Springier Co. ; Kdwnrd P. Flannery,
J. N. Oill Co.; Herbert AV. (leshwlnd,
Peter flrny. William dray & Sons:
John n. Holleran, Kdwnrd Atkins Co. ; ,
John G. Huiniihrejs, John C. Humph
reys & Son: A. D. Irwin, Irwin &
Ieghton; Amos "i, I.esher, Charles K.
Kelin & Co.. Inc. ; Donald Macdregor,
I). A. Macdregor & Co. ; Arthur D. ,
Smith, deorge W. Smith Co.; Joseph i
M. Steele. William Steele & Sons Co
Whllmorc II. Taylor, Frank W. TaylorJ
& Son ; F. F. Turner. Kensby & '
Mattlson Co.; Harold Wnttfl, William
H. Watts & Co. ; Ilarclay Wiiltc, Har-
clay White & Co. j
Colorado Man Offers Solution fori
Farm Labor Problem '
Denver, Dec. 2.1. One wife for each !
man in the cities, two for each man
on the farm this is what deorge
Smith, n Colorado farmer, suggests to
dovernor Shoup as a solution of the
farm problem In n letter received nt '
the governor's office.
Adoption of the suggestioft, Smith be
lieves, will make dovernor Shoup a
greater man thnn Lincoln, but the gov- ,
ernor has pot decided whether he will
include Smith's suggestion in his mes
sage to the Legislature as one of the '
proposed measures for the relief of the I
t olorauo farmer, nmith gives a num
ber of reasons in support of his suggestion.
ncd a promotion system for the cad
dies, by which the recommendations
which will mean good poistions will be
forthcoming. He urged thnt the boys
be awake In the watching of suspicious
characters, or nn untoward incidents
nt this time when crime is prevalent
everywhere, and to reKrt immediately I
to the suburban police nny incidents
which might tend to nvert a crime or j
result in the arrest of the criminal. (
The dinner nt Philmont was planner
by the officlnls of the club, nnd the pro-
gram included the prize distribution
The small car has
always been most
profitable to run;
the Templar has
made it most
popular to own.
Retail Nnlra,
822 North Hroad Street
I'honrl Pnplnr 7SS7 v
Oprn Kffnlnts
CtmUnd, Otils
,he2rW&(feasvrt& fe
For the Man
Splendid Old Single Color Porcelains, Figures and
Vases of Old Pottery and Bronze Shades of
Simple, Dignified Forms Made of Old Brocades
and Hand Woven Tapestries, Lamps That Will
Compliment Their Surroundings.
5afii 5Gt.
R All
vS&w Sizes
W All
I wl Widths '
k ?ia Ready .
I ? Vo'W
'Jo IZZciK.
nV -frAaw cj...
Vv :v.;.;."-A
W .J:
Now that you've got your Christmas
buying done give a thought to your
self! Be your own Santa Claus to the ex
tent of a pair of these shoes
Aew; 1921 Models at
the New 1921 Price!
Wing -Tips!
Half Brogue
Tips !
Made of a leather that
looks, feels and wears more
like cordovan than any
thing except the genuine
shell stock. Takes a high
polish in the real cordovan
browns. Style, Service and
Satisfaction at the old-time
" I
And if you could have
bought such shoes last year
for 10.00 you rvould have
called them a bargain!
921 Market Street
4028 Lancaster Avenue
60th and Chestnut Streets
2736 Germantown Avenue
5604 Germantown Avenue
All Ilallahan Stores Open Every Evening Until Christ mas
Strawbri DGE s-QOTH i er.
Nearing the Close of Our Busiest and Greatest
Christmas Season, but with Ample Supplies
and Good Service Assured for Friday's Shoppers
Last Christmas Concert
To-morrow at 9:30
The Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus, our Store
Family and our customers have enjoyed the most delight
f ul and inspiring series of early morning concerts we have
ever given. To-morrow's concert will be the last of this
year. Everybody cordially invited.
Program for Friday, December 24th
Shout the Glad Tidings Herbert .. Tily
Then Round About the Starry Throne (from "Samson")
Geo. Frederic Handel
Behold I Bring You Good Tidings John Gosb
(a) Nativity Song T. Frederick H. Candlyn
(b) Sleep, Holy Babe Chan. W. Pkhclla
Hallelujah Chorus (from "The Messiah"). Geo. Frederic Handel
The Jewelry Store
Will Help You
There's never any question
about a piece of well-selected I
Jewelry you can make it as i
personal or impersonal as you
choose: I
Hair Pbus
Hat Pins
Veil Pins
, Bead Necklaces
La Vallicre
Opera- Glasses
Slwe Buckles
1 Mesh Bags
1 Powder Boxes
; Cigarette Cases
, Masonic
, Jewelry
Men's Watches
Wrist Watches
Watch Chains
Scarf Pins
Cuff Links
Collar Buttons
Vest Buttons
Collar Pins'
Cuff Pins
Lingerie Clasps
Belt Buckles
Hand-made Waists
Of soft batiste and sheer
French voile, with hand-drawn
work, hand-embroidery and trim
ming of fine laces, some special
at $4.00 and $5.00. Others up
to $10.00.
French Voile Waists
Lavishly trimmed with luces
and dainty embroidery, those at
the higher prices trimmed with
real Irish and filet laces, ?2.25 to
Georgette Waists
In the new light shades, flesh
and white, hand-embroidered and
trimmed with filet, Venise and
Valenciennes laces. Prices, $5.00
to $18.00.
SirawlirMitA 4 Clothier Second Floor
StrawbrldKP t Clothier Aluks 8. 0
and 10, Marlcet Htreet: nnd Ilulcon
Or Gloves
.WOMEN'S Long Kid Gloves,
$6.50 to $10.50. Strap-wrist
Capeskin Gloves with heavy em
broidery, $0.75. Double Silk
Gloves, in strap-wrist and two
clasD styles $2.50 and $2.75.
MEN'S Fur Gloves and
Gauntlets $5.50 to $17.50
Sure to Please Are
Crane's Candies
In Gift Boxes
Crane's Chocolates a delight
to the last morsel. Not only
are the Candies delicious, but
they are packed jn artistic
gift boxes. Ask for Heap
o'Livin', Canary Cottage, or
Cleopatra Packages. Among
the loveliest arc Packages
with reproduction of famous
Maxfield Parrish pictures.
One-pound Pnckagts $1.25 to
Chocolate-covered Nuts $2.00
n pound
Htr.iwbrldire & Clothier n.isment
t I
Aluli-s l'J ntul 13 M.irk.'t Slr.vt I !
How About HIM?
For he has been a jolly good fellow through
it all. Tending to his own business hustling out
to buy gifts for others and footing all bills with
a smile. Maybe he hasn't stopped to think of his
own needs his mind has been too full of making
other people happy. You may call him "Dad,"
you may call him "Hubby," or you may call him
"Brother" but the finest thing you could give
him, the gift which will surely warm the cockles
of his heart', the gift he DESERVES would be
one of these
Fur-lined or Fur-Collar Overcoats which are now
reduced in price. Formerly $65.00 to $350.00
now $49.00 to $245.00.
Separate Evening or Fancy Vests; Evening Dress Clothes,
Raincoats and many other clothing gifts can be had here quickly.
- Mr.xwbrl.lr.. & i"lithir neennd Fluor, K.nt
Just in Time for Last Day
Seekers of Men's Gifts
$2.50 and $3.50 Shirts at $1.95
$4.00 to $5.00 Shirts at $2.50
Two exceptional lots secured at a price concession through
tho manufacturer's desire to close out surplus stocks beforo the
year's end. Wo have just about enough to last the day as they
will be bought several to a dozen at a time. Also of interest
Outing Flannel Night Shirts $1.75
Outing Flannel Pajamas now $2.15
(a BtrwbrldKO Clothier Bant Store ruiitli Strict
MBA JHV ,m FV'AiUllHllH.
Golden Special To-morrow in Honor
of Santa Claus
Twenty -six Lots of Toys
At Half Original Prices
Our famous dailj Gulden Special is. usuallj one large lot of one
kind of merchandise. For the day before Christinas we intro
duce an innovation, multiplying the attractiveness of the Golden
Special by twenty-six in fact, counting different sizes of some of
the articles, there are more than twenty-six different lots
reduced to EXACTLY ONE-HALF the original fair prices, under
the Golden Special signs to-morrow. Look for the illuminated
sign, then for the signs with the circular Golden Special trade
mark in yellow, on various tables in the Toy Store.
$5.00 Doll Homes $2.50 $1.00 Noah's Arks 50c
$1.00 Steel Trains, to pull now 50c
$1.50 and $2,50 Electric Motors 75c and $1.25
$1.00 Barnyard Animals ?tou 50c each
$1.00 Cut-out Birds 50c 50c Puzzle Pictures 25c
$1.25 Boomerang Cars hou' 63c each
5c to 15c Tree Ornaments 3c, 5c and 8c each
$1.00 Tricky Triangle Puzzle Blocks now 50c
Artificial Christmas Trees, just half price
$1.25 Play Swords GSc $1.00 Soldiers 50c a box
Children's 35c to 50c Play Dishes 18c and 25c
$3.00 to $6.00 Pieces of Play Furniture $1.50 to $3.00
$2.50 Tooncrville Trolley Toys now $1.25
$1.00 to $6.50 Aeroplanes now 50c to $3.25
$5.00 Gilbert Rapid-fire Cannon now $2.50 f
$2.50 Wooden Toys, to pull now $1.25
$V.OO Shoo-fly Rocking Horses now $4.50
$6.00 and $7.50 Automobile Garages $3.00 and $3.75
$2.00 Big Red Locomotives, to pull $1.00
$2.00 to $4.75 Horscs-and-Wagons $1.00 to $2.38
Girls' $1.50 to $2.25 Embroidery Sets 75c to $1.13
50c to $1.25 Santa Clans Ten Pins now 25c to 63c
50c to $1.15 Nested Blocks now 25c to 58c
Str.ittbrldfre & flothler Kjurth floor
Boys' Winter
Sleeping Garments
Under Price
Our own make of boys' warm,
fleecy Outing Flannel Sleeping
Garments. Roomy in cut, care
fully made:
Joy' S2.00 Night Shirta $1.50
fi iit' S.'.M Pajamrw $2.00
Hoys' SJ.SS Pajamas jf.'.i'.T
he onJ rioor, cYntri . K.nt
How to Send
Flowers hy Cable
Over the Sea
Just call at the Main Disk,
ami we will take .our order
for Christmas Flowers (or
other gift articles) to be de
livered by Hanods, of Lon
don, an where in thi- British
Isle.- or on the Continent.
His Hat Size Is All
You Need-
Men Fur Caps,
Reduced from u pruo that
was almost double these rich
looking Black Coney Caps will
make fine gifts for motorists or
men out-of-doors much of the
time. All .izes ii- to 7 in
the lotnow $7.75.
Mmm.r'ilK'' i'lith.r
.ii . ..ri l Kin ir l irk I ii ,i
Stationery Ready
For Last Hour Gifts
If you have been delayed in
doing your Christmas shopping,
boxes of fine Stationery, large
ind small, are displayed for quick
selection. Writing Poper or Cor
respondence Cards from 25c to
?14.00 a box.
Fountain Pens $1.7 a to $10.00
Eccrvharp Pencils $1.7S to $6.00
Program-size, Eversharp Pencils
Hook Consoles $i.00 to $12.00
Diik .sVcy and Separate Pieces.
Dinrtec. for 1921.
liuttn.cv e French Stationery.
trt,w tii'i tf t i.'lolhtT Al.l 111 intrn
Don't Forget
Gift Slippers
Eerybod likes Slippers.
Knowing this, we have Slippers
for everyone, even ut the last
minute. Warm Felt Comfys for
men, women and children, beau
tiful Boudoir Slippers and Mules
to match a woman's Negligees,
Partj Slippers for little tots and
for older girls and boys. For
women not only exquisite Eve
ning Slippers, but novel new
Pumps and Slippers for daytime
wear. For boys Rubber Boots
nnd Storm Boots. And don't for
get a pair of Buckles for party
Slippers. Gift Slippers in pro-
fus.on. hirnhnde k I'lnthlrr-
IliRhth and Klllx-rt Street
Women's Fur Coats
Neck Furs and Muffs
Under Regular Prices
FUR COATS of all kinds, for sports, for motoring,
or made in elaborate wrap effects for afternoon and
evening wear.
NECK FURS in cape effects', chokers, crush collars,
pelerines, animal scarfs, of all desirable furs.
MUFFS, in all the new shapes and sizes, of Furs to
match, in nearly every instance.
And All at Remarkable Savings
Sy Strawbridge A Clothier-Second Hnor. l'llhert Street . and Centre