Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 23, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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Those Selected Show Socioty,
Business and Professional
J Workors Will Docldo Cases
fiocletr. busing -"i.""!
women ire Included In the Initial lint
Tf women drnwn for Jury duty In thn
Jl.-.inl nnd Common Plena Courts.
Municipal nnd Common Plena Court,
There arc clerks nnd hounewlvca, ste-
nrnherR nnd opcrntorg in the lint, an
?SEn5l. The list Is not yet com.
1 . HI S1IIIf II
few names will h
liXi nrlor to convening of the .Tanu-
pry feinloni.
names Is that of Ml
v.7r tooth. 2103 De Lnncey pmcc,
fine oi my
of Thomai
&k !': Are,
with whom she mnkM
C home She Is nn amistiut rcglrtrnr
5, .he Pennsylvania Museum In Fair
Rl "'. r.., .,nthpr well-known name
iTthnt of MrH. Gertrude T.vwm. wife of
l"r. T. Mellor Tyson, 1505. Spruce ,
Dt. a. ."- y
ll'"l Intend to serve ns juror because
T conn M U my duty," aald Mrs. Ty-
Ln ''It i" as much my duty 'as It Is
" to vote. I think it Is the
".ty of nil women to serve .as Jurors.
and thoy
? rr. :; " ;- ut, if
cnirn li Yuiv ii v.. -..-.
Of course I intend to serve, "re
m.rke.1 Ml-" Kth. "It Is nn ohllgn
Son. " I understand it. that goes with
fie privilege of voting." she continued.
"I don't know of nnyweusc one should
have for not Mrvlng."
Profeiolnnnl women ore rcprcscnteJ
hr Miss Mary E. LnfTcrty. Insurance
broker In the North American Unlld-Inr-
Ml" Oertrude Bohcn, librarian,
MS Spruce street. nnd Miss hmnia H.
Terkci. undertaker, 703t Woodbind
uremic. Mrs. Yerkes said she would nik
in be Increased due to business con
ditions. There are many others among
Ithov hn will assist In passing judg-
jnnt In civil nnd criminal trials next
Sinter M. Mechtilde. a nun, who re
vived n summons will not be obliged
. ..n-o. Sister Mechtilde Is n teacher
in the Parochial Hchool of Our Lady of
Mercy Church, at Bronil street nnd
'c.miMmnnn avenue nnd lives'-nt the
, ..H'-' . .. 14 -..,
1 mnvent at -! .onn iiroau mn-ci.
Vnnnlirnnr Cochlnn. nnstor of the
-- . . n.nn - .
instor of the
Cnurch of Our I.ndy of Mercy
, snld that
the sisters had arranged mni birict
IJIechtllde would not have to appear in
iv rniirtroom nnd had In fact had the
'member of their community entirely ex
cused from duty.
Episcopal Mission to Give Christ
mas Gifts to Needy
The Protestant Episcopal City Mis
,ion will have a busy, helpful and use
ful riiritmns celebration.
rhrlstmas dinners will be supplied to
MO families nnd gifts nnd enndy to 87'J
chid re n.
Christmas candy, gifts nnd Christ -mas
cards will be given to the Inmates
(of the following institutions:
Municipal Hospital, Philadelphia Hoi
pltnl nnd Almshouse, fJynecenn Hospi
tal. Home for the Indigent, County
Prison. Holmi'sburg: Home for Con
mmptives, Chestnut HIIU James C.
,Sraltli Memorial Home for Convalescent
Women. Onkbourne; Eastern Htnte
Penitrntlnry, nnd Hybcrry Farm.
Christmni services will be held at the
fftllr-vlng institutious:
Home for Consumptives, Chestnut
Hill; James C. Smith Memorial Home
for Convalescent Women, Oakbourne;
Kastern Jjtate Penitentiary, Home for
'Indigent, Hybcrry Farm, Philadelphia
Hospital and Almshouse, Mercy Hospi
tal, Dougluss Hospital, Mudgett Hospi
tal, Old at. Paul's Church.
Salvation Army Branch Alto to Pro
vide Dinners to Deserving
The Salvation Army branch office et
2M5 (ierinnntown nventie will hnve n
r'M Christmas tree for the "kiddies"
this year, and Santa Claus will be there
to distribute presents.
I'iftj baskets containing potatoes,
Wdk, iieas, fruit, coffee, tea and sugar
,ill be given out to needy fnmilles who
jltaln tickets from the Salvation Army
headquarters, nroad street and Fair
mount avenue. Nearly three times that
man boskets arc needed 'to furnish
those persons who have been tiunblc to
ft employment since many mills have
!eel down. Mnny ex -service men
rn hae not received their "bonuses"
'is jet will be dependent on the "las
'fits" to furnish them their Christmas
Edward Blauaser Died After 84th
York, Pa,, Dee. 23. Data .o be
"fc'd ns part of his obituary had been
implied by Edwnrd Blausser, a re.
Jircu contractor, who died at his home
h're He had been ill for more than
two c.irs.
Mr IllnusRer-celehrnteH his elehtv-
fourth birthday anniversary on October
. nd on that day he wrote a part of
his obituary, recording that he bad
been married sixty -one years, wns n
member of a fire company fifty -four
jears and served as foreman for fif
'n years. He was a member of the
A. R , of Malta twenty-eight years.
Deatlis of a Day
Mrs. James Russell Lowell
Mrs .TnmpR IIiiscaII T nu-nll .f llnu.
i?n, died yesterdav at the ' Chestnut
JIM Hospital after nn operation. She
iia!i.i ks Mnr' Wharton Churchman.
Inis city, and had come here to visit
J" cusin, Mrs. Bcnjamip Allen, in
'.hetnut Hill. Mrs. Lowell was a
jaua-litcr of the late Mr. and Mrs.
liarles W. Churchman, of this city,
'ler mother u-nu ftu.. Ani ii. ...
, . - ...... , ,11:4 tlllfUUH.l. fl Dull
DU tier thri.n l..,l !... I,.. W
Imrchmnn, Clark Wharton Church-
n i nnd Wain Morgnn Churchman, all
"I tin iAtv Ti. i ...in ...i...
HUN rttv Tl... C. ....... I
i.L. i - r iiiiirim
will take
l'"W in llo.Ston nn Vrl.U,-
William Etson Brlggs, Jr.
r,M,"am Etson Brlggs, Jr., son of
' Ptnln ond Mrs. William E. Brlggs.
l Jesterdny at his home, 012 South
""ly-Hlxth street. He was twenty
th! 1. 0,'l HiH 'other, a captain in
hL ml'rc,,ant marine, Ms ou his way
2 (r?'" 1,orto "lo. He has been
tled by wireless of his son's death.
,,;, WK mnn was assistant scout
vll ir i'.1 i'roP m lly Scouts, and
el.JiD "Js firRt Jear I" the engineering
hnol of the Cnlverslty of I'ennsyl-
Percy Keating
nmL XiteY Keating, on i
5 dil"i "'e .Cof"""clnl
' I'erc:
attorney with
Trust liutia-
,.. Y.rUl in.
Mr. ICe.Cr. n... I V.I. uttv.
Prth year, nis home was at 8200
-Martini) Inut,
I StJV V'i"" ' w"ip-
Body Announces It Will Lino Up
With Oity and Business Men
on Rentals Question
Tllfc Pllllllf KprrlrA Pntmiilbutnti ,t.
elded today to Join with tlic city find
IniNinesH nssoclnticniM here In nn nnncnl
to ths stntc Supreme Cnnrt which 1h
likely to have n fnr-rcnchlnR effort on
local transit affairs
The nppenl is to h
ntincnl Is to be from flip rnllnir nt
uic Binio Miporlnr I ourt. whlcli set
nsldc nn order of the commission. This
order "nlled on underlying companies to
reply to n complnlnt ngnlnst rentals they
received from the P. H. T. Co.
Heme II. Evans, counsel for the
Public Service Commission, nnnounced
that body's determination to Join the i
nppenl. Mr. Evans nttended n confer
ence In City Solicitor Smith's ofliec.
others presVnlj
Solicitor Ito
were Assistant City
nbnuiii nnd ('.. Oxenr
Bensley. counsel for the Cnltcd Busi
ness Men's Association.
Objectors to the high 'rentals paid by
the P. U. T. Co to the underlying com
panies soy n rental cut would provide
funds for the Improvement of trolley
service in this city. The underlying
companies drnw the rentals becnuse
they own the lines leased nnd operated
by the P. K. T. Co.
In the forthcoming nppenl the Public
Service Commission Intends to assert ltd
right to regulate rentals. It will be
claimed that such regulation is nn In
tegrnl nnd important part of the regu
lation of service.
The Superior Court's recent ruling,
which dismissed the commission's order,
is said to be "Indefinite, negative nnd
not constructive."
The nppenl to the state's highest
court will emphasize the following ex
trnFl..fr,ln thc" Supcritr Court' opinion :
Ihc Public Service Commission has
ample power, In the Judgment of the
court, without doing violence to nnv
established legal' principle or ordcrlv
method of procedure to compel the ren
dition of adequate service nt fair rates
over thc property owned by the appel
lant company, nnd there mny come a
time when, without attempting to over
step its power, the Public Serviee,Cnm
mlssion may with propriety take action
the result of which would very seriousl)
affect thc rentals under the contract
In question.
"Hut, as we view the case, no ground
Is presented here for thc action of thc
commission, sought for in the complaint
Doylestown Woman Accused of
Shooting Man Is Released '
DoylfHtown, Pa., Dec. 2.1 Mrs.
Frances Mullen, aged thirty-two years,
formerly of Scllersvllle, now of Phila
delphia, who for thirteen dnys was on
a hunger strike nt the Bucks county
prison following her sentence to thnt
institution for ninety days for shooting
Julius Prismont, n Scllersvllle farmer,
was released yesterday on nn order
Issued by Bucks County Judge Willinin
C. Bynn.
Sirs. Mullen baffled thc prison au
thorities anil physician, Br. John
Sweney, nf Doylestown. She refused
to eat or drink, anil snld that "she
would die for the truth, as she was not
guilty," When denth drew near her
two children, Julln, aged seven years,
and Frank, nged twelve years, were
sent to the prison to persuade their
mother to cat. Shu consented provided
her children could remain with her In
prison. This request was granted.
On December 15 Mrs. Mullen's
sentence wns completed, but tines and
costa to be paid were not met, which
added an extra thirty days. The court
was petit iniied to release the woman
and the petition wns granted.
Doylestown residents this morning
went to the prison nnd gnve the chil
dren new clothes ns Christinas presents.
Mrs. Mullen was given a new coat and
other clothes.
Hold Christmas Party for Employes
Mcllvalnc Brothers held a Christinas
party for the members of their organi
zation at the Cndlnc Barge Club Friday
night. A dinner, vaudeville show- and
dance fenturcd the evening's entertainment.
r Tho inspection cfthcSuper-Qualily
Polished Girdle Diamond -mvitect
Christmas Jewels
Gems or Super- Quality
Pear J 'Necklaces
Diamond Bar Pins
Pearl Earrings
Diamond Kings
Pear Tassels
Diamond Pendants
Pearl iScarf Pirjs
Comparison of Diamond Lorgnons
Qualilj' oncl Price Pearl JSauloirs
invited Diamond Droocica
This Month Time to Clean Up
Your Old Freight Claims
years of Batuactorv
I ' PL-
jaaaaaaajajaaajajppwTjaBTSCjaLi lMattMtMfVVXll!tttBlBI
abHHuP yM s. ' f9j r ,w- v -SHkJHK JWaxwfrsLXxW-1 ii-Fai j-v . tj,, jaiaiaiaiaiaiaB
The picture shows boxes of opium and utensils used In preparing nnd smoking it, seized by the police in a raid on
nn apartment on Poplar street near Fifteenth. The most Important piece is, of course, the expensive pipe. One
woman nnd fhc men were arrested In tho raid
ASK U. S. FOR $28,000,000
Appeal for Appropriation Made by
N. Y. Shipbuilding Corporation
An nppenl for appropriations nggre
gnting ifiUH.flOO.OOn to complete the Jilp
buildiug program of the New York
Shipbuilding Corporation ut Camden Is
made in n letter uildrcssed to Chairman
James W. !ood of the House impropria
tions committee in Washington, by llcp
rcscntntivc F. F. Patterson, Jr., of
New Jersey. The request is nccom
pnnicd by n warning that failure to
grant the appropriations necessary to
complete the contracts will result in In
creased costs to the government and
necessitate lning off a large number of
Representative Yore, a member of the
appropriations committee, made similar
representations today.
To complete the contracts awarded In
August, HUH. $l!r.0(M,(100 Is asked in
the urgent deficiency bill, for work to
be done between now and June .'10. 11121,
and $1,000,000 for work remaining un
finished on that date.
Officers and Crew of U. S. Trans
port Henderson to Entertain
Two hundred nnd fiftj orphan chil
dren of nil denominntlons will be given
a Christmas treat by the officers and
crew of the Cnltcd States transport
Henderson, now anchored nt the Phila
delphia yard. Not only will there be
n turkey dinner served in the best naval
fashion, but Santa Clans will be on
hnnd to distribute boes of1 candy,
warm socks and gloves to each child.
After dinner there will be nn enter
tainment nnd band concert followed by
movies. In groups of five the children
will be taken over the ship by thc sail
ors and shown every detail of what
makes it go. The fun will start at 2
p. m. Christmas Day.
Due to the fact thnt 100 men have
alrend enlisted in the navy this week,
recruiting for Christmas will be re
stricted only to those who enlist for thc
four-cnr term. Ex-service men wish
ing to re-enlist nre not subject to this
rule, however.
1G00 Glass Workers Laid
Toledo. O.. Dec. 'J.'l. (By A.
More than l.'flO men were thrown out
of work until February 1. when thc
Edward Ford Plate fJlass Co. plant
nt Hossford, closed down today. Of
ficials of the company declared that
there is no contemplated reduction In
wages when operations nre resumed.
The reason given for the shutdown wns
for n "readjustment of financial
74-Year-Old Man Is Some Kicker
Lancaster, tnllf.. Dec. 2.'!. By A.
P.) T. W. Edwnrds, realty operator,
selebrated his seventy-fourth anniver
sary of his birth here todny b kicking n
hat from the head of u man six feet
two inches tall without losing his balance.
Start the New Year
With a Clean Slate
Don't have a lot of old, lomj-sUinding
freight claims on the wrong side of tho
ledger when tho trinl bnlance is taken ofT.
Turn them over to us for collection we'll
secure quick, satisfactory adjustments for
you or there'll be no charge. We havo
been successfully doing it for others for
ten years.
Write, or phone our service man will call.
Industrial Traffic Association
123 South 13th Street
Three Persons Held
in Police Drug Raid
Continued from I'nirr tine
they believed the two were there to
buv drugs, but there wns no way to
hold them.
When the detectives were In the house i
the telephone IHI rang and n d"tct!ve i
answered. The man at the other end
of the wire stid he "hnd the silk," nnd
asked should he bring it up. The de
tective answered es. iinil Jack Shep
paril appeared n little later with some
silk remnants bearing the ticket of a
Chestnut street specialty shop. An em
ploye of the store was nt the hearing,
anil though he wns able to Identify the
silk, wns unable to sny thnt It lmtl been
stolen, ns the firm had no record .of n
I heft. Therefore, Shepnrd wns let go.
Chinese Is Witness
Strength wns given the police theory
thnt drugs air being smuggled Into
Philadelphia from steamships stopping
here by the testimony of n ChlncM- to
day before Judge Mnnnghnn. In Quar
ter Hcs-dons Coiut.
Al Young, a Chinese lllvng on Tenth
street below Race, was sentenced to six .
months, by Judce Monnzlmti for (uivini-
opium in his possession.
Police of the Eleventh nnd IWntcr
streets station testified they raided his
room, two weeks ago, and found 100
opium containers, each holding otic
half ounce.
Through an Interpreter today Young
told Judge Monnghnn he hod got the
opium from a friend, u Chinese who
works on nti oil ship, which docked at
Point Breeze oil works.
Judge Monnghun Interrogated the
Chiiiiw closely to see if the name of
the ship could be lenrned, but the pris
oner cither did not know It or wns too
cunning to j;vo it nwny.
His testimony, however, confirmed
the suspllcmis of the police thnt the
.-.i.OOO worth of drugs said to have
been smuggled into the city recently
enme for the most part from ships
touching here from foreign ports.
Other developments in the activities
against alleged drug dealers are:
The exoneration by I'nlted States
Attornej Chnrles D. McAvoy of Carl
Krnger. the federal agent who. the po
lice say, attempted to Interfere with a
raid last .Sunday.
A complete denial by Boris Parle
man, proprietor of the Twenty-second
street house, in which n quantity of
drugs were seized on Sundny, was made
of the story first told by him. After he
hnd tried to take his life on Tuesday
night by slashing his wrists with n pen
knife, he told thc police he had done so
from fear of threats of death becau-.e
he had "squealed" on members of the
"ring." Last night he denied that
Krnger. who was boarding nt his home,
hnd uinde an intimation that he would
"get him" for informing the police.
Pnrlcman's denial conflicts sharply
with a statement said to have beeii
made by him while In the police pntrol
From the
FARM to the HOME
DiirKs Dig, Young, Heavy.
riilrkem 5 to 8 His Hoast 'em.
Swrrt Cliler By tho gallon or keg
J'nre Chirr Vlncitttr.
White 1'otiitoen sjnek or bushel.
Turnips You're tho profiteer.
Apple Tlio best In the world.
rrrli Kkkh just from tlio nest.
Dre out Ualtlmoro Avenue straight
thruiigli Media and 1 miles beyond
to thn
Black Horse Farm
Kvery Day in the Year From 0 to 0
t'honri Misllu 103
The Store of Personal Service
1310 Chestnut Street
Tomorrow's Features
For Women and Misses Trico
tinc, Velvet, Veldyne and Crepe
back satin.
Developed in rich Bolivia
most attractively silk lined.
Fur Scarfs
Animal Scarfs of Stone Marten
Opossum. Extra special value.
Alpine Wool Suits
Sports models of All-Wool
sted. The Blum Store Specialty,
All colors. All sizes.
Ch ristmas
Of Georgette Crepe Pussy Wil
low Silk Hand-made Batiste.
A New Organization With an Old Name
on his way to the Samaritan Hospital
nfter his attempt at suicide. Official
record wns made of this by thc officers
In the pntrol. It follows:
"He (Parleman) made the following
statement to Chauffeur J. Pearson, of
the Thirty-ninth district. He snld thnt
his cousin wns a government ngent and
hnd got him to rent the room to two
V J ", ". - -V
men who he clnlmed were his friends.
u ' ' i iJ!
ace wns raided br thc
nllce and a lot of done found there, nnd
he wns afraid Kruger would kill him,
ns Krnger thought thnt he hnd in-
!- I .1.- ..-1! it ,,
" T tat " 'wncse., hv tw,,'f;Vncral satisfaction over Attor.
members of the pntrol crew nnd'in nil
dltlon, when Captain Ocorge S. Tcm
- -- - ----- .--....... .. .-,,. -.-
,.,.,. .i-l .,i.
iiest, assistant superintendent of po
lice, nnd two detectives visited Parte -mnn
In the hospital, he corroborated thc
Pilgrim Stamps Appear
celebration of thc ,100th mini.
vcrsnrj of the landing nf thc Pilgrim'i
the government hns just issued n new
set of postage stamps of three values
one. two and five cents. '
. 'iNniiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii'jiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiii'i
lt-Ulilluiil.illlillMlltlltMiiiitiiiiMiiitMiiiiiniiMtit.uijiiijiuuiiMiuiijHH.ll.1. lllllllillllllillillMlllllllllilllllilllllililllilllUlliiilllliillilliidiliiiiillil .iiiiliiilliillil!il!l!lll!i!llillll!l!lllllili.l!i.!l!l'Mill,)liillil'i,Ml'
Will You Have a Starving Child of
Europe as Your Invisible Guest for
. Christmas or New Years
Herbert Hoover Will Distribute the Money
AN APPALLING emergency exists in Eastern and Central Europe.
Hunger, privation, suffering and death still march unchecked.
A minimum of three and one-half million children are face to face with
disease and starvation. Unless aid is rendered at once, a vast, unspeakble
tragedy will follow.
Hundreds of thousands of children in Europe have never tasted milk
in their lives. Mothers unnourished and ill-provided bring into the world
babies doomed before they see the light of day.
Medical aid must be furnished, together with clothing and food, if
there is to be a tomorrow to follow the horror and the desolation of today.
$10 Will Save the Life of a Child Until the Next Harvest
Make checks payable to John, H. Mason, Treasurer, care of Public Ledger, l'hila., Pa.
John H. Mason, Treas.
Care of Public Ledger, Phila., Pa.
Dear Sir:
As a contribution to the European Relief Council I enclose
Check, Poatoffice or , ,,
Express Money Order
Street and No
City State
Share Your Christmas Joy With an Unseen Guest 1
Send One, Two,
Your Friends to
and 9 QQ
DECEMBER '23, 1020
Stato Attorney General's Opin- (
ion Says Suffrage Amend
ment Removes All Bars
- - -
Philadelphia women, p'ense note.
Yon hnve nn equal i isht with men
to hold office, according to thn decision
given bj Attorney fienirnl Alter to
Governor Sproul yesterdny.
There Is no "constitutional or legal
reason why women. In view of the
ndoption of the nineteenth' amendment.
are not ns voters equal to men
The opinion .'ollowvd In the mntter of
e recent death of C.eor.e Wagner.
I clerk of courts In T.uerii"- county, nnd
the application by Mrs. Wagner, his
I widow, for appointment to the place.
Her appointment will now follow
I within ii few dins, the first appoint
I ment bj Governor Sproul of n womnrt-1
I n lilt n . . A(Tln.. 'ft... nnln.M !..
to till n cniintv office. Thc salary is i
S-iOOO a year. I
In giving his opinion. Attornej Cen-
eral Alter raises the general question
nf eligibility of women to hold publb
office, cites tln'ir qualifications to hold
office under the school laws, and then,
continues :
Once Dlsqua'lficil
'Tuder the common Inw women were
disqualified from, holding public office,
nnd pursuant thereto thin ilipnrtmcnt
from time In lime lin,1 Iwl.l tlioiu (.. hn!
ineligible for certain olfices Thc ren principal of the beginners department of
sons upon which the common Inw ills I St. (ieorge's Sundny School will give
qun'lficatlons were based disappeared n Christmas party to the pupils, nbont
when women were vested with the rights'1 ' f them, next Wednesday afternoon,
to take part in rnr rovcriiment ns I A general parish meeting will be con
icv '
i :ni, ntf.t Itnaa-ii .l,ll.. . n ... .. .
'" '." i'-i o iii-i-iiMu.i nun women
Iinil hereafter be eligible for any pub- !
lie othre. tempered bv personal unwill- hile in Philadelphia to attend n
ingness to tnke the" first steii In thl,"mrt henrlng of drug cases yesterday
direction, is expressed bv Phllftilcliihln I I'ti-ctivtw Hubor and Uritton, of Itund
wnmeii prominent in political and so- I inK. nriested a man wanted in Rending
clal work. f"r larceny. He is Earl Turner, no
Mrs. Bnrclav II. Wnrburton. chair- '''i0'1 of n jewelry robbery. The de.
mnn of the Renu b enn women's com-
mittee of Pennsylvania, modestly but
doubtfully declnred that she would be
very glad to fill a public position if she
thought she were qualified to do so.
"I hone thnt women will take advan
tage of this new opportunity," she said,
Five or Ten Dollars Yourself
Do the Same and Ask Their
Christmas Hosiery
at Reduced Prices
Medium-weight Silk Hose
SI. 40
Fnrmorlyt 9 OS.
ALL 1 '
superfine bilk Hose
Formerly 3.50
Women's Wool
Hose . . . $1.25
English quality in the
Heather shades.
'77 a Feat to Fit Feet
iy i
Wilhcs-Burre Woman
Gels First Appointment
((ivernor Sproul todn, appointed
Mrs Snllle Wagner, of Wilkes
Hnrrc, to be rlerk of the Court of
(Jmtrti r Sessions of Kustcrnp county.
Mrs. Wngiier siici eeds her husband.
"for I feel that they can be very use
ful, particular in work with which
their own Interests are connected.
Will Branch Out
"There nre a great ninny positions
that they enn till creditably .nnd with
n great ilcnl of lielpfil'tiess. particularly
in civic or municipal work nnd ns time
passes on they will probnbh branch out
ii. other directions too "
"It is really a icry splendid thing."
Mrs. J. Willis Mnrtln commented.
"Women enn be of grent service to
the eltj and state in an thing the take
up. and of grent help to the men.
Mrs. Mary Ingham, prominent stif
frngist anil social service worker, voiced
the on nlon t nit Attorno uenerni ai-
' ter's decision wis the nntiirn mitcoinH
JrllugM S smbien-tnu.sforma'
linn iii Mu. vin.i nf evcrvbods ns to tii
rnpabilit) of women." she said. "Hie
old attitude that 'n woman cannot do
it' bus pnsscd nwny, and the utino-t
conlidencc iu her ability is taking its
Mru Arthur II. I.en COIltentCIl lier-
slf with thc (onserviitive statement
that "If n woman is fitted for an of
lici nnd fills It as well as n man, she
should (crtninly hne It."
Members of the Community Club of
(ilrls of St (icorge' Kpisropnl Church.
Indiana nvetiue nnd Livingston street.
will give a ChrUmns party to the
needy children of the neighborhood in
the nnrish house this evening. "lie
ducted the snine evening.
Reading Sleuths Nab Man Here
lecnves nouceu mm m .inui ano mici
streets. Turner saw them and ran He
wns caught after n race of several
blocks. It was rharccd that he drontied
in n sewer a quantity of drugs which
lie intended bringing to Heading, lie
was taken back to Reading
, i
and Ask Each of
Friends to Do it
1... J.
Men's Silk
Sox .... $1.00
"Onyx" pure thread
silk Sox. Full fashion
ed. Black, Cordovan.
Thc Big Shoe Store
Market St.
Charges That Organization Corrupts
Faith cf Catholic Youths
Rome. Dec. 2,1. (By A. P ) The
Italy Office lusucd n decree todny asking
i ntliollc bishops to watch "nn organlza
tlnn it Met, ...l.tln i..nrnn.,i,. ..1.....1..,..
' "u.n- ii uiuaniiiK Hiimmiir
freedom of thought In religious mill tern
minis innmerentism nnd apostasy to
the Catholic rellirhin In Hi., mlmlu nf II
The decree mentions the Young Men's
Christian Association by name, saying
it Is upheld by ninny Catholics who do
not know its real nature The decree
"ays the organization corrupts the faith
"f youths.
Clauses of the ennnn law which forbid
papers, periodicals and organizations
favoring religious radicalism and In
differentlsm nre recalled in the decree,
which requests the bishops to communl
nte with the Holy Se0 within six
months the rteetutnnu tnkmi mi fl.n miU .
Ject nt regional congresses.
New York, Dec. 2.1 f By A P.)
Olficlnls of the overseas department of
tin. nuiig Men's Christian Association
xpiesseil astonishment today when
they lenrtud that thc Holy Office in
Rome had Issued a decree warning Its
bishops against the American organiza
tion ' We are sorry, of course, thst
Milne people do not like us." declared
'" V Hlbhnrd, associate general sec
retary, 'but there doesn't seem to be
anything to do about it."
Soviet Protests Sales by Wrangsl
Constantinople. Die. 2.1 (By A
P i (leorge Tchitcherin, the Russian
Soviet foreign minister, has sent a wire
less message dated December 20, to the
premiers of fSreece, Rumnnla and Jugo
Slrivin protesting ngiiinst the alleged
snle iij Huron Wrangel of propertv, in
eluding merchnnt vessels, "belonging to
tin Russian people."
on Perry
Suits & Overcoats
For the Few Days
Before Christmas!
A suit isn't any worse
for being reduced -nor
any better. The same
considerations should
govern you in a Sale as
at any other time. Is
the suit right? What
is the reputation of the
store that made it? In
other words, Sale or nc
Sale, buy clothes with a
reputation !
Fine Suits and fine Over
coats, $50. The fit, style
and finish of "N. B. T."
Special price of $45 on
Suits and Overcoats in
tended to bring ten to fif
teen dollars more.
Patrick Mackinaws, $15.
Should be $18.$20, $22.50. ,
Fine for skating and all
outdoor winter sports.
Give a Dress Vest for
Christmas, $5 to $10 on
dress vests that were $7.30
to S13.S0.
Evening Dress Coat and
Trousers, Dinner Coats and
Trousers, $68 and $72.
Fabrics not found in the
common run of Evening
Separate Trousers. $6,50,
$7.75, $8.50, $9, were
$7 50 to $12.
lfitli and Chestnut Streets
Everything Electrical
at Reduced Prices
22fi South .".2d Street
iljiilnlnc T.nnM Ttintr
If I
i I
tlfi -w