" yn t r EVENING FUSTIC LEDGEIPHIl7AlEL"PHrS:, OmrESDAT, DECEMBER 2$, 1920, ik if A ? m i W SI W parcel post 7-SHEET-METAL WORK" OK KVKRY DESCRIPTION Heater and Stove Pipes AT LOWEST PRICES A. PINKUS 83 N. 2d Ht Phone Market 320C CHEAPER THAN WHOLESALE I'.MH MEN'S (T1 HALF IIOMK Jbl vam'k i "is l'lireel I'OSt 1'rrPBIll Packed In a Christinas Hi -flatufactlnn Guaranteed or .ifon p.. fun".i THE UNCO MILLS 444 S. (50T1I ST, PIIILA. , lerew Tap, Cold Rolled, relished COPPER CANS Mull Ordtr h!;J it -.niio in wool i-oipi fAt rt r nivn via CULAR. W sell Copper T u b I n t. 1'nlnns etc. STANDARD METAL WOnK 0 BEACH ST., noiTOS. MASS. Phlln. Ofllce nnd Show Room ' 18 North 10th St.. Jd Floor All Four Articles Direct From Manufacturer for Cnsli or Money 90c Order Sent Poitoairl i'i Pair Arm Band Pair Carton Pair Suspenders Handsome Silk Necktie Choice of Snspem ers or tlelt. Parked In 'iiiiiilscnie CttrlM ina not ps. i: n e li nrllcle Is well m.iilr, of the h e uuiillt of imtlerlnl. If cood.- arc liu satisfactory, wo will cheer fully refund your li.oney, STANDARD NOVELTYCO. 12I1-13-1B FILBERT ST. Philadelphia. Pa. Bcatlj nAR"a Dec 22 U'i T .' -v.i ff the late Thnmis Darke. a;ed 03 l-'unerai -r Ji-es KrI .1 p ni at her Lit. r .ni-111 . JnS.l Old York road Int Nirth.o,nl Ceri. I HKCIiiiAN Iji 21 IIIIMIY lusnii. I 'of Marv llaletielor L' i-Kinaii Sen-lets) "rl . - p m retlder.cr 1-12.1 Uucilt a. Ii-l. private IlICRilIi. Dec 21 1020 HAWIY N.. l.ui band of Mary I. 11rge mee llmnl. Helatlies and friends a. so Ivy I..di;e, Cypress Un campniei.t I o () V Ilnrhar llenetlcl.il Alts' n. In ltd to funeral I'rt , 2 P. m.. from lis late reuldenci ,Mlv Op... st 1st, llllleldo Cent. lions'! Han.nionto.i J. Hec. 20 MARY M. belied lfe of Joseph O. 7.. Itobst. Iteiattiea and fr'ei ils nlted to at tend funeral ser!es ?ldi.y Dec 24 at 2 S. m.. at her late resident' Hamnionton ave. II iinmcn'on N J nOL'OHToN On Dec 22 JOHN '".'.. lu- , hand of (lertrude ijouahtii.i Relatives and friends an invited to the service., on Kil- lay nf'erno,; at 2 o'clock a- .it res'.deme. 4424 Iircnivooil aie Inttrment private. Ii'RlCK Dec 22. lH2u UDU.WID H. husband of Elizabeth ITr'ik yorvlces rt 2514 N 31st st. 1'rlday. 2 p ni R..ninlr.o may be vl ved Thursday H -u 10 p. m. In turmr.it p.l'.ate IIROWN-On ")ec 21. JilSEni T l.'.J-' hand of I.dle lirovn Rela'lve. and f.-lends, ..i. n .,..,. .inn .. i,uh v... ...... .. Member, are milted to 'he -,rvlcs on Frl- day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his resident, TI1S1 N -'nth .t Tn ,rm, i.t Mt Mrr jh i Cem. Viewing Thursda evening BROWN D'C 21 1020. KATE -vt'e of Harry D Brown, aged .17. Funeral Frl. I p. in . iroin residence 341H N ltn st Int. Fernwood Cem nemalrs may Ni viewed Thurs M to 10 o in BURKE A.D-C. 2 1920 WILLIAM, hus band of Emma Hurke. aged 0.1 Relatlvts and frlende. also Diligent Council. No 4. y P. of A . Washington Cump No. .107. 1. O. S. of A and F O. E . No 42. are in rlted to attend funera. Frl 1pm apart ments of William H Hattersby. 8310 N. 11 road st Int Ivj Hill Cem Remains may be viewed Tl.urs . H to 10 p m. CAPetl.I.T At llt.nM.- i-lto rv., ".1 ANDREW HM'ES husband of' Kstherme Capelll and son of vlertrude and the lat. Joseph i upeill .iic..,' 2d Relatives nnd Irlends Ir. ted t , attend fu.ier.il services. ti . - p ii. , at nis late resldel.ee J20 r Fiorina nt Allant'c Clt. Mile Cem . New Jersey Int Peasant- CARPENTKR At Roelie rie . nr. Dec. 21. 1U2.1 SALLIh, B wife nf V,'.IUm C.i--Pnt-r Funeral service, at he- ,te reM dence or Fridav afternoon Die 24 a. 1 o cock Interment Iiwer Brandv ii ,, rem e..C.'PJ,?A'7,-n D'r " WILLIAM P. CARPhNTEn hjsnand of Ma-'a ia-. ilentir met Kpprighti iged 7 R latlv -s llnd irlen.ls also emp,oves Phllade.ph a and (Reading R It invited to funeru.. Fr! . 1 P m . residence. 224.1 S Croskev st Int Arlington Cem Frterds may i.a 1 Thurs. eve. CHA.Milk.RI.AIN At .'loores-ow i X J, Pi'cJo2.1 AXl'REW L CHAMBERLAIN, ir. his S2d venr Funeral t"r! 2 1.1 p m rest, tience of sor.-ln-l.iw harle Iliwen 350 11 2d st . "ifniirestnwr. Inl M ., it. PlI myra N j ri.KM.MER l't.st.urh r-1 r '.'. J02O IliiRACE L. Jr .1 u, . ,.,ri, , f IjJl'-' .',' ',ir"?. hjt" 1 '- '"".einmei. V420H Misitlcelln st .last Liber y P.. 1 .. tlves and friends are .ivl-.d alien: tl.t funeral, at 2 o'clock, Dei ember 2i. CRE7ES Passed . ut .r. : 20 Mi, LA iiPl'RWAY wife nf StIiler. G C-ees In l.er list iear Re, stives s-d fiends Ir.vltil ,o funeral ser-Ices Frl . p Ir ,t her lnte residence J04 Cen-ral ave Chelfnhim. "itontgoinin ca pi Int private Nirth uood ( er.i Rem j Ins car be -.e. Vi jrs ove CULriKllTSON L, e .; ..KuRui, .,us pana of '.ece.ni E Culberi on ie-i 72 R, ! atlves Tid friends invited -t. ;jue.-al services '" o 3 m Parlors J S Ilerrfe.l-.iier. n73li Oermar.town ave I. -. -,r. te Mt. ".lorlah DAVIS Late nf THOMAS husl.anl Funeral Frl . 10 a ,l.i:i3 Ei.it ti of EMh. .- M Davis f 'A l.H.i.n il. Chew, s w v. ,r .nt Mt. Moriah i err Thurs 8 to in p m DICK. suddenly. FRANK V DICK 5Ht . und Spruce .s Frlenls tn..y ci.il K'ndi- omit r.owers nr De.. 21. 11120. Sr Reivivea and irlends milled to tuners, on Friday morn jnw ai t un o c oca. fron. residence of fis daughter. Mrs Ma r, , ntry 41,115 (-,ur ve. Solemi rrass of ree,uem at St 1". . els De Sales ,"hurch 0 o 'lock Interm" t private DIXET Sulderny iec -.j ;t,i', w. i . BTAX DIXEY Du. 'I, - ,f fjne'ra, w '. T-c given ELIIERTSOX Ml Lol.y N J. Dec ' , JOSEPH E husl.a.d . f .7.m, Klb-itsr,, aged (,3 Relatives and fr' .nds also 1' p It. Veterans' Ass 1.. 1- of p B p .j v. 10 848. : ii n :,; ,. ;a: ,,., . -', unrrai, 1 n p ,t .1 it. 1 ,s dence 152 Mt Hni.y a . M- Ho Int. Mt. Hull Cem - resl- X. j ELLIOTT On Dec '.0 Ift'.o GEfiHOE U., husband of Jess- I ;,,,. 1 i.,ee ku tsrlee) Relatives and fringe ,1., Ivan ho teidge. No 449 F aiir ij ii. itd to funeral servli es oh Krld . . a J o 1, at his late residence 4u.j N ij.r, M. 1 . isrment private ERDI.EN D.-.- '.1 ;..! NrfST FRKli ERDLEN t'.oved husl.Kid ,f Crt.l-.i (i.V. lihmlller) aged 42 Relitivea ui frl. nds I all societies u v lied to f 1 1 erul s-r '-. - ' JVI. 130ji 111 Into r ".lil. 1 we 418 I.F.sg, st. Int pr vuie FernAood i',i Vi-w li g Thurs 8pm I KK'H.El -In. 21 MARY 1 . Alfred A r'egl. Re itiv s I Mted to furn rat Krl 7 Vi . dence of d night. r 21.20 ri lo-i f" en Is fruit, i mass at St Mol ira s Ch-rch li . 1, I ,t Holy Cross FELI .-At Atuntl- ( n j , ,, . 22, HKXRY FELL It-lull ,-m ml .'rlmulK r tmlted to th- servlies on r"rl1av lnoriiing at 10 n c'01 k at Ihe 'tll.ir H I, si! .,,'t, 1820 Chestnut i" PMi 1 In irni," , Zovleslnwn Pa FINCH He '.1 'Hi'.l I.e." : FHA.V CIS. son of l,..,n N i,n; tale (;i Haiih T Finch, aged s jears 5 1,. rh. l-ui r-. I Frl V'SO a in fron. res'.!. 1.. 11 s -,i, 4 High mass al ujr I.nt of .1.1. R. rfurv huri h 0 a o FITZHEBAI.il ."'.inrerlj ..f midilenly Dee JI JOHN' J b..u nf Mar I'ullen Fit gen.,,1 it . friends also memi-ere of Man. 1,1 V T.ir.i .Slllll , lis 1 1 d X. of C. American I ill.nlli- H.-iiri.al .-.i elety St. Vim ent Je Piul .11 I II., I S'an e (tocletlrs Invltsd 10 fun-iut Fr' ju a ni.. frorp res iltr.f Jp il Dur..iii. ,t itoiemn requl.m m n Hoi Ci ,i .'hur 1 NDEltTAHKHK BROAD a'md DIAMOND 9 I LttB TV v. i kkksaA MrajrTwf isi i" 't n n , 1 i.RTi ' ' - f BS ' ICmiYLERsl wj m t rK.TH Mt Airy ave ami Buyer st , Ml Alr. 10 a m mi hoiv sepuicnre cem FHEUDENWEILER. Dee. 22 I'HII.M riNB wlf uf the lute John 1'reuoVnweller nurd in. Mrlce Trl. 2 p. in tiMS llel mnnt ne Int. private. Chclteii Hills t'em. ItemalTtt may lx? lewcd Thum. ee. OII.SON Dec 21. ll'Kii. ANN tlll.SON. Tlnlnti... m ....1 fpl. u. .. c. ...Il...t l.t i.tt.tl.1 funeral Prl . Mil a. in. .'mm the rslilrtic of her nleee, Mnry QulKley .las Uoxborou'! te Solenwi rrtquleni mnifl ht. Tohti tho H.iDtlft's riiurch 10 a in. Int 8t. Jolm'n t0TnAltAM. IVe. 2t. 1020. JKNNIR 1' dauKhter of lile William and NUrmrrl Ornhttm luneral. to which relutlven nnd friend nre llllled. KrI.. 8 a. in . from laid r dence 2A42 S. ."lh t Solemn m.iaa of rriulem Church of Our l.ndv of Mt. Carmel. I0..10 u ni prpclurl) Int lloly Cror Cein. HAltlllt'ON Vvc. 21 JOHN HAUIUSON Hr . In hN fltlh rlir HelHtlsen nnd frlcniln. alrm Court rrldf of Prankford. No. 42. !' of A. 'VliimiliofKIn Trlhe. No 83, I O II M . Chief r.nmneers of PtilU. and einvl"i , of Iul Il.rKdoli tlrewlni! Co.. milted t" futiernl r'rl . 2 n ni residence, 1327 Wont ruth nt . Krankfard Int. Oakland Cem T.t m-ilna nt.iy be ilwed Thurs. ee. IIKSH. At Cnhoure. Cnnida. Dse. 19. SM.I.ll': Ht't.MVAN Mlfe of 1'rr.nk Hphi 1III.1. f iiiphlherlu, on De. .'1, KIlANi H dausht. r of Frnncls W. nnd Mur ". UVA tiKed rt yeirf. l-'uneral prli.ite lit'dlli:.- -Hit 21. 1020. MAHT. wife of the lute 1'ntrlik IlLRhen (nee Doyie) lleU thett .tnd f rlt nd art Inilted to attend fu i neral KrI. h ao r m . late r hlJenre, 1H0J I S rnth Ht Solemn maits of reautem Church f the Mniit lltetiied Sacrament 10 a ni. Int. Holy Cr kh Cem. I Hl'MI'llllIKH Dec 21 1920 KMII.ttl I II ulfe of Thomae D Humphries Hela. liven and frli-nda li I'oxenant Chapter. 'No inn O K S ire United to attend fu neral eervlces, Kr! , 2 v. m . at her late reel letire ,111411 I.iwuet et. Krlendu muy call Thure ev. Int Arlington Cem JACOI1M. fllldileiill. Pec 2J IMIAN ' husband of Itoee Jaco'j. Helatlvea nnd friend, are united to attend funral nerv ' lees J."rl . 10 '10 'l ni pre,-lee. nt hlH late re.i lence. 1411 i Mununv ave . oermati tonti Hit A1I0II1 J.j-hnrun rnn 1 Ki:T IN1 on '., Pec. 22 After n 'irlef t.lne.i .1 rr.ncY KKATJNiI In She r.il-h ar of hte iiu'.. l'unernl eerleee. 1i I 111 r r na o.h . 1 1 Moti.er of t'onao itlon at tne Chur, li of Our i t'hestii'Jt Hl.l. New ! K',;i,l.kll -Dec 22. 11120 EDITH MA1'I I Ki'll.i.'lll I rietiher) wife of James K Keller IMat'vee and frb tide nre lnlteo to I ntten.: fvii.-rul erlee Moi. , 2 p. in. pre. 1 clee.v u' her late residence 220t s 1.1th , .t Int p.lNtte I'Vlende ma call Sun ew KIKKK "' 22. SARAH wife of late Ph. II? Klkr l'unt rnl service. Sun . 2 t. in . I son's residence William II , S0.1 N. Oilth s:. ! Inl Montrose Cem I I. Wtll I Til. 20 11121. H ATT IK (lie . W"i!i-r) ,lfe uf Wllilain Ignite, nun! . .1 Senile y I r p m. residence 11,10 i: Atnint'c st N mo Kensinuicin aie 1 Int lle,u i'-m prl. nds niav 1 nil Thurs ee LAKSKN ! a Mom Harbor, N j . jnii.-v .11 I'usimnn or inroiine 1' i,ur ?o"rrn'r; '1Krin,,V' m ''from'Me'n'eV"" I ,f"hi..r v, (i;.o-L-e IMiter - 3 - h U,-Cam-rN Tin 'n'crareeiVc. m ',h i.nissuivc, c J. ICAltl. W hoshand iate Susir. J I.eissrlnK. luneral Fri,. 2 n in., froi 1 .on-tii 1,1 rechi -n. . r, ( K'ir vood !rl. H 1 1'i'k I' 'iwh-.. I cuuiiiv. i'i ir.: s n i -nll Tlrjrs. ev ' I.OWKI.1. -IS.. T.-HARTON. wife wf . l'e-ice Cem 1'rlencH li-C 22 MA11Y Arl. old lAiWell, In h"r 4Mh lei.r 1 LYNN. Nov .-. lOls li. France. Sgt. '"UNToN MIi'IIArlT. .or. of Sarah I.nn MnrKiii and lit, Francis I.nn Relatives , nn 1 friends C. M H.lth Inf. oTlh r!v ; I lames J. Harry post N.. M. A. I..; em I p,o- s Whitman's 1 ho. ol.ite Co Cnmp No 1-is W of W liivll.-.l in fun 'n Mm an a m . mother's residence. 1127 S ,11th st, -1.1I .inn mas. of requiem Church of Ille-t..d I Sacrament 10 a. m Int. prlvite r MAC.FlltiJ. Dec. 21. JOHN t. of Marv lard lite Charles Murulre of Swin'.lnbar I'.tniM 1 avitn. lri-tui'il lte1 if . m.l frl ' '. 'ri.'.d funeril Tr!.. ii . :.. . from ees.il, nr of his l.rotii. r-m 1 1" ,liiini I" ,', ,.! . itnniliMin M .-1 ,e .0 r.-.iui,-in mat-. iui I.ad of the Itt,sar Church 10 u.ru. MAl.ONH MARY II. (nee McQulllei 1 nt Sprligflelrt Mas. Dec 21. aged 7n -ars, i.'ife .ate James ?.I Mlilot e Rel'ttiies uli'l fr'er.ds Invited 10 funeral, at 41 Virginia .t Strlrgiield Mum.' M.M'1,1. on liwmlKT !1 1920 IH.I7.A. HKTH C . wife of th- lnte Churl." C M.1J1 ag d .it vevrs Relatives and fr'en.l re ti,. Itel to the senlces. on Frldnv .fiern it 2 o ciock at ber lnte resldiiee, 2'.22 Monfot-e .1 Interment private. MAY In Prance Jan 27 li.H WII. T,1M F hueli.md of late nilZabeUi sol. of Marv and late. Thl'lp Mn. uge.l 31 ea-s R.i.itl'e- and irlen.ls, sold'ers sailors Mirlne and Itlue Rldtfe Dlv Mi tnvteii to funern. Fr! So u n. . rsldei..o 2444 N '.'tits, . High requiem nin.s St i o lumbr. s Church In u. m In: H" Cruse Cem Mc 'ARTY Dec 21 CLARA ROHINSoN" wife of Wreford I. McCartv, of Corn r.g. r. Y Relatives and friends are Invited -n fi. neral ser ices l"rl 11 a. in., residence of her sister Mrs William Humni. 2it M . J.". eem.intowti in: privaie. MFI.HOI.I.AND Inc 22. JAMKS J nushan.i or I atllerlne ..luinoi anil 11. , SchlmppK In his itoth lear. Reiatlies 011.I friends ais.i member, r.f Power Ltiornfljerj i"u. i i iin.o i-nun ,'n-i n'-iaoo. .,, .-.,, of A . and Shiim.nl-.ln Trlt-. No .117 I O R M are Invited to attend funeral serv ices Frl 2 p ir. at parlors of John 1 F.uehr 1M W SuscMhunnu a-.e I: t. Oreenmiunt fern OKU su.l'.-r, Df 21 WILLIAM I.llWRl' OhR '..'. of liluli S lftth st . hu l.ar.d of EIU.ih.-t.i I. Orr L'lMlven ai.o friend, .ilso l'resr.trrlan Church of the Evivligel o-es-i I'ltv Lodge. No. 171 F and A M . the Ocean i i-v- Fishing i'iUi Mt Sln.i' 1 ire No tl" L p of A ' Kevstone Dlv No Id b of T invited to funeral senlces Frl 2 p n. . 017 S 55tli st. Int. Mt. Mirinh "Vm FrlenJs may ca.. Thurs. PATTOX T- 2. WILLIAM. I.ur.b..nd of the lal June Pittnn. former.,' of 2illl Rela-lies und frlenls It.iltei! C.itl urine to fureral Frl - 30 a m res . lence o: wir.-n-law. James J Klllloi . 1441 X 1 mlges st H'gh reii!er.. mass nt St i.regor'' C!-ur-h 10 a m Int Holy Cross 'in rll.l. At lis Angejes v a.u r,i, iiec. -o. Ifi.'O FREDERICK MOROAX PILE PINX A H.irrlstniv lie X J l" '-''. l't'Jii WILLIAM I. PINX. age,! .-, veurs Relatives and friends nre p sp-CIftll, . ll i'e.'. to funeral services on Frldt:. Dec 2, .t 10 a. in i l.ls l.Ce res'deiue Harrlt siiiivll.e x J Interment Harrisonvt.le m E Cep e T Autos wll, in. e- tri.lno t W indiit iv- r X J. PRIESTLEY At her resllei.c 2l(t Ank le v C.ermantown Dec 21 EL7.ABr.'."H R le-'oved wife of John W Prlest.ei'. hela tlves and friends are Invited to uttend fu nerin Frl 8 30 a m fmm tie- Dai Id II Schuy.er Rhlg . Broad arid Diamond st. m -en.r. requiem high mass Church of "ur l.adv of Merev 10 a m I-.t private. Ho. Si-l -a hre Cem RoiiRiiACH r o ;: shut p : ni P .'..lp S Hohrbacl. Iv-.. live. a. l f rlen. s ..Uo Sh-.ron Hill dun'.. Ni .1.1 S a..d D if I. liuiec, to runerai r ri : an i jrecJ-l. .it rttldel i Ion Cli, Lair Ir.t :,.-., etc Frier ts Ca 1 TllUTh eve ROnKXBERv. -De.- .;. ISRAEL Hand Cf BetSl Roseil1e,rrf Re.utlve; friends also Hvinai lenlge No 71 B A. nr- tr.viti! to a'ttnd lu-.t-ra, aid ices 1-rl 2 P ir. precisely al n'S den-. 742 JaiMsi 1. st l.t prl V tl ir. Cem SAVlIair. D-c 22 TIM 1 -d- M..-.' vV: slAVlliCE a-e. H7 Relatives und frl I ail .'. ties of vC 1." 1 h w'ss u m-mb-ir li -I vltel t fuera. 1-... vices Su.i 2 p m sor , in-Iaa-'s re.tdence Andrew R Voss 2" stine ait Coihi.gdale Ir.t Fernaixel Cem Friends may en.. Sat. eve, SCHKI.I -on D. 1 21 IDA l.i s it -v .. rt Hewv W She'. Funerni serv es .. . Frldav a- 1 V. p m at li-r .ate -, sidero e 5027 "evil.al. s ilermal.tui'. Il tern.vnt private JiTU. Or Dec 22 K.ATK 7" wife , f Ct.res V. S.-J I nnd Liugrter cf the lute 1 Dr v-im.el A. Whttarfer ant .'-.ir-ih It. Mottaer Fireeal strvl.es t.t. Fr'dui mort.- nir it il o cloc c at lie- 'a'e r. slder.ee 307 1 L.a ir' rl 1 yr. ii. P'i Irrmt-nt prl- ,t 11 dowers Mi'K.'.l.R At Slckler I X J Dec J! IVAfHIXGTiiN A ."sIi'rSI.ER age.! 01 v.-rs Re atlvee alii frlenls are Invited til .11.1. fur.en peril-el Fr' To 21 at i i ,tn r M'.e I'. lurch 111 30 11 ,1. -MITH A' Al inl ' CI v !.. Jl If'TIN II luiil ,f Margin" Sin ill ii.d ls"ler of 1 iir(s sti.iw. ager. 11, ive lives nni fr'.e i es It I. ar ln.i"ed Httel.d fi. ien Sel .- Krl i I.-. . In i i. -r Si J I it 'he far rh rf 1. .. t'l. ..I . A ll. -Ill . 1 1. !. X J vvil I al il.'tl'u.- M1II1 Hi rtrnn '' ". .illn ml ii i loti.i P ifi.ii a. c t. fron. l.er pirer. -' Kenjlem m.iss H AN'.N 1- i e" w' I nig' '. r . f n i an i. i-i. 1 rl r-sile II. X a.ii.iv v s ' 'hur 1- 1111 .i . I it Hoiv i'n s. 2. ALEXANDER Ft V .I-. rs .r,.r .! I pr.s'lv.j resli'.enci .,r' . i e il".'" TAMES hu ii' . f l.Ce Mat js l.-uc . s ird frier. 'a '.VI I TI'RS In-. ll isli.llli . i-.i!?. i - s, rvl 'S Frl 1 'm , l'tll .'tin., r st Ii " "A'.'EHS - Tin" 1 ti I .,' K IZai e' i an.! .(arg T, Wn'-r of 1 .i town Dve Works m.l'- o a"' ! 'ut erul . i. -sldenei. 1.1 .' '.V o. rob m . i .iii.ii a i .vss '. i'hi,rrh 10 a -r. Frl M.JO . r st Oermai. s s Francis ..f Il.t St. Mar. s . . ilr'i".,. :mkr , -! 'am;:h f weih.ik ,in fit. i 'i- Merldlsn Si.n I.odi. . v 1- . i. . . l nlveisllv Chip'i l r. up, dune!' ",. 4,1 e .. 13 Iv" il -. lntegrl'v 1 K .1 P West Park ("tnin- .i I- o I, Mai.'ua ' iu". . . : I A P.tman Mat. ii...-it- I- rir, M K iv,ii- i ,'. ,. Dmtnl cf ..it, i ,,, s i-'i 11 a m ilti X ', . ir Hw ii r-m Clayton w.i -i le-'-'e . c' Ni 1' cl N cm in 1 in 1 '" e : fi.il. ru sel V ' llo.lev ' !. I ill 1 I" r " i ' ' Ail.'.UM-- X ANKER VI l R. .a' ". and 1 Fnd . aft" rn.n r, .1.1. i. i -'-1- . ' ii. li urs a z, u j, )n r .' .'1 1020 MAP.l i w of I I.n I" willlaiu. - .. I . I. t i fjiiernl i,j .' J l"i , from ...r ihi- .es ttrrui ",v i.st PI i 1 i.t. irnei.' pr. LOST AND FOUND ilAi. J'"" De 2 gi i lii.-l l-L "in i-.s mlrr r ui. I Pva .r bill tli.i r lan I .. ills 1D rewa-d iteturn id Mi-di. Hi In. Iluiidliig N w .ml Wa.nut ts Ni 'iui fcil'. s PERSONALS TOM HELL Writ, to Tom Murray 2144 jK.i.du e ave I.ng Beach Calif . Im- , li .rt.ilii HARRY X Yuur father Is oerlousiv l' In I V h"spl'' MOTI'Ki1. I HELP WANTED FEMALE PllllKKEI'PER Glmhel Brothers require an experienced booh Iteeper. tnut be o.ulcH at flirutei nnd n Kood' ininnii. Apply hmpljyment llurenu, lth f.oT. clerk. TItl; PHU.IC LEDGER CO. DKflinEB THE services of a young woman ah clerk in it.s accounting de partment, with at least two years' high school education oh its equivalent APl'l.Y KTIt AND CHESTNUT J; ASK Full Mil WIBBT CLERKS Girls for general oltlco worlt 111 lirif office, must rv experienced; short hours, half tiny Saturday. state salary and experience. I' 03Q. Icdger Office. COOK, white, for nut Hill H2 Institution. Call Chest- C'OOICINO and downstairs work: no laundry, 1 white pref KlUlns I'.irl. rh Melrose ihnJ i OIIII.S leMrti to lnniiie altendnnlsi 4(l month, hoard room, laundry. Neater, 1220 rch st SAI.KSWOMHN minted for nalst and petti. coat di partment. Apply Thresher liros . 132.' Chettnut it. SAI.KSWU.MKN for silk department: must I be rapid and Mceurile and not afraid of work Thresher llros 1,122 Chestnut, STllNlxlllAI'HKIt rapid, accurate; modem I oftli-e. iHro-i inanufnctunrs. excellent wnrUliik- oiinilltlnna. uil-vrv tH eekh. Atl. . " 1 dr. s. It l',21 .-deer Office. 1 i Vol'N'u l.ADY Chrlmlan. for stenographic 1 e .md Kent nil o'lKe work, to U- located in rhllitdel.'hla ofllce New York cotton Roods t,roer. cottnn arn experience v-referred. Mai: ippllcitlnn ithinc full details to M 13.1. Ledger Ilrt.ee YOl'Nll WOMAN In lnp-'itlon aim wrapplnB di p irtlnent, dey K-iods stole experience lire f erred 1 V rienees. M22-21 Chestnut st Oenerai . MAKK MONKY AT IIO.MK-Tou can earn rru-n 11 ti 2 i.n 1'our In your spare time I writing show cards. q'Jl -l.ly and eas 1) le.itned no camn.sltm, we teach you how an! eell nur ork Write tmlay for full pnrtkularr to Anierlenn Show Card Bchool, 1 2111 rrle fridg . Toronto, Canada HELP WANTED MALE CHAlTPKUns wanteo. ooa pay. steady ,n. Slojment. Apply Kill Oronb-rir. svlperln t.nJenl Cual.er City Cat, c 1217 Vine . MKi.TKKS WANTKo roil tCi.iscTnic: STi.UI Pl'IlNACK: MUST I1B THOU- ne.-iii.v vvpi.'.ini:-.Tnn avtj rnMT!.- TENT IN AV.LOY AND TOOL, HTEslI.I, NO OTHKIIU NtKD Am.Y. f 328. LEUUUlt urriir.. . MKS' Tnje cornoratloti reel, aervlcss of imnd n.en m l'ennsjivnria, Marvianii, Dela ware and New Jersey, those with charauie.. ubllltv ard good local n,.qualiitance will earn intnlmu-n of $.1nou per v.ar and unltmtii-u maximum If v,u co.itemiilate n change on o- before Jmuiry 1. pleas. address us con- tlilntlsily '? t'-l'' le-dger flflce. PRINThRS make-up men and ad n.en. llno- tpo in icl.li.l.t operators, linotype nper .1 on wanted H-hour da and open shop: n .rmimeiit p,,sUlons t,i i.iputie men Tho Times and R,glt,r Lender Marietta. O PRESSMEN n. 2 Unrv v. Under presses. running on half-'one and color work state If union 1,- t.tiiunon. cn.y hgh-grade . need uppli i le.rt vmrlt, high 1 130 ledger Ofilc-. HIVLTERS and i.iulkers. experienced i n gas-lmliler vvora se.ira; mniiiiir.' joli Ap p,y to E'lviard nai. ;i.imsport la O itox 2IU, SALE"' MANAilER wanted by nationally ir.nvvii Eastern candy manufacturer, must h,- able to luggest practical policies, mal-e ii.ld surveys, handle .ale.mir. and br.ken vlll have navar.uige o- many sears natluni.. udvertlslng and trade goo I will. stitefull .i.irtlculurs. Address M 201 Ledger Office. SALESMAN Uinrt nnd .-o. a We ra- nn opiortunlty In our orgai.'zitlnn Tor a hlgh aride representative to hi dlt n.i.road and l-on proposition: splendid nrra-.a-crr.ents will be nmU- with the right party Ineludlr.n full facilities co-oicri'lon i.n.l leads this open ing cu-riee 1 n iiprsiriun.tv for very luru-e r. turns Oenerai Prnpirtles. Irn;.. 3. W. .ni 1,1th in I Wilnut -ts ,-M.ESMAN wantnl to h inl.e th.. I.kom . o-v Ir.g plr. mnchlne agents ini;.lng large ,e ,n . Fnlteil Tool and Die C. Hartford. C.t.n SALESMEN .ipet lallv. high grade, only th.ee wl.lliiL- ti iirk ne.il a.iply. writ-. glllr.g fu'l qual'lli allons p Inn: I. n .-ALEsMKN for slU department, must be rapid and a.-curnt-. unl net afr ild of won. Thresher Bros 1322 Chestnut SALht N W, want crack-il.ick. rip .i a t. r i.nii.iiiiii. w th a Siue-rlbbor rec ord of past selling performance., a ealet. inai. li, 'mows how to sell a well-advertised product thu- Is distinctive In Us field, has many t- ilen features, addition il salesmen are also w tnti In all towns wtthln a radius of jmi ip i.s ,.f 1 1 iia lei.ihiu Addr.sM givim.- refer.- 1 111'.' le-it 'er llfflee 6A1.E.-MEX i-pportur.lty for b ambitious -mi. 'o s,-' .lictrlc wnj'rg i..achnes and racuum cleaners, only Hie wires, ezcepllonil el.anc. for ndvancer..e..t. Call 122 11 Uth il Mr Reii SilviEMAKEIt.---AV.il te straight '. vi.d turn ' ei.,mei, h'.ea worl. Lalrd-S no'ier Co. s -, . rid floor .'.'d and Muiket st" SiiOKMAKERn Wui.ted banc ' r'- -rs o-i 1 i-.il welts, steadv worl- I. l""i'-.ccl.ob-r i . i, --md rtoor 22.1 iii d Mar'-ie' ,-'s (leiiernl HREENEWA 1.1 ' S A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT -ERVICK -i ii. ii 1 1 i.-sii .vri'iai.vii".1!.- if-i.i irom n.e .ml rt.i.neti wiin a.iuai bjh".ss expert- en . nil cle-in records i rflce u ' fai-ory ex- iut'v.. ngli.eers, coliigi .ir,' nKa' men. C'Vlxa tu th ui.u.u... 1 iv, regisiratlon at :!L'.l.fnn:0K ..e - m-"a l -ilI.F-ALDRESSED s'arr.e.. e-.-eltPe ne. rirm book.et and Infjrn.u'l. - bail: gratis. 11th SITU ATIONSWANTED FEMALE VniKKEEPER. heating, l.nowli ; e igt r Office exper'eri ed p'unibiii and dge of it. ii .graphy P 033 WOMAN MIDDLL A'11-.D REPINED. IX TLLLhlEXT VERY IlAiti OF HEAR ING DESIRES IMMTI'iV IX l'ACTORY. OFFICI-. INsTiri'Ti.iX "R PRlVATi: FAMILY IS VLRY ri'Nii ".' CHILDREN 1I1OJ sLAMsTI.KSii UNDERSTANDS HOL'S'.CIiOI.D Dl'TI'l-- VNQrESTIOXABLE Rilt'EltENCr: If . I LXISHED II 133 ..LDi.ER ilI-'FICi-. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Ai-.'Ol'.srA.. "inr.e. iloi. Ju .lor. tP" r iciird at d p ATTUNDAN-. w'.h .. 1 ,ir,l.l,ec lies' res . 1 1, .ntlng l.r.r. as ' aerage exceile,,! 1.12 Idgt llfflee .,1th ,.'.i I'. -i.mpan'.oi aintsplacc .ill. I man vtlling to H 110 Le'ger orric, . 1 t.-l d 11 res S I" O I 'NT A XT Hlg'i-gri I ,tl. In .ear- tXPTlir.es In Irni. .. i ' u.aillnrr. .res vl.l be open f,.- .' ti' , i a. out Ftl 1 B l.nit I-i Cf OENERAi. Hol'iKWolllv, ixperiir. -ed ind re.'eren i J ipanese K 11 , J i'i , lath s- pr '. jr" 3453 SEWING MACHINES SEVE MU'IIINKS i.e. 130 -asv pav me, . - i rfr nun otrer n ikss i'x. rew Jq o ",2 n ' giiarnntcf ' 11(1 N Inth st STORAGE AND MOVING STORAGE AND MOVING .STAHI.T-HI'D l"-TJ CONTINENTAL bl'ORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING Kl'i.h AND i ARI'i.'e.- LEAXKD Si I'lfRh.t iTviRED TELKPHoNfc. UiCI'ST lm',0 ONE MONTH IRi:L TA!JLISHED lfsf) Tlie Exchange Storage Co. 1420 X 81 H ST 7.'e have tt few .-lean. , e,,aute roon.s la ant for t.'.e -it ,ruge of your Household iloocs I-I! HAM'iN'Ii 2471 PACKING MOVVJ vH'ARANTEE Storage Co Estab d 187.:" Expert furniture handler We buv ee.i ,ack, move, B'ori" furniture, rugs, pltn.ni,' I chli a etc , ta-st service low rates, local anj Img dlst inee lh Pop 2154 1317 Brown st ' VlcfORY'STORAGE nil Fl.t.ert P'mne Lelmni.t 4870 , for estimate Plene-Arri.w vans 'wixj CUNNINGHAM upright pluno. ur---.v.wHINGT(JN St, rage Co Germantowr. unteed good u ndition ll in. Todd, lijofl Ilouseholl movlrg satisfactnrllv hand, ni, , Arch Open tvt lags until Chrlstmau. I stirage a specla'.tv trrvpectlou Invited Office nisi zVTKINWAY upright, cost 1450- guar- ll.-l-.t iterin., iinarii u-e . lerniaiiitiw)! I12ti llltaed iPI.ni i .'.Ild'IOn II II Todd .MiiS'ARi II SP'RA'tl' (u 3170 i ivi'h linn Arcn si upm. e.enings until Xmas. TER AVE- ACT" SERVICE HTORA'lfi I TVVn LESTER unrlght. cost 1800; guaran PACKING LONG DISTANCE MOVING i ',fed good condition. 11 B Tod dV 1808 i. AN IlAXDl.E 3 loads from New Vn pf Arch st OPn evening, until Christmas, i cenuter i.,1 av aiiraciive rale MlllhOorns B'orgef", 22 X 5 2d st I'll Belmont 4S2H. Lol'AL and 'r.K dial hauling day or night, rigs rile. 3718 Mandia ave H.j ills. UAI'JJMi " MOTORTRUCKS hours, ai sizes hlr, b) da. v.ek or I'M'a Autj Transfer. 23 ti. l'Jto 'l uall l'ov. 1714, -j -. , 1 FOR SALE Blankets ! Blankets ! Save 12 to 110 a pur on your blatikol purchase with a choice of ml dif ferent kinds, all marked at decided s.ivlnics to you. Comforts 1 Comforts! You are Just In time to elinrs In lower price a mill madn us on a lino lot to dispose of quickly. Crib Blankets 1 Couch throws, sheets, bath and kitchen towels, etc., etc.: ull marked at prices making It worth your while, to shop hero. Also thousands of mill cnJu and rem nants cotton dry (roods. W. H. SMITH & SONS DRY aoODS AT A SAVINO U14 WALNUT HT.. I'll II. A. $10,000 RUG SALE MILL ENIX1 aLlOHT MUCOND" 1O0U UUB AT BAROAIN 1'ltlCUd vim BRU6SELU.... xl2 W. VELVKT Sssmltss xl2 AXMIN3TER ?17.50 ?32.00 $85.00 $29.00 $20.00 $50.00 $18.50 J.8X10.0 IV. VBLVET Seamless, f 8x AXMINSTER xis ri:;n WILTON. ... x RODT nnUSBETLS ' nne quality t 40 SAVINGS FEINSTEIN STORAGE CO. 0, n con. dTH & sprino fiAnDnrr rtn Srsnlrurs Free Auto Pellvery SHIPPING BOARD SALVAGE ALT. NflW MATKIIIAI. C00 metal factory sash. 1 .1H md B Inch swivel Mru' .1 and h ton chain holm. Hj drated lime In baifs. Kxpanded metal a Hl-rlh and in"tnl lath, Tolletn and wash baslne Doors and wash Rndlatnrs and pipe onu ...s Carloads of cedar sldhgler Fire hosi aiil stlngulshcr Flro dis.rs tnl hnuuers Face and common brlck3. Millions fe t lumtior. Thousands v indows and do.,rs PLNN 9ALVAUK CO , 04th & Tlntcum me. Wood I nnd 4 IPS , TYPEWRITERS RENTED visnii.E 3 mos , 18.00 & up Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "Sou Our New Machine, The Century" American Writing Machine Co. Sn2 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 24.111 MMln 32ft I 7T iS T-T7 r ! 17. '.1 1 UmCe raruUOn.IxailinK, t UIIHIUIC Store fixtures .- le'l. Luv nnd exchange. JJ1 m-, ilie.-.fr. FtillNlTPllK CO. 1 811 Wa'lnut st W.u .ut 4184. Main nHBO A ' w7tlIINO-MACHINK Cl.KARANrK SALE ' I "s JlLUEIHRD WASHERS. 112.1 EACH. . WlilLE THEY LAST Hl'Y NOW AND " I Save iso. f a kpstein co . it2 n. IllTIl ST. PHoXK DELL WALNUT 0424. KKYeTII; IC.V " nwieirK FPIINITI'RE ' , ..p nt nf des s.if-s illen, cabinets and iVenernl office f .rniture. store fixtures. IV. liu seil aliil exchange. PATTr-r n k.-si 1 1.111'. uu UhT9T'I'hI 11 .'7 ARCH ST RACE 2H0H. vt-iS T.ndy aclr.it South, will dispose of s.'il coat, "lie s-411 also tnupr imlf set; vlll i-cll muff or ic.rf separately, in perfeit cond tlun ilmo.t -i w; lery reasonable Sm Mal-.tlc Hotel 1-orlar 700,1 J flu C4.S1I ""I purcnase R snoemaner goiu- strtfg cone rt-grnml piano, lietter tone ti.on those made today and In fine tona t.unlltv. (103s Chest.iu: st. Phone Sherwood 1270 w. FURS! FURS I FURS! Coats and scarfs at lery low prices It win Oil iOU tO COine in IllUl lotia i.i.-en.-i b .mu 1. .. .. . ..... ... ,1,.., m.A.,1..... OtllCe. : 11th st Open evenings. HCCORDS. Victor nisi Columbia, four fur it n(! perfect condition, Vlrtnr and Colum Mi. machines and records bought told and evchanged for 10c Open evenings only to 10. 14J1 North 52.1 st. J F Youngish. l't iVl'TS. straight fro i. the farm, with ', I'.-.na. delicious lal'i r on.pniiiid bags. 7 i-'i.ti pi. und quick shlpnienis, send tnor.e SirfcHPLL & DI'NNINO Aiilan.l.r N C A . t-i . rrf n .. iifhce rurniture, uince ranitions tab es fi.lU abltiet i -. new. sllgl.l.v usii'. . v W. Ish 1n37 Rait 1 des.s , t x-ur, i.air store " sel , huv IX- li.illiut 3i30. $5 Up ORCOATS $5 Up 3000 lire' U,i- n o-i on-ii. ...in soilli' lauor- I f.r.f u.i-'o 'la'i overciiitb sonic tailor a w omieriui .ismrimi ir ti, seiict from waiter's Ifin Oftlie 1 1 1 li i n.l Arch n-i T-ttui-i.' ..-.-hesTra center seats I'liilinltni in Orches'-a Saturla evenings during Feo ri.iri unl Mn4i "in. II. Jamison. Tl.e Marlvn loth and A alnut us ttl 7-iI.aiies' leal coat, large shawl coIUr 4" e"-7 value 127." Drtsnei Loan ('flic' 144 N Uth st open evening-! till Xnius ff'liillLAUTC a Lay seal wrap, new ai ' M'--- vtl5o. bargain. Dressner a Loan of. ,-c- 44 N llih st Open evenings till Xm,.s ' . ., .: ,, ....-.viuivi ToTTl T CAND1 s or. a. -Pjrs . Mlxert harU , ,,.;,,. l-Manlfacnir-rar 1545 0 " . vTTTt KRESII DELAWARE Tl'IlKi-vVT 1 STALL 11 READIXO TERMINAL .MAR. KET felft I In -AHQl asirtmc.it of diamoni TIU Up r.,.K3 t,Ar B,n!li , Dresner-Z lnjlfflve 44 X Uth St. Open "' vt7S D1MI,JN'J RINO. purs whit "?-- Jll.1 DHESXER'3- WAN iilTll'i" 41 ;,- lltl, st "pmlmr evenings t'l. x, ,,,' afoRAGK BATTERIES for Christmas tries" 1 up aiitfi N 10th st, Tlogq H4nl WASIIlNi" .-.lAi m.Mi"-iiiuenini. irr tl usi d snertllce 521 S UOth st lit- sfi'RAOh. HATTERIKS tor Christmas TfT JJm :til4',l X 10th it Tlogq MH " aAl'ES. tlnproo: cheap, 100 siigf.tij ua. a'.l slztJ makes stylis. 72 X Four:! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianos, Player-Pianos. Victrolas The great ar.iu.il sale of Plan ,n Plur.oir. Pianos nd Victrolas Is held this n.orth As mil. n us 25 lair cent reduct or.a l. some P mo Departments. The usual II piii guarantee ur.d f ee ex-Chung- privileges will bo In fi m Al. used Pianos are rebuilt as near like . ,., UN j,0u. Bible The following Is a general sun mar, 4.1 Rebjllt Pianoa from 1121 'o H'.o great annual sale of Plan 75 New Pianos prices rangli g i.,, to jfcjo. -.i iv pianola i-tunoa, mu iari.es mttit for 'leura Isrort- Several used Player-Plar.os at 1471, 5550, lti.10 UOO New Victrolas, all tpn -rjir J20 to 1275 Used TalKlng Machines, otl. -r ..iee -.ery low prlcsti Payments to suit your co-i.n.e-.re Call or wrltu for Urgvt lUu. atu. ,gues Heppe S UptOWn OtOreS OR SIXTH AND TIKiM.-iuN STS. i-xii .i.iii;ii JJ"ifi ,'BTilOLA IX. UiLluUiiirf il p-i-ih doublii faei. records (12 seleC.I i i Jsn 10 this Is i handsome machlnt w . et Irr.prove- neiits 11 SO weMly. H HI "i 1308 Arch ai 1 1823 Chestput. li .gs until Xmas. Jliei KS'ABE Aijfelus . . , r mahogany rms can bw arranged li Ii i'id. i3M Areh a" Oie-n evenilgs Xmas ' VICTROLA IV. .vlth il 1C- l li uble-face e looklnv for recs . sou in, iii- oun fr a good much, at small tus" ii R Todd. 1308 Arch 1823 Chestnut Of v gi until Xmas VICTROIeA VI. with ti Punch doutle.face rcc.r-ls 140 10 a beaut 'j! outfit tr f, n.'ne" n Todd lin.l Arch st. OJS1 Chestnut Open evenlngn ur til Christmas I UO'i AEOLlAN-i'" a Lit i.v machines, new: mahogany case, p it i ur prl . 1200. fUy guaranteed H I I'll LlOti Aroh st iirien .yenlnns untl Nir.q. VICTROLA. VI wllh 0 lo-lnch doubloffiTe records. 40 10. a tataiitlfjl outfit for little, muney IL H ToJd 13M Arch at . 123 l hestnut Open Mnn 1 rl .md Sat avenlnir. PIANO 175 cash JS5 n week, for mag. r.lllcent 1850 p. a no been ustd. decided targaln. . B '"" loOd Arch st. Open evenings until Nn ai 'Sot) STORY i. I'Ulic H8-note player. piano, Utaut ne uned u short while, cost 1700; terms can i- arranged guar II jj i.' . . tana . rli On.n u,...,!, ... .. ' Togo io"Q . yv. ..-nn .. until Aniaw Todd. ALL makes phonographs repaired by factory exnert Soiotoni Phon Co.. 1727 Chestnut. PHONOGRAPH. VI. torlu style. ' 1150 U220 Havtrtard ave. OLD GOLD 1225 for CASH PAID for old told, tllver and antique clocks, l of-tri. 45 H. Utb, Locust 1210. TJSED AUTOMOBILES The Word Painting dors not describe ihe exquisite, lono-llfed lustrous finish of the Martin-Alexander Iwklnit process of reflnlshlna- automobile", nnd the small extra cost Is nothln roin pared to the pleasure In ownlnu a beautifully llnlihed car and the, servlco ou will rtvit. Inspect our work. Kot our prices, or call us on- the phono and we will send u rep resentative. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMOI)II,K ItKFINISHKltS 120-128-130 llced st. Dickinson 2201 Main 870 ItBAL TRL'CI. iit vou l.novv you can net a U"''"J truck of stnndurd make for nlsiut nneniuarter of the original coslr Tlmken gears. Continental motors, llrrvvn A Slpeilransmlsslons. do not neglect to get one of the 2 or 3 ton trucks we have replaced with rctv equipment. See Mr. Cable. ATI-ANTIC RKFININO CO 3144 PAssyunk aie. AUTO SPRINGS 5fH0BER 34TII AND MARKF.T hTnr.nT0 OVKRTJVNDS. nil models. 5 and 7 pae'enget touring, 2 and 8 passenger roadsters. 4- passenger chummy roadster: all other makes nnd models, time naymen.s. open pi" nlngs. Overlnnil-llnrper Co.. 210 N ltrnd st. tAltTl New iinlv! Hiilrnl frears. n'rillght iMtio.ft frnni.ttil.slnn if.inrN. HVl,. t-llllftU, ! Universal Joints, clutch parts and cylinder . hend gaskets, at .less than factory prices. ' Levene. 220Q Diamond st. Dtninond Hs.iO. 1 bTORAaK batteries for sale for every make ofunr il-iolt.. JH: 12.volt.. $10: positively In Jnnd cond. Starr, storage. Rat.. 2"H N 1.1th , i CHANDLER rhumn e eilrnt condltloi 1 teltfpyione. I.'insdnwi my roadster. 4 passenger, Ion Cnll evenings. Dell ne 7.1S J. WANTED Lute model nutns, have good ee rurltles lo trade. 1'op, 74112 W. for qpi'rntt 'ADII.LAC. Hi wlro wheels, Royal cord tlren: 811011 HM2 W. Cleanleld. Tioga 2211 W.. WnnlHt WANTED AUTOMOBILES IN GOOD CONDITION STANLEY AUTO CO. (11 0 N T1ROAD ST. TmetiS TRl'CK. Dorrtn, nto .ton, with stake bod7. slightly used, will sell cheap: excellent condition. Robert Lewis Co., Whcatshcaf lane and Coral St.. Trnnkford Pa. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES BIG BICYCLE SALE Savu from 110 to 115: Juvenile nn1 regulat size.; good makes; 300 to select from nltghtl used Mcicles at groat bnrgalns; complete line of Columblu velocipedes, corau nd see them open evenings. WINER' S. .1020 Market St. Phone Belmont 8070 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LARGE corporation needs services of good men in F-nnsjlianla Maryland, D.lavvare and Nt w Jerai: . those with character, abil ity and gc d local acquaintance v. ill earn minimum if Jitnoil pir jear nnd unllmlt'd maximum if yuu contemplate u chsngo on or before January 1st, please address uo confldtntlallv M 030. Ledger Office 11 Yol' can use 130 today und 130 a month for 3 months ou can become associated with a coinpan; that should rt turn you n fortune, this s not nil or mining, hut an importunity In 1 proven business. Write P IO11S Ledger Ofllce STOCK SALES MANAOER. with established offlcen and thoroughly trained staff of salesmen, In oi n to handle Issue of stock for successful coriKiratlon desirous of ex pansion, 11(10, OiKi upward; enrrespondenci 'onfldentlal H 010, Letlger Office, FINANCIAL assistance to business men. Maurb-e Li htm.iti. 205 Colonial Trust Bid,.. 13th and Market, Spruce 8778. BUSINESS PERSONALS r-vT A H'AXiriC f.io.niio to invest; a safe DlAWlUNUb ini for refined pen. LlrUTlV-'ll-'- pl0 vho ,iae u .immond T-v-vr T-1I eithe wish to turn Into mono RniKiH I'lUlckly Office hours lo to UWUVJlllj ..nij. A mu'UTCHEN. PRIVATE "rust" Bl'liV 1 1'1 T rx - Chestnut sts Real Estate Broad and Hell phones 1 DIAMONDS BOUGHT 'poMthely highest c.ith prtc?n for your dla 1 inrsii nn utzr from Sk to 10 Ciirnts. ncinft nu hlicher. hIko old icultl platinum and aller J iHiUKnt emu tea uoukhi iiiri-i-tie;, csi. iu ro. The Diamond Shop ..j-V-yfiv-,.. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AM' SIZE PRICK :iO OBJECT Pawn Tickets fur Diamonds Bousht KHLLY & CO . 0S2 CHESTNUT 3T. Butte 21-22. Oer Chlids' Restaurant. PtIt. DIAMONDS BOtJilHT .SOLD f'XCKAKOBD L. WACH3, 72J South st. Wal. 8jg IATEST STYLE full dress and Tuxedo nulls, - reas prices Cooper 3340 .Market st. Pres- tan 11103 open evenings DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 3ANSOM ST. CARPEX'I Lit does all kinds ot Jobbing; estimates fnely given Phone Toplar il73l W 2320 1-alrmount aye. RUBBER U'XJDS of all description re paired Andrew T Blrcheit .103 fl. 22d ASHES and rubM.': remold from cellar. hauling done. Bin iiuuonwocq I ELECTRIC treitment and mar.lci 105 Heel Bldg 121,1 Filbert. UPHOLSTERINM repalru of all Hauling uone. 010 i.oiionvToi.a. Mai. .i, '.(curing. Room lac. Buny. klndi dona at home Fenton. 80 Spring Qarden, SCALP treatment, laclal massage and ull branches Blackviell.iulil Sp Hdn.Pop 5015 TOUPEES wig specialist guarantees satls- f a ctlnn P Cncron 21 N Juniper. Room 815, L'VEMXO dresses for hire V Courcler, 2111 Arch st Bell nhore Iicust 1033 W, 1 ELECTRICAL appliances slightly shop- "',1m' reduced prices. 821 s. tioth st. ' WoT ZSmkI alto "'-"-'y- I MACHINERY AND TOOLS WE MAKE gray Iron castlnv from one pound 1 to one ton, If ou want castings that can I be eaelli ma. hlned. write us Reeves stove ' and Foundr Co SH SJ Second st , Phll.i I Foundry. Cannier N J 24-IN'CH liiMLlt 1'IA.ikii, jn good condi tion, ills" 5""?-u . heavy wooden nnt.struitlon, itss.iu iiowarq and Reed t. I ELECTRIC .uiijtf - TOOLS IrviiltlEN MACHINERY CO.. lip .y Hn KT, ICE CREAM machine, good condition, for .lie. II, R Faunce. Riverside, N. J. ALTERNATING and direct current motors, I new and used Mink k Co , 227 N. 4th st! I o ii it foos gasoline engine, new: win o ..' . v.1 r,S nuut nrl.a lit ., . ""i MODERN mach. shop small or large ord'e: I I l!n2nZ,-J? M'-' "" iii'l.I.EYS HANGERS. HHAI'TINu. 'iIAf n VlticE, MOTOR ECHANGE, 827 N8d. WANTED WE WV vNT at once household furniture". e.tor.s ofrtcn fnrnltoe, " ". store "' " "ln ',nurrn, cor. i.m and ch,r m'iiiii tank wanted highest i,n ... open evenings Daniels Cycle Co. 12li Qlrard avo DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH BIXGINU .'ANARIKB make line Chrlctmrs l we haw. en beautiful guaranioJd singers, some al, ; ;''.' ,''hertJeauufUy marked; IB up. 5520 Qlrard avo, Del, 2117 j. BTAMPB AND COINS BTAMPB. PACKET8. DIME BI5TH Albums and supplies for stamp collector PIIILA BTA1I' CO SI B. 17th st. ROOMS FOR RLNT ARCH OT., 2125 (LYRIC) Blns-le, double noJseic.eping room., .uoiies. clean: pnons, CHESTNUT. 2U43 Kurn room and bath: single room hot-water heat el.c i ref CHESTNUT bT . 201U Single and double rooms, f DIAMOND 2105 Newly furnished, hot witer heat electrlrlty; breakfast tnd dinner In the evening if desired, DIAMOND lUOlj Desirable furnished front room alio single rooms; running water. bath, shower; phone, Keiillemeii SPRUCE ST 1HJ5 Aery desirable rooms; "USI teing iilieTieo, some lurnisneq. Bl'iiiu K BT ion) I'iitremeiy lies rooms und suites- band furn . private baths HPItllCE. 1316- Dt.lrahlit vacancies eleu- trie, convs , bath continuous hot water. UTH ST. X . 2131- -Two rms . unfuni. ; i-ec floor, nrlv. fam use of hi in Mrs Lynrh 11TII S 82S (Curit nii-bltigle and double Bciinrlea. o'tructl" ely (urolihed, Vm- nut 7140, ROOMS FOB BENT 10, N 180. HOTKL JlUmODoaullful' runr. rooms, siwtloss clean, else., h.w. heatl dally & weekly ratesi conv. to stations! bent accom, for traveling people. Spruce 1PM ItlTH HT..-N.. 1401 Apts., furn. or unfurn., room kitchenette furn. Ifli sing, rm., la. 4TH, N 8H4 2d fid. rm.. water! eiee. h..w, h.lVonv, to cars. Pop iM28:gcntlempri ATLANTIC) CITY. ROOMS with bath: modern. Banta Maria. 11 3. New Hampshire ave cor. Euclid avs. BOARDING TWO dellchtful rooms, southern exposure: opposite Penna. R. R. station! convenient to trolley cars: excellent table board. Phont dermantowii 6882. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTh CENTRAL unfurnished bouiektspltur. aprt reent 220 S 4th it APARTMENTS M nfllEllBIl WAVERLY APARTMENTS 1402-4-C-8 ERIE AVE. ONLY 0 LEFT Eleeant modern apartments, having 2 bedrooms, conven ient to all parts of the city ' by train and trolley! near at tractions and shops: low rentals. Make selections at onco. W. GABELL b. W. COR. BROAD A ERIE) AVIS. iiraiffinoiiMiK The Cypress 1114 Spruce Street Private baths; all front apartments. LEWIS -K. BROOKS 014-010 PENN SQ. HLDO. Locust 1229. Or on premises. UNUSUAL APARTMENTS Two rooms, btth. kitchenette and 4 rooms and bath, and 2 porches; surrounded by larce grounds: exceptionally modern. Apply on piemtses. 122 W, Manhelm st "nfepiacei btl.a?qu.try floor.: "sin ii day; arge bedroom, most. modern of baths with snower nnu perjeci niicnen, did per month unfurnished SPRUCE ST.. 1100 (IIolmeshur8t Annex). 2 and 8 rooms, with bath; some housekeeplng beautlfully furnished: all modern Improve ments; southern exposure: Phones. Apply Holmehurst. 1012 8pruce st. DIAMOND. 2520 W live rooms, bnth. hardwood floors, hot-water heat, continu ous hot water; everything modern; 175. Co lumbia 272L BAR1NU, 4031. nnd 430 S, 40th st. Apart ments, 1 nnd 2 rooms and bath; nlao with kitchen will furnish Phone Preston 2270 W. APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments a kpeclalty Sherwood Annrtment Agency, 13,14 Walnut st, 8823 N 10TII ST DESIRABLE APART MENTS. FURNISHED OR UNFUR. N1S11ED. PHONE TIOQA 0103 W COLUMBIA AVE.. 1830 Cozi npartment, 4 rooms nnd bath, hot-water hent. Wm. L. Craven's Sons. 2010 Columhla ave wfst riiir.Aiiwi.riiM 8000 CHESTNUT Attractive cor. apts., thor oughly mod : hdw. floors, vapor heat, wal nut and wh'le finish 1-2.,". rms bath nnd kitchenette: 100 to 1150: lmmeil, occupancy. Open for Inspee. or Taylor t Son. 2(1 S, 40th. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Two rooms, bath nnd kitch enette unfurnished: West Pli ladelphla or Tioga preferred; married couple, r.o children. M 7O0 Is?dger Office. FURNISHED APARTMENTS DE LANCET PLACE fc 22D Attrne. large suite, 2d floor: private: modern, bath kitchenette, etc with or without houseke, p Ing itervinoil Ants, ag . 1334 Walnut st 24(si splil'l'l' ST. Lirge furnlstud rnomu en suite or part prlvato houeo; modern. Locust .1030 J. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CIIELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS BT. GERMANT0WN 20 MINFTES TO BROAD HT. STATION Furnished and unfurnished suites Frontenac Apartments BROAD AND OXFORD STS Tv o. 3 and 4 room apartments, maid rervlce and electric lights. HOTEL CA.MDBX 2d st ut Penn, Camden" N J , 5 minutes' walk from ferry facing mi Cooper Square. Just opened, u trul first class hotel, with 150 rooms and 70 baths: dally, weekly and inu-.thlv rntes, a res taurant with real home cooking In con- ducted Telephone Climdei lfi-iO THE LITTLE HOTEL 22.1 S Broad st A good place to live while in Philadelphia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY MJ:2..l1-...BTlL-!?T-w. winw. .to front: lots 17.00 vnlt.i.l. .".'",,'"'"" t..,,..i., ,7.iV,i . ......., ,, rKinu initiiu- MiUnri"i;nSr,n,'' r """"I this location Is f I ' r?..n,?ir.,'niyialUa.'J'n0 ?"?. auy- ,nale me an ooer nanain ir.o N Hth st. 1411 X. 17T1I ST- Three story 12 rooms ..VVoVr lr'J,","'l ne iev,s ; will fliiMiie... rl. l.fASI Ifith V hnmnenn Ci. 1.- , . , . . . ..vatowtij uio, 27TH ST.ubove Allegheny v.ime-buiit i,n.T o Bly porch, tl rnis and bath, h ., ..;' pele J't"iin ln every way Agent on' prern- usee, iiuii.i -.1111 ana rioirvir-set ts 734.3il-38.4ii N KITH ST. Arf7mTedns iiv-'iP" i.mu,l,: Vi M.'''"t "'' ner; financed! Phlla Service Realty. 1832 Wallace hi. Uuslnrsa Prmiertles und Stores LET S Tt i.'i IT OVER NORTH BROAD ST. Kerb,aughNS.sV; 7. "fTSil.l.13,. Cor. Ilroijd 4 Baker's Alley; 50-ft. front" buiidii?K.,,ro'lJ 10x80, M" -atory "" ' REYNOLD H. GREENBERG ' 1421 CHESTNUT ST. WAREHOUSE FOR SALE OK ltirVT I CENTRAL. GOOD CONDITION1 SPRUCE 4.1K4 I Faftorlfs. Wary'iouses Mfg. 1-lnnr. 010 OF AN ACRE In North Philadelphia manufacturing center. 1-stor.v brick bulldlnir; spur irac? from P. und R. : belntr now used by a, steel products company. J. LEE PATTON LTXi-OLN HLDO SPRUCE 7rn- T-i I i-HT-Tr-ii Ttno FACTORIES AND FACTORY BITI.'.S E iryvhere In Philadelphia Ult'IS s GIXSBURO 1201 Chestnut bt. KiDt'STRlAL PLANTS warehouses, rail road and river frontages JAMES I, STEVENSON A bOX 822-S24 Land Tltln Bldg. FACTORIES & SITES 4141 TOMI.INSOX Lincoln It, rig SET. linriigei GARAGES Seveinl up to date In irond loo ; various cinniclll-s Goldman, 721 Wain .. . WEST PHILADELPHIA REMEMBER C "etands for All Teal's R Oood" CRgsa REAL ESTATE ', u E. cor 6Bth and Larch- " wood are, CORNt'R (4.itl! unu La ehwuodl Trrfoe-stn-y modern residence, a baths hot water beat electric, hardwood iloois, living hall, attrac tive residential district, .scant: tinmidluto possession, garage privilege Eugene L. Townsend .V: - , . llalln. uvp 610 Marlyn Road K'l" Rud'iced to 17500 If sold before Dee. 20 Adolph B. Caspar',' Realtor 60TH AND LAXSDOWNB AVE. 10211 PINE il' Near Black ink p,,rk ;,. mediate posiittsslaii. r.mldst home nvvmrs. winter s coal In collar ut last spring's price. a;;... "., VaimenL i'. w SoWAM.viii'rurii' Var."t;8t:,:1' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WF-ST PIIlf.AIIKI.riHA 1IAVI1 YOU 1'ROPBIITY TO SELL IV WI7ST PHILADELPHIA? Wo are doing business overv clay flelllnr homes' Renting somo. Oeltlng- mortgage's Injuring anything Carpenter & Wilson, Inc. IN NEW OFFICES S. W. cor. H2d and Market uts. Open evenings Belmont 1057 West 4S78 A 3830 LANCASTER AVE. POSSESSION! lfl.100 Newly Ovcrh'd Throughout EDWARD V. LANSDALE 712 WALNUT ST. REDUCED TO J.1B0O TIARrtAIN 2042 SOUTH 65TH STREET Six rooms, bath nnd laundry, hot-water heat and electric, lights; Immediate possession. LOPLAND, 7121 Woodland ave. COllIIH CREEK PARKWAY CORNER 72T 3. 63d St.! 2 story! Inclosed porch: ga rage: everything modern: a location where lt.ak.nl vnltitt. will hold. Michael a. maloney, 1021 h. coth st, 000 I1LOCK MARLYN ROAD Slx-room modern homo, with extra coal: vacant: rensonablir prloe: financed: ownsr. W. O. NIXON, 1100 Penn Square llldg Spruce 3BuB lToL'S'5 for suit near 54th and Market! electric light. Dutch hnllf newly painted and papered: vacant: J800 cash. llairo- plan 112 N, 00th. , 1IAHUAIN 2 N. Robinson st.! 0 rooms and bath, porch front: A-l condition: JOOO re quired to buy: flnanied, M, Moffa. 331 N. iltth st, lirlmcnt 7Q3.1, 63(17 ADDISON bT Six rino, and" baths good condition: post. : hargntn for quick sale. F, J Lnmbirt, 40.1 N ,1d st. Belmont 0777,. Bill FOLSOM ST. Vacant: o rooms, porch: good condition, price 13000. EMPIRE TRUST CO. . LANCASTER AVE.. 4r.39-403O-4n71.4748-- Bargain Empire Trust Co Ilelmont 120. 183 S. OOD ST Vac: Or., h.-w. heat. elea. lights, hardwood floors. Empire Trust Co. 32.1 N 02D 1.100 cash, vacant: Or. bath (.1 bedrooms), Mnonev. 13 N. ofitti. Rel.MOl 0 RMS., mod. homo: car.: h.-w h.. all contf.: nnnn Wnrrlnctnn nv. Nemlrnvskv.137 N, 3d TIOOA , TIOQA, 304r, N. 11th Newly renoiated, en tirely modern, ll rooms; supply of coal In i-ellnr. OA1IE1.L, 133 S, 15th. ri.NX1Vl.VANM M'lH'KTtAN eiinrT.nUniisiiinirmininiiiiiHinxiirnninniin.iiiir.iiiTiinin.raini inmni:inrHiiir.'a ' m NOW IS THE TIME In rnniiult rne reirardlni; thnt now miburbnti horn V u Mv. In mind WALTER S. SUTHERLAND 3 107 Maple nie. BALA PA. 3i Cvnwyd Ho R lii!iirc CHOICE COUNTRY SEAT Colonial Htono dwelling. 10 'rooms. 2 baths, electric, steam heat. 2 open fireplaces; barn and necersary outbuilding": 18 acres: 2(i0 fruit trees, all kinds berries und asparagus bed: near cltv limits; 'i mile from station on N. Y division nnd close to Phllmotit Country Club: price lin.oOo fur prompt sale. W. Forrest Magee. Southainiiton, Pa t DETACHED and semidetached houses with convs. and large lots: rare bargains. Carl Ooessler. Hatboro, Phone Hatboro 10, CYNWYII SUBURBAN HOMES in Bala. Cyn WTd and Wynnefleld sections; Im mediate possession. JAMES E. DOLAN & CO. Cynwid. Pa 420 STATE ROAD. Cynwyd, furnished house. 2 baths: open dally for examination. ARTHUR HOSWELL. 233 N. 13th at.. Phlla, niCIII.AND PARK MODERN DWELLING. 0 minutes from 00th st. terminal: living room, open fireplace, dlnlnc room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, attic, hot-water heat, gas nnd electric: pries P050; financed, Bmall umount cash. George I, Barnes. 120i Chestnut st. Walnut 4D85. NAIinKRTII SUBURBAN HOMES AND BUNGALOWS To Kult your niecll ned. r'ad for Im intil.itr occupancy, fnun f4.0fi up. JOHN A. CALDWELL NARBERTH, PA. tr.,.. -.1, V. -!... f K 114JT ffrt, nli 4-788 .1 ni'vinii I'll . .iiiiiiciiii vi J I uaitt.-.- kriia. i iuu v- - WA1M1 BRICK and frame house, I) rooms, bath, hot- air Heat. lot lox'.'uu; everything good con , dltlnn UO.IiOO. I J. M PROXKFIEI.D Wavre, Pa. ! rKXX'tVLVANlA VAKMH EQUIPPED FARM 01 ACRES CHESTER CO. Colonial stone house, 0 ilrenlaces, running water; barn & uutbitlgs.it Implements, crops, stock, (1 horses, 12 cattle Included; 15-acre meadow, 12 acres timber; '4 inlle trolley: 3 from W Chester on stone road. 118,000 net. PETERS & SOX.llOH CHESTNUT ST .PIIILA. 35TH WARD FARM VlclnltJ Byherry. stone house and booJ hldgs. ; pnss April 1. If sold this month C, P PETERS &. SOX 008 CIIESTXPT ST, NEW .lEU-EV -St lll'Ull N l'W.MVKA NEW BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS I "'. ".'!"' Be-iutltul bun for sn ut I'amllv , all Intist ' vroiiveni, nee- uae i.iicuen oricit irt'paie, laundry, lot r,iixl7n elev, t..0i views nt off!.'. 1 PETERS HiSO.Vr.il I'llE-ITN'l'T ST . l'HILA - -- '.lichen brick nreplai H-BBID, UK SALE BY OWNER One of thu flnei.1 ' esi.ueo in I'-i-rica; niauiuui water front i everining mrsiern, anunoance or fruit won. derful bargain at I14O.O0O Address Wind- sor 0 N Mich tt.ui ale . Chicago. LNI) SALESMEN of expi rlence Florida pieferred. communicate Immediately re garding our colony funns, attractive agenta' offer, territory, etc. Florida Truck und Cit rus Lands Corp., Orlando, Pla. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT I 4'ITY - I I l"actorles. Wiirelinnsiti. Manufiicttirlng Floors ' I EIGHTH ST near Callowhlll, I storyaiiil ' basement, nbout 7000 fiet; good daillgh),;! I steam heat, freight flevatur, high relllngt,; i driveway on Urst floor; closu to railroad; I suitable for manufacturing or storuse; Mill t I Sell or rent, easv terms i FUURMAX. Ull Chestnut. Walnut LH4. I . ' REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I city VACANT GROUND 11400 j-KH'ARi; FELT rLIOR SPACE RAILROAD SIDING CHARLES M. MILLER 1217 V 2liril ST YARD and vvarehouro, storage, foi rent, siding; central, tnonthL rates handling and dellveri" of material made Bar 1UM I or West 4537 A. YARD and warehouse storage f.ji rent; Bid I Ing, central, monthly bants handling and I delivery of material made Baring HUH or limidd I 4 . DESIRABLE. 2 stor. pon h front X W. section fit e Dutch hall etc 55 per month SCHWARTZ., '.'dth above le-lilgh. Business Properties und Stores HJiiiiiw ," awT,xwjwiiiL irw vi :iii FOR RENT Central Corner Building 3 Stories 40x140 Fronting on 3 Streets LASTLY ADAITABLE TO FURNI TURE, ELECTRICAL IIOUSEKEEP. ING APPLIANCES OR ANY HUBb H NESS HKUUIRINtl IAROL, LIGHT g ROOMS F J A I'.li I r.llSUTt loll H I.1TII Hr. rra-'iKr 'ii n.iniiiiiiinTLjn5ruuwr fi.:ra ti Jiojci' jiinLi ji i.nn m i ni n jni ra -iSi 122H-3II RACE STREET Alsiut H10O gq ft . 3 HtorUs, light front, rear and side. Imnndlate pnsuesblon 1222-21 RACE STREET Alsiut HOOD uq. f( 2 stories, llk-ht front und rear. 2 street en trances. Pobi-esslrin April 1 1121 120 NORTH CAMAC bTRE'ET--About 3!)08 sq. ft.; 3 stories, corner iiruierit Pos" ' Msloli Anrll 1 11121 PENN'A CD .117 CHESTNUT ST OKI'ICE SPACE NEW .MODERN and exclusive Office iru-a 10TH AND SAN'SO.M STS KiuthA"Mtern oayllght filiosure, i.ljl r,t lOOU 20uo or oooo it 18 PER SQUARE FOOT J LEE PATTON LINCOLN BLDG SPRF. ,.. ;t,i"j WAREHOUSE FOR SALE OH REVp CENTRAL. GOOD CONDITION SPRUCE 45K1 EQUIPPED inu-hlnc shop. H7xliill."i HiTf" iiiiid'iii loir I'rtinl and Tl '.! suit mh r I. isln - Keiiniilv Hal s Van p. n , cms V CITY r-tftorlea, Wilrehnnses. Mfg. Floors lIlinilli.TIlllIIliraffiiniJiNimffl-n.rPliliiinrrimm'OTniinTT,,. IS ,..um,i,u.iuiiinuiiuiiuia.ujulills.ruiBUHkl WARER00M and 0FHCE For wholesale purposes, with or :v!hh,!1,nodraVsr."f0r,lt,0a, """"on 40 S. DELAWARE AVE. LOMBARD 1473 MAtN 2888 128,000 8Q. FT., sale or rent. 2 8 .-m"I str-icfL r&i ' AMsHsk dustrlal standpo nt: Plant will h sTi.?it? suit tenant or sold ot? terms 'to wlt7 "C1 U , J. ALAN MIDDLETON Factory BpeatandPductlon Engh- IIHNT FIAX)R 123 N. 7TH ST. . 2000 FEET LIONEfi FRIEDMAN ..,.,... . . ur, ill. in. 1214 ARCH ST. Two modern 3oors -.1Z containing 6000 square fest. el ALBERT M. OIlEENFIEU 00 ISIh unA nk..i..., TT1 l-X1. " 1 -'iiiui .!. SirJ!i!!,ii;ti,!iiliiDiHKirirHK!II! FOR RENT 53,000 SO. FT, floor apac. 15,000 BO. FT. basement rpaoa. FRETZ BUILDING 10TII AND DIAMOND niiwiiniiiiiiiM OmcKS, nUSlNBHS BOOMII. urn OFFICE SPACE .FOR RENT! EM-rtnt FLOOR OF ABOUT 260O BQ. SESSION JANUA-R1 vvXim Poq. LI BANK m.Ull,, 1417 ttJJNttOlj BT, OFFICB 8PACE PARKWAY RUILDINO B. E. COR, BROAD AND CHBtttlY -. ui'Tiui.0 ior rem. tjnuDert Bid. nR, Broad st.i out.ld. lUhti ImnvdlatV'txS. session. v'' WILL SUBLET- outside prlvats offlcs K Wldener Bu Mine: completely furniJhet references required, P B31. Ide-r Of flc". PRIVATE office and uso of reception room nttornrv prefnrrtd. Apply 528 n( Estati Trust Bldg ' u' "' CENTRAL, brlcht offices: also rooms for 1'ght manufacturing. 220 B, 4th, WEST l'lllLVDELPIHA 815 WYNNE WOOD RD. Overbrook dls trlet; modern 3 story. smldetsehdi renovated: several apts., ISO to 185. ADOI.PH n. CASPER. 6uth Lan.dswn. CALL Belmont 8777 or West 03. If you d. sire to rent a modern house or apt. Have aeeeriil vacant. F. J. Lambert, 403 N. Sid. ONU of the heat business cnmr stores to ...r.rn.!! !i!"''r nlU', an5 Market. HAOOFTAN. 112 N. flOlh st. PRIVATE OARAUE to rent: near 00th aat Market Hairoplan. 115 X. 00th st. ricxNWVT.VAXiA 8innmnAW lilTi NEW HOMES OSOrt BLOCK N. flTH ST. ABOVE DUNCAXNON AVE. Terrace front. Inclosed porch with Intel changeable sash. parquetry floors throughout, hot-water heat, electric and gas lights. 0 LARGE ROOMS and hath, built-in tubs, showers, laundry, shed, lots 1.1x114 ftet, rent 173 per month; n-month leases. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN See today; best proposition offered nnywhe.ro Take No. 47 or 75 car on 5th st. to Duncnnnon,waIk 1 sq.weit MARTIN A KELLY 1001 W. ALLEOHENY AVE. AGENT ON PREMISES 1 fiiiRinraraiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimTiiiriMEiii ARDMORE AHDMOKE New opts. 6 rms.. bath, otsta porch, sleeping norch: Janitor service rum. plied, toss Dec. 15: UOo per month. Hams, real estate oprcslte station. Narberth. Pa. NEW JKKBEY SUBURBAN CAMDEN OR RENT Two-story warsnnusa snfl Apply 418 Chestnut st.. Camden. If. f. FOB RENT FURNISHED LOGAN DETACHED STONE RESIDENCE Attractively furnished. U rovms (8 bed rooms), will rent until May; 11.10 per month. Phone Walnut 11100. SMULLEN & BARRY. BROAD AND CHESTNUT (Liberty Did.) MORTGAGES WANTED FIRST MORTGAGES OX PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE LAIUJE OR SMALL AMOUNTS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION FRANK H. MOSS & CO. 518 WALNUT BT. zrmummmmmmMm,3sarz I " MONEY l'VIR CALLED MORTGAGES 1 i E. C. VON HELFENSTEIN m 1734-1.5 Rtul Estut Trust nidg lciir4mEniiiii!iaio BEiiminpaiiinaHn niraffiTifluffliBnaiPt?hhiirT!i7s MORTGAGE MONEY Small and large amounts, SrtlUCEE 5840 GOOD SECURITY JAMES S. CLARK A .i 180 SOU'ntJir.TJILJjX ! $100 to $5000 to Loan" i -eal estate owneru. note or mortgage! Immt I JUto oettlement If desired: long or tbon urn's or Insui.lments; ob leatinns taken up. ! ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD I 005 BAILEY RLDG.. 1218 CHEBTNUT MT. Branch oKlce. 52d and latrchwood ave. FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE For GOOD Build. & Loan Mtgs. BACHARACH 316 Real Estate Trust Bldg. Funds for 1st & 2d Mortgages MAURICE H. MATSINGER REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDG. , Member nf Phlla Real Estate Board SAFE INVESTMENTS Ftrut mortgages oa PhllaCelphla dwolllnar houses twarlnc 8 per cent Interest on the Investment, payabls semiannually, tho title and transfer ars guaranteed, without nny expens.,3 or charges. PEMHERTON ESTATE'S, HU Harrison BldT, 50 NOTE ON MORTQAOD TO 1'imedUte aottlems it. 11000 Unsettled estate loane. Building assoclalon funds DEMPSEY A CO. 27 H 10th St. $50 Real estate security: Immediate sittlen.ent: interest en estates bought: cash at once TO $2000 SAL0T 3133 FHANKFQIin All Funds for First Mortgages Various Amounts ChaS. W. Milter i-nmmonw'eirith Bias FUNDS 'or mortgages! I1B0O to lltslv); charges low. Mauri Llohtman 305 Co'SSui Trust Bldg.. 13th and Market sts. Unrnce "" ',,,, paS Place a few good mortgages, first 'Vr second. Wood & Snyder. e0S Wain": pt "ii.lmont lin-li , . 7-rr7eE or mortgacs, to responsible psopii) monthly puyment: Immsdlats ttltmsaL Oig.iejlJlihJ'n'' K" tiiVE ronbldorable funds to Inmt rp beta 1 Vrst and second mortgar.s. B.VVB8V rirr".v IllOS Ridge- ave P.oxho.-ougli I23t, Trrisi'.Y for 1st or 2d -ntges., cltv or count trv R- Taylor Mlddleton 703 Walnut tt 7iiiTaAOBt' W 'an '" them nulcklyi MOI I ui ! 0(( i,r0,, flag Mnrl.et st MONEY TO LOAN READY M0NEY- United States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD 230 Market J04 Oermahtown as REAL ESTATE yon RENT Floor Honey ISlKlJIiiMXUliiJlliiUijfarj I i