" V yWWtiWWVWPft'r )lfi''1 , fl EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKr- PHIL'A.BELPHIA; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1920 19 j. t GE PRINCESS MAY COM EMS. Former Mrs. Loeds to Accom pany New Ambassador to America in January . BRITISH NOT TO BE HASTY H tlie Axwclntcil Press AthMM, Tire 2.,. Dr. HIcillinnoa, ttd of the political l.tiroau of the for sign office, -said yntenlny he had been nominated mlnUtcr to the United Stated. He stated that he would so to America rly In January and possibly would be accompanied by tho PrincetxC, Anas Us!, who, before her marriage to Prince Christopher of Orccce, wai Mrs, "William n. Leeds, of New York. Dr. Slcllllonos, who It forty yenre eld several times was Imprisoned by the' VcnlzellstB. He declared the Orecks wcro determined to lose nil If necessary, even their lives, to keep their Edward Capps, American minister, and Major Martin C. ShallenbcrRer, military attache, called nt tho klng'H oalace today and signed their names on the visitors' book. They were accom panied to the palace by the Hrazillan minister, and It was explained their action was Inspired by politeness and was not the result of Instructions from Washington. ' v Iymdon, Dec. 23. Premier Lloyd George In the IIourc of Commons last night opposed hasty action In altcrinc the Treaty of Sevres in fnvor of thu Turks and against the Greeks. lie ad vocated going warily with regard to the Greeks, as there might be explana tions of their recent action. The question of the revision of tha treaty was raised by Walter E. Guin ness, who advocated rc-cstablishin relations with a reasonable Angora Less. 10 Per Cent at Hotel Adelphia We still continue a 10 per cent reduction from our present menu prices in both our English and French Rooms, to be de ducted when check is paid. In the rush of Christmas shopping you will And the Adelphia near to everywhere. Ladies' Luncheon on the Balcony, $1. government and territorial concessions, provided tho followers of Mustafa Kcninl Pasha yielded to the Allies' con trol on cssentlnl poluts. Major Gen eral Townsend, former commander of the llrltlsh troops In Mesopotamia, who recently was clevted to the Commons, offered personally to undertake u mis sion to Mustaf.i Kcmal. Mr. I.loyd George, in the courno of a long reply, argued It was Impossible to go behind tho Constantinople Govern ment. That government, however, al ready had approached Mustafa Kcmal, who was en route to Constantinople, and If they arrive at an agreement the Allies would be able to discuss mat ters with Governments representing the whole of 'I'urkcy. WOULD DEPORT AGITATORS Australians Incensed at Japanese Responsible for Clash BftcM Cable Dispatch. Coturioht, SOD. Perth, Australia, Dec. 23. Leaders of the whiles, organized under a police Inspector, are patrollng the streets of the pearling town of Ilroome. TIikv demand that the Japanese responsible for Wednesday's affray be deported. nne oruer was maintained last night It Is reported that certain of the Japanese are still In ugly mood, and have been Joined by hostile Malays. The Ilroome jiollce Inspector fears more bloodshed may occur nt any hour. leosiii E E L'lTALIA contro ".D'Annunzlo fucllazionc. e' passibilo della El D'Annunzio ha Proclamato lo Stato di Guerra Contro il Govorno d'ltalia Rubbmn for thu Family Useful GIFTS Open Evcnintrs Until Vmn Not to He Duplicated Elsewhere Boys' & Girls' Raincoats $4.98 Value f7.SQ Pile" .1 years to 10 RAIN CAPES 'Tste&TjLi fit Q lf A j sr si.98 18 C $4.98 1Y Boys' & Girls' Cashmere, Canton and Tweed RAINCOATS Sizes 4 to 16. Regular $7 rf value $12 .OU Boys' & Girls' T71 B oof-si -w: $1.98 to $5 r vp wllm MAM mm f itfi JdwI Trier on nors' and Men's BLACK RUBBER COATS Men's U. S. Government Hip Boots sizes lo xo m JM 13, value $12, VCX.m Men's and Women's Raincoats. Special at '10 jrirt Ktnann wn ieru tr' (f?WteCVL 820 CHESTNUT STREET Published nnd Dlntrlbuttd Undor TUIIMIT NO. 341. Authorized by tho act of October 0, 1017. on (Us at ths Poitoffl.ce of Phila delphia, P. A B. mmi,ESON, Postmaster Oenerel Indrn. 2.1 diccmbre. D'Annunzlo hn proclamato che uno sttito dl guerra eslsto tra it buo governo di Flume e I Italia cd ha prohlbita alia popolazlone di Flume dl lasclarc la cltta', sccondo un dlspacclo Rlunto da Iloma alia I'llplinnirn TVlpffi'milt film 1(a In nittt province da fontc ufflclale. , ii cornsponucntc da noma della Central News agglunire clic 11 proclnmn ui cui sopra recn enc cmunqtle parll llonm, 23 diccmbre. Tutto le nppa renzo dl uno stato dl nwtrn sono state stahllltc lttngo i conllnl di Flume. Osta coll sono stnti posti lungo le strndc c lc llnce ferrovlarle, nonche' rctkolatl, c le Unco tclefronlche c telegrnflche con Flumo sono state tagllate. I'nttuellc cIcllsHchc recano ordinl da o per i ill vcrsl ntinrtler gcncrall, c tuttl 1 puntl strategic sono guardatl dalla cnvalleria. Iungo la frontlcrn della lleggcnza del .. ... tt.it tiAvl .11 trnnnnrto nisposio l'. '",;, .'""" ',, V,""';i da un punio uu uuru. " Caviglia. comandantc In capo uciie truppe dl blocco ha pubbllcato un mani festo ncl quale" csorta I suoi Momlnl a dare prova dl dlsclpllna e lealta'. Uil canto mio D'Annunzlo ha esaltato l'opcra del marlnal della torpedinlera rcccntemcnto passnta a lul c ha Invltato i soldatl e marlnal itallnni dl seguirnc l'cscmpio. Ha detto, Inoltre, che 1 am muntlmentn o glustlllcuto per la santita della guerra che egll combatte. Trieste, 23 diccmbre. Fortl cordonl di cnrabinlcri e di alpinl sono otatl stcsl ltingo 1 confinl con Flume, in modo da isolarc complcUmentc dctta cltta . La flotta Itnllana che si trova nella base dl 1'ola cscrclta la sorvcgllanza dl fronto al Golfo del Quarnero, giorno e nottc, cd usa fortl riflcttori icr Impe- dlrc qualslast movimento dclle navl nl scrvlzlo dl D'Annunzlo. II (Jcneralc Cavlglla dlede dl tempo a D Annunzio flno alle ore 0 pom. dl mcrtcdl' per deciders! ad acccttare il trattato dl llapallo, mo 11 pojta lasclo' spirare detto termlne u quindi rlspose clie il patto non potcvn esscrc accettato e che era pronto alia rcMstenza. Dopo clo' II Cavlglla ordlno' II plu' rlgoroso blocco e (llrc.ino un appnllo al clttadinl irtranle'ri cd al borghwl che si trovano in Flume dl abbandonarc la cltta entro 48 ore. Dologna. 23 diccmbre. Tin mravo conflltto c' nvvenuto mcrcoldl' n Fer rara, cltta' che trovasl n 27 mllgla a nord dl Ilolognn, ove I soclallstl organizzarono una dlmostrnzionc dl protesta per I recentl attaechi contro I deputati soclallstl dl llologna. Quat tro pcrsono rimasero ucclso e plu' di trcnta ferite, prima cho la pollzia o le truppo jK)tcHfcro Intervcnlro per ristn- ' bill ro l'ordlnc. Qulndlcl cosl detto i guardlc rosse, clic faccvano parte dl un tiumcroso gruppo che nel press! del castcllo mcdlovolo faeevano fuoco soprn I nazionallstl, furono arrestutc e molte nitre rlusclrcno a fugglre. CAPITOL HOLLY-GARBED REAL MANUFACTURER'S SALE! Indian Head Muslin 0" Worth 75c a Yard , Jc 33 Inches Wide Best Linen Finish Value You Can't Duplicate in the Entire United States Wo arc Bhirtmakors, are selling our entire stock nt less than whole sale, nnd when this stock is gone we cannot duplicate it at double n.u in.i.o wu ro usKinjj. uv, inc&c iwjiiio wsii wiun oi.uij'. 36-lnch White M u s 1 i n pre shrunk; Tine count; 83c Value 25 32-inch London Madras; Silk Finish $1.65 Value 65. 26 - inch White Oxford; won derful quality; 80c Value 40c 32 - inch French Flannel; a fine Fla worth $1.25 a yd. rrencn nnerf;67C 35 - inch Aero plane Cloth! White nnd Tan; $1.50 Value 50c Broadcloth Silk; j. Heavy Quality; v Big Vnriety; $3 Value 1.50 36-in. Printed Crepe, best quality, value 50c, for 15c yd. 32-in. Candy-Stripe Madras, $1.25 Value 55c yd. 38-in. White Corded Madras, $1.50 value 60c yd. .32-in. English Madras, 40 patterns, $2.00 valuo 82'2c yd. 38-in. English Broadcloth, $2.50 value ' $1.10 yd. 36-ln. Satin-Stripe White Madras, $100 value 50c yd. A hundred uses for the ubove materials. Buy to put nwny, if you can't use it right nowl Make real Xmas gifts. 15 Printed c Percales Worth 50c 15 1016-1018 Race Street REVERE SHIRT CO. Open Every Day Until C.30 P. M. Mull Orders Filled Promptly, Include Parcel Post Trees and Wreaths Decorate Build ing Sproul to Qlve Candy Harrlsburjr, Dec. 23. -- The state Capitol has begun to prepare for Christmas. Trees nnd wreaths, strings of holly and red ribbons have com menced to appear In departments. The State Department won the honors for the first rhrlstmas tree again. r?. e.,...i i. .ii..,..i ... 1VJUJUUA IJJIIUUI JJU3 UVlCftflkVW II, James M. Autcr, the veteran messenger Luxurious Box Springs Hair Mattresses Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Begin 1921 With Dougherty Beds You will find the greatest difference be two en these superb, expertly made Box Springs and Hair Mattresses nnd the usual. Your bed rooms will take on new luxury that will be delightful. There is no bedding "just as good" as Dougherty's, which is tho result of 50 years of spe cializing nnd justly named "Faultless." Timrli)im Dox Hirlnr, RfIUIiIa nlr Mitrtrtse, Mnhnranr nrd trndii, lira llnls, Knillili Domi Furniture, Lamp. Dnlntr WnnkrU and Comfortable, Yfliltr Knmnrl Nursrrr Accrssarlrw. tie,, rt. of the covcrnorjt, the duty of distribut ing the cumly which tradition pri'seiliea the (Soveriior Khali give tn tin- (lillilicn of the stntp capltnl w luaj mil at the executive inuniion on ChrlrftinaH Day. Assistant Under Lincoln Dies Tonopali, Ncv Dee. 23. (My A. I'. ) .1 A. Ni'Nnti, second nnslHtnnt treasurer of the United Htntei under President Llncnln nnd a wltnesn ngninHt the aBfa(tHln of the martyred executive, died yesterday while visiting here nt t lie nome oi nis nnugnier. lie was eighty-five caia of age and a native oi Ohio. I GOODYEAR RECEIVER DENIED Motion to Quash Summons In 8 Kit Against Company Sustained ' Columbus. (.. !. S. (My A. P,J , Common Pleas .hide" KlnUend today i HU'-lnliifd a motion lo ipmidi suinmolil In the fiilt filed b I'rnnh S. Mnnnctt, I former attorney general of Ohio, and a minority dtocfelnilder in thf Goodyear ' Rubber Co nklng nipoltitment of 1 , receiver for the eoirpnnj. TIiIh ntlllt - I lies tho action in lln ei.unly, it wai I said, unless fcrieo ran be made on an agent. r iiraiEiainnniiiiiiinsaaaiiisi'iiniuaiiijiniMffliiimniva Hall's Uptown's Piano Store SPECIAL OFFER 88-NOTE PUYER PIANOS Baked at an even temperature! That's Meenehan's Bread Rolls, Cake and Pastries If you, Madame Housewife, have eveif baked Bread or Pies or Pastries, you know how hard it is to maintain an EVEN TEMPERATURE in your oven that's the" trouble that every baker has to meet except Our Electric Bakers! The process is ex clusive with our Five Stores in Philadelphia! Get your Christmas supplies in today or tomorrow! MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 1433 South St. 2604 Germantown Ave. 18 South 52d Street H S. 60th St. 1009 Market St. iltt&J M B l NEW $ Terrrut '10 Down V3 2 A Christmas Gift I Welcome in Your Home AMERICAN BEAUTY ELECTRIC IRONS Hiw I5W m B.IMcEyP.ym.nt,i These instruments compare with player-pianos selling k ' ; 6.95 H at much higher figures. Let us demonstrate how we can save H you money by not being in tho high rent district ACT NOW and select your player for Christmas. Immediate delivery. MYERS F. HALL, Inc. 2626 Germantown Aye. s PHONOGRAPHS Open Evenings RECORDS AND ROLLS i ii iMiiKBin, 'aiii'i EsfBunna'iiwni.Nniiin m EiLwuiii -.mm iainiiniiii Regularly $10.00 v1 m I-Vi, Out-of-town order 50c extra for packing charge v. y Pittsburgh Gas & Electric Fixture Co. m -R M QVi .h. Dk:ujiu:n d ;?3V BOI Belts that do not steal coal M I rm It seems a long way from slipping belts to the dwindling coal pile, and almost every inch of the way is hidden. You can't see the power lost by slipping belts, nor the wasted coal that furnished the costly heat. You can't see the differ ence in speed between wheel and pulley unless you check it with the proper instrument. But the loss is there incredibly large to one who has never taken the trouble to find out. Ladew Leather Belts of the proper size and properly applied transmit the maximum amount of power and we will gladly act as free consulting engineers to be sure you get the proper Ladew Belt. Phone Market 5263, or write George Yeaman, District Manager EDW. R. LADEW CO., Inc. Third and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. LADEW LEATHER BELTING Why the Franklin Gives You a Finer Motoring Service NEW SCHEDULE OF FRANKLIN PRICES Runabout 4-Pass. Roadster Touring Sedan Brougham Runabout (Cnrial) JU Prmm W. 0, s tfrmm n JWArfat OUM JfrsVrtiM S24O0 $3050 3650 2500 3100 600 2600 3100 500 3600 4350 750 3500 4300 800 2750 3300 560 THE striking thing about the Franklin price reduction, is its relative increase in the already outstanding value of Franklin per formance. This performance has always had real facts back of it: 20 miles to the gallon of gatolint J 2.500 miles to the set of tins SOt slower yearly depreciation Jhe Franklin is economical of fuel for definite, logical reasons. It is light-weight meaning less weight to move; and it is direct air cooled to allow the engine to operate at the most efficient temperature. Franklin tire life and car life are prolonged by Franklin light weight and flexible con8tractiorkThesepriri ciples allow tires and car to wear out normally instead of being pounded out before their time. These two principles also account for Franklin comfort, afety and ease of control. With road shock greatly diminished, the Franklin clings more closely to the road. Unhampered by excess weight.it starts and stops more quickly, handles more easily. Having no radiator and no water, the Franklin is free from winter troubles, from overheating in sum mer, and from leaks the year round. This performance, joined to savings ranging from $500 to $800 per car, makes the Franklin a motoring valuo that is unequalled today. Franklin Motor Car Co. C. G. HECK, President 911-13 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ball Than PopUr 4056-4067 m ' i 4 i f i V, A 86th Year ''lis 4rtw wxa v- -r j. . ft'