SSgSMae. '-r-ry.m hTPP i?fmr "B" TFM , B"?7"B5pi V, '14, EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-TPHIL'ABliJLPHIA; WEDNESDAY, "DECEMBER 22, 1920 A. ;; D ANNUNZIO DEGSO $1,000,000 FIRE ON PIER ALU RESISTENZA II Poota Risponde ad un Ulti matum Inviatogli dal Gen erate Caviglia Publlshixl o.irt Distributed I ndr PKniIIT NO SU Authorlifd h tho lit of Octnbfr 6 1917 on fll- at tho l'otofflco of 1'MU dflphla I a s nrm.KsoN PottmnMor CJfneral Tloma. 'Jl dlcpuibrp Itlspomlonilo ml tin ultimatum lmlntojtli ilnl Onerrtt Caviglia, comandantP (Idle forzo Hnl lanc clip circondano Klunic Gnbriolo D'Annunzio hn oggl dlrhlnrnto chr orIi tuoI rnnntencro la sua nttittidlm o pcrclo' nnn rlcnnorora' nflatto il trat tato di Hapnlln D'Anniiiizin inoltrc. na informnto il Genernlp I'nMjtlin che prII deeifo alln resltcti7n II fipncrnli Cavidin orn proclamrrn un rlRoroo liloeen intornn a Flume ed alle iole ll Vnslin. Arho e San Marco, sccondo un atinur.zio ocsi dato II nuovo Mopco. xi ilicp U'i'-th' com)lota mente II tprrltono uri'iipato dalle forre di D'Annunzio dal rosti del mondo. Roma. Ill ilicembre I siornall pub blicono il tpxto di un ultimatum inviato dal 'ipneralp Cawxlin. inminnndiinte le forze I tn I line dell Adriatic". ! Onbrielp D'Annunzio. Con rultimatum D'Annunzio e t.tnto ricliip-'to di evaciiarp le Isnlp di Vrglia d Arbo, di conspRiiarP tutto il ma forlnlp da cnprra clie si troa ill l'mme rd appartpneiitp nll'Italia e di .ciojliere 1c "up for.p di oppiipazmne tultiniatum splra alle ore sci pomeri I diane di i'bsi. i Kfirara, L'l ilicenibre I n lOiifliunj r avPiiuto. lpri. tra -ocnltsti p nut, KociiilMi. p nello painbio di oolpi ' d'arma da fiioco, awpnuto tra le parti contendenti. tru pproiip rim.ivro ikci cd altrc ottp gravcim-ntr terite. II tonflitto avcnnp dopo un comizio flu , 1 socialist! tennero in una ala della citta'. Itonu, 20 (iicembrc len m.ittina il Presldentp del Coiixiclio dci Ministri On. (ilnlitti. lia pre-pntato al lie pr la firm.i la 1kkp votatn dalla Camera r dal Senitn con la (jualp si approva il trattnto ill Itapallo. stipulnto tra i rap prespntanti dell'Itnlin e della .Thru flavin per la slstvinariune dell'Adria tico II Uc. dopo la Anna plie nnziona n trattato pmlettn. ha inviatn un nobi lisximo telpRrninma nl ('omuilsarir (.-ne-alo C'Mli per In onerin dlulin. irandandn il ,im fprvtclo snliito n TnetP ed a tutto il pnpolo ricniiKiunto alia Madrp 1'utrm auspinnd". inoltre. nl compimpiitn ileglt alti (b'ttini a cui la toria cliinma l'ltalm i hr -oo po tinnno ponipierp nolla plori i del linoro e della pn e PROBE PASSPORT CHARGE U. S. Officials in England 'Asked to Explain Refusal to Woman Washington. Oec 1"-' i H A I' i CharRp. inaile b Mr Annot V. Kob inson of Mam-liexter, Kngland. that American on-iil ''lls. at .Manclu ter. bad attempted to pr'ent lipr from tominR to this iruntr to tPstif lipforp the rommittpt nf mn- hundred iuPst fatltiR pomlitiijn-. in Ireland, arp to be Investigated l the State 1 leparttnont Consul tiencral SKimier. at I.ouilnii has been a-Ked for n full report of rlic irciimMiaii)) - xtirrminuing tne vip One Fireman Killed, Others injured at Venice, Calif A enlre. Tallf.. Dpp - Oamagp pstimated at 'nued b lire uhlch hours on the nmusement pier here laxt night before it was brought under con trol bj the combined effort of tho Ven ue fire department and tuo companies from I.o Angeles, Just as it uns threat enlng to destroy the town. Charles Klrbj. a volunteer fireman, fell ith tin roof of one structure nnd suffered burns from Vthich he died soon after. Other firemen received burns and Injuries. Several merrymakers, cut off in a dance hall, were hurt by falling timbers. SAYS SAME IDEALS rraBliBRAZILIOU.S.Sie: President, at Banquet for Colby, Urges Completion of Demo cratic Civilization Ilythe Associated Press Ilto Janeiro, Itrnill, Dec. 22. Dr. Kpltacce 1'essoa, president of the re public, nddrefislng Itnlnbrldgc Colby, secretary of state of the United States. jit a banquet given In Mr. Colby'n. honor mei iiignt, vain that Aortli nucl tsoutli America Mere bound by tien of common ideals. These tips must be drauti still closer, however, the president declared, the work of tlem ndertaken by the source of iueh hap- plness to us," President l'o'wn ad. Xotth nnd South Amorlcn, even .let "Your presence reminds mc of the ,m",,.?v 'nt'mnte iclijtlons are necessni-.i, crntic civilization entered upon by "I feel that I speak for nil Jtutzll In toasting the Rrriitiiess of theJTnltpd HtatCH, our iinbtenltahli' frlendslilp nnd the henltli of President Wilson unci Miursclf " in responding, Secretary Colby said l "There exists such n strength of friendship between the two countries. that despite malevolent elements to lessen thin friendship H lcmnliiH un. shnkeii. Wr alwnjs have been friend', nnd if c differed in ideal we differed ns friends." Mr. Colbv concluded by tonstinir Urnzll nnd President Pessoa. T il CONTENTED WORKERS To keep workers happy is more than a mat ter of wages. Glean, comfortable housing is an important factor. To solve this problem economically, yet effectively, the counsel of experienced engineers is advisable. rx5t- L0CKW00D, GREENE & CO. ENGINEERS 405 Stock Exchange Bldg., Philadelphia Boston Cleveland Atlanta Charlotte Chicago New York Montreal Detroit Parii Watch Oar Windows A $12 Silk Shirt for the best last line to the B. Q. S. Limerick As they wend their way to the B. Q. S. To Christmas thoughts they all confess. What shall I buy? Scarf or Shirt. GIocs or Tie nft-t ppen to cveboi.v f ss Friday, I" M All replies MUST UK MAIMiD to Shop Rt 1114 fiestnut Street AdUrers Limerick Manaper ludres tuo members of our Arm and our Ad Krtmnfr Manager Their dpclslon final Win ers name wPl be nnnouneed net ueeK 'XTr I Vl & 51 m .. . m.m M M .r te UmmtmMMM 1114 Chestnut Street 920 Chestnut 37 S. 13th 2654-56 Germantown 52d & rhm,tnf GIVE THE YOUNG FELLOW THIS BOOK THAT WILL HELP MAKE A MAN OF HIM Touchstones of Success Written by 160 rresent-Ilny Men of Achievement Iprlnlly for This Hook Most every young man would give many dollars-if just one of these distinguished men icould tell him how he succeeded, and in this hook ISO men who have made good, representing nearly every line of endeavor, tell in real intimate language the salient points in their busy and successful lives. Tho secret Is out and no average young fellow can bring up nny hard luck story If he falls to nttaln tho highest- success. .Every father and mother who has a boyrwlll want It livery friend of some younic fellow will desire to give him a copy, and e'ery employer of young; men could glvo no more helpful gift than a copy of this book, because It cannot fall to Inspire Its readers to Greater accomplishments. WHAT BUSINESS MEN THINK OF IT Krnm Prominent Merchant' "It In nonderfulh' IntereMlnir ami vntusble o Interesting that with reUictunc I put It nslde. for fnw mlnuten to nt ten, to my correipondence." Krom a Widely Known Judge: "I like "Touchstones of 8uccosiT no tlior rUHhly ttint I urn enclosing a check for 2T 00 for eitni coplis " Prom ft l'romlnent Wholesle Orocer; "Kneloed please, find my check for II on for four copies of Touchestones of succeo. From a ery Surcef.sful Hanker Tleafe on receipt of this inter for rd six copies of the book to me nnd also six copies to my firm " From a IHo- Manufacturer "You hae rendered the Nation a real aerlce It Is n book that every younc man should dlscst before ensaglns In bual- ness. Cloth bindina. Price $1.25 net per conu. At all bookshops, or Tiro Vir Publishing Company, 200-214 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. sm? id. i , HsW3rSBs.S JC-w Li WM 1 isssk. JfY. Manufacturer's Sale The Nationally-Known "FAULTLESS" Brand BED COMFORTABLES, QUILTS, BLANKETS The greatest slaughtering of prices ever known. Now is the time to buy from one of the largest manufac turers in the country at Savings From 50 to 70 Prices Less Than Wholesale 50,000 BLANKETS $1.00 up to $5.00 50,000 BED COMFORTABLES, $3 up to $35.00 50,000 QUILTS $3.50 up to $22.50 THEY MAKE EXCELLENT AND USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. BUY TQDAY! THE FLOCK MFG. CO. 533 MARKET STREET t SantaClaus PopCornf or Christmas Have a real.old-fashioned Xmas tree strines of Pop Corn all over it; fill the stockinp-s, too. Get several packages of Dickinson's Santa Claus or SflOW Ball Selected Pop Corn, and "Pop It at Home!" There's fun in the popping; the kiddies will enjoy the crackling noise as it fills the popper. N Be Sure to Ask for Santa Claus or Snow Ball For jale at all leading groceries, package stores and delicatessens Path J by ' THE ALBERT DICKINSON COMPANY CHICAGO MINNEArOLH I Mrs. Hhin-i'U - nnssnort ' makinc ' till -tntcmcnr tilaj . offiuuls rvmurKnil V that Mr Wi'l j a nf ppointti' f!) find thin ii In li.ul nt tir-t r IutiI to : isp tin- pa "-port ns Mr Uobinvm trstilml ,tcrl.i ! fro tho i . mnis ' Mon lifi- h" hud 'x coiIpiI h s uuthoriti PREMIERS TO CONFER AGAIN Possible Revision of Peace Treaty to Be Discussed Next Week Tans. H" -'' V . riiw fonfi-riMH ' IiimiI J.n'n i.i irs tii llnti-h piiiin- inmiatcr I'n mn r 1 ' -jue nf Krnmi' imil I'"i iii r ioIitti of Itnh "ill 1 old ill iiniiiii'in almiit. Dt'uMiih'r ' nnd ill In- n lil in ne or (inun- t j aiin'Hiiir'd iii ml toduj . C I OUR, ONLY STOREl g MjoimonIo. A Ar LARGEST EXCLUSVE CfiEDIT JEWELRY HOUfE iN PHILADELPHIA 39jNor,th ISthStreett I IK -"t Kh (II IMIKlv I IIOK I'llll .VMi: (IN 1M.SDUW Buy Xmas Jewelry LI Now Pav Next Year l. iwr, 'S-'- I m fh.i.'JJVJI : i 1.1 "I r. 399 y . ' Jt si 4 6. f ? 5. SCWV I y At'li it f I i" M , z SALE Guaranteed Genuine Indestructible FRENCH PEARLS Direct From Paris s m P 'r r IMMEDIATE POSSESSION k 'V-'k titf '5SS? Don't wait tnotter minute j come in now, while 700 think J of it. We will fire you i,j immediilc poiienion, and )'i jroo need not bejin pay- (5 menti oolil neit year. '5 Open Every Evening - DAVfiMtV vS1 rrm vrwmew i m M.' ''.. , 'ssy."" iii 7 'n"J'. V. 1 ji-fS r n Rogers Silver 2fi handsome pieces, ftillj guaranteed in handsome case. n ideal Sift. .-.Ik .1 W eek run t.iiuv iii.iiiiuiiU. Mi-olutvly iwrfrct 11-Ut moiintinir 3"i ,.,. sin S37.50 WJ c - .nT . i rf tr ltf t Will lJ 1 mu ujrcvou y I l H HP 1 I. il ' II I UllH nnpgriun ' NriUllir l.'l Nnklnir si- Nnhluri K'lll SrrUlm flllll NrikUcr S 11(1 Kill (Ml sn on un on !'i no ry LA-TOSCA RICHEUEL and Olher PEARLS 50c A Week Open Every EVg anil mmsm an This JbtVeJed ELGIN 24E, Chain Manufacturers' Sale of Sweaters and SCARFS There are $600,000 worth of Sweatera, spick and span new, fresh from our factory. Due to buainesa conditions, instead of selling these at a loss to stores, we are selling to you and taking a bigger loss, because yours is a cash trans action. Far below wholesale prices are these sweaters and in many cases they are LESS THAN ONE-HALF USUAL RETAIL PRICES! Mens$7Sweaters,$3 Boys' $62 Sweaters, $2 Women's $22.50 All- $ Wool DRESSES - - O Women's $10Scarfs,$4 Every Heating System needs a MODERN HEATER You can't expect a modern heating system to be a modern convenience if it is dependent on an antiquated source of heat supply to function properly. The old method of coal heating is inefficient at best. Dependent, as it is, on the human element for attention in building fires, shoveling coal, raking and taking out ashes, etc. the coal furnace is an entirely old-fashioned source of heat supply. - The modern and most efficient soiirce of heat supply for hot water, steam or vapor heating systems is the "HOT .;-' WAVE" GAS FIRED BOILER. It may be installed without v' disturbing your present system and radiation. By this method you turn on the pilot light October 1st and there is no attention necessary until you turn it off again in April. No work clean cellars and an even temperature is maintained all the time by a perfectly working thermostat. The thermostat may be set so that any temperature desired is accomplished, such as from 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. get say a temperature of 70 or more, and from 11 P. M. until 7 A. M. a temperature of 50 or less. We extend a cordial invitation to call at our display offices at the northeast corner of Ninth and Spruce streets and we shall be glad to demonstrate the advantages of the "HOT WAVE" GAS FIRED BOILER. Fully Guaranteed Write for liooUlct ?REE I A gi :3S35 hETII lHOMVs t LOCKS r Ii r II lie t rlnrks nimli- nB'l. liini" un tli' linir-liuur mill liuiir Mu IiorhiI) fair SDr il rl. (?5SaS!S3raS2EZ?3?IKffi. xstirzzmrr''r&i"'i ,; i .:f t i i . ii li 3 (ipih to& ll-iMitiriil Hri Hniar I'fiffft ilUmond hand Norm flllnrrr nxMintlnr , 39 M WRIST WATCHES rt a l,.iiilllrrm l 1(10 dlrn. '4 Wnllhiiii Mat- I'luln nml iIIh- ih t Iipb In innn. inoml m-IIImcn. ),j 50c ... 10-3U ' 3 I iirurot lntU K I k I n and : BOlCMtilNUT $T I0I7MAHKET 5T . wiy ri""'- r "..a "'tm .mO ill."! III. Ill IIIIIII1 Wlfk -I IIOK Hill ,NMi; UN HIMMHV I JT OUR, ONLY sSTOREl g MSiMONIal I! X AtM l J RG EST EXCLUSIVE CREDIT ; JEWELRY HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA X 3Q North 13th Streeht I AH Styleo for Everybody in the Entire Family I he above are all 50 to 75 less than any retail prices WOMEN'S SWEATERS, $1 to $6; worth retail, $3 to $16 WOMEN'S SCARFS of Angora, $4 to $6.50; worth retail, $9 to $17 MEN'S SWEATERS, $2 to $8.50; worth retail $5 to $18.50 MEN'S SCARFS, $2 to $3; worth rdtail, $5 to $6 CHILDREN'S & INFANTS' SWEATERS, $1.75 to $5; worth retail, $3.50 to $10 The Fairmount line is a nationally known line and sells on reputation Factory Open Daily 8.30 A. M. to 9.30 P. M. Put dollars in your pocket by buying here Fairmount Knitting Mills 51 North Seventh St. Between Market and Arch, 6th rioor, lake Elevator Mail Order, Promptly Filled Choice Territory Open for Live Dealers Tl ufiiM Note the small size and compactness of the "HOT WAVE" MallTlnrVP "'"'"J "'f W''le ?"""'a'' ' ter trunk, oil tanks or other mess and fins. GAS UTILITIES ' SALES CO. SPRUCE AT NINTH STREET PHILADELPHIA TKU'I'IIONK WALNUT 178G ll N r (.... 4.i-i!iLji;i jji M f,Hr t-t . JiJj Xiiica