'i :f v !- ? ' ,- jyfv'wf-' ,r,-rr-Tjlit"-''5,'T ""'-'" i-' " IH JifT-JK , r , J 1 i.i'r. " ' V7'' .. " ' 7 ' " ''p n EVENING PUBLIC LEDaER--ParCAPELPHtA; TOtiSPAY, PECEMBEE 21, 1920 , The Phantom Lover By Ruby Ayres TJH8 BTARTB TUB BTOItY Micky Mcllowcs, matrimonial catch, '"Llclde fc " . ,,l 1e uMna town and his' sweetheart X&mZh&s request and asks Met at Mi J"0,?,,t)er o Utter to the girl. Ml'. roitrs the W'. Either Bhep SfXtZeoMhe had met crying stone, to oe" lntteai af delivering ?;" titer Ashton oavo Mm he wHlis the Xll a kindlier one, and signs .n?'.; name to it. Esther tells mcllot hfr Mention to accept a po Hm as amanuensis to Mrs. Ashton, "iTuickV, fealow, of tho phantom cZeanTtei Another letter to i.iher above Athton't signature. At ?1 theatre with Micky and June, &u of Micky, Either sees' Ashton frt . ulth his mother. Ksther be " ..60uXerical and faints. Mloky comes M'YIr:' igave England next TatdMUky sendl J7.fi.er a fur d Hi HA a collar for her cat In Ash w0.' JTm When he gets home Ms "H driver hands htm the evening E?l.'n!oTir5 8ffi5! &w5rfiropp "JlTtK Sltftft omo Porto to find ", TiihehoVess's S S CC?J- from Mm and admits to ?"her t7nd lon alone, wMoA J. ' hot the" continue Wemlf. u tSriaae would mafce no dWer ;( marriage "J",nW money where she apatn finds Micky. AND HV.RE IT CONTINUES 30MB one took off her hat and tho big fur coat that had grown bo heavy: cimie one hd bathed her face and un .. v, .. and now Micky stood (here looking down at her with eyes that hurt, though they smiled. Father slept through tho tons Journey rttrul y-aho was mentally and physic !,.l."l"ii.-T,-7-t wnn onlv thoroughly aroused by People out In the corridor rowing about collecting bags and bag- '"she opened her eyes with a confused tt5 nr the train was slacknlng speed, and Micky stood In the doorway. "We are nearly In." he paid. The triln was almost at a standstill. "Calais 1 Calais r Esther rose to her feet her Umbo -re trembllnu, and her hood ached When they got on board he found her rhnir on the leesldo of the boat and juft her. ..... . . ,. ., In tho tram ne leit ner xo neraeu mi hey reached London. Ho wab sure she did not want to be bothered," ho said, nd he was golnp to smoke. Either fell a little pang of disappoint tntj It Beemed a lone time till the .--, .....ma .1 ..Ball. In(n rVinplmy rossj and tho old weary feeling of 'Qnennecs nau oeiiieu ukuui wuh hoi . . U- ll. tlln)... Mn in. ,hA "June Is suro to bo somewhero about," ' " said laconically. "Will you stay nere lille I seo If I can find her?" She took a hurried step forward. .o i ii cumc Willi yuu. She felt afraid of June's kindly quli slcal eyes ; June who knew why she had -un away to rarls, and what had been .iwaltlnp her there. Sha touched Micky's arm tho eyes no raised to his face were troubled. "When shall I oco you again?" sho ivlctxl falterlnuly. Uf half smiled. "Whv do vou tvnnt tn mtm mti nirfltn?" questioned gravely. "You can have me for me after this I" "Oh," she said trembling. "If you .y would let me thank you." ...liny inuincu IIHIDlliy "I hate thanks," he Bald. June was upon them; she seized ouier una Ki-sca ner rupiuroumy, "You darling I You'll never know how ' r hours. Aren't you dead tlrod? ncxy, sne looks worn out," ivtm mio ; 3uiu ni CKy. He iv as dead beat himself; he looked yntiml Vflrnnttir "I wired Driver I thought he'd bo Iiere ' I1T. I M l.l f . -i . jieic, cir, etiiu a voice m ma cj ow, and thcro was Driver, stolid and t npenetrable as ever. "I've brought the car, sir," he eald. Ho put the two girls Into the car; .if did not look nt Ksther, though he pnueezed June's hand when ho said (ruod-by. "Let me know If you get back all right; I shall see you soon." He ra'Bed his hat, stood aside, and lie car started forward. June looked at Esther with a sort of ihynev. It seemed ao it years must have passed since they wero down at Unmore. The car had rolled out of the station und into the heart of London. OHAPTKB XVII Slather cried herself to sleep that iiRht. When she awoke It was late in the morning, and June had had her Lrctkfaat and gone out. She camo In while Esther was dress lit, She looked very pleased and alert. "riusinese, my child I" she said en thusiastically. "Such a duck of an American! and Micky's Introduction! Mr George P. Itochestcrl Isn't It a lovely name? He's uolng to establish me tlrmly In little old New York, as he calls It, und make my fortune. I'm going out to lunch with him at 1 o'clock, nnrt you re coming, too ! oh, yes you nro !" As Esther shook hor head. "I've told htm all about you already." Bother lauKhtd. "Yoil mil fit hnVA rrn tr vnrr II iho aald. "And anyway I'm not going v ,m; lUU-tllUltUUI. June made a little grimace. 'I telephoned Micky and asked him to como and make a fourth," sho ad Titled. Esther flushed and looked up eagerly. And and Is he coming?" JlinA shnnb V...W li.nil i .I'i-0, no '"''" "he said with overdono iiuiiioreiice. "jio saia ne'a got an en BagKinent already, but between you and ne and the doorpost." Bhe added darkly ."I don't believe Itl I think ho ui man t want to come." "Oh." said Esthor faintly. "I expect "has a good many engagements," she tluQen nflAi n mnmatnt .Bh' 5"s smarting with humiliation. j)n had offered Micky her llttlo olive K" wnen they parted two days rfgo at Charing Croea, and this Is how he had urcrntort it i ' "If he's trying to pay me out. I sup- TiflRA It'ii !. t & . - - Uiought miserably, and yet it did not teem like Mlrky to deliberately try or J '" nun or numuiato any one, ape d'd her best to push the shadow aalile. She tried to laugh and talk with June as they went off to meet Mr. einIe Wi?" JlB' b,u "1n. with a hand- . !""." .Krip oi a near, ana jZ"a ... v."uU uo VUl Willi U KHUN. KTh?5r-lunchel t a restaurant which wie had never even heard of, though --- iu quuo a nome. inoro wero w. raJ PeoD'o nt other tables whom June knew, and Esther felt very out of ii, anu unneppy. ?mI or twlcB'0 tr'ed to draw Esther WI.I..V. "'l"i, "i, seeing mat one wisnea to he let alone, ho soon gave up He was certnlnlv a mos frlemllv nir Bon ono would have thought that hn na June had known one nnother for Inviii i re. ,unth was 8led ho had iri.VWn ",""13" ' tor mo rouowing , "That's Ynnkeo nusli If vou like!' "m. S -al . wnen he hnd B"9- "O'vo ,.i" tr",l ?ve.ry "m to niako tiling. ' She looked at EUher excitedly -TfSJ " i"10W" she said. "I've a great ton,. A0. try l"'?u'JQ that man to v?i.wt0, Partnership wlUi mo." , Esther laughed, THE GUMPS Somebody's Coming to My House By Sidney Smith "I should say ho'd suggest It himself It you give mm anumrr u. ....-, she said dryly as Bhe wandered listlessly rounu mo ruum. June's frlcndehlp with Mr. ueorgo -. Iloches er grew ai.ace. ..,- "Micky's Introductions are. always a success," she told Esther. "Anu oiicKy IIKes mm too-awiui .. r ,v b rouna at micsy o mui "?";,:' ' nlBht. They're ever such palsl "Are tneyr- sum inn.-t. -". - Hon of Micky's name always oeomed to ir June Know wny hu " ""?. '", house now, and what aho thought about In her own mind sho 'was suro that Micky had cast her off, and the knowl edgo left her with a sense of desola t'0;?. t.. ,i iinln June ono never bid , "."" " . t.TAv did so first, and she tried never to think of him. Dut M cky was a personality "'.""". .7i:,.. i.i....i frnm mem- 5r9, 'and ho haunted her Noughts wak- ln?'Hansd hogested tho partnership yet?" Esther asked one night. June nusnea runny. something In her voice woko a little l.oo 01 tear in cii.iicr ncnn. .,. Was sho to lose June too? Was there . .... t.. .aw in nil Inn 10 De noinillB lclfc Lu " '" t. world? Her hands shook as sho wont on mechanically filling the row of llttlo mtt"V0.J,t.'!' -., ,..- ..wl.nlv "how ""J? J 'L.!!n'ie,y.0.U. "?. "l?KrJ T?her said constrainedly, "I've never seen Mm . I.hmI. mm PatlS" s.nco since wo caina utrw u... .-..-. She waited a momeni, . "Why?" she asked with an effort. Juno kept her eyes bent ".hernw'ikr . "uecause i " i v- ; y- ; " ror neany a woe, ho .. .--. around with that Dcland B'rt again. Bh dia noi uaro lo 'u"", ', ,.;;, spoue, ana sue worn v.. -'"",v.r,: courso It may only bo K"U-rout ueorge otr, itocni;ni.:i "v-;, rledly corrected herself, "tells mo thnt iinuv iiv him to their house to din- n.r.'M' n'?htr.':. .,..!., A to me." fii... i b.u. littiA rani? nlm UD InC following maimnB to t. U him the news. "1 lniroaucea you; " "" S." of it all I should like to know? hi vniM wnn D.nyful. but June took hlmserlously. ., . nn M 'on, MicKyi ii you wum "", happy as I am," she salt eagerly. MlCKy laugnea. ... .. "If wishes were horscB, my dear- - ho sa.d sentcntlously. "But aon i SX. .?t0.U'..m?' h "" "A" rtlnner to- night? No. not ut tho boarding house. wo 11 go lo ino oiuj j-- " - bratel Wo fourt" . . , "We four !" said Micky sharply. "Yes I shall bring Esther, of course. There was the smallest posslb.e pause, then Micky said; . "I'm sorry, but I've another engage ment. I prom.sed tho Delands to go with them to tho Hoopers' dance. June said "Hang the Delands,' and rartf off In a huff. Driver came to tho door: "A parcel, nir. onau i unns, Micky answered absently: Driver went out of the room. After a. moment he camo back with a square box which ho eet down on tho table. "Shall I open It, sir?" he asked, as Micky did not speak. Micky started. "Yes, oh, yes open It what trie dekens la It? I haven't ordered any- Drlver said that he did rot knew that it had been left by a messenger. Ho untied tho knotted string with neat precision, and rolled It Into a ball before Micky walked up to the tnble and illleu me no. wnn. mini ui"i "A fur coat," he said blankly "A fur " He stopped. For a moment ho nood atarlng down Into tho box, then he let the lid fall over it again. "A I right you can go," he said. Driver walked to the door stoically, So nho would not even keep the rur coat I aha enrea so nine lor mm uwi Hho must needs send back his paltry gifts. What a feel ho was to care what a fool I . Drive., ccmlng back for a moment, stopped petrified In the doorway Micky was standing by the mantelpieco with his face burled In his arms. CHArTEP. XVIH Tt v.aa at the Hoopers' danco. The smok ng room door was half ajar : Micky cou'd Nee that there were severul men there. There was a clink of glasset, and the sound cf voices ta.klng In a rather subdued way. Micky paused nt tho Bound of his own name. "Mcllowes I Well, you do surprise me." There was a chuckle. "Always thought ho was one of tho good boys. It Just Bhcwn thnt you never know a man till you find him out. Rather an error of Judsment to choose Paris, eh? Who did you say nhe was?" 'A girl from Eldred's pretty little thing. I know her before ho d!d; as a matter of fact, it woo only when I cooled off. That was Ashton's voice ; Micky cou'd not seo h m, but he could picture Ivldly tho eloquent shrug, the meaning smlio with which he finished his Incomplete sentence. Tho hot blood died down, leaving him cool and a'ert ho pushed tho dcor wide and walked Into the room. Tho group of men by the fireplace scattered: some one coughed deprecat ingly; some ono else seized upon a syphon and began fll.lng on already full glass recklessly. Nobody spoke. ...... Micky kicked the door to behind him, shutt ng It with a slam. His eyes went straight to Ashton a pale Ashton, trying to smle uncon cernedly and brazen the situation out. "I'll give ycu two minutes In which to apologize." Micky said In n voice of steel. "Two minutes In which to retract tho damned les you've Just been aay.ng In this room or or I'll thrash you within an Inch cf your life." In tho silence following one could havo heard a pin drop. Every ono ooked at Ashton. Micky took out his watch. ,, . . ... It seemed an eternity before Ashton spoke, . , .. "If you'vo been listening ho bo- Ban blustering. He moistened his dry lips. "What I said la the truth," he broko out spluttering "You wero In Paris with " Hut the name was never spoken Micky's clenched fist shot out and struck him right In tho mouth. In a moment the room was In an uproar; half a dozen men rushed at Micky and pinned hlu arms. "Mollowes for God's sake If Hooper comes In " , Ashton had staggered back against the wall : his mouth was cut and b ced ing; he was swearing horrlb'y. Micky was crimson In the face; the veins stood out like ccrdB on his fore head; he was stra'nlng every norvo to free himself from his cantors. "Apologize 1" he gasped. "Apologize, you damned cad!" Ashton 'aughed savngely. "Apologize What for? It's tho truth and you know it. Apologize! I'll re peat It I say that you were In Paris thrco weeks ago with Esther Shepstone, ono of the glrla from El dred's " M cky suddenly stopped struggling, hut h's breath came In deep gasps as ho spoke he 'coked round at tho faces of the other men. "I know most of you here," he oatd, In a labored voice. "And most of you know mc and ycu know that I'm not a damned liar like Ashton. and I know that you'll bo levo me believe mo when I tell you that the lady who was with me In In Paris three weeka ago Is my wife we've been married somo time and It la so'ely by her wish that It has been kept a secret." If Micky had dropped a bomb In the room It could hardly hnv created more consternation ; tho Incredulity on tho faces of the men around him would Iihvb been amusing to an on'ooker but to Micky the whele thing was tragedy. He had brought Esther to this with hi, i.innHKrim- miixoMsm; he was nearly bcnlda himself with remorse. If he had been free he would have half killed Ashton; his hands ached tn get at him; to take him by IiIb lying throat and choko the briith from hla body llo toki'ci ni me men arounu mm with pis"lonftte eyes (CONTINUED TOMOimc-W) (Ccwrtaht, lttt, bit Bell Bimdlcate. tnc.l 1 COKE OM UNCLt B.M re conrnQ NOLK WOMEN CRIPPLES AH CHILPREH GET BACK OF THE ROPE'S VH MHERVrV QVMP- vnpTi o AHPREYf QUMP- m QUMP FAvoftrre NEPHEW OF UNCLE tlWEf M1 W &Afwr ill H''i T V ssssmlisssfi t- ANt'S CHE&teR m tlM I I WEIR to the MOWeK H LAW L NMunawHS rtssr lnVMI. THKU EHQVAHf DOE&- VHO RGCQVEJ HW MIPPVE NAME. A3FTCR THCf pmC0VER6t WHO CAN MOT VT TME GUMPS PVRING UNCLE BIM STAV ON ACCOUNT 0"F GRATT PlSAPPOlHTrTCtfT to fXtiPRE.V4" VjHO thinks thc C1T UMIt OK BUJOWiN3TOrA W THt Ertr or THE WJnU SOMEBODY'S STENOGHow and When to Answer Com-leht IB?'', bv T"iih"c Til r C" rFP "Am 1 I oIF To MEET Voo' Ajd'VALK Doww to Your otrtri"e VAi-ru Wrtii ! VAu I Vnn AigSA(ER AAV Guest 1251 m a Mr aOkJ sz .a r.,i...r "i VlT, PT time wed: r-J't&lk Whs? -IlI ) Ue-t ME HtLLO CAM WlLu ) Ht0 TAKE LUMCH J WITH ME AT THE i 1 "FRITZ" r-7 ahw Ves n -AMD LATER IM THE DAV y k. w AIED-ALLRIGMT v ! MiSS A That -iuh i Rci I J i if i w - -"- I l i r?t t " I r l iaxf-ir-af - i i 1 1" i 6o.X ' 1 DO4T KAIOW K WHETHER To SAT JO YO l HAT rtLLOW AlOW, J OR RE-Aio later: pJ AE HAVuaRu-1 The Young Lady Across the Way ( MOM The young lady across tho way says she knows her dandelion wine Is perfectly harmless as she made It herself and didn't put a drop of alcohol In it. The Powerful Katrinka Was Told to Get Willie and Brinn Itlm Home By Fontaine Fox - ' - i-L- SCHOOL DAYS PETEY Today's Adventure By C. A. Voight o j-Mot Doc" ) " Jf I of TViEie. here customers vaJWa. N, f I THE CLANCY KIDS The Mean Thing By Percy L. Crosby . z r' " i " ntBa , ,-l,-- - - ? 0 Je 90H9,HiSTU& yfm suppose THIS isl &A W 7 1 4 f T tr( JPeRSPlRAToNy P I v . , : : -- -Sa-JI ej SJijljlJi . . ' t v 1, '? Bit Ffai'ward f By DWm i M fl m ! ib ! fl ! i I. I c '1. V- i . i, '' fl '' . Ml SMMMMMIMMf, bmj-