V ?$ j i . , -s. Mi N ri& f i i : 1. 1 v 10 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PL'lDteLPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2ft 1320 THESE ARE THE GOODIES PROMISED BY MRS. WILSON 'A Pruit Cake Made Without Eggs, the Old-Fashioned I'fcffvr miss and Lebkutchen, and Some Delicto: Little Tea Cookies JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS - I5 MKS. M. ICepvrioht, A. WILSON A, 'l!on. lth. bu Mm, M. All riphtr remvrd. THIS liollilay flmp si't-mi most ap proprlnto for the Romllfi of the year rid tht hmiRcwHV fceN that it would not be ChrNtimiH without the hl tlm faiorites. , , 1 linvc n tlolii'i..-.- nKe reoipe Unit does uot reiiuin- i-ec ami It comes to this corner frnm the enrl ltouscwive of the mliluot h'iur tniU;,Hiiin n) com. Our c;i i) in rbnpiicd nu'f. Our ni u fir.riii rAnjiin? nnXn, One iji ftrn-ly ehopprd canditd cilrmi, 'Ihnrntid one-quarter rups of flour. Tiro Iwrl tnblnpooni of bnkini) poirdrr. ISi'Uf to ml and then vpreiul one '.ihH lilt h dee: in noll-creim-il nnd tloured pioneer baklni: pan. Hake in a moderate ovei. I for twehv minutes and then cool nnd remove, from rlie pan and cut Into . MpmrcK, nnd eotr with water ioinc. put Kscles' Wult Caltc Tiro rupg of hrovii iipir. One 'lip of -liortrninr. One cup of sirup. One-half packnpc of runin. One-half pound of upncuf. through the 1ood chopper. One-half pound of peanuts, through the food chopfiir. One-half pound of enndird citron, cut J with knife into thin Wi'.vi. i Fout and one-half cipa of flour, I Three hvrl tahlcipount of baking i powder. One cup of cnM Hack coffee, Mix thoroughly to Mend and then . turn Into a round cake pan which has knA.. .....11 Haxnunil nJ tllllirflil flfltl lllllftfl In a slow oven for rne nnd one-half ' doiisli that i'nn be haiulled. hours. , cold plaee for a few lnuirs. Place small pan of rohl water in the oven with the fruit cake, while it Is baking. Ice the rnke, when cold, with choco late Icing, made as follows : One nnd onc-!ialf cupi of .V.YA'A" tupar, One-half cup of coco. One teaspoon of vnniU'i, One-half teaspoon of cirna'nau x-traet. And sufficient boiling water to mace ,hjm.ck.!h.' ,, .., . one that Wdeliclou.. V The small cake ako play, an lm portant part in the holldaj season. Iu . many parts of the old world these cakes are iced nnd used to decorate the . Christmas tree They ulso can be I packed in little fancy baskets and wnen ' a nice glass of good homemade jelly ' 1b included, it is a very acceptable girt to the bachelor or the business woman, j rfflternuss (I'eppor Nutsl i l'lace in a mixing bowl: ' Ono nnif unc-quartir cupi of fcrutcn sugar. One and one-half cups of flour. One-half teaspoon of unit, i One lev I tablespoon of baking foicdcr. Kun between the hands to blend nnd then rub into this mixture: four tablespoon of shortening. One-half teaspoon of gimjer, ' One teaspoon of cinnamon. One-half teaspoon of allspice1. One cup of finely chopped citron. One cun of rind" chopped raisins. One-half cup of finely chopped nuts, Now ue one egg ami three table poons of water. Beat together nnd i form a dough nnd then wort until ' mooth. Now break off pieces the sue i of n. small walnut nnd form int.) balls. Flatten with the hands and then set on well jreased baking sheet. I.et stand for one hour. Brush with sugar anc water nnd dust lightly with nutmeg. Bake in a slow oven for twenty minute. "Vntir icing Is nuu'ic with just enough bidllng wnter to moisten one-half cup of XXXX sni'ar nnd make it spread. Tor the gingi-reake mini nnd animals so dear to the hearts of nil children. j,Uf 'l'lace in a mixing bowl: One cup of tnolaises. One-half cup of sugar. One-half cup of shortening, One-half cup of black coffee. One teaspoon of cinnamon. One-half tea ipooti of alhpiee. One-half tcaipaon of ginger. One tablapoon of baking poicder. And just enough llo.ir to make ai rince in a i Then roll out on u (fibl" which has tven covered with oilcloth and then cut out men nnd women and various nnitnnl shapes. To ( ouinin nil' f.iutT. jut i-iu iih- imuvru desired out of stitT paper and then brush the paper well with snlnd oil, nnd lny this (in the dough ; cut with a sharp knife. Lift the prepared figures to a greased and lloured baking sheet nnd then brush the tops with snlad oil or melted butter substitute. Hake in u slow oven for twelve minutes. For those who like the old -fash - season here is one that Is deliciou". nare in n mixing bowl : ...' iSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS rii'ilo t r ntral News Mie's as good lis she can lie. Ami being a careful little mother sho sees to it that KllzaMh n ami .Marj are gooil, too. Kverybody Knows that Santa Clans won't put anything In the stockings of llttlo dolls or little girls who don't say their prajers at night anil Klliibeth Ann needs :i new coat dreadfully, while Mnrj is Just it:u" '" " ea au'e ami a rocking chair Please Tell Me What to Do Dy CYNTHIA Another "De Jure" Is Here Dear Cynthia Tho definition , ol "I-ovo" will be found In "What Is Moni by Mark Twntn. Head It DI3 JUU13 NO. 1. THE GIRL WHO HAD A LIFE THAT WAS A WHITE ELEPHANT She Didn't Know What to Do With ltS1p. Lacked Common Sense and a Sense of Humor, Like Many Others THE HUSBAND HATER y HAZEL HEYtr IlATCHhXOK CovurlaM, 1910, In Public Jdi;(r Co. One cup of molasses. One cup of oroicn sugar. Tiro-thirds cup of shortening. One teaspoon of cinnnwon. One-half teaspoon of pinner. One-half teaspoon of allspice, I One-half teaspoon of cloven, ' Three-fourths cup of black coffee or i thin apple snyce, Thice and one-half cupi of flour. I TV' level tablespoons of bakina poirder. , One c ip of finely choppid nvti. 1 One cup of seeded raisim. One-half cup of citron, cut in thin . .vlirri. ,,. , .. . . . , , old days, Imperious. fnMlnntlnis sinu very Miv and hen turn into a round cake , "J " ., , wlallorutl m ss and an pan. lluke in a moderate oven for forty . wveij. mi m- ,,.- ,, minute, and then cool nnd . with the I though she we.ro conferring a f.iv-.r on chocolatv icing that ou uvil for the him nho lnvltl him to sit In tn. drnw fruit cake. o , nK room with her that afternoon She t Here is a delicious little cuke that can ' Inughcil a little and drew him to talk of ' be made ipiickh and served to the holl- , himself with more freedom than liu ' dny guests wi'h n cup of coco or choc- ...- i,nd Irefore It wasn't until that ,olute. It is unite Inexpensive and U , nffM slttvr dinner, when thej ,'ul!,,, I rhleairo and were settlea 01 Jean .Vorfftruj) Ml been brotio'it P In icealth and is suddenly eft ?""' Jess by the death of her father shortly after his failure In fttwlneys. An un known ir sterner named Mark Ilroml has been appointed hrr guardian, and ichcn he arrives In the city xugpests that Jean mat-y him and go banK west as his toif At first J"."' dignnntlv refuses but after thinking "t over" he derides that she is helpless and accepts th, offer. Before she leaves icith hrr husbaiut she web out Cicctyi Krtnicles. an old friend, and says pood-by in order to create a good impression amuna her frictuls A Few Plain Words J KAN wai onJ..yliiK lo the full i ... ., ., . " power that sne wn""' " " Fifty-Fifty Love ... . i v.Ln una.co In Dear I'mmia niny i "":.,', (il8 vm.r nnlnmn to Held lUSt a lUtle to UlO lVuers of "O. U." "A Bachrtor urn .u.u "Jerry"? , they ex- ..-I.Blw wiw c" Vf- 7n"; "that "lovo V.!" ft' F'SZr: " "L.-V;; the sacrifice. th ureatL-r the love hut oa ou gu, I would like to Quote you a "tie or my own lire it may ncip j" Mn...l Invnifl mannlnir .. .. .i t ... tho broad- At tile rreseni iiinu "" "-, ,,.y,v winner of tho famlly-nl why nhouldn't I be? my husband W P nKalnst It. In other words, ho lw w-ork and can tlnd nono that he ca . n do on nccount or injuries "". - are troubling him now, but that is no renon why we should pine am. bIbIi mm say how cruel the world Ib and a hundred or more like complaints. If hp WJ able he would go out nnd Provide for me. As lonpr as he. lsn w-hy h"Mn l I do the same for him? I am youm,. healthy, and can provide inoigh tor us to livo on "pretty comfy." Hut t.. ". thiB Ih also an Important part of tne llfty-flfty basis to which you did not refer. My husband has taken m piaci In the home. Keep ,H ole cS: "washes the dishes" and has a good dinner cooked for me when I came Homo (mm mv .lnv'n Wnrlt. lUSt ttB llO WOUIU expect If It were he conilne home ln atead. So you Heo. "C. II " and Jerry. you Hllll navB u uinv iui - ",,,,, In other worda. bo fair to both sides, and ., .... i ..... u,iu fnn,ilv true love lllfll AH ill ""I tin..' '"""', : r., ,,, will rule "sacrlflce undylnK. but well ru.nniii liv Dm lnvlni? Bncrllice of tne other "A m rnHEIlK was once n girl who had n perfectly good life all her own. She used to sit down nnd worry about that life of hers. "What shall I do with It?" she would ask, over and over again. And the result was thnt he merely went eri sitting and worrying nnd won dering until her perfectly good life was all wasted. , There "'were two things that she needed n sense of humor nnd some plain, ordinary, everyday common seise. With u sense of humor she would have renllzcd how utterly, uselessly ridiculous It was to think of her life ns something concrete like n strangely shaped vaso or n piece of cloth with an unusual design. With common sense she would simply have gone nhrad and lived that per fectly good life, without bothering about doing anything with it. F. IS too bad that those two senses nro not added to the other live. So many persons, like the girl with the life, lack them nnd get themselves into hopeless muddles on account of that lack. For Instance, there is the thinker who has bint realized enme fundamental truth which has been known always, and Is thrilled over It. "Why, if my thoughts are always pure and good," she exults, "-I can never do anything really wrong." And common sense, stnndlng, .ignored and neglected just around the corner, smiles u resigned, contemptuous smile and remarks: "Why, of. course not, it,. self right on the brink of n martyr's suicide because "she" walked to school two days In succession with his rival. The poor child suffers as nctually and ncutcly as any one with a real sorrow ; he hasn't any sense of humor; b couldn't possibly know how Incon gruous his passion to wittwhls nose and his age. mHEItn'8 the girl who walks along in the middle of winter, shivering with cold, wrapped In a huge fur cont, .with the collar spread wide open dis playing a bare neck and a thin silk dress. Common sense would tell her to fasten It find keop out the wind; but vanity bids her show the pretty throat with its string of -pearls. She answers vanity's call. There's the woman, weak and limp from an ache caused by Inflammation. who attempts to remedy it by applying hot water, thereby causing more In flammation. Common sense would tell her it wai impossible; but she doesn't know anything about common sense. THE person who is discouraged, after too much dreaming and wishing for success, or happiness or riches, is for- tunntc It she has n sense of humor. i ho.n k",0w ,,ow fa0''"" ' ttlgrt took sitting down t pity herl om sic will bo able to find any number tiny little thlng that arc ffiB" enough to qhecr her nnd give her co,,?. kc to go on n little further. ' Oh, you're lucky. Indeed, if y0ll ha a sense of humor and nomc ni,e ordinary, everyday common sense. ' You ought to put it into the thank., giving part of your prayers every night And if you haven't it, you'd bett try to cultivate some. M ' It will help you. Home-Made Balls Effective decorations for tho n,.i mas tree can he made at horn. . . '" cost whatevor. Cut twenty SrShVA, M Inches In diameter, or twelve tu"n.hri of colored paper. MagnilnV ei,B.or!" u .- -- "i"". IU. ored advertisements or scratw iit r,"r. co:' paper can bo used. PolTlaeh tl,wJ twice (color sldo ouistd.i ".!h ': folding thorn slightly. i". -Tr.'' nen tin. string them you woum Deauo, on a Btron .r. " paper for snowhn bb frlnted a little, passed through the center of each SV,?.' Qay balls will result Use . ffl aoer for snowhnllr. n. il'1""'' pd with an alum make them sparkle iignica. Or they may bo tin solutlSn wlch e When , .'i. ' when tho tree li one way or another. Out huro we don't trifle, wo don't flirt, wo do thlnes In a big way because it's a blic country and nothlnp small or trumpery" belongs to It. Today you've been kind to me at) you'd be kind to a big colllo dog; you've held out your hand nnd patted my head, and all tho while you were thinking how BUierlor you wero and how easy It wns to throw me a bone and we mo respond by fawnltur over you. You aro one of the women who Imagine thnt men wero maila for your lile.iBiire, but out hero , you'll And things very different." And having flnlshul hat he had to say Mark' left Jean aTone. her cheeks burn- 1 Ing and htr hands clenched. Tomorrow .lertti Is forced to rapltnlnte the ver her new husband, and fnr the first time I Murk tw hrr na sin- nan oren in mu WHAT'S WHAT By HELEN DECIE Batter Nut ."SMinge Prop Cakes Place n a mixing bowl: One i-up of sugar, Thiee tablespoons of butter. i olki of tico eggs. Cream well until a light yellow i and then add : .s"ij tablespoons of water. lebltutchen This take r"oipi- uf Swiss origin and Is over OlH) jears old Place in a mixing bowl : One up iij broirn lunar, Threc-iuarttrs cup of milk. One and out -half ttaspoons or cinnu txon. One-half teaspoon of gingc .One-half teaspoon of nutmeg, Ope teaspoon of clavis, unc-fourth cups of sifted teaspoons of baking I One and flour. Three level powder. One cup of finely chopped nuts. Beat to mix and tin n fold in the ' stiffly beaten whites of twn eggs. Bnke in the wmall muffin pan in a moderate oreu for liftn-n minutes. Grease nnd flour the puns bi fore pouring In the bat ter, (antisii the tops with bits of cit ron and maraschino chcrrie,. had left in. a tram bound still further "W et. ma- some thing happened to frlght-n Jean, to hhow her a gllmps.1 of tho tai.se wouruj 1 she was enjoying. I Shi' had b.n sittlnic with Mark on olor I tho observation platform and finally Bhe 'had decided to ko to bed. 1 "It must be the wind that has made I me so sleepy," !ho said smiling up at I him. and together they begun tn. trip i.. wi.. rwn mr- Tliev vveto go- ,Ung from one .train tc , anotber wh. n the ity Tri iTifiitiki .1 i,ui ii tv -. v - Adventures With a Purse ilition of the stick makes this set par ticulurb coiutilete. And the rriee nuts LET n.e tell jou of the fussy feminine- it in reach of most nnv one. for it costs utterly fascinating vanity eae that SI. .TO. with a tBs of six cents. j-i i will wn:.t either for vour own dresser ..r ,, will suiiplv have to gnt t'or the t 'intnias gitt of jour er be-t friend It u oni- of those lovely old toe silk -cuvi red things und just how can I des, nbe it' lt tne it re minds one nt th" top ot n bureau, only, r( course, it Is small, not more than four dr five inches aru-s In the back, Jujt wloTi' the mirror of it bureau wuuid be, is a ..Jtl- roirnl mirrur. and then Then, if you are coming in town any how. tnp und Me about the umbrellas, hut do not make ti special trip for them, for tlier.' is u doubt as to whether there 1 will be any left. They ure made of union taffeta, have tl.oe ,iii e stubhv .tips, ami the handle nn mostly trnight with the leather w ri-t strap attached, while tlier" lire u fi with the round bracelet handles. The j.nce i? only ..". which i the low-t I l,ai seen for a nice umbrella. nn what -vo ud De tin' top. as 1 r.call it' An(, r,)(n frrt ,,, . lin(ll is a r-vv. are two cunning littie huxes or.eirj iOB1,.ul and nanira1 truiisituin, so roiitainit.g rriug' nnd one jwder. A let me tell jou about lin- anuuing col- .. . ... . I l..,,.,. t,f .rt.wllfirli.lf n nr i.Tii. wli.iT. f.n wer rills o It tin 1 V'U"s tn" nul'"""" "' -" "' bnxe are ,n me .r..er ti i. '.ml ills , lipstick. to dencribi jour-elf HirprUe v. lo -.'1.V tl.u. lti.t what's the use of trying t'' Do stop in ninl M'e a for T " priee i $". whu'h wi.l My Al'.en j ! see hnt a . il- iri'V iiii is it 'he Then rig.. the li't'e rilfv . i n.ity tin" dresi r or to Li J li ketln '.v 1' ' I I' , ,--siz. 1 " U ire i bin. r'lih.ni tl (it poW'lll the puff. t'lij ii"--" r- In if ii .. 'i : 1 -in. . sjilue Pi.1i e tn." , ither for arried in one's . ! a gmer- lll' 11 O'.li I OS! f 'i 'v itli lit'li - . mil i 1 . f . m' lib St. ( I'll' lld- rhere nre those ov,-lv branch candle sticks, m a silver finish, holding seven randies, and their price h ." Tin I was under the impression that tl ej were ever i-o much more expensive thun ihnt. There ure other vt!es oh ! innumerable kinds And I want to urge inu t stop in and -ie l,e ilisplay if ou are nt all intirisfeil r. i-unil. - Tl.e priees are vr lets- .ru g. too I nr ri'ims n! I'dll'ir nr l oni hni .uldresi. Woniali s I'.iur Witlnut ur.Miiln JOOo .:, i.. ...siitiriinL- n rune uicditi ou Irani in '""' " -,---' ,it, l,.,r deiilv and inrew j-.u ui j- - liu" band Hi'fore she could regain her bV I. n.-e hi anns had closed about her. and shi- w:is mothensl. enveloped In his emFVra moment she lay In hlB arms powerless to move His heart leaiw-d In S?nt tearing beats .igalnst her t-me- i thing wild and primitive in i . e ioucu of his .irnis ronii . " .- sorrv that she had ever tried to be -t 1 She struggled, and as though . u..ln,r Vin rel..riKOll her IH.-it. I llieo;iii.-iiih. " -. .: . , "I'm sorrv. he whispered, believe ne " ... She Mood facing him tl.eu i. - ..1 i.nntlnir. "Re'.leVt Vo' never believe you again. t,h- i.i-ih. " 2 ... ,.,,;..mi.tu .uslv. "After .ii'.. a tnidi who could do what ou have .'.' not a man to trust 1 don t knsw . ,,- ......I. in,, think tl.it I rl. ., tl.iCht have a Sellh of 1 "111-' lie went White to the 1 J - .1 .1 ' 1 -,.,i iT.imlt and without a v..r.l f .llowr.l .r throUBh the i.ir. and t'. tl . I ,...t- iiniwlne room J. an 1' moment's hcHitatlon. tur-.e.l -h . .. k it. It ui.rij.nt ui.t . li,. Iround'thlli Hh- w h lr,l foUowed lier. but i-bo was not frlgl.'-ti'd. tshe could manage blni , , . , n u.,oild like to be a'om . -so he:- Up furlliiir ... "inri I Iuiim sometl' ng to sa. rctumi'd qulcklv , "I ,im willing to abl.'.e b the baigaln I made, 1 ut th-H , . isi't 1 ie in that vou are to bavo vour own wa, do vou 'in dorstand" N.. won.un can te.l me t u,t I have no hot. or lust of all m wife and I e;wit ol'U'ence aim coun ..,., inn w he'h. r you want t.. frleiidlv or not Ym are go'ng lot ....iinln to Ikve mi Klnl '! a 1 '' rests w'lth i' n whether th ngs are peas ant or 'l.c r. v..-st AT. lour l.fe jou . l.uen snolle.' n'i ! ulit ouc flirti n sour pr ' i-im "-v uh ' n who h i'lf t ! .'.' 1 ..ugh to 11 .1'. 1 ro- ' 1'lellSC l.reath- 1 I'll I : e IS w ha' s VOU if ut a 1 n ib imr.Fd wild. he In mr, Opinions on "Danny" Differ near Cynthia There Is still a great deal of correspondence In your column pro and con on the grtat and vital Issue pertaining to love. It seems a whole lot of the correspondents who write on this llttlo word of only four letters but which has swayed tho destinies of not only Individuals but nations, have a very vague conception of It, or olsij they write to the Cynthia column Just for the sake of writing. Take the letter of one (Danny), who says thcro Is no such a thing as love, yet she Is engaged to a .... rniinn.. nnrt 'ineetH to net mar ried nround the holidays, but does not love him. Now, Danny, take my om ice and cut It out right now before It is too late It seemo to me you nre going to marry this fellow Just for the sake of getting married, so you won't be ca led an old maid. Bather an old maid a thousand times over than wreck thW man'B life, which ypu may do. Don t you know if you don't love this man mi a. wife should he Is sure to find It out soon, He will perhaps meet a woman who can love, and here is where you are, going to have a wholo peck of trouble right from the start. Bight here Is how .J!, .ii. ...... a imulnpRH i?ets a foothold. Why. Danny, wreck your own life and his, loo, when It can all bo avoided If vou Just use a little common sense You nro nil wrong and you are taking a fool's chance. "Cleo." one of Cyn thia's correspondents, also says there Ih no love." If there Is no lovo now adays you girls are tho cause of It: 11a 1 said before, you aro 60 engrossed in worldlv affairs dress, show. Jazz, movies, dancing schools In fact, your brains are so shallow there Is no con centration on any one thing. You fly around tho llame llko a moth, and when vou net your wings burnt nine times but of ten ft la the fellow, you cry. who is tne caut-e mi. ' ..... n.. . bo plain. Danny, and tell you there nre very few girls nowadays with nil their colieKC and business training who enn converse with a man on important toDlcs of tho day. Tell them nbout the Stest styles or nbout Mary l'lckford. or borne other great movie star, they nre all eyes and ears, but talk common m-nse and you get little encouragement. If thereis no lov such girls nro the cause of It, and I, Indeed, pity the mor tal who can't develop or has not this ir,uim,.t nf love. They aro lower thnn tokos In the hostess, and he sltB to tho ,1,,, onlmal kingdom. Tho love of the right of her at the other end of tho , lltlnial kingdom for ItH mate or Its off table. The othir guests take their chairs ' spring Ib beautiful to behold some according to tho names on tho placo- times and If the women nro losing that cardy, each man assisting hl3 dinner wi,ich' is the greatest thing n woman partner to her chair before taking his havo (love), then all I can say is own If uny guest should be accl- (. d ,)lty tho human race. I am dis dentally detained, arriving after the din- UHted lately with some of tho silly and ner has begun an apology Is made to I haUow minds that try' to define love, the hostess before ho takes hln placo at 1 """""" the table - ll- nnvbodv Irnnwn rJmt. .". :. . . i , There s the snub-nosctl, xrecaiea dreamer of sixteen who imnglnes hlm- At'a dinner party all the guests are rupposcd to havo arrived a few minutes beforo the tlmo set. Tho host nnd hostess greet the Incoming guests and ench m:ui Is paired off with his din ner partner The host enters tho dining room llrst, with the distinguished or the most elderlj woman on his right arm ; and sho Is seated to his right nt the head of the table The oldest or tho most eminent man If STURKEY AT WHOLE SALE Headquarters for Maurice River Cove Oyster AND ALL KINDS OF FISH AND SEA FOOD FOUR POUNDS REAL SHARP CHEESE, 95c Rump Roast Butcher Roast Chuck Roast MITCHELL'S MARKET, Inc., Hambure Steak C Shoulder Veal Roasting -Veal 10 & 12 S. Delaware Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. Thll li Oar Onlj Mark MHaMMBIBM 16 The Question Corner Today's Inquiries 1. When the stiff toes or heels ot a shoe nre cracked so that black ing will nor restore them to newness, how can they be filled up? 2. How can n miniature cnblnct for stamps, rubber bands, pen points nnd other small acces sories be made for the desk? 3. In typewriting with sovernl sheets of paper and carbon, how can the pnper be kept from curling up at the top? " 1. What uso can be mnde of the tops of a. pair of wornout pumps? 5. How can stains made by beef juice be removed? fl. What comfort for a doll can be made out of leftover bits of wool iu various colors? Yesterday's Answers 1. A convenience for the small apart ment without a kitchenette is of polished 'wood with a tireless cooker and two electric burners concealed In its upper part, while tho lower part is made in shelves. 2. A novel Christmas gift for a man enn b3 made by taking one of his own kid gloves, worn In the palm but good on the bnck, and covering the palm with lambs' wool to make a shoe shiner. H. Save money in the buying of silk stockings in winter time by getting Inexpensive ones of light colors nnd dying them block nt home. 4. I'lacing a lemon in the oven just before squeezing it will make it more juicy and easier to squeeze. .". A pretty collar that gives a light touch to a dark dress is made of iriolre ribbon, gathered into a ruff which stands up around th neck. 0. An amusing bath apron fnr mother or nurse hns the ' made like a Ilunny rabbit's face with long ears, for the shouldi i straps. Of Interest to Women Miss Lorraine K. Wooster. stni. perlntendent of public Instruct" f: Kansas, is not one of the wom-n -i iinuniu), in iioi one or tne Women .i look with tolerant eye on My idv 5 otlno. Miss Wooster. who hL '? hic- In the state Capitol In Topeka i T vpr of prohibiting the use of tobj'f: tne tapuoi, ana nas given notice i.t ' Intontlon to bo advise fh rL.'i1 h'T - vsccuh,,, Intention to council. Mann & Dilks 1112 CHESTNUT STREET Up-to-Date Prices At Replacement Costs Comfort in Shopping Here With Dependable Merchan dise Proper Boxing Everything Exchangeable Or Money Refunded MOST EVERYTHING FOR MEN Neckwear Handkerchiefs Gloves Bath Gowns Sweatero Wool Veste Silk Hose Golf Hose Silk Shirts Pajamas Underwear Madras Shirts Overcoats (Tyrol Wool) Wool Hose Dress Studs Dress Sleeve Buttons Lounging Rubes For Ladies and Misses Sillc Hosiery Handkerchiefs Leather Coats Suits (Tyrol Wool) Coats Coats (Camel s-Hair) Shirts (Ready-to-Wear) Gloves Tailored Waists Wool Hosiery Neckwear Wool Scarfs Silk Reefeis Underwear IU WJTII A TOUCH o MAMKIBIINESS MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT STREET r i erl-'gWWWMBaMilMA.---.. r asco asco asco H I UBTfI 1 II i "Isl STORES CO. M ' r Your Soul's in Your Hand P.T U'.VINl. II nvcnN 1214 Arch St. 1214 Arch St. VMMHlMMSiim Pl-KuMll1 ' lie VC'. .JC'. Follow T" e me I.TJJXZKX2' na i214 & 'M SSSk 66 -I liisi. id- .ui.oMd.N A.J'ii'lrtli- the lm of tn fnilrv tlnicer nnd liullrntes grciit iinprFHiiliiiiublMt.i. V In f Al " ..d middle ivjr ibe ;il (I'ns, lo ..no Vhiii 1' 'J .,rfril(les f . u u. .-i. ib I.W I ' PKI irt I ic.-b .a. i til tl.r II. 'H iV :if. :i t i If j.i l.j e. r i. i i . i U ImriM i .' t. 'j' ,-r ' , - ' i t' o ham i- '.i'o "i ' I ' ' j " ' umeil to have .'. u .-."i. (Vat! m .. ' Taccompttnled v. I i a ' 1 n'a!., '' liloplliK toiiRrd tint Mount of the Moon 1 fade Article .v ii stioiiB w l'.'.-phu'.inv of tho thuu.b und loi u I'.rbt phalaiigea l tliff llncera . Jtl a heavv hand showln a iTUll Ujihsrmuilc n.iture. the Ulntt of Holunion vould nnturiilK ri" be uuseepMb. "f unr such Hidlni; but .1 Klcr.'.f- rnthor. u barru-r 'o tiv ttpri tht Crowds For the Greatest Values in this Manufacturers' SACRIFICE SALE Women's Coats Wraps .5 'UP Store of Personal Scrvic, 1310 Chestnut Street Special Holiday Values Christmas Blouses r.oo Tho Gift Appreciated! A Blouse and here it i.s. A very fine col lection of newest modes Crepe Georgette, Pussy Willow Taffetas. And Hund-mudi- Blouses of White Batiste, most daintily hand-drawn. Suits & Dresses ir 'r . mi irur our rM'ks. r 'hint U j rlili tiJ ( tint rMiMinn nitl it inn k itnl t.MiMi Iff i thfr mmtin mi our hnriUv lllk'ft i;f ulr unrinentH tit . th lottt iHm t r liriiril of M 1214 Arch Street W Thd liner on-1. .luplter, flintl. i liVTth Itlnu .. Jt llOCli'iH' l M ur ill. b.iirl t , tl . r lIK'll :t'ci 1214 ,Arch St 1214 Arch St Fur Scarfs Exceptional Values Stone Marten Opossum 16.95 Natural Mink 19.50 Taupe and Poiret Fox ' 30.00 Natural Squirrel 29.50 Genuine Stone Marten 38.00 Warm Coats Very Specially Priced A small, exclusive group of fine Bolivia Cont Wraps, richl.' lined and wurmly interlined. Ab n Gift Suggestion of rare practicality, we proffer this most earnestly. 30 .00 THE BLUM STORE A New Organization With an Old Name TVTTTT' " ASCO ASCO ASCO r0 - A' S. u 1 Butter and Eggs Strong, healthy cowt in the finest dairy sections of the country produce the cream from which the delicious "Louella" Butter u made. The cream is first thoroughly Pasteurized, which .not only insures its absolute purity, but also helps to give it that wonderful flavor which has made "Louella" so popular among people who appreciate good butter. ' 12 r ii "LOUELLA" Butter "Taste it" lb 65 v A 5 r. 0' I a fS c, o A' S' c O A rs cl o fur yourse Spread a slice of bread with "Louella" Butter and judyo ourself if it isn't the most delicious butter you, ever tasted! 581 Richland Butter lb A S c o Unusuul value at its price. A pure creamery print butter. There's a Lot of Satisfaction in eating "eggs you can be sure of." We carefully inspect every egg before it is placed on sale. That's why you are sure of twelve good eggs in every dozen. "GOLD SEAL" EGGS 85 In every carton there is one dozen of the biggest, meatiest, freshest eggs you ever ate! Drop in one of our Stores today and try a carton of them. Selected Eggs Every egg guaranteed. doz 72' "Asco" Store are located all oter Philadelphia nnd throughout TennHylvunla, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. " ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO I' ' " '!' ASCO i' it ) m n ' ASCO . . . ASCC A 1 A S C 0 A S o A s c 0 A o c 0 I s 8 M J ASCO . J. ii r u lit lontluucd i r v I i 1 i -li a- "-j. A. M 1 1 4.. ,.4. I S .- h,- i tf i-ii ti Xfj7TT. ,n ,h , ih ,.' ,L K68iWl,'fj!.aM,' i.4Si IWrfljrfW. .V.TK7iKTE mk ,MhJ0W . ir iiiiiiiiiiiMlTsWlMsMWifc