Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 5, Image 5

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    PMP?5ffJpfV v
C' r '( ftrrfr
" i "$'
-?&, &(.
L p
Takes Place 15th and Sansom
Sts. Youth, About 16, Es
capes With $150
I Salvation Army Will Distribute It
In Eastern Penitentiary
iftorii hundred prlxmrrrt In tlic
tern I'cnlti'iitinrr will lip remem-
berr-d liy Hnntn cinus tlil-i week, owIiir
to the interrit which I.lciiteiMttt Colo
nel Artlmr 'J'. Hrewor. of tlic Snlvntlon
Aimy, tnlccs In tin- men who lire behind
the Imrs. Lvor.v in boner will receive
a box of rniulv and n Christinas enrd
with the crrctitiKM of the nrin.v.
A cnlendnr will b jlen 'to 1000
lnlHoncrs In the grim-walled ItiHtltu
tlon nt Twenty-firm street nml Fair
mount nvciiue wlmnro enrolled in mem
bers of the Snlvntlon Army's Hrlfjlitor
wny Lcngtn. The leiiBtic connlms of
men who sign pledRp to observe the
rr-Rtilntloiis of the Institution, nlso to
iibstnlu from profnnlt.v, smoking, drink
inli, etc.. nnd roinpnrt tlii'iiiM'lvrrt on
nil opciishms like ClirlHtlnnTnpn. When
he visited this city on ThnnksRllnR
Dny. General Urmmvell Ilooth prnlied
tbo Snlviitlnnit for their prison work,
lie snld there were more men enrolled
In the Tlrljrlitor Dny League In the
Entern Penitentiary thnn In nny other
prison Influ world
A Un bniiillt. jtiHt out of kiiieker- ,
booker. In M "P " -jgar otore In the'
iifnrt of the city enrly Inst night nnd
cnt nwn with $1f0 In money nnd u $r0
cheek , . ..
Areonllnpr to the propriPtor. the
bnniii' wns not more thnn sixteen enr
rid but he worked like nn old -timer
nciill(ln't love his self-possession for
I hlnsle Instnnt while he he'd n mnn
tit'ilcr the muzzle of nn niitomntii nml .
compelled hi'" bnnd over the con
tents of the enelt register.
Ilohin Ilrothers own n clgnr dorp nt
ilie rnrner of fifteenth nnd Sniisnm
'1 ... nl.l llnliln n( 9(ln" Vr.illi
Thirty third street, wns in thp store nt
7 :3fl o'clock, lie hnd served a cus
tomer nml us the customer wnlKcd out
r youth walked In.
"If t lint kid hnd nled me for cignr
rtte.i, I'll bnve turned him down, he
looked jo young," said Itohln tnilny.
"I thought that's wlmt Iip wnnted. In
f'tonil. he wnlked tip to the counter,
pulled the revolt er from his pocket nnd
told me to put tip my hands.
"He meant It. too the look in his
ye.i rnnvitipptl mp of thnt, I did not
'rsue with him, but put up my linniK
"Then lie mnilp mp wnlk to the cash
retltor. and permitted me to lower my
richt hand Not to give it lienrty Merry
Chritnins handshake. Oh, no ! What
he Mid "as. 'You take thnt money out
of that cn-ih register nnd band it over
and do it hlnnkettv-blank quick, or I'll
fill you so full of holes I won't have n
jhot left for a policeman !'
"t handed the moiie.t ocr. .fl'iO In
notes ami rhuugt'. And the check fur
,,n Then the bandit hacked to the
door, keeping me covered. As he run
down Pniisnm street, I jumped to n tele
phone and notilled the police of the Fif
teenth nnd Locust streets station."
Max Kain, of l.'.'iOrt Riilgp iivettue,
wns rohb"d of SIMM) by armed motor
Inmlits last night but his loss wns
different front the Robin Ilrothers' loss,
In that it wns S.0 in money nnd n
jlfit) cheok.
Knlu wns held up nt Tvtcntj fifth
and Dauphin streets hy it fneetious
motor bandit who told lilin. "Ve licpd
rhrlsfmas money worse than .ton, mi
come across." Two revolvers pointed in
the Kenetnl direction of Knin's hend
were the principal "persuntlcrs," nml
Knia contributed to the "f'hristmas
f u hi!
Mot"r bandits who smashed u ttln
do of nn uptown pawnshop cot 8,1000
worth of jewelry Sntitrdav nigint. Thej
did not know thnt nt just the time thej
hurled the brick through the window
that f'.cniamin 1'odol, the proprietor,
wns at his desk in n renr ollice count
Ins SliiiOO in real moiipy. which had
been taken to the pawnshop to bundle u
business rush.
Davenports, Chaises
tongues and Chairs j
Tho furniture pnr excel- i
lenco, for those who desire j
to ndil to the distinction of
their homes nnd at tho
snnte time enjoy tho heisht !
of luxurious ense nnd comfort. We produce each piece to your
exclusive order. Sample models may be seen nnd coverings selected j
in our'wnrerooms.
Dougherty's Faultless Bedding
Hair Mattresses Box Springs t Bedsteads
1632 Chestnut Street
wl&Pis? Is-Csw W
'2'JSf ' -" -g, - !f.i
Two Couples Keep Anniversaries
There was n double weddinii celehin
tion last tuKlit nt the home of Mr. nod
Mr I'miI firicKer. 'J!l.'i." West Wishuvt
itreet (Jermnntown Mr. mid Mr
Orieser celehrnted the tvtentt fifth nn
ntnrsarj of their innrriiiRe nnd Mr. nn,.
Mr liustiive Sacks, tthu ntteiided .M
and Mrs. (iricRcr when thej were mar
rldl. i elehrnted their twenty -fourth
wt tiding nnniterMir.t.
Mr Sacks, who is n brother of Mr.s
Grli-Rer, wns the best mnu nt the
CiriegiT weihliiiR nnd Mrs. Sacks, a qjs
ter of Mr. (iricRcr. was the maid of
honor The bust mnn nnd bridesmaid
inr.rriiil n year Inter
Xenrlv n bundled cuesti. ntteiided the
rtou"e ui-dilitiR celebrntion.
IK J I YOU SAVE 25 to 50 e RoIiSlil !
ffiitLfflli Self-Propel led fcx IW EM S3i ;
lliilffio? Exploding W'" lO I HI! '
J P Wk V!MM Vou wind this toy and It Tyl"V xdJlllU EhnrfM I
H IB" TTlTOTl rll"H -n fett before ex- ""nT '"IILi HlMJnTtMnnBl
U ; rffi jKI ill) lllllll 'lIo'"nt' JiNSIntMMrF
liifflll ItTI ' JSS5i?' ii i .I . ' ijlCI ir?3fp
!iKnTr I .it iTn il I llx3 JHtt'lu If " IbII - mil ---- I II 11 'Tn I M nfiiuiwlfln
lnWLllilr5F " SHHill!
I mill ItittiHrnllii 1 hi'rriAi, jjjjji M Ififfiiiia
II lffltt Uraasilnll '7,r'n ,-,",rl i:i'rte Tmln. S5.00 RlflSVis HI
U ImrQnU&ESlllI ( oiniilpte Ktslnml In . . flStHiTTTTTfl iUlunffll!
D UIMUWU hVIMi 11(11,1, ('AltltlAHKl 1 llFftflKK
uyi flftmS , si-A'''' 1 TO 15 f. TTiRwiif(fi B
ii J UrV! 9 Mln.4k 4 '-'-In. rnlirrnUnble , Sk F KrsJaSVlj
BhTinuMinVV I P W" Drrimrii 83 iWX? M II "Vfl I'
f IS f" II v I Jii Open EvcninRH g? I " "fr
5 it- I ' J I Spcclnl DiscountHfS pjlLsl 1
liol' ')mn to Storekeepers HC-5!3( aWMilWfffliiMiHr 1
Wmll Llffl RimniPH toy NnvriTV m MWwMmm
I 1 m tUllUlH r'03 MARKTST STREET 01 f)
I In iMMJli I l1 ! tUUHIiI I l ft XS.V l 41 I X I Kf 1UI iWr!
I'oiinilpil In isn.i
The House that Meppe built
Inuiigiirntfil tha Onn-I'rlfe Hystrm In lhfit
Dowiitown 1U7 1 1 1 It r'hi'stnut Ktritt
t'ptown (lth tinil Thompson Streets
That Christmas
morning smii0
Will brt.ik forili In all Its
i ull.inci if mhi Imy hour
hau a btrm-lc And nil thu
gillie .ton enjiiy lilii h.ip.
PMicss with him Mm have
he quk-t .-.itlsfactlim of
l.n.ni ln th.it you ,nvo
nrrAUiml a iiiltius of
,;' 'hfiil outdoor ex.rclso
tllUt IV 11 I.,.,.,, ,im ,0;,lthl
s well n h.irip.t
Lamp Bell
Tools P
Last Call for Victrolas-
Order at Heppe's TODAY!
Heppc's sell the genuine Victor Victrolaa which give
positive satisfaction and the maximum amount of value
for the price asked. Order at Heppc's today !
itu4 Q (Z4MMthfoiV(
A letrnhiN
S-.l tn 3:1.-0
As Heppe's sell Victor Victrolas ex
clusively Heppe ealesmen can not per
suade you to buy an imitation. Talking
machines from Heppe's are genuine Vic
tor Victrolas.
One Year to Pay
at Hepped
Through tho Heppe Rcntnl-Paymcnt Plnn
you may buy n Victor Victroln nnd tnke one yenr
to complcto payment all rent npplving toward
the purchitbo price.
Order nt Heppe's Today!
WMw.iy.i ... ...... .
. hn
j 81 ifu WP r H "rf
V l I U M r V VU
Deliveries of
1 ii 'ii nrrm n
tl'lu ll ilui miir
iki'n of oui Vtiiu
' ' ul. j,
rr", ,'l'Sl muu
l"1! "II lion ut
M'w IHcyclea. $2,'l,7,,i
ltule a Bicycle
ojir fxer. iar ,! ,r, ,,.,,
"l ut tho naiiio
t"n, """" "'"aou
jKaBHlfiltiHr h
riiu;,r ' fi"1,1 'r llenutlful
Broadway Cycle Co.,
52 Market St., Phila.
03 Itlin limn .
JLaLS.'W.1 ,.V,VffiVl: J.
in time for Christmas, if order is placed not
later than Wednesday, Dec. 22d
Our Payment Plan is the most liberal in
Philadelphia Our Service is Unexcelled
1710-12 Chestnut Street
LnrRfsl block In America of Classic, ftliu-utiunnl
mil Church
Music Publications, All the Latest I'opuiar and Show SuccesseT'
Special Features of
the Christmas Concert '
To-morrow the Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus will
sing a special number in'honor of the
Tercentenary of the
Landing of the Pilgrims
In compliance with the suggestion in the President's
Proclamation of August 4, 1920, that December 21st .be
fittingly observed everywhere as Pilgrim's Day.
A feature of each day's concert is the singing of one
special number in which the audience is invited to join.
Program Tuesday at 9.30
CHORUS "Shout the Glad Tiding" "Then Round About the
Starry Throne" from "Samson." "Behold I Brinii You Good
Tidings," "Nativity Song," "Sleep, Holy Babe," Hallelujah
Chorus from the "Messiah." Also the 107th Psalm, to the old "St.
Mary's Tune" of the Pilgrims.
TABLEAUX Propfiecy, the Annunciation, the First Christ
mas Morn, the Wise Men, the Nativity, Christmas Chimes, and
You'll Probably Find Just The
Gift You Want In
Gfif)e Jetoelrp latere
For mntron nnd maid, for the weo babe, smokers and travel
ers, nnd for the fair young fashion devotee captured by the fad of
the moment.
Diamond Jewelry is the Queenly Gift. '
Pearl Beads are the Choice of Many.
Costume Jewelry is Sure to Please.
Table Silver and Novelties for the Matron.
Baby Spoons, Baby Pins, Baby Chains.
Cigarette Cases and Holders, Knives and
Pencils and Countless Other Gifts for Him.
HtrawbrldBe A Clothier AIIm 8, 0 Htiil 10, Market Stroet
L SffiJll a I038! ( fPH dpi
A Charming New Lot of Imported
Beaded Bags, $37.75 to $147.75
Just arrived, a small but exceedingly choice ldt of Beaded
Bags, supple as velvet, all hand-crocheted, with crnclintn.! ,, a
heavy draw strings attd the designs are marvels of beauty highly
... ...a.... .,u ...uak uMuouui. ,.., iuiigu irom me matinee size to
the large pouch opera bag, and no two are alike.
!-? Htrabrldee & Clothl.r All
0, Centre
The Automobile Owner
Warm, practical Motor Robes,
good-looking, too:
Handsome Plush Kobes $6.50 to
Plaid Wool Kobes, fringed $13.75
to $30.00
Robes Reduced
Silk Plush Robes, unusually
fino were $35.00 to $75.00 now
$30.00 to $06.00.
Luxurious Fur Robes, one of a
kind, were $75.00 to $225.00 now
,$45.00 to $112.00.
Htmwbrldee & Clothier,
Fourth Floor, Market Street
In the French Salon
Quilted Robes
and Negligees
I Japanese Silk Quilted Bath
, Robes and Negligees are chnrm
ing gifts. So warm and eom
i fortable, no matter how cold the
weather. Some are lined1 with
I wool. Some are embroidered.
uruceiui moueis oi niDatross or
i French flannel in soft shades are
j lined with China silk or unlined.
Models from $12.00 to $50.00.
drawbridge A flothter
Trench H.ilon, Third Floor, Weit
Every Clever,
Thrifty Woman
Wants a Sewing
Our own special Drop-head
Machine answers every require
ment. Sews a perfect stitch and
is made to be permanently beauti
ful nnd useful. Price, $43.00.
Our No. 780 Drop-head Ma
chine is an unusually fine type
and can be bought for only $44.00.
Ask the saleswoman to tell you
about how these can be purchased
on easy payments. i
Mniunriiiifc & riothler llHuement
Warm Sweaters for
The Men and Boys
what mnny men and boys ap
preciate most:
Coat Sweaters S5.00 to $18.00
Pull-overs $10.00 and $12.50
Light-weight Wool Vests SS.IiO
Brushed Wool Vest $11 00
Coat Sweaters $7.00 to 510.00
Pull-over Sweaters $8.50 to $10
RtrnwhrldBe A r'lnthler
i:.it Store, niKhth .Street
1 T
" wy 'is,
These Wheel Toys at
Reduced Prices
Among the more than five hundred different
lots of Toys and Games at less than the fair
original prices of this iseaso'n none are more
attractive than the large "Wheel Toys" the
various vehicles upon which, or in which boys
and girls may ride, ride, ride !
Dolls' $5.00 Strollers Go-Carts are now $3.50
Children's $20.00 Engine Automobiles $14.50
Dolls' $25.00 Large-size Coaches now $18.00
Coaster Express Wagons special at $6.75
$2.25 Snowless Coasters -$1.75
$1,25 Stick Horses $1.00
$9.00 Scudder Kara, $7.50 $8.50 Hand Cars, $0.75
Children's $18.75 Automobiles now $14-50
$15.00 Hobby Rocking Horses now $12.00
$8.75 Shoo-fly Rocking Horses $6.90
Scooters or Skatcmobiles at $4.50
51.23 Sled Guard Rails 50c
$2.50 Doll Trunks now
$22.50 Sets of Play Furni
ture -$15.00
$7.00 to $9.00 Character
Dolls $5.00
$4.50 Blackboards $3.75
$2,00 Aluminum Play Dish
es $1.50
$25.00 Lionel
Trains $19.50
$3.50 Mechanical
Sets $2.00
$1.25 Destroyer and
marine HoattJ 75c
$1.75 TAA.. n -.
TOY FURNITURE-Chiffoni,.rR r,,V "e"TSii
attractive styles: reirularlv S.i nn . m j .i s"
- ti T-tvttt ini.iiii iinn :vr mi.
StrawhrloVe & Clothier Fourth Floor
now $1.75, $3.25 and $4.00,
What Finer Gift for "Dad"
Than One of These Fur-lined
Overcoats Now Under Price
shouTd??Ji?ntall,y rfduccd Trices t which we have marked them
should ir, "mple ,ncentivc r the making of such a rift, or
Sin hrrv Jtv l" '? !l?S,tate a mo,nent in his ChristmaT sho?
OvCoat7yiln l u f, his own necds- Scores of' fi"cly-tailoreld
enofto' be" SuTdX" """""' " redUCti0"S " thCS
lll5An Fw-Kned Overcoats, $125.00
oiirni Fur'lined Overcoats, $175.00
Ulnnn Fur-tined Overcoats, $215.00
.J50.00 Fur-lined Overcoats, $245.00
WerTtef-ZWM Were i5-n
Were $110 now $7U0 We $5750 now $M
Were $175-now $125.00 - Were $75 to $85-now $49
tn K Ani T"?0ned gr?ups are t-vP,'cal of the .savings
to be had throughout our entire Men's Clothing stock which
is now marked at greatly reduced prices. '
sr- &trnw bridtee . Clothier Swoml l'loor
now nl
Electric III
Sub- I Ul iffwin rntfl
It I "wUT" Xffl
Coats and Dolmans Under Price
$50.00 Wool Velour Dolmans now $40.00
. ,.-ti . ioimans of wool velour, in dark shades, with figured
dyed onZum.OUghOUt' 0nd finiSheU C0"ar f nUtri;' natund
).00 Coats and Dolmans-
oeverai attractive models of plain
g-antly lined throughout.
now $70.00
silvertonc velours, ele-
$110.00 Coats and Dolmans now $87 50
Of especially fine, high-grade cloths in dark shades, beautifully
nid;a nop0:ura.decp fur J!":;3- :t of taupo nutrin- thers -
V ""'n. Ij.). Strawbrldj, & Clothier Second Kloor. Centr,
Boys' "Triple Service"
Suits at Half Former Prices
ineres still Rood selection to bo had In this assortment nf tJ,o
ationally-famous "Triple Service" Suits. The Suits are of fine ull
wool cheviots in .mart new styles for boys of 8 to 18 years Tlev
Xhme3dd"l,,":,",lt aM k-S' nd " .seyamsSdoufe
In the eollection-
S27.50 Suits now 13.75
$30.00 Suite now 15.00
332.50 Suite now $16.25
AISO a irooj s.,.rlinn f !,
$35.00 Suits now $17.50
$37.50 Suits now $18.75
$10.00 Suits now $20.00
nationally-advertiscd leather.rnln.
in 7- to 11-
- Htrawbrldn t Ctoth.er-Peoond Fjoor Filbert Street. C.t
liliii w
If pfffif!
Here Are Fine New
Corduroy Negligees
Favored amonp Rifts for women are prcttv but
practical Bath Robes and Breakfast Coats. These
are ot wide-wale corduroy, in lovely, rich shades
Specisil ut $8.75 The smart Breakfast Coat,
sketched In rose, wistaria or Copenhagen blue.
peclJll at $6.50 Breakfast Coats, in wisturia
or Copenhagen blue Shawl collar and girdle.
Special at $9.75 Several graceful models in
Bath Robes, with shawl or flat collars, one with
convertible collar. ,
Special at $12.75 Warm Lounging Robes,
nicely lined, and made with shawl collar and eirdle.
Women s Eiderdown Bath Robes,
in gray, wistaria, rose and Copen
hagen blue, special $8.75.
-Third Floor Wt
V- Straw brldite 4 Clothier
forced JACK O-LKATlIKR '3,5'
eare1.,50J!4 $13-5 """ oTu.Jft
Books the Youngsters Will
Read and Re-read
Al Jolson Records
All of these Al Jolson Records
double-faced, are $1.00 each '
'.'' ",V. A1 Jolf,ol: Coinu on nnd
IM Willi SI... by lllllv Murray
3H0I Phluo iy Al JoImhi ; Wns
There lOvcr u IM1 Mice Vou. by
Henry Burr
.,'?. ,l V"10:- ,,y Al Jolnon;
Stv f!nl, by Frank Crunilt
2K08 That W.imlerful ICIrt from
Stadrlcl by Al Jolnon ; j'lj Sec Vou
in -i -u-,, uy .hick Katirmnn '
3D40 Knmn ncnutlful Mornlnp, '
i'j i uitiniMi, i xv ,rt me J'roiitetr
InK nim', by Frank C'rtimlt.
204(1 In Sweet September, by Al
Jolnon; K.irly In the Stornlnir hy
l-'ranlt frurnlt
''i.fl0;,..TAX!.l,m.' b5' A1 Jnlxon; Old
I'al Uliv tion't you AnHwer Me?
In Iliin.ii Hi....
.'. .VII J .(Ml I '
Ptr.iwlirl.lKi. & nnthlrr 1
Fifth Floor, Market Street j
Hooks that will start young minds toward
an appreciation of Kood literature I looks tt
?rateNdrtTb'hil0 ""'' ,t",Ch ''" Utlfully HIS!
Kirir'wilSsu're'; U,e Bk' that "
Westward Ho! hj Charles Klnusley illus.
trnted ... color by X. C. W,eth-$30?
-r i c .;dvt'"tures of Tom Sawyer, by Mnrl
rwait, illustrated by Worth HrehmllSO
The Prince and the Pauper, by Mark Tti-iin
The Last of t Ii.. Mnhin,.u i... i" . 0-:u- .
more rf..,..r ill.... ".....""." "' e'"cs '"l
j;3 on "'"" n coior j .. c,
ne miy ncouts' Year Hook, il
lustrated, some in color $2..ri0.
Robinson Crusoe, illustrated in
color hy N. C. Wyeth $5.00.
A Treasure of Heroes nnd Hero
ines, illustrated In col.or $.1.00,
Grimm's Fairy Tales, illustrated
in color hy Klenore Abbott $3.50.
The Wonders of Natural His-
tor,, h. A. I
Pinocchio, by t",
trated in color h
$3 Crepe Georgette, $1.50
A. saving of half, for those who want to give the material for
party frocks, blouses, etc., on Christmus. White and many lovely
shades. Double-width ? 1.50 a yard.
$3.50 Crepe de Chine now 32.35 a Yard
In white ivory, ciel blue, turquoise, flesh, rose pink, lilac coral
- openhoBon blue, tan gray, taupe, brown, navy blue, , dn fit blue
Nile green. Belg.an blue, ma.s. reseda, myrtle green and black. '
yjur entire &tocK ot Silks at Reduced Prices
fr - Btruwbrlde A Clothier Al.le fl. Centre.
Dainty Gifts for Maid or
Matron in the Linen Store
end to the wonderfully varied collection o
Linens and dainty Cottons that the housr
i rift in
ousewife will
Collodi, illu.s.
Maria L. Kir
e (tiniFirrir.-i,l II...., . ,
Ruth , . MacArthur, illustratwl in
b Ar-
Collins and V. n.
Collins, illustrated $2.25.
The Princess and the Gohlin, by
George .MacDonnld. illustrated in
CS hy JlhH,c' Wilcox Smith
hw V Htrawhrldgi
Cinderella, illustrated
thur Knckhum SI.7S
The Slreplng Beaut, illus
ira V Artl,F Knckhnm $2
Old lrench Fairy Talcs by
Comtesse De Seisur. illustrated
in color by Virginia F. Sterrett
Jl0cPM Chil,,rt"" ,,nnHK Hook
. .owner atcond Kloor Klibert Mtreet,
St'iiiniinlv i,i
.he Lintn Store.
oe prouo to on, ami tlainty Scarfs for bureau and drcssintr th
S2.30 Japanese Hand-printed Luncheon Sets, 4 r $2.10
Sl.50 Jnpanese Hand-printed Lunch Cloths, 48-Inch-$l 25
.$2.50 Round Linen Damask Centrepieces, 30-inch $1.50
$:.7. to $5.00 Scalloped and Embroidered Linen Scarfs
S3.00 to $3.50 Pillow Shams $3J50 each
S7 Hemstitched Linen Holster Shams, 27x72 inche-$5.00
Half-llnen Luncheon Sets, scalloped. 13 pieces, boxed, $3.00
,-, or.,WI,M,I,e 4 l-lothler Al.l, I J. C,ntr.
llT ' - , .
Strawbridge qathito
MAKKLi Sl'UliLT EIGHTH TiM.'V"r ......, I)
. I
1 1
1 j
--. .AXfcX.jl , M
. iHfX .