" Tl'it, '1"W "' V' oft i- -kV EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920 13 ', I1! if 'fl :a 1 ! V n TWO SLAIN IN 11 ON IRISH MUD ISLAND British Polico Wound Threo and Xako Sovon Prisoners; Bishop J Forbids Ambushos WACREADY WARNS TROOPS Ry the Av)clstl rriH Dublin, Dec. 20 Tirtliv of mllitiiry and police, setting out in hoito. sur rounded the mnin h'and n the Arnn group, nt th( fntrnncp to Onlwny buy. early Stindny morning to nrr out n Mrrh. Two men were slioj In attempt ing to escape, three othrrs were wounded and ipven prisoners were taken, nccnnl In j to brief official mec'iiKM rereived in Dublin todnv Whether a fieht ot curred in eerurinR the prisoner was not Ht.itiij in the rai'v agrn. No reference wns 1 nde to uny CflUftltle.s to the rrnun fnropx. It is understood that Inistimaan itland, which pres-umabS is tlif one which wan surrounded, was used li the Binn Keiners for prisoner t tk'-n in Oalway. Several months a so the police attempted Q landing to rescue the pris oners, but their boat n stoned and driven off London. Dee '20 Despite exchange of acrimonious telegrams between Prime Minister Idoyd iJeorge and Father O'Klanapan, acting president of the Blnn Fein, tun energetic steps were taken vesterdiu toward ending hos tiliticH in Ireland The bishop of Co; k in a letter rend In many cht che' in that citv, repented hiH decree of rxromnim.icni ion for per eons parti'Mnn'ln in ninnus-ho' nnd murders, political or other 'e At the same time the Hrlt sii gcutfrnl com manding crown forces in Ii eland Issued c stern warning to Ins trmps iiKuiust reprisals. A disp.itch from Dublin twin) stated that in hit, letter to the Cork churches, Itlihop Oohalnn. after repintlng his de cree, condi ,ntied crimes b agents of I the goternnient nnd bj the people, i The bishop stated that the Urit- ' Ih gut.rnment conducted through Its ncents a carefully prepared reprisal campaign "murdering innocents and destroying property . Imping thercb to subjugate the republican nrmy." In St rinbar's South Church n ma jority of the consreitntion left the church amid considerable confusion when the decree wax rend. flenenl Macrcady's order to bis troopH remlndeil the forces of the crown that certnln offenses against civlllnns were punishable b death. Ineluillns luiuse-bieaklnc In si arch of loot Nearly every hotel in Dublin, the correspondent said, unn raided nnd searched Sntur da) nijht b police auxiliaries. Patrons were questioned nnd a number of arrests were made. Iloston. Doc. 'JO illj A. V.I A reiiuest that lie immediately send to Ireliiiul the funds collected iu the Irish llhert.x bond drive was telegraphed last j night to llainonn de Vnlera as presi dent of the Irish republic," by the Miissnchumtts Council of the Friends of Irish Freedom. The telegram In part said ., "Vi understand millions of dollais collected for Ireland duilnit the bond sale are deposited in American banks in j one name and remain In uur per sonal control. We believe the suffering people of Ireland are entitled to the use of these funds at once. Therefore at a regular meeting of the state louncll it was voted to respectfully urge ou to send nil available funds to Ireland, as a latge part of th fund in vour possession was subscribed In Massachusetts through the Instrumentiilltv of tin Friends of Iii-h Freedom We Know that we Hpe.ik the sentiment of the Irish people of this stnti when we uige ,vou to act on this suggestion at the i.irliest pos sible i 'onictit ' i"l e tmssnge was signed bv Daniel Monti resident ()f the council. ALTRE NAVI PER LA DIFESAJpi? La Squadra Italiana di Blocco Sarebbe Passata a D'Annunzio HOTEL MARKERT cafi: ami nnsmn.iNT lia-lft HTIt XTItl.KT OCR MOTTO: Ullll! FUOn CLKASLIStHS lit 11 SKWCL- THY (It K IMNNbUs. Sliia! J-u . Vuii utwv TT trMfr diamords in the it rvt rttirt)t. 1VII ITU JS (OI.IMHIA .HKM't; 1V1U 1 rl m ,-. s,,th 8th m-.l pen Irnlnis rtirl liirehiised Mill t , Ilncnivnt IWoiy nius rr-i!ir-1T Publlshfl nm! DIMrlbut.sl Under t'EKMIT NO. 311. Authnrlinl l.i til art of Octotsr 0, I "I , m "It t IN Postnrtloo of t'.IIU- A. 8 ntmLKflOX IVinmaMer Otnerat. Vienna, 10 decembre li'lntern squadra di nnvi da giierru dellu Marina Itnliann, inviala ier 11 blocco di Flume tier Infrennre I'ntlirlta, dl fiabriel D'Annunzio, e' pnssntn nl poeta-guer-rlero. I mnrinal hnnno nrrentnto gll nmmt' rngll Mlllo e lluccl ed 11 gencrnle la rnnto, qtiando questl si rccarano ft 'lonlo della nave ammlrngUa ancornta a .ara. (I.tt notlr.1,1 dl cnl nopra c' ftatn communlcntn nl glornnll da un ngentia telegraflcn, ma nessuna confernm e pervrnutn da parte dl nitre plu' Impor tant! compagnfe telegrnllche, c pcrtnnto, nnche perche' la notion proviene da fonte nustrlacn, devc csere ncr1Pt,,n con il benellclo d'inventnrlo. N. . ") Itonui. 10 dircnibre-rn Ernmli' ' ej; eltamenlo e' stnto causato alia tnmcra del Deputntl dallo dlscusslonc delle interrognzioni prcsentnie nu 7' ".' list! per i recent! dlsordln! nvvcnultlin Lucca, ove I Kociallstl ebbero la peggio. ! Durante la discusslonc In parola trn ,1 deputntl socinllsti e quelll lPftrte- nenti nd nltrl gruppl vl fu Poniiib 0 d invcttlve dl ogni i.ortn c con 1 til n corpo a corpo, nonostnnle tutta a 'eiergla splegatn dal Presldente dclla iOnmern On Dc Nicola. 11 Sottosegrc- tnrlo dl State per gll Interni, On. u3iiiMiiniiic3i(Mniiiinciuiiiniiruc3(iiiiiiii((tc3iiiiiiiiiiiic3iiMiiiinut3iininniiuiHiiiiniiucainwMHi:it3iiiiiuiMiicatiiiniitiiiCHMitiiiiti & In Our Talking Machine Department wc sell exclusively the VICTOH product. Older your VICTROLA nenv to Insure getting the model you deslro. Wcymnnn VICTROLA nnd Record Scr-ico is unexcelled. Come in and mnke your selection now. Delivery when desired. VICTROLAS am hasy .. H Weekly Styles I I Terms H. ROYER SMm COM PAMV 10TH & WALNUT STS. Store Open Evenings 'Till .Ymis WEYNANN 1108 Chestnut St 1 I "Everything Musical Since 1864" g ! riiiiiMttiiiicsiiiiniiifuisuiiiiiniiicjrniniiiiiitsiiniiiiiuiriTiiiiiiiaiicaiiniiiiiniEstiiuitiiMiniitiiiiiMiicsiiiiiiiiiiiicsiitiiiiiiiiicsiiiiiiiitiiicfT 1 S!S "&' nvi:KTim3tKXT l)VKItTI"K.Mi:NT Oorradlnl, rliponc alio Interrogation! rappresentando gll cvcntl come furono rapportatl al Onvernoj ma 1 Foclallstl cominclarono ad Interrompcrlo e ad urjare per non farlo prosegulre, fecen dolo Mgno ad ognl orta d'lnsultl, II tllfVlllltA .nMnldHn II .tnlmn nltnnitn J On. Ilrunelll, deputnto aoclnllsta per la clrcoscrlzlone dl Ravenna c Forllj u-sso un tciegrnmma in cui pi clicevn cne ! deputntl soclallsti Flccolal e Hentlnl erano statl attaccatl dal naztonallatl al loro nrrlvo In Rologna. I deputntl na zlonnllstl scattnrono npprovando qunnto era nvvenuto In Hologna ed allora I deputntl Kociallstl ahbnndonarono in mnswi 1 loro postl per ai-allre quelll nazionallrti. Avvennero coliuttnzlonl e pugllntl ed II presldente fu costrctto n sospondere la sedtitn. Fn dlspacclo da Holognn dice chc i socialist! hanno csagcrato la notlzla del l'nttncco stiblto dnl deputatl noclnllsti Hentlnl e Clccolal al loro arrlvo In quelln cltta'. L'nttacco fu operato da nlcunl student! chc avrebbcro leggermente fcrlto 11 Clccolal, mentre II Hentlnl sarebbe stato noltnnto Insultnto da nlcunl nnxlonallsti.' Dopo II fntto quat tro nazlonalistl a! narrbbcro costitultl nlln pollzln dlchlarandnsl responsnbil! del ferimento del deputato dl cul sopra c prontl n sublrne le conseguenzc. Two Killed by Avalanche of Culm Mnlianoy City, Ph., Dec. 20. Caught In an avalnnche of culm set free by a dynamite blast at the Sprlngdalc I.ehlgh Valley Colliery today, (Jeorge Shlntnn, aged forty, nnd Joseph Rlshnr, aged eighteen, were crushed to death. Their bodies were recovered. The Crust is great! and the insiders better That's the beauty of all our ELECTRICALLY-BAKED Breads and Rolls it's the even temperature that's the secret of Electric Bak ing exclusive with us in Philadelphia! Buy some Today Be a Regular Customer! Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pastries MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 1433 South St. US. 60th St. 2604 Germantown Ave. 4009 Market St. 18 South 52d Street The show rooms f the Pcrtek'tone Corporation, 1723 Chestnut Street, are most attractive. Many busy shoppers tnke plcnsuru in dropping in for a few minutes to hear their favorite artist on the Perfek'tone. &5zbvTtLh SstClVL OO MANY people that I've met have an idea that one finds only the most expensive of silver and jewels at the btore of Bailey, Banks & Biddlc Co. But such is not really the case, for, even though I knew that it is possible to buy nt Bailey's on a very limited income, I was sur prised myself at the variety of un usual antf interesting things that arc marked at moderate prices. There are any number of articles of silver plntt the best plate, of course that are most reasonable in price fruit dishes, water pitchers, vege table dishes, an exquisite tea serv ice, etc. In the jewelry department there ure moderately-priced lingerie pins, for instance, and dainty bar pins, and there are very many moderate-priced gifts in other departments. THE Perfek'tone Corporation, 1723 Chestnut street, extends to you a most cordial invitation to visit its showrooms on one of your shopping davs. You will find it most restful to listen to your favorite artist on a phonograph that ib different fromj an tliat you've heard before. Its reproducing mechanism, which hasi been made to match with scientific exactness the perfect construction i of the human organs of sounu, is madu entirely of a nonresonant material, which eliminates the harsh, rasping vibrations which ex ist when metal is used. The cabinets arc in perfect taste, and you will find one to mntch any decorative scheme. There is an attractive wicker model at $83 and an upright model in mahogany at ?150. H; N'NTH AND CHESTNUT At Christmastime For the Friend youVe forgotten or the Man who has everything! Your Christmas list invariably includes the man you've unconsciously overlooked nnd the fellow you can't decide vliat lo give. But you needn't worry on that jcorethis Christmas. Here's the one r-ft that any man will simply 'Vo vfld ove1-." SEE IT AT HOSKINS J ' ' .... , . .j. , ,, .i -.JW. SEE IT J T )Jj3 fljLifJSL k LATHER BRUSH AVK vou seen the new Gilt Baskets of Fruit that Hal- lowfll's, Broad street below Chest nut, have for Christina.-, V They are ery finely woven and exquisitely hand painted in bright colors, which reflect the sp'nt of Christmas. The fruits have been selected from the finest that the world's markets have to offerr among them huge bunches of hothouse grapes- from Belgium. The fruits are most artistically ar ranged in the baskets, and the de lght one feels upon In-holding them is only suipas.sui by me pleasure one takes in eating the luscious fruits. Hallowell's guarantee perfect delivery of their lovely Christmas Gift Baskets of Fruit within 1000 miles of Philadelphia. Price range U wide-S3. 8, SI". $12, $15, $20, isJ5 up to fcoO and $io. FOP. the bride who has moved into a new Louse with "the loveliest fireplaces" you'll find any number of interesting gifts at the store of r Prnnkiin Miller. 1012 Chestnut QN SATURDAY' I caught a glimpse of the new thintrs for southern wear that you will see today in the windows of The Blum Store nt 1310 Chestnut street. Of white Canton crepe faced with coral-colored faille is a frock most appropriately named "Caprice." "Bonjour" is of satin of the color of the sky at dawn., "Tropica" has a blouse on which the bright-colored flowers of the tropics, combine to produce an exquisite color effect. Its skirt is white. Coral crepe-back satin and tan duvetine are combined most effectively in "Ki-' viera," and "Zephyr" has a plaited' skirt of white Canton crepe and a blouse of figured crepe in soft rose' tones. White leather and porcelain beads form the novel trimming on a colar satin which is called "Pasa-Idena." TVERY one seems to bo looking -' for handkerchiefs that are just a bit out of the ordinary, so I am mighty glad to have discovered the Christmas handkerchief counter at thp stnro of Rnnwifr Tnl!i- X. f trett There arc brass andirons and Chestnut and Thirteenth streets. The Something new, novel and useful every day in the year Now beinif demonstrated at Hosldns The DLO I.ATHFR UHl H is a coo,! $&4?.. ll'lfltoi.. bruth set in rubhiT brt s cant conu out. Sharing (.reum (f tr (inc. quality is in the handle, like a cartridge in a gun A half turn jf the handlo. a dip in the water and it - read iw the shave N'o soap, n shining mug. no mess ti clean up. After being used the DUO is rinsed like any other IjnHi Complete Outfit In Red nnd Gold Case, Guaranteed for W Yearn SEE DEMONSTRATION AT W&8$ML 'Mi lifytottalinSftWy V STATIONERS ENGRAVERS Chestnut Street at Ninth fireplace fittings tor tne coioniai house and cast iron and wrought iron, which hare the nappy iacuay of fitting in well with their surround- i mgs, no matter unai mcy e. iaun 1 there are wood basket.-., and I c neer seen such loely ones any Iwheie as those at MillerS. There are baskets in tiay shape, stained in 1 a soft green or brown or silver gray, I and tlieie are painted baskets which 1 have a decidedly festive air. A Cape 1 tod fire lighter is a handy thing to 1 hav. and a most attractive addition to the fireplace fittings. Armenian embroidered handker chiefs aie very dainty and quite rea- ponab e at $1, $2 and $3. Exquisitely 1 embroidered in color are white handkerchiefs at $1.35 and $1.50. Madeira embroidered handkerchiefs I are 75 cents to $2.50. Three tinv i glove handkerchiefs in a box make' a most acceptable gift. Scalloped in white, they are 50 cents each and in color 00 cents each. Porto Itican I handkerchiefs at $3.50 to $0.50 are i the loveliest things imaginable. A I dainty sachet to inclose with gift is priced $1. your of rIFTS vJ thoughtfulness bespeak part of nr ckwear on the the piv er, and vvnen one nas oeen -u thoughtful as to buy just the nirht collar or lollai and cuff set to tie worn with a particular dress the are particularly well liked this sea son, and there arc some lovely ones of cmbroidciod net and Irish crochet, Some of the high-priced neckwear has been reduced, too, and there are; many gift suggestions among theei finer things. orate nvc-pound gift boxes at $5 and a one-pound gift box at $1.25 that is most attractive. I'm quite sure that you will be delighted with these candies and you need have no hesitancy in sending such candies as Kruso's for gifts. A I'VH found a sloro where a woman need have no hesitancy in selecting a i ilk shirt for a man, because, forsooth, MncDonald it Campbell, 1334-3U' ( hestnut street, have just the shirts that a man would buy for himself. Re illy, I haven't fan anywhere such good-looking shirts. The silks uepus de chine, silk broadcloth pongees are of excellent quality, nnd the workmanship leaves nothing to be desired. The color combinations are exceedingly good. There is a tan blue nnd black striped shirt that is 1 think, paitieulaily ;rond looking Most of them have the satin stripes v Inch so n.mv men lik n al'-wh'te shirt is always a safe choice, and jou will find that MacDonaW & Campbell's aro of exceedingly fine quullty. THE CHESTNUT STREET ASSOCIATION VanDusen & Stokes Co. JcU'ClCT8 1 1 23 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Suggestions Helpful in Selecting the Christmas Gift Platinum and Diamonds Wrist Wntchcs. $525 $1600 Rings $120 $5000 Brooches $125 $1000 Jeweled Bags $3000 Bar Pins $385 $1100 Bracelets ... .$1250 $3800 Lorgnon3 $CG0 $700 Lorgnon Chnins, $150 $300 Cuff Links.... $85.00 $200 Pendants f 185 $500 Sterling Silver CofTco Seta ,$350 Pitchers $125 Cnndlo Sticks ....$10 $26 Bread Trny3 ....$27 $50 Vases $6 $40 Bowls $40 $75 Baskets $15 $80 Nut Dishes ..$3.00 $12.00 Sandwich Plates.. $25 $50 Bon Bon Dishes ..$12 $30 USheppacd &Som Remember Her with something different and she ; will remember you in a different way. We have hundreds of; Dainty Novelties & wonderfully attractive and "Wk Not Expensive Nine suggestions from a lengthy Ifstf ""s PIN TRAY AND CUSHION to mntch ..v $1.00 lo $1.80 each' FANCY POWDER BOXES'. . .50c to $1.25 each CRETONNE RUBBER-LINED HANDY BAGS. ,. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 "NUPUFF" a powder puff of genuine white fur in leather case of dainty colorings. $1.75 each RIBBON SACHETS 30c to $6.00 cadi FANCY CANDY BOXES. . .$1.00 to $2.50 each RIBBON PIN CUSHIONS. .$2.25 and $2.75 each TRIMMED PIN CUSHIONS. $2.25 to $5.50 each EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF CASES. . . . $7.50 to $13.50 each 100$ Chestnut Street Jim ffl n msm, 'MM IS-KA HIS MASTER'S VOICE naauaMXCfi Thb trademark and the tradematked word"VlctTola"identifyallourproducw. look under the lid! Look on the label! VICTOR. TALKING MACHINE CO. Camden, N. J. m WOULD you believe that you can' "' buy a five-pound box of choco lates and bon bons for $3'.' I was really astonished when I discovered that Edouard D. Kruso Co., 100 South Elcvmth street and .lnni tnft is ure of appreciation, une is uuiumore avenue, is seninir a fivo almost certain to find the right collar pound box at that price Every one at thf store of Bonwit Teller t Co. beems to want nt loast five pounds ( iK-sinut and Thirteenth .streets. I around the holidays, and this is a tav, some exquisite things there, and "Plendid oppoj tunny to buy really such variety! Lovely filet hets at ' Kd candy, for Kruse't, candies are "s J 05 and real Irish crochet at $2 50. jnadc of the most wholi.some and de- I hose nauare-ntck ami round-neck ncious of inRredi.'iits at a very rea- collar., 'vlucli labten in vim uaen, -"" . t.vv mn.- uru more eiao Be sure it is a you buy for Christ The word "VictrolaM is a registered Victor trademark and cannot lawfully be applied to instruments not made by the Victor Talking Machine Company. The Victrola has been chosen by the greatest singers and instrumentalists to reproduce their art. No other instrument is spatially made to play their Victor Records. No other instrument can afford you so much delight nor has the built-in quality to give you the years and years of satisfaction. It is important that you get a Victrola and not an imitation. Don't accept any talking-machine that hasn't the Victor trade marksthe picture "His Master's Voice" and the name "Victrola." $25 to $1500. Victor dealers everywhere. Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, New Jersey T :m V; k w. I vj My!