"jj4X ..;.. (. i - c itr"& NOW THAT.TY COBB HAS CAMDEN NOT YET OUT OF FIRST-HALF RACE Reading and Trenton Will Break Existing Tie or Christmas "Stretch" Meehan Bach With Ger mantown Team WITH only tliroc weeks of the first ,.i mMnnnrr in lie lllnvptl. tlm J'". Tiio llnNhptlmll lH'illinilt H nrftr lielnK "ettleil ns when the wen- I .nllnek for firnt plnrp. with th? i mil- drn chnmplons only n pntne in the renr Und threntpiilng to take ntlvuiitnRe of nv "HP tlp lron,r' ,""T. n"i' .... .i.. .i.t i The winner imi.v m 'u;i'"" measure with the plnylnc of til, week ',-,, Trenton nntl RcatlltiR draw roatcsvlllo In one of their iiintelie. hut nn Christmas nt RendlnR, the Benrs nd TlRora clftMi In what may be the ,me Hint will turn the tide. Trenton lost Rrnnnil the post wee when they split even, while both ( nin diin and HendlnR came tllroiiRh with n relr of wins nnd n perfect reoord for th week of 1.000. Cnmden Is plnyins the belt bnll of nny of the tenuis iiim while n whole fiine behind Trenton nnd folding, sentiment Is swlt.R lis In their favor nnd ninny look for the Skeeterx to enme throuRii nnd cop the first hiilf. Um CJolnp Belter tn the mcnntlme. Oermnntown nnd Philadelphia lire piny Ins u better brnnd hf ball even though consistent losers, fen BnuriBjr evening, Philadelphia nvc s followers somefhinR to enthuse oyer trhen rontesvillc was decisively defeated In unite of the tort that tho Intter's iMio acquisition had n high-priced cart nn the flnr. inC And- McMnhon. the star n to n fingle field Ronl. McMnbon is n fine scorir himself, but on thin occasion failed to come through with bis usual bI)aTC nennls. of Oermnntown. Is uUo dolne his utmost to strengthen that cluli and I a'revh the reconstruction process k mcetinK" with success. A telcRram , n-wlvcil this mornng from "Rtrptrh .Meelian. Hie inn . slijlne the gnme nnd stnr of last yenr s fe.n i, that he will be hen; for the game omo row night. With Nat I . inan in :"i .in. ..-in, "Kl'b e" Itislon, the O's should present n formldnbie line-up. Little IxviRiiers Attract Port 20 nppcnrs to have the lirnt-linlf honors in the American T.engue well in hand, but the others will mnke a fight for the pos:tionof runner-up. This, too, mnv be settled Wedncmlny, when Nativltv meets Ilnncock. The latter wai bowled out of the lead by the Tosl lads, and now the lliehinoml tenm has an opportunity to tie up for second with tills gnme. , Nativity wns slow tn gettingXarted. dropping the first two giimes, encb by a single point. Hut since thnt time Nn tlvity bns hit its stride nnd won three in sucrcslon. nil by decisive scores. The team Is composed of former Kcliolnstlc tars, and Mnnnger Ilullick has n fust five, thnt bus nt least four of the best Korers. Tonight's Rnnien in the Amorlenn League nre: H. I. II. A. vs. (iirard, and Post 2(5 vs. Logan. Tho latter is com posil of in and outers. One night they are unbeatable, nnd again they appear poor They muy spring u surprise. Post l!(l will be compelled to piny without llartzc.il, who has been signed by tier fnantoun, and McMahon, who is witli Philadelphia. Eten In Manufacturers All is even in tho Manufacturers League with Dobson and Ualdwin aji;kui null AiJuniiu uuu xiuiuiiii harinc first place. Uobson has been luprcme in little league Dnsketuall lor icveral iears. but must look to its laurels this season ns n number of fast qulntetk aro in the field. Uut Manauer Job Calhoun still wears the same smile ind announces to "just natch the finish." ' Tho leacue has not a silicic club thnt ! Vntt 20 The American i..'"k' ' " rood In his debut nt Trenton and proved adfcwA hit on Saturday nt Munionl 0f. Ji.ii i.... l,o l.M .llnunv Iliown Lnn i i ii 1 1 nui u . - ttlght bu termed weak. Where the ";' innniiBine ami coachniK tlie talltndfrs prove incfliclcnt Is in 'l""tet 5vl" (1" ""' ',ll'-"'r work: their teamwork. Most of the players "clss and nn, two neil-known play have never been with cncli other before , r will do the Kuanllng for the team, and a Mr Improvement can be ceen .MamiKcr Stein, nan wnuts to book with each week's contests. Tlicre prom- " " ' "itli ,:i'l the second -class lives Icib to be surprises with the playing of .around the city, or in the nenr vicinity, the second half. "v " halls mid willin to offer ren- Only two games of the first scries re- ' main to bo played and Dobson is ul inoit eertaiu to win both, Ualflivin has a hard light to beat Flclslicr, but nt that It appears n good bet thnt n playoff will be necessary to judge the winner, aer. YOU AUTO KNOW In battery Itnltlon ytem there Is unually "npIoi'd a n.ncheii mo or nisalnni w Hen Brtiiea the lalch or tripper, with ehort Ptlnu ittaehed When thla latch beeomei worn the entire ayntm will fall to operate Proptrly. and It 1 a wine precaution to ";., "pare laicn in ine ion, dox it ii "s omicuii to remo ov. and ren ae. Ih. I eh I -U-S Nnrl1' Thirtieth street one way "thin i. ni The-. Mount ( armel Kerve. won a hard i"."'"'' '" ,n"'' " no fouuhl fcin.e nt Chertor nn Sulurdio nlcht wrong, from ,ho ,. T A fllB ()f at c,y by tht ynicn nt in but ntr of placlnc Th ... -.. ... I r.i i vT or. Puncture, a rouh llmiature , ,?. . J'"-'"1 on b0, "I"'0" of the punc ture Inflate the tire slow y and not to full Srmurs Wad In the tlnd.nfr nnrlinn with i-IiTi cl.Jn' "i thnX " wl" tftn'' up, "i'1 "Plies thrt lasln. This operntlnn ,na have I..G" fI)el",',' """ ' ml!' Imt It will Li .t '"'. "ut ,0 I"0 nearest garawo or lThoni) at least. fiJ k,'I'.h' "Indshleld clear In rainy nr inn. vr.l'th"r apply th followlnu: Tn one 32 . "' Va,,'r "'"J two 'iiuncea of nljcerlno wi S?.,J,l.nm "' "ult App y Ihls tu the aid ,"', x,y "tuiatlnic a plies of xa.i fall., .,Wnl',, "wr th'' Kla". c"r "'if thi. i ' ,"R.,U "" stroke downward. After iron. l,t,H"l io th,. windshield the raln- mu,iilt,.,j. rimv on leavlnif tho windshield Predicts Football for Women to''mJ; " "" v,r" fo.ill.ail playl ?',,.,""" ".mtnealed us likely In a few of th i'i ,fl I 'auk l I'lu.iiiauh. couch i'i, s i "" '" 'olieau i ..icn, at a d nner of I' -iso ... League he ,1 Hero vxxnpsrtintnr. Lt. Nsw York Lt. I'hllicJclphli Lt. Iltltlmor Lt. Wsihlngtoo.. Slssptr opsn st 10 Nfj6nn PhtLACAlPMUl 9ITIW0BI AMiNOTOli ' maw f) Joiio;itoi J Cfuutijtoa fJy(vNNAH mi i Jdounsvyick iSu".-.....- JttOXYIllt UUII isTAUCUSTINe tRtllt&X1 ,MV"'" SXIANPO bVlTUIVIUI HltluaVv .. ML.OCatlDaI m, Al MCM V"1 8IUMI min?t ,tMSAI' r i H'rll tfOWtr roorl ttolft Standings and Schedules of Basketball Leagues HAHTiaiN MiAHflJ W I. l'.C W. I. P-'. 11 a .7811 Phlla.... 1" .2JJ ii 4 TDA flnpmfin'n 3 11 .214 Trenton. Itnndlne. Camden. ' 10 4 i714 (ontMvMo 3 11 .214 THIS WEKK'8 SCIIKDUI.K TnnMit Ili-nillnK at Contfuvllle. Tuculay rhllnilelDhiiv at Oormaiilnwn. WoilnesJnv OcVmantown nt Cnnvli-n T.l.l.. Mnalaalltln nt Tfl'lll 1H. Haturilny Camden at Philadelphia. Trcn. Ion at lUadlnr. i i P.C.' .400, AMIimrAN I.KAOtr, s'.uvlty.'. 3 - .noo -hikooiI sno .200 ISOth Club. 2 B 4(10 llrnrd this wniiK's sciinnri.n TonUht S. P. It A. v. (llrard, Pot 20 vs. Uan ,.., .l Wfilmaitav Xntlvlty r. Hanrock. Fiftieth Cluli V. Knvwnntl JtANir.TfKi:itS' I.KAtirK V. t, P.C W I- v.c. Dobnon . 4 1 suo MntmlMx1. 2 3 4"0 Hnldwln.. 4 1 son lla'Kfl K.) 2 'a .400 Klolaher.. 4 2 0H7 ll.i'KPkil ) V. 4 200 ll'ld.l. . 3 2 .(WO Oen Kloc O 4 .000 this vki:k's HciinniiLn TuradayrXUnluon n. Oeneral Electric, luidd mi. llnrrelt (Frnnkfnrd). . Tliurnla llirrott (lraK Ferry) a. tonotype , Flelflher s. Hnldwln FINANClAt, u:.(iri: V. I. P C W. 1.. P.C. N'orth'rn 10 0 l.nno tlenenel.il. .1 7 .300 Phlla. N. Ii I Olio (limn! . 3 7 .300 Foil . n 4 .noo lvnn Co s 200 1th Rt N R .1 .101) Phln T 2 R .200 (IKHMANTOWN ATHM.TIC I,i:A(lIi; IV. !,. P.C ' W. t.. P.C. Trinity I,. 7 1 S75 i; rllnP.. 4 ft .444 Ntelann M. fl 3 .0(17 Cown't I", 4 r 441 Ht Jntnm. (1 3 .(107 WnUelli-ld 2 7 .822 Jd Prraby fl I ,1,1(1 WVMsldo I 7 .12.1 this vi:i:k'h hciikoiti.r TonlRht -Ht. .lamca h Si-cond Prcubv torlan Wnki.flold r.nn Falls NORTUWIT ( III rtCIl AS-SOriATIDN ii-.K V' 1 P-C. IV I. P.C. Ilothanv.. fl 0 l.ooil fnlnn 1 4 .200 1st Dutch. 4 1 .800 Oxford . . 0 .1 .000 HI2COND T13AM3 , . iv. l. r c w 1,. i.c. Inf",rn,n i 1 soo Hi-thany.. 3 2 .(ton lot Dutch. 3 2 .COO fnlon. . 0 5 .000 this vi:i:i:s srnnnri.ij v-"1 rr.'JS.-If" I,ut.cl1 FlrM an,l Second v IK-thanv Flrat and Sn-nn.l wkmt i'iiiii)i:i,iiii. ciiiitrii t.KAt'i: iiinJtful'" ' ' V 1 006 iiethanv. . V's"'') mlm'ffn 2 2 -3E3S M"il""'r- " -"M YALE HOCKEY PRACTICE Hold Two Strenuous Secret Work- outs at lee Palace The Yale ice hocko.x Mpinil arrived Here early yesterday morning nnd before retiring Inst night put in two strenuous .secret practice sessions nt the Ice l'nl ace In preparation for the two big Raines here this wee.k. 1 m"'? Iins n'"1 v,'r-v ,lttlp chance to drill Nince they held tlieir practice here three weeks ago. Conch F. II. Hangs. Assistant Manager H L. Kmanuelson ami fourteen players were In the squad. The other members of the party follow: It. (arson, enptuin and center: C. A. (ii-Iscom. defense; K. Ynn Ingen. de fense; F. Ileid, defcn.se; L. Foster, wing; siilra. wing; .1. llulUlcy, rover;. . Moffntt. wing: It. Moult. wiivg; K. IlasM'tt. goal: A. Dicfendorf. goal; J. Spleden. defense; It. Foster, wing, and F. lluslinell, defense. Ynle plnys the Quaker f'it team to morrow night and the St. I'aul's School tean 011 Wedne.sdny evening. The St. I'aul's tenm hns had outdoor practice nt Concord, N. H.. for the last three weeks, while Quaker City has proieil its class by Its brilljant victory over tlic St. Nicholas team here Inst Friday night. Amateur Sports St. Simeon's have orgnnized n fast second-class live for tl line mciimiii. ! .MniiiiKerSteiniiian. who nlso limwll. t!m 'coachlnB of tlie live in addition to man- nP' llns lln,1 '- ,ivu B" throiiKh jirac , - . ,- -, " - ,.. tlu icry frejpiently the liiht fe necks ",.,'", ".... m,..-,,,,, i, ciMopcuuou lV,t" . '"' lltHt cond-class quintets in mu cii), , ",'" the form-hown in practice tlie folIoiviiiK will moht probably be the J J-JKiilnr line-up during the season: Hainey und Kemp, two efficient floor- "" t the fnrwnid positions; Steinmnn. Minn lire Buaraniecs. ijmcr htclnman, ouii.i ixiriii i'uirniu Hireer. Htenton Junlora. a thtrteen-nfteen.year-old tni valine quintet, Mould like lu book vamea with team of Its at?e. Joncpli Forte. 1704 fnuth .sixteenth ntreut. Dot, a atxteen-Hyiunteen-yaar-old ne, de sire tn arrangn nynteats with teams of It Le orferliw reaaoniible Inducements H. Madden, '.'lun Alaricaret utreot. Frnnkfnrd. Peerleaa II, C. would like to schedule values ulth flflt'en-sevenleen-voar-old hnmo tmuns hailnc halls. I'hurlos Scully, 221'.' JVIrre Htrcct Wiiro A. A. desires tn arrange contest with wlxteen-Hevenuien-year-nld honn i,uln ti-ts offerlnK roummable cuxrantens, Hamuel Stark. '.'IfiS North Napa utreet St. f'oliimlia'a D. S. (two teams) would like io uir.mv Kami's with Urn and Heeond class team away from tu.nin A Klrwin. score oi iu to in jveuaan a ,,ei, Koal In the Inst few minutes of play nave them the victory - - ,m(i.mia i:m;mnu, iii:ci:miii:k 20 Earl Hartman vs. Tommy Hayes AI K.O. Miller vs. Henry Hauber Wally Nelson vs. Sammy Morris a itn.i. Tommy Cleary vs. Joe Nelson paui. n mis. j.ru DOYLE-PERRY S nt on hhIii now. Unlet Ualloii liuffil llroitil and Ixicust St. Ilreuliir jirlcra. FLORIDA SEABOARD AIR LINE RY. All East and West Coast Resorts HAVANACUBA Plnehurst, Southern Pines, Camden, Savannuli and Brunswick America's Winter Playground SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED lUilr comminelng- Jsnutrv 8.1, 1921 AlUiteel rutlmsm. urawin itoi.m sn d Htetlon SleeDsri: OlMtrvstlon Smoker n.l Lllntr. 20l. U. Itll'.U. 11 01 I' M. ..13.MA. U. P. U. Ar. I'llm llr.ch. ..I?S A. M. Ar. Kty Writ , ...i JO H. M. illKtis Host nlll.,10 001', 1J.) lltll.slr. vi'lsmis...tiOA. U Ht. t'vtenburr. tis Tsmpa :ZJ A. 11, Esrsiols 1.10 A. U tit. tehtdultt. rtttnationt and MUthtnttS mormatvon J, C, JvviiiNOiN, . '. A. IS3S f, ...i,,.it virul, PMI ili'l.'hl i I'n , B. UURDOCK, O. IS f. A. 1111 Ilroirt wr, Nw Ysrk EVENING fLIO BEEN NAMED A MANAGER THE GEORGIA PEACH WILL BE HARD TO 'CAN Callahan, of Yale, May Play Rugby at Oxford Tim Cnllnhnn, cnptnln of the Yrile fontbnll team for the Inst two years, will snil till week on the Impcrntor for lCnglnnd. Cnllnhnn Is pilii nttend Oxford Vnlverslty nnd will iimke modern history his mnjor cotirso. He will be Rom; until next September. Asked If lie would go out for the varsity football lenni. Cnlliilmti re plied that If he foiiiu! time he proba bly would tnnlti n try fqr the Rugby tenni there. The popular Yale leader has mnde nn plans for the future ntlicrt than these, but It Is quite likely Hint when be returns lie will coach the gunril enndidntes next fall. L Captain of England's Invaders Stiys None Loft Hearts With British Cousins The Philadelphia girls' hockev team, nftcr nenrly a two months' stny in Kiir lnnd. where It played the pick of thnt coutitrv'n women hockey enthusiasts, met King (icorge, Queen Mary and other I'uropean rulr's, visited tho fn mous places of HuglM) history and toured tlie recent battlefields in Franco, arrived In New 'York today on the Cun ard liner Cnrmanla. nnd enmc to Phil ndeltihin Itiiniedlntcly. Fvery one of the fourteen girls who comprised the tenm. all of them from tliis city and suburJis, spoke nothing hut good of tlieir Kngliidi cousins, ninle nnd femnle. although none left tlieir hcnrls abroad. "Romances!" evclnimed Miss Fllzn beth Chestoti. who cnptnlueil the tenm. hen Interviewed in New York this morning. "I should ny not! W'p hail 11 1 veil time, and couldn't have be'en treated nicer h the Knglisb. but we have all of us hi ought our liearts hack with us, but when we reach home then I ennnot tell wiint may happen." .Call Trip .1 Success Although tlie girls' team won only one game of the ten which it plnycd nt Net'e.i nnd nt Cambridge fniversity, Kngbind, they feel thnt their invasion of the Hritisb isle was an unquestion able success. "We learned n lot about hockey that we never knew before," said Miss Cheston. "And every game thnt we lost brought so much sympathy from our conquerors that It seemed almost ns though tliey were the ones who hud 'st nnd we the ones who bad won. The Kngllsh nre ceitnlnly the greatest sports,,,,.,, in tho world ! "c nil of US met both King Oeorge 1IIMI JII,III .,1111., ,11. ,,,!, ,11 III, lllllll.ll, r, ,,f V,,ln ii,,,l Ulmrr M,-f ln llol lit ete ami Altiert. King ol the llel- giims. and tlie king of Spain nid 'nter. when we went to FiniiC" we met Presi dent Millerand. Visited Itafthflelds ... , . , ... . . .,, ., e visited Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and IJIffel Tower nnd all the devnstnted areas in France." The girls Milled from New YorK on the -1st of last October on the Coro nlii. landed at Liverpool and went im medlntelyto London, where they were i i Mr llriidfiiril Frnley, a former Philadclphinn, who ucted ns chnperone 'am. The nine matches nnd one exhibition match, which tlie Philadelphia girls l'h'J .'! wen iimler the auspices of the .Ml-i.nKii-ii iiiicM-j .iwiiuwii. ''Ca, exhibition miitcli was the Knme which PIIIlTOPLAYsi HOCKEY El BACK FROM ABROAD !ti:ftjMj.yjtVJtt THESE THEATRES EXHIBIT THE FINEST PHOTOPLAY PRODUCTIONS IN PHILADELPHIA See the Best Movies in Your Neighborhood Theatre ityW-ftT.Wttlrf'flS ALLEN v.'IIlll.TK.'v S. STENION .MAl'lN'T 11 DAIL.T LYONS AND MOHAN In "LA LA LUCILLE" ACTHD FIIANKXIN ft OirtArtD AVB. rtJ i Jl MATINRE DAILY WILLIAM r.RNDM In "DRAG HARLAN" A I IP OR A "s- annMANTowN ave. rAUIUIrt MiTiNiir. daily MAIISHAI.L NKILXN'S "GO AND GET IP' DCMM WOODLAND AVE. AT imi JACK HOLT A V.ND IIAWLKY In PAUAMOt'NT I'lCTl UK "IIKI.D IIY TIIK KNKJIY" DI T ICniRH HHOA& 3Tni:ET AND DL,UH.DirL' HI HUL-IJIIANNA AVE WILL IllKiKltS In "THE STRANGE BOARDER" PAR MAN UEKMA.NTOWN AVIS. VM.IIV1-1N Aiiovi: ALLuaiiUNi. MATINT.i: AT l'llt'It ."The Last of the Mohicans" CENTURY ,:r'8 A HKSHl K 11 A YAK ve. and Oth St. MATIMr.n 2!l5 nwKl B ii.n.iiv.iivA in "AN ARABIAN KNIGHT" Fay's Knickerbocker S&tfitm I'l.AllI. wiiiti: In "THE THIEF" faTrmount D'iuLV IIUYNT WASlllirUN lii "A FULL HOUSE" FRANKFORD 47,!1 LnnJLtobd JAPK l.ONDON'H "THE SEA WOLF" G..,nntniiin B!i' Qrinantowji Av ermantown matinih: daily DL'hTIN PAKM M In "BIG HAPPINbSS" .RAND SUD AND MAKKET SYMPHONY tillfilinsTnA MAKY Plf'lvFIIKD in "SUDS" IMPERIAL 2D AND POPLAIl, s.ia NrATINRU DAII.V r., iv. i.i.-vi tii,.- in "THE INNER VOICE" JEFFERSON 20th A Dauphin 8ts. MATINKC nilf.T D. v. (iimriTii'K "THE LOVE FLOWER" I 1RFRTY i0 COLl'MMA AV L IDIIX 1 I MATINKK DAILY IUITII STONP.IIOl'SK In "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath" VIODFI 4M R5UT," 8T- "i'tr- WJUll Pnnlln.ion, I , It WAI.Hm UKID In "ALWAYS AUDACIOUS" LEDOBR - PHILAPELPHIA, MONDAY, f&x&LJSr 'i 'tf JmL 9 i tSS.f.i assxs&38s:& .Ml.viii I'.MAIIICTII (IIKhlM.N Captain of the Philadelphia wom an's hockey team, which returned to the city today after 11 trip through Knglnnil the girls won. In the other matches they were opposed by hotkey players who were their superiors in nge and ex perience On the tenm were, in addition toMiss Cheston, the cnptnln, .Misses .nncy Hnrcley, Peggy Ferguson, Susan (Sood- man Kiln Head, Frances Uoss, Marjory Tuvl'or and Charlotte Cheston, all of the Philadelphia rlcKct i inn; .uis- Ariics Hergen and Miss Kntlierine Me- Lean, of I.nnsilowne ; Misses Hazel Coffin nnd Klb.abetli Vciner. of (!er- mnntowti; Miss (Scrtrude Henrne, of llrvn Mnwr. ami .miss .Marjory .tinrcj, of Hivcrton. N. J INTERCOLLEGIATE FIVES TO 0PENSEAS0N TONIGHT Princeton Quintet Meets Cornell at Ithaca In Curtain-Raiser Tim Intercollegiate Hnsketball League will launch it.s 1(20-'J1 season this el fi ning at Ithaca. N. Y.. where the Cor nell fciim clashes will, the Princeton Tigers. This Is the first and only Kniiic that will be played in tliis circuit be fme or during tlie holidays. As soon ns college work is taken up nfter the new icar. the season will begin in earnest, with Pennsjlvonin. We. Iiirt moiith and Columbia in the held for the Ileppe trophy, which was won outright bv Pennsylvania last season. ' There is lt of Rood material in nil of tlie six colleges of tlie league, nnd it is expected that tin race this winter will be one of the closest in years. MERION AND PHILA. TIE Share First Place In Philadelphia Ice Hockey League KTANTHNfl " T1IU CLL'lkS o- t i r W. 1. P C. Merlon ac. 3 o l.opo ITJ'ThnYnV; ? 2 '.338 ' " - i.' . .. o T 3 Ol.oo" iiacn.nargo . unwya. . .. u o .vv Tni, Philadelphia Cricket Club went Into u Mnu.vi.n ......... ... "----. m . n I.. Bn of defeat nt the C nwyd Club, B to 0. (I an i..,.,. lr i.ockev match. The l'hlladel- phla Trlcltets nml Merlon have ench won mree nnn iom none. , . Tho Thai er brothers wero nualn the lean Inn factors In the l C. C. victory. Joseph Thaver KCttlnu three of his team 3 Koala ncalnnt the Cynwyil seven. Alex Thayer was etroni; on tri iioiennive, wun jacis onuunm. The former rrlncetonlnn. lor tho cynwyil seen me pinyinc in via Dallou and Hob .ShellenberciT featured. Thornton llaker waa In tho Cynwyd line-up anil bore the brunt of tho attack. It oililent that the Cynwd team hail not oper ated together In nract'cu with ltn reuular line-up. Tho Cricketers wero In better phyalcal condition Dr. McKenzle at U. C. of A. Meeting Dr. II T.ilt McKenzle. dire, tor of phinlcnl rdur.iilon h'm Ix-en npimlnte,! b Acting I'lnnst Dr. Jnsl.ih It IVnnlmin tn rep' n.nt t,i I'nlv. ralfv nf Tenni,vl anla Rt the nf-en.1, nnnu,il ..rnf-reiH;.. ... Ih.; V.ll.mal the Hut.r.iheriiinn fhic-aKO. on Di . o-mla-r HD PIIOTOI'I.AVS Mil I SB (1LAVM In "LEOPARD WOMAN" PARk' nlDQE AVK. t DAUPHIN ST. r irxis. Mat. -.. lV Kvs. 0:4n ,0 ll ai.ici: IIRADY In "THE DARK LANTERN" POPLAR 0T" AND 5&n MAK Ml'IIRAY In "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" 5PPT IPP C0TI1 AND fiPnuoE JI IXVJiwL, MATI.STE SATURDAY MHItl.KY MASON In "Mi:ili:i.Y MAKY ANN" "II IS NtllSY STILL" ('OMi:i)Y Susquehanna 17tn ,ulJ Suwiuehanaa M MAT. DAILY illlltl.KY MA.ON In "MERELY MARY ANN" The NIXON-NIRDL1NGER THEATRES t v iiiijj. Mvn.Min DAiLt MAK MPUHAV In "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" BELMONT R!D ABOvn K"i JPK LONDON'S "BURNING DAYLIGHT" CEDAR 0OT" AND C,:DA AVKNUIJ III-.ATI1K i: JOY In The Invisible Divorce" wV-l10IVJlVi V.ril ND flOTII 1:1.1.10. t nr.-ri:ii in "Sornething to Think About" IUMB0 , rii;i"r KT "'"AltD AVE "THE HONOR SYSTEM" I EADER 4l8T L-Nf ASTER AVK. --rLSl-'l MAT Nl: DAILY IPTON SN( L1HS U THEMONEY.C HANGERS" I fin KT !,'W AND J-OCU8T STRUETS "AN OLD-FASHIONED BOY" NIXON "D AN MAHK'3T BTS. WILLIAM III SSKLlT'SS" 7 n', JTHEMANWHO DARED" RIVOI I B"D AND 8ANSOM 8T8. . V Wll MATINHi: DAIM 1 he Revenge of Tarzan STRAND .""UMAKTOWN AVK. ., . ? 'H UK Y III "A MORf?JY MAID" Where Major League Clubs Will Train NATIONAL Club . Nrw Vnrk . . . Ilrnnkljn Itoilon riilliitle'nlitft. .. (Iilenco. . I'litelmrKli .... .. St. tm!. .'... i,r.A(ifF, Tnilnlnx rnmii ,8nn Anlonln, Tex. . New Orleons, I.11. . . .(Inheatnn, Tex. (lnlnraTllle. Fill. Piiftiulemi, Fnl. .Hot Sprlnxa. Ark. Online. Tet. ('Imo, Tex. cinrinniiii AIICUICAN I.F.Wlt'K New York . . ... Shrrveiiort, I,n. Ilixton Hoi riprlnxa. Ark. Blilnitnp . . . . Tallinn, Tin. Phtlnilelphlu ... Inle (hurlm, Im. CIiImko .. . iJV,"'0' IrT leelitul. . Diillns. Tex Ilelmlt "n Anlnnlo, Tex St luila . , . , , Tex, Open Season With Victory Over Souderton Have Good Foul Scorer Tenkintown High School is rendy to launch rr big season In basketball. As hip (ci,ooi ims no toothnll tenm me boys turn out for bnsketbnll enrly "In the season, nnd nt this time nre in the iitnk of condition. This wns evident. in me jsoiKiertnn Rnme. wincn iney woo nfter a close battle, n.1 to '2ft. At present Hhhl'p nnd Helmlch nr the guards; I'nnnlclon is center, nn Howdcn. Sllvcrmnn nnd Tlefenback th nre il the -nanis Hclmich Is not only cood for his (lerenslve work, scoring nnd nll tni'tiil Moor work, but !, one of the best foul goal throwers In this section Tn the Soiiilei-ton game be cnRcd nine out of n nosslble twelve cbnnces. .Ten kintown hns n bnrd schedule of came meeting the unsfate schools as well as tennis from this vicinity. fiiTinnntnivTi Academy String When will (icrninntmvn Acndemy drop nnother bnsketbnll gnme? For the Inst two years the academy ptaiers hii'o reigned supreme oier schools In JEPIIHIGH HAS STRONG TEAM uii-, sc,.I)n,i on tneir sciieiniie. imk iosi -- ,. -- ,i, it iinif in the opening gnme this yenr with ' '.v the Irishmen in the first liu f West Phlndclphln High School. Then "as too gren a handicap J to brl Ige came the Oermnntown High contest.! Now thnt nil the locnl representatiicH which resulted in n victory for Conch ',)" heen eliminated from cup compe Harron's proteges. The ncademy won. ' Htlon the race for the ling in the Allied "1 tn 17 '.First Division promises to resolve Itself in I I . t. , '- im.- till :i... U'lion im If,") cntnoo nlnrl flermnn . town Acndemv will meet Friends' Cen- tral. Darbv Ilich. T?pner Dnrbv. Rad nor High. Itldley IVirk High. St. Luke's School and Chestnut Hill Acnd emy in .Tnnunry. Olnncing over this list of opponents, one wonders if nnv of the teams listed can stop Oermnntown, with live letter men in action. Such plnyers as Dinsmore, Conley, ltntcs. Acker. Artelt nnd Shoyer nre n clever lot nnd it will tnke n strong tenm to check them. To Develop Foul Shooters When Conch Miclinel Quininn, of the West Catholic High School basketball team, said. "It is my intention to de velop three first -class foul shooters nnd then use the best man to do the scoring from the foul line," lie made It quite plain to the Catholic Lengue followers that West Catholic would not do as so many teams have already done this season. (inmes have been sacrificed because n good dependable foul-shooter has been among the missing. The Cntholic League season, which opens January f, when Cntholic High nnd St. Joseph's Prcpnrntory School play games, promises to he close. The JErffk WUmm - Mfl smmmvMW Wmrr mimw mwi MmwA i WmimtfiwMv I wmKF mm I MMHiy mm 9 lKiN&1OALl Saves Money Burns All the Coal Have you ever figured out the amount of pre- cious. hard-earned dollars you lose every winter because of the great amount of heat that goes up the chimney instead of into the house? Heat from coal is generated through the burning of gases in the coal. Unless all these gases ignite you are actually wasting good money. With the King Koal Karburctor every bit of gas is ignited; less coal is used and more heat generated. r a r r tw No half burned coal the fire and reduce its efficiency; no dangerous coal gas The King Koal Karburctor is installed right in the door 01 your ucuiuiu yicni or uie lias ot tne coal range There is nothing to regulate; nothing to get out of order' T. I., .!. inU ,11 .t.n .In.. tAimir IIAl, ..l. . - .v iu uii iiiw juu k.,. vtiv. viiiic urvviivu I U U MUNKY WITH EVERY SHOVELFUL OF COAL. ThcKine 1 32 ?1 Qatlm ' 3 5 la i Ift'WrfgWn-Wn'j 1 m t VJJy For Boiler or Furnace $15.00. Installing $2.50 Extra in Philadelphia HftiTfrn til nnd 81 nnd Ilnrn nnd Vine Sis., l'lilludelpliln, I'n. Th,r Heating- All L-I...I. I .. , I Ht -rn .viuui l J J.um iiim B I HIM I' W U II II B I I II !!! ma' !! am. .n-JmM.U',.stC1,l PEOEMBjEB 20,,192 LOCALS OUT OF Philadelphia's Soccer Hopes Blasted When Dobson and Hibernians Lost Philadelphia hns been ellminnte-l f.n . i'l competition In cup noccer matches. 'On Hnturdnv afternoon tlie .1. Dobson eleven wns dropped out i" competition for the National flinl cngi Cup when they wero beaten by lebo Yacht Hock Club, of Brooklyn, by the narrow margin of 1 Ron! tn 0, The Falls team lacked the finesse that has characterized their play in previous contests nnd had h chance to tie the score on n penalty kick, but Wi'snn nl-iieil the bnll poorly, kicking It Into the hands of Oonlkceper Spittnl. Peplier. the former Ilethlehem star. Is In clmrg- of Tebo nnd It wns his clever pnss to Mitchell thnt pnved the ivny for the gonl that cnued the downfall of Dobson. The third round match of the Ameri can Cup wns ployed on Cnhill Held, between Ilethlehem Stce! and the Hlbs The steel workers proved entlrelj toT clever for flip locals and scored nn ensy victor ." goals to 0. The Irishmen hnd mnn.i opiiortunities to score, but their shooting wns decidedly rngged nnd thev lltcrnllv tluew nway nil chances to tnlly' Ilohlfeld was ellmlnntcd from the nice in the lndiistrinl League when the champions succumbed to Flelshermnd it appears ns if tlie downtowner ure certnin to cop the bunting. It will be recalled that Fleisher ran second to Ilohlfeld last season nfter one of the grenKst races in the history of soccer. This icnr the best Ilohlfeld will do is to finish third us Hardwlck & Magee has the edge for the position of runner-up. Hardwlck & Magee and the Hiber nlniix stiigi',1 n close nnd excitlrig match iesteida.1 nftertioon on the Second and Itristol streets grounds und the Ilibs n.ised out the Leblgli nvenue lads bj ii oiils to ,". Ilardwick played Rrnnd ball in the second half, but .1 Roals to l I IlltO a Keen aimir. illB iiiiiitiiiuiia. Mnrsbnll B. Smith and Dobson hay. treat teams and with mch evenly bal aneed competition tho fnns are assured some exciting inntclies. Cards Deny Syracuse Deal . M. I.oiiln, Die 20 Mnnaaer Urancn lllrkey. of th St I.oula National, haa denied a report that the 1ohI owner hart purrhau'd a ran lrterem tn the Syracuse ( lud of th- Intern itlnnul l.ess-uo and ,,e littr would turn over l.eiti r H!l A pltrhr ,o the Cardinals. He eOd no aicrem it haa been reached with hiractue Two Virginias to Meet Mnreantown. (V. Va . Per iO The In nUKurallon Of a most Intereetln- athletic alliance between unlversltlea wa announced hero today, when It waa lven out that the Virginia and Went Vlrelnta had entered Into a to-year' agreement for football The Hrat itn Hill be played at Charlolteivllle nnxt ' " and the itcond came here In th fall of INDOOR FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 8:15 1st Squadron vs. Glenslde With Dance Following ARAIOIIY. 8JD & LANTASTKIl in TirKFTTK. BOo AMI SI AT .HPALD1NIVH HIGH TONED Is ths name nf this famous fl-ctnt CIGAR CUP COMPETITION It Ai ii'"v,.h8 r,cht nlm" ror 'I. too. ImtuH nvAl nlh-toned In very ripct quality. tffflFF '-p "'.. binder .n? k ?un,r wrnpwr. Conntctlcnt db7.,0nrl,dC.?'frPnnu'i:,V"n" '"' At Box of 50 for $2.75, C. O. D. PnVi'ii n"d. Rnlwh'T' In Phlla. We pr.pay Pirri.1 Po,t ordnr. Dealers, phons S for BRUCKER & BOGHEIN, Inc. 'oinin-lYriH, 2213 N. Fa:ont St.',-, l&ss sisnes L.ess Work No Ash Sifting No Coal Gas The King Koal Karburctor bums AU. ,. .1 in the ash pit: no clinker thar ui,2 ' .ua. uuiuuiciur is no experi ment A7m U1lm. t...HJ 1 ' :;;:; ;;: " ""M..M.,urcoa ol 1 .v.wc.a iiuui sousiiea users in1 all sections of the city. See it demonstrated and write for I laboratory tests Booklet A. For Ranffcs $5.00 a Set I itnlling $1.00 Extra rrecTk Sabin Co., Inc. HOWARD MILLER, President 237-39-41 BREAD STREET Strt Tflrnlinnest 1 8 ? If Hell I 1 Results of Week-End Games on Soccer Fields' AMmiCAN (IT 'lefMfhem, ill Hibernians, 0. NATIONAL CUP Tebo Ilaaln, lj Dohnon. 0. mirKtrTT (F1R8TI CMTIM Mrrton Mnmon. 2 (rmnnlonn, 2. MhltMr()m- ltl"r' ' "'illnnHphla .Moor'ralown HTille. Ii Merion Willm. 0. i.L"'.,,.rT,tT "' Poraiylninla HerHid, 2 lhlTailelphla K-d, 1, S13CONT) DIVIHION I'hllarfelphlii hrrotul Ol ond. O. iiarrrford fl iNnrsTRiAi, i,K,ntTK Jnellrntiiirr, 2 Hardwlck .Mum, J. Duvld I.uplon, li ltn rr ett, t. Iliidil, 2 Mleton. I. HeUlirr, Il Ilohlfeld, 0. A M.I F.! FIRST LKAOI'E Knlrhlll, 8 tVnndrrrra, 0. I'uritiui, 4 Wolfendm rlhore, I. , NBCOM) IHVLSION tllen Soclnl, 4 Kiikwood, 0. ,eenln. 4, Nativity, I. Snrih American I-aor, Si Vrterun. 8. Illoton atf. 1, Krnalnrtoa, 1. I'encnyd, 1, ndremoor, 1. TIIIRf NORT1IKA9T 1XAOVK Ilrlrformrr. 3i Pnlrhlll M. T, I. Colonial, It Kdfirii U f'nlllnrwnod 3i DleNlon StsM, 1. ft. Veronica, i Veteran, 2. NORTHWEST I.KAOfE Ixirrltn, 2i Nurpn leather. 1. Ilimtlnr Hnelal, 2i IIUry, 1. WKST PIIII.ADKI.rHIA LKAOCH Ilelmont. 4 Vletrlx, J. Albion. 7i Mnlford. 0. IVelnmr, 7i Norrtstown. I. FOI'KTII DIVISION U'altoper. 1, tareliwood, 0. Hrtmoivland. 13 Allien. 0. 1'unneld, Si Collere A. A 1. (raUIANTOtVN II. r. OAJ1ES Hiinarri, ll Haterford. 0. IVnn, Hi .(e'lrnell, 2. Ynle, 2i Dnrlmniilli, 0. ITlneeton, It llaierford, 0. I.Uhllionse II, C. 21 (Irrmalrtown r.. 0. NliTtown (Inlermedlntes). 0 O. n. C, r.MIIIUTION (IA.1IKS Diner, Al l'ranrlmllle. 0. Wruttown. Ii t . of P. Third. 2. WulfrndVn I', r., 7 Htur Point, 4. Arm. 4: Vlrlrlt, 1. rlTNDAY e-COREH Hlbemlnn. (! Hardwlck A Marre. 3. SI. (urtluiife. 2i Iirchwoud Iloya Hub, 2. Jack Dempsey to Referee n)l Lake City. Utah. D-c 20. Jark ' Iii-iniiiti y champion heaviwelirht hm.r bf. rived home today to ipend the holiday with his mother. He will refere,, the main bout at u t"tlinonlal to le Klien here to the lat. V.,liT I.. Ilratz. ports writer. D cembvr 27. IF- nMac I Shirts, Gloves, Mufflers, Neckwear, Canes, Vests, as Christmas Gifts YOU can select (as hundreds are do ing) any article of merchandise in Wanamaker & Brown's Men's Fur nishing Shop at readjustment prices, which means the greatest savings pos sible in Philadelphia. Hig1ie8t quality furnishings at lowest prices. All J2.50, $3.00, J3J50 Fancy Soft Cuff Shirts, percale $1 1C "..u iuuum All Pure Silk Shirt Half Price $5.00 Shirts for S10.00; $6.00 for $12.00 , Sh,rts iii fmM:ndraE9 )1 00 Shirto $4J0, $5, $6 JUv t . o J ,n, ,, Men' Swen. nnd Cardigan Jnckets Pcnnnylvania Knit Coats S7.50 Shawl Collar Sweaters $5.00 $8.50 Shawl Co 1 1 a r Sweaters G.00 $12.50 Elnstex Knit Coats now 8.75 $2.00 Working Shirts, blue and gray chambray J1 OC Striped Work Shirts J A lUl $4 Blue Flan. Shirts ) 1 U Gray Flan. Shirts for JO JO ; $3 Gray Flan. Shirts' L $4.00 Domet Flannel Pala- ! maa for 2.50 $10.00 Bath Robes now.. 6.00 $12.50 Bath Robes now.. 8.00 WOOL MUFFLERS $10.00, now $6.50 S5.00, now $1.00 Notaseme Boys' Ribbed Hose, now $1.00 Heavy Wool Hose now 3.75 gl M (II ffe 11 ip G5c 50c Fancy Heather Wool 'j Hose, $1.25, now 75c Fancy Heather Wool ,;iu, iow .... 's G en u i n 1 $5.00 Men's Genuine $2.00 and $2.50 Neck Mocha Gloves, now. .. . 4.00 wear, now 1.00 $6.00 Men's Genuine ! Pure Silk 'j Hohe, $2.00, Buck Skin Gloves 5.00' now 1.I5 $5.00 Men's Genuine ' Silk ': Hose, $1.15, now. 85r Buck Skin Gloves 4.00 J Cotton , Hose, 75c, now 50c $4,00 Men's Genuine Cotton ', Hose, 40c, now 25c Buck Skin Gloves 3.00 , Cottort ', Hose, 35c, now 25c $1.50 Tan Cape Gloves, . .EI h ' H0 Hi SK IIP 'r now Tan Cape', small size. . . . MACKINAWS Boys' and Young Men's 3.50 2.00 $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00 all wool $10.00 , $2.00 Black Palm Gaunt UNDERWEAR j iets for ,00 Medium -weight wool, i $1.75 Horse-hide one $1.50 per garment, for $3.50 , finger Mitts 85c Medium-weight merinos. 85c Cotton Gauntlet $2.50 per garment, for 1.50 horse palm 65c Heavy-weight merinos, 65c Cotton Gloves, leather $2.50 per garment, for 1.35 palm 35c Finest o,erciats and suits for men. oung men and boys at readjustment prices will make gifts that all will appreciate if they are bought at Wanumaker & Brown's. Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth for 59 Years R , tMiVWUlt till.'1 i:Wlllilill.OI!INilliilili'iii;iilliil,:i,'i!Uiiiii n wwM'M 19 HUBERT FOR PRINCETON Famed Missouri Athlete Decides it Cast Lot With Tigers , Kultnn, Mo., Deo. 20.- Princeton s Vnlverslty will get the pick of prepara tory fichool athletes in Missouri next fall, when Allison Hubert, of Meridian, Miss., now nt the Missouri Military Acndemy, nt Mexico, Mo., enters th enstern fcIiooI next fall. "Illg Hub," ns he is dubbed by his fellow mates, in a senior at the cadet school Mid will Rrndiinte In the spring. He xnra be hns decided to cast hit - future lot with Princeton. Hubert Is six feet one inch tall and weighs IKI pounds. He played tackle this senon nnd was given a plnce on the mythical All-Missouri eleven of the Missouri Htnto Conference. Yale to Play Maryland In 1921 Cotlrca PnrW. Mrf. Deo. 20. Tale. Byr eu and Ilutrer are. amon the team to ! met neit fall by the Unlverilty of Maryland football eleven, acrordln- to the ehedul an nounced today. Ten camea are lltd on th I nchedule n&rtw, inm. JlOUIli nearv . wVht ,, S o'?n natural menu for .$2.50 UNION SUITS 55.50 Natural Merino. .. .$3.25 . $4.50 Natural Merino. . . . 2.75 $8-00 Natural wool... 5.50 ..... . ,, . i Heavy Ribbed Egyptian . ShIa and D? ! SI. 25 per garment, now 05c $20.00, $18.00 Velour Hats, for $10.00 $15.00, $12.00 Velour Hats , for j $9.00 and $10.00 soft felt ' Hats and Derbies; nil -sizes and shnpes 8.00 5.110 ' $6.00, $7.00 and 58.00 soft felt and derby Hats for 53.00 $3.00 and $4.00 Men's Velours and Imported Tweed Caps, now $2.50 & 1.50 Boys' $2.00 Caps, now... 75c UMBRELLAS $2.50 Men's Cotton I Glorias for $1J0 I $4.00 Men's Cotton I Glorias for 3.00 j $12.00 Pure Silk Glorias for SJiO $23.50 Fine Leather Suit Cases, now 13.50 $16.50 Fine Leather Suit Cases, now 10.00 $1.75 Domet Flannel Night Shirts 1.25 i $1.00 and $1.50 Neck- . 50c srcuiAl. i-'A.Nl 1 VK5T8 I Sizes 34 to 40, all . ...$1.00 $5.00 Fancy Vests, now.. 3.50 $6.00 Fancy Vests, now.. 4.50 j All sizes 34 to 48 stout. For 1 street wear and full dress. S3.00 Black Gauntlets for 1.50 WMtwmmm iiiuii'ihiiiiMniiiMiii 'rainrreiwuni,,,, . yft COLUMBIA M dRAFONOLAS K IS AH Mod,U K X ?'r S flT on mmr Kg tt UtiU J ralU i JK :E nalaoc In tnitll wkly t Jp monthlj payraeot. i fs f MYERS P. HALL NX tno. '' i tS M24 Ormantovn At. Hub WS 1. S Il Calumala aBraat . Hg mm Emeriiin fMlBsll,i ' fm i ov.h H Dfrnffil a Ml i 1 ROT f li ,r .- V