' .'' T l",Si ' I'll 'f", fiV'ii'i. -l wy" k "r )T ; -'J, ",, 'J If - 4 '."i'B -. ...'. lW.i-.'ij . T ' " ".?' -VI J ','. " 18 EVENING PUBLIC LEpgEyaaLllA, MOKbAX fotfOEM&TJB 20, ' 1D20 THE MINORS ARE FURNISHING LOTS OF FUEL DURING PRESENT CAMPAIGN OF THE STOVE, LEAGUE u '! WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND WM, ,i no"' PnOSPRIUTY lms ruined the trailing market In bine ball. A big Hliunp wns registered in tin- Nittlomil ittnl American League meetings in New York Int vvcelt, nnil the chances nre thnt It will continue. Feu- pln.vers changed tmiformi, but only after length) nnd itrciiuous ortory ou the purl of the denier. Mine emibln't tllk ; in foct, It eotlldn't even whisper, l.egnl tender u corned. Kvcr.vbod) wanted plnjers, which is the new medium of exchange Under the present properous I'oiidlthnis it in doiiblful If any big cash denls will le in.tilo (his winter. Club with a surplus of eoln in the trt-nsur) will not purl wllh star athletes for n bijc nunuciiil consideration, no mutter how low a position the) me in In the championship nire. l.nt Jtftr ever)hoil) ninih' iinmr-). mortgage wore almost wiped out nnd notes due nt the bank were met promptl) . Next jenr promises to he nnotlirr successful one and inone) can't pry plajcr loose from their Job. Jn the olden dn.vs men like .Inlm McC.rnvv rould pti'h x bankroll in front of n n agnate nnd get mi pln)er he desired. In this untune- n.- formed his chiinipionlnp te.ms. I.nst ear he bid us high it S'(MI.(MH) for linrnlv . oi 8t. Louis, but whs turned down. Till winter lie hn offered $1."(,MI() for llcinic limb nnd didn't get a tumble. All of which mean the game wl'l benetit. No longer tvlll it be possible to hu pennants, and ever) mininger will have to work out his o.mi salvation with the material n baud. New pln.viT will hnte to be dewduped. new laces inserted in the line up mid minor Icngucrs will be flven more 'onsnlerntinn. Instead of chasing a rookii from the inuring camp lvnuc he pulled a couple of bono aeaded plays, be will bo given a thorough trial. Kor example, take the cne of (ioldlc Hupp. This utb Into was with Cinoinnnti lust spring, but did not liupic Pat Mornn. Therefore he was ent to Si I'liul. where he proved to be the star of that circuit. New York piiichiiscd him for .''15.(100 and omo pin.vers niitLMcViraw is jubilant ver the deal. From now on iah sale will b- rediu'ed to a mlniiuuiu in the major leagues. Mono) will bo spent, but the. minor will reap the benefit.. Scouts will scour the couutrv. vcrj league will be given the nni c oxer, and il look as If there will bo more .voting pin.vers in the fHst set than vi t before. SALES irhuh bnlitrr up the finances of a ball club lire iletnmriititl to leauue men. Sow that ilteu hare been ilnmwitrd ire icill cc a real pennant rate icith ewht elubs fighting joe the pennant. Big Job for Judge Landis lASEHAT.Ii mngnate have a lot of contulence in ly ItOIIKKT V. MAXWKU. Spun Killtnr Kvrnlii 1'iilille Uilerr (raining (rips and appointing new managers. Tj" Cobb hns signed the papers to manage Detroit for one enr, Htid will rehearse in Hot Wells, Tex. This will be a rather unlipie experience for Cobb, us he hns not been on a training (rip for )cars and jeurs. lie ulwajM dodged this iiurcmuiicrativc grind, but now must be tlrst on the Job to et nil example for his placrs. Some sa. that T Is loo temperamental to be a succc-a ns a mnnngor. Tliry believe he will be lighting with bis plii) cm and the club will stage dally bivttlc-to aid. Hut there is no danger of that. Cobb Is a smart ball player and knows what to do. He Is a natural lender mid should hnve no trouble. ' Judge BASE1 I.nn amontblv in the mnjor leagues. The iuilge has a big job. on his linniK and will rcalir.e it as oon ns the tireworks begin, lie will decide mi") battle, and the principal one probably will be in the merican League. Trouble is brewing bccnuo of tin- dropping ol the litis ton. Chiengo nnd New York club from the board of di rector. Instead of naming th president of these clubs, as lias been the custom for years. I'residuit .lohnon handed thorn the ie.v mitt and absent treatment They were ignored nnd the old board, with the exception of Jim Dunn, of Cleveland. a re -elected. This has widened the tire.icn in ine .iim-rn-un i.eag.is. Tt lms been known that the majority .!...,. u, ..nninie. but from now on friendl'v IT there i a ihimei- the battling colonel, with Frn7.ee' and Comiskey. will let go with both barrels, and the Hwyor in Now York will have another -oft winter. ImlJe Lnndi will have to settle this row. Ai present hi. i orimnizlng bis orticc force, but when thai 1.1 M.w mil bcirin. The scrap is likol) to lltn i(i'i'f .- - - any time. In the meantime. and minority were the) will not be so done start the clubs arc making plan tor the A S O ; nf the Detroit iirirtpnprr men tnitl: 1 V Cobb mmle up hh mimt to br the firif truck Iriver in the irorM. he irouM be the belt truck ilriver. nil if he irnnt.i to he the ftnf iimniitfrr in the Icnpiie, he trill be the bent manager. It's up to Aim." Cobb Is fcteran of the A. L. ALTIl.'d'dll but thirty-four years of age. Cobb is Hie oldest plnver in point of service in the Amerlehn League. He i the veteran of that circuit, having plnxctl sixteen senson He joined the Detroit club In 11M15 nnd has been a regular ever since. Krnnk Navln. president of the Tiger, said hi. eout were fooled on Cobb when they went to Augusta In look over the talent. CI) do l'ngle made n big hit and In the spring of 11)05 a ileal was made for hi service. Kddie '"otto wn.s left in Augusta in part piijinent for Kngle and Cohb was overlooked entire!). However, an outfielder was needed later in the season and T was purchased fur the large um of S"(H) He didn't do ni'ieh the lirl ,ear. liuNhing with a bat ting average of .12-111. In l'.IIMi his ,ot temper got him into lot of trouble, hnving t'it lights with (Jeorge Schmidt, Kddie Solver, C.eorgc Mullin and Sum Cinwford. T.v got info so much trouble thnt he" wn offered to Washington for Pitcher Hogg, hut the Senator passed him up. thus overlooking n wonderful chance. After that Ty calmed down and started to pin) base ball He was the greatest that over unl hi spikes In u diamond nnd became a big gate attraction. He wa ,o fust lie f null bent out inficitl tap and his work on the base could not be ecpialed. He reigned supreme until llnbe Ilutb appeared last jear and vviped the crown lempornrllv . COH It lens injured lait year ami tauld not ilo m I hi'tt It r niflet'i'tl n mi'W..' Ai fnnn , tmlli. ' jinn irith I'higvliml in Chicnpo tint trai on the lidc Unci mail of the time. He ilid not net relief until he viittcd I'hiladelphin and irni treated bu l)i . fdriirff. Lynch Ao Set-Up for Herman CllAMPItlNSIllP bottles nn: getting nulto common over In New nrk. I.ooiinrd defended hi title aganist doe Welling. Deinpey did the snme against Itrennan and on Wedncda.v night Pete Herman will mix with Joe Lvnch Proic a fistic viewpoint the L.v neh-IIermnn aftnlr oh it all over tin- other two. The men are evenly matched and in New York the) say thnt Ljnrh will win. In other word, there i an air of uneertnint) nboiit the mntch. It isn't a one-sided affair. L.vncii and Mcminn have met three times, with honors about even. The Inst meeting was at Wnterbury. Conn., where l.vnih won a no-dcoiion bout b) a wide margin. Me had all the bettor of it Siuc-e thnt time the New York biiutnin bus Knocked out Jack Sharkey nnd boosted himelf into the logical oniifemlorY class. Coi'iirioht, ISjO bv Public I.uloer to. f f H llix- iAf MIKE YOO Htt f HOT LOOHIMC BiD To HE. A smnity cufsoa- IIOl-O itILL TIUU ) FA&TCN Tnc 5S6MCUV Ok) VtxjH MAP ' 1 ESS. S) S jB'' 'I 3T r fl I fin trr wh I J&rk 'V y- Ah m ii Tilt WMIAMFB MSCI'A iLOM'iKJ CFf H MS &. '4. 'f s s mA& Wm m " " " WV ' n " ' m it rvi am EXPl.'VKlATIOig 6ili.v!! LOOKiT.' ll S vvlll5Kei IJ, err Aki' iim rviitfG Yco T6L.D M IT WAS SAJ0r CLAvlSS I WCV.V-- UM )' ILL TeiL ( I Yuh how II That ii I 1 I I V UM - , v- y '4 i ' 1919 mi PENN Football, Baskotball and Relays Only. Self-Supporting Activi ties Baseball Disappoints Three sporln nut of nineteen were self-supporting nt the T'nlvcrslty of Ponnsjlvnnln during the year closing August HI. The finnncinl report wn made nnlillo br the trensiirer of the i athletic council. , Football, the sport ' that curries along most evrrv other sport nt the t'tilverslty. wdh the blc money maker. During the Folwell regime in , 1S10 the football tenm drew In nt the gnle ?I1(l,0l"i.()5. one of the Inrgest If not the largest sti mover iiiuile by a foofbnll tenm fn the history of the sport at the Institution. Of the amount Inken in at the gnte. .i!.S,SS5. 10 was used up In the expense of keeping a tenm. The remainder vvns clenr profit. Hnsketbnll nnd the rcln.vs were the only other sports 'outHlde of football to bring In n profit to the athletic associa tion. The wonderful plnjlng of Hie ipilnlel last season In winning the inter. colleginte title with nineteen strnght victories u ml their winning of the Ameri can college title by defeating Chlengn In n post-Monson series, nccounted for the Inrgest profit ever mnde by u basket bull team. The quintet nt home nnd nbrnnd drew In SlO.'JIS.o.'t. ()f which amount, after expenses hns been deducted. $72(11 .'!! was on the right side nf the ledger.- The big crowds that witnessed the re- I lay rnces In April paid $'Jtl.1.'IR.:i.'l to w i the cluimpions in track and field of the i Americnn college perform. The profit from that nmoiint vnn gUI,:!"!..".'.!. Tlie drawing power of the fumous I'.ngllsh t-v i A - T T T-?y T" lk r A rr s r r-w i l 1''"1" "'" ntthletes is given ns the reason T?T? A n V hit I t? MA TOUTr W f(,r "" lWt Kate ever drawn by the JL VJLJX XJLS J. M. V x V J-'XJ. X JL y JL JLJUS Kj relays. t)n (lie second day of the car THREE SPORTS OF HERE'S "SUB"QUARTER LIKE HERO OF FICTION Allan Davey, Badgers, Weighing 140 Pounds, Has Won Three llig Games'by Own Work, but Not a Regular on Varsity PROSPERITY CAUSES HEAVY SLUMP IN THE BASEBALL TRADING MARKET CASH SALES ALMOST ELIMINATED ' GKANTUAND ItlOE :'' day ico4l bo on a tcoilil-icule punted to Dnvey train n : ('"li.rluht New VurK Tritium. Ine U. S. DA VIS CUP TEAM ! Tilden and Johnston in Shape for Contests Sched uled Next Week at Auck land, iSew Zealand AI'TKU les than two wie in New Zealand, the KID WILLIAMS IS FOOLING FATHER TIME WITH GLOVES Two Ring Victories in Three Days Is Feat of I eteran and Former Champion Can Make If eight ,hiv II) LOl'IS II. .I.KFK mWO victories with onlv one sandwiched in. nznint n veteran and most rugged opponent, and then two night later against.,!! x.nithful. pro duetive nnd .lever unttmnn. i too bnl llnnt record made lar week ti Knl "V'llliams And. to think, rim' tin Klddo was figured to be u ' ha been" two year ago ! Charlev Ledorx tne t igi, and ag gressive Fren'hninu guv. William a terrific tmt lnlns twel.-e round Imtt'. on Thursday nignt. and then .in Saturdav n1iht Ilnttliug Leonard was ndib'il to the former champion iiefenml victiin nince the Kid started In " i nine-buck" enmpaign. Whether Will'ntn succeed 5n regaining hi lost li.nunm title re mnlns to be i"n I ut i . due il will be little slmit f mii.icii'ou for .John liutenko tin' kid'- r-.-n I mini", will he thirtv ve;ir "I ag. on in- next birth d.l) . Not Through That Williams i 'a imm being through a n j'owih.ui .va- proved .on diisiveh in hli- tivn limitw nt week The I.oilotiv eoutesl ' one of the toughest tussles fver put on bv :i pair of bnntnms. whi'e in t !. I "onnnl "t to William iiune tr.un behind and i. a winner lnvond auv lesinui nf doubt Ieoi,u-il stiu'te,1 ,iT ' ' . 1 -or wit ner. The liiitt'er wn- ...iiideiil he was ciol nun ' oII.m t. .1 nn. I For two round W i"i:n -recelvtiig end mill Iioiinro 11 lot or prni-hi i.'ii' P." 1 titlcholder got -tnrteci ,i, round Hut on an .!T. ..si. jroulh'iil Lei uard -v.i in.il. nose eiil until the lun-h jNPESfB'Jr VfaF S VIHt.. r u i siA 1 -WW SJIHB9ilHa 1 I GIRLTEAMSMEET"1 ON ICE TONIGHT, It) SPICK HALL vuokx' practice Americnn Davis Cup team i in hnpe to tneel Australasia in tl hnllense for the famous troph) donnted In lawn tenni down in 11100 b.v Uwlght F. Dnvi. of St. Loui. The nmtclies. xvhicli begin on the turf court. at Auckland n week from tomorrow, mark the seventh time thnt a team fiom the 1'nited State ha pluxed in Autralaia and the first time that either William T. Tilden, 2d.1 or William M. .Jnhntnn ever competed I in the challenge round for the Pavi, Thus far in the history of Davis Cup plav no Americnn team lin won a challenge miind In Austrnlulii. ill- j though In 10i5 and 100(5 our player bent their .intipodeaii opponents in the final onlv to loe later to the HrltNh. mm,;. ...in. however. It appear that tin. Americnn have a decided edge on Johnston ami Tilden to Play All Matches In tlie Davis Cup matches, which begin at Auckland. New Zcniilnd, a week from tomorrow, only Hill Til den. of Philadelphia, and l!y John ston, of San Francisco, will compete. Liiili will phi) two singles mulches and w ill be paired in the doubles. The other tvvn members of the Amer ican team, which is now practicing for the ionte'ts, are' Watson M. Washburn. New York, and Captain Sum I laid), also of New York. In the preliminary Davis Cup nintche phi)iV in 'Kiirnpc last sum mer, Tilden and .Johnston played till the nintche. . attack of cither Tilden or Johnston or the pair a a team. A meeting uf the Davis cup commit tee, origlnnllv scheduled for Saturday,! will be hold late this afternoon in New nrk. Itcceiitly the French Davis cup committee submitted several tentative revision and it is to consider these pioposed change that today's meeting wn ordered. These relate to flic rules which shnll bo applied to such mutches, inlsing the question whether these should be the I Mln.i... .. .1 nl.!I.J-l..l.. S . . itigiiuii aim riiiiauuipnia uncxeti Club Sextets Will Clash at Ice Palace their rivnl in spite of the fact that n ' rule of the International Federation or number of Australian critics nave pio dicted another home victory. On n number of occasions Americans i Ituve been orinul) affected and inrre soondiiiglv handicapped hx the damp, weather but it appears that rilden and Johnston have loiinueu into snupe u - nival Franklin Field u-ns 'nnekeil to Its capacity, hundreds standing nround the Held, while several thousniiil were un able to gain admittance to the stadium. The biggest deficit wan an account of the crew which cost SI 0.001 ..'IS with out u penny in return. Crew is nlwn.vH the. most expensive sport nt I'enns.vl x ti ii in ns it is nt very college support ing one. T'le track tenm lost $12,4(14.04. The main reason for this loss In the poor ntteiidnnro at the Intereolleglnt" cham pionships on Franklin Field last May. The failure of baseball during the lust 5 ear to make Itself one of the self-supporting sport is viewed with a greitt diyil of disappointment in 1'eiin athletic circles. Only once in the Inst twenty years has luiscbnll earned n' siirpus. During the Inst year with the schedul ing of many so-called big coMcgc games, including the one on Franklin Field with the Fnlversity of Culifornlu It wns expected thnt a great deal of cur rency would come into the linsebnll ex chequer, but such woh not the case. All the minor sports received ap propriations nnd nil suffered losses. Wrestling drew n gnte slight) over !25(I0, the largest In many year, but lost approximately $500 on the seuon. The full financial report for all sports follows : lff4iW V "COMF Klddo William adage. "The) 7.SSSN It ( Ii' KM) . is disproving the never nunc liaih" I ni'l. 1 :iu' l."r i . ih' 1 1 mi .' Tnmrn. ' .nr ' i, HllllflllH ' Ml IT i ut Wliil. X. ,i r . M I mil Ksrl H.irln. in tirt time in the I i,t.irv of i. in Philadelphia two girl' t..mi :.tge a plllllh cotili.t toi i:;'lt. i " bel'vien l(. Morion I n. I; sextet il il -. l'l ,n.ii, ,;,!., i " . ' Club . ,vj k, ,,,,,, lf ( ' proniutlv thi evening nt rh, , Pnlnce. For a month the member nf Close I two teams have bee,, working ou, and ie. entlv they have l.ien tutored bv ( o.ich Dion, .vim ha the Quaker CifV team in cluirge. Tie girl have made I teiiinrkiible progress and expect to win, iii.'ir coiiiesi irnni tlie iioston ninl V,.u-'. tenuis, which they meet Inter f thcce intercl) r.m . I I for next "if. owl... , I meeting Vn,'.. I hleilon lien' Oxfoi mk $12 wm, big Thru (trnrri i. j" if i ot wu i nn1 ini" ti Thi fcn " rut Mm 'ti, . - 'I h f 1. -.i tint -uHi.ncI" r f' 1 - .' 'fu-lr ' nt -i York i . -r b ' i m ou'h 1 no nr-t nn1 I n -ii .in' to-t is srhoihil 1 ;,m. M",V,r". nlKht. All-Pliilndelph.n r . lli.r Il.iulur r lork. I T. mill Hajr, Xonigllt Miss l'l,, Hi ' I Known in lav. i, tennis l fl' r . ir. i. 'i probaul. b thlr aliHi-n.e for i 1'.' ill I .!ni: . lul v Ke.nin r'fr llillilo ..I i nn 'Ih 1. I I. il! . ll'l' .' milllHSr I.J.: 1 1, i.i .ill i l.ri-- ..III fru-n I) lr.,r I'ertel.nj .' ibi Vt'iiniv' Hiiur- 1 -. ihr' . flu'i. ill r.o h tin n... n him l.een v -irn.-ii fnr K"Mt in in lh farmer h bout l.nr I llirnr. Ilrlll) .ut I- tl.. .11 o I Mtldeti I t ie f.illi.i r il. third v I 'n ii 'he e lo d.ui- Wi'hi.m I .'.I lot M of nei f .. lien . ' ih. NitlonHl HZrflnui 1. .1 V ik'n.T .oh" .utfTlns- a rtUllnr.v..r .. ft . - It .' . .u' i ifu."il ', ,in. 1 hf srfnte.l tfi prt I. I hln Mi' nrh. uhn hurt 1.111 miiiili t ... ...inth an., for -am. io! several ,en-hPH on Ih.. n .ij.l . r ...If -I U to lh i.. -jt . ' ouiin I... n i. ' iflrr Whkiii hint ihIih Unork.'.i Il lie Ih lie fre. -t..it. t the bout In i.-on.l rour.l , It ho, J .1 .ill .IIIW ir tt)d nut in front I.e. .nun! was handed .. tirnfic tro in. ing in tl . last two II. i i d While William ' ue .n ..v.r veihr for hi inati 'i with Leonard all of wlileh i-nt t'n Kid'- iniiiiiigor. I'hil fSlnssinliii. a fnrfe't of .25H ilieii. iv no i .1"-' in thai Ie' 'iin cutne in under 'he in oci ir. d biintaiii limit I"o t!i" l.edoiix iontet Williams tippid the biiini nt 110 noiind Outwits Opponent When in hi prin. i W'llliii.ns Inef forte wns his nggreivi lies-. He eonld oi'ljn.iicb mi of the bantaiiis dining the time of Ids hcwliiv Vow it i a case of ouiwiltin'j the other fellow siiiii the Klddo ha- been doing that rncel) i. ill' of hi iimii'lie Minn gei ting luick into nog action lam um Tier Willllillis expi riiine. his kimwlcilg. of when lp hit where and how , 1 1 j ijiiJi kiies in picking mil an nppotient' wenklie. Ill gilinene. ling gciieinl- lllil brain will keep linn in Ih. running f'ii n1 tin... and Ho Kid's populiii'il.v always will make him u favorite vi ith the tan I nillklr ( IOIV.il. Jioi.-.i a ..'it in the sixth r. unit .f I N Sinrl'l.m when th.. rf .itl.l Visit. II.'' hr iut .. poun.lN Ksr her . hi. , s. .in. i. 'I. I. .ut with Snllie t,.l.l.. the bout iKhi'.l li ten h x r 'Hi.Ik ft am HIU 1'rnnkie ItiMtner. Ith. Ni.ij. Uitht .ih. rio ti -he I , ....I S'l.t..,. Ns. l In rht ...te io h hi .1 hit hhI .i-.manHUer t:iiun llenr. .ints i. '4iU In. tr affrtlnst the I el.' if the lo.al 111,'hlwe Khtu l. Tendlrr .ml H..im Lnonar srr .ni'-lu elar Hox' m I. ..pl-ehi It respe'll.e loiitM ii t i hr'Mtiitii funil bn t in t"hl. no tot nt," The rru. eel.. ...1. Ie u 'd lo m.ikr huv" ' hunrir'!.' if . 'ill.U'.n who ntherwlne ll I ri. mi." t itnun suniii i Iiiuk this i hrli VaMi, well i.lri.lnu .. Ml ......... .1... v. : ' .-..i ........... .'I'Tini, i,..n, Mr ,llin.( 1,11- I. '.11 dev.lopng w.rj rnp(, c, nil) ,,n,i siio'iM ,.,, ,, ro-t , ," ,.,I'?,r,:,ll'"n" shniili is leader of il;.- PI, ladelphia Ciii'-K,., C, b '".an M,.' s th,. s.,1r ,.( .,, , ,nm4 will b- i.ipr,,,. oi t AI.,ilH,lel, team wliM, II ! ..leered f, ,M n', ,'" cilv gill. in Here is i , ,l(. nro t ni line up I might Philn..l.l..,n;ri.KorC.,L. iight w ,ng. Mi-s iiti,,,. Pan. oast l0,, N) s Xiiltoii i link, left wing. .Mi. s., Fri.iikl,,, r.....r. Mr. ,lol, (;,,no,e ''' "ii- . in lie UlcllllKl , Mi Phvlli Walsh and goal I Inn life l Inthier Mi.i'.i, f'n. Let ( b. riRllt Un .Mis I. aiioi ( oleiuaii : i-iiii-r MK, 1'hii.v .ett, left mB. .Mis nilt,,.t, rn.ier lover. Mi-. Maigarettn Shmp lo-. . .,.-, M M(ln c fol,.,,,,,!, , poinl. Mis, i arn'iue Valentine; goal. Miss Mary .iniidmiiii, and substitute Mi- '.liidys Mulbr. r London Boxers Arrive Today New iirl(, t in rile urrlv I I 1 oi th ' yVur.l I . r Imp-rninr of tl hi weight .n.l ii'll I . . lent 'h.ninioni. ,r i '.ill. rx I f.-i. ,i r I, i e n tne b. ti h , ,ti, 'he 'hiin,;ilus ,f ,b s. V rl( T' . I i.irtiT nt itn1' r Ih rni, nf the III -ni.tl.iril tl.rtinit I'luli wil ut . t. l-it-n - f iI'iki in th ...nil T ni. . lie- .f' i h .1 C'.l f.t i.pic moittli point. . Mis Sport llnxlnrr Orlckct tlasetil.ll llasln-tball . . . Konrliie .... r.iutlmU . . . . tlo'f of tle champion nution. n is reuiiired (.,un clu!'. b.v the present rcgulntions. 5J?'1",U" ' The French miihiuitich also advocate iipIhjh '.'. . ii revision of the present regulations ' Itine nhouttnn legnrillng expenses, their iden being to j ""J,"" have a tletinltion of the expenses which Huhninlnk-' .'.' mav nroneilv be chnrucd iiL-alust a Davis iTiiinl out feeling nny ill effects from the ell-j Cup match, so thut nations may I.'""' K" Mrt,l mate """ """" ih-ki..- m ..iiuiiiiy in ""- WrcetllhK ... vance ot a mutch what their probable Itlame Weather financial it-turns, from it will lie. Totals . The weather lul Keen niiimeu inr tne defent of the American team nt Christ Church in 1011 when we were repre- l sented b) William A. I.arned. Ileal ( Wright and Maurice F. .MoUughlm. However, l.iiriu-d even then hud pus.-, the zenith of Ills court elTecllvene.s and bad boon subject to rheumatism before he reached Australia, where the climate put him in such bad condition that he wa unable to compote. lielorc those iiiatches nine )onrs ago the Americans wen- as decided favorite even in Australia ns they are at h niu totlav Hut it must be reinemberi-d lh.it in spile of the great reputation md brilliant perforiuance of I.uriieil W'eieht and Mci,oughlin. that tpo never ii-ncheil the height that have been attained by both Tilden and Johnston. Tilden i rated b.v every lawn tuir,1 crltle botn at home and abroad ns tin undisputed champion of the world Ills emarkablo play in winning nn " nn tournament, men wresting me r.rl.l-.. title from (ierald I'attcrson followed bv his capturing the Amen an title nt Finest Hill, has never been equaled And Johnston is rated onlv a stroke or so behind Tilden. Although. ns remarked n. itaer Tilden nor Johnston have mr .on, peted tr the Dnvis cup m the .hi' lenge round. Tilden.defeatid Humkes at Forest IMI" ' ll)H) anil John. ion ellminnted Patterson from tin Auii-n-enn eh.impionship the snme year. Has Ileutiii Patterson Furthermore, Tilden beat Pnitusnu thnt venr in an exhibition untih fol lowing the national tourn inn ni nnil nls.i caused the Australian lo bow t.. Inm , Wimbledon. Thi" mean- (hat in -,lte of the funt the Amerlnin in i in In rated as Davis cup nmio. ' , ,in well ncquninted with tin -t . - .,i nni nf their chief opponiut- Mr .1,. ,,n,i Patterson It is poihli m " et eran Itod Heath mav I . I Au trnlasin and Put O'llni U ... t m, may get into the contln t ne tb r of thein inn be expected ,nge or doubles to stand n i.i ' ti, horv rtfrelpm HTpenres i.vn.ou $nn.7fl loo. tsi i.is.n-i 4.78l).mi 10,171 4i' ln.iMN.r.a ii.ti.-v7 -j ir.ti.no nt 4 mi 110.1115 OS i's.SS.-.4! SHI. 73 41.00 Hill nil jiin.oo :ua so in it m: o. 20,13s ,-i:s n.7s:i in Ai no ir.r. ut in. nut 3S litis .-,o n.iiii.t n7 s-js -js i- 4i':i in Jin no 7i'o 7s l.rta.'i ai i. inn. 78 1 .-.at ml 1.-I.3V..IU1 -.' .'.S3 il7 3,07(1. tli' 171.331 SO 1107. Dill 84 y, HLumnnir nn ti-i. ...,!.. .1-.......1 l mi "ii..." .'." !""?." ;iniuuc. xnn little fel ow took the ball on tho dead run iS Jtarted down thc field. He l not par? tlctilnrly fast, nnd on three oceasloni a Chicago, tackier reached him. one Sf I!!!" i?aM,,,!?iJ,ta i?ot aml throl! him ofT his Btrlde. He recovered, how. ever, nnd, with excellent interfcrenw from behind, crowed thc goal line. Hot- cntyllvc ynrds for a touchdown and f samrS,',tor ihe, whlUe b'cw chortly rtfter. This year in the Minnesota garni the score was 0 to 0 in the fourth n,,r. '; ' ",'!' Hlchnrds sent Davey n nnd the little fellow booted n Held goii tr.om ,i,p. --yof'1 llnc -Wlnconaln wV. nlng, to 0. In the Chiengo gnme hlx iincrr tie too enrned nnothcr vlcUiri for the llntlgcrs. for it wns his dron'k cL from the 38-ynrd line that B,,""e ,hc.k Itndgcrs their .'J-to-0 victory ovCr th. Maroons. Quite n record for a young Htcr handicapped by weight, but noi. sessed of n stout heart and a love for supreme tests. x,v. 1), n; QURUIES continue to come in as to thc limit of championship terrltnrr to be decided by the Ohio Htnte-Ca f7. nla melee. This battle will at least tie. clde the championship of the Western Conference and the Pacific. coast, nf. yond that we have no desire to plunge. pAUPENTIHIvToii't find Frank y Moron yery hard to hit, but it won't be many seconds befojro the French brtVer will d seover that he isn't UcIbj another T,evln-k.v. Hitting Frank an-1 knocking him cold nre two distinct a slgnments. cry, npHRItK nro still more tlmn one or i- two left who cnii't understand whr n lot of people insist upon hnving cheat ing virtually- nbolished In sport. Thli public state of mind is almost spollinz their entire xvinter. Coyvrioh mo. All rtohtt, rtK'nti FOOTBALL tEAMS PLAY AT' ARMORY TONIGHT First Squadron, First Cavalry, P, N. 0., Will Meet Glenslde Eleven The fourth indoor footbull game of the season will be stnged this evenlnc on the gridiron nf thc First Pennsyl vania Cavalry armory, Th rtv iliinl street and Lancaster nvenue. The YM Hfiundrnn of the First Cnvnlry will clwili with the (tlensidc eleven. Promptly nt 8:lii p. in. Ileferee Jiiid Wrny will blow his whistle for the opening kick-off. In the first gnme played, the Second City Troop defeated I.ognn. The same trimmed Troop A the following week ami inst .viontlny the Neeontl Citv eleven was held to n scoreless tie bv est Walnut. The llnc-llll of the First Sonndrnn l)vev. sub niiarlerhaek on the tenm -.. .,...,. 1;,t , .-suppite; ett .. .i. ino i... .nuii.j w.. i-i.i., ,i, nn hie. vireen, ir I I If ll. P. i,.nr....,.,,r.. .. , ........ ...r.. M,l I. I.in ... ...... lu lint m hns I. ..1.1 ,1nun Ilm I '" lhe ni' ii, until ., ... j ...... ... ... ,.., wn , rn inn! We'll leave rith the tcandcrinff wind "I 7iijrii ; We'll trike the trail to the Una toad' End i That nails somvtchcrc by tho hilh of tight j And the phot that come from the toil lap yearn, TJir spectral shapes from the land of tears, We'll leave far hack in the day of fears. In the land where Wrong rules Jllght. Bonic day we'll leave on a star-rimme'd trait: We'll pass the sun out thc western way : With never a stone on thc traeklcsi path, And never an end to the light of day; Hut a rolling tony through a sunny etimc. And the bells of the fading church shall chime.; 'Ifail! vayabomls, to the'end of time; 'lo thc end of on endless play." Suggestions for Christmas Gifts rrtO TIIK golfer A dozen nssorted new IJ- nllbls nnd u golf bnll'thnt doesn't shun the cup. To Judge I.andis The scalp of the Mnln Cove who cnnie near overturning the Temple of Swnt with n MtilTcd pil low. To Ynle A fnotbnll system thnt xvlll lenve nt least nn appreciable amount ol nnlldng hide Intact next November. To all Old OSrnds and I'ndergrnd Some sport writer who won't give their institution the worst of it. To "Itnbe" Ruth A new set of fences, To Orent Urltnln A heavyweight who isn't composed mninlv of cheese. To Mini (V War Another horse thnt enn mnke him run fnt enough to keep xvnrin. The Dlfferenro These baicball fans titr funny guyi, I cannot understand their trays. Thru laud their hero to the skies, Thfi'rc ovcncalous in their pruiic. Yet if he fails to bust one loose. Instantly they jrer and pan him, Jlis managrrs take no ereusc, l77irj coil him. Hut football fans are real sports. Their grid star holds a lordly sway. T)o they grt mad. and out of sort If he should pull a bonhrad playt If he should fumble, miss a pass. Or' try to skirt an end too slate, Do they call him a thick-skulled asit I'll say so. II. .1. II. A Substitute Who Outfit I ions Fiction A -MftV-f! ll.M l.n.ttnv llw.l ...III nn .In..... , A ...I..I l... ill... I. n lll.lL ..ill ..if.lll ,.. -. A . ,.......n i.i... i... tt..i 'West Wnlnut. AA. in iniiinini IllSIUI,. lit .in- I'IIIC1- i sity of isconsin Is thnt uf Allan o-ii guaru, . eiik ns nr center. Swing: richt "iinnl unenviable position of substitute for two i V.. V,'"'1 ; right IncUleUiey : right end. vcars, Con eh Richards refusing to tuko ' , "ll 5 nunrterlmck. Cooke: left Imlf unnecessary chances of injur)., A year a?' Kcogh : right halfback. f'nrllle ngo, with the Chiengo game Virtuullv I ftillbiick, Schartcl : referee. Jnp; lost, Coach Richards sent Davey Into Ixcogh, Peiinvivtnin : n-- i l , the game, rcplaeinu' ltarr. the n.wu'o JWrny, Pennsylvania; hnad llneimtn, tliiiirterhucl;. I'la.vlng safe, Chicago Spick Hull, Vuntlerhilt. s Cordovan Brogues $0.85 Riclvest Dark Brown (I Ever Produced Elsewhere, Here ROYAL SPECIAL FOR M0N. & TUES. If you want n pair of real smnrt Hnglish IlroKues, stop in, put u pair of these nn your feet at $8.85. You enn't match 'cm under $12 any where eUc AND VOL know it. Ilii) .' Take them home! If you're not satisfied MONEY HACK! On Sale Day or Night, to 9:30 o'Clock MR r I'STH'fl" HALF BLOCK DS J 19 -Jl BqIowMARKET OPEN EVERY NIGHT Ma KiEi l Kllt. Ill I noon oiiiiv. m th- ' Mint rut lljl'P ilHu ill hlP HlflllnT Hxtrrtt tl'illt i - !h ' hrioin .is i fur 1muI i Thi N'iitlori t iji!fnr'iirT ,mi Knr 'Jrmntnv, r nsntr lo fiUf r Hli" J,trkton I ft nil i' I nn,irtl n'T hft'' 'niil shin llitlc I Scraps ibout .SVr;jcrA' p tn lhi.lt-, th.- n ntnn ... te, .. .-iirlit Phllinl.' eh . i I . .ti I h . I ii is Ii nch" fur Te.i i Knl' 1.1-miii im.iliiMt Ja.U rry. o( IMltHl.urKll (it thr llllliplii ID- , Isht. Dojle h,i l.oi.il lii this city l.odirr mid alwn Bhowcu writ, Ilg 1 a good-two I'hili, and Much-men IT ill Meet in Spring Series .Sew orh, D"c 'JO Mil! Honr, van, manager or the Philnile'pbiii N'litlonal. has tontlrnied the re port thnt his team wmild plav mi ithlbltlnn series with the Athletic next spring. He added that he wns negotiating witl. the Wnshiiigtn i tenni for .in . .hihilion i i ie- t,, .i pln.ved In Floiids. i STERNER'S The Hou.e of Pipei French Briar Pipe Real Amber Bit mF $2 SlOgsir Unrth $3 to $5. Only 100 in thc Lot Our lininrntr stm-k imii.1 he sold dtirlnc Iti linlldiiTM u nrw roods are ninilnff In ,tinl we will not r.tneH our orders. Our Motto "Volume at Small Profit" STERNER'S SVcoarre 'ft N P'TH 4T. '''"'-s -tl 1. I-1 11 31. Itrmilrril 0-n 6 A M. Till JJIdnliht IOYSTERS 5rf FINEST IN KU. Fresh Daily Itiilitiln I.IiiikI- Mutirire ltlvrr Coves e.t ( rri-lia, lllne I'llllll- U MATTHEW J. RYAN hole DUIrllinlm lor iioiinins ihiiinuH llslrrs VVIKII.I-SAI I'. DM X Front & Dock Stt llrll l.iimliiinl pl.t (.tone l.lln 1KII 51 .JgJ-Kej "fyJS. y 1 I 3 Movt Xma8 gpectate: 1 SHIRTS J 1.45 I 3.00 and 3.50 Marseilles Cloth Shirts I H Arabian Leather Cord-Silk I I Collar Bags Neckwear II 3-50 111 I-00 I I SWT 0ur ,J,K ShP Is J,,u11 of Xmns Gifts for Men I I toss BAUERS .fa J WBBT Good yi tmSSS MlhmGm aCtftarero. t.A i fl rlBtTilIIB'' trrJ3BBSSHMQC3BBiiUJUN7U ,-,.. .,,M-lttlt'- -IK,- kl.My &U3SiBa