Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 20, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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    fn-i u.t,ummmmtn " ''
.--; ,, v ..... , f-wT-r T,,r,.. , .---r-, -
i tt $" It '
f -fif'Tir"f "v'-''y,(V7T'"!
' ' ' ' 11
iifcrilfnc, of
Woman Hit by Motorcar Suc
cumbs and Driver p Hold
for Coroner
One woman vs killed nncl bevei,
wtJ wore Injured In nutpmobllc
'irclclcnt nml collision In the city .dur
ins the In"' thirty-Ms hours.
Mrs. Wfllirlmlim Kmlth, Mxtr-olRlit
,e'ar old. nana North' Twenty -second
trcot. died from Injuries received Hut
iirtlnv night whet, struck by a inotorcnr
Jl Twrntv-first direct and Huntim?
inrl avenue. The car was driven by
Raines. KciulcrilJnCt of lyorrlntown, who
wan held without bail to- nwnit the
action of the coroneY." Mr' HmlUi" died
lam nlRlit in St. Luke's Hospital.
Turnip tii.funnH u'fri Intiirod when two
' inatdrcnrtr rraidiql loeotlifr on liutwK
Vlll UIIUIl'VHlll HI It I lUlll uw nuyvv vii
Hnjturday nlnht. They nre: ,
Mrs. JoHcph llenttj'. thlrtj -nine
years old, tl)00 Mutfco street, fructuicd
( rfRlit arm. ,
Iilllle Ueatty, eleven years old, her
daughter, fractured collarbone.
MIks Margaret McLaughlin, eighteen
years old. 7112 IUMuk Hun IntiV, frac
tured right nrin. ' 7
KUward 1. Smith.' thirty-live years
. nl.1 .lll'U Tn ul.nnV
rimlth "drove the car which collided
with the one in which the women and
two girls were riding, t , ?
Smith took the injured to the 'Frank
ford Hospital npd then, surrendered
to the police of the Trfrnny station.
Max Tcddler. Snlford street near
Woodland avenue, and Lawrence
Ncldlcmon, 357 North Sixtieth street,,
were severely cut and bruised when the
car in which they were riding collided
with another at Fifty-eighth and Arch
streets. last night. Toddler and Frank
Liplnzo, Sixty-first street near Callow-
hill, the driver of the other tar, were
nrrestcd and a hearing will bo glvcnr
them by Magistrate Trlco this morn-
li'R. - ,,
corgcDeflii, tweniy-two years old,
2(Klt"Nartli Wurnock street, was soH
ously injured by on automobile which
4ruck film last night at Wnrnock
street -and Montgomery avenue.-- He
was taken to St. ..Toseph's, Hpsplta).
Night Classes Exclusively for Adults
Urgad by Dr. Haney
Night elasflcs, exclusively for foreign
born hdults, In public schools located In
the congested sections of the city were
ndvoratcd.today by I)r, John Ii. Haney,
president ,pro tern, of thc Central High
"School for Hoys, as avmenns, of redlin
ing Illiteracy here.
According to a statement made on
Saturday by 12. E. Haeh, of the Penn
sylvania state bunfati of Americaniza
tion, there are 410,000 illiterates in
the htate, and jf these 70,125 nr.e in this
, . . --mmmmi&m'eM2imgk
tf A I--t ,. lit I M T WflNIlAV. lilir 20. 1D20. Hliirn Open Oiilb '
) 1 1, yy ,1, w j
L. B. helps big bank to
organize foreign department
It was a big job. This particular' bank doe's business
through 1500 correspondents in Europe, Asia, Africa
and South America. Most of the letters received are
written in foreign languages. Difficulties arose unknown
in ordinary filing.
Tletban,k called on Library Bureau to devise a filing
system'that would be simple, practical and' capable of
expansion. We sent over one of the service operators
from our Department of Indexing and Filing.
She studied every detail of the bank's foreign busi
ness worked close to executives learned what. they
wanted a filing system to do and then installed the
system to do it:
No other filing organization in the country could pos
sibly have done this work. It is just another example of
the way L. B. digs into every filing trouble which comes its
way and finds the right road to a smooth-working filing
The cost? Inconsiderable when you bear" itf mind the
everlasting value of the work.
Library Bureau
Curd, and filing
Filing cabinets
wood and steel
Founded ,1876
910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
Salesrooms in 49 leading citiei-of the United States, Great Britain and Franc
Offers Many Pleasurable Gifts
(.!ii"ts that every member of the family would like, from the
baby up to grandmother or grandfather.
Another nice thing about gold jewelry is that you can find.such
a variety of useful and attractive articles at inexpensive prices.
The Wanamaker Jewelry Store is showing a particularly large num
ber of such gifts at the present time They are all 14-kt. gold.
Gifts for Women
1 Lingerie clasps ....$5.50 to $11.50
I Thimbles ....' ?G.50 to $9.50
I Oxford folding eyeglasses,
I . 15.50 to $29
I Mesh bags ?390 to $575
1 Compressed powder boxes, ?42 to $98
I Vanity cases $190 to $300
I Rosarips $25 to $34
I.h Vallicrcs $8 to $08
Gold bead necklaces . ..$9.50 to $39
Bracelets $10 to $175
Semi-precious stone rings, $6 to $82
Bar pins -$5.50 to $200
Brooches $7 to $05
Crosses $4.25 to $20
Karrlngs $12 to $47
Bodkin sets .: ,.$35
Gifts for Men
Cuff links $Q.50 to $100
Tie claps $4 to $18
Scarf pins $3 to $60
Belt buckles $17.50, to $62
Cigar cutters $12.50 to $18
Pocket knives $17 to $30.
Cigarette oases $120 to $315
Match boxes $43 to $72
Eyeglass cases ..1 $84 to $145
Semi-precious finger rings, '
$13 to $151
Signet rings $10 to $28
Watch fobs $12 ft $46
Wnldemar chains .' .$15 to ($96
Dickens chains $20 to $37
Mother of penrl studs, $5.50 to $51
Mother of peail cuff links,
S5.50 to $130
Mother of peail vest buttons,
$8 to $150
John Wanamaker
Jewelers' and Silversmiths' Hall
I Tpf a, -
I Collar iojP His
I Overcoat
r Would fie Just About the Most
Z? Acceptable Gift YoU Gould
Cltaoge These Aret Very Advan
tageously 'Priced. ' '
$35 Fur Collars, tefJC
Special' at 4. .... i tJ
Of natural, seal or taupo
$45 Fur Collars,
Snncinl m.
Of Hudson Beal (dyed musk-rat).
$60 Fur Collars,,
nncciui ni
Of nluckcd Or unnlueknd nnrl
seal otter.
SHELLEHBURG5 Third tfiobr
In Attractive Gift Boxes
Fine Embroidered
Pillow Cases
With or Without Initials
W at d " CA to d A r A Pr.
fW Very good pillow cases and day
I BW cases, embroidered, scalloped, and
S with or withut initials as you
1 m? choose. Each pair packed in a
jjjff (Jill. UUA.
8 bNELLENBURdS First Floor
A Big Sale of
Men's Fancy 4
1 ro users
Zn !2STRtIS bf
'And Now for the Most Extraordinary Sale of Men's Silk Neckwear
Ever Launched in Pnilacleipniai
12,000 Pure Silk Knitted Ties
for Men in a Gigantic Sale
At Prices Thai Would Have Taken the
Town bu Storm Even Before the War!
' One of the leading manufacturers, icalizing thut he hud but a few days
left in which to dispose of his tremendous Christmas stocks sold ui, his entiit
surplus of fine knitted ties nrfd muffleis upon conditions which cnnble uh to offe
Marvelous Values!
Men's $2 & $2.50 QC Men's $3 to $5 ffl ZZ
cjii, B-LH Tips. "dCilkKnittedTies-Pl.d'J
. . . , t ii .!.. ' v. ..... ............ ...un..i i t -I...'.! nirAntj
Pure silk tics in plain colors an ncumur iiiia- rai v.u.', tuiuiuuuu niunuu wa".-.
, stripes, heathers and plain color..
Men's $5 to $6.50
Accordion Knit d'! QC
Mufflers $A,70
Mufilcrs so greatly under
priced because of very minor
knitting defects. Lnrgo assort
ment of desirable patterns and
'Men's S8 to $12 d0 CC
Mu'fflers at. . . J)0.l0
Including the very finest muf
flers made, all of the finest silk.
Swiss weave, accordion and
crochet stitch. All colors.
Mended seconds.
Men's SI 2 (Z rA
Mufflers at ipU.OU
High-grade S w i s s
knitted mufflers, selling
everywhere else, in
town at $12 to $14.
SNELLEN B'JRflS First Floor
$7.50 and $8.50 to A Q5 &
Trousers ni . . P'V fif
$10 and $12.50 (j;v QC
Trousers at.. W .
S p 1 c ndid
quality trous
o r s in nil
fash ionable
colors and
p n 1 1 e r n a.
tho roughly
vvell tailored
e o m p nriiiR
favorably in
every detail
with custom
trousers ii t
rt ntlniitltlltl '
more Uian these prices.
S i"3T?urcS Third Moor
Men's 29c Socks
Cotton socks of excellent iual-
.4 . ..n utlrU lnnlu lind tnf'H
extra-reinforced to insure lont,' &
wear. &
Six Pairs of a Size in a
Box: Black
JsCrMTfMVRflS First Floor
A Big Sale of the Very Finest Kind of
Colonial Rag Rugs
in Our Fourth Floor Rug 8tore
.Beautiful, finely woven raff rugs, with plain centers and artistically
patterned Dordors, To sell .in most instances, at half price
$24.75 9x12
ft. Rugs at
?19.75 8x10
ft. Rugs at. .
$6.50 3.9x7
ft. Rugs at. .
$4.50 36x72
in. Rugs at. ,
Washable Cotton Bath Rugs .
.$4.25 24x6 in. Ql QC $6.50 27x54 in. d0 OC
$11.50 36x72 in. Rugs at.
$3.25 30x60
in. Rugs at. .
$2.50 27x54
in. Rugs at. .
$2.25 24x48
in. Rugs at. .
$1.75 24x36
in. Rugs at. .
bNELLENBURiS Fourth Floor
lpr Gold Jewelry "S ;
yt Wove Received Another Shipment
or zw rairs or
Women's $3.75 Silk
Stockings to Sell at
$1.95 Pr.
Beautiful rich, lustrous black
ingrain thread silk stockings silk
all the way up to the top, and
tipped with narrow bands of color.
Any Woman Would Be Delighted
So Receive Them as Gifts!
Embroidered and ,
Initialed PillowCases
Attractively Boxed for Giving
8S Pair
f Pillow cases
made of very
pood grade mus
M lin with seal-
loped edges at
tractively e m-
kfnirlninrl H Tl 1
initialed S i . o iS
45x36 inches.
SufU-ENBURGS Economy Babement
Sweeping Christmas Clearance
Sale of
Men's & Boys'
$7.50 to $10
Sweaters at $5
In the much
wanted jumbo
stitch and plain
ribbed effects
i n slip - over
style, with V
necks, also in.
with shawl collars.
Heavy 1 n
quality; warm
enough for
winter wear.
In all best col
ors and plenty
of heather
mixtures. Lot
Snf lemburgS
1 SPw
First and
Third Floors
W Double the Service at Half the
Mf Cost That's What You Get
Tfa in This Sale of
M Speedway Tires
Stf at 50 Off List Prices
T h cy'ro
made by a
special pat
ented hy
draulic ex
p a n s ion
2T an exclusive
Wj . V. l
m v i. v
which elim
inates 111C ft
of m o 1 d
pinch( side
wall imper
fections or
w c akness,
tc o n s e -quontly
p reventing
?f rim cuts,
stone bruises and blow outs.
With white treads and black bide
walls. Mail and phone orderss
promptly filled.
N.S. $22.21 $11.11
W 30x3
W 30x3 2
ffrf 32x3 y2
W 31x4
ft 32x4
! 33x4
S? 34x4
2f 34x4 Vi
m 35x4 Vt
W 36x4 Vt
ft 37x5
N. S. 28.88 14.44
N.S. 31.65 15.83
N. S. 10.37 20.19
N. S. 41.05 20.53
N. S. 43.00 21.50
N. S. 44.25 22.13
N. S. 58.33 29.17
N.S. 59.38 29.69
N. S. 60.44 30.22
N,S. 79.80 39.90
bNELLEHBURflS Third Floor
Gift Specials in
Boys Furnishing
Boys' ?2 and .$3
"Puritan" Brand
Pajamas at
A niauufac
t u r c r ' s
jlcara w a
of those
sice p i n ix
Karme n l s
of Rood
qua l.i t y
e h e c k ed
nains o o k,
plain ni e r
cerized pon
BT e c and
c a ni b ric;
pla in or
t r i rained.
Sizes 2 to
16 years.
Down, Brings
any of these
Victrolas to
your Home for
Victrola Mil
Men's and Young
Men's $60 to $100
Winter Overcoats f
now $42.50
0ercoats made of the a cry finest imported and doim.'-.tu- over
coatings, in a full assortment of style for men and young men.
Some have fur collar. All sizes .'5.J to -18
' ' 4RCS Third Floor
55c Striped
Outing Flannel
A tremendous "drop'" in flannel
pi ices and one you'll be wise to
tnkc advantage of immediately.
Good quality striped outing flan
nel, soft and nnppy, in large a
sortment of pretty patterns and
h pj5 First Floor
II &
Bovb' $2.00 and $2.50
Bn jamas at $1.25
Striped percale and plain color
pajamas with fibio silk trim
ming. Exceptionally well mndo
and good looking. No mail or
phone orders filled.
Boys' $3.00 Outing Flannel
Pajamas, $2.25
Boys' $1.75 Outing Flannel
Night Shirts, $1.35
Boys' $1.50 Blouses, 79c
Made of good weight striped per
cale in attractive patterns and
colors. Sizes 8 to 10 years.
Boys' $2.00 Blouses, S1.50
Boys' Neckwear,
50c, 65c and $1.00
Boys' Windsor TiesT
50c, 65c, 95c and $1.50
Victrola X
SI 25.00
(MFI I PMH1fD"lC; VlruY. Vlitni. I
Victrola XI
SNtLLt-NBrS Talking
Machine Dopt.,
First Floor Ualcony
Kejj. $39.98
1'ortieres, Pair
"" inches wuli imubli'-laeini;
in niMitcd colors. Open I rcncll
i cig". 2'. jards long Snnii' lun
.liKlit'mill defpf!-
Keg. $35.98
Portieres, Pair
Sokiulid (uality vi lour. -'
yards long; double fai'fd; in
v anted colors, open French odg"-.
Some with slight mill defect.-, but
nothing to mar their appearance
or affect their good service.
S2.9S Scrim and
Marquisette Cur- C I QQ
tains, Pair 4M.0
Kscellent iuulit : -omo with
lact edge.-, otlicr.- with insertion.
lute onl.
SI.50 Henuliful
Cushions. Kach
Hanil-onu' sofa ( u-lnuii.-, made
oi lino grade clour trimmed with
t.ipestry and jralloons; filled with
genuine Kapok.
Gift Svccials From Our
Oriental Upholsteries
litautifui , -cirfs. t.i)e-U ie-,
Mandarin -Uirt- and embroideries
h md-embroidercd and woven
pieces and sonic rarely beautiful
$3.98 Table Runners S2.98
S4.J)8 ;i'able Uunners. S3.D8
$5,518 Table Runners, $1.98
st.98 Pillow Top-,. . S3.9S
Round aiur5qiiare Table
$3. 18 Covers. S2.98 ea.
81.98 t'oers, $3.98 ea.
S7.9S Covert,, 85.98 ea.
$8.98 Covers, $fi.98 ea.
Mandarin Skirts
815.98 Skirts, $9.98 ea.
825.00 Skirts. $19.98 ea.
$12.98 Hand-Embroidered
Table Uunners, $b98 ea.
750 Yds. Figured
Voile and Marquisette, 3Q,,
Yard ?"
Beautiful ligured Voile and
Marquisette; splendid quality,
sold formerly for C9c yard, will
make most attractive curtains.
A Sale of Men's
Silk Sogks
.1 Half and Less Than
Half Price
Men's $1 & $1.25 rfr
Socks, Pair 0jL
I'urc thread hilk in plain and
fancy styles. Also fincbt lisle
socks .with vertical Jacquard silk
btripes in contrasting colors.
Men's $2 Socks at"$l Pr.
Beautiful thread -ilk, full
fa.shioned .-ocks w ilh fine lisle
foundation. In cordovan, navy
and purple in harmonizing color
Ssir ' rt iS Firs'. Floor
Big Reductions
on Boys' Winter
Suits and
Uos' S38.50 to 810
Winter Suits at .
All our cr I'nu -uits in stoik
i't ju.-t Sl'5 -fine qualitj casi
n ere-, fancy cl ccKed clours and
li mc-pini-. All w oil tailored,
-murtlv -lylod s.-, s to 18
. ear-.
Kov.s' 835
Winter Suits at
1 me (uialitv fane; ehe lot ,
iH-iiniiTc- and homfspun"'. in
-mait -tles-, well tailored. Sires
s to 18 year.
Hojs'$25 to $28
Winter Suits at
Of all-wool fancy cheviot-, cas--inicn-
and homespun1!: -izcs 6
lu IS c l--.
IU) S20 Norfolk Suith
With Two Pairs of (P j (K
Knicker lants at'P lO'D
Miglit. tine, .-iiMc-eabli- nit,
knickers full lined and coat- lined
with mohair. Of all-wool fancy
chewot.- and cas-nnercs in brown,
gra ami gieen iniNture-
Bos' 815 Norfolk
Suits at
Of best (iialit
'i to IS yeais.
eorduioj ; sie.s
Biff Price Concessions
oil Winter Overcoats
S.'J,"i to SI0 Overcoats, sizes
12 to IK j ears, at S2.".
.S2." Ovcrcouts, -11 - -J' to
IT years, at $l(i.7.'.
S22.."i0 Overcoats, si.e-, 1 to
8 e.us. at SI 2.7.").
$20 Ot promts -iis ! to 8
eur.i. at Si 1.
$7-50 &
Bojs' $13.75
Slackinaw s at .
Made "I (me mml.i all wool "J2.
henw-weiuhi lilankeiino ,Si,m M
S to li ei - Jz
Hos 88.75 Mack flj n fa
Rubber Raincoats utpO,ou fg
Heav weight, tan n-an-iuHk iffi'
cuats; with hats to match, ?t
etra. Sien 4 to 1R veais W
Hoys' $3.50 to $1.5(1 &
Corduroy Knicker Pants at
$2.45 ,0 $3.10 I
Sn 'IfcNbuhcS Third Moor A
T v r fc.fc (.'M.W.MkVW.' -"w.uyjwj - ..". .-w.
'mmmrtMmmmmmmmmw snellenburg & coj
.- ::-
i ' -- Wi
. WilhlMlH-tM-i