--S!tEtf;37 " ,H "' W.wj "' WPSfJg! r-rr vr.Vj 'TJJV J ,'- ' 1T r'' v cT' Jf" l ' - TjiR-rvty "K' : -w f T-tT- --rrTpi-prRr.- FOR CONSTANT! tmWifikS&mMtMmimatH WimQ vvvhie -lebekihiabbj,p5, 'Monday, 'pbqbmbkr go, 1020 15- . ... n ..! U.. A,l Klng's Arrival ouiiipniu uy - mirers to Return of Napo leon From Elba I NO FOREIGN ENVOYS THEREJ station and were followed by Qiicen Mother OlRft and I'rlncc -nnd Prlnccea Christopher. When Constantino emerged from lil railway cnrrlufce. ho .bowed snlutntlons to the crowd nnd tear were Keen In his eyed its he f.nld to those nenr him : "Hctitlll my children." Jin embrnccd Qur.cn Mother OIr.i nnd shook hands with Princess Christopher nnd then vnn Mcorted to hit 'fjnrrlrigo In which lie wnH taken tn the cnthedrnl. Constantlne rend his addresH from the balcony- of the old palace, in the pron- cticc of 50,000 pcrdotiH. He uns dressed In a innrhal'n uniform and 1'remlci iHlinllls stood on IiIm right. Queen I Sophie nnd Princess ChrlKtopher (for- . 1 incrly Mrs. Leeds) nlno were present. . He declared ho would establish In ternal unity nd -Exterior peace by using I ttin nrmv tn pillflvntn cnnil relntlnnM Uy the Assoelated lres with the nlllod. powers. He snld the Mhciit I'ee. 120. Amid Hip thtinder marriage of Prince eorRC, Unite "I f'rntinnn, the hum of oirr-lltiK airplanes Hpnrtn. nnd ITInccss Rllwibeth of Itu- ",p ' ., .. mnn n Insured nn nl ancc with thnt gn,l llir- rnar.ns rnrfi. n. .. Bn-ni , , ,, ,,,,,, ,, ,,,,, fo). throiiR. ron'tnntine 01 Greece emereu , ,ow tll( ,M),I(,y o ,4 tnt,rWi nmi ci. iihona Tpsterdnj. His arrival vn i tivato ancient (Sreek culture. Constat! Mtiiniired' bj his admirer to Xaiiolcon's I tine asserted he suffered deeply during return fmm Klba, nnd (enrs of joy J his exile Ho referred to llw Into KtnR return mini (.. ' Alexander as one "whp had done his vete seen flowing down the rneiMK of , . ,, people warming ne.ur his cnrrlnge. I Immediately after allghtng from the y,irh n(Vi o0i.(nv A f.) Allied riiluav train. Constantino drove" to the warships which had been In the harbor ..ihrnlriil. where o mngnlHerut sorvler f Piraeus, the port of Athens, left Wm given, nil the bishops In Athens , ,,,.or to the arrival of flonstniitlnc on nnrtlrlratlnir. It was noticeable Hint . bonril the (Jrcek cruiser Avcrnff yes J,n furflKfi ministers were present during I tr,.,v so as to avoid pnylng honors to t,p welcoming ceremonies.. I lit arrival ri.tnnilnK monarch, says nn Athens 0( Ponstatitlnf was not marreil by any i jipntfli. Ineldent. , ... . Tlie nppioiHwi in mr rwjui mini wwn dlgnalfd b) the arrival nt the tiny I terminus nf the railway near Place dc Concorde of three royal carriages. , which stopped in front of the stntfon nt i 11 o'clock i Tlic king s carriage was drawn by ill black ecldlngs driven by three uni formed outriders and wns draped in j .-nt tinrnlf. In the throne were vll- , Icr. wearing the nationnl costumo of I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! white skirt, red cap and black .stockings, . WAE Jl, Inlinreru mill cltv ilwcllcrM mill n I . detachment of r rcncli bluejackets was I in evidence, (.nbimit members nrriird ljujt lietore rnc irniu puucu inio inc CLUBS MUST PAY U. S. TAX Revenue Bureau Warns of Dire Pen alty for Shlrkera Washington, Dqd. 20, (Ily A. I'.) Kvcry Koelnl cltib-yhlcli falls to cbl Jcct and pay over taxes required oa dura and fees fro.m Its jncmbnrs Ja liable io a penalty of not morn than 91000, ac cording to revised regulations issued today by the llureau of Jntcrnnl Reve nue. In addition, a penalty of CO per cent of the tax Is Imposed when a re turn1 filed bv a club Is found to be false or--fraudulent i jKncli club must mako a return every month, whether or net taxable dues have been ro.llectcd. t , The reRulatlona have been umendedi the bureau said,. toshow clearly that an organisation for the advancement of t,...inr.a or- i-nmmcrclnl Interests of a pnmmnnltv - Is-not taxabler but dues of- local college organizations arc not exempt from tax ns are college fra ternity chapters. However, the tax on Mtrh ioeal college organizations Is due only If the regular dues or fees ure In excess of $10 a yrnr for encu member. OPEN EVENINGS CURRVS - XmascardS IN PnBNCM AfiD tNrfU94..:.T. I eTC'STATIOrteBV. LBATHtfl cocxx tofiAMERAS ns' puiioi PU Am U.iMf7iVyiAiiljJ 812 (CHESTNUT ST."8r2 ISBS , D, llrrecr Co.. CD N. til St Ham ooo. -nnritut sss tES! Galvanized Boat Pumps V.: :xi. .T Store POrder: So easy 'to use Duy evtrruuns ror'tlM fmll at nr tor rov prcier. uioinmK. rurnl-. tur, l(ou rurnlihlnti. ' Jt-.vclr' and Uen-rat Mer ttaanillM. ray at your convrnltnca. Been at It rlcnt nre en uncimut Hlrt over 80 yaara. Call. I'hona or Writ Sr. WEAVER mi runi...v( i. fiooMto IIIA VllCaillUl Jl. MMfUVAK)' TOYS For Small Children ii Novelty Aprons I'Oll Girls and Boys Academy Club Toymakers 120(1 Chancellor St. rlr.l Utile Street os!h of Wiilniil 1 The Roof I 1 1 He Forgot. inPHE best things e 1 5 have," said Uncle 1 1 Dudley, "are the ones we .5 foi'get. Three of my work- I men are always quarrel- I ing, or drinking, or strik- ing, and T lie awake nights j thinking about them. But I i one man is always on ' hand, does good work, Is makes no trouble and I almost forget I have him. E 1 "Same way with roofs. . I know about the house E s roof, for the slates are E a 1 w ays breaking ; the E E shingle roof on the barn E i E leaks in three places ; and E I that new patent incombustible E E roof has catiRht lire twice al- E E ready; but the old tin roof that E E father put on the shop never E 'E leaks, can't burn, never makes E s troublt; and if old Potts didn't E come to paint it every third E 's year, I'd forget it was there." E , S Tin Is best in every way but S you want the best tin, Ask any IS' roofer If lie mentions NU E iUHA.-TIN .vou'ro Bjfc. Beautiful ,4 t Gift Jewelry! Money-Saving Prices de?fi wwtKt tt)TT Holl tiawssa Quality considered, our. prices, are LOWESTas COMPARISON proves. Every customer is PRO TECTED by our twentyrfivc-year REPUTATION. Our liberal credit terms often as low as a dollar a week enable you to buy with small sums that you would other wise fritter away. tfCii ifj. 7?yv 'T'llllllllllimMIIIIIIIHMIMMIMIIMI llllill iiMliHlll!..il HI iHliiriiii;,,;!,! .jiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii For Christmas and a Healthy New Year Curm-mhor your ulclt friends and give a case ot Mountain Valley Water The famous curative water )'rom Hot Springs. Doctors endorse and recommend it. .onil for ItrlRht'B niHenfie, Dygpepslii, nialietea. Oout ov Mi iiMhiii. K' iiuv Ipil.iiimi ''I. n if Stomucli, Kidney r lll.iilder-rcllevpH blood prt'BSure. Mountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. rimuM Hnln-t inn'! m sman sums that you would other- ls ' JgmBB& r wse fritter away. sPnB : Call or write for free book of gels ipffifeijjj H i$t mmEM Bar Pin, set with djoCn HO 9 )$$$ if r ig. fin.st, diamonds.. PJJJ mJJ Jm g S $125.00 MWilOiil U I $0$ 'A v All-platinum Wrist Watch, studded jnT L 'ipti fi ttJ ,v'th diamonds. Hlgh-Brade move- ySV. IrH i i tCL., mcnt8, $300 00 SpJwSrl rMk ym fc!( SS 11 Wy All-plntlnum Klnir. set B0,lln",", WiMjff M iSW ' NS-J with 3 large and 13 Jh1? OO. yf24p U jf r . rT- ,,,-sniall diamonds. )J'UU' gBP &?-i Wt RllRIHCd turned CIISC, in 14K jj A ff AA aBaaaaaaaaaBaaa)BB n Hk Alii? solid sold, with hlch-gradc 2H4I1C1.I1CI .1 iir Tfc aSSi movement Special at - gVT VniV m 60-00fiik( fetn,A DOLLAR ygjilgSMa Vf eekT, a,'3WiwV "wJw -'-.:-- 11 i. &$ - s( New Year Frolic At the Adelphia See the New Year in at the Adelphia the place where you'll meet everyone you know. Supper at 10 Dancing at 10 and souvenirs all evening. Reservations ?G per plate but don't delay too long! j riM.y . ' w -. Vv A I Jl iyA&iV'('H li;iiiftl fflMM iPll ' H), ox WBm I ilL . x Jr If x i vP-i' H i 1 m 1 MFSiI mMumtK w 1 M5 r r -n x tr v. Y7y SPECIAL OFFER!- L,0 An Lionel Train Outfit, $16 Unusual Opportunfty to Make the Boys Happy e Evemngs for Your Convenience v -jV" fwr Complete Stock of Trains, Freiuht and Passenger Cars, Signal and Lamp PosU and Tree-Lighting Outfits at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Suggestions for Older Folks Percolators, Toasters, Waffle Irons, Grills, Ohio luce Vacinim Cleaners, Washing Machines, Portable Lamps and Many Other Beautiful Gifts. CENTRAL ELECTRIC AND LOCK CO. d3Qa ARCH STREET'-- A Fairbanks Man and a Fairbanks Engine for Your Power Problem 7h THE man is "Jim" Ernest, manager of our Engine and Pump Department, an expert on industrial power supply. "Nine times out of ten," says Mr. Ernest, "the engine should be a Fairbanks Super Diesel, because heavy oil costs less than any other fuel, and the Super-Diesel has no ex ternal ignition devices, even for starting." Of course we sell many other types from the 2 h. p. "Bull Dog" for gasoline up to the 260 h. p. "Buckeye" for power plants. But the 20 and 30 h. p. Super Diesels are the sizes most used by the aver age small shop. For a country house, a "Universal" tlectric light ing plant and an cltctric automatic water system are really essential. If your factory needs more power, or tf you are afraid of coal shortage, ask Mr. Ernest to recommend a suitable oil engine. THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY SEVENTH and ARCH STREETS Market 2210 FAIRBANKS Company aftfcaM& Stmts Mm TukmJ ILa.-ii . .. . """ L'"'" '"' ?" M..AI. Tl.. Sl.,1 r.tt,v!7"mllm.',, m SHIRT MANUFACTURER I hare twenty year' -xprlnr In ftealenlriK, cuttlnr anrl innnufac-turliia- of iihlrtii, piijamnn anil ithletle ululerwecir. Will ! "P'n fpr n position with nn Mtabllnlied liotio after-. January lOtli. II 007. i.EmiBitnri'iiiis our STORE ORDERS Are JBcllcr Than Charge Accounts they enable you to, divide xour ;ur chaets amonir the atorea you P.rj'er. lur trm are fair and reasonable bated upon the lentth of cedlt you take. Del full particulars. MAKRIOTT BROS, 1118 Chcfltnut XTWrj AVICI,! I miWNAwm m wnHouf exxpavaGA n JgoirooUqfeo,Tbo9in m ll'l All IMUI'r..' irillNr.KI t I oftheuteStype , VI1I iTTrttv. ntiliniKTM SLLAKR FRIH 11HU HUIOI. Miavjfl '"-L ?J.L.Borsch&Co; -f upncians Kryptok Bifocals Our Specialty 1324 Walnut St. .217 So. 9th St. ' HTi:,MHIIir NOTirr.S w-.lHinr miu.i z-L : nh JtSO1 4 l 4h t 4 I Miller' Piano Stores I J lmB Jklh (07-609 s. 2d si. 1 1 iLBnSHPHBiL jM i nt HSl fa.-. Vf PANAMA and the Panama SJBtt " 1 I I in "A Canal, a vital interest to y f j KV7 , 'i t! .ii! il"r American, On your lllllllfrKvi . lnnllQf'at White Fleet Cruise this Ulil I II IK, V V Vifllwlntr. W NKV TTTTTii AUo, Havana andSantlago.Cubaf Hll III IlllllrVm Viiliiillll P" Aonlo nd Klngeton , J II II llKlk "ll IIIMltllafnalca! Port Llmon and San Join, !3llilllll VIaBCotta Rica; Cartaerna, Puerto Co. jllllv m tTITiT llombla and Santa Marta, Colombia 9IIII III I IIJ ) -.aX. f L-V I?Lji ir. -depending on the Crula selected. t llJj I V '1 CM-JzH Sailing! bi-weekly from New York J (fjlf W J3 IBnJ New Orleans. Oreat Whit. :llfl flfI 7yvCliil I Hlert ships ore the newet and SaaaaUUlllJIln iSTl'llli-'nr,r,t ln Cnrlbbesn Crulie Service. flSf7IBaiUiJ '"'jiffn Only one claai Flret Class. 4HHsBa!'sr )il Write for Illustrated Polder, 9Mtofe litCrulie Leaflet and Tripe Ashore VbB f ,fFoIder. 5sis W. I isute Street MH -ea . Ideal Christmas Gift la Munufncturera aale ot fnimcd mirrors. All nw ntnek In all taint nnlrhH. French nilr ror. plcluro lop. tnlr rpr bottom, Alt uond suhJffla. Prices, tS.oO to 113.00. AIo KPiiulne hand-carved f r ft m n a fltted complete with mirror. All period ef fect!., fllzen IOjI.I. Ill )4. IL'xin, inx2ti. Prices ranirtnir from 111.00 up to H7.."0 for Inrite rolonlnl mirrors. 27xfi4. Stiinufncturrr Wholraiilrra Ketnllers Matthew Schramm & Son 39 North 9th St. Second Floor rlctnre Trames . Mirror Frame a Moldlnn Hnnd-Currrd Friunes Addrtts Paitenger Department UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 Daturr Place New'Yorfc nnvi nfflu. " 1 1S1 Stmts Street I Iloa ton, Mats. STKAMWHIP NOTirBS L TheCHARLES T.MEGEE Agents for U. S. Shipping Board Philadelphia to Greek, Adriatic & Black Sea Ports Piraeus, Patau, Salonica, Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fort Armitrons" Loading A Stsamer .....Jin. 1, 19Z1 Loading Berth: Sooth r Pier 78, S. W. For ratco and epaco apply to The Charles T. MVee Co. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Lombard 5100-1-2-3 Main S0BH Philadelphia to Gibraltar Valencia; Barcelona. Marseilles S S Ws ulitn Loading For rate and particular- apply to James W. Elwell & Co., Inc. 17 State. St., New York or The Charles T. Megee Co. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Lombard 5100-1-2-3 Main 308 rfmjke Caribbean Cupise A aa a a a A GREAT WHITE FLEET fiWHlTE STAR LlNEffl Nearby Sailings BALTIC, DEC. 24 to Liverpool OLYMPIC DFC 29 Cherbourg and Southampton j . .KILADELPti i. "! m qTHAMERIXiA RIO JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES S.S. "Lake Fannin" Sailed S.S."Lake Fagundus" Sailed S. S. "West Jaffrey" Jan. I U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamers Apply John S. Emery & Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Megee, Steer & Co., Agts. Drexel Building, Philadelphia Lombard 2208-2209 V ... ..-. JX.-..1. -,. .riv inrK"" iirrtr r.t.. Vorl. to I Werpoo! "lHfl ii-- 04I Patll. "r "! aaaf v,!' Jim. lFb. to lApr. ''" Inn. 38,' r"l,lo Ffli. .5Mitr. tS AMERICAN LINE .New lork Chrrhourc Nouthampton 1 ornmrnrlnit )fr, 31, York, .t f Irmouth anil rhrriinuric) .tl?n .,,d BecSllKeh. ft.MIar. 13 I zi",1 ,"n- . mlMnr. S I . ?a Jaii.S2Frb.2B.pr. s I an.!.." Ur Une Steamers n route I Ailinafp, I New York Ilamburs ... .. Direct Nerrlre I "ANTHCIHA J. m Feb. MrmK ,lnn :?Mar. 10 I'lilladelphlu Llierptiol Maryl.in.l rr,n, Vest Cherow jBn . "verford .Jam si riillndelplila Olusifow Nteamer i,,c 30 Vim o''rrow Jn. " "'"' J,oll .Jan. to Plilludelpiil nnurn . Pelterose Waurotiaa U'jithenn ourjt Houtliiiinpton Ailrlutlc Jan. iui en. ior. o Ner York via Itnatnii Axorea nibrnltnr Ni.i.'e. r.non gflV:r."V.v.v.-.ir-,i,VJ,Ar;s3 RED STAR LINE Nev York Cherbourir Soutliampton Antwerp (Coiiimenrlng; Der. 31. Sew- York. 1 ly- mouth. Cberbourit unil Antwarpl Kronnbimt ... Her. .tt'Keb. J Mnr. Ii Lapland Jan. 81 Feb. lr. 1 Finland Ian. I.MFeb. 10Mar. S Zeejand Jan. Sjfl'eb. 28.pr. S New York Hniulif rlu Ilnmburs; Tlilrd-rliiBH pneni:erN oniy. (iotblund "n. I2reb. 28 Philadelphia Antwerp I Auburi C- 82 ll..llMrn.M wmi. Victorious Wutliena Jan. IK Jan. 20 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE l'hlludrlpbln London Mnbnpiin Mackinaw .Iter. 24 .Jan. 21 la Hamburg- ..tt itrw ituirniPa 1 IMT nee. 30 tlULLAnu-rtmE,riv.rt .mi. rBn' ..J 1 Philadelphia Itiitterdum IDEAL WINTER CRUISES Uhlte Star Line 8. H. Mejcimtlc und American IJne . S. New York und M. I'aul. Lareeat, Mji,t romfnrtable rrul.lna: Steamer ICntlrely looted to CriiUe 1'nwi.Bera. vi.ul!Zrl'tlKitlrrtr& "2r,J" "f r"" " earf ol.l to 'JO dda-1an.. IVb... March. 1021 nii'.'nf iAn,lBU"".. "nrbl0H. Tnlm. DnmTnlra t.renud.i. Jamiilra. Martinique, New Orlrairia, I'liniiinn ''iinal. I'orto ltlco. M Iltl. M Vincent, Trlnldud, Vcneiurla. lrlu Inland, etc. A.k for delullnl lllnerurl.l. lNTKHNATIONAI. MFHCAM II 1". MVUINT. fOMFANY tenser Ortlrc. 1310 M'nlntit St., l'hllii 1'rclclit nmce. 40S-tll lloure lllds . Phlla. UNITED AMERICAN LINES lNroRPonvrrrn JOINT SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG SS KEROWLEE Doc. 22 SS KERLEW Jan. 4 SS METTE JENSEN.. Jan. 15 TllHOlKill 11ILL8 OF LAntNO VIA iiAMiiunn. lssui-n to All Scandinavian and Baltic Ports RATUS AND FCRTflF.n PAItTICTJIRa OV APPLICATION TO v""n INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Lifayells Bld. Tel. Lombard 3633 UNITED AMERICAN LINES 1NCOHPORATKD Freight Traffic Department 39 BROADWAY. NEW YORK TF.LKrilONH WWTKHAl.r. into 327 SOUTIiTa SALLE STREET CHICAGO CUMMINS LINES U. S. Shipping Bourd Steel Steamers Reffulnr Frcicht Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP S S "BONNIE BROOK' .Dec. 30 5 S "ARIZPA" Jan. 10 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN SS "GATEWAY CITY" Jan. 5 For space and rates apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 1.19 South llh St Pliila.. Pa. Lombard fl27-1128-5f!T : Main 1318 UNSON STEAMSHIP LINE MMMi It$immer,nowJn) tt S"fS Iwjgjj jfTlhSfc II nilMN If IV iMmnv- iMiiiiiHM. I ill lU'a o u w-ttmoricaj: iiiiiiiiiiiRr-' V I 111 lliljrVta Aft lllilllllllHIIIMIMtLWr'jANtinxi ra w IIIIIIIIIIBwx ''' I Cr''H''(fni,rBto I ftp iiitMet.iMs jJJ If Kcyirr Bld M " Kegular Exprejs, Passenger and Freight Service n. 1. to mo de Janeiro, Montevideo, Bucnoi Aire -Inn. lon I el. S. Mnrthii ii-lilMr;lnii. 1 ", -. iiumn. I r t ,'i. , ,1 1 Ster.min 1,1 I s N)ltl, u .,,,, ,; ui ! ,si ,, ,, ,(j , ,,, 'h I It M anil in m I . u -I or rule tinil iifinli-ul.ir ......1. to mi) riiKM-ntrr Abi-iic or to Ml'NSON STEAMSHIP LINK 2.)2 Heaver Street. New York Drexel Kuilditifr. Philndclphin ., Ballimore Mobile St Louii Conway Blda . Cbiciro .1.I1U Horhf ltcc.nl N. , tl t'.j Umtrn vu'"u DIXIE STEAMSHIP LINES pull, to nnisToi, ciiannki. pokth MANTIIKSTKIt AMi (IUM(101V IIIIIMTIII, M 8 UAVIDNON TOP.NTV ICipectnl Sail Uc HI. 1020 MANl'IIKXTKIi -flUHOOW- nillSTOI. S B SIONOMAC. Duo Lust Docembar S H PAWTUCKKT, Duo Burly January MUI'l'INd 1IOAHI) HATISH HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., INC. 4i5 KPAV17TTK llt'lLDIKil, lMIILADI'LI'llla Ua.kKK.vi .MtilrAmn NAWSCO LINES Freight Service Between PHILADELPHIA and LOS AN(JELES IIAH1IOU SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE. TACOMA, PORTLAND ' H'cet Hound steamer Kusi llnuml II r Hound .Sroi Ix)adlliiT Artltrnn I'eh. 1 Jan. I) A Steumcr Feb. 15 Jan. 13 Wcbt TogttB Feb. 28 I llnv ,1 Jan. 27 ....... Urush Mch. : .ej- -2 Yalza Mrlt.13 leb.18 ....West I.sleta.... Jan.la lor lliilen. etc , Amilj- to NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 13(i ,S. Fourth St.. I'hila. Phone Lombard 0791-2.a; Main :i2d2.a m U& aj 'J iY M w ly i m M ht. m -3fl I h l' - .. 'rwdL jelrtatfc,'Ot4-. i.yfibfvifftW