"iii VT "" i"- n-wi -, ff '-Wlf fj 'Vfw ' nt"TS('t " "'1'fi " -fvirywr -pny'-r t -r' '-"""if-i-i"j;si - ,L'fy f'SiS ' v f. V T' 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PmLADELPHI A, MONDAY, "DECEMBER 20, 1920 ....-..-"., K..ij.'i iiii .T7 I i I i "l 'I'TTl llll fli I i I tfn I ' I "V- ft. WILSON CANT STOP TO PROBE GIRL'S DEATH WHEATJMPORTS President Hns Limited Power to End Trading in Future, Com mission Finds HOUSE LEGISLATION URGED Young Wife of Alleaad Thief Nerv ous Victim Ni'lllo ((llli)!, Mild In be tlie wife of i Houliitnl Unll. now under urn-it n n i I'litiroli roflbcr, tiled nf linemmmln at , I lip liome of Jolm mid I'llznbotli Wnt- j son. on l'nst Thompson street. Int night. She wns found ilead In her rrumi. Police vny she wns nlso known a Nellie Hall. TrUle Hall. Helen Hen-dili-kn and Mnrle Tliomn Rowland Unit is eliareed nitli rolibinc St. l'nt- rlck's riinreli Inst Monday night. The Watsons were held as material witnesses, follow Iiik the report of the) soman's death to the police of the Kleventh district. Thej said they took her into the 1ioum last Thursila. when she aiipeulcil to them on the street, suj inc she was homeless, litiugry and pen niless. The Watsons will hne a hear ing before Magistrate Campbell today at the Kleenth district station. Kast (Mrard nnd Montgomery aenues. Bankers to Discuss 'Blue Sky' Law "Rlue sky" laws will be one of the important points con-idered at a meet ing of the State Ranking Code Com mission, to be held in this city after the holldaj.s. Members of the lommls for some time. Conferences will be slon will also discuss propositions rela tive to private banks, stockholders' lia billtv and other matters which have action is to be employed, the question j been previously considered. The drafts be considered by Congress and that 1 0f the proim-ed bills will not be ready legislation "not connected with wSr i held with (ommlttecs of interested as- By Mm Associated lrev Washington. Dec 20. -The Presi dent is withont power under existing law "to shut ntrt wheat imports." but he "apparently has certain powers under the Lercr net to stop future trad ing In wheat," tlw Federal Trade Om ruMon tnvs In a special report to President Wilson, made public today at the White Houe The commlcsion snvs that "while evidence is not avail able that future trading Is responsible for the decline in wheat prices, it does not appear that future trading In wheat as at present operating, it of Indisput able service to the grain trade." It suggests, however, that if regulatory Condition of Highways Lincoln highway (Trenton to ChombcrsburR) : Oood. except through Rucks county, where it 1h only fair. The Raltlmorc pike, through Kennett Nuaro and Oxford, is in good condition. William Penn highway (Kaston to Chambersburg) : All sections arc reported In good condition. About half an inch of snow covers the ground in Dnuphln county. Philadelphia and Reading pike: (Sood condition. Uincnster nnd Hnrrisburg pike: Fair in Lancaster coUnty ;.good In Pnujililn county. Probnbly fair weather, with little change In temperature; gentle vari able winds State Silk Workers Get Pay Cut Allentown. Pa.. Ice. 20. (Ry A. P ) Silk workers in this city and vi cinity face a cut In pay beginning Jan uary 1, according to nn announcement todnv bv the head of the city's largest mills. URSUS DOES THE SHIMMY "Collared" Bear Shakea a Wicked 8houtder at Zoo The dance craw haa reached the Zoo. A "collared" bear, the latest ar rival In the animals home, is nn ex pert shimmy artist. He is just a youngster but he shaken a wicked shoulder. Unnamed, except for the technical handle. I'rsus Collaris. he is supposed to have been born In the northern part of .Tnpan and U .have trnveled to "the land of the free" In n Chinese tramp steamer. m .....lni, (vivitaln vnn nolo the bear to Superintendent C Emerson Rrown, of the Zoo, insists the Infant prodigy became proficient by Imitating the Chinese crew eating Yoc-ko-mal during the voyage. The collared bear Is a vcrv rare specimen nnd according to Mr. Rrown is the only one in the Vnlted States. The hair on his body Is grav-black In color and long nnd shaggv. Just behind his brown head two light gray stripes circle his neck giving the appearance of a collar. A plavmate of the new arrival is Musty, a brown bear with a service record as an army mascot that many a buck private would envy. powers be enacted. The commission tells the President that becausr of the failure of the Chi cago Hoard of Trade to co-operate it was unable to obtain necessnrv in soclations The making a study of various states commissioners are "blue skv" laws in formation as to whether there had been I fcJflWIrWAWWWlArVWWW Inrge transactions in wheat futures of SJKflf Ei3 n manipulative character. Stf U As to the concentrated purchases of UT rITI?l VfHTn 3 wheat in this country by foreign govern- JSTW JllJIltM IUUK menu which hac undertaken to regu-I late at home flour prices irrespective of the price of wueat. the commission uc dares that if these purchases are to 5 continue "the desirability of the United I ! States meeting them through a selling J J orcanir.'itlon should be carefully con- J sidcred." CLERGY ASK CHILDREN'S AID1 f Ministers Urge Donations for Hun- ! gry Little Ones In Europe i j Clergymen of all denominations yes- ; terday appealed to their congregations 5 to entertain an "Invisible guest" in p their homes this Christmas season by . contributing to the nurope.in Relief ' Jj Council's S3n.00fl.000 fund to aid 3. g i'00.000 undernourished children of 5 Europe. rj Responding to a nationwide call to J5 rtrcaehers by the Pederal Council of the j. Churches of Christ in America, the pas J tors obscned the opening dnv of the 2 campaign by bringing the appeal to the 2 attention of their parishioners. They I J spoke on the needs of the children of i 5 entral and Kastern Kurone. telling how this call for aid has been given J priority by the eight largest uclfa.-c g organizations In America J All the speakers praised Herbert ,'toovcr, head of the American Relief S Administration, whose child -feedlug 5 campaigns in Kurope since tin- Armistice J hnvc saved 15,000.000 persons from p "turvatlon. ' fg Rotary clubs throughout? the country I J will lend their support to the nationally collertion of funds soon to be taken irr J 1 IIU 1JU,'JVHII ' I,, - .rui.... ll.V.'KI 5 7 7S amxxxxzxnxzwBsmsxxixamm Phonograph AT HALL'S The Up-Town Rcpresentuti Superb Fur Collar Overcoats as Gifts Really i Worthwhile! Reduced so as to afford you the .opportunity to purchase them below I their net cost to us ! THIS means, of course, that they are even lower in price than all the other merchandise in our Store which has been reduced to a flat PJays Any Disc Record IU two rarlnfttv fentnrfs the Ton Amplifier and l'ltnn hTe ltn II pr-rmlnrnt position to tho Jndi mtnt of mtiRleJii Giptri. Balance Easy Terms Prices, $125 to $310 WOULD UNITE WOMEN Pennsylvania League Plans to Con solidate All State Organizations Announcement Is made today thnt an attempt Is being mnde In this state to unite as many women's organizations as possible to promote legislation which women have alwajs favored and to pre vent legislation which they oppose. The organization that Is attempting to bring nbout this consolidation Is the Pennsylvania League of Women Vot ers, and plans for the organization were disclosed by Mrs. John O. Miller, of Pittsburgh, the chairman. "In Washington," said Mrs. Miller, "eleven women's national organizations have united under Mrs. Maud Wood Tark, chairman of the Nntlonal League, of Women Voters, for congressional ac tivity. They have formed a committee, the purpose of which is to pool the re- MMMMHHH sources of all organizations Interested In a specific measure, thffs gaining strength In favor of any proposed legis lation without duplication and without committing any organization to tha support of a bill it has not Indorsed. Something liko thi.s should be done In this sta,tc, nnd for that reason head quarters have been opened at 1000 Finance Rulldlng, this city, for the or ganization work," -- " Woman 8ue Another for $50,000 Atlantic City, Dec. 20. Sulf for $50,000 damages has been entered against Mrs. Lily Wood, proprietress of a Roardwalk novelty shop, by Mrs. Trucman K. Remington, of 0011 Roard walk, who alleges that Mrs. Wood alienated tho affections of her husband by tho use of "wiles, Arts and blandish ments." The Remingtons conduct a store n block away from Mrs. Wood's business. URGES "DRY" AC"! SUPPORT hlbl Former Prohibition Candidate Hits Brooks License Law "Make good In practical politics and Insist upon dry Judges for dry districts, dry mayors for dry towns, nnd honest police chiefs," urged John O. AVoollcy, former Prohibition party candidate for President, speaking for the nntl-snloon movement in the Cenrnl North Rroad .Street Church last night. "Violations of prohibition aro due t tho local authorities failing to co-oper-ato with federal enforcement agents. There is much violation In this weak and difficult time of the prohibition law," he continued. I.ZanlTalVt""..'a'Sll Oio constitution of tho United "taM Tho question nt Issue is not Hh'll toil nrn fnl- rV,ll,UI . . ,l.InW 'I but rather' wfllyou abide" Vt,,? on'1 stltution as a loyal citizen." n Premiers to Meet at Nice Dec. 2J Paris, Dec. 20. According to a'dii, patch to Lo Temps from Rome it ( stated In political circles in the Italian capital that Premier Olollttl will ta Rome December 28, for Nice, there to meet M . KvRues, president of tit French Council of Ministers, nnd Dnu Lloyd George, the Rritlsh prime Vnln. istcr. BUY FROM THE NAVY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -r-NEW ALTOS BARITONES BASS BUGLES CELLOS CLARINETS CORNETS CYMBALS BASS DRUMS TENOR DRUMS TYMPANI DRUMS FLUTES BASS HORNS OBOES PICCOLOS SAXOPHONES TRIANGLES TROMBONES BASS VIOLINS VIOLINS (FIRST AND SECOND) MUSIC STANDS Available for Immediate Delivery. Call and Sec Them COMMANDER STACKHOUSE Board of Surrey, Appraisal and Sala Navy Yard, Philadelphia Dickinson 6300 Extension 149 Something for Every Business See Tomorrow's Advertisement GIFTS That Last Diamonds always have their intrinsic values. They never go out of stylo. sot.iTAim: Diamond Rings $50 to $1000 In newpnt settings, Ira mnde ot nlntlmim top. Tfo line illnmonils nnd one iHinlne snn-phlro Now Ik-sign in iJO-Kt. White Gold Wrist Watches $75 to $100 We RUiirunttT them ell FLEXIBLE BRACELETS ARE GROWING IN FAVOR Here's Pw'rrrfj if 3e&FWfWTTf:sta OtheXH, Without Diamondf), in 11-Kt. Solid Cold $125.00 gggjffggg $35 Up Scottish Kile Rings WITH DIAMOND $48 to $500 tf?if"v -ryj Above Chestnut Street, Under Green's Hotel &?E Tli Uw 11 .1 .11 .1 1 JMlliiffilW $75 wWi r "s i'" P wBmWSaKKg iiH fM jPn Sacred Hours at Home 1 iMiraVMwr-wi 'a ,ca 'I 45 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. 20 off MYERS F. HALL, Inc- fca iffWViVV i'iaoh ruMKiis 2626 Germantown Ave. OtM Km. .r yz-?z-rzr it P lA OWi K EVA'(7.s XMAS GIFTS OF JEWELRY Our Confidential Credit Plan gives cash advantages, convenient payments and immediate possession. ASimora&Sojus 35SouIhI3,bSI. NcarWalnuISJ. :s""'ii"'fVT"'" -si'''JtJi-ii'. Here are the facts concerning them They are Seals, Beavers, Nutrias, Opos sums and others The $175 Fur Collar Coats I $1 ff are reduced to a round ( A VfV The $125 Fur Collar Coats I are reduced to a round ( IS v ffl Sizes 35 to 42. ;5 Fair Notice The Store's offer of 20 off all merchandise ends on Friday of ; this week Christmas Eve. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. ft 8 For Her Christmas Happiness While the avenues of human interest arc many and greatly diversified, one often yields willingly to the call of inner self and finds sweet pleasure in the soft, appealing strains of "Whispering Mope" and similar selections. The Brunswick brings this wonderful music into your home for tht family's betterment and enjoyment at any time. Christmas! Only one gift this year can make her wonder fully, completely happy and that is Frigidairc, the modern method of refrigeration by electricity. Frigidairc is a real cold storage plant for the home. "fl Think of a refrigerator that, once installed, you can abso lutely leave to itself and forget, secure in the knowledge that month after month, automatically, electrically, it will manu facture its own "cold" and afford you constant, perfect lefrigcration! That is Frigidairc electricity's latest aid to housekeeping. No iceman; no ice of doubtful purity; no ice shortage; no ice bills. Perfect refrigeration that prevents food contami nation, protects the family's health and saves money in the bargain. Frigidairc is the one electrical device "she" needs and longs for the last improvement needed to make her kitchen complete. Come and see Frigidairc. Let your wife examine it. Then surprise her by making it your gift. Frigidaire will make her Christmas memorably happy! r 1-1 H FRIGIDAIRE CORPORATION Dwutum of the General Motors Corporation 1627 Chestnut bt , Philadelphia, Pa. A Cokl Storage Plant for the Home An Ideal Christmas Present ttrutwuick Radiate Happiness and Good Cheer How comforting and satisfying is this means of indulg ing one's desire for old familiar hymns, just at the time when one is in the mood for them, and the encouragement they give. And what a splendid way to weld the links of family attachments and deepen the power of sentiment There arc so many beautiful selections by noted artists that every record collection should contain a number of them for the sacred hours at home. Exclusive Brunswick Features The Ultona All the needles necessary to play the three different types of records arc mounted on one remarkable device called the "Ultona." A mere turn of the hand adapts the Ultona to the differ ent kinds of records. No attachments. The Oval Tone Amplifier The full, mellow tones for which The Brunswick is so noted are partly due to the all-wood construction of the tone chamber, which eliminates those metallic sounds with which you may be familiar in other phonographs. The Double Drive Motor Exclusive with The Brunswick. Noiseless vibrationless unvary ing. Accurate as a watch. Winds easily and noiselessly. It is worm driven. Built on the vertical spring principle to avoid vibration. Select your Christmas Brunswick now while dealers' stocks are still complete Any Brunswick dealer will be plcaucd to show you The Brunswick and play the latest release of Brunswick Records. Brunswick Recorda can be played on any phonograph using steel, fibre or semi-permanent needles. THE0. PRESSER CO., 1710 Chestnut St. JAS. B. GILLIES, Broad and Susquehanna Av THE LUDWIG PIANO CO., 1103 'Chestnut St. MYERS F. HALL, INC., 2626 Germantown Avq PHILADELPHIA TALKING MACHINE CO., 809-11 Chestnut St. LIT BROTHERS KEYSTONE TALKING MACHINE CO., 219 S 52d St. KEYSTONE TALKING MACHINE CO., 1701 S. 7th 3t. HARRY BUCKMAN, 1717 Point Breeze Ave. These four Brunswick Records are particularly good Silver Threads Among the Gold (Dank) T,norSolo Hammond and Male Trio In the Gloaming Orred-lianUon) Contralto Solo . . . Elizabeth Lennox Avalon (JoUon'Rote) Fox Trot Isham Jones' Rainbo Orchestra Wishing Jont$) Fox Trot IihamJoneV Rainbo Orchestra A Perfect Day Jacob. Bond) Tenor Solo .... Mario Archer Charalee Macuahla (AacMarroogft) Ttnor with Ordiettra Theo. Karle Mavi (Harold Craxton) Tenor with Orchctra Theo. Karle You will also enjoy Virginia Rca'a rendition of "Old Folks at Home" THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER COMPANY, CHICAGO Mnnufkclurert Eitabliihed 1845 M7 $1.00 V327 $IX W002 $1X0 U006 $1.25 4 J lfffrt.fr . .-Vfcj'f'li'f ,,ijUlH 1.. -. -.qh,-. :.(.Ck.r rar.fcgagJWMA,tfife.w s 'fl "Mk. 'M E-k j- nf - ,