''"r-ypii i v?? F7 "WrWJ"' ri J f?W" '"" "'Iv v- jjl y.-rww-s i t 3T35T$T?W if' MAYOR 10 RECEIVE ! LEGION POST HEADS i JU. ' EVENiNG' fcUfettC LDGE'R-PHIirADEIiPlirA, MONDAY, KEOEMBEK SO, 1926 13 Philadelphia Commanders Are Invited to Now Yoar's Recop tion at City Hall GIFT BAGS FOR WOUNDED f.wrr Mooro will Invito nil com- mawlrrB of pouts of the American he lion to liio New 1'iar'n reception nt .Aiy nan. J. no coinmanficrd will bnve nn opportu nity to meet the Mnyor, the di rector!) nt the various city de partments und the members ot conn cil. Tho ChrlHtmnr committee of the Lesion will finish nil dctnlls of the rUu to dlstrlbuto Christmas glfts'hmoiis dlMblcd veterans In local hospitals Chrlstmns Dnr. nags filled with gifts of a useful character will be prepared tonight t tho department hcadqunrtcrs. It in estimated that the committeo will provide about 850 of these gift -bags in the city hospitals. More thnn $3000 hns fccn donated by legionaries for tho pur chase of the necessary articles, nccord lor to John W. Urock, Jr., the treas urer. K- !' Hngnn, of tho Thomas Roberta Heath (Marine) Post No. 180, who has been instrumental Jn perfect ing the arrangements, declared today that all committee members should ar range to deliver the gifts from state na3iiMrters to tho various hospitals. Philadelphia posts have now gone on Kcord as being J00 per jent in favor of the fourfold bonus legislation, except ing thnt the Urnjnmln Franklin Tost. No. 105, is on record as being opposed to the rush feature of tho bonus. Thf David W. Jameson l'nst No. 18.'! showed Its Interest In the bonus proposals by its large participation in the bonus pa rade. New officers will be elected by this post nt its meeting at 25 South Vnn l'clt street, Tuesday evening, Jan uary 4. William J. TUpton will continue as commander of the George A. Turner l'ost No. 14(1, for the next jenr. He Was one of the organizer of tills group of ex-service men. The other officers arc: Harry Hcrrsohaft, vice com mandcr; John Mcny, adjutant; Arthur Lamnrtinc, finance officer: Charles Mcroth, chaplnin; Clarence Ocsterrich, sergcant-nt-urms; Samuel M. Ildway, historian ; William l llagnell, welfare officer, and William 8. Locklmrt, pub licity officer. CAT BLAMED FOR DEATH Think Animal Released Gaff Fumei That Killed Master A cat, through Its playfulness, brought death last Saturday night to itself and its mnster. The police believe that some time during the night the cat pulled a rubber gas hose from a heater in the office where William McUermott, sixty-five jeurs old, employed In a livery stable at 751) North Urooklyn street, West 1'hlladclphla, was sleeping. McDcrmott and his pet were both found dead In their room early yester day morning. Tho body of the man was sent to the Presbyterian Hosnital and there pronounced dead. GEDDES WARNS U 1 OF WORD CRISIS Says English-Speaking Pooples Must Stand Firm or Civiliza tion Will Fall SPEAKS AT BANQUET HERE REVOLVER CONVINCE8 MAN It. F. Howard, 1535 Race street, re ported to police of the Fifteenth and Vine streets stutlon thnt ho was held up by a man at Sixteenth and Apple tree streets nt 12:30 a. m. today. He said the man pointed n revolver and told him to throw m his hnnds. Hnwnrd complied nnd was relieved of his pocket- boon containing aoout 57. An exhortation to the English-speaking peoples of the world to "hold fast, hold firm, hold together," to uphold civilization, delivered by Sir Auckland Campbell Ocddcn, British ambassador to the United States, raised the annual dinner of the New England Society of Pennsylvania to nn nffulr of interna tional importance. The dinner, held Saturday cvonln In the nellcvue-Stratford, probably the most brilliant In the society's history, commemorated the tercentenary of the landing of tho Pilgrims, ns well at the fortieth anniversary of the organization Itself. The principal address was made by Great Britain's nmbassudor, hllo other notables wlp spoke were (Jcnernl John CHRISTMAS cAnns. nnouH. mottoes Indian and Ilaggldy Ann Dolls Less Than Retail Prices THIS WEEK ONLY 098 Real Ktt Tnul Did, l'honei Walnut JSSt saMaHHHMnnaaaB ,. III wm Continuing Tomorrow Morning at 8.30 Hurry and Take Advantage of This Tremendous Factory Sale of SHIR TS 8C Dc to $3.00 Retailing at $2.50 to $7 NATHAN FAGGEN &SONS, ONE OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH - GRADE SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS, ARE OFFERING DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC AT THEIR FACTORY, S. E. COR. 11TH & RACE STREETS The Sale Will Begin at 8.30 A.M. and End at 6.30 Each Day Until the Entire Stock Is Disposed of These shirts on sale on the second floor, just inside the Eleventh Street Entrance All the materials including: Pongees Corded Madras Woven Madras Russian Cords Silk Stripes Imported Woven Madras and Fiber Stripes ure reduced to. prices far lower than today's actual replacement "osta giv ing an unprecedented opportunity not only for buying practical gifts, but stocking up at unequalci Ravings for the holiday wardrobe. These are only a few examples of the hundreds of similar savings that prevail: Included in This Sale We Offer At Less Than Wholesale Prices All NIGHT SHIRTS and PAJAMAS Extraordinary Values in Piece Goods A wonderful opportunity for the thrifty woman who can make wrappers, draperies, dresBea, anronB, house dresses, children's blouses, rompers, sheets nnd pillow cases. Price range from 15c to 85c a yard Included nro Fancy Cord Madras, Plain Cord Madras, Silk Strined Madras. White Pioue. White Corded Mndrns mid wfiitn r...il . . - iuuauiit . J. Pershing, Mary HoborlM Itluolmrt, John W. Weeks, formorlv I'nitul Still s senator from MnxsadniM Ms, an I Mt Maude Wood Park, nntimuil rn'ilrmni of tho League of Women Voter. Cyrus H. K. Curti presided nt the dinner, He Is president of tho New England Society of IVmimjIwiiiIu. The hotel ballroom was (decorated with evorgreens, Hlgnlficunr of ('luixtinnNiinii recalling the fragrance of the pine woods of Maine. The ItritUli and the American peo ples. Sir Auckland Oi-dde cald, must work together in nympatli. and close underntiuidlng to mivc the lowering structure of civilization from collapse. "That civilization," ho declared, "Is menaced, even today, from within nnd without. I bee of you hold fust, hold firm, hold together. If you of old l!iitf llfih stock were to falter, the ruin thnt has overtaken ItiiBsia would be jours and ours as well." In tho present emergency, he contin ued, France Is the only other nation that could have helped. I "But Franco Is spent nnd weary," tin nmbaKxador added, his voicn Hoft- onil.g, "and u generation of her men have died to piotect her, it is hue. but ulno the civilization of our two natlotit." Throughout hit add rein the ninlitiKin dor dwelt whimsically on his own Scotch ancestry and fiom that humor ously assumed innlngi1 point spoke In detached fashion of both the English ami the American people-". For tile ptllpose o the moment he coined a new word to decline the peo ple of Fngllsh stock, vthethci Ameri can or Hritish whose niicctrnl loots were nourished b. Britons, Uomuns and NoiRemen. The "Jfritronoids" was the word ho coined. One ot the deplorable traits of the "Brltronords," he said, was that they frequently allowed ntlur peoples to boss them, IntelleitunlK. urtlHtiwillv and politically. This trait, lie assumed, was perhaps due to Inlii'ii nt niolt'ht, but more probably to lnmcs. "Only six short jeurs ngo," he wild, "you allowed (ionium science and art to Influence your schools and jour na tional life J would lecomiiiMld to J our earnest xfltnlmitlon the question : 'Is any ono bossing jou now'' " General Pershing, the next speaker, told a humorous story which gained heortv nnd general lnughter. Mrs. Park's topic was "Woman's New Venture," (mil she discussed the part women are to piny in politics. Airs. Uinchart's address was u hu morous outline of several ulleged Hpeeches she had piep'ired for the oc casion. Hoars of laughter greeted her remuiks. Newspaperman Robbed Thieves brolii into th lirxt tlnor npnltmcnt lost night nt the Prj Apart merits, fill!.'! tlreeni' street, tin mm town, which Is nei upled by Oioige S i Seltzer, a new Spain r mini and stole jewelrv Mini clothing valued at inor' than 10O Everything About Cuticura Soap Suggests Efficiency 3op,Otntmnt.TWm,2C Tr7whT FoniimplM aHfMCiUflorLbcftoilt,l)p1 X.Mkidtn Un. " Ladies'Ribbon WristWatch Unc which we f.nar nntoe to kep ood time; with a high grade rectnnglo m o v n m ent, M-Kt. whito gold, IS jewel. l&wVil A vory hand- $0 .50 VWffV lomo gift.. O i Lichtcy's, 6 N. 11th St. '. Costt LtiM On llth St" aansonaBa Open Evening , , MIL ll W JJ KiStTSG.- tfton or Women 1 nn ulll Unit lirrn nil the latril tvlK In ntiprrli iiiinlltr nd niliprlnr "irl.ii.nn-liip ut prlcm l'ii iirr iKtiullv lixvrr lliun In 'kii'iJ nmli Mores. )pcn Man,, fri & Sat. Evt. Oocn a Clinrp.e Account I'nv Minnll Aiiionnt JVfckly LJEZtobiiV.fcZ io oav 4 SouiK 8ti Street,. -rrr-EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR TUESDAY ! Look for the Genuine Salt's Label in Every Coat II Illllllll npifl Elevenrh and Market. Streets Look for the Genuine Salfs Label in Every Coat MP . mu Scalskinctte Bchrintf Seal Fur Trimmed Pcco Plush Seal Plush NATHAN FAGGEN and SONS SHIRT MFRS. IN PHILADELPHIA SINCE 1885 FACTORY at llth & RACE Southeast Corner r m. m rw-'-mm- .itBkm nvsfr'.k iwj jz r? s. m.iitvj rtxi. ii-" -. u if x -. mms&iffl:imMW& x zmyfm$&&i!$z?, dm WW' IM mmsiBm SAL Bought at less than V2 price less than the maker's cost of material, labor and production alone. $virvs.$ "tfSSSSlv of Ike ivorld-famou$ Salt's fabrics the fabric that looks like Genuine Fur but u-.n better. qpftfW WPknty of Fetching Sports Models mFull Length Coat and Wrap Styles Every Coat beautifully lined with Sol Satin, Silk or Im ported enetmn. Fashionable full-cut models in the latest of inter models. TKNi-JI'rQ Large CoIlars and Cuffs of Skunk Opossum, X U.1 O Mouflon, Nutria, Kit and Sable Coney FIRST FLOOR ;CIAL!- 11 Salt's $30-$35 Coats RICH SILKY PECO , y nffi '.",-" i.,.,':Vftin tf'L-A .8 S MODELS vD::J yk& Larsre collars of fur, luU. I M tfiS ffl xSZtor lining., throuKhom. AJ? ck KSr Look for the Genuine Salfs Label Salt's $65-$75 Coats SALT'S BEIIRINr: AM) PECO SILK i?iy PLUSHES Kp Pwi'hly elariorati'tl with lartro tD fur collars and otitis. Silk W lined and warmly intrrhnod. tm M Extra sjiccial values. 2"' Salt's $85 to $103 Coats SALT'S SEALSKIN. E1TE, BE II KIN (J SEAL AND HUDSON &kl PLUSH V iiprjreoijsly fur-trim mod and si k lined. Truly, remarka able values. r tv7a vTnfiJ2r b. S jar l2fi' W E TUESDAY FIRST FLOOR I A A i a i i" ri5 i h i v& )i n m ,4 'A m i i .ti i J i ." 11 '"8 i 'xl ri Lii . i V ij ,i , 'Ji L',t I I . w - -- V HflflflHHHMMMHBMM :r4W.