WrwwwS Ti -" S F'iTfHtV" f I K' M- 32 !$ STOs ft i! V , nn f. 'Ill : u fc. I J I f fil t' Hi ' I 5 HI I ) 1 1 ' a. ;ld& " "wiftti .H i m.iill.i , hi t ii If) i ..', ,.., .1 .,,,,, n-r .' . ...-.i,,. ,...,. .t... t. i , , ''rr !)2iMBfcBMMLaaTr'rwan EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHirABEIlPIAV MONDAY, DECEMBER . 20, 1920 N. J. LEGISLATORS LAN OA N0U1RY Shortage and Price-Fixing to Be Discussed at Republi can Caucus GAS PROBE ALSO PROPOSED Kptcial THspntch to Everino PutUr T,n1otr Trenton, Dec 20. Hopiib'Icnn mom nrra of the now Ai'ombly nro srliolulod for n rnncus horo tomorrow to ptnn the work of tho RPslon. It is exportorf tfint n conference committee will be ap pointed to moot with a limllnr both from tho Sonnto Hepulillcnii" to nrransc the dot.llh of bills to bo prewnttil It U reported thnt mnnv Importnnt nmttert will bo taken up at thii oan rli', iimone thorn flip me to Invotl pntc tho nl'ocpil "lirirtacc of ooal In tho state nml whether or jiot there Is nny combination of price Ihers for thnt commodity in New .Terscx This rosn lutlon, which was Introduced Sena tor Mackny, of Hereon, In the Semite Inst Tuesday nnd passed by that body, was defeatrd In the House mainly throiiRh the efforts of Assemblyman Rowland, who maintained that the pro posed legislation was Imstlb drown: that the $10,000 nuthorlaed through It would be quickly spent with little or no resu't to show. He urged that the mat ter bp loft to tho lfCl session. Another matter that Is likely to bo put Into shape for earl action is tho proposed probe of tho quality and price of gas in Now Jersey. It is conjectured thnt tho new T,csi lature will favorably consider a "winc cllppiug" meosure directed nsnlnt Governor 1-dwards' power of nppoint inents. He has fllroad remoed the riopublicnn Stnte Highway Commis sion nnd has ordered the Republican Stnte PuMfc" rtilltles Commission ousted While ho has given what M'oin to lw on the surfnee good reasons tor bis notions, pnrti.ulnrl in ine cusc m the utilities commission, which wns ousted nfter charges t .1ito ( IM ami u henring before the governor, yet the Republican leaders mow the -ecutie s couri-e as purcl partisan Ibev be lie thnt his next step will be di footed iigulnst the State Hoard of Con trol of Institutions and Agencies, whose commissioner is BurileMo O Lewis an imnortntinn from New York elt Lewis s.ilnr is $10,000 n year The ehiince of the passage of nn blue laws lit the coming session Is ex ceedingly remote, it Is said. No doubt such bills will be Introduced, but man) of the legislators fool thnt the senti ment of the state Is ngninst drastic re strictive legislation ulong these lines, ilthough it is fulh expected thnt it resolution ' ratlf Ing the prohibition amendment, the repeal of the l'dwnrds' beer law nnd a fairly rigid prohibition-enforcement net will bo put through by the incoming Legislature. Roosevelt's Sister to Speak Re.iillng, li Die. 20. Mis. Co lime Roci-ovelt Robinson, sister of the late Colonel Roosevelt, will be the pnncipnl speaker nt n Republican vic tor) celebration here January IN. The n.h is to lie preceded by n banquet with plntos for 2000 persons. I'liltnl Sti'.ti- Seiintor ltornh also Is likely to be n spenker. WOMEN SEE I IE AS RESULT OF WAR Unemployment Aggravates Sit uation, but It Can Bo Met, Says Mrs. Martin MRS. NICHOLS AGREES to Mrs. J. Willis Mnrtln, of tli He publican women's committee. The Major bus only to link for the co operation of the men of rhllndci phin nnd u hundred thousand will be lendy to. answer the call, she mild. "First of nil we have n body of vol unteer police reserves as u relic of war days," said Mrs. Mnrtln. "These men could bo railed upon and organized within almost nn hour's notice, nnd If sttongcr forces i sre necessary there Is the locnl National (lunrd, nnd nftor thnt federal troops from nearby points." Mrs. Mnrtln declared l'hllnilclphln'n slttintinn wns not nearly so bad us thnt of New York, where iilread 25.000 volunteers have been called upon to combnt crime. "This xiolenec nnd outlawry' soys Tin,,;; : ,'.' ::;:: --,.tS. I ' - 'W s " Winter Foods proiwrlr ehon and skill fulh irnirsl to lit nur iiriil In Ulnttr time, s'rrnctlirnlne unci rctrrsh Ins. Mfnu Chnncnl Dnll 35-37 South 16th Cm D SilturiUlj I lift FtlC Distinctive Lamps for Gifts Beautiful hand-wrought designs done in soft colorings and old silver. Mahoimnv amos. raintei lamps and Alabaster Urns, mounted with beautiful silk shades. The Horn & Branncn Mfg. Co. Makers to the Critical and Exacting 427-33 North Broad Street "A Short Walk Along Automobile Ron ' fTTi' wyTl ry- rvi Jll iCCM J : ""i- "Save Six ?'' Operations y&ti&HHtikl Every Time WrWd You Shave" Wm sr Feeds Soap as pqa It Lathers VM . I, uXIIlt-.. yV 5S?-$ tor 10 t'" i fy V I LATI I KR DUUSII J "a'J j-mgg '-"v vi: iaxe DitrsH co, rhiia A igllanco committo". 100.0001 strong, if neces nry. Is rondy to form In this t to combat the tlnily nnd nlghtli otitingoi of bnndlts, according Men& Women Suits Bring your own materia to have it Custom Tailored. Wc Charge $15 For Our Labor This is the best way to j cut your clothing cost in half. We will make you, a I garment that will please you and guarantee you ! satisfaction or money back. I Standard Tailoring Co., Inc. Tailors for Men and Women 1215 MARKET ST. Est. 1911 Vvr1 2nd Floor V, Mnchtd, Mgr. .niM.V MO.MIW & SAT'Y EV(19.r. rjentox will stop tootlmch t rne without Injuring or blliUf ln th gums F.nriV.7 admin latered to children nnd tMthlne babtea. Tuothsche utopvtd whlll In drug atcra or monty will no! bo accepted. Sold at all drugrlit. Munufuctiirrd ! the Moutliera Chemlcul I'rudurti Co. ltOt I!. Monumrnt HI.. lUIHmnrt. Md. Sirs. iMnrtln, "Is nn nftcrinnth of war, Jiggrnvnted In the Inst few months by Uiercnslng unemployment nnd unrest." The speeding up of court justice ns a deterrent to crlminnls In the present crisis wns ndvoented by Mrs. Imogen 11. Onkloy. "It Is the ccrtnlnty of punishment that keeps tho crhnlnnl down," she said. VIOLINS IDEAL GIFT FOR YOUNGSTERS AND GROWN UPS IE YE It 1219 ARCH ST. XWJV ( M PAC KARD aaBg3aHilJaaaW ra & No motor car ever came to market with so rich and impressive a tradition be hind it as is behind the new Packard Single -Six It is, in every particular, as is every other Packard, the kind of car the founders of the Packard Company would themselves wish to drive Drafted into its design, forged into its structure, alloyed into its very steels are those factors of superb and trustworthy serv ice that have distinguished the 70,000 earlier Packards that preceded it We invite you to see this new Packard, and to learn by personal inspection how remarkable a value has been accom plished in this moderately priced can Packard Motor Car Company of Philadelphia J 19 NORTH HROAU STKEKT W i Ciirndrn llllmJnrt'H. ItrlllUIirJU Willi imiLHjrt UuiuUii" HurrKhuric Miinttr TltJ The Packard TwitrSix Touring .$6000 at Detroit The Packard SiriRle-Six Touring $2975 at Detroit dsh, the man -who owns one u )L ' IJL IF TIIIJV WON'T WOttK 1VB RRI'AIR Tlllllt Batlnfadlon Ounrantccd Clothes Wringers, Carpel Sweepers Washing Machines, Vacuum Clo.mcrs E. G. FORD CO. lftl N. fllli HI. rhtln.. Pa. iMMMMaMMMMMMMMMMMMiaMMH "Conditions have becomo so bad that the freedom nnd liberty of men nnd women citizens hnvc been endangered. Mnny honest persons nre actually afrnld to go out on the city's streets lifter dark." Mrs. Qeorgo Woodward, of Chestnut IIlll. urged the Immediate abandonment of ttie ostentntlniiH wenrliiR of Jewelry DTC U m G'O Will Make Your Hair J Rcauttful and Fluffy Vot Hllfkr nnr (lrcs I"nr Hslr br HnilT and Pfpniimfnt Hlnrcs. I B1EG MFG. CO., Inc. 031 Clirstmtt Kt.. Milln. . 25c It nnd tho foolish dlspiny of large tM of money. "Si.i nr hns chenpened humnn lfe ,.. has taught mnny young men that l. lence N nn ordlnnrv thing, said Mrs m S. Prentiss Mchols. ' " FOOT AND UMB Instantly rpllfvtd IT our ifcll arch supiiqrts. nttcU and iljustrd by . xrf rli Kliistlc Ilonlrry, tho moat romforuiiig auppoft for nr. foa.. vein, swollen llmtia, wiatt Un,fj nnd nnklt9.( Trucic-B, nlldomlnal iiiKi niiuciia mm. K...B... . n i.,. ' tuners wi nn nmiio. Larecei manuf. I jurors of deformity nppllancoa In th ,?" I l'hllndrtptiln (Irlhopfillr Co., 4D N. 3th 5 I f nn, nml kpf.ll tnr rnfn...... " ", I " "" ...-. ,uc . i- jfc A' S' c. rO ASCO ASCO A S ,c o A' s- re o 4 c Oi Best Yellow Onions Quality the flneat. . m "prKnElV'v , HCteJjp'trt " '' WV" WJIJ .ww 2 gl-OHES ,C2k H i1 ( 1 " '' ' ASCO - -i . . . ASCO "ASCO" jMc Mince Meat ib j Huy today wliut ou will need for your Anion pics. The Shortest Way By our Producer-to-Consumer Plan, wo act afc the connecting link between the farmer, the miller, the canner, the packer, and your table. We bring your goods to you by the shortest way, and the savings we are able to effect by this method are reflected in the low prices at which we sell our high quality groceries. Wlvat would groceries be costing today were it not for the "Asco" Stores? A S C O i A" s-c O A S C 0 -A '2 x A' S- c. 1 A S C A S c. 6 U s c. r A s c 0 A' c O i A S c Oi 'A 'S c o i c o A s c.i 6 A -S c o GraiiuSated Sugar ib. 8C H-..-.HtM..t..M.t.tti,t,4a.t.,t.tt Ihi . ..-... t".t....t...4..B..t.t,..w.t. twH.tfc.t .,l.,t. What You Need to Make Your Christmas Dinner a Success! i V Atmorc's Plum Pudding can It. & R. Plum Pudding can Best Mixed Nuts lb Very Best Walnuts .lb Best New Filberts lb Fancy Calif. Almonds lb "Asco" Ginger Ale bot "Asco" Maine Corn can "Asco" Sugar Peas can UOc, Fancy Seedless Raisins pkg New Pack Currants pkg Fancy Glace Citron '2-lb can Best Pure Jellies glass Temtor Preserves jar Curtice Jams. . , jar 32c, Assorted Fruit Jams jar Princess Salad Dressing bot Cooking Herbs ' pkg Sweet Marjoram pkg Golden Persian Dates pkg Best Table 1-igs pkg Fancy Seeded Raisins pkg 39c 34c 25c 30c 17c 35c '10c 18c 23c 29c 23c 30c 10c 38c 37c 19c 29c oc 8c 20c 13c 28c Canned Fruits for Xmas Highest Quality Low Prices Calif. .Sliced Peaches can 25c Fancy Calif. I'cacheH, bip can 35-39c Calif. White Cherries, enn 25c, 45c Fancy Calif. ApricotH can 25c Hawaiian Pineapple. . .can 19c, 29c Fancy Apricots bijf can 40c Extra Fancy Peara big can I5c ,0.. .9 "-"-- Fresh Made Candies Fox Trol Chocolates lb 40c Chocolate Mixtures lb 40c Hard Candy Mixtures lb 33c Clear Candy Toys lb 30c Cream Mints pkf? 12'ic f-t"t -t--t t tj , t t ii,ii,ii iii 1 , ., ,. t-f t m,i................. i. . , FRESH FRUITS o"aJgt25.c33:3o:50c 7C,12; Thin-skin Crape Fruit each , Choice 3 Annloe lbs 15 Best Pure LARD 20c nst npi-n ki'ttlo rendered Inril. to li linit nny win re. None better Vs5" SSSS' FLOUR, LM 70 None better for nil kinds of linking, lie sure 10 nny piioiikii for your Xmns bnltlne. Don't Spoil Your Xmas Dinner by nervine onllmiry eoff-if. Ohipclnlly when the delicious "Asco" HIpihI Is only 2(c nor lb Vnn ran jmv 4uc. JBc or ."illc por lb. i-lHnuhere nml iirnbuhly not Kft na uooil colTei-. In "Ahco" Illend, yon net hluli iiuiillty ami low jirli'o (omblnoil "Asco"Jrw .. A uiict:ib2 "Tantr lh illrTerfncf?" "Asco" Blend Teas ib 45c i .. ... , ''. ,b,,)kK 2;,c: ' lb P,B 12c A r. . l'l'",,do1"Khtfnl lilamln to elioosc froirsr Tlaln IllaeKMIxerl ronntr; "pli-. Imlm ( evlon and, Omni;.- 1'cUoe-whlcli iln you prefer' t llliii. llnLliiv Chocolate ;u 7c Soup I uil(" for .V nt-t,a.,ai,aHtitaH,.a.a.. ampbirn Mutton T ran C uc .1 rani tor VUic H -..-- .-t..-MMt-..Mw,MMw k Ilt-ACnU(t I htiffi Sutrnr Flour i,h' 20c Corn '""10c "GOLD SEAL" Caiion One dozen of tin- Inmost, mentivt and freshest pkks 'ou t'ver. ntu, in cacli enrton. Every ejrK KU'imntceil. Eggs 85c Selected Eggs z They're "egges ou can bo mrc of -tl Butter lb 65 This delicious butter makes friends and keeps them. Try it you'll be convinced, too! "Tnle It!" Richland Butter 58c A pure 1 1 raincry print butter, rcinnrkuhlo i.iluo nl Sfic per lb. ft' Tk a b Only the Finest Ingredients nre uhcd In the dellcloui "Victor" llreacl. That fuct, mupleil i' Ith the Hklll of our bnkcr, Is tho reason for It's exception 'ly lino quality. It'a u "dlffcreut" brejd. "Victor EAD MA)WIJW Good bM? Loaf ffl iliHilren tlirlfe on It. These Prices in All Our 176 "Asco" Meat Markets City-Pressed Fork Chops or Roasts ,b 25c BEST CUTS, II) 30c Thick End Rib Roast b 25c Best Cut ulmg ih 32c Lean Soup Beef b 15 Lean Hamburg ii, 3c All Smoked Mams ib 29c Honeless Breakfast Bacon b27c Fresh Beef Liver 15c I Ns'te Sliced Bacon Pug22c "Asco" Stores are located all over Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland . itii ,,i iti ,. i.i hi .ti ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASCO ASC0 M - -- -- -' -- -- -- - -- - ' ' LSu55Iyl