U&Wwm jMRrV " ' - jt 7"f(fj; " i , uu ? . - ' h Tv-v--f"i-Br t . --"v r 'A' j ."-vi,? 'Tfi'y . -" vji , ' .- - ih .&f.v 1 A2fm , I rniAil in ILL FORM NEW COUN IY BODY Representatives of 76 Pests te Meet January 18 in Chamber of Commerce R4DreipnfltfvtM est fkn nvAnfv'.biv fPOSts of thn Amrlinn Tirlnii i, VMIn. tlclphla will meet January 18 In tlie Chamber of Com Cem Com mcrce nMembly room, te erRnnlru the new county committee. De partment Oom Oem Oem mender David ,T. Dnvh Issued tlic rail for this con ference today, llMl I II H J aaM.l and sixty delcfates from tlie local pest will attend. Tlie 1 eyrescntatlen la en .P.Ml. ' .oae ler ncu Pst aud nn additional delegate for each 100 phIiI iip members. Pests nre urzed te selt-ct tnelr county ropreieutatlvg nt eiicc and report their names and r.ddrMtg te ttate headquarters. The flrrt duty of the conference vrlll b te select such oemmlttoss ai it decmi advleable. Permnnent orcanizntien will fce, eaeetcd at n later meeting. The temporary organization of the commit tee will be perfected, however, prier te the date of the nxpiratien of the len$c ?? pr,?f ,nt county headquarters, se that it will be poeslble te continue these headquarters. It Is problematical ai te who will command the greatest frcngth for the chairmanship, although there nre a number of mplrnnts for the efficii. Following are the pest which will have the largest reprenutn reprenutn tlen in the new cemmittee: Tlcnry H. Housten-Post, Ne 8, dor der dor mantewn, nine delegates; Walter M. Priced With IcvJr.fcSJ Because Priced Only One Profit - Less 15 In Our Semi-Amiual Sale Of STYLEBILT Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats $35 less $5.25 new $2975 $40 less $6.00 new $3400 $45 less $6.75 new $38.25 $50 less $7.50 new $42.50 All Other Prices At Same Proportionate Reduction FIGURE it out before you pay out! Yeu save mere money by getting 15 off the Maker's Lew Price, than by getting 50 offseme Retailer's High Price HAND-TAILORED s ALL WOOL MONEY BACK v Hilten Company 1211-1213 Chestnut Street Clethes Sheps in Principal Cities NtWARK NEW YORK BROOKLYN i ljUUl i W nTlHl'TlTii mm m hiimih ni mmtmm i nt"""""l 'III H'frfWWTTP"Ttl'llimMMf TBft'BfB I r .flJfSRffSsWWOflKiWTif? I JJl 4. M3'ITOiwWlll2M?n'rill1 I I Htrawhrldg Cleihirr -V If .mUSIMMtmWrrAUV.XmKA'trim-J I nH I KKrWUKSLLKriMWen reMiiW!ai I. ewunu ioer. Lrilic. Kat . : . y . MSmmiX&M&flV- gjffftgajg?MEffi!aHa . - .imm euiwvi jwuhtu sthert FILBERT STREET Ocnrty l'est, Ne. 315, six delegates; llcnjnmln FrntiMIn Pest, Ne. -103, six delegates; All-Navy Pest, Ne. 107, live delegates; Frnnkfenl Pest Nn. 211, HVe delegates; Prince Ferbes Pest, Ne. 7, flve delegates; Unrry K. Ingersoll Pest, Ne. 174, four delegates; Them.is Rob erts Heath (Marine) Pest. Ne. IPO, four delegates: .Tnmes J. Bnrry Test, Ne. 811, four (lelegates. Charles .f. O'Neill baa ben re-elected as commander of the Cunningham -nschcr l'est. Ne. .'135. lie Is n wounded soldier who Is new receiving voentiennl tinlnlmr, and Is ene of the Legien's best workers. tnneuncint Special Oldsmobile - "Shew" all this week DAILY AND EVENINGS featuring the new Olds Four Don't Mist It LARSON OLDSMOBILE COMPANY 800 N. Bread St. i SAlffiisLriTJ7JTsirifij-uisLrLnJ-isz t By The Predttcer TIG PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO EVENING? PUBLIC Music and Tableaux Saturday at 9.30 A. M. Wc suggest that you be here befere the singing be gins come te the Second Fleer, and get as near the plat form as possible, te get a geed view of the CheruH in pie turesque costume, and of the Tableaux and Stercopticen pictures illustrating the various musical numbers. CIIOKUS "Tlie Morning Stars Sang Together," "Tlie Angels' Seng," "'Tis the Time for Mirth," "Seng of the Christ Child," "Unfold Ye Portals." TABLEAUX Prophecy, the Annunciation, the First Christ mas Mern, the N'fcw Men, the Nativity and Christmas Chimes. Economical Gifts of Unusual Charm in the Linen Stere The ingenuity of man In mnklng machines that closely lniltate the hand-work of skilled nccdlewerkcrs, in forcefully demonstrated by thcae beautiful lace pieces. They are clever replicas of real hand work, yet marked ab for below cost. These nre reduced prices C5c and 75c LIncne-ccntre Scarfs, trimmed with lnce In Cluny or iilet effects; size 17x30 inches 50c $1.25 Llncnc-centre Scarfs, trim med with 3-inch border of Cluny-efTect lace; size 18x50 inches $1.00 $1.25 Linon-cenlro Scarfs, trim med with deep band of hand. I-V peltry Jf . jflillev ifaneg Are sold in Philadelphia only at this Stere. Stnuvbrlds ft Clettilr Tlfth l'loer. Wait Gelden Special Te-morrow DAII7fW f (IiD)31ff W At$ An ideal gift for n bride or any practical housewife! These are from one of the best manufacturers cabinet-made, beautifully finished, of ample size, and ene style has bliding tray. Werth at least one-third mere than this Gelden Special price $29.25. "S-- Strawbridca & Clothier Third Tloer. intre Fer Outdoor and Indoor Sports Hundreds of gifts in the Sport ing Goods Store for levers of athletic sports Ice Skates $3.50 and $1.00 Skating Shoes $8.00 and $9.00 Qutlits of Skates and Shoes $10.00 and $12.50. Alse Skate Straps, Knitted Caps and Heckoy Sticks, Sweaters of all kinds. Gelf Bags $1.50 te $30.00 Gelf Balls 60c te $1.10 each Reller Skates, surfacc-bearing $1.65; ball-bearing $3.30 Air Rifles $1.25 te $2.30 Beys' and Girls' Bicycles Feet Balls $2.25 te $12.00 Soccer Balls $6.00 te $15.00 Basket Balls $7.50 te $20.00 Boxing Gloves $6.00 te $17.00 Striking Bags $3.00 te $20.00 FOR MOTORISTS Silk Plush Robes and fringed Robes at reduced prices handsome gifts Thermos Bettles, Flash-lights Lunch Kits with bottles Trapeze, Swinging Rings, nori neri nori rental Bars, Rowing Machines; Striking Bags, with Disks; In dian Clubs and Dumb Bells fitraiihrMse ft Clothier Teurth Fleer, Market Street Silk Underwear Dainty, Gift-like Women will enjoy cheesing gifts of lovely Undergarments of satin or crcpe de chine among these. Seme exquisitely trimmed, many smaitly tailered: Night Gowns $1.75 te $22.50 Knvelope Chemise $2.95 te $8.93 Petticoats $1.95 te $14.75 Bodices $1.25 te $4.75 Pajamas $6.50 te $37.50 Bleemers $2.95 te $6.25 Jersey Silk Vests $2.95 te $6.25; Bleemers $5.25 te $11.75 Fer the Gift at $1.00 A rcmarjcable let of White Nainsoek Envelepe C h e m i s e, daintily trimmed. Btrawbrldge . Clothier Third Fleer. West Beys' Shirts Many at Reduced Prices Practically-inclined gift seek ers, with a useful boy'e gift in mind, will be interested. $1.75 Fancy Pcrcale Shirts, ulUi neckband $1.25 $2.25 Fancy Striped Madras Shirts, vith neckband and turn-back ctifTs $1.75 $2.75 Mown Stripe Madras Shirts, ith neckband and turn-back cuffs $2.23 $3.00 Woven - stripe Madras Shirts, with turn-back cuffs and scpnrate cellar te match $2.50 $1.75 Shiits of woven-stripe Mad ras and of MadraH Uth fiber silk stripes $3.00 1 QSV,iJild,' , Clothier Second Fleer, Cerilie, IUH 1 r I LEDGER- VBICAXmLVmX, FRIDAY, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER THIS NAME ON A GIFT PARCEL GIVES ASSURANCE OF THE STERLING QUALITY OF THE GIFT made Cluny lace; 12 inches round $1.00 $12.50 Lunch Cleths, 72 inches round, with inserts of filet modalllens and trimmed with wide Cluny-effcct lace $10.50 $G.OO Lunch Sets, consisting of G glass and 6 plate doilies and one centrepiece; all trimmed with filet-effect lace. IJexed $5.00 . Strawbrldce tt ClethUr Aisle 1!, Centre Plaid Skirts Values $15.00 te $22.50 new $10.00 and $15.00 Womcn-like the rich, dark color tones of plaited Plaid Slrfrts like these. A few in stripes. Many would appreciate them as gifts. filrmvhrMge & C lethlcr Sacend fleer, Gilbert Stret Twe Hundred CEDAR CHESTS A Great Saving 29 Girls' and Misses' Apparel Ready for Christmas Gifts Girls' Party Dresses, $13.00 te $29.50 .Fluffy Frecks of e?cpe Georgette, chiffon or taf feta silk, in pale pink or blue, rose and mate. Sizes 8 te 1 1 years. Thoughtful gifts, these quaint Dresses. The model sketched $19.50. Girls' Serge Dresses, $7.50 Smart belted styles with full skirts. Of navy blue or brown serge, stitched or embroidered with colored silk. Sizes 10 te 14 years. Intermediate Girls' Coats, $21.50 Warm Winter Coats of navy blue or brown chev iot. Bex-plaited and belted, with fur cellars and decerathe pockets. Sizes 10 te 10 years. Misses' Winter Coats, SPECIAL, $29.50 Full-belted models of cheviot and two-tone cloaking. Lined te the waist. Sizes 14 te 18 years. .1 gift suggestion. Misses' Fulwoel Suits, SPECIAL, $27.50 and $29.50 Sports mpdels in cadet blue, brown and green heather mixture. Belted jacket with inverted plait, many silk-lined. Mis&es' $:J9.e0 te $55.00 Suits, $35.00 te $15.00 Smart winter models of velour, silvertone or velour de lainc. Tailored Suits or belted styles, beautifully trinuncd. All with convertible cellar and silk Lining. Mbses' Coats and Wraps, $15.00 te $65.00 All of fine velour de laine. Ceat3 nre plaited and trimmed with fancy stitching. With belts and convertible cellars. Soiue of the graceful, silk-lincd Wrnpi are fur-cellared. ?v- Strawbrldc it Clothier Second rioer, SlarUet Street nnl Cntre Gift Gloves for Everybody ! Fine Gloves are always numbered among useful gifK Why net uuy wiusu au your gin use new, trem Women's 8- and 1 2.1m t fan French Kid Gleves, in white, black, tan, brown, gray nnd mode 50.30 te 9.00. A omen's le". and 20-button French Kid and (Jluce Moves, in white 58.50 te $10.50. Women's 2-clasp French Kid Gloves, black and white $2.50 te 55.50. Women's -'-clasp French Kid (!Iecb, in tan, brown and gray $1.50 te $5.15. AN omen's 8-button Capebkin Gloves, in white, champagne, brown and tan $8.00. AA'einen's 1-clasp Black Cape skin Glecs, flannel-lined $1.50. U-- BtmwbrliJr $15.00 Weel Comfertables, $10.50 The best of wool filling, with a scroll-titvlied Florentine, cov ering, in desirable plain colors. A gift that, appeals te theso 'who appreciate duinty bedfurnishings. fc&-V Strwbria & Clcthltr Alii 11, I'llbeit Etrt x-i r nnn) Sma11 Bey' f , HI WlWack Rubber Raincoats $1.75 and J Cordlirev Straw hrlds 4 Clnthlfi Te-morrow Should Be the Tey Stere's Busiest Day Be Early! Last Saturday was the greatest day in the history of this Tey Stere. To-merroV should be even greater, as wc still have ample supplies, and thousands of Santa Claus' aides have learned of the advantages of buying here. A FEW OF THE MANY HUNDREDS OF LOTS OF TOYS AND DOLLS AT REDUCED PRICES lilViyHBSIIlH y Turn f ' rrAl rjOLiL.'vCi ulK cat.. V?VtVlilJ FQUvl flj. y I ? A kJ' 1 p?A si Ml tw Five-pound Bexes of Candy, $2.95 A special let of 300 live-pound bexc? of the geed, old-fnshiened Candy se necessary te the real Merry Christmas bonbons, chocolate-covered creams and hard centres, nougats, etc. very excellent value at $2.95 a box, Gift-boxed Bonbons and Choco lates or asserted Chocolates nt 70c u pound. Novelties and Favers te be added te the stocking, at prices from 5c each te 35c. Filled Stockings 10c te 83c. Mere TravelingBagsat$6.50 Mm The manufacturer tells us that thii selling price is Ichs than the manufacturing cost. An opportunity te save almost one-half en a line gift. 5 - 4S' among these fliier kinds.' Women's L a in li lr I n . linml Gauntlets, in cordovan $13.50. AVemcn's I.ambskin-lincd Black Gauntleth S7.20. Misses' 2-clasp 1 tench Kid G lines, in tan, brewi, bl.uk and white $1.50. Misses' 12-butteu Bhick Kid GIecs, self nnd white 1'aris Point switchings en backs $0.25. Men's 1 .button and 1-chisp Buckskin Gloves in gray and tan $1.50 (e $G.50. Men's 1-clasp Buckskin Gloves, fleece-lined $6.00. Men's 1-clasp Buckskin Gloves, regular knit-lined $0.50. CletliUr Mtts 12 ana 13, JUrk.t Street Wash Suits $2X15. k or. l A If i f stiff JJlk IIP Tan Rubberized ftninennts R.vOK fa in7S KlllpJtprhnrUnrs nmv 1 O": fvcem Fleer. Vllbcrt Street DEOeWbERvIT, 1920 Sj Hand-painted Tin Bexes, te be filled with our fnmeus asserted Chocolates, or Chocolates and Bonbons 35c te '$1.50. Four-pound Fruit Cakes $3.23 aluc, special at S2.73. s StrawbrMee . Clothier Bailment Anether special purchase of 100 of these fine Tnucling Bags. They aie of GENUINE BLACK COWHIDE, in the much-admired cobra-grain; with sewed edges and corners, heavy handle, geed lock and hammer catches, and are lined with mercerized poplin. They are in the handy 18 inch size. Str-uvbrMffe fi. Clothier Als'e R Centre Geed Clothing at Savings Which Many a Man Will Welcome at This Time! The sharply reduced prices throughout our entire men's Clothing- stocks help relieve that "Christmas" pressure en the pocketbook. Ne need te let Christmas shopping inter fere with your selection, either, for stocks are conveniently arranged and there are plenty of salesmen te assist you properly. Outstanding value groups : Men's $45.00 te $55.00 Suits new 325.00 Men's $62.50 te $67.50 Suits new $31.25 Men's $75.00 te $S0.00 Suits new $37.50 Stein-Blech, Hart, Schaffner & Marx and "Alce" Suits plentifully ropiescnted m the above groups. Fracticnlly all sizes in all propor tions. ' ' Overcoats That Were $40.00 te $90.00 new $23.50, $33.50, $44.50 and $54.00 Ulsters, Ulsterettes, conservative and smart form-fit tinir styles ler the season 1920-1021. A ucalth of warm fabrics handsomely patterned. J Fur-Lined Overcoats That were $175 new $95.00 That were $225 new $125.00 That were $250 new $175.00 rlhat weie $275 new $215.00 Th.it were $150 new $215.00 Raincoats That were $11.00 new $7.75 That were $13.50 new $10.75 That were $22.50 new $17.50 $15.00 Gabardine Coats S3G.00 $50.00 Gahaidine Coats? 12.00 -- Beys' Triple-Service Suits at Half Regular Prices Yeu can buy a line gift with what you save I The nationally famous "Triple-Serici" Suit, of all-wool cheviets, with double seat and knees, and all seams double-stitched at just ene-half the former fair price.-.. Sizes 8 te 18 years Beys' $27.50 Triple Service Suits $13.75 -Boysy $30.00 Triple Service Suits $15.00 Beys' $35.00 Triple Service Suits $17.50 Beys' $10.00 Triple Service Suits $20.00 OTHLR UNUSUAL VALUES ALSO AVAILABLE $27.50 Jack O'Leathcr Suits heav $13.75 $13.50 and $15 Suits neAv $6.75 and $7.50 rSy Stranbrlde, A Clothier Boen4 Fleer, FIIbrt Otreet. Raat Strawbridge Lf t mwn P'Pnniwn -..... t , V "" e $25M and $27.50 Larac-slzc Dell . Coaches $18J00 and $20.00 $33.50 Lionel Electric Train Sets $25.00 $25.00 Lionel Electric Train Sets $19.50 $15.00 Hair-covered Hebby Horses $12.00 $7.00 te $9.00 Kaby Dells new $5.00 Bowling Alleys special nt $1.75 Beys' $2.00 Teel Chests new $1.65 Liberty Gun Game new $1.25 Dells' Stroller Ge-Carts and Conches spe cial nt $5.00, $6.50 and $8.00 $3.50 Mechanical Train Sets $2.00 $2.50 Tunnels for Train Sets new $2.00 $1 "Bringing-Up Father" PaintJng Sets 75c 51.00 and S5.00 Express Wagons $3.25 and $4.25 Kcllcy Slides, great cxercise for the chil dren $27.50 and $52,50 10.00 Merry-go-round Sec-Saws $8.00 1.50 Teddy Bears new $2.75 S'J.OO Cnrrem Gnme Beards $0.75 Rapid Fire Cannen at $2.85 2.00 Blue Bird Aereplanes new $1.50 58.75 Hand Cars new $6.50 $2.50 te $9.00 Blackboards $1.75 te $7.50 Tree Ornaments new 3c, 5c and 10c each CHILDREN'S AUTOMOBILES Many beautiful models; were $12.50 te S50.00 new S10.00 te S39.75. StraTibrldira & Clelliltr 1'eurth 1-loer I Fortunate the Girl Whose Gift is Levely Furs Neck Furs. Muffs and Matrhnil girls, big girls and their almost-grown-up sisters. Smart llttle Cellars. Animal Scarfs, fancy Scarfs, Larger Cellars and Short Steles, many with Muff te match. The Set sketched, of nutria-dyed ceney, $35.00. Among them Imitation Ermine Furs, Brown or Natural Ceney, Brown Opossum and Naturnl Gray Fex. Scarfs, $2.23 te $fi.50. Muffs, $5.00 te $16.50. Sets $7.50 te $35.00. Women's SmalLNeck Furs Much Under Price All are handsomely made up and lined course, the season's smartest styles. Natural Japai-t.se Fex Animal Scarfs $25.00 te $35.00. Canadian Wolf Animal Scarfs, taupe, brown, black, $16.50 te $43- Australian Opossum Cheker Scarfs $16.30 te $22.50. I ss V Straw brMs-e & Clothier ! Fur-Cellar That were $65.00 t0 $175.00 $175.00 new $49.00, $71.50, $125.00. Leather and Leatherette Coats $45.00 $57.50 Leather Coats $22.50 Leather Coats $30.00 S75 te $S5 Leather Coats $49 $25.00 Leatherette Coats $12.50 S 10.00 Leatherette- Coats $20.00 Blrjbi MteV"; i .oilier - i.na rijer, East & Clothier ,; A Fine Cabinet Stationery- 00 Containing 24 sheets of lawn finish writing Pnpcr, 12 Corre spondence Cards and 36 Envel opes te match. Cheice of white, pink or blue in an attractive gift Cabinet. Ask for "Nor mandy Lawn" $1.00. Other gift Stationery in scercg of styles, from 60c te $14.00. Btrawbrldite & ClethUr Alile 10, Centre Small Rugs Fer Gift Purposes All Under Price These are Included in our great Rug stock, which is new sharply reduced in price. AXMINSTER RUGS 27x5 i inches $5.50 and $6.50 36x70 inches $7.50 and $9.50 4.6x6.G feet new $14.50 ROYAL WILTON RUGS 27x51 inches $9.00 and $10.00 36x63 inches $14.50 and $1G,00 FINE WILTON RUGS 27x54 indies $13.25 and $14.50 Strawbrldire I- Clethl.r wirtn iFloer. Wst Fine Voile Waists Are Dainty Gifts The levdliest styles imaginable, and at such reasonable prices! Waists of fine white French voile, exquisitely tucked, hand-hem-Btitched and embroidercd, and trimmed with real filet lace $2 95 te $9.75. Trench Voile Waists, lacc-trimmed and machine-embreidered $2.Z5 Tailored Cotten Waists $2.23 te $5.00 Strawbrldce A Clothier Second Fleer. Centra Kr.r.a fnr- lirMn Of Patagonian Fc barfs, in deut c animal stales. In taupe, brown, black, gray and natural shades $16.50 te $38.00. Natural Raccoon Animal or Shaped Scarfs; alhe Large Cellars $25.00 te $75.00. Second T.e it, Ortre and Fi'hert Ptret Warm Sweaters Vtr Mpm Ceat SwUera, j or men .Uh V-neck $5.00 te $15.00 Ceat Swcatcis, with cellar $9.00 te $18.00. Pull-ever V-neck Sweaters $10.00 and $12.50. Light-weight AA'oel Vests, $8.50. Brushed Weel Vests $11.00. Fnr Rnvs p 1 1 e v e r L2Lid2l Sweaters, with cellar $6.50 te $10.00. Pull-evor Sweaters, with V neck $7.00 and $9 00. Ceat Sweaters, V-neck $8.00. Ceat Sweaters, with cellar . $7.00 te $10 00. MrawhrldKe A Clethlr Uast Slr.Tr KlRhth Street SfiksferGifts These at Reduced Prices Fancy the delight of women who ilnd any of these fashionable Silks among their gifts! N'.ny Blue Taffeta Radium, 10- incll new S2..iO n :ri Black and Colored Satin dc Luxe 315-inch $2.00 a jard 10-inch Satin Charmcuse, black and many shades $3.85 n yard Xay Blue Satin de Luxe $3.00 Jointed Twill Foulard Silks, $2.00 10-inch Black Dress Satin $3.00 t. -V&tnwbrldce & riethlftr Aisle (1, Centra Fer Baby! a Brand-new Coach! Beautiful Blech und Hcywoed Coaches at $45.00 and $49.00, regulnily $60.00 and $65.00. Smnll Stroller Ge-Carts. IMi weight, Baby $5.25. $7.50. Regularly $9.00. Yards white enamel $1.50 Doorway Swings $2.50. Excellent selection of Baby Pens. Safety Gates, Baby AValk AValk ers, Cribs and Matties.es, Can vas Swings, etc. !- Strawbrlflee. ft Clothier Third Fleer Men's Flannel Sleeping Garments AVarm Outing Flannel Night Shirts needed these wintry, windy nights, nre $1.75. Pajamas, of the same grade, are $2.1C. StrawhrMge & Clethl.r Eet Stern. Eighth Street Beys' Hats Save Our entire stock reduced In cluding such gift things as $0.00 Ceney Fur Turbans JJ.75 $8,00 Ceney Fur Turbans B.45 $10 Ncarseal Turbans $7.75 $12.00 Hudsen Seal Turbans $9.45 $8.00 French Seal Caps M.45 Other AVlntcr Caps, cloth and knitted; formerly $1.50 te $2.50 new $1.35 te $1.65 Scratched AVoel Caps 95c 'ttV-VHlrwbrldjr ClethUr Bscena noer, Fltyerl atrt, ju M ' -s ,fc. -:;i MS ! ?M , 1 ji& f ffl m m tV ' wl. n.n k; ""li ?: m 'M m i "TJlf i: m m i i I . Hi 'VI l4l HHHHBB . ,i.tua,aBEStiji