T The Phantom Lever By Ruby Ayres 77S STAHT8 THE RTOllY Micky Mellewes ntnirimetiinl cfifefc, Alverts the mind of a girl he finds crying en the stieef rem (he thoughts of suicide with which the had ivrestlrd. Returning te his npurtment, he find his friend, Ashton, who says he in tenviH0 tuwn and his sweetheart at his mother's request amZ asks Mel Mel eowes te deliver a letter te the girl. Micky discovers the girl. Either Sfirp Sfirp stene, te be I'te one he had met crying en the (id eel Instead of delivering the letter Ashton gave him he writes another, a kindlier one, and signs Ashton' name te it Esther tells Micky of her Intention te accept a po sition as amanuensis te Mrs. Ashton, and Micky, jealous of the phantom lever he has created, is Incredulous and says she must net go there. He tropeses marriage te her and is re Deled. She believe herself engaged te Ashton. Miaky gees te Paris, lis sets Ashton in company with Mrs. Clare and write another letter te Esther above Ashton's signature. At the theatre with Micky and June, Esther sees Ashton in a box with his mother. Esther becomes hysterical owl faints. Micky forces Ashton te leave England next day, and Micky semis Esther a fur coat and a cellar for her cat in Ashton's name When he gets home his man, Drit'er, hands him the evening paper te read axd nnitE ir cesnxuiss m HEIUi'S a notlce of Mr. Ashton's marrlatrc In It; that's all, sir" he wild vcedcnly. "I thought thai you'd be ' interested " Se It had come 11 1 last. MIcKy sat faring down at the small paragraph which briefly announced the mnxritiBe of Tubby Clare's wealthy widow te Mr. Raymond Ashton. The ceremony, se the paper declared, which had taken place quietly In Paris, reiild be n. complete tmrprlee te every, body ; Mm Clare, as nil the world 1 new, Inherited eetm ihliiK We 8O.O00 peundH under the will of her late hus liaml. Micky Jumped up, and started out Immediately. Ite went te June'ii heube by tiixl, and startled her by crying lit: "It's ceme." "What?" she ashed In amazement. "The damned outsider Ashton has been married In Paris. Yeu must tret Ksther out of here nt once oil' some pretext." . . , June, quick te comprehend as usual, ., ,n,,,i .L liuxIncM trlii te a town In The country, where lived 11 mniden "Meet us at r'adtllnqten at 1 tomor temor tomer jo" she erdeted MlcK. "I'll arrange "But don't let her get a paper," he Urgrd. "Leave It all te me." she said. ".New run alone. , After he had cone, she- told Ksther that she had been called te the country en builnesi'. nnd Insisted that riie e as companion. lther reluctantly con sented. u the thought of a journey te r,e' reenes delimited her. MleV-y was en band at the station laden with mAgnstlnen nnd chocolates. He theUKht that Ksther. whose eyes wer brlcht In anticipation of the luurncv. looked mete bountiful than ever "lfer the trn'n left, .'une tael fullv nuKs'ffrted thai Mlckv inlBht drive down te nnmore In the car en the fol lowing day nnd stay at the Inn for a few days Ketber smiled her approval, and Mlckv gleefully premised te appear When the train drew Inte the tiny r.nmere station June e.pUlncd that they would stay with nn nunt. who had long urired her te come for a slnlt. I'ur inp; the ila-s oho would have te nttnrt te tiuslnesn, line deelnred. but Miss lJarlitiR. the aunt, would p.-ove a chu.-mlwr and willing liestefs. True te expectations .lure and Kfth'-r were received with open arms and ad ad tnentahed te stay "for weeks and Tveelcs." When she was alone In hfr room. Ks'her slKheri h.vptill. "It would Just be perfect ' flhe told herself. "If he wer only here, tee." Micl.i mrried mrlv the next day snrl. as June was anient, ciiK'-sted a rule te Tsthcr She .u-cepted It rtrutc fulp and neon fee;- were spinning ever the reads. "Ate von h'itlKr, I wonder"' he rnl:el, after an hour had passed. "He cause I am' And I'e Ret n llrm con viction that we're, renilns te a way- ide Inn -de ou see the chimneys through the trees? He slewed the car n llttle. "There'n another car outside vhat de veu say Shall we risk It" It would be rather nice," Esther Admitted She was feeling cold; she was rather r.lad when tbe car stepped Till Micky keve her his hand "They've net a flre anyway," he Mild elieerl'y "I saw It through the win dow, and we'll ask fcr some effee " H led the ivay Inte the parlor; two Tnen wrapped In heay coats steed by tue flre they moved te muke way ter Ksther after a moment they went out ' the room, and phe nw xliem In the ead bending ever the car next te Micky's "We can have coffee nnd buns," M cly said, coming back after 1 mo me ninit "t don't Knew what they'll he He. hut "f shall enjoy them, anyway." she te'rt him "I rcnllv am hunsry " He pulled off his gloves nnd dragged ihfllr up te the fire for her When they had finished Micky went e jt te start the car The two men behind IVther were talking together, one of them was laughing n geed deal In a sneering way. "She must be h, feel, you knew," he said lilj I m mui prised at tiny woman being faugh' hi:,' that It wan etilv her mene he was nflr. of cnurac " I e never Keen her imself" the ether said disinterestedly, h teunded 1 rather bored. "And I enlj kneiv him slightly, ou met llvm 111 I'.u-Im ou snv ""es- last week." There was the sound of a match being "-truck snd n little pause while he pufftrt at a cigar ette Ksther turm-d In her rhalr; It was odd he tlie mention nf Paris nlwuy enied te grip her henrt ; she looked nt the two men, but they were both Grangers te her Perhaps he won't leallv marrv her." ! t'le elder one said jnwninif. "There's riany a slip veu knew, and from lmt 1 knew of Raymond Ashton--" He e'iriigged his shoulders eloquently The girl bv the fire sit erv still ; she was staring nt th tue men with piteous blue ceti- sli felt Mi If all the bleed In her bedv had ehbfd te her henrt uhcre It was himnieilng enough !- kill her I.Ike Heme one in a dream rhe heard the liigHthe ether tnnn gae - "N'et nuirry Iit' Mv dnr.r bev, he must ' It's his Inst ehemv, rd he I neus It' lie's up te his neek In debt nnd boire-d tnenej. As a matter of fict I shouldn't be at nil surprised If 1 ubbv Clare's little widow hasn't nl resdv elung'd her name for Itaymenil Ashton's " ( HAPTKIt MV Outside In the read Mlckv suddenly started up the engine of Ids enr The 1 ill throb came faintly te Esther an she snt there as motlenlfts as If nhe hnd been carved In stone. Tb llttb vibrant noise sounded llke )1he bei.tlng of some one's heart she thought null- , sue round neraeir llven flri' te It mhconseleusl The phantom leer! June's half- iirieeUlng words bent duly against her (bral'i June hnd always hated Hay Hay Jineiid she would be glad If this thing iwere true She i.uddenlv reallied Miat she wnn Ifrihlverlng In everv limb With an effort IMie dragged her cnnir closer te the fire J She put out her hands te the flames "flood heavens' what are you delni-'" said Mlckv's voice at her shoulder She jhnd net heard him corns Inte the room it was only when he bent and cuiitrht jher hund bsck from the flames that she JrenlUed what she had been going te de. fShe looked up at him with a sick smile "I thought t wen dnt bum." st I wild stupldlv A flash of alarm crftnt Inte his even . Jphe looked fe white He kept her hund n his. held nr It 1" Crtnlv, "What's the mMtcr?" he asked gentlv "Wliat Is ItT' Micky sld araln ; anxiously, sua dragged her hand frta of Ills, she remernhrrnd thst he. tee. had hated Raymond; ther he, tee, weutd ba glad when he knew of this nlghtmare that had suddenly swooped down upon her. She rose te her feet, holding faet te inc cnniruacK 10 sieauy iicrecu. "There Isn't anything the matter, but I should like te go home I'm tired, that's all; I'm only tired." She moved away te the deer! the cold air beating en-lier face gave her 11 grip of herself again ; she steed for a moment looking down the deserted street, her hands clenched. The ether car with Its two occupant had vanished down the read some min utes since : only a small cloud of gray dust en the' horUen showed which way; they had gene. Mickey drove back faster than hi had come ; enci or twice he looked down at Esther with an anxious pucuer bo be tween his eves What had hnDneneil In these few minutes te make this sudden change? he wondered She had been happy and smiling enough this morning : new nil that he could see of her face, half hidden In the big upstanding cellar of the coat he had given her, were two piteous blue eyes staring steadily ahead or tier newn the read. When they reached Enmore, Esther cot out of the car without waiting for him, and went en Inte the house. After n moment Mlckv followed. Ksther wnn In the hall. She turned te him Impatiently. "Kvery one Is out," she said. "MIjb Dnrllng nnd June are lieth 'out. ' There wns a sort of strain In her voice which Micky could net under stand; she looked as If she had had some bad shock, he thought, nnd yet what could hnve hnppcned? He had net left her for mero than a few mln. utes. "Very well. I won't wait." he tald formally. lie speke curtly, he felt sere oneUKh . he tnlned hli hat ntltlly, and lurney nav He looked back ntic at the llttle house; h though perhapi Gather might be stnndlng i't the deer In esse he should turn, but the deer vae shut, and It was Impossible, for him te guess tht upstairs In the room ever the perch Ksther had shut and locked the deer and wan pacing un and down the room, her hands pressed hard against her ees, sobbing great tenrlesa sobs that seemed te rend her verv heart. "It's net true .It's net true," she said ever and ever ngaln under her breath. it's net true it'n net true " ' The etrlhlng of a church clock In the lllage s.-rnifd te reuse her. .Tun would te buck foen. and Mlsa Durllnir. She dphhed her eyes with htr hand- iicrcniei , tney fell net and burning; rile loelnd nt herself anxiously In the little mirror such a white face ; oho turned away impatiently. Twelve o'clock; there was n train up te town nt half-past, she knew. The confusion In her hrnln seemed te have passed nil at ence ; she felt qulle calm and clear Hhe would go te Paris she would ere Itayniend and hear from his own lips what n lle It vne. Hlie ought te have gene before ; she had been a feel te lis ten te Micky; of course, he would net wmn net- te go. She put 11 few things Inte a bag; she ieic the last letter she had had from Itayniend. and kissed It before, thrusting It back into her dreij. She scribbled a Pencil netu te June and fastened It te tne pincusmen. lth the llttle suit case in her hand she v,ciu deivnctnlrs and out Inte the nil ei. Thfre wan r.ohedv about, nnd she nl- ir.est ran te the station. The porter who had witnessed her meetlni; yesterday who .'iicny ntnrui at tier wenilcrlnclj The Nonden train was due new. he mm ner Miic l nave te hurry She was gene befere he f.tilnhed Ills slew tpeecn. She found an empty carriage and get In, hitting as far away from th deer as possible in case any one should ceme a eng me pMt rerm and recegn'r.e. her It was only when the train started away that she leaned ba k and closed her ... The tulles nectned te crawl by; seen tbe ' iiciti 1111,1 open country were left !e- ninu ; nic neuses uere closer teth:; preaetrjy they crowded one another, nl- ; meit JeMluig eacii oilier out of the way . It Be. med What an uglv place Inden wns. She 1 sar up inn a cold little ohlver. Strange no f-0111 .nc rrn, nnn yet ner head I'aa nurninp net. Would this Jouney never end? Sur!y they had hen traveling for dnv.i and days already. The train stepped with a Jerk. "Paddlngten aj changi un ;llaIll, - - w Kthcr stumbled te her feet. MlcK" met June en the wav te the nn. and told her of the utraiige'h.ippcn- ti.B ui hm- .iiit'uioeu. 1 lien ne 100K tier 10 inn neus.-, anu, at. ncr command, waited for tea. She went upatalrs nnd found the note wnicn isu.er naa lett .Micuv. etie ,;rlert. rushing down U5.1111, --Mi, s gene. "Gene where? ' he asked, puzald. "Te Pur's. Loek " She si e-iMl him the note. Mick- m Ized hla hat and coat "I'm going te PmIs after her." 'e ald eaBiiing ireni tne Heuse "T must I nniM r t ner nerere she sees him " no iirei h eit at breakneck npeed. n "''' "i"" " nines te inclen ; no uiauer new muen or the winding -eid he cevfred. It unfolded again before his 'j, umi inerciiessiy agnm. lle vmt straight te (baring rtess he left bis car hi the vard and rln,.he,i In te Inquire ibeut trains; he seatfh.il! 'i timetable- J s? -.1 Viei'lt - 1.15 li enlitd up at the ..lock three iii'iiiilei nnet I new. Mlckx dashed IH'IOM lb li '-' hliil te 'I L.-IT." who ' 1 n ticket riRii...w'i -..mi 1 -tivur rrirf!'3 ; 1. ii.i, be pushed li the nr..ti til... m-iu-i-mr, me gii.ini n,(s Mining ,n i'ag-.seme one grubbed nt Mlckv and mli-n-d ns be flung himself hrc.itMei and pantlrg fiirnlti Icte tl.e In.t ..,, r-i ine moving irnin. fiiAPTni ' M'cky sat ler .1 few mementa hre.i-i. IfiM umi evb.iuned before be pulled nim hclf tegeth. r and taking off his bat ' wiped his hut fer.'he.id. Jlie ttaui was g.u ,er nc i.neerl h Il down the window with a run and' looked out , til.) station was out of str-iv iiltegether; they were .reesim- n,. bi-ldge under which the silent Thames! new.il Blem;isniV. A brmth i,t CI Id air teuehe.l hl face and nhhernl suddenly, and Jrew I inc 'Vilnius 1111 eiiee incire .Something had drlwn his thnuK'it buck te bis llrst meeting ltth Ksther te the cold nllemv of the night, and ,w ,iiu ... rii-i.niuii 0 i.r voice US enr nun- - - IT .11.1.. . . . . '"""i iiie.m 10 go noir. nnv mere - I sheuldn t have cer gene home again .4 I II, .Ull I ,II31 JUIJ - - If 11I.A rr., 11..!.. I.. . . our h". i . aun uetore ne taw ,tr she would feel llkj this again; Mleitv KI uniien. He real te,l that he wa without lug. gage, and .-'.nt he had net much mene, . nuppesing c luiij it, go en te Paris what the I -limn was be going te de? ' When the train ran Inte Hever he get te his feet with a sigh of relief. Quickly as he was cut of the train a great tnanv parsenget. hud left before him. J(6 started at run down the plntferm He ni.iiuu in. ,- ttiiiiiiiu nn met. nenlne- getting tlii'k; he. had te push bis way unceretr.onleuslv past people; porters with baggage trucks Jostled him Kvcrjbefjv M-ns off the train new. and many people were nlready en the beat Micky remembered Hint be had no ticket; he entered Inte n het nrrument with an official, who listened te iilm skeptically, nnd tee in i.iU, a, possible te make out the ticket; even when Micky had paid he still looked suspl suspl cleus. The gangway was still down; Micky went en beard and steed as close te It ns he could, scanning the face of e. h passer Ksther was net among them mnnu in, mere stand away Micky wns pushed aside and n mimi. of brawny eeimien hauled lha gangway en te the li.irber The gap of grieti Maici wm .viiiriiuiH new ty necween the pier nnd the ships side. Micky felt as It ne were uniii; exueu auppeslpg gbe was 1101 en 10 uuaif (CONTINPRU TOMOIiTtOW) (Caput Ight. 1930, by Utll Hvtuttcatt, inc.) V.M r wwrn BVENING PUBLIC LEDGERApHILABELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, ' THE GUMPS At Last Minis Right ; .j - -..- ; ' T Z" " f AWUsEM"TS AMD PlSfVTC - .2j - I B M'MyTe MEXTIOWet WE.T? HOY HAVING A T.-iPvrTe f eU -c y Bg- , - H JM. rvifie rv a xvimg X , . II rKi bg Veu otarte J m I tak-e rte .vt.OfL.tt te J J weulpm't 6,t That Sle. h 'ffyMt X CAM tiNV THAT TOU ff ..--- . I In -- ...!. kiV I ..- n.. h--i Uirl Aiiurern ma- two Vaii trrtfi t'irsB V . . ut wrm 11 WV1C. - r 1 Ml te S i.vi, - f - I AKOIt"" I C PCeW ' " i' rivvi w r- .-r ww , , , ,'Blv Tj - x V J JIKhs - I vrti'e. L - OVK. neT v.Tim.K.c.e i-c r ., fcfllffl '.J-lic'' V -IT W3 : l V eTm- s Awurwrcr ,n j--y E - Vlj$m Mil mx MOT) km JJl MnAfWLLl ...LV'H"- -f vvK aai av. ss jJjlUip PcS vcy r v mm w yyjLA J ti ?s. vk v i i, Burn n .rH4-UR p"-. eh m &iavw v, h-x- - : WJL.ffllUJ.. It. V&Ml tttSTtil eN VeBVi ilrH4-if rS nSi JSs "JWs-SwlJ JLUlfl VIU-H.S e-. . .. n.. .. rv "i -' Himll r,0 .vmmnKwrf,t YMI I I I w I ii - ' """ ii... 11 - . SOMEBODY'S STENOG Sentenced : : cwrhM. . rub. idr cQ au nuywuru g I -, I I- WH.7' Hl AAME.K OH.MIiSO'PAe. I S Ow He's TK6 rfrtST " - fO. IT"? A 1 J iiik tots ihb MAr'PiriaT UiAe.rL rwic p i Jhr's iiiST vaeajrpil: ureiir Si msV -TL-TT1 ?yw7 ," . T-. . 5- TIRU IW THE OFFICE .' THE That's A CJ ! f-V BLUE re&. A1EASR rJ !: UPRIGHT AN T - 5JAM6.anBuu s- - OTHE.R MIGHT HER FRIEMOJ ' Ab fcKgg D HE'S f Jfi THE vSruS S - STARVE Tp J- t FEOHERUPOfM THRE& f J (S 7l!H-i-H V.JllJ' - I ; DEATH! " j UOU-AR V.MOCOUATfcS . A X - - i fi) P rt N -n- J L - J J5 xnr A;crv Uc O IfMcN r ill W0 ..ii .w JKV ) -f,-" ' I vft WEAR A BALL AAA CHAW 'C -JC V 5 SS 1&P,&& . CF SC . C-kO I i ne ah Rwe .;ih 7 p 1 tT (vVT - f. "t&r aO l. I -. ' r . t , r., -., --.-- --;- v- i-i r vs ij3S .'-k: . .fsjy T e . ? . - i Tt AAl' Irl- CALL AN W , ) r" fft XS"!? .- eV '"-f V V "J ' "Ct. X CHAIM LOOKS U IKE p- V f, V , 2iMiP xT " -Cl" ' CM N x . 1 , eevaj.lr mew but L kjr kr (A M '&$ ) ? A "n - . ,r-N " l ssrp m km fffllS flif J-iJK , MAWC" j mmmmmmrm mu-. "ta p vi mem vv isfiiai aaSK4. m - - t ,. ,. ---, -- - -.. . i- . ' ' '" bI - - ' ---- ---.. i - - " --- - i -i ii i -" ii i i ii -!- i i i - ' V5 H The Youna Lady Aero., th. Way HOLIDAY 1UKT -: -: By FONTAINE FOX ' SCHOOL DAYS -:- -t- -: By DWIG M I VVJJVv SS,. iV . ... fyFD HOOKBf IfcS CKW s v i 'i "yv . r-y' fcr . i.i.Trr - r 2 r-vli '"' ' XX-7? '- Hew .ril'iiSih' '' . &1 A I ,'MTr T 3 eTTTil . ' i,taX A i 'i . .H F J??2k '! v1 . )h1 t fe i '-.. 2 Kv j . MV I T5- rk. ,' -A r?-:-'i'j7s : i '. ,; XJ.v . nr .' . J'e . j lam asnB. yr-- A ' l :, y YA&1X 0 , s ' "'Tr "'"L" '3 I JM"3 0-JWKr: j a-stx . ' v -- .nrwtsn. id , cr-;.v. ""i" rw.i i I 'I -: 1' ..- BiLuL :V.C:'. .: . 4 el 7I i M ' 'IV. j . ..-..- ueur . .' ." ' , m f I I llrffjW. i ' 1 i .. . y i i iii, .wyiNMi v.mw; ?. jjxm y ) s. ' v. --.i -.--.. .. .f . ' I AlV (' 1 i---? Vl. V5)U7 ' Ol$CUiS, LlDP30mfy - 'nLH- -p- mmw$' &L- ' JP ;itt-T7T' ' e- -"-- - ffitt!Jr tv -A. ..-.-- -i- .V"V The TenE I.ady Acress the War , A (-i jC 0 0t: T ISirmISf ArTV-'"' ? fays she does n great da I of serious .e prcieTrUlQjflit' "y ' "-'- 1 reading but Blie does like te read j Acw AvctcsW "Ce vtvCCu-vi. t 3CKOew? ewtriincf xry I a pest -humorous work occaaien- I nW A ',v - Z- ' 3t!rf$ HirA Ocsr ! y . nllr. LSAA-Vr 1u. Arxx6c . "Sjsgg' R)0TPRM1 OM Tap i " ,r ! r-M x! .5v(5 , SaNOS of TiM 1 1 ' in. ii. -s. y tr-- nn e"y mm etrrnnt, PETEY-He's Just Like the Test of Us" ; 7 : ; : : T BTTa. Voight 1 r ---'- inwmc -- - -I-) AJHiO. ! v . ' v3Btt-rak v K0 O-'L should es i vVrrSM f inerinwi.vi.K.iiniNU, "y. NU . J iT T-T-6 I l1- vJUMOUT IT S Hi TAr JfLWOU KHOW-ER -EP- Ftc j j H. ' iSaS" H?cr. VOLUME ) IT- J F i PeTtaED0WrJFO-. A " V- T v , . J 2iT ifii ' f"AT ft-3e. -. T 0 Xir'-s.k' 27--X- - r II II -7r Tt ',H v tf .'f7 -' " . aj-'j' j' 1 1 e x- r t . f r -i i i f tdJiirss i -"" i .ii r i i i". n ti nriiT t i tt ifiiuir r a m i'in . il , w. v i 1 $i?$aK !?T. - S----::Sv: drr fe?i .lrirk i -s54 y tSSuwfey) PSS 'v S s s mmm' vvj$sm -- c --v2 f&s2fc--atJKsv "V" bupwi g r-:mA. JBes3B i &??z &. . - -iif534K V5Se rmmww i um a. sasL t5- l "si,, waM- s-;-5 ifr jns etiwh--" mmmmti,. uAr s? i M-Vfe?? ifj : ' s i a . --yxv- - itr-frr fe,'jfjfyjjjw.ii's?j-!-' rwmw w,iim.i .?- c- ' w&arsrW s. , ' ' RKis5Sv E i i mim i i n 1 1 2 I a ltgf1 k - tiwwr I JiH WJiy- .-?' ,,.. ..!.. ' JMgfrW.H Ult ' 11" f- vIl U I i J m? 1 !-- . rar ., 1 r j , p nn i. t -1 ii ii 'arjrfyi. BTsyi s i "- ii -ir .... nv4-w - -a ' ( - -f- vcijyeu- M I ' ;pr TTJrC if I HtTU rinn y . f. .. ' - -.--, u;v, Ai.eHfBw Miiummg : . . . . - r . j J WHAT AR VOU f it 'Tl fft TT7 7 I - -v. cv,NA?'sfc v i 1 ,,"v50s. T- ?S--wFa liUTa fMrt 1 I e. x w r B ?ia3s vm4Z3J rv? Ptezzz&wa sirAmi mz& nn rs . . .i k fSiiP3--!. . yyx v . --t- 01 'F -r"---iiiiitfarfwM Yitvi jij. )..... . ris -&npu-. e:-m? sif u-Pf .. a i zcr j7Jrzr- - ' -t - mt u??-ne --aemjn, -i .-- xsvm -ea crc r-i ( r-a k. ji- saaa - piaEe53ass?&' ---- -zf -m 5 irzmr r . -M-MJli-l-M-l-i'V'J " iiiMiiiiiiiiiiii nil -j.1" " "' ' " '-f-'"' -' ' - ..p-- '- i., v . ,, ,, - .,,, ,,.. zjAmmu ,,rtiMU - " g? Iriir--irrf,'t-i- Tit n .fhW fW"! j J iiKJsx T r aJk i j -T--- 1 1 V cihcw- f $r HI H r v (Mmri iv vvv a v r.a.T v ;rA .? i4 Wk U ,i$k. H'l .ll Jrv mm . i 1 v; ui'n iJHuj v hv iB " n r v rv . wubbx -----. i r am ". V rLLLLirSiX N. 1 7K VfTft "V-- y mWW.l,, I I - H-A S " '-T. 411 vr i i ait. ii hi TmwMnrmi iHiiei ii iTTii ttmti m iFin-wrim r rriKfsy jx. v Lr1 . l?lJw -s-frBBM Im c : J nm cthet Ljmmm, aa imvmm& mDimsmm . -. !M-i?,waKiJ',d mm tUMimxr.ti c vi w v j .ii ,i7W' f- v ww mwii. WhuWia e . ..iu,i, vy, ,:.h siiiiUVMier. eta wpeffl 2r- wm mm x vmm-sm ;;a b'p. "mi T- I V - - -U -v--t w - t w if -,' -. '. . . .1" I - I , tMl ii n 1 1 i ii i in i i "i i iii 1 1 .ii ii i AV I yWfit. jvirT HhVNTSO Heuse AQ$tKE EXCUSE -H5 3 IK . f-.yf l' ''- 'V,m . .:. ---:."..-........ i "I IT5 LS-?iJ MB eH lT-Wl-K ; "n ?. J-. " e-s' JTRj SuunAV W $, vr - rspfvxrfn' y???T7vcv - ,l&.s WBBTHTJ-. ."" - -"... . ' -r',; J JA . i:,m J 1 r ' 1 ' .' i f. ... Mr ? ' . ,i 1 KM BM r 41 , I lt By Sidney SmffiM