K5 PJ5-r-wV vl-fsa xL2m2Jli DBS v ! H .imj.iH.iVW'"W'"llH itiii.riliii.ilW fisr- r '"Xteft' , Ol I f , . j I 14 r EVENING' PUBLIC) LEDGEKr-l'IIILADlDLPHlA, FK1DAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920 V 'MnE Has r- m b . ifsr ft a; .Hdr 1 iper Dexea and Mailing Tu)m EDWIN.J.SCHOETTLECO. '&. IWN.UtliSt. Philadelphia ts Fleck Bizos. Ce. Manufacturers and Daalert Plumbing and Heating Supplies 44 06 N. Bth Ht JOB Arch St Fhlledetphla Camden Drench 130 141 Federal t' Weit Branch Lanadewne MEIHGftHEATiMff WVm.U.riATt3tHT vw ii ax-YVALPiuT ax iy OHlMf?rKVlMU 1L Safe Bendsyfcr Investment HALSEY, STUART &. CO. Inc. , will nr ami sr.t.T. Grand Rapids & Indiana Itwy. Stock & 2d 4s. 1936 CHARLESFEAUOX & CO. .lis ninsTNTT Miirt-T c FIVVMIVI. HOTKT, TRW MORI. (OVH'Wi FIRST morteaok hfs, rnn kit inmm; TCND GOIJI nOMI:. Ilfi: J M' R I. 1M7. Purminl 'e Ui MrTii f th Trust SI rt Kic trcurlc th b. n xenda. notice h.rtby tlnn that the fe.lnwin bends -vrcratlnc H00 000. hav b"tn drum ter pjTntnt for f eunt of the ""rklns PunO at et January ) 1921 Dcnemlnnticns cf Min Nea. U, J4 20 20 44 85 f7 61 71 S' loe. no 131. 147 i5t ien :04 jdn ie.i SI. STB. 4S1 11(1. 470 477 !.- 491 4I)' $00, ret. 587. (107 67' COt l!7. 699. 718 728. 807. 887 84J 8JK plfl 0t 0VO (M4 flfltt 1010 1011 toil 1011 nr.3 lnflt 1008. 1114 lias 114V 1IM 1217 7144 1261 12M1. j;2 l.Tn 1271 1297, 1803. 1325 1.10 101 HI" 1427, 14J2 1431. 144- 114" II 14. 1B0O 1'18 IMS K.J 1"t0 378. 1823 1H2I 10O 1H7V I'.xt J739. 17R0. 17ilJ lS'ia met 1170 12"t'l I.ST 1 1 1 f .il !f 1 '77 im, 2001 2021 2070 2im 21 tt Denomination t f JVt Kna. 2180, 2241 Th funda for th rm'n' ft th ba bends ar new nn dpeiit t'h the T-uae and th bendj will be raid en p-ntatlen n and after Janunr 2 lO.'l a' 103 ml Intartat te Januan 1 1"21 en whlrh Jat 11 Intartat en raid benda " til case 0UAIIANTER TRUST (.CV1PANY Trust Dy HEnSTA.V M SYI'HERD Vlc rri-fldr' Atlantle City. N. J . I)ember 1 1020 l'rerKftala ftaalcd propeaala nil ha rcr,lil at thf efflca until 13 o'clock neon Tiirdjy Ii ennbrr 28. 1070. whn bids i I te .p . ' nd achfdul-1 i flle DUREAV OP HOSPITVl x 34th and P.na hlr-ata Fer tiling floera Ter furnlahtnc and nata 'irg flliri at - Sxturea. 2d and 7-tuarra S'r.eta Ter furnlahlnc and ienatru nt iraada en taps. C1TT FARMfc mrtcnjtr Additions te pewr hnu Kxfanalena and idd'ttena - f.-m t i In a and oettarts Rlflrattena blua p-in a of rrtreaik . and Inforreatlon rlatli ti thin; fner- rung . aabtnet flxturra erd trcida en at-ua mav be had upon applloatlen te the D re r Ofl ' Roem 594 City HftJl ' fpclflcatlena blue prlnta -f rrpe-a a and i information relative re adHttena tA ;-or 1 leua and addltlena te farm bull Urea and enttaaea mn bv had uien eppi itlen te I tha Cttj Archltact noem '2V i Itj Jia 1 Tilda from ethara than th"ae aniaeed or atabllahed In bualncaa for whlrh propeaa ara askad will net ba mtartain-d un -.a . mad en printed blank forms auppll-d f r that purpeaa , Ail bids muat la accempnnl-d h a -r ' "tinealt from the City Solicitor that ar iriti Haf enn mniiinn ii nr'vnJHit" Tvlin rn- jvoTlalena of tha erdir moved ifay 23 160 Tinanra or euncl e Tha Director reaenes fhi r r"! te prr-pf any proposal In wheln or In purl or raj.. ail the bids, as ha ma 1rn baat fe- thi Interests of the e tj IV hu a h d or air , arrecata of blda neeed the aum of noe 1 ft will ba necessary for a crntrsct ii i. ntared Inte ard the riat of tie aama way ba obtained upon Inquiry at ihs oil t the City fillcltnr c lincelv ri nrtT ph jf D Director of rhf Daprair-.r. " TREASURY DEPARTVIKVT vIpV7i 7 Arehltecfs Oflce. Waehlneten r r n, ? 1020. SEALED PRi.PQiALS wi i S, epanad in this offlea at .1 p m . Jan. 8 lti ler new bet-watar Piping atr in jj,, t..,,Ai B.at.a Mint. Philadelphia ra m a"cerdM I with specification and drawlnr eepl.r of which rear be had at thla efflea or at tha ffiea of th Custodian I hlladalphla P In tha dlaeratlen of tha uprMaln Areuitatt' . .. Ji3 A "'TMcnr Actlnl Supari Jing Arrl i(rr " l'ROPOSM-S itlR ILIINCmTT" Offlca of tha Depot Qnartermnatrr. U. 8 Array, Philadelphia. Pa ftaalrd propeaals wlll ba rxaliM Lara Wntll It 1, M . Ilecemeer II. llie for furnlshlnr Inr an or an part or 123 UOO rain rain Inferma en upon reqntst ateats fc Annnal Vlatincs S3" rRANnLIN AT10NAL IIVNK Chestnut strert weat of Rrnnd Fhlladalphla December II la Tbs Annual Maetlni of h sbarahel lar-. n( this bnV will b bald at tha Ranking Hnui ea Tuesday. January II. 1921, hn..n keurs of 12 e clock neon and 1 p m . for th election of directors te arv ! irn, iiit i naU.QS yar and ti, tali aorieu upon a I propeead amendment te tha j-tici uf , i oelatlen by aubatltutln for ihe -eti I aentance of Article VI whirh new r ais aa Tallews I "Th dtreste'i shall ha a puwar fe alart a , ailea prealdan' who shall a an he a tn-mbar I i( tha Deari of Directors and who ahall b I aothertlet. In the absjnc or Inability of thai tirasldant from any cauee te prferm all attt and duties ptrtalntng te the nfflee or rreiMent eirapt such aa tha pr-Ment n'v s autberlied by law te perform and te elect or appoint a raah -r and ajeh ether! efflera and clerka aa ma br rnJlred te I transact tha bualneas of the association te fll the salaries te be paid te thm nd een llnus thetn In nfflee or te dlamlaa thmi mi I in th opinion of a majority f tha beari ha Intarasts of tha aasectatl u may dtmint t-" the following Tha dirart' rs shall haie penar te ' . I sine or mers vice prealdanta nhn aha I hai aiaeh pewera and perform au-h acta and .Ijtiaa aa tha directors shall dl m by by jaw. and te elect or appoint a raah ar nd ruch ether efflrars and Uerka aa miy s, rr nulrad te transact tha hmlneaa of tl aa Mciatteni te fix tha salaries te ba ra d t them, and oentlnus tham In .uiie, or tn fllsmlaa them as In the opinion of a ma deritr of be beard th interiata e t aa acclatten may demand J. williavi h vnnT -""hlie THE AnlliVJ aiEBTINO OP rill! Stockholder of The In. ,mnra Cum party of the ntate or rmnaiiimle wi i t fald en Monday. Jannary I7ih, liJi t ; pl at the ettlca of the mil ins ii i Sialnut Street, for tha aaeti . , ,M Directors te sarva for thrae ii i.ar, t th transaction of any buslmaa i rh may e (resented JOHN I V IKlQERS .Jiecrat. rv iKjewTHK FUAM5L1V HRF. I.NMtlUNrK a-r VU. OF FlHKVIIFLI'lllV pniiadeipnia Nev 20 The Annual Klectlen for Dlrartera of the empsny will be held at th. eirtre of tha Company, 421 Walnut Stre' Philadelphia Jfenna . en Tneadiy, January 18 1021. p0 !, open from 12 neon te I 1 ,Vt WILFRED Kl JITJI 8retari iiJ3SsTire"iTtNK or north wh uf r3s' Philadelphia D mb-r Kith te.'n The Annual Meetlne of the Hioekt i iara of thU Hank for the election r Diio,tera f, r he ensulnr yesr will be held at in- Unnktej Meuse, en Tneeday, Jannary 1 f th je.. Vatween 12 o'clock neon and 1 I' M B B KHOVll It (ashlar ! tJP- BOtrrilMKHTFK.N .N TIO.NAIll VM. r The Annual Maatlnn if rl . fit, i rs ef this bsnk for the Hi.i-in 0f i"i. lectors, will b held nt Its nanaln, u. rueaday, January II, 1021 f,, , 12 en 1 l M LUC1I-: WALT Lit Caahl.r 'aSs B1AT1I NATIONAL HANK Till'1 a-af Annual election for nir.rm,. . .V.'i Maek will be held at th Ranklnn Heuse WII.UAM aAt.Tiaii e... WILLIAM SALTKIt. Ca.hler Annnal FJeellena $ Trlr I easVeS1 VA MflAiV, ' 'II' - I X OJ' NORTIIF.RN NATION l, HANK Pllllad-lnhla. Derenihar in inn Sfte Annual Bieetlen for Directors of tins UljaVwW be held at the Rauklntr Heuse cm y umry .-'"""t . . i,v between tin nnu f 1? M, ' t BALLOTS SOLD AS JUNK ' x Wltne$8oe In Ferd-Newberry Con test Trace Nearly 7700 Tickets Waahlngten, Dee. 17. Preparatory te beglnnlntr n recount of the bnllef enst in the Mlcltlk'nn Hennterhil election contest of 101S between Truman II Newberry, Itcpubiiinn, nnrt Henry rerd, Democrat, the Hennte elections commit tee jesterdny heard testimony relative te alleged nccliletitill destruction of 17,000 ballets fast in tlie election. Election efflrials from two of tbe townships gave their verMeu of the innnner in which the missing balletf were destrevetl while ntterucjs for Mr I erd traend tltreiuh v-1tnefleq the nn- i rexlmnteh 7'tVO ballet rnst in the clt "i Miginnw ii en their mle ns vviistt liier te n junk dmler. from whom Frttl It. Delt-en, assistant nfvri'tnry te Mr. I'erd, purchnscd tlium. Dolcu'teId the committee the j-J-igln iiv ballets are leekf-d up in it warehouse of the I'erd Moter Ce at IIlKhlaed Pari,, n Ue Ue txeit subuib Trumbull Steel Pays Extra Vnnnesteitn, e, Dec 17 The Trum bull Stwl Ce has declared nn extra dividend of 121J cents en the common and th regular auirterly dividend of "i eon In en the common nnd 1 75 en tlie preferred all pnmb'e January 1 tn atoek f re nrd Pecembir 10 Theu re the wnc .ii ck( Hired in the previous quarter Ihu Btiar Hill te deilarid tlie roiru reiru Kr quarurlv dividends of He wnli en 'he inmn.nti intl '1 "5 en ti lireferr-d, both pnvable J.inunry 1 te i-tn "k of roo reo roe nrd Peoember Li) lilv'dends D 7ivinrRvi jc. Miiht'-Cnir ner V i li a'n t P'illi1 i i r- ! tm- ii ip.e It-ird e P r t r if tl IVln Cm fl'l Ta tral 1 Uht ard 1 ewe npirv mit thti div darlarad d' nd l K1t,llT UNTS (80i) r aDHr i'i th I'fcrrn a riarea belna; i tdnd s i n.vttNe .1 VM MtV t. 1'ISI. e a eckh lrr t r rd at th t.eae of biialra Dftntwr .. 1 '-'0 JOHN 1 lMMURVf SV Traaa' LOEWS INCORPORATED 1 -f lh"l 1 M!?0, Ihr H--1 of 1 -' -1 line d. l irrj 'hi f f'l rR 1 i r Jr "' ' "b ''IM J t 1 of V" p-r aii "i ' 'at""'! "lt if ieatiV Iniorperntiil. r " r hrunnr i jd.'i, i, i kh'M lr if r i at . . if i m i t Ml lar 1 0"t e .-a b d r v r nrrs-TT i i .- t x ap enitu aa. jn . - IVrtipnn winurw row i.n . i k.iit revipiw .! !'". pi r'niV 71 llroidnie. Ven 'Verk, N A I 1"lr J' al n r ind . 1 1 rnmti'D sn . . tiviir:ND jjiurbir n u- n . 7i rriii ar '1 ir -r'j ti ha Vr- arr il v It Pimr t I ic" ' nranj iiut.iMc Jiimiiir t lOil Mm I ft 1 I , vm. 1 n -.,.,; J h i. ra if re 1 a tf f I u-'nm n' r 1' l".e VTL. 1 VM RL'H":!. ' aa i- American Telephone & Telegraph Ce. A dlvldrnl of Twe Dei'ara par ar-ar will N raid en Paturdtr. Innuarr 13, 1021. ,0 ateckh Mara of rrrcr I at i n. 0 btj l -as n VI ndav. P- mla .0 120 C n 1111.1 T T. - 1,1 MIVMl I. KIMM1 TIM -T 114 I llfitllilt ""t I'lillil . Pi. r I - is " I a I'd h r.euUr i lartarlt il lldatid of Tf p r ahr en th-p-rfprrJ ai n k i utla Jmiuury S. 10 J I. f) a'erkhu darr uf vcid Lm. Ij, ivv, ircKJ wl.1 l nil. d PVtt. ICOMtrn T-'na pp Ha- 11 ij 1 .n.i.iil viir-inca i -r- "I I l 1 m ti- HI'NRV lU-.sTON A S(1SS 1N( . Txi-ep I i u Vevr'i e- 1. iti.n srriiK 1 Hi RLHTT OIV TV t at in a r iiufier of th t ar1 of rit-ttira n .p. eul tnitimt t 're a kh".dTa J Jlcnry I t.i-..a. f k.i.na InfnriHirilMl u.111 V. I..I nn I VIeiiiIlv. JlllUllfj 17. 1021. at Jl n'llek ii m , nt t u' -i i- "ipan Tu i I my notion en aptre a i (V tnerr." ,' ' i'ar ta m . t.jnieve- ntl'Mf, ht villi T1, i'Vilie i pn frj t SVi e e 1 1 jn nun i ia rre i ri i,' f" ar iKiiii'in hi i 1 1 r f r i r if r ra t ra ,, , , F 1' 1 'i if- T i u n- al fcOtiaaft I vv nat a Bier sjenver Bank Thinks of Credit Insurance Manufacturer's and u hel&salcrs, here is a mcv-ajje you will likely want te cut out and save. It is a letter recently received from one of Denver's leading banks by the Amenmn Credit-Indemnity Ce.: "We are reminded by the prevailing con ditions in the financial world of the iuipor iuiper Jinte and value of Credit Insurance. Jt is common knowledge that when prices of commodities are advancing and purchases are freely made, it docs net require the greatest degree of skill and geed judgment te profitably conduct mercantile business, bur when values and prices are declining, as under present conditions, the highest measure of ability is required. "It fellows that unusual precautions must be exercised if losses due te peer credits and bad debts are te be prevented. Tt is in this connection that the value of C redit Insur ant e becomes at ence apparent, "1 very conservative busmes,- house is bound te aai! itself of eery proper means te pro tect its financial standing ard we are firmlv convinced that the purchase of insurance upon open credit accounts will prove an important factor in the successful manage ment of general business during the ensuing ears. We have no hesitation, therefore, in recommending te our friends and patrons the wisdom, and expediency of purchasing a line of this kind of insurance." Bankers in all cities endorse precautions that prevent, else pay, bad debt losses be yond the normal, which the American's "Unlimited-Interim-Payment" Policy does. Write or phone for particulars. Pasmtnts tt P'icaaiitt nhut $10,000,000 00 . AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E M TREAT, president ISauiS BTANDAKD UNUUITED fOLICISS W. J. Merphy, Manager J. F. McFndden, Caneral Agent Mutual Life of New Yerk Did?. Philadqlphm, Pa CAMDEN BUDGET ER r Ordinance Appropriating $2,- 388,937 Laid Over for Public Council Hearing Dec. 30 FIREMEN WOULD BENEFIT Oimden i annuil npproprlntien or dinance autheilzln? a budget of SU.nSS,. ".17, nn presented te Council jr-iter-dav afternoon. Thl btidcet is ?20fi.S0.T ever the 1020 npproprlntien The ordinance, eon een taitiliiR the stims needcl bv the several department itemized, was laid ever for n public htaring nt the regular meeting of t euncll December "0. The two platoon n)8tem which be comes operative in the fire department en Jnuiinrj 1 Is responsible for $83. 000 of the inereaae This sum will be necessary te pav the lift -four addi tional tiremen and meet etner expenses incident te tlie new system. There Is nn itn.ren of $!..000 for streets, $15,000 for pe'Ice. $10 000 each for Cooper nnd iiuiiimiuunir uc-puain ?.jllU() addl tlfiial fet water. S0O00 for the police pcuvfen fund and an incrcusa of $ri000 in thu liglitim: item The new budget and thnt of Imt jrnr are ns fellows. 1P21 SI fHV 60 000 1120 Jl .'OO 47 400 10 210 12 750 34 800 11 700 HI OOO 1 OOO in noe Tiafh I '((inn of Hynlth . I R Hiding femni len lt Tnclnecr . City Prewrty .. . ntlnnant 1 J vrti leM ors prtea . ' oer r Ileaslui . I Hom-ervttMo 7Ien Itftl I I nmdn Dlarnarv . 1'rat I ntn' i. Hn V'ir ' Hall Hume imd' Pit VurrarN hlldi i a IMn " V I A. x P i' . ii'rlTd ("nnrltle 1 rphanaa is Mnir Vuiaf SO( a 'n 1 ir-r-i leiN f nt t t out .... ' pllT' a 0 Old! 13 VO) St you 1 2 oeo -e oeo 1 nne r v oeo 2' ften a o"e I ("111 3 oeo I' I ;, Vit 7"'l 70 l nne 1 iiOii 3-0 'We OOO 2 ni e 1 .0O 1 (alO .oe . 500 710 i "M ilil 50O I I IMI 1 i 10(1 4."i H 1 HOO -t lOil ill "(O , IMH! t -IJ" 8 SO 000 ler oeo 10 SO', .1) 500 4H5 en) h OOI r eiiu 7 OOO 11 7U0 le oho 10 300 . ',ee -.V. 17u 1 i.' 000 JGt i.e 1 rert M I ,1 S70 0 i 11 It'V 0 Te aim oeo 11C mi 411 1 - ' oil i 4- oei" 1 .' " I, 1 H10 8 no i ISlin lu in I il -IM 4 oeo intpr'-- , , I lah i if .. . Mat ii ui: Mr la I"'1 ter . f" li l l"nr'mi'il Pi ue Pcnaun Tund V te r ... I Ilibllr Uhrary ... . I ubllc lark I i laja-nunna I r'ntlnc and ad llib"--! nnd ' fa- .. .. 'i t,'i . atr-Ma " ne Pjr 1 . st e-- ur.J irt air r PUMki lit rf riUi. i i'l e in II , - nne s . in 1 HO .1 1.00 -.n4 W l- aran f I re-t s GOMPERS UTTERS WARNING uej i nose upposine yur Movement Beware." He Declares New Wli. I"c 17 Samu. I Com Cem p rs in an nih'ress 1 i ri !at night ae. eipttil im (hiitige uf (ippei.t who he Mild . cck te ucstrev Jnher unions" "UU te nigatiw t)i irl'i.p's ctnh iis'ien iiv i ilium I ,,t n , v ,0 1,803 high AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OPPOSES 252YEAR TERM Would Have- Ne Say When Landls' Seven Years Expire Clilraee, Dec 17. The American Association is vyllllng te enter into the imtleniil baseball agreement with Judge ivcnesttw ihuuis ns supretne commis sioner, but deei net feel ni though it should go In for the provided twenty-five- j ear period, according te President Tem Kickey en his return here from New Yerk city. "Judge Landls' term Is for seven years," he said. "We would have no say about the new commissioner nt the ttrminatieu of Judge Lnntlis' term. This is what the American Association is debatini: about." Mickey declared thnt lie believes the crowds again nnd nsnln hj bis brilliant movement of the Class AA leagues te open field running nnd m his return of withdraw from the present National As- punts soclatien for tie purpose of forming n In the late garnet of the season he separate and distinct body te nfllliatc did his ndmirers proud bv his superb with both the maier and smaller miners field generalship. He proved te be the vvenld result In the ironing out of u let meit spectacular nnd ene of the most -.n-.rinu ., . reliable men In the l'cnii attack. "Mich an arrangement would result U0 hil8 from Monmouth. 111. ii a in bi'ncht te all part es concerned and member of he Detn Thetn I't fraternltv would end te solve the problem of theinrj(1 (-urg the war Wrav was a men draft, he said bpr pf tl)C ,, ro,erTC tcnm tlmt beat MARYLAND IS DROPPED " " elected captain at a meeting .of the varsity players jctcrdav Missing Frem Jehns Hepkins Sched ule After Eligibility Dispute Uiltlinere. life. 17 Universitv of Mnrjland, four couseeutivc times win ner of the Hate interrelleirinte foetlmll championship, dees net nppcnr en the 1021 Hclieilule of Jehns Hepkins Ini versiiv. 'I'his is tlie outcome of the dispute th-s season between the two institutions ever the plnving of Itev Matkert, pro pre tcstetl bv Ilenkms en the ground of in clisibilits. The Fcbeduln calls for nine games ns follews: October 1, Ml. M Man h, October Delnwaie; October " 15. Dickinsen; O-tobei 22, University of Virgina; O-fnbcr 20. Western Mirv hind; November 5 Haverfeid: No vember 12. CVdmihift ei Swnrlhnlere Nevimhcr 1 .st Jehns of Annapolis; November 21 Washington nnd lee BULL TERRIER SHOW Best In Country Arriving for Ken- drlck Club Event Tomorrow The bst bi. rr r-e in the Lnlted :taiea I and faniJi a rn'iir m ewi irnln for, tlie trur a! i .- al n of lha Kndrlck llu'l I Trn i ub m c i tnm' rr m nftfrnoen and eemr. i tl-j Het Centlrental. anr tha aurnr - of -a ml i. tin raturn of i the' ff -at f. m la - r. II. owned l 1 Jlenra Dibb ra e' thl- cl' Ren lanla ! Ti "'I hanl- -r U thla manna that' 1"' J"1,.1' l,Jt dtn m ra-a f0rm njj,!,,., ,,0, iir.rf it, V? f r"' " "'!- ""Purt'd etar irt vt ,?i W?',k r j"i, ' a1,r" ' at,. ewnad ii .vi. rrla Dii ard Pirsj ( ehcirt ennul liv Jn.-ph VVT- a , rhamTinT: nlwJZilJWrhWigi U-. P.iir '?" "' "' 'irnntwei.il llen-i ienm rpah ".w n J,urpv' M0nnT rrem tha I e Pm., . V lirel-l,h "'J nO ct i vision inti v. is U the ' 1 - n -1 1 iu ii-ii 'j an 11 re will ni -a ( 1, 'm tetneen th r. avar v r su, h crai as rp. tiu 1 . .r in aa VV1 It'll V 1 iv.i ite lunkaa vviir- -i - lira I Ile lia . .mhrirt Qienfhar-j Ileina V! -s VVIli-ana'i ...i-tN II ! Mar 11 r ar 1 llj.hial &.cfCrA1wVrVn"prhlr.0,Te DlseuBS National College Meet Waihltikten Itj ,non I' teburKb, Terente' rhlciue De,- 17 The nuaa'ian e' 1 0 d anJ fitinna 1 Iir u. ratlnmi celleaiate track fled and ra ' iv mct' win reme liefera tha Vatlnnil C ! jiapate thlvlc Vsaocla-.len here In Ita an Want Herse Racing Legalized :?,,5SmUJiZ!r& . I'eireit. D-e 1 .he nmt Larlal itura i be naa-.i s; h M ahisan Aaierlat en 1 ir -e cufl Iz, 11 r-e-riiin in thai i n'a V l n -sr e Ih laa I Winn , ias voted te a-a a restoration if tl aper' undr a 11111 'len ainulu (., tha fni-a and rnaa n -f , ffie- of va r ii'ia dec ar 1 neu.d el irira'a.-!, cb- , ;nl 9 f.ju-c Penn Swimmers Meet Columbia New Aerk, Ii 17 The 1 ul irterrai . "t n-in n an I watn te 11 aa,,,,, ,,,1 r under 11 ly tan gt when tl a 1 nl it 11 , ' r.ri. anli nam niaV. 'e m rnlrc Ja Ha ti,.j re . n0. , n ulrr,.H , , i.ptm 1 ia a red "-rpara'Iia 1 a i 1 irte-'aH r 1 se 1 i of Naw lefrf in si ntn I i' i -en hp n .tihad Big Collegiate .Meet llevtntt 01 i 1 D-- I" T T .-1 T T .- a ulVr I it a ippe'.a 1 th ' a - a lli;., r-'urtri In ff-i,t i n n bei inin antrpaf jn l j rMS n,,. aunr rih pa Is te .a , -, , a ap-at . tin annja 'i.antien r tlia N.tieni e 9 ' V h AaaeclfttlOI I I a V r r ' hi -." en i err - 29 n, r1 L. , - 1 ar " r -rhera 1 11- p l I r I ,n I -t-K V N h 1 n iMI i ill Bill Ceughlln With Giants rninten P. ;v 1 7 lit ' O 1JJ 1 "' II I.tiarpi t c i" "1 fTml eT tre r-tr i ns iar af, ! ' m rersrfA.' h r n a A with tiiTl t -j u ni.a Nl l V ' " f ' ' " h ir' rTt i 1 t-" R, rfreri 1 f- j?i 1 t a - nJ rwh nf f.a Gets Museum for Rifle Range fhloaee 'a 17 rtie ed I I VI - la e i Par ballt aa t i - i a r h V e-' 1 i elumi i I - -.a T t l-i J ear t tl"- IT" i t K in t " t H" 1 pn a r ,ti h Fa-i' r a- I haa " 1-1 i of r - n Ir lSil t i t ire i is h- i -11 aa ti n 1 n A i.-u Jl luilYlJ,1 Assemblini The wrthntl t,t pn THE first thing in building is te bring thu materials together. As the lumber often comes from different mills hundreds of miles awav, it saves time and cost if instead of being sent separately "in dribs," it can all be brought together and sent in one or two large shipments. That is one advantage of our "con centration yard" at Sumter, S. C, in the midst of the Southern mills, where four railroads intersect. There we keep large stocks of all the needed sizes, se that the lumber for your building can be "assembled" en the spot, and shipped quickly. If re-sawing or dressing is re quired, our own mill is right in the yard. Such advantages make it unwise ever v te buy building lumber without getting our prices. ' Seme day you'll build. f you want the work finished en time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Llevd Company thr M'Mnnr. ?'bntkr 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia i:STAI3r,..SIlKD 1868 HOt niKlt.S MALF.rJ OFFIt H t II.Mir.OTTi;, , C. allllllJJJJJ I WRAY, PENN CAPTAIN-ELECT, STARRED, THOUGH LIGHT Weighs Only 133 Pounds, but Was Remarkable Backfleld Player Last 8easen Th .,,,,,,,. . nT . ,Vrftv te lead the University of l'ennijlvanla foetbnll team for tbe season of 1021 was discussed en all hnnds en the campus today. His choice was exceed ingly popular nnd cxpcctatlena for n winning team next jear under his lead ership run high. Wray was one of the lightest mem bers of the team this J ear, weighing but 135 pounds Despite this physical handicap lie electrified Franklin i leid DELAWARE GRID DATES Again Opens Season With Penn Te Play Lafayette Nrw-irk. Del , D"c 1" DIwira i el ite foetbill srr.edule for 1H21 lnrludia Bn with but four relleraa that ware n tne a-hdul- this rear Stud-nt itanajer na mr and Coach Bhlpe hava ejraplaled the i-hedule with th exception of en sraria for th !at Saturday In 0-teber tn will be flllfl lnt-r prebabli for a l.ema (ttm- P-lHtia a win again plav Tenn In lf.1 and "III eivin the aoaaen at Tranklln Pl J en sa'u-dai aptmbr 24 Lafayett la al"e en the 1P.1 a-hedula th firkt time for a riimtf of i -ara the Rama te be pnjrd it Ivaaten Jehns Hepkins la another t am th t inufr will raiiaw football re vt ens with n-xt v9ar eftar an Intennl-alen of a number of jeirs ihe Karao te b plnyad In I v tlmera The fourth aav-frem home tarn wll b with Haverferd Th fejr hema (fa me a that ham b'ee aehaduVd r with Muhlanhers' St J lin a e' Anmrell- Wostern liarjlind nnd I'eml- mil VI Uiri fnlleK Swarthmnra st i nr Ui kmen. Vralnua and Geerae Wash lis'ei 1 t eralti are the taarra r i .ii lu a thla ear that haxe net b-en arh I ule.l f r 1121 Krltchcll te Scout for Yanka New lerk, Her 17 Paul Jirttchell for mail Mnrs catcher with tnternntl tin! I I'ikU- baaball clubs haa been mukvI by th V .ik" a al h scout te vei-r tl lewi rt ' Eddie MeGoerty Granted License Nan lurk. Pea 57 i:dd e Mi.wrtv ,p,nran m 1 ileivatcht iexer la 1 11 r ns l". urn rinfl !Wne- hi the N'-w ,rk e-,ta Uhxidk 1 nmm'-alen It was nnn mnrd tcJiv Flav,n te CaPlai" Georgetown Mnahlnntnn. Dec. 17 Jehn V l'n n Oeere-t , Rtar nuattarliaru m'-i) w,ia al etc! a piatn uf the unlierald a liul fe t 1 ,11 1 rtn 11 iiaiin aai . k a J k, a a -a n iaorxetewn and nun tha nlmeit mm 1 1 i hala, of aneit wrl'nra f r tha r,- ion e' ' 1, bark en the All-Si jth At inn ia uii 111 a iair iii 1 eine 19 in Banger .-.-... ... .-...-... i,.---fc ,'tia u,Kkl."U III (urai 1 ar th meeting of the ercnnlr M"n 11 vra V. -irk n jear ae but did i.t 11 ft '11 graat rmer Await Appointment of Coach Morsnntewn. Dae 17 -Speculation am ik he s "",' bedv of V eat V Iritr.la UnKara tj I?" te wh. w 1 reich th 1021 arti j fenibill eleiOT was the pr'nrlpal fvplc ai.uu'j 1 . iiiuiiur wi.jr fiuarnra urre r p t s that a me anneun cm.tit vuuld ba ri 1 ba era tl j stai-t h r 1 b-l-irnaa u t "n tomerr 1 TI tui'ih-d ree-ta "it ,''" u- Deb e 111 Ii of the r rn u " ' "' ' . ' ll ' "n "- r,c ' briutrht -1 d nlal " ',' V v' r"Su n'l tir dt-et a- that 11 a nrh - t c- a ' - hal men aa -",r1- " " ' ROPE wiTit ten im er1 s-rni.r. 'Hie "A . Pure N i'w j-xjaKj Mun,Ia Mnnnfrwturpd hj The Ajax Repe Ce., Tnc. phi? 7)ijpiu nrnrr I TOWWEVD JOROtV 3IG Perry Bldi,'. Spruce 1317 WN11 II RIORT'? HF.ItVII D "Islands of Sunihin" THE HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Modern in Conitructien and Operation 230 Suites with Bath Fireproof Open Dec. 20 .."'"Frr:".' "' J- Slierrard N pmie. JJfi Bth Ave hour Travel Ilureat IJJekeli Cu ,. Addraaa Kjtal Ilarmuda' li rn tnvi aid met lie , Caddock te Wrestle Pesek Ie Meltwa. la,, Doe. .17 -lehn l'eaek, of Shalten, Nab, and I'arl Onddeck, of Walnut. la former lieaiTirelght wrestl ns champion of th world, will meat In a nnlali match hers December 28. It was announced today UTVTr'R .KKSOKTH ATl.XNTir riTI', N. .7. ATiryrlCCITY.N.J.. An AmeniGarv Ran. Hetel IofDislimfcMuJltealCteiiort rinamoer OABAI11. XcAPAcnr3oe. HiiRarS.lkacly T1, Cnnna- Virginia Axe at Heard a lie ULiiuiui wain trip.nrnnf Am.r Plan 84 00 day. Cenie new and epnd the holldexa with us. Cem. hemllka Chrlatmns with bountiful trra. Will you be har7 7R, fa'T RAYMORE ATc,c Worlds Civstcst Hetel Success Vlrclnla Avcf and llcacli Cep 350 Prlvata batha, ran. water! elevator, of r. of Amer p J rei I.INS plan HAM i:l.U. Owner N Jirr marlboreuali-Blcnliciin . ATJ.ANTieCITVN J. aJeiiAhWhlfii kuentLO empfy Hetel Boacebel . ."JSS and. up weakly. Thena 117 A. B MARION HOTEL CONTINENTAL Always open. Always ready. Terms mod erate Phena or write. M. Walah Duncas uir.innn, v. .t KiliZf-iaSSS IAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD. NEWJERSEYJ Amour the plcturc-eue plna ianda aurrntind Inir Lakewood the ilAlichtfnl hltn and rharm .(.IVIlf. ll.C I'll-l'Jll Ins Lakewood the i of autumn merge Inte the cooler weika of winter Down threuth the enre the Uiurel Iteus" has rteearved its rereBnlred distinction aa Lakeuecd e premier hotel- the home, of theae who appreciate th lat of narvlre home-llko chnrrn nnd dallRh'ful aiirrnundlnKS. All Sports New Country i-Juh Oolf Cnure S .1 VlnrnhT. Mrr.i r V Miirnhr. Aaat sttrr Laurel-in-the-Pines LnKevvoed, N. J. bittiatrd ainenp; the Pines and overleokinp; Lake Carnsaljti New "Plnca Qrlll" 18-hole Oolf Course Private Tennis Courts, nidlmr Shadel Walks Ffshlnr. liualc. Prlvata Garnae New 1 lectro.hvdretherapy Hath Uistcm l-RVH r. SIIL'TE. MantHer. llran h Office of OCO A IICHN & "ONS ! Mrmbara Van- Yerk Stnrk Pxrhansa ' 1'IU ONO VIOt NTMNS Mount I'lwone. pn Tlie Ontwoed ,0lM,n, n" r. finnt Inrntlen. aneclnl fall ami winter rntea Hoeklet li L. (I' 1 Annua SAVANNAH. OA. uniafw ion beutlful Sniinnah Oa t the paradlee fe- golfers, motorists, flshermen hunts men and tourists llrcproef i Reems wltheu lath. 12 day,' rooms with bath, $2.60 day up, I Oeercn I. Alliea Marriirer Aiun. h. r. bnutli Carolina's Premier Rraerl Highland Park Hetel OPEN DECRM2ir.lt TO MAY I . R. Found, Preahlent nn........ a rharm nil its own" CUM VTB RECREATION' FNVIUO.NrENT Addreaa .1. J. f" 1TTJ.T.Y. Manncrr rltimm" r Whllffaee Inr. I nke Pliirld V. T. nnrKY mei nt. n. RICKS HOTEL ROCKY MOUNT. N. t . V1IiIitii lletneen N" . nnd .Iiukaenallla rha I eirt al 1-vm. t llreell V" ir 'frit Nm Milrrn IhreuKhiut Acorn G00. 'VVrlte for Infornntlen I. L. IIUNP, l'rep. ST. Al 01 SUM, I I COIX AT ST. AUGUSTINE HOTEL ALCAZAR M"0W Op!) PONCE DE LEON Opens Jan lari 1th H-nnrDAS IDEAL WIN flit (11MVTI THE HOTEL DORETA "ON THC IIIMI. IIK.IMV V" A rTlcan plan HP ll i rn n tj Aul-i I i t'as l'arlllic C II) Ol i i I , If I i ilia nniTF.v ( em: .fhini.w fj QUI-SI-SANA SPA HOTEL fireen Teri. Hprll(.a, nurldn Flraproef hotel i Ith ni d mprevnu ia nni eims Hut sulphe-n ami ria e( rlnaa nnd paths K If batlilnir laatne imnla liun'lni. llutes ti lr da' upwarda nth majla Wuni mar lotnertlen Het I Innner lake Dun nrnre vt II tl viari n 1, i . ie N y ROsfOK Mjri "' i out vn fits. i'i Hetel Royal Palm Fert Vliara. I l"lerlil,i I i " a f.e f i i si I r 1. Pw n tnmR i I 1 vry i wiii 1 t'i 1 I NF-ii-iiN Manas r r FIORIDV Ter ltoealrt of riDIIIIIV KVST I e hT Raaerla wrlte .'j3 Si Ale . NrwWk ni tr. n.i OI'liN Ml, Till M'VR PUTNAM HOUSE rt,Tii. n siiwii ri M1IT MIAMI Itoekteta. rhauber of (.emmrri e, Vllnnil Fla -n Li1- ' XLM J.'I-i.iJ ii Hetel Salt Air L.MIINi, nn I I r Wan Fnlm I "i 1 Mli-tli j,, d threiipl i l,lei tinaiiT.au i ce an ball Inn II i I. x K ratajwMi up i j n "Iraat A ifiHa Iris Lnke Court Ants. . ,ntr for inf. rnlmlloarhfnmr.re Jiilij.)Ni.CH.ri . Daytona Beach Hetel nread verandss fare tha Orean fhoreuehlv modern Cusn uneiralled Rates 13 r,e te 16 par day Amarl an plan RFLLliVm HF.HJITS, ri.V Till. IIF.I.I LMFAV llellfHlr llelalnn II,. ST-V!SP NOTK I S UNITED AMERICAN LINES ivroitnenxTrn ,r a JPJX7 SERVICE WITH HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE "'"ADELPHIA TO HAMBURG SS KEROWLEE Dec. 22 SSKERLEW ........ Jm 4 SS METTE JENSEN Jan IS Scandinavian and Baltic Ports RATES WZMAynS INTERNATIONAL FREIGHTING CORPORATION Ufarslls BIdg. Tel. Leralard 3833 UNITED AMERICAN LINES INCORPORATED Frelnht Traffic Department 39 BROADWAY. NEW YORK TKT FI'IIONK tVIIITFFl2;, e3 327 SOUTH-LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO . mzz& , A . JP.1 O C etm i JJ ! HI lilr-J '(IS iiU I " ir'ee ifftj- HTIiAMSIIII' M)Tiri'.4 QffWHITE STAR LINE-ft fl Nearby BALTIC, DEC. 24 OLYMPIC. DEC 29 New Yerk -Cherbourg Sontlinmpien "lymple riee. 20'Stnr. J3Apr. CO ,. ... 'w 'ierk te llierpoel '"V1" llee.241 ?.'! J Jan. iaI'f b. 20 lApr. 2 i"''10 Jnn.2flj c",rl" tb. .3Atnr. JS AMERICAN LINE 'f "rk riierliearg SetiiliBiimtnii (teininenrliiR Hec. HJ, New Yerk, ... I'm mouth nnd Olierlieure) Mirnenlniid . Ilees 3llll). fl'Vtnr. 15 Liililiiiid J(,n, alrvi,, tjlvtnr. 10 'Inlnnil Inn. 1,1 tb. IDJMnr.Sfl ti i "' ,Inn'S? IVii.SOIApr. 2 Red Stnr I.lne Meniiirra en route Antwerp. New 1.nrli Hamburg iirri erv HNriiL'ni. loiiRelIn ,,,, . ...Inn. 13Ib. 24 . ...Jnn :;Mnr. 10 I'lillndelphln Liverpool Mnrjlnnd , j,pr n West Oheren- .Ten! "(I llnvrrferd .Inn. SB I'lillndeiiiiiln rihiai-nit A Meniner , West Clierew Wcat Nelio lire. 30 .Jnn. R .Jnn, SO riilladclplila JXnmburg Anhnrn Ilellrrnse ',' VVntireuaa Unllirnn ... Dee. 30 .Jnn. 8 I .Jnn. 22 Jan. sol IDEAL WINTER BRUISES Wilte Star Line S, S. .Metnntlc nnil American Line b. S. New Yerk nnd St. Tanl. Lnrgeat, Vlnat ( omfertahlo Crulalnc hteninera Kntlrely loreted te f rulae rattmirere. ui.WJc,,liti',r,,c,,'i! Tlr "f """ no laree 15 te 20 diiya Inn. l'cb . Mareh. 1321 Vlilllne Antlmin. Il.irli ulea, rubn, T)inilnlni. tlrenndn, .liiinnlca. Mortlnlntie. New Jlrleana, I'nnnnm Catul. Perte Rice, St lillla, bt. Mnrcnt. Trinidad, Veneruela, Vlreie lalaDda rlc. Ask for da'jillrd Itlnrrnriea. NTI;R IATIONAL IIIRfANTILi: MARINr. POMPANY I'aaar neer OITIfe. 1110 1 ulnut' t., phlln. IVelclit Ofllce. 401 414 lleuraa Tilde.. Phils. NWSCO LINES Freight Service Het ween PHILADELPHIA and LOS ANGELES HARBOR, SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOIMA, PORTLAND II rf Ifeuiiil 'Icniurr leatllnp; . . ..Arlijras. .. Jnn. 3 ....A Steamer. Jan. li ... .West Terus. ntf fie- nd .. I'd). 1' ... I'eb. 13 .. . I'd). 28 I I or Rites, it . Applv te NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. 13b is. Fourth St., I'hila. I'hene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 320J-3 CUMMINS LINES U. S. Shipplnp; Deard Steel Steamers KcRiil.ir I'rclKht Service PHILADELPHIA TO ROTTERDAM & ANTWERP S S "BONNIE BROOK" Dec. 30 S ' S "ARIZPA" Jnn. 10 PHILADELPHIA TO HAMBURG & BREMEN S ' S "GATEWAY CITY" Jan. 5 Fer space and rates apply A. D. CUMMINS & CO., Inc. 130 Seuth 4th SI., riiila., Pa. LemhdU27stm-r,m iMainim SyZ.' ivV MOiNJSON STEAMSHIP LINE (iWT I firefenftll III II IIMH Uf II " HI UN a II ummernewjn. '. te me I ri'C i W' V1JJ i"i i", . linear i mi iiJiimj S. S. Martha Vnnhiniztnn, l.'.OOO tens I'M I. in i 1 1 P II I WW S-S' Ar"'us 21.000 tens (n) ib j IH II 1 1 ffw fe,, , . f,h(l,rlg 0(Tri;ltD' ' III III 1 1 HjJXa e ee (ai tirtt frond and third clatt. a iiMl' ti; h-'-l HraviT Street. New erk n, , , Drcxel Buildinp;, Philadelphia eyicr Blrlg , Balhroere Mobile St. Loen Conway Bid;., Chiciee TheCHMRLES T h u sv wa t& Ben Km wwa Agcnla for U. S. Shipping Heard Philadelphia fe Greek, Adriatic & Black, Sea Ports Piraeus, Patras, Salonica, Venice and Trieste S. S. "Fert Armilrunj" Leading A Steamer Jan. I, 1021 Leading Derth: Seuth '. Pier 78, S. W. Fer rulCv ami Bpu.cc apply te The Charles T. Meee Ge.. Drexcl Building, Philadelphia Lembard OlOO-l-'J-S Main SOGi Philadelphia te Gibraltar Valencia, Barcelena, Marseilles S S U'auaau ... , Leading Fer rufc utici particulars apply te James W. dwell & Ce., Inc. 17 Slate St., New Yerk or The Charles T.Megee Ce. Drcxel BuildingPhiladelphia Lembard S100-1-S-S Main 3081 tSLrf. HKILADELPIA TO .1. SOXimMERIgA JHyyi gagTjw S.J' RIO JANEIRO, MONTEVIDEO AND BUENOS AIRES S.S. "Lake Fannin" Sailed S.S."Lake Fagundus" Sailed S. S. "West Jaffrey" Jan. 1 U. S. Shipping Beard Steel Steamers Apply Jehn S. Emery & Ce., Inc. Bostc Mm Megce, Steer & Ce., Agts. Drexol Buildiiiu, Philadelphia Lembnid 2208-2209 . Itt tAa STKAMHIIIP NOTK'1-fl Sailings I. Liverpool t0 Cherbourg and Southampton Adrlntte Jen. 10Fel). lOjMnr. 1 Ievv Yerk via lloaten Axeres Olbrnltnr Neples Genen Cunoiite Dec. 38Fb. 1ft Cretle Jan. 0Mar. 1 RED STAR LINE New Yerk Chorbetirir Southampton Antwerp (t'ommenrlna; Dee. ill, New Yerk, 11- mouth, Cherbourg und Antwerp) Krnnnliinil .. . Der. ai.Feb. GlMnr. 13 Lapland Jan. R I rb. 12 Mar. IB l'lnlnnd .Ian. TBjFeb. 10Mar.5tT erlnnd .... ...Jan. 22l'eb. 3flApr. t New Yerk- Pnnrlg ia Hamburg: 1 Mril-clnas pnasengers only. tdnihlnnd Jnn. 12Feb. tS X'lillndelpliln Antwerp Auburn Tec 39 Ilellerese Jan. R Vlilorletia Jnn, lit IVnthenii .. ..Jan. tB ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Philadelphia Londen VIniiepnr nee. J Mneklnaw Jan. II HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE I'hlledelpliln Rotterdam ileterdyk Dee. 18 UVsr Uetnui S'cnmir l'a$t Hound Jnn. 27 .. .....Urush .Melt. 5 I'd). .T Yala Mdi.15 Feb. 18 ....West Isleta.... Jnn.15 KcgTilar fcxpresj, Passenger and Freight Service de Janeiro, nlenteainan R...., a:... I 'i urtt ami frond ctats Fer rales und partlriilara npply te iiiii I'naarncer ARenr or te MUNSON STEAMSHIP LLNE KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR ROTTERDAM V Miainer Dec. 20 "FOR HAMBURG S. S. CHUtl.Or Dec. 18 A Simmer Dec. 20 FOR INDIA (C l f l IT, IIOVIIIW. COLO'IIID. .VI IIK Vb) s. s. runs nrv.. .Dec. 18 It I in it d ana through bills e( i. i i tu ill Sra.ndHiaiUn ana il ilu liainburK. 1 ill I Kerr Steamship Ce. Inc. (ilj 10 I APAYFTITE KUILDING IMIILAULI.PIIIA. IA. Hell lilepliiine Iiejalniin irlrntiene I niiilmril .iOl aiein ietf PORTO RICO ALL-EXPENSE CRUISE $180 AND UP Ne lovelier spot for n winter's outing than this Islnnd of Enchnntment. Rates lever nil necessnry expenses of nienln nnd slnteroem nccommo nccemmo nccomme dntions for the entire trip te nnd around the island nnd return te New Yerk S.iiIiiirs from New Yerk Wednesdnya nnd Saturdays for 16 and 20 dny cruises respectively. PORTO RICO LINE 1 1 Broadway, New Yerk BOB-SKBIBfaelsSBBBBSajBl llE10rH STI-.VMIIII'S BERMUDA The Iltes Irem New Yerk Here en are free from the snow, lea uni rhlll winds of tha North, and In a quaint old world setting; of Incomparable loveliness you may lazily rest or play our favorite sports of golf, tennis, rid Inr driving- meter heatlntc salllnr, lath-Ink- and ftshlmr or danre at the cay par lies at tha many modern Hotels Jin I'HsaiKirts Required for llermuda H enlnl De ember Salllnrs I rnmlni'iit Hetrla Open In Decurnb-r re nullltiKH werkly fltirlnx Jun Feb.. Mar. und Vprll. la. Hnlrt. De Line In In Keren H leu in era S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14 OOO Tern Displacement Balllni from New Tork Per IS 27 Ian S. Hi, IV je S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11 0(V) Tens Ulspla-ement Halllnn from Mew Tork n a j.' jnn ', j; jn .it Scml fet tlcuupttve literature te vi hn icss in itvit;i mnr HI Uliltrlisll Ht . .Nut Yerk I'lirnraa , mitliy i. Tn., Ltd. Ilourae Wily,, I'hlladeluhH, Fa. i l.'l . v A M il i i ii :fl N ! ! '1 af I "fli K jjlitu.Vi u' 1J I ., ja aa.alaa..1 ..vmtwl,Utii aaj4i-a -A tfT&wisx&fcM&Xfy HHvMs-, r-wTwaaaa33S ft -TTi VCaaa kirn. u. . .. m saaareii